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教材:江苏牛津初中英语8B Unit 5 An interview with an ORBIS doctor

教师:张家港外国语学校朱益春苏州市评优课一等奖第一名Good morning, everyone. It’s a great honor to be here to share my ideas with you.

In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to be efficient readers.

My teaching plan includes 3 sections. They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.

Section1. Analysis of the teaching material

The selected teaching material is an interview with an ORBIS doctor. After reading it carefully. I found it has two unique characteristics. First, it’s an interview. Ss are not familiar with the text type. Second, it deals with an unfamiliar charity. Ss have little background knowledge about it.

Section2. Identifying the teaching aims.

Based on the analysis of the teaching material. I have chosen the following as the aims of my lesson.

The first aim: teach Ss how to read an interview

The second aim: help Ss get more knowledge about ORBIS

The third aim: Ss are encouraged to be critical readers.

Section3. Teaching procedures.

In order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, I choose guided reading and Task-based reading as the main approach. My teaching procedures include five parts, they are: Be a keen reader, be a smart reader, be a sharp reader, be a critical reader and be a cultural learner.

Part1. Be a keen reader.

Reading begins before a book is opened. It’s important to activate Ss’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text.

This part consists of 3 tasks, they are: a short interview, a story introducing new words and predicting questions.

In the first task, I’ll have a short interview with the monitor about eye problems of his classmates. With the task, I introduce the topic and get Ss to know the importance of asking questions in an interview.

In the second task, I introduce some important new words by telling a story about a famous eye doctor.

Then the third task. Before reading the material, Ss are encouraged to act as an interviewer and predict some questions

which they will ask Dr Ma. With the predicting questions in mind, Ss will be eager to know what happens in the reading material.

With the three tasks, I inspire students to be a keen reader.


牛津初中英语语法汇总 1. 名词 2. 代词 3. 数词 4. 介词和介词短语 5. 连词 6. 形容词(比较级、最高级) 7. 副词(比较级、最高级) 8. 冠词 9. 动词(……情态动词) 10. 时态 : 现在进行时一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时过去进行时过去将来时过去完成时现在完成时 11. 被动语态 12. 非谓语动词:动词不定式13. 主从复合句宾语从句 状语从句(if,unless,although,so that )定语从句(who,that,which) 14. 直接引语与间接引语 牛津初中英语语法归纳 7A Unit 1 一般现在时 (is /am/are, do / does)的肯定、否定和疑问形式。例:My hair is long. Cats eat fish. He goes to school on foot every day. 7A Unit 2 1.人称代词——主格:I , you , he, she, it, we, they. 在句中作主语。例: We/ I / You/ They have lunch at school. He / She/ It looks at me. 2.人称代词——宾格:me, you, him, her, it, us, them在句中作宾语。例: The teacher often helps us / me/ him/ her/ them. 7A Unit 3 时间介词 at, on, in 疑问词:what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how some, any 的用法 7A Unit 4 频率副词 never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always There be 结构表示“某个地方客观存在”。 7A Unit 5 现在进行时 is/ am/are + doing 表示正在进行的动作. 7A Unit 6 can , may表示“允许、可以”。 顺序副词: first, then, next, afterwards, finally. 7B Unit 1 方位介词:in front of, between, next to, between, opposite, on 基数词:one, two, three, four,…序数词:first, second, third, fourth…. 7B Unit 2 how much, how many.表示“多少”,前者跟不可数名词,后者跟可数名词的复数。名词所有格: Millie’s home, The two students’ homes.... 形容词性物主代词:my, your, his , her, our, their, its 名词性物主代词:mine, yours, his, her, ours, theirs, its… 4. 定冠词the的用法: 独一无二的,前文已提到过的。 7B Unit 3 动作介词: across, along, through, over, to, up, down, round, from 一般将来时:will +动词原形, shall + 动词原形(但只能用于we/ I 第一人称) is/ am/ are going to + 动词原形7B Unit 4 一般过去时的肯定、否定和疑问形式。 be 动词的过去式:was/ were do(实义动词)的过去式分规则和不规则两类。 7B Unit 5 用can/ could表示“能力”“会”。 I can speak English. I could swim when I was young. 用can/ could 表示“可能”“可能性”。 I am free. I can help you. At that time, anything could happen. 感叹句 What a good girl! What bad weather! How nice it is! 7B Unit 6


8B unit1 Reading (1) 说课稿 Good morning, honorable judges. Today I feel very happy to have the chance to communicate with you about the teaching plan of Unit1 Reading from Book 8B Fun With English. I will divide the instructions into seven parts. They are Teaching Material Analysis, Teaching Aims, Teaching Emphasis, Teaching Difficulties, Teaching Methods, Teaching Aids and Teaching Procedures. Part 1 Teaching Material Analysis This passage is from unit1 Past and Present. It is the first topic in module 1 Travel in Time and Space. It is focused on the changes and development of Sunshine Town. Such a topic is related to students’ daily life. So it is helpful to cultivate students’ interest in learning the language and raise their consciousness of the development of the society. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. Part 2.Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Aims: After the lesson, students should be able to (1)Master the four-skilled words and phrases. (2)Get information about the development of Sunshine Town. 2.Ability Aims: (1) Be able to describe the changes to Sunshine Town using proper adjectives. (2) Improve the reading skills, especially the ability of getting details. 3. Emotional Aims: Enhance the understanding of the economic development and love and pride of the motherland. Part3. Teaching Emphasis Know the changes to Sunshine Town and be able to describe the development of Sunshine Town using proper adjectives. Part4. Teaching Difficulties Some long sentences about the past of Sunshine Town and pollution may be the obstacles of understanding. Part5. Teaching Methods In this period I will adopt the Three-stage model and Task-based Language Teaching Method.


牛津初中英语8B教材分析 一、教材概况 《牛津初中英语》按照“话题—功能—结构—任务”相结合的思路编排,以话题为主线,任务为主导,辅以功能和结构项目,有效培养学生综合运用英语的能力。各单元围绕一个话题展开,内容联系社会生活,贴近学生生活实际,富有时代气息,体现时代精神。围绕话题内容的是一系列的课堂活动和要求学生完成的任务,学生通过体验、实践、参与、合作、交流和探究等方式,学习和使用英语,真正体现以学习者为中心的教学理念。功能、语法和词汇是语言运用的重要基础,同样得到应有的重视。教材将语言知识置于生动的语言情景之中,使枯燥的语言学习成为真实、有趣的实践活动。 二、单元板块及课时安排 7A至9A每册书六个单元,9B 有4个单元。各单元包括: 卡通漫画(Comic strip) 1课时 导入(Welcome to the unit) 阅读(Reading) 2课时 词汇(Vocabulary)1课时 语法(Grammar) 2课时 综合技能(Integrated skills)1课时 学习技巧/语音(Study skills/Pronunciation)1课时 中心任务(Main task) 1课时 检测(Checkout)1课时 另外,每三个(两个)单元安排一个称为“课题(Project)”的板块。 三、话题 8B 有两个模块(Module)、六个单元(Unit),每个模块有三个单元。各单元话题大多联系学生的现实生活(the students’ here and now),同时向学生周围的世界逐步扩展,既引起学生学习英语的兴趣,又引导学生探索身边的世界。 Module 1 Travel in time and space Unit 1 Past and present Unit 2 Travelling Unit 3 Online travel Module 2 Rights and responsibilities Unit 4 A charity show Unit 5 International charities Unit 6 A charity walk —人与社会的关系 第一单元过去和现在 本单元探讨的是时代变迁带来的变化和发展,涉及香港交通系统的变化。九龙寨的建筑规划和赤腊角的新机场。 第二单元旅游 本单元学生要了解世界各地不同的旅游地,然后完成一项描述有关他们自己最满意的假日或者理想中的假日的课题。 第三单元在线旅游 本单元的主题是计算机。重点是关于教育类游戏光盘,但也涉及其硬件、软件和功能。

英语 牛津1A说课稿

Fruit 我说课的内容是《牛津英语1A》Unit 5Fruit 的第一课时,授课时间40分钟。这是一堂新授课,面对的学生是刚入学几周的小孩。在这两周内,学生初步接触了文具类单词paper, pencil, rubber, pen, bag, book,以及简单的问候语、课堂用语。本课时的教学内容为:学会用This is a ..的句型与人分享属于自己的东西。根据这一安排和学生的整体认识水平,从知识教学、能力培养、情感策略等方面考虑,我确立本课时的 教学目标:1. 能听懂会说apple .orange pear melon peach 2. 能流畅地说出本首儿歌。 3. 能用…for you and me的句型进行口语交际,学会与人分享物品的用语,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点:1. 学会用英语表达与人分享的句子This is a …This is an … 2. 培养学生朗读儿歌时的语感.(这是小学阶段的第一首儿歌。) 教学难点: 能正确的发音apple melon pear orange peach 为实现以上目标,我是这样设计教学过程的: HOW WHY Pre-task preparation:准备阶段安排了两个内容: 1. game: roll, roll, let’s roll.这是“滚雪球”的游戏,作为这堂课的热身、复习运动。老师先给出一个Model,让学生将这段内容一传二,二传四,这种形式的操练让学生在最短的时间内,有充分的语言交流的机会。整个课堂马上融入全员参与的氛围中。 2. Daily talk: 在热身之后通过老师提问What can you see in the pencil-box/ classroom?让学生用前几课时已学句型I can see…回答,这样在复习单词的同时,用看得见摸得着的熟悉的实物来操练,创设了一个与实际环境相结合的情景,学生通过观察运用已学的词汇,体现语言的交际性。同时自然地引出下面的内容。 While-task procedure这是本教时的重点内容,安排了五个环节依次展开教学 第一步:接着刚才的Daily talk “What can you see in the classroom?”学生答对后,老师给予肯定的评价并奖励粘纸引出Very good. A star for you.刚入学的孩子对粘纸有着浓厚的兴趣,因此当学生答对时用粘纸当奖品,定会激发学习的热情,在很自然的状态下接触了老师的表扬声,也是本课的重点句型Very good, a pear for you。 第二步:在初步从听觉接触的基础上,通过模仿学说pear 一词。 1. Show the real objects and teach the new words of fruit. (运用实物、图片 等,配上动作,教学本课的新单词,。) 1) (Put up an apple.) What’s this? ---- It’s an apple. This is an a pple. Apple, apple,苹果,苹果apple香又香。 2) (Taste the melon.) What’s that? ---That’s a melon. Melon, melon是瓜果,瓜果melon甜又香。


7A UNIT 1 Making friends Ⅰ重点单词: world n. 世界country n. 国家Japan n.日本Germany n. 德国German adj.德国的n.德国人 grammar n.语法 blog n. 博客sound n. 声音everyone n.人人(谓语动词要用单数)hobby n.爱好(复数hobbies)age n. 年龄 elder adj. 年长的dream n. 梦想complete v. 完成us pron.我们 yourself pron.你自己friendly adj. 友爱的engineer n. 工程师 flat n.公寓mountain n. 山Ⅱ重点短语: 1.colse to 接近 = near 反义词:far (away)from 远离 2.go to school 去上学 3.be good at 擅长 =do well in 反义词:be bad /poor at=do badly in不擅长 4.make friends with 与……交朋友 make friends 交朋友 5.all over 遍及 6.I’d like to=I would like to 愿意 Ⅲ重点句型: 1.what does···mean? 2.welcome to 3.I like···because··· 4.My dream is to be··. 5.How old is/are ····? 6.What does ····do? Ⅴ详细讲解: 1.Read a G erman girl’s blog.(Page1) (1)German : ① adj.德国的(德国人的,德语的)This is a German car. ② n.德国人,是可数名词。复数形式要在后面加“s”。意为“德语”时,是不可数名词。 Eg.Germans speak German. 我还知道:中日不变,英法变,其余后面加S (关于单复数) 中国China,中国人/中文Chinese 日本Japan,日本人/日语Japanese, 法国France,法国人/法语French 英国England/Britain/U.K.英国人/英语English 法国人还可用Frenchman(pl.Frenchmen) 英国人还可用Englishman(pl.Englishmen) (2)girl’s 是名词“girl”的所有格形式,意为“女孩的···” 所有格:在名词后加上“’s”构成所有格,表示一种所属关系,表示“···的”它的构成有以下方式:

8B Unit 5 Reading说课稿

8B Unit 5 Reading说课稿 一、优化学习方式 本节课阅读材料是《牛津初中英语》(译林版)八年级下册第五单元课文An Interview with an ORBIS Doctor。执教教师把本节课的教学目标确定为:学习阅读英文采访稿,并能记住国际奥比斯组织的基本信息和相关英语表达。 在选择学习方式时,执教教师参照了美国著名学习专家爱德加·戴尔通过实验提出的“学习金字塔理论”。 在以往的阅读教学中,教师普遍引导学生采用传统学习方式,如讲授法、阅读、视听、示范或演示等。在本节课中,执教教师力求不用或少用上述传统的学习方法,主要原因是这些方法不重视学生的合作互动和主动参与。爱德加·戴尔通过实验发现,这些学习方式的效果不佳,学习者在两周以后能记住的内容(平均学习保持率)在30%以下。 通过这些学习方式,学生主动参与各种课堂活动或任务,带着明确的目标,在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流与合作的能力,从而提高综合语言运用能力。这些学习方式的效果比较理想,学习者在两周以后能记住的内容(平均学习保持率)都在50%以上。 二、优化教学模式 当前,中小学英语阅读教学中普遍采用整体教学模式。该模式盛行于20世纪90年代初,强调先对文章进行宏观把握,了解文章的主

要内容和整体特点,然后再深入分析各个部分。但是,有些教师不顾实际情况,生搬硬套,机械地运用整体阅读教学模式,一个环节不敢少,一个步骤不颠倒,这种固步自封的做法导致阅读课教学环节雷同的现象非常严重,几乎每节阅读课都包括导入(Lead-in)、扫读(Scanning)、略读(Skimming)、细读(Careful Reading)、深度阅读(Further Reading)和拓展(Extension)等几个固定环节。这种模式化的公开课根本没有学习和借鉴的价值,教师们都不愿意去听。 整体阅读教学模式强调,教师应根据实际情况灵活调整阅读教学环节,没有必要全盘照搬,必要时可以删除或增加一些教学环节。本节课执教教师做了三点调整: 1. 删除扫读环节。扫读是一项重要的阅读技能,通常安排在阅读中(While-reading)的第一个步骤,但也要根据实际情况有选择地使用。考虑到本节课的阅读材料是一篇采访实录(由六组问题和回答组成),执教教师抓住两个切入点实施阅读教学:一是如何在采访中提出有效问题;二是如何根据问题获取采访的主要信息。 首先,在阅读前,执教教师通过设置情景激发学生思考:假设一位著名眼科医生来到教室里,你会向他咨询什么问题?以此来激发学生对课文主要内容进行预测,同时引导学生学会在采访中提出有效问题。 按照传统做法,接下来教师往往会选择扫读作为阅读中的第一个教学环节。然而本节课的执教教师却逐一呈现课文采访中Dr Ma的六


Unit 1 advertisement (welcome to the unit) Hello, everyone. I am XXX from XXX college. Today I am pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is welcome to the unit taken from Unit 1, Advertisement Module 4. My teaching plan will include three parts. They are analysis of the teaching material, teaching methods and teaching procedures. Part 1. Analysisi of the teaching material and function Advertising is the theme of this unit. In welcome to the unit not only provides a chance for students to get an idea of advertisement in their daily life, and then ask Ss identify the differences between th ese two types of advertisements, but also practice Ss’s oral English through this topic. aims and demands Based on the analysis of the teaching material, I have chosen the following as the teaching aims. make students aware of the role of advertising in our daily life talk about the six ads and put them in two groups. Finally encourage them to tell the difference between them discuss the last three questions to improve their speaking ability completing this lesson, ss will gain some knowledge about advertisements, the social effectss of advertisement, and ss could distinguish the advertisement true or not in our daily life. important and difficult points help Ss understand the role of ads to develop Ss’ speaking ability by expressing their opinions in the discussion Part II The teaching methods Discuss in pairs or in groups Communicative teaching method Audio-visual teaching method “ Task- based” teaching method Part III Teaching procedures I have designed the following steps


2018年中考英语语法专题练习 《冠词》 1.掌握不定冠词a, an的用法; 2.掌握定冠词the的用法; 3.掌握含定冠词或不定冠词的习语和固定短语; 4.掌握零冠词的用法。 ( )1. Jack is eight-year-old boy and he goes to school on foot every day. A. an; the B. a;/ C. an;/ D. a; the ( )2.一There is egg on the table. Would you like to have it? 一No, thanks. A./ B. an C. a D. the ( )3.Donald Trump, 71-year-old businessman, was chosen President of the US last year. A. a; a B. a;/ C. the; a D. the; the ( )4.Dangal (《摔跤吧!爸爸》),Indian movie, has become one of most popular movies in China. A. a; / B. a; the C. an; the D. /;the ( )5.Every evening my daughter plays piano for an hour. A. the B. a C./ D. an ( )6.They stopped in beautiful place for camping, near farmhouse of the Smiths. A. a; a B. the; a C. a; the D. the; the ( )7.一This photo makes me think of trip to the Great Wall last year. 一Yeah, we had a great time there. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )8.I went to supermarket to buy birthday gift for my aunt yesterday. A. an; a B. a; a C. the; / D./; the ( )9.一Do you like movie Dangal? 一Yes. It's educational movie. I like it very much. A. the; an B. a; an C. a; the D. the; a ( )10. 一Who's boy under the tree? 一Bill. He's active boy. A. a; an B. a; the C.the; a D. the; an ( )11. Shenzhen is on coast near Hong Kong. It was small village many years ago. A.a; the B.the; a C. /; / D. the; the ( )12. Lang Lang is famous pianist. He plays piano very well. A. a; the B. the; the C. the;/ D. a;/ ( )13. This is interesting story for the kids. A.an B. a C./ ( )14. I bought useful dictionary yesterday. dictionary is very cheap.


牛津英语8A说课稿 作者:牛津英语文章来源:本站原创点击数:6481 更新时间:2009-6-29 牛津初中英语UNIT 2 School Life 说课稿 Introduce myself: My name is Lu Guojuan. I have worked in Zhangqiao Middle School for 5 years. Today I want to talk about Unit 2, School Life Reading, 8A, Oxford English. First, the analysis of the textbook: 1. The contents: The part of the reading in the second unit aims to introduce school life in British and American schools and it aims to get the students to learn the differences between foreign culture and native culture. 2. The teaching aims: (1)The aims of the knowledge: To learn life in a British school or an American school and to master important language points. (2)The aims of the abilities: To improve the abilities of getting information by scanning and the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (3)The aims of the emotion: To promote their love for their school and school lives. 3. The teaching emphasis: (1) To get the ability of general reading and acquiring information. (2) To master vital phrases and sentence structures. 4. The teaching difficulties: (1)We have to tell our English teacher what we are reading. (2)This is great because it takes less time than taking the bus.

牛津英语9A Unit 3说课稿

牛津英语9A Unit 3说课稿 Lecture notes for Oxford English 9A unit 3

牛津英语9A Unit 3说课稿 前言:小泰温馨提醒,说课稿是为进行说课准备的文稿,教师在吃透教材、简析教材内容、教学目的、教学重点、难点的基础上,遵循整体构思、融为一体、综合论述的原则,分块 写清,分步阐述教学内容,以进一步提高教学效果。本教案根据幼儿园说课稿标准的要求 和针对教学对象是初中生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设 想和计划。便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 一、说教材: 1、教材简析: 我说课的内容是xxx中学英语教材9A第3单元 Teenage problems中的Integrated skills部分。本单元通过 青少年中存在的问题和困扰这一主题,引出话题,谈论话题。由 于学生对这一话题极感兴趣,我在教学中准备使用多种教学手段 设置情景,有效地把单词和句型情景相结合,注重听说训练,使 语言点的训练密切联系生活实际,达到灵活运用,学以致用的目的。 2、教学目标: 依据英语新课标所提出的总目标并根据本年段学生认知水平,我制定了如下教学目标: a、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组. b、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型. c、能正确地听懂、掌握A板块前半部分听力内容,并能 以较好的语音语调流畅地朗读后半部分的课文填空。

d、能用本课所学语言讨论青少年中存在的问题 3、教学重点、难点: 教学重点:正确拼读本课四会单词和句型,能流利地用所学 句型进行情景会话。 二、说教法和学法 根据我对《英语课程标准》的理解和九年级学生的生理和心 理特点,我将教学本课的指导思想确定为:让学生主体参与,主 动探究,合作互动,充分发展。具体采用如下教学方法: 1、情景教学法: 通过设置较为真实的情景,使学生产生身临其境的感觉,激 起学生情感上的共鸣,从而引导学生从整体上理解和运用语言, 促进学生的语言能力及情感、意志、想象力、创造力等整体发展。 2、小组学习法: 每4人一组,可两两交流,也可自由选择,在互动中互相启 发发生思维的碰撞。同时注意保证每个学生都有机会参与学习, 培养学生与伙伴合作的意识和策略,提高人际交往能力。 3、练习法: 把大多课堂时间留给学生,使学生在多信息、高密度、快节 奏的灵活操练中拓宽学习渠道。 另外,考虑到B板块为对话教学部分,我在这一环节的教学 中主要侧重于学生朗读能力的培养,在训练听说的同时加强朗读 指导,一方面可以培养学生朗读的基本技巧,另一方面也可以检


江苏省常州市西夏墅中学八年级英语下册《8B Unit 4 Reading》说 课稿牛津版 一.说教材 (一)教学内容、地位和作用 这是牛津教材第四单元的一篇阅读课文,主要由一篇关于Giant Panda:Xi W ang的阅读课文,以及词语意思匹配题,熊猫成长记录袋,熊猫现实中的生存危机,完成对话这用以辅助课文的四部分组成。前几个单元分别是有关friend,school life,a day out的,逐渐把学生的眼光投入到自然界中,同时为下一单元的鸟类世界的主题,打下铺垫,设计一衣带水,丝丝入扣。 (二)教学重点及其依据 教是为了不教,此课为阅读课,教学重点因此也是在学生熟练掌握一些有关TOPIC的基础上,努力提高学生的阅读能力;根据上下文,关键词猜测主要大意;通过跳读和略读,联系已有经验了解文章的梗概。 (三)教学难点及其依据 本课最大的难点是把握全文意思的基础上对文章材料做异地功能的整理和归纳。 二.说教学目标 (一)知识与技能目标 掌握有关wild animals话题和本文中出现的新单词。通过细读,以往经验和上下文了解文章大意。 (二)过程与方法 通过合作学习,探究学习,及设置一定任务,让学生完成熊猫的成长简历,以便更好的保护大熊猫来达到知识与技能目标中的要求。 (三)情感态度和价值观 课标指出一切的教学要从学生的兴趣和情感出发,是学生和师生之间达到和谐,并促成学生健康的人生观,世界观。本课旨在培养学生热爱自然的朴素情感,激发他们保护熊猫,保护环境的热情和道德意识。 三.说学情 (一)已有知识和经验:学生已掌握了一定的词汇,关于自然,在第三单元就有所涉及,同时自身也已对大熊猫有一定的了解,长篇的阅读课文的一些猜测单词意思的的方法都稍有点播。 (二)个体发展和群体提高:在教学过程中要鼓励平时不大开口的学生,大胆开口,敢于质疑,基础好的同学鼓励他们善于合作,善于争鸣,使各类学生得到均衡发展。课标基本理念第三条指出新课程面向全体同学,注重个别差异。 四.说教法、学法 (一)任务型学习新课标开宗明义指出,新课程倡导体验,实践,合作,参与交流的学习方式和任务型学习。 (二)合作型学习是以小组学习为活动,全班为了实现同一目标共同努力的学习模式。(三)探究型学习是以学生为主体,教师为主导,探究活动为主线的,提高学生创新意识,创新精神,发现问题和解决问题的能力。 五.说教学流程 Step 1.Revision and presentation 提供一些谜语猜测动物名称such as: What animal looks like a cat and with yellow fur and black


上海版牛津英语8B 第一章学习辅导材料(11.01) 学习新词语 product n. 产品例如: Our new product will go on the market. 我们的新产品即将上市。 【同根词】:produce,production produce v. 生产;制造;产生例如: We produce vegetables. 我们生产蔬菜。 production n.生产;产生例如: The production of television sets is very complex. 电视机制造非常复杂。 scientist n. 科学家例如: My brother?s ambition is to be a scientist. 我兄弟的志愿是成为一名科学家。 【同根词】:science, scientific science n. 科学scientific adj.科学的例如: The scientists in this university are interested in modern science and they spend most of their time on their scientific research. 这所大学的科学家们对现代科学感兴趣,他们把大部分时间用于科学研究。 breathe v. 呼吸例如: He breathed hard when he was ill yesterday. 他昨天生病时,费力地呼吸。 【同根词】:breath, 呼吸例如: Smith?s heavy breath disturbed his wife?s sleep.史密斯沉重的呼吸扰乱了他太太的睡眠。hectare n. 公顷 1 hectare = 10,000 square metres (1公顷= 10,000平方米) 例如:That factory covers an area of 150 hectares. 那个工厂占地150 公顷。 alive adj.(表语形容词)活着;在世 【词义辨析】:alive,living 都是“活着”的意思,用法不同。例如: alive 是表语形容词,一般在句子中放在系动词后面,用作表语。例如: I am your friend as long as I am alive. 只要我活着就是你的朋友。 living 是定语形容词,一般在句子中放在名词前用作定语。例如: There are not any living things in the mountain area.在这个山区里没有任何活着的东西。 warn v. 警告:使警惕例如: Xiaofeng warned me against pickpockets. 小峰警告我要提防扒手。 【同根词】:warning n. 警告;警示例如: There is a warning sign at the corner of the street. 街角那儿有一块警示牌。 nature n. 自然界;大自然例如: I am in favour of return to nature. 我赞成回归自然。 【同根词】:natural adj. 自然的例如: This mountain village has natural beauty. 这个山村有自然的美。 【词组】: (be) interested in 对……感兴趣例如: Are you interested in movies? 你对电影感兴趣吗? 【词义辨析】:interested,interesting interested adj. 感兴趣的。一般表示对某人或某物感兴趣。例如: He is interested in computers. 他对电脑感兴趣。 interesting adj. 有趣的;令人感兴趣的。一般表示某样事物令人感兴趣。 He is an interesting boy. 他是个有趣的男孩。 Chemistry is an interesting subject. All of us are interested in it. 化学是一门有趣的学科,我们都对它感兴趣。 as well as 也,还例如: They study French as well as Chinese. 他们既学法语也学中文。 【词义辨析】:as well as, not only … but also, both … and… 都用于连接两个相同的语法部分。as well as 强调的是两个相同语法部分的前者。例如: He can play violin as well as guitar. 他既能拉小提琴,也能弹吉他。(强调会小提琴) not only … but also … 强调的是两个相同语法部分的后者。例如: He can play not only violin but also guitar.他不仅能拉小提琴,也能弹吉他。(强调会吉他)both … and … 前后两个语法部分都注重。例如: He can play both violin and guitar. 他能演奏小提琴和吉他。(不分前后一样重要) air conditioner n.空调例如: Air conditioners make us feel more comfortable in summer and winter. 夏天和冬天,空调使我们感到更加舒服。 one another 互相例如: We must help one another and learn from one another. 我们必须互相帮助,互相学习。


牛津高中英语说课稿 篇一:牛津高中英语说课稿 《牛津高中英语》(江苏版)第11模块 第2单元Project中的阅读材料 Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading. In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently. My teaching plan will include 3 secti. They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures. Section 1 Analysis of the teaching material The selected teaching material is a magazine article taken from the Project section of Module 11, Unit 2 of Advance with English. The article is about British students who take a gap year, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, Getting a job.

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