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1. style
n.manner of doing things 行为方式,风格

The letter is written in a formal style.
2. bustle▲
vi.do things in a hurried and busy way 忙碌,奔忙

She is always bustling about the house.
Housewives were bustling in and out.
3. elementary
a.basic 基本的,初级的,基础的

My little cousin just went to elementary school this year.
4. telling☆
a.impressive; effective 难忘的;有力的

How a man shaves may be a telling clue to his age.
The most telling argument for wearing seat belts is the number of lives they save.

5. lobby
n. (旅馆的)大堂,(公共场所入口处的)大厅

The lobby was filled with partygoers.
6. attach
vt.fasten or join (one thing to another) 系,贴,连接

Scientists discovered they could measure wind speed by attaching a wind meter to a kite and sending it up.
Attached to this letter you will find a copy of the document you asked for.

7. attendant★

He shouted at the attendant.
8. slot★
n.a narrow opening 狭缝,狭槽

Put a coin in the slot.
9. vigorously☆
ad. energetically 用力地;精力充沛地

The old man is still vigorous and lively.
He shook the blankets vigorously to get rid of the dust.
10. tender
a. young; gentle and loving 年幼的;温柔的

Stan had to leave his parents at the tender age of six.
These tender flowers are prone to severe frost.
I was particularly impressed by her tender and soft voice.

11. not in the least
not at all

I am not in the least touched by the Marilyn Monroe kind of beauty.
Ann didn't seem in the least concerned about her studies.

12. find one's way
reach a destination naturally; arrive at 到达;进入,流入

Shanghai is not an easy city to find your way around.
Drunk as he was, Peter still found his way home.

13. bang
v.(cause to) make a sudden loud noise, esp. by hitting two things together 猛敲,猛击

He banged the door angrily when leaving the office.
14. exploratory☆
a.done in order to find out sth. 探索的

He cautioned that the Russia-American discussions were still in an exploratory stage.

15. harmless
a.not likely to cause harm

This is only a harmless joke.
16. phenomenon
n.现象 (pl phenomena or phenomenons)

Stress-related illness is a common phenomenon in big cities.
Thunder and lightning are natural phenomena.

17. initial
a.of or at the beginning, first 开始的,最初的

If a car suddenly pulls out in front of you, your initial reaction may include fear and anger.
Their initial burst of enthusiasm died down when they realized how much work the job

18. assist
v.help 帮助

The professor was assisting his students to prepare their project.
The college student decided to assist the boy with his studies.

19. reposition☆

If howling occurs, reposition

the speakers or turn down the volume on the amplifier.

20. insert
vt. put, fit, place (in, into, between) 插入,嵌入

Wait for a couple of minutes with your mouth closed before inserting the thermometer.
The doctor carefully inserted the needle into my left arm.

21. somewhat
ad.to some degree, a little 有点,稍微

It is reported that conditions in the village have improved somewhat since November.
"Are you concerned about your exam results?"

22. expectantly☆

she looked at him expectantly.
23. await
vt.(fml) wait for 等待,等候

We must await the results of field studies yet to come.
After I sent the letter asking for a job, I had nothing to do but await the answer.

24. occasion
n. a particular time when sth. happens 时刻,场合

25. on occasion
now and then 有时,间或

I was usually the only foreign participant, although on occasion I brought other Americans in
as guests.
Steve spent almost all his time doing his research, but, on occasion, he would take his son to
see a film.

26. frown
v., n.皱眉

The mother frowned at the little boy's behaviour.
27. neglect
vt.give too little attention or care to 忽视

He gave too much attention to his career, working long hours and neglecting his wife.
Their investment turned out to be a failure and the manager was accused of neglecting his

28. parental ★
a.of a parent or parents 父的;母的;父母的

Children always revolt against parental disciplines.

29. incident
n.an event, esp. one that is unusual, important or violent 事件

The demonstration proceeded without incident.

30. relevant
a. directly connected with the subject 有关的,切题的

Only a few people feel the debate about the cloning of human beings is relevant to their daily lives.
While writing my term paper I was able to borrow all the relevant books from the school

31. investigate
v. try to find out information about 调查;探究

Police are still investigating how the car accident happened.
We can assure you that your complaint will be fully and properly investigated.

32. throw light on
help people understand (sth.) by providing new information (提供新信息)帮助理解

The witness's words finally threw light on the murder case.
33. creativity☆
n. the ability to make new things 创造力

She got an unusually low score for creativity.
34. anecdote▲
n. a short amusing story about a particular person or event 趣闻,轶事

He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman.
35. colleague
n.a person one works with 同事

My three colleagues went to cinema last night.
36. desirable
a. worth wanting 值得向往的;称心的

There are several desi

rable houses in this street.
Most Americans say that bringing change to Washington is desirable.

37. accomplish
vt.manage to do (sth.) 完成(某事)

Unless you practice you'll accomplish nothing.
Considering their capacity, the possibility of accomplishing the task is not high.
If I work hard, I think I can accomplish my goal of getting 6 A's at the end of the semester.

38. accomplishment
n. skill; successful completion; achievement造诣,才艺;完成;成就

Her technical accomplishment on the piano is startling.
39. in due course
when it is the right time 到时候,在适当的时候

Your book will be published in due course.
Be patient. You'll get your promotion in due course.

40. sympathetically☆

They were all sympathetically disposed towards her bitter experience.
41. sympathetic

42. critical
a. very important; very serious or dangerous 至关重要的;危急的

Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city's pollution is its population.
How well you accomplish this task will be critical to the success of your career.
In yesterday's car accident, ten people were killed and five people are still in a critical condition.
As the situation in Afghanistan became critical, the UN Secretary-General appointed a special representative to tackle it.

43. effectively☆
ad. 有效地

This method worked effectively.
This is an effective way.
44. self-reliance☆
n.acting without asking for support from others 依靠自己,自力更生

Independence and self-reliance are our basic state policy.
45. principal
a. (rather fml) main, chief 主要的,首要的

The couple's principal concern is to earn enough money to send their children to school.
Her principal interest in life was to be a world-renowned pianist.
n. the person in charge of a school or college
Complaints from the students began arriving at the principal's office.

46. rear
vt. look after until fully grown up 养育,抚养

He rears all kinds of birds.
47. make up for
repay with sth. good, compensate for 补偿,弥补

I didn't travel much when I was younger, but I'm certainly making up for lost time now.
Her husband bought her a present to make up for quarreling with her the day before.

48. misdeed☆
n.a wrong or wicked act 不端行为

You should not have sold the car in unsafe condition, sooner or later your misdeed will come home to roost.

49. creative
a. resulting from newness of thought 独创的

The concept of a creative industry is relatively new in China.
We need to do something so radical and so creative that the rest of the world will shake their heads in disbelief.

50. retrospect ★
n.review of a past course of events 回顾

51. in retrospect

The young man knew in retrospect that he should have married his first love, Emily.

retrospect, I wish that I had chosen biology as my major.

52. artistic
a.relating to art 艺术的

Opinion about the artistic merit of his paintings has been mixed.
53. well-intentioned☆
a.having good intentions 好意的

The waitress was well-intentioned but acted clumsily.
He is motivated by good intentions.
54. observer

He is an acute observer.
55. come to sb.'s rescue
help sb. who is having problems or difficulties

My father came to my rescue when I broke my leg.
56. clumsily☆
ad. awkwardly and ungracefully 笨拙地

I felt clumsy, shy and awkward at the party.
57. facility
n. (fml) ability to do sth. easily and well; (pl) equipment, aids, etc. which make it easy to do things 熟练,灵巧;设备,设施

Management and facility here are backward.
58. gentleness
n.the quality of being gentle 轻柔;优雅

Thank you for your gentleness and considerateness.
59. mold
vt. make (sth.) into a particular shape or form 塑造

I try to take young athletes and mold them into team players.

60. performance
n. the process of doing a job; the staging of a play, concert, etc. 行为,表现;表演,演出

The athlete was awarded $10,000 for his outstanding performance in the Olympics.
After several bad performances, the soccer team found their form again.
Stevie Wonder fought back from the shadow of death and went on to give more performances.
His performance in the new production of Hamlet received much praise.

61. tradition
n.a very old custom 传统

It is our tradition to have a family reunion on the New Year's Eve.
62. continual
a. happening again and again, repeated 不断的,一再重复的

The construction of the airport continued despite continual complaints from local residents.
The dog's continual barking disturbed the whole neighborhood.

63. apply

The new pension arrangements won't apply to people born before 1960.
The advice given by the professor only applies to some of the college students.
How many jobs had you applied for before you were offered this one?
We went to the sports club so often that we decided that we might as well apply to join it.

64. calligrapher☆
n. 书法家

His grandfather is a famous calligrapher.
65. work on / at
try hard to produce or improve (sth.) 从事

Sophia needs to work at / on her typing speed.
John came back ahead of time to continue working on his thesis.

66. craft
n.skill, esp. with one's hand 手艺;工艺

He acquired the craft of wood carving in his native town.
67. reversal
n. a complete change of order, direction, or position 颠倒

This represents an apparent reversal of previous US policy.

68. priority
n. sth. that one must do before anything else; sth. that holds a high place among competing claims 优先考虑的事;重点

Being a qualified teacher is h

er first priority.
Earning enough money to maintain his family is a high priority.
The school will give priority to English and computer studies.
The proposals deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children.

69. bold
a. brave and confident, daring 勇敢的,大胆的

Will newspapers be bold enough to go online without printing any hardcopies anymore?
The director's boldest decision was to shoot the movie in black-and-white.

70. departure
n.action different from (what is usual or expected); an act of leaving 背离;出发,离开

I don't like the movie because it is a departure from the novel it was adapted from.
The public regard iPod as a welcome departure from the old boring MP3 players.
I barely made it to the airport before the flight's departure.

71. inseparable☆
a.impossible to separate from sth. else 不可分离的

Rights are inseparable from duties.
72. evolve
v. (cause to) develop gradually (使)逐步发展

The story evolves into a violent tragedy.
Popular music evolved from folk songs.
As knowledge of genetic engineering evolves, beliefs change.
If you want to be a poet, you must evolve your own style of writing.

73. summarize
vt. make a short account of the main points of (sth.) 总结,概述

Basically, the article can be summarized in three sentences.
The workers' demands can be summarized as follows: shorter hours and more pay.

74. originality
n.the quality of being new and different from anything existing 新颖;独创性

The work is lack of originality.
75. independence
n.the state of being free or not controlled by another person, country, etc. 独立;自主

The post-80 generation should have the sense of independence.
76. contrast
v. n.差异,对比

Carrie contrasted the situation then with the present crisis.
Students were asked to contrast Ernest Hemingway with Mark Twain.
I was always reading when I was a kid, but my daughter, in contrast, just watches TV all day.
In contrast to the hot days, the nights are bitterly cold.

77. harbor
vt. keep (sth.) secretly in one's mind 怀有

Don't harbor unkind thoughts.
78. fearful
a. (fml) afraid 害怕的,担心的

The nurse on duty was fearful that the patient should get worse.
79. (on the one hand ....) on the other hand
(一方面…,) 另一方面

On the one hand her temper was likely to cause trouble, but on the other hand we needed her
On the one hand, we have good reason to feel pleased with our progress. On the other hand, we mustn't get complacent.

80. comparable
a.fairly similar; equal to sth. in quality or importance 类似的;可比的

His achievements are comparable with the best.
81. promote
vt.help to grow or develop 促进,推进

You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.
Regular exercise will help promote physical and mental health.

82. emerge
https://www.doczj.com/doc/937698579.html,e out


The postman emerged from his van soaked to the skin.
The magician emerged from behind the curtain.

83. pick up
gain; learn 获得;学会

He picked up quite a lot of English during his one-year stay in America.
I had picked up a bit of data-processing from my son.

84. overstate★
vt.state too strongly 将…讲得过分,夸大

It seems that he overstates its importance.
85. enormous
a.extremely large 巨大的;极大的

Catherine inherited an enormous fortune from her parents.
The New Year's concert was an enormous success.

86. technological☆

His parents are scientific and technological workers.
87. innovation★
n. (an example of) the introduction of sth. new 革新;新事物

An enterprise should encourage innovation.
88. exaggerate
v. make (sth.) seem larger, better, etc. than it really is 夸大,夸张

In her resume she has clearly exaggerated her talents a little.
"I am bleeding to death!"
"Don't exaggerate — it's only a little cut."
Peter says he's seen "Titanic" at least 20 times, but I think he's exaggerating.

89. breakthrough
n.an important event or discovery 突破

Scientists have made a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease.

90. valid
a.based on truth or sound reasoning 有根据的

They put forward many valid reasons for not building the skyscraper.
It is valid to consider memory the oldest mental skill.
Scientific theories must be backed up with valid evidence.

91. foster★
vt. help the growth and development of 培养

The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits.
92. worthwhile
a. worth doing, worth the trouble taken 值得的

It might be worthwhile to consider buying an insurance policy.
A trip to the museum is always worthwhile.
Teaching is considered a worthwhile job.

93. superior
a.better than average or than others of the same type 优良的;较好的

Long-term stock market investments have produced superior returns compared with cash
The woman was greatly superior to her husband in education.
This wine is far superior to the one we had last week.

Text B
1. account
n.arrangement made with a bank to pay in or take out money; description 账,账户; 描述,记述

She deposited the money / the check in her account.
I'd like to withdraw $500 from my account.
He kept a detailed account of the suspect's movements.
Several eyewitnesses' accounts differed considerably from the official version of events.

2. notion
n.an idea 观念,想法

One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected.
3. furthermore
ad.in addition, moreover 此外,而且

I suggest we use Barkers as our main suppliers — they're good and furthermore they're cheap.
The rent is reasonable and, furthermore, the location is perfect.

4. intend
vt.have in min

d as a purpose or plan 打算

We intend to go to Australia next year.
Somehow I offended him, which wasn't what I'd intended.
The course is intended for intermediate-level students.

5. swallow
vt.cause (food or drink) to go down one's throat 吞下,吞没

He swallowed the pills with a cup of water.
Thank you! Otherwise I'd have swallowed a fly!

6. compound
a. 复合的
vt. 使复合,使合成

He compounded water, sand and soil and formed bricks.
7. compound interest
interest paid on both the original sum of money and the interest added to it 复利

As a student majoring in finance, you must know the difference between compound interest and simple interest.

8. defect
n.shortcoming 缺陷,缺点

We must correct our defects as soon as possible.
9. scheme
n.a plan for achieving sth. 计划,方案;阴谋

When you began to work, you might work out a practical scheme.
10. consumption
n.the act of consuming; the amount consumed 消费(量)

Consumption of oil has increased in recent years.
11. appall▲
vt.shock deeply 使惊骇

Your remarks on my essay really appalled me that day.
12. video录像(的)

Do you have any blank videos?
13. devise
vt.think out; invent 想出,设计;发明

He's good at devising language games that you can play with students in class.
The cartoon characters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were devised by Charles M. Schultz.

14. lock up
put (money) in a business so that you can not easily use it; fasten or secure with a lock锁定,锁住

They have locked the prisoners up in their cell.
15. resource
n.(usu. pl) all the money, property, skills, etc. that you have; land, minerals, etc. that exist in a country 财力;资源

The country's greatest resource is the dedication of its workers.
Britain's mineral resources include oil, coal and gas deposits.

16. keep track of
follow the development of; keep in touch with 跟上…的发展;与…保持联系

My sister has had so many different jobs, I find it hard to keep track (of what she's doing).
It's difficult to keep track of all the new discoveries in genetics.

17. deposit
n. a sum of money paid into a bank account 存款
v. put (money) into a bank account 储蓄

To open an account, you need to make a minimum deposit of $500.
I deposited $1,000 in my account this morning.

18. pace
n. speed or rate of development, movement, etc. 速度

Could you slow down a bit — I can't keep pace with (= walk or run as fast as) you.
We had to climb up the mountain at a very slow pace because of the bad weather.
I don't like the pace of modern life.

19. annual
a.happening or done every year or once a year 每年的;一年一次的

an annual event / visit / holiday / conference
annual income / salary / profit

20. allowance

Government official

s who travel on business are given traveling allowances.
21. withdrawal▲

Yesterday he has made several withdrawals from Shanghai Bank.
22. operation
n.the work or activities of a business 运行,运转

The new primary school has just begun operation.
23. protest
v.express strong disagreement or disapproval about (sth.); say firmly that sth. is true,
esp. when you have been accused of sth. 抗议,反对

A big crowd of demonstrators were protesting against cuts in health spending.
All through the trial he protested his innocence (=insisted he was not guilty).

24. percentage

TV attracts a large percentage of audience.
25. fund
n. (usu. pl) sum of money saved or for a particular purpose存款;基金;专款

The hospital is short of funds for the purchase of new equipment.
Contributions are being sought for the disaster fund.

26. on demand
when asked for 一经要求,承索

This note entitles the bearer to $200 on demand.
You can have an HIV test on demand.

27. feature
n.characteristic 特征

The feature of Chinese scientific development is the integration of theory and practice.
28. from sb.'s point of view
according to sb.'s judgment or opinion 依照某人的观点

From a medical point of view, there was no need for the operation.
Try to see it from my point of view.

29. permission
n.the right to do sth. that is given by sb. in authority 许可

Can I get your permission to land at London Heathrow Airport?
Foreign reporters must seek permission to set foot on the soil of this country.

30. incentive★
n. a thing that encourages one to do sth. 刺激;鼓励

A little bonus will give employees an incentive to work harder.
31. go on vacation
go on holiday 休假

Next month he will go on vacation.
32. buck★
n.(AmE) US dollar (一)美元

Today I gave a beggar ten bucks.
33. additional
a. added; extra 附加的, 另外的

Is there any additional charge for your offer?
34. think twice
consider carefully 仔细考虑,三思

Please think twice before you make the decision.
35. cajole☆

The little girl cajoled his father into buying her a new dress.
36. fall apart
break, fall to pieces 破裂;破碎

I've only had these shoes three months and they are already falling apart.
Their marriage was already falling apart even before his wife had an affair.

37. end up (doing sth.)
find oneself in a situation that is not intended or expected 以…而告终

I ended up paying for everyone on the table.
The car wouldn't start, so I ended up having to walk.

38. geode☆

He told BBC News Online that up to 10 people could sit inside the geode — an object normally small enough to hold in your hands.

39. crack


Father was cracking the nuts.
40. undoubtedly
ad. certainly 无疑,必定

She was undoubtedly the best candidate.
Stress has undoubtedly contributed to her illness.

41. shrewd★
a.having, showing sound judgment and common sense 精明的;机灵的

His father is a shrewd businessman.
42. adopt
vt.take and use as one's own 采纳,采取

The committee voted to adopt her suggestion for money raising.
We've adopted a new procedure for testing reading skills.

43. perspective
n. a particular way of thinking about sth. 视角,观点

Being unemployed has made me see things from a different perspective.
Fatherhood gave him an entirely new perspective on life.
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