当前位置:文档之家› 如何写开发信范文





封退信,剩下的就是石沉大海,难得有一个老外回一句“No, thanks.”就可以让你激动半天。


以试想一下,当你一天坐在电脑面前12个小时,从google和各种黄页搜索到客人,一封一封开发信发出去,晚上满脸疲惫的回家,等第二天满怀希望上班的时候,邮箱里爆满各种各样的退信,你是什么感受?我以前也是做业务的,当年大学毕业后从业务助理、跟单做起,后来做sales和sales manager,PA to director,一直到现在做buyer,中间换了几份工作,也经历过大部分朋友所经历的各种问题。我当时也有这么一段时间,没日没夜地发推销信,找新客人,无休止地报价,但效果甚微。后来跟很多不同的客人熟识了以后,私底下聊起才发现,当初的开发信写的是大大有问题的。很多老外也是做sales的,也会写开发信,为什么成交率比我们高很多?即使不说成交率,回复率也大大高过我们?








我问过很多西欧客人,他们一般处理每一封邮件的时间是2-3秒,也就是大致扫一眼,重要的邮件,一般马上仔细阅读并回复,不是太重要的,会在outlook里标注上要处理的具体时间,然后从inbox拉到相应的子目录里。换句话说,只要客人的邮箱地址是对的,也是你要找的right person,你的开发信只能停留在他眼前2-3秒,就是决定命运的时刻了。这种情况下,试问你敢不敢把邮件写得很长?

2)没有明确的主题。一个不明确的主题,会让客人根本没兴趣去打开陌生人的邮件。这个就需要经验了,内容要言简意赅,直接吸引客人通过主题去点开邮件,目的就达到了。至于他看了以后有没有反应,就要看实际情况和你内容的功力了。有些人写邮件会这样设置主题:“we are the manufacturer of lights”,又或者“need cooperation”,或者“Guangdong *** trading pany ltd”,或者“price list for lights-Guangdong *** trading pany ltd”等等,一看就知道是推销信。当你一个礼拜就收到一封推销信,你可能会有兴趣看看,但是如果你一天收到N封推销信,估计就会很厌烦,直接删掉算是客气的了。所以如何把主题写好,让客人知道这是封推销信,还是要忍不住打开看看?就要根据之际情况来判断了。

举个例子吧,假设我是做太阳能灯的公司DEF Co. Ltd,目前公司最大的客人是美国的Home Depot,尽管可能是通过贸易商做的,不是直接合作,但是完全可以当作一个开发新客人的筹码!如果我要写一封开发信给美国的ABC inc(这个名字是我编的),我从google 上了解了一些这个公司的信息,知道他们是美国的进口商,有做太阳能灯系列,希望能试着开发这个客人,我一般会这样写主题,“Re: ABC inc/Home Depot vendor-solar light/DEF Co., Ltd.”

其中,ABC inc代表了客人的公司名,你在写给他的主题上首先加上他公司名,表示对他们公司的尊重;Home Depot vendor-solar light明确表示你是北美第二大零售商Home Depot的太阳能灯供应商,既表明了实力,也勾起他的兴趣;最后的DEF Co., Ltd.代表自

己公司。这样一来,假设你找对了人,这个正是ABC公司太阳能灯的buyer,又或者是他的某一个主管,突然某一天收到这么一个主题的邮件,哇,home depot的供应商找上来了,太棒了,应该看看是不是有合作机会,是不是比原有供应商更好?他打开邮件的概率会非常非常大!再说了,这个主题设置的还有一个好处,就是客人即使暂时不回你邮件,只是放在收件箱里,但是将来某一天他突然想让你报报价,很容易就能找到这封邮件!只要关键词输入home depot,保证一下子就找到。


有朋友会反问,那是不是完全不写呢?我的回答是,也不一定,要看具体情况。如果你的公司有突出的优势,可以写,但是最好一笔带过就可以了。可以这样写:We supply solar lights for Home Depot

with high quality and petitive price. Hope to cooperate with you!










Dear Mike,

This is Jenny from EDF Co. Ltd. We're so pleased to receive your samples. I already sent them to our factory last week, and was informed the real material is PP, not ABS as you mentioned last time. What's the matter?

I'll give you reply as soon as we get the offer from the factory. It will take several days. Please be more patient. But they also told me, the raw material increased these days. Could you please confirm the price quickly after you get it? We'll purchase the raw material and do the production immediately! Looking forward to your reply. Thank you!

Best regards,



Dear Mike,

How are you?

We received your all samples. The factory checked the details, and found the material was PP, not ABS as you told. Please give them some more time to re-check the price, because the material is different from the past orders. However, the material was increased very quickly! Therefore, please kindly place the order soon if the price is ok for you! We'll do production asap.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,


这封呢?我个人觉得比上一封号一点,毕竟主动和被动语态结合,“We”只出现了一次,不算太枯燥。内容也稍微简单了一点,点到位了。最重要的是,他把purchase the raw material去掉了,直接用“We'll do the production asap.”这样更简洁,毕竟你要生产,


Hi Mike,

Samples received and already passed to vendor. The material was PP, not ABS. Offer sheet is preparing and will be sent to you soon.


免费外贸平台实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d16547160.html,)欢迎加入外贸交流QQ群:70984717 实惠网外贸论坛(https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d16547160.html,)轻松学习外贸知识,分享外贸经验。很多sales 朋友常常抱怨,开发信效果很差,100 封里面好几十封退信, 剩下的就是石沉大海,难得有一个老外回一句"No, thanks."就可以 让你激动半天。 其实大家有没有想过,这样的做法会严重挫伤自己的积极性。可 以试想一下,当你一天坐在电脑面前12 个小时,从google 和各种黄页 搜索到客人信息,一封一封开发信发出去,晚上满脸疲惫的回家,等第 二天满怀希望上班的时候,邮箱里爆满各种各样的退信,你是什么感 受? 我以前也是做业务的,当年大学毕业后从业务助理、跟单做起, 后来做sales 和sales manager,PA to director,一直到现在做buyer, 中间换了几份工作,也经历过大部分朋友所经历的各种问题。我当时也 有这么一段时间,没日没夜地发推销信,找新客人,无休止地报价,但 效果甚微。后来跟很多不同的客人熟识了以后,私底下聊起才发现,当 初的开发信写的是大大有问题的。很多老外也是做sales 的,也会写开 发信,为什么成交率比我们高很多?即使不说成交率,回复率也大大高 过我们? 很多刚毕业的朋友们都是学国贸专业出来的,一般都学过外贸函 电这门课,老师们反复教你们怎么写商务信函,怎么回询盘等等,其实 这些教材几乎都是学院派人士编的,不是老掉牙过时的东西,就是和现 实基本脱节的。很多老师一辈子都呆在学校里,连外贸都没做过,你怎 么能指望从他们这里学到写商务信函的精髓?真正的好的email,必须 要模仿老外的行文方式,尤其是英语为母语的客人!即使你的邮件写得 四平八稳,语法精到,整篇下来没有任何错误,在大学里可以拿满分作 文了,可客人收到以后,还是怎么看怎么别扭。我觉得,你给客人写邮 件的时候,必须要忘记中国人的行文和思维方式,要按欧美人的习惯去 思考问题和写邮件,这样才能让客人把你当成同类。 到那一天,你随便写一封邮件,当大部分人都看不出这封邮件出 自一个中国人之手,你就出师了! 我先列举一些大部分朋友写email 时常范的错误,大家可以看 看,对比一下自己,其中的几条是自己也会有的?接下来再讨论开发信 怎么写。呵呵。 1)邮件写得过长。客人的时间很宝贵,每天要收到数百封邮件, 你想想,一个不认识的人发了一封又长又臭的邮件给你,英语表述又不 好,还加了好几M 的附件,你会不会认真去看?而且很多老外的时间观 念很强,每天都有几块固定的时间用来处理email,很多长篇大论的邮 件,只要不是他的熟人发的,一般会被直接删除,或者是把你的地址设 为垃圾邮件。 我问过很多西欧客人,他们一般处理每一封邮件的时间是 2-3 秒,也就是大致扫一眼,重要的邮件,一般马上仔细阅读并回复,


开发信的写法 很多sales朋友常常抱怨,开发信效果很差,100封里面好几十封退信,剩下的就是石沉大海,难得有一个老外回一句“No, thanks.”就可以让你激动半天。 其实大家有没有想过,这样的做法会严重挫伤自己的积极性。可以试想一下,当你一天坐在电脑面前12个小时,从google和各种黄页搜索到客人信息,一封一封开发信发出去,晚上满脸疲惫的回家,等第二天满怀希望上班的时候,邮箱里爆满各种各样的退信,你是什么感受? 我以前也是做业务的,当年大学毕业后从业务助理、跟单做起,后来做sales和sales manager,PA to director,一直到现在做buyer,中间换了几份工作,也经历过大部分朋友所经历的各种问题。我当时也有这么一段时间,没日没夜地发推销信,找新客人,无休止地报价,但效果甚微。后来跟很多不同的客人熟识了以后,私底下聊起才发现,当初的开发信写的是大大有问题的。很多老外也是做sales的,也会写开发信,为什么成交率比我们高很多?即使不说成交率,回复率也大大高过我们? 很多刚毕业的朋友们都是学国贸专业出来的,一般都学过外贸函电这门课,老师们反复教你们怎么写商务信函,怎么回询盘等等,其实这些教材几乎都是学院派人士编的,不是老掉牙过时的东西,就是和现实基本脱节的。很多老师一辈子都呆在学校里,连外贸都没做过,你怎么能指望从他们这里学到写商务信函的精髓?真正的好的email,必须

要模仿老外的行文方式,尤其是英语为母语的客人!即使你的邮件写得四平八稳,语法精到,整篇下来没有任何错误,在大学里可以拿满分作文了,可客人收到以后,还是怎么看怎么别扭。我觉得,你给客人写邮件的时候,必须要忘记中国人的行文和思维方式,要按欧美人的习惯去思考问题和写邮件,这样才能让客人把你当成同类。 到那一天,你随便写一封邮件,当大部分人都看不出这封邮件出自一个中国人之手,你就出师了! 我先列举一些大部分朋友写email时常范的错误,大家可以看看,对比一下自己,其中的几条是自己也会有的?接下来再讨论开发信怎么写。呵呵。 1)邮件写得过长。客人的时间很宝贵,每天要收到数百封邮件,你想想,一个不认识的人发了一封又长又臭的邮件给你,英语表述又不好,还加了好几M的附件,你会不会认真去看?而且很多老外的时间观念很强,每天都有几块固定的时间用来处理email,很多长篇大论的邮件,只要不是他的熟人发的,一般会被直接删除,或者是把你的地址设为垃圾邮件。 我问过很多西欧客人,他们一般处理每一封邮件的时间是2-3秒,也就是大致扫一眼,重要的邮件,一般马上仔细阅读并回复,不是太重要的,会在outlook里标注上要处理的具体时间,然后从inbox拉到相应的子目录里。换句话说,只要客人的邮箱地址是对的,也是你要找的right person,你的开发信只能停留在他眼前2-3秒,就是决定命运的时刻了。这种情况下,试问你敢不敢把邮件写得很长?


以下是一封开发信的例子: Dear Mr. Steven Hans, We get your name and email address from your trade lead on https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d16547160.html, that you are in the market for ball pen.We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build business cooperation in the future. We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years. We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and expressly, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source. You are welcome to visit our website https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d16547160.html, which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details. As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular. Best regards, Dafu Wong 请注意这封开发信的写法。作为初次联系的信件,它简洁明了,鲜明地展示了自己的特点:工厂、款式多、价格有竞争力,并暗示建议


新春的第一封开发信如何写 Dear XXX, How are you? Happy new year!!! I am glad to tell you that we are coming back to work today, and we have some new design products, please find them in attachment. If you have any need, please contact me without hesitation. Hope we establish win-win relationship in the 2017. Regards, XXX Hello , Happy New Year! we just finished the Chinese Spring Festival, and start to work this day. The factory has returned to normal production ,now's production, for every day xx ,Month expansion to xx, plenty of production allows us to give you a stable supply. The leadtime of nomarl samples is 3-7days, 15-20working days for mass production. Enclosed is the updated quotation about new itmes for your reference. If you have any need, please feel free to contact us. Thanks and keep in touch. Dear , Long time no touch you. Happy new year of 2016! Glad to tell you we back work today.Please no hesitate contact me if you have any need about the amusement park rides. Thank you very much for your supports. Wish a good and lucky year to you and your family !


模板一 Dear Mr. Steven Hans, We get your name and email address from your trade lead on https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d16547160.html, that you are in the market for ball pen. We would like to introduce our company and products, h ope that we may build business cooperation in the future. We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years. We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and expressly, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source. You are welcome to visit our website https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d16547160.html, which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details. As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular. Best regards, Dafu Wong 模板二 Hey guy, XYZ trading here, exporting LANTERNS with good quality and low price in US. Call me, let's talk details. Rgds, Rick Cell phone: *** 这是一个巴西的贸易公司写给陌生的美国公司的开发信。别人也是做trading的,怎么就写的和我们不一样呢?有些人会说,哎呀,老外比较懒惰。没错,很多老外是很懒,但是你明知道他很懒,你还长篇大论的,你觉得这么懒的人会花时间仔细读你的开发信么?懒是一方面,这点没错,老外通常没有中国人勤奋,但是反过来看,他们往往是言简意赅,只说最重要的话,一句废话都没有。因为在他们的文化里,时间很宝贵,不能耽误自己的时间,也不要耽误别人的时间。


非常实用的外贸开发信范文(2010/04/13 11:25) 1.Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, Encl. 2.Dear Mr Smith Wish you enjoy a great day! I would like to introduce myself. I am Stone Lee and I represent Efront Digital Textile company in Hangzhou, China. We are glad to know that you are a large retail enterprise in USA to deal with …… I was referred by friend in USA retail business who is familiar with your corporation. As a professional manufacturer, I would like to introduce our products to you and offer you a quote. We are a manufacturer of household textile products, including chenille bedspread, Spanish bedspread, tapestry wallhanging, throw, tapestry cushion, chenille carpet, upholstery fabric and more which are all digital jacquard machine weaved by import looms(16 in total from German and


你写一封走心的开发信 大家好,这一期我想跟大家分享下开发信这个主题。 有人每天大量往各种邮箱投递开发信,如泥牛入海,渺无音讯;为何有人却能钓到鱼甚至满载而归呢? 我会从以下几个方面来阐述: 1.分享一封回复率巨高的开发信(获得57%的打开率,21%的回复率,还有收获16个新客户。) 2.盘点现在开发信存在的诸多弊病 3.总结开发信的要点 4.根据轻工业和重工业产品,分享四个我自己写的开发信模板 5.如何拟定引人注目的开发信邮件主题(附详细举例) 好,进入正题。 如何写出一封高回复率的开发信,这是无数业务员撞破头脑寻思的问题。 Part 1: 分享一封简单明了的开发信: 这封开发信获得57%的打开率,21%的回复率,还有收获16个新客户。 索菲原创:教你写封走心的开发信 Hello Sales Manager,(如知道名字,直接写名字) We have an idea that I can explain in 10 minutes which can get your company its next 100 best customers.(不知道是否能容许我10分钟,表达下我的想法。这个想法可能会让贵公司获取100个最佳客户) 分析下这句话:他是站在客户的角度,用好奇心勾起客户想要和他倾谈的欲望。简而言之,就是诱饵。 This idea is used to help our client (可以写客户的目标市场/或他的竞争者)almost triple their monthly run rate. (最近我曾用这个想法帮助我们客户赢得了几乎三倍的点击率) 这句话继续抛出噱头,他这个点子之前带来的绝佳效果。 Let's schedule a quick 10 minute call so I can share the idea with you. When works best for you?您能否腾出您10分钟时间,我和您分析下这个点子。什么时候方便呢? 直接争取电话沟通。 Part 2 先来挑一挑很多开发信存在的弊病: Too Long. No one wants to read a mini e-book in an email. 生意人是没有时间精力花时间看长篇大论的邮件的。一目十行过去,如果捕捉到的是极其无趣的工厂介绍,包括创办于几年,工厂员工人数,工厂获得什么资质证明,甚至厂房多大都写上了,那么直接是花样作死。 或者是文绉绉干巴巴拧出来一个总结就是我们公司价格最低,质量最好,服务最棒。千篇一律的词competitive, best prices, very good. 毫无亮点,直接被pass掉。 Too many ideas. 表达突出的东西太多。纵使你们公司可以提供多一流的服务,多完善的机械设备,多齐全的产品,请不要一下子在客户面前脱光衣服。话糙理不糙,任何生意都是循序渐进的过程。开发信的目的是引起对方注意,再来建交。


很经典的外贸开发信范文 1.Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, Encl. 2.Dear Mr Smith Wish you enjoy a great day! I would like to introduce myself. I am Stone Lee and I represent Efront Digital Textile company in Hangzhou, China. We are glad to know that you are a large retail enterprise in USA to deal with …… I was referred by friend in USA retail business who is familiar with your corporation. As a professional manufacturer, I would like to introduce our products to you and offer you a quote. We are a manufacturer of household textile products, including chenille bedspread, Spanish bedspread, tapestry wallhanging, throw, tapestry cushion, chenille carpet, upholstery fabric and more which are all digital jacquard machine weaved by import looms(16 in total from German and Italy). The catalogue I attached includes just some of our high quality products. Please visit our website at https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d16547160.html, We have passed through ISO9001:2000;ISO14001:2004;ecological textile certification.It would be our pleasure to begin a business relationship with you and supply your stores with our quality products,. Sincerely yours, 3.Dear Mr. Steven Hans, We get your name and email address from your trade lead on https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d16547160.html, that you are in the market for ball pen. We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build business cooperation in the future. We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years. We


外贸开发信模板大全 模板1 Hi, Dear Mr Harold.Sacks, We produce Medical Appliances with high quality & very competitive price for 15 years in China; Hope to find a way to cooperate with you. E-catalogues will be sent if needed. Write me back or call me pls, let’s talk more in details. Thank you. Best Regards Yours sincerely Zarah Sales Manager 模板2 Dear, How are you today? ABC Co., Ltd manufacture LED Lights for 8 years in China, and supplier of walmart, hope to be one of your supplier. FREE SAMPLES & Catalogues will be sent if needed. Write me back or Call me please, let me talk details. Looking forward to working with you in the near future. Best Regards and thanks. Alice Sales Manager 模板3 Hi Sir/Madam, Glad to hear that you're on the market for furniture, we specialize in this field for 14 years, with the strength of ERU&USA ANTIQUE FURNITURE, with good quality and pretty competitive price. Also we have our own professional designers to meet any of your requriements. Should you have any questions, call me, let's talk details. Best regards! Leon 模板4 Dear purchasing manager, Hello, this Lily Lee from xxx company, our company is a professional xx manufacturer with years‘s experience. so we want to avail ourselves of opportunity establishing business relation with you. Please link our company web site:............. if you want to know more about our product. By the way, free sample are available. Thank you in advance! Best regards] Xxx Company name: Tel:……. Fax:……. MSN:.......... Skype:………..


新手如何写好开发信 新手如何写好开发信,加大成交率? 很多sales朋友常常抱怨,开发信效果很差,100封里面好几十封退信,剩下的就是石沉大海,难得有一个老外回一句“No, thanks.”就可以让你激动半天。 其实大家有没有想过,这样的做法会严重挫伤自己的积极性。可以试想一下,当你一天坐在电脑面前12个小时,从google和各种黄页搜索到客人信息,一封一封开发信发出去,晚上满脸疲惫的回家,等第二天满怀希望上班的时候,邮箱里爆满各种各样的退信,你是什么感受? 很多刚毕业的朋友们都是学国贸专业出来的,一般都学过外贸函电这门课,老师们反复教你们怎么写商务信函,怎么回询盘等等,其实这些教材几乎都是学院派人士编的,不是老掉牙过时的东西,就是和现实基本脱节的。很多老师一辈子都呆在学校里,连外贸都没做过,你怎么能指望从他们这里学到写商务信函的精髓?真正的好的email,必须要模仿老外的行文方式,尤其是英语为母语的客人!即使你的邮件写得四平八稳,语法精到,整篇下来没有任何错误,在大学里可以拿满分作文了,可客人收到以后,还是怎么看怎么别扭。我觉得,你给客人写邮件的时候,必须要忘记中国人的行文和思维方式,要按欧美人的习惯去思考问题和写邮件,这样才能让客人把你当成同类。到那一天,你随便写一封邮件,当大部分人都看不出这封邮件出自一

个中国人之手,你就出师了! 我先列举一些大部分朋友写email时常范的错误,大家可以看看,对比一下自己,其中的几条是自己也会有的?接下来再讨论开发信怎么写。呵呵。 1)邮件写得过长。 客人的时间很宝贵,每天要收到数百封邮件,你想想,一个不认识的人发了一封又长又臭的邮件给你,英语表述又不好,还加了好几m 的附件,你会不会认真去看?而且很多老外的时间观念很强,每天都有几块固定的时间用来处理email,很多长篇大论的邮件,只要不是他的熟人发的,一般会被直接删除,或者是把你的地址设为垃圾邮件。我问过很多西欧客人,他们一般处理每一封邮件的时间是2-3秒,也就是大致扫一眼,重要的邮件,一般马上仔细阅读并回复,不是太重要的,会在outlook里标注上要处理的具体时间,然后从inbox拉到相应的子目录里。换句话说,只要客人的邮箱地址是对的,也是你要找的right person,你的开发信只能停留在他眼前2-3秒,就是决定命运的时刻了。这种情况下,试问你敢不敢把邮件写得很长? 2)没有明确的主题。 一个不明确的主题,会让客人根本没兴趣去打开陌生人的邮件。这个就需要经验了,内容要言简意赅,直接吸引客人通过主题去点开邮件,目的就达到了。至于他看了以后有没有反应,就要看实际情况和你内容的功力了。有些人写邮件会这样设置主题:“we are the manufacturer of lights”,又或者“need cooperation”,或者“Guangdong *** trading


开发信范文默认分类 很经典的外贸开发信范文 1. Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, Encl. 2. Dear Mr. Smith Wish you enjoy a great day! I would like to introduce myself. I am Stone Lee and I represent Front Digital Textile company in Hangzhou, China. We are glad to know that you are a large retail enterprise in USA to deal with …… I was referred by friend in USA retail business that is familiar with your corporation. As a professional manufacturer, I would like to introduce our products to you and offer you a quote. We are a manufacturer of household textile products, including chenille bedspread, Spanish bedspread, tapestry wall hanging, throw, tapestry cushion, chenille carpet, upholstery fabric and more which are all digital jacquard machine weaved by import looms(16 in total from German and Italy). The catalogue I attached includes just some of our high quality products. Please visit our website at We have passed through ISO9001:2000; ISO14001:2004; ecological textile certification. It would be our pleasure to begin a business relationship with you and supply your stores with our quality products. Sincerely yours, 3. Dear Mr. Steven Hans, We get your name and email address from your trade lead on that you are in the market for ball pen. We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build business cooperation in the future. We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years. We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and expressly, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source. You are welcome to visit our website which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details. As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it’s my pleasure to offer news to you regular. Best regards, Dafu Wong


Dear sansan iskandar This is Joy form Jinan Weiju Weiye Trading Co., Ltd. Our company specializes in all kinds of Heavy duty truck accessories,with a history of 10 years,we now enjoy a good reputation in the linen .The products you need is within our business scope,we shall be very pleased to enter into business relations with you. My company's product catalog as an attachment sent to you, you can look it.Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Best Regards. Joy Li

This is Joy form Jinan Weiju Weiye Trading Co., Ltd. Our company specializes in all kinds of Heavy duty truck accessories,with a history of 10 years, now we are sending you our offer for our product: Payment Terms: By T/T Handling Time: 3-5 working days Delivery date: within 5-10 days after order Enclosed is our latest catalogue , please find.Please inform us the name or number of the product you need, we will offer you the best price If you have any questions please contact us. Look forward to your early reply. Best Regards Joy Li


怎么写一封完美的英文开发信 问:我进公司两个多月了,起码也发了一百封开发信,可是几乎都象石沉大海一样,我很困惑,不知道是不是自己的开发信定得不好,不够吸引人,引不起人阅读的兴趣来?措辞方面一定也有不当. 我很想请各位过来人指点一下,一般第一次写给客户的开发信,应该如何措辞? 要写得详细些好还是简单明了些好?标题应该用什么才不致于被人当作垃圾邮件删掉呢?? 回答1: Dear Mr. Jones: We understand from your information posted on https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d16547160.html, that you are in the market for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company introduction at https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d16547160.html, which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, John Roberts 回答2:商务信函写作要点 写作商务信函并不要求您使用华丽优美的词句。所有您需要做的就是,用简单朴实的语言,准确的表达自己的意思,让对方可以非常清楚的了解您想说什么。围绕这一点,我们总结了几方面的内容,希望对您写作商务信函有借鉴作用。 每一封信函的往来,都是您跟收信人彼此之间的一次交流。人都是感性的,所以您需要在您的信函里体现感性的一面。然而很多人都有一种误解,以为写作商务信函就应该用一种特殊的“生意腔”,于是把一封本来应该是热情而友好的信函写得呆板而死气沉沉。他们宁愿写“Your letter has been received”,“Your complaint is being looked into”而不是“I have received your letter”或者“We are looking into your complaint”。其实我们简单的来理解一下,每次信函的往来不就是跟对方进行了一次交谈吗?只不过是把交谈的内容写到了纸上而已。多用一些简单明了的语句,用我/我们做主语,这样才能让我们的信函读起来热情,友好,就象两个朋友之间的谈话那样简单,自然,人性化。 想象一下,如果您由于无法准时交货而在电话上跟您的合作伙伴表示歉意时,您会怎么说?我想您会说“I am sorry we cannot deliver the goods today”。既然在电话中您会这样说,为什么在信件中要改成“It is regretted that goods cannot be delivered t oday”?放弃这种所谓的“生意腔”吧,让您的信也象谈话那样简单,自然,人性化。 由于您写的信函都是有其目的性的,所以您信函里所采用的语气语调也应该符合您的目的。在写之前先不妨仔细考虑一下,您写这封信函是想达到一个什么样的目的,您希望对收信人产生一种怎样的影响呢?是歉意的,劝说性的,还是坚决的,要求性的。这完全可以通过信函中的语气语调来表现。

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