当前位置:文档之家› 新托福综合写作模板




The lecture is mainly discussing ______, ________ and ___________ by _________, challenging what are stated in the reading passage that _________, _________ and _______.

First of all, the speaker thinks that ___________. In contrast, the reading passage believes that _____________. So, the lectures totally disagree with the view made in the reading.

Second, the speaker discusses ___________, contradicting what is stated in the reading that _____________________.

Finally, the speakers raises the issue that ___________. This point disagrees with the point that ________________ demonstrated in the reading.

So, the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading.


Reading (Time-3 minutes)

Listening (2 mins)

Sample for Integrated Writing (20 mins)


1. In this argument, the arguer concludes that ______. To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that______. In addition, the arguer reasons that_____. This argument suffers from several critical fallacies (谬误).

2. In this argument, the arguer recommends that_____. To justify this claim, the arguer provides the evidence that ____. In addition, he cites the result of a recent study that _____. A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is.

3. In this analysis, the arguer claims that ____. To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer cites the example that____. In addition, the arguer assumes that ____. This argument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.

4. In this argument, the arguer advocates that ____. The recommendation is based on the observation that_____. Meanwhile, the arguer assumes that____. The argument is problematic for two reasons.

5. The conclusion in this argument is that_____. In support of this prediction, the arguer claims that _____.Moreover, the arguer assumes that_____. This argument is fraught with vague, oversimplified and unwarranted assumptions.


First, the argument is based on a false analogy. The arguer simply assumes that____, but he does not provide any evidence that_____.

Second, the arguer commits a fallacy of hasty generalization. Even if____, it does not follow that____.

Besides, the arguer does not provide any solid information concerning that____.

Actually, the arguer’s recommendation of _____would most probably turn out to be ineffective and misleading.

In the first place, the arguer fails to take into account the ____factors in the analysis. While we informed that _____, the arguer fails to make clear that____.

In the second place, the comparison in this argument si incomplete and selevctive, the arguer discovers that ____. However the auguer fails to provide any information regarding ____.


Unless the arguer also takes this factors into consideration, the comparison is unconvincing.

First of all, the argument is based on a lasty generalization. According to the cited studies, ____. The fact tells very little about _____. Even if we accept the arguer’s assumption that_____, it is unwarranted to assume that_____.

In addition, the arguer fails to consider several other relevant factors that____. For instance, _____. What’ s more,______.

Finally, the arguer hints that_____,but he fails to analyze that_____.

The major problem with this argument is that the arguer fails to convince us that _____. First, the fact that ____does indicate that____. Second, _____, which makes it impossible for us to evaluate that____

Another point worth c onsidering is the arguer’s hasty generalization. We are informed that____, but we do not know that_____. We can believe that ____, but based on this slim information, we can never evaluate the overall performance of discount.

One major assumption in short of legitimacy is that_____. First, ____. Second, _____. This may prove misleading and counterproductive in the end.

In addition, the conclusion is based on a gratuitous assumption that_____. This, however, is unwarranted.

l 结尾段

In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is in valid and misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that_____. Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation until the arguer can provide concrete evidence that_____. Otherwise, the arguer is simply begging the question throughout the argument.

To conclude, the argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we accept the conclusion, the arguer must present more facts that_____. To solidify the argument, the arguer would have to

produce more evidence concerning____.

As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that ____. Additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to _____.

To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning that_____.

In conclusion, the arguer fails to _____. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide evidence that____. To better evaluate the argument, we need mor information about that____.


READING Listening

I. communications --- convenient efficient crimes inconvenience

2. information

Schools students / researchers scam through e-mails


Sports fan gambling

Political junkies

Bank trading

Shopping on-line identy theft



3. disabled people – convenience / freedom copyrights ---- download music/ articles


托福综合写作模板:写作经典句式 Both the lecture and the reading discussed …. However, their viewpoints are strongly contradictory for several reasons. First, the reading points out that …, but the lecturer supposes that …. And he also argues that …, thus… Moreover, the author holds that ... The lecturer, however, believes that…. Since it is …, …. Besides, the professor also refutes the idea that ... from the passage. He provides us with the instance/reason that.... In sum, according to the discussion above, the speaker totally disagrees with the conclusions revealed in the reading passage. Frequently Used Sentences 1 We are so development-oriented that we almost can sacrifice moral values for the purpose of obtaining a little material gain. 2 It is often reported in our daily newspapers that university undergraduates commit crimes, XXX from XXX University, is a case in point. 3 According to the latest paper published by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, the number of smoking people is increasing at an accelerating speed (alarming rate), especially in China.


托福综合写作7范文托福作文的综合写作应该写托福作文写作应该分为三个层次,也就是我们确定中心思想后应该找三个理由来支持。托福写作还有一个五段论,第一段为中心思想,二三四为支持段落,第五段总结观点。这个就是所谓的八股文。但是形式不能太明显,在表达中多加入自己的思想,八股文的形式会隐晦一些。一般这种写作可以助你在托福作文中取得高分。 构建综合写作整体,你可以从以下这几个方面入手:第一,将听力及阅读中的核心观点提炼出来,并指明对应的两个观点是支持还是对立;第二,分为几个段落,分别从不同角度总结出两个观点的论据。最后,重申主要论证观点并注意切忌掺加个人观点。听力结束后,考生还会有时间回看阅读文章,所以不用完整记忆阅读文章的论点和论据,记下核心即可。 有问题,可以再问我。 我觉得 ___老师讲的不太对,我自己本身也在 ___培训过,感觉他们讲的方法都是很过时的方法,不太适用于新托福的考试。下面是我自己考了四次托福的感想: 2、其实考试的时候,观点找错的情况似乎不太会发生。。。因为阅读里面都有提示了啊。。。一般不会弄错的,所以不用担心,

重点是细节不要搞错,要挺清楚细节说了那几点,尽量不要落下那个点,细节齐全 3、写得时候模板适当用用,但是表全部都用,那样文章就有点僵硬了,你自己读着通顺就好啊。 4、文章内部用词要有多样性,要适当地用一些高级的词汇,如重要的这个意思,你不要只用important, 这样显得你不认识多少单词,可以用significant, vital, essential, of great importance, core, 这种意思相近的单词或者是意群来表达,这样他们就认为你词汇量大了。 5、写综合写作最能体现你的词汇量和句型的多边性,所以不要直接照抄听力或者是阅读的内容,这样就表现不出你自己了,多看看新概念4里面的表达方法,哪些句型神马的都很好,对考试很有用!!! 6、模板没有对错之分,你自己需要好一个模板,然后自己用自己弄出来的,这样比较好,不过这种东西都差不多,重点还是看个人的表达神马的,还有词汇量什么的。


托福独立写作模版个 This manuscript was revised by JIEK MA on December 15th, 2012.

托福作文模板 A or B 类型 模版一: Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B, from my point of view, it is more advisable to choose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. The main reason for my propensity for A is that___________________________就理由进行解释 instance, ____________________ Another reason can be seen by everyone is that____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________. For example,____________________ The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________ Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as________________. In a word, , it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A. 模版二: 将原题复述___________________________________________When faced with the decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence -A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows. The main reason for my propensity for _________is that___________________ The second reason can be seen by every person that________. In addition, these reason are also usable when we consider that_________. There are some disadvantages in____________________另一种观点的缺点 __________. In a word, _____________重复观点句并缩写理由 into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that___________. 模版三: In my point of view, A is as important as, if not more important than B. So it is sagacious to choose A. Among countless factors which influence A. there are three conspicuous aspects as follows. The above point is certainly true if A is considered. For example, ___________________ Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that A is better than B. For instance, ______________ It would probably not be too kindly disposed to the idea that B is not important. B________也好_________.


综合作文:270字以上 总结听力材料summarize the lecture: The speaker talks about The lecture discusses/is mainly discussing The professor made the point that 引出要点introduce key points: First/second/third First/then/another point is that Or express the key point directly in a topic sentence. 引出例子introduce examples or reasons: For example (instance)/one example is/such as/that is 增加例子add examples or reasons: Next/Furthermore/another example is/in addition 对比观点Shw contrast between ideas: However/In contrast/on the contrary/on the other hand/but 精彩opening: 1) The lecture discusses…which differs from the main idea in the reading that… 2) The professor made the point that…. The reading does not discuss this point. Another important point is that…, but the reading does not d iscuss the point. Finally, the Professor stated that…. In general, the Professor discusses problems of…that the reading does not include. 3) According to the lecture, ….On the other hand/while the reading stated that… The professor made the point that…. On the contrary/however/in contrast, the writer demonstrated an idea that… The lecture supports/illustrates the idea that… The lecture contradicts/refutes/is in contrary to/is the opposite of the idea that… 对材料的指称: The speaker/lecturer/professor/listening material/lecture


考场上面通常我们脑子会很紧张很乱,很难在短时间之内想到好的综合写作的好的模板,包括转折句,开头结尾,递进等等之类的东西,这会耽误我们很多时间,更重要的是用平凡普通的词汇句子也会影响整体分数。以下这个模板是我在一边作文书上找到的,非常非常 好用,大家可以选一篇机经里的综合写作试试看,制定出一个适合自 己的模板,然后熟记,在考场上可以节省很多时间,同时,对字数和分数的提高也很有帮助。LZ就是靠这个模板在124的考试里在结尾没写完的情况下依旧writing部分28分,虽然没有牛到30分,但是对于上一次只有17分的我来说着实提高了很多。希望这个模板可以帮助正在努力攻克托福的你,good luck! 红色的字体是可以替换的部分。 The reading passage explores the issue of …The professo' s lecture deals with the same issue?However, he/she thinks that ?…, which contradicts what the reading states And in the lecture, he/she uses three specific poin to support his/her idea. First, even though the reading passage suggeststhat …,the professor argues in the lecture that …This is because…,which means …Obviously, the professor ' argument disproves its counterpart in the reading. Moreover, despite the statement in the reading that …,the professorcontendsthat …Then he/she supports this point with the fact that …In other words,


托福独立写作模板30句常用句式 【新东方】轻松直达90分!年托福(T O E F L)金牌课程火热开售中>> 一、提出背景的托福独立写作模板句式 1、I t’s g e n e r a l l y a g r e e d t h a t ... ...(人们普遍认为... ...) 2、T h e r e i s a g r o w i n g b o d y o f o p i n i o n t h a t ... ... (越来越多的人认为... ...) 3、A n i n c r e a s i n g n u m b e r o f p e o p l e h a v e t h e t e n d e n c y t o b e l i e v e t h a t ... ...(越来越多的人倾向于认为... ...) 4、S o m e p e o p l e,e s p e c i a l l y t h e o l d,b e l i e v e t h a t ... ...(一些人,尤其是老人,认为... ...) 5、O t h e r p e o p l e,t h e y o u n g i n p a r t i c u l a r,a r g u e t h a t ... ...(别的人,尤其是年轻人,认为... ...) 6、S o m e c u r r e n t a n a l y s e s c o n c l u d e t h a t ... ... (当下的一些分析表明... ...) 7、... ... i s a h e a t e d t o p i c i n o u r t i m e s. (... ...是我们这个时代火热的一个话题) 8、T h e t o p i c a b o u t ... ...h a s b e e n r a g i n g f o r


托福综合作文写作万能模板 一,对立类(就一个事物判断是与否agree or disagree) 1,开头(给出A B C三个方案) A方案.(GM) With the development/introduction…, xxx, the xxx, are more and more +adj/ become adj increasingly. Xxx often face the dilemma of whether to vt …… with all aspects carefully considered, I believe that……/ I think to vt what would be a better choice. B方案. 在日常生活中,有很多值得我们去推敲判断的问题。就像我们看到上文作者提出的问题时,你会如何认为?(有的人认为……;也有的人认为……;)就我的来说,如下的考虑方向使得我认为……。 In daily life /during our life, so many problems are worth considering carefully. As what has been come up with, when you face/when it comes to /there is a public debate today that/recently the problem has been brought into focus that… ……what is your choice and what is your opinion? Some hold the view that/some think………..while the others believe that………. However, with all aspects carefully considered, I believe that…………… 零碎的句子:A is a common way of ….., but is it a wise one?Some people hold the different view…… C方案. (excellent) 如果发现能够用到反问排比就这样套句,前提是你的例子充足多,头脑风暴用的又好又快。


托福独立写作模板:自信是人获得成功的必备品质 托福独立写作模板:自信是人获得成功的必备品质 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Self-confidence is the most important factor for success in school or at work. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 你是否同意以下观点:无论在学习还是工作中,自信是人获得成功最重要的因素。用具体的原因和例子阐明你的观点。 托福独立写作模板:英文例文 Self-confidence is one very important factor for success, but there are two other equally important factors: knowledge and sensitivity. All three are required for success in any area. One needs to feel one can accomplish a task. If one thinks he or she is incapable of doing something, he or she will not succeed. For example, if you think you are going to do poorly on an exam, you will probably do poorly. It is important to tell yourself that you can do well. If you have confidence in yourself, you will probably do well. Even if you have a great deal of self-confidence, you won’t be able to well on the exam without knowledge. You have to understand your subject very well. With knowledge and self-confidence you have a better chance of success. In areas other than exams, you will need to be sensitive to your surroundings in order to succeed. You will need to know whether to boast about yourself or be modest; you will need to know whether you should take the lead or let others. This is a difficult skill to learn, but an important one for success. To be successful in school or work, you need three qualities: self-confidence, knowledge, and sensitivity. Along, none of these factors will help you succeed. But together, they ensure success.


小站教育托福培训新托福写作范文欣赏 我们相信,很多考生在托福写作考试之前会看很多优秀范文,也会准备很多写作模板,但是从实际上看,模板虽然很重要,但它不应就是万能的。所以说只有很好的掌握了优秀写作方法才能正确应对考试。下面就跟我们TPO小站一起来看看这篇有些的托福写作范文吧! TOPIC: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 20years from now, people will have more leisure time than they do now. Do you think that in 2034 working people will have three days off every week? I believe so and I have good reasons to support my opinion. In the coming 20 years, science and technology would have developed by huge leaps and bounds that governments and labor unions will pay more attention to people’s leisure time and the awareness for the relaxation of the general public is expected to rise. The first point I want to mention is that as science and technology develops, the likelihood of inventing inexpensive and user-friendly automatons is large. With an automaton, people can leave daily chores like cleaning, washing, and cooking to it and use the large portion of the day watching TV, playing games, or engaging in outdoor activities. Now I spend nearly 2 hours a day preparing my family’s decent meals. I believe that 20 years later I can play with my grandchildren and let a small robot cook for us. Many people may contradict my statement by saying that the saved time should instead be used for study and work. While this may be the truth, it is their choice. We can choose to use the saved time to relax instead of allocating it to study and work. Second, the role of the government in increasing the general publics’free time should not be ignored. To maintain a prosperous and stable society, the government must prioritize their citizens’ welfare. Since having more days off is what everyone likes, the government will gradually increase people’s leisure time. Many people would argue that productivity may decrease if people have extra one day off. But this worry does not hold water, for only a relaxed mind can function well. 30 years ago, people in China had only 1 day off every week. Now we have two days off per week. So it is reasonable to predict that 20 years later, we will enjoy three days off without posing any harm to our productivity. Last but not least, people increasingly feel that there is a strong correlation between relaxation and health. So they will take themselves away from work in the hope of living a care-free life often. I always hear people say that many individuals spend the first 30 years of their life working, resulting in a deteriorated physical health. As a result, they have to use money to treat their illnesses in the later decades of their lives, which is really costly. Now many people understand that if we spend more time relaxing our body and mind, we are expected to live a longer and happier life. So with the increase of awareness, it is justifiable to say that people have a great chance to live a relaxed life in 20 years time. In conclusion, I see an optimistic future. Our children, our grandchildren, and even we will not suffer as much pressure as people do nowadays. This is because of the combined effects of science, the government, and the general public themselves.(508)


托福综合写作万能模板:IBT综合写作模板 In this listening material, the professor made several points about ____________. First of all / Moreover / Furthermore, the professor states / claims / argues / discusses / mentions / talks / indicates / says / contends / raises the issue / demonstrates / makes the point / holds / believes / shows that __________________, while the reading passage (反对)contradicts / departs from / refutes / disagrees with / opposes to the writer’s expectation / casts doubt on / presents a (totally) different idea / jeopardizes / differs from / on the contrary / makes the explanation seem less likely / in contrast /(支持)supports / illustrates / strengthens / agrees with / bolsters / (perfectly) reinforces / presents the same view that ____________.


Independent Writing I.A or B 开头 An increasing number of people begin to realize/complain/question that... OR:The majority of people tend to have a favorable/an unfavorable attitude towards something OR:XXX has now caused wide public concern OR:When it comes to...people often consider... The thing is,which XXX,A or B,(is a more efficient mean of learning/what do we mean by)? People may give various answers to this question. OR:Ask people…and they may give a diverse of answers based on their individual value systems Some believe that…while others/some claim… On balance,my favor goes to A. 正文 To begin with,I concede that B serves as an independent factor in(a successful education)/is of great value/B is superior to A since After all, However compelling these cases may sound,B is not without its problems. OR:However compelling these cases may sound,they cannot overshadow the significant role that A plays in XX. For example, In this sense, Therefore,too much emphasis on B is actually dangerous/harmful and may go contrary to our primary purpose of On the other hand,A can address/respond to some people’s needs that B cannot For one thing, For another, 结尾 In the final analysis,it is true that both A and B are part and parcel of X.However,considering the potential problems resulted from B and the great benefits of A,I believe it is sensible to(choose A) II.Agree or Disagree 开头 An increasing number of people begin to realize/complain/question that... OR:The majority of people tend to have a favorable/an unfavorable attitude with something 托福专业1对1在线培训机构【TPO小站】【保100分】


托福独立写作29分高分模板 托福独立写作29分高分范文。很多准备托福的同学也许都纠结过托福写作,无论是综合写作还是托福独立写作,想拿高分不准备是不行的。那么,托福独立写作中如何写出近满分的作文?这就要按照ETS的要求,一步一步将该呈现的内容呈现到位了。今天小新给大家分享一篇托福独立写作29分高分模板,为考生备考托福写作添砖加瓦! 托福独立写作29分模板:开头 支持段落1、支持段落2、(支持段落3、可省)、让步段落+重申自己坚持原观点 Perhaps no issue in this world is as significant to xx(ex:people's success) as xx(ex: education).Despite various responses people may have on the topic that xx( ex:which thing should the education aim at).I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that xx(ex:preparing for careers should have primary consideration.) Asked what...will do to ..., some xx(ex:teachers) may answer: xx. Admittedly, xx plays a vital part in xx(ex:person’s success and happiness).But actually, I think that... 适用于agree or disagree的问题。 Adj(Marvelous) as it looks at first sight, xx(ex:modern technology) does not xx(ex:help students learn information at a greater speed and with higher efficiency ) in most cases; or it could work towards the opposite direction which led xx(ex:students to lose their initiative to learn and explore.) 一上来直接问题的转述:xxxx(ex:Can we know a person through the types of friends he has)? 当然,可以转述为Asked whetherxxx, Different people will give different answers to this question from their own characters, emotional concerns and even educational backgrounds.However, when it comes to me, I firmly believe that... 这个适用于所有问题,观点对比型(live in small town or live in big city?) 甚至来个简单的,I support the idea that... 以上都、最后一句来一个:+To better illustrate my point of view, I list several reasons as follows. 托福独立写作29分模板:中间部分


托福综合写作模板 红色字体的单词或词组标识该部分有可替换的词汇总结在同义词替换文档里, 大家可以比照着修改做出属于自己的个性化模板 开头段 The reading passage explores the issue of 。 . The professor ' s lecture deals with the same issue. However, he/she (请注意你必须根据说 话人的声音在这两个代词中间选择一个,而且也正是因为上一句里出现了所指的人, 这里才可以使用人称代词,否则语法就不正确了) thinks that (这里填入教授关 于讨论话题的总论点) , which contradicts what the reading states. And in the lecture, he/she (这里当然也只能选择一个代词) uses three specific points to support his/her (仍然只能选一个) idea. 主体段 1 First, even though the reading passage suggests that (此处转述阅读段 落中的第一个分论点,后面如果还跟有支持的句子也不妨从阅读段落里再转述一两 句支持句过来,拿分啊) , the professor argues in the lecture that (教授的 第一个反驳分论点) ., This is because (转述教授第一个分论点后面的支持句) which means (最好能在深入写半句教授对其第一个分论点的支持句,但如果实在 写不出来了,就把前半句再转述一下) obviously, the professor 's argument disproves (V. 证明。。。。不正确,学术写作中的常见词,不过生活里不太常 用) its counterpart (对应物,这里就是指阅读中的第一个分论点) in the reading. 主体段 2 Moreover, despite the statement in the reading that (转述阅读段子里 的第二个分论点,如果后面还能从段子里转述过来一两句引申最好) , the professor contends that (转述教授的第二个反驳分论点) Then he/she The professor proves that this claim is indefensible by pointing out that (教授第三个分论点的支持句)一i.e., …(如果这里能再引申1~2句就非 常棒了,但实在填不出那就结束,应该字数也够了) 结尾段(也可以选择不写) In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies ( V. 确定) the weaknesses (n. 弱点) in the reading passage and convincingly shows that supports this point with the fact that In other words, (继续转述) 主体段 3 Finally, the professor asserts that the author of the 教授对其第二个分论点的支持句) (转述第三个反驳分论点) whereas 转述阅读文章作者的第三个分论点)

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