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This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis.

句中,that引导的定语从句:that are changing the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis.是对先行词technological and scientific breakthroughs的限定说明,它不影响主句:This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs.的语法结构。因此,我们的出结论:定语从句的功能是对句中某个名词作限定说明,使用




For example,if sufficient sky trains and underground train systems were built and effectively maintained in our major cities, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduced.

句中,if引导的是条件状语从句:if sufficient sky trains and underground train systems were built and effectively maintained in our major cities.主句一般而言表示基亍此条件的结果。我们试着来总结



They may think that it is better to continue in a particular job,or to do something completely different from a university course.

句中,that引导的从句:that it is better to continue in a particular job,or to do something completely different from a university course.作think的宾语。That本身在从句中不做任何成分。我们来探讨



The obvious argument in its favour is that young children pick up languages much more easily than teenagers.

句中,that引导的表语从句:that young children pick up languages much more easily than teenagers.作系动词is的表语。使



Obviously,education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills,including those associated with sport,art or music.

句中,that引导的同位语从句:that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills,including those associated with sport, art or music.是对先行词belief的补充说明。其用法为:在句中需





名师逐段解析剑10雅思写作高分范文 雅思写作如何写好开头段?雅思写作中间段落如何不露痕迹的过渡?雅思写作结尾如何凝练?小编今天与大家分享一篇剑10的雅思高分范文,教大家雅思写作如何从头到尾写出漂亮的句子。 The escalationg cost of higher education is causing many to question the value of continguing education beyond high school. (雅思写作范文第一段:不俗的导入+对于题目的改写) Many wonder whether the high cost of tuition, the opportunity cost of choosing college over full-time employment, and the accumulation of thousands of dollars of debt is, in the long run, worth the investment. (雅思写作范文第二段:对于导入的进一步解释,展示了自己强大的词汇实力) These sizeable differences in lifetime earnings put the costs of college study in realistic perspective. (雅思写作范文第三段:这种主题句觉得不是一般中国学生可以写出来的) These statistics support the contiention that, though the cost of higher education is significant , given the earnings disparity that exists betweeen those who earn a bachelor’s degreee and those who do not, the individual rate of return on investment in higher eduction is sufficiently high to warrant the cost. (雅思写作范文第四段:完美清晰的长难句) College graduates also enjoy benefits beyond increased income. (雅思写作范文第五段:段与段之间不漏痕迹的过渡) College graduates enjoy higher levels of saving, increased personal/professional mobility, impproved quality of life for their offspring, better consumer decision making, and more hobbies and lesure activities. (雅思写作范文第六段:动词过去分词的娴熟使用) 留学改变人生,教育改变中国!


写作常用句子翻译 1经常做运动会提高人的自信。 _____________________________________________________________________ 经常参加体育活动能够提高人们的自信心,这不但对年轻人而且对老人很重要。_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2依赖计算器会影响人的心算能力(mental arithmetic)。 _____________________________________________________________________ 过度依赖计算器可能会对人们的心算能力有负面影响,对孩子的智力发展有威胁。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3很多女孩都不愿意在男人居多的行业里(male-dominated world)找工作。 _____________________________________________________________________ 很多女孩不愿意在男人为大多数的行业找工作,因为她们会面临在高职位升迁中的阻碍。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4环境问题已经成为公众关心的焦点。 _____________________________________________________________________ 环境问题比如温室气体的发放已经成为公共关注的焦点,因此一些规则应该被实施来处理这些问题。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5家长和老师应该努力去减少小孩看电视的时间。 _____________________________________________________________________ 家长和老师应该努力去减少孩子看电视的时间,这样会保护孩子的视力,鼓励他们做户外运动。 _____________________________________________________________________


8个雅思考试入门基础知识全讲解今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是8个雅思考试入门基础知识全讲解的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! 1.关于雅思考试 雅思考试是听说读写四项英语交流能力的测试。分为两种类型,学术类和培训类(A&G)。这两种类型的考试均由听力、阅读、写作和口语四部分组成。其中,学术类和培训类的听力和口语使用相同的试题,阅读和写作使用不同试题。前三部分考试(听力、阅读和写作)必须在同一天内完成。口语考试可能会安排在笔试前一周至笔试后一周的任意一天,时间可以自己在官网上预约。 2.雅思考试A类中,到底应该选UKVI还是普通的A类 注册雅思考试之前,需要明确参加考试的目的以报名相应类别的考试。如果准备申请英国Tier 4 学生签证以就读具有“高度可信担保方”身份的英国院校的本科及研究生课程,只需提交校方所要求的英语语言水平证明。所有英国院校均认可雅思成绩。换言之,可以在全球1000个雅思考场(在中国有53个考场点)中的任意考场参加考试并使用所获得的雅思成绩作为申请英国院校的英语语言水平证明(如院校有其他要求除外)。 3.雅思考试中听说读写的考试内容大概是什么? 雅思听力:30分钟加10分钟誊写答案的时间。考生听四段录音,难度随考试的进行而递增。这些录音包括一些独白及对话、考生将听到不同的英语口音和方言。录音只能听一遍,但会留给考生一些时间阅读问题并记录答案。 雅思阅读:学术类阅读:60分钟。考生将阅读三篇文章并回答文后问题。文章从书本、杂志、期刊及报纸上选取,不需读者具备专业知识。至少有一篇文章包含详细的论证。

培训类阅读:60分钟。考试的文章以英语国家日常生活素材为基础。考试的文章将从报纸、广告、说明书及书籍中摘取,考察考生对信息的理解及运用的能力。试题包括一篇较长的描述性、而非论证性的文章。 雅思写作:学术类写作:60分钟。第一部分,要求考生根据给出的表格或图表,写一篇大约150字的文章,考查考生描述及分析数据的能力。第二部分,要求考生针对某个问题或观点,写一篇大约250字的短文,考生要求能够使用恰当语气及语域(包括词汇、语法等)讨论问题,并展开论证。 培训类写作:60分钟。第一部分要求考生写一封大约150字的信,询问信息或解释一种情况。第二部分要求考生根据所给出问题或观点写一篇大约250字的短文,考生要求能够使用恰当的语气和语域(包括词汇、语法等)表达自己的观点,并反驳其他观点。 雅思口语:11到14分钟。考试采用一对一的面试形式,考察考生日常会话、对熟悉话题作一定长度的描述以及与考官之间的互动能力。 4.雅思一年大概有多少场考试?考试的次数是否有限制? 每个月都有2-4次考试,十个工作日左右出成绩。雅思考生的报考次数没有限制,但是两次考试日期必须间隔7天以上。 5.如果我有身体方面的障碍,需要特殊考试安排该怎样申请办理? 如果有身体方面的障碍,例如视觉或听觉障碍等,英国文化教育协会可以根据身体状况预定特制试卷或做出特殊考务安排。 请于考试日期至少三个月前联系教育部考试中心雅思考试全国服务热线(电话:+86 (0)10 82345671,电子邮箱:ielts@https://www.doczj.com/doc/a55254161.html,,服务时间:周一到周五:08:30 -


2016考研英语长难句语法解析之独立主格 结构 复习2016考研英语的考生,不知道你们的复习进程如何,是否懂得要各项内容均衡“发展”,今天我们来给大家讲一讲长难句中独立主格的七大类型。独立主格,顾名思义,它不是一个句子。在英语中,任何一个句子都要有主语和谓语,而在这个结构中,没有真正的主语和谓语动词,但又在逻辑上构成主谓或主表关系。“独立主格结构”是由名词或代词等名词性成分作逻辑主语,加上分词、形容词、副词、动词不定式或介词短语作逻辑谓语构成。这种结构在形式上与主句没有关系,因此称为“独立主格结构”。 独立主格结构在整个句子中的功能就相当于一个自带主语的状语从句。众所周知,非限定性从句通常以主句的某一成分作为自己的逻辑主语,从而依附于主句。而有些非限定性从句和无动词从句中带有自己的主语,在结构上与主句不发生关系,因此成为独立主格结构。其实,虽然叫作独立主格结构,并不是真正的独立,它还是一种从属分句,在句中有多种作用,如:表原因、表条件、表方式、表伴随、表时间等,在句中通常起状语作用。有时还可以作定语。独立主格结构主要用于描绘性文字中,其作用相当于一个状语从句,常用来表示时间、原因、条件、行为方式或伴随情况等。 1.名词(代词)+不定式 【例句】Nobody to come later, we will not continue to wait.如果一会儿没有人来,我们就不等了。 2.名词(代词)+现在分词 【例句】The teacher being ill, we’d better visit him.老师生病了,我们最好去看看他。 3.It being+名词(代词) 【例句】It being the Spring Festival, the shops were closed.由于过年,商店都关门了。 4.There being+名词(代词) 【例句】There being no further business, I declare the thing is decided.没有什么事要再继续讨论了,我宣布这事就这么决定了。 5.名词(代词)+过去分词 【例句】More time given, we should have done the job much better.如果给我们更多的时间,我们会把工作做得更好。


简易分析阅读中的长难句并化为己用(二) 南京环球雅思学校 在上一期我们讨论并学习了句子分析的终极目标:有效提取句子的对应内容。相信各位读者已经能够在阅读长难句时减轻在语法方面和句意方面的干扰,更快的抓住需要被看到的句中重点了,那么在这个基础上,我们就可以进一步深化这个概念,重新形成一套简化版“语法”,更加轻松且详细的分割理解一个长句。 所谓简化版的语法,可以理解为,简单的从词性角度出发,明确每个词性在句中的功能,组成最基本的句子,再将基本句子加叠,形成复合句型。在这个过程中忽略复杂的语法成分,如定,表,状,补,同位等等成分,从而完整的造出没有错误的长句。 其实这种造句方法也是天然的人类接触语言后会经历的一个过程,只是大量考生同学,在小中大学的系统教育过程中,过度专注应试性,从而形成了思维定势,一开口说英语或者提笔写句子的时候就想复杂的语法,就像是还没迈步走路,前面已经自己给自己挖了个坑,结果必然是跌倒了。 言归正传,在一句话的成立中起到关键作用的,共有三种词性: 1.动词 动词是句子区别于非句子(短语或者有语法错误的句子)的最根本之处,英语中最为简单的句型,口语中的祈使句,如从小到大英语课上课前班长说起立——Please stand up!也必须包含最基本的动词成分。 特别注意,动词在一个单句中,有且只能有一个,如果出现多个动词,则为错误句。 请各位读者比较以下四个句子,即可见分晓: I from China. I am from China. I come from China. I am come from China. 2.引导性词语 顾名思义,此类词语专门出现在从句的开头,用来引导各个类型的从句,通常在正式语法中会有多种分类,不过我们在这里予以简化,基本构成有三大块。 引导各类修饰限定性的从句:which, who(m), where, when, why, how, that等 引导各类复杂结构,如因果,转折,倒装等:because, so, if, then, although, but,等引导各类时间地点的说明性从句:since, before, until等 3.介词(连词) 充当最基本的连接作用,在动词,名词之间起到润滑作用。通常是最不重要的修饰性内容。 在看到任何一个长句时,我们都可以按照这三种词性,来切分和理解句子的每个部分,


雅思写作经典句子 Virtue and a trade are the best portion for children. 德行和一门技能是孩子最好的遗产。 Better early than late. 宁早勿迟。 A man can do no more than he can. 量力而行。 Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates. 诚实和勤奋应成为你永远的伴侣。 Early birds catch worms. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 Every coin has its two sides. 有利有弊。 Every man has his hobby-horse. 人各有所好。 Every man has his his taste. 人各有所好。 Every one is born equal. 人人生而平等。 Every rose has its thron. 每朵玫瑰都有刺。 Good things stay indoors while bad things will go far away. 好事不出门,坏事传千里。 Gossip is a fearing thing. 人言可畏。 He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 It is never too late to learn. 学习永远不嫌晚。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富。 A contented mind is a perpetual feast. 知足长乐。 a friend in need is a friend inneed. 患难见真情。


雅思写作地图题深度解析(上) 朗阁海外考试研究中心姜芮 在雅思小作文中,流程图和地图题无疑对于广大考生来说都有不小的威胁,很多考生在遇到此类型的题目时,会变得手足无措,不知道应该从何写起。许多考生抱着侥幸的心里,往往不重视此类小众题目的备考,结果作文分数受到了很大的影响。在本系列文章中,朗阁海外考试研究中心写作组的专家将着重对雅思写作地图题做一个深度解析。 我们用两个经典的地图题真题为例,在近两年出现的数次地图题中,多数都是属于这类“三格地图”。 WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagram below shows the development of the village of Kelsby between 1780 and 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 在审题过程中我们需要特别注意以下几点: 1. 时态:关注时态是小作文能否取得高分的关键,同样对于地图题,我们也应该很好地注意时态,本文的时间是明确的,都是过去的时间,因此全文应当使用一般过去时。 2. 顺序:该图属于动态的地图题,这种类型的地图题一律按照时间顺序来写。在这道题中,也就是按照图的顺序依次来写,不要把元素拆开。如果是静态的地图题(即不涉及时间变化的题型),则按照空间顺序来写。在描述单幅地图时,我们可以采取上北下南的顺序描述,或者从左到右的顺序也可以,但值得注意的是,如果地图上有明显的方向标示,那就要根据这个标示来描述。 下面我们一起来分析文章的写作。 第一段:Introduction 引言段就是把题目进行改写。原文中的diagram,可以替换成figure,原文中的shows,可以改为illustrate, demonstrate, reveal, indicate等词。宾语development,可以替换成transformations,也可以改为宾语从句how the village of Kelsby developed/ changed. 题目中给出的时间比较模糊,可以具体化为in 1780, 1860 and 2000. 【例文】The three maps illustrate how the village of Kelsby changed in 1780, 1860 and 2000. 第二段:描述1780年的地图 1780年的情况只涉及到静态的数据,因此只需要用存在句即可表达,不涉及任何变化的单词。但是,考生非常容易把这些元素全部用there be这个句型来表达,从而导致句式单一。表示存在的句型除了there be之外,还有非常简单的have句型,还有lie/ be located/ be situated这样的结构。另外还有一种倒装句型,比如“桌子上面有一本书”,可以翻译为on the desk is a book. 除此之外,要注意几个元素的顺序问题。这里有四大元素:住宅区homes,树林woods,农场farms,还有一条河流river。理论上只要按照一定的空间顺序(比如顺时针、逆时针,从左到右)都是可以的,但是要考虑家庭数量的变化是导致其它所有变化的根本原因,因此建议先写住宅区homes。 还有就是土地单位的表达,land是不可数名词,因此不能说a land,只能说a piece of land。为了表达更加精确,可以用a plot of land(一小块),a stretch of(一长片),a large expanse of(一大片)。 另外朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生们还要注意方位词的表达。地图题中常用的方位词有:in the east/ west/ south/ north of ...; in the eastern/ western/ southern northern part of ...; 如果是在角落,可以用in the southwestern corner of ...; 在河流的上/下游:at the lower/ upper reaches of the river; 在河岸:alongside the riverbank; 在河流的南端:at the southern end of the river.


新概念英语长难句语法结构解析(1) 1. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas--legends handed down from one generation of story-tellers to another. 解读:legends作sagas的同位语,后接被动分词短语做定语。 基本结构:主+定+谓+宾+同位。 翻译:他们保存历史的唯一方法是把历史作为英雄故事讲述--由说书者代代相传。 2.One can tell the difference almost at a glance for the spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six. 解读:主谓宾+原因状语(省略句) an insect never more than six 应该理解为昆虫只有六条腿而不是昆虫绝不多于六条腿,全句翻译如下: 翻译:谁都可以一眼就看出蜘蛛与昆虫不同,蜘蛛都是八条腿,而昆虫最多只有六条。 3. Such inns as there were dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old, all washed down with coarse wine. 解读:第二个分句中,simply是副词,意为“食物只有.......”,而accompanied含被动意思,说明人们把陈面包和乳酪搭配着吃,并不是乳酪自己同面包相配。第二句作者把谓语省略了。 翻译:那里的小旅店通常又肮脏,跳蚤又多.吃的食物仅仅是当地产的乳酪加上存放了一年之久的面包,大家只能就着下等酒把它们吞下去. 4.The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene. 解读:这里的paradox并不是说猩猩是自相矛盾的动物,而是指人们对其捉摸不透。 翻译:大猩猩是非洲景观中有点让人捉摸不透的家伙。 5.All this and many other things remain almost as much a mystery as they were when the French explorer Du Chaillu first described the animal to the civilized world a century ago. 解读:句子是一个比较复杂的主从复合长句,应该采用分句法,逆序法来译,先将when 引导的状语从句译,再译出主句。 翻译:100年前法国探险家Du Chaillu第一次向文明世界叙述过这种动物,如今这一切和其他许多事情几乎像100年前一样,仍然是个谜。



关于雅思写作句式:14种句式变换(高分内容) 谁都知道写作文句式单调不是好事,但却很少有人能参透到底怎样才能让句子丰富多样。传说中的句式多样化一直高深莫测,让考生们想当郁闷。 如果你的写作单项目标是6.5或者7分的话,请把下面这些剑桥范文变化句式的不宣之秘熟练掌握而且积极使用。对于只需要6分的同学,如果今天还不是很累,也不妨很快地看看以便有个印象。考官们,不好意思,是pat出卖了你们“压箱底”的宝贝…… A句首状语提前 雅思写作里状语提前是一种相当拿分的句式,遗憾的是很多同学却没有意识到: 所谓状语提前就是把一个由副词、介词、现在分词或动词不定式形成的小短语放在句首。这种句式最大的好处就是在一堆长句子里突然出现一个短语,让句子产生一种长短结合的节奏感。 剑桥考官范文中的状语提前能够用“海量”一词来形容,请大家认真体会下面的剑桥例句中

放在句首的状语所产生的效果: ◆B ecause it is more likely(更有可能的) now that both parents work,there is little opportunity for children to stay in their own home up to that age. instead, they will probably go t a nursery school (幼儿园,与nursing home 不同) when they are much younger. ◆O verall, i think an ability to keep clear perspective(视角) in life is a more essential(重要的,核心的) factor in achieving happiness. ◆U nfortunately, professionals from other fields who make a much greater contribution to human society, are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement. ◆I n spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. ◆I n addition to the financial benefits, some jobs bring intellectually rewards


下载毙考题APP 免费领取考试干货资料,还有资料商城等你入驻 邀请码:8806 可获得更多福利 2018考研英语长难句解析:每日一句(72) 2010年真题Section ⅡReading Comprehension  Part A Text 2 第5段第1句 The Federal Circuit’s action comes in the wake of a series of recent decisions by the Supreme Court that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders. 译文:联邦巡回法院的举动是紧随最高法院最近的一系列决议之后开始的,这些决议缩小了专利持有人受保护的范围。 分析:该句的主干为The Federal Circuit’s action comes…。in the wake of…是时间状语,其中包含定语从句that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders,修饰的先行词decisions,说明了这些决议所造成的影响。 词汇指南 come [k?m](vi.)来,来到(中考词汇)(2009年-阅读1、2010年-阅读3、2013年-阅读3)(co-共同,一起,me= move-移动→ 往一起移动、往一起来——即来,来到) 考点搭配: come in 意义所在(2009年-阅读1) come up with 提出,想出,提供(2010年-阅读3) those to come 后人(2013年-阅读3) series[ si?ri:z](n.)连续,一系列;(系列)丛书(中考词汇)(2007年-阅读1、2013年-完型)(ser=sert-词根,插入,加入,i-连字符,es-复数 → 随后加入、使其成为前后相连的一些——即连续,系列,引申为(系列)丛书。) 考点搭配:a random series of numbers 随机的序列数(2007年-阅读1) 考试使用毙考题,不用再报培训班


雅思阅读长难句分析 1.There had, of course, been dictionaries in the past, the first of these being a little book of some 120 pages, compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray, published in 1604 under the title A Table Alphabeticall ‘of hard usuall English wordes’. 翻译:当然,过去也有词典,第一部词典是一本大约120页的小册子,它由一位叫罗伯特·考德雷的人编纂而成并于1604年出版,书名叫《疑难常用英语词汇表》。 词汇:compile v. 编写,编纂 a certain 某一 publish v. 出版 under the title 名叫……,题为…… 分析: 主干部分:There had been dictionaries in the past. (倒装句) 独立主格结构:the first of these being a little book of some 120 pages The first of these 逻辑主语 Being a little book of some 120 pages 分词短语 状语成分:compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray, publishe d ... wordes’. (过去分词短语作状语) 2.Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class, who were anxious to define and circumscribe the various worlds to conquer --- lexical as well as social and commercial. 翻译:除了从混乱中建立起秩序的实际需要,词典的兴起也与英国中产阶级的兴起息息相关,他们急切地希望能定义和界定各种各样等待他们去征服的领域——词汇领域,社会领域以及商业领域。 词汇: Chaos n. 混乱,紊乱 新通教育


雅思写作核心语料库 Part 1 1 offer a sense of job satisfaction and security 带来工作的满意感和安全感2lay a solid professional working experience 积累扎实的工作经验 3 reduce/cut down expenditure 削减支出 4increase/generate job opportunities 创造就业机会 6promote talent introduction and exchange 促进人才的引进与交流 7keep skills fresh and up-to-date 保证技术的不落伍 9lay a solid foundation for 奠定坚实的基础 10 pave the way for the future/development 为未来铺平了道路 11foster a sense of competition and cooperation 培养合作感与竞争感 12cultivate the spirit of team working 培养团队合作精神 13master interpersonal skills 掌握人及关系技巧 14widen one’s knowledge 拓宽知识面 15enrich one’s social and life experience 丰富社会与人生经历 16enlarge one’s view/broaden one’s horizon 拓宽视野 17realize the value of life 实现人生价值 18surmount /overcome / win over /master difficulties 克服困难 19grasp good communication skills 掌握人际交流技巧 20remove misunderstanding and discrimination 消除误解与歧视 21keep balance between work and family 保持事业与家庭的平衡 22raise the standard of living提高生活水平 25enrich people’s spiritual life 丰富人们的精神生活 26promote social skills and competence 提高社交技巧与能力 27strengthen the family ties促进家庭团结 28cultivate a strong sense of responsibility 培养强烈的责任感 29bring joys and comforts to sb带来愉悦与舒适 30usher in a brand-new life-style引入全新的生活方式 31relieve the pressure of 缓解压力 32maintain the community stability 保持社会的稳定


Some industrialized countries have serious environmental problems. The damage to the environment is an inevitable result when a country tends to improve the standard of living. To what extent do you agree or disagree. 正文: Nowadays, environmental problems is (are/have been) one of the most serious phenomenon (Chinglish, 改为dangerous issues)that threat almost some(every) industrialized countries are facing. However, whether only countries use the resource in environment to increase the quality of life is a controversial issue. (我觉得应该改为:Thus, it is controversial that many countries have adapted the technics of excessively exploiting natural resources in order to accelerate economic development.)In my opinion, it is unavoidable that countries break the surrounding(破坏环境?不这样搭配) if they want to develop the industry and the level of life. (In my opinion, comparatively damage to the environment in the process of developing comprehensive national strength is an inevitable result.) Nowadays, environmental problems have been one of the most dangerous issues that threat almost every industrialized countries. Thus, it is controversial that many countries have adapted the technics of excessively exploiting natural resources in order to accelerate economic development. In my opinion, comparatively damage to the environment in the process of developing comprehensive national strength is an inevitable result. First, it is obvious that for our life(?), the purpose of long-term human activity is to make industrial development(make development没有这个用法哦)and improve the quality of life. This means that there are more and more rubbishes when we are working.(为什么用这么多there be 句型呢)Therefore, if we want to promote the economic (promote economy), we may damage our environment in the daily life.(in the daily life 很生硬, 改为in unconscious ways) Firstly, the very existence of human beings indeed exerts various influences on the natural environment, such as water pollution, disafforestation and the greenhouse effect. Besides that, human waste pollution has become more and more noteworthy with the fast sprawl of urban districts concerning the unprecedentedly speed of economic development. Moreover, with the population growing by (没这个搭配哈, with the amount of population growing/increasing 差不多), we need a loads of resource(resources)to support our life. For example, it is allowed by government that every family can get child more than one since 2014 in China.(普遍二胎政策不是这样翻译的哈,还是自己要多查资料) So it maybe(may)consume more resources than before. (it consume,it指代的是什么?) Moreover, larger pollution demands greater amounts of resources to support, a phenomenon that consequently adds more man-made pressure to the natural environment. For instance, Chinese government has issued the universal two-child policy which originally aims at optimizing the demographic structure but may simultaneously bring greater demands of natural resources from the environment.


句子成分分析(综合运用) 目标:依据句子成分,学会分析长难句 背景:一些复杂的长难句一方面是制约考生快速理解文意、准确解题的“拦路虎”,另一方面又是彰显考生写作功底的“走秀台”,在某种程度上来说,对长难句的分析与掌握已成为区分考生成绩优劣的“分水岭”。其实,长难句并不可怕,在正确划分句子成分的基础上,运用一定的“拆分”技巧,化繁为简、化长为短,其意立马显现。所以,无论是从学语法的角度,还是从英语综合素养的角度,都有必要学会这个方法。 Part 1:知识点详解 一、长难句的常见形式 1.复合句 这些句子往往较长,一个从句套着另一个从句,环环相扣,使得学生搞不清楚整个句子结构。其实,不管句子有多长、多复杂,它只由两部分构成,即主干和修饰成分。主干是整个句子的骨架,主要指主谓宾结构(如:I want a ticket.)或主系表结构(如:The man is a teacher.)。而修饰成分在句中只起修饰或补充主干的作用,它既可以是单词,也可以是短语,更常见的则是从句,尤其是定语从句和状语从句。 一般来说,复合句中的从句都是很常见的,学生比较熟悉的,但很多时候不少考生分不清单词、短语和从句之间的相互关系,这样会导致整个句子分析混乱。这时,学生应通过仔细分析,将每个修饰成分划出来,找出句子的主干,这样整个句子结构就清晰了。 [例1]What Winter knows of the 19 yearold who saved his life is only that he died in a car accident and that his family was willing to honor his wishes and donate his organs for transplantation (移植). [分析]此句的主语为“What Winter knows of the 19yearold who saved his life”,是一个主语从句,其中主语从句里面又包含了一个由who引导的定语从句;is为主干句的系动词,后面的that引导两个并列的表语从句。 [点津]分析长难句时找出主干句的谓语是至关重要的一步。 [例2]Pasteur discovered that heating the wine gently for a few minutes after it had fermented (发酵) would kill off the yeast (酵母菌) that was left in the wine, with the result that the wine would remain fresh for much longer. [分析]此句的主语为Pasteur,谓语是discovered,第一个that引导的是宾语从

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