当前位置:文档之家› 新外研版英语八年级上册单词表



Pair: XXX.

Correct: To make something right or accurate.

Spelling: The act of writing or XXX form a word correctly.

Word: A unit of language。XXX。that XXX.

Practice: The act of repeatedly doing something in order to XXX it.

Meaning: XXX XXX a word or phrase represents.

Complete: To make something whole or perfect by adding or doing what is necessary.

Sentence: A group of words that XXX.

nary: XXX.

Grammar: The rules that govern the use of a language. XXX.

Look up: To search for n in a reference book or online. XXX: An error or fault in n。n。n。or XXX.

Make a XXX: To do something XXX. Understand: XXX.

Advice: XXX。conduct。or choice.

Should: Used to XXX。duty。or correctness. Possible: Able to be done or achieved.

Write down: To record in writing.

XXX: A book with blank pages for recording notes or other n.

et: To fail to remember something.

ot: Past XXX et.

Pronounce: To make the sound of a word or letter with the voice.

Aloud: In a voice that can be heard.


n: The way in which a word is pronounced.

Key: A piece of metal or other material cut into a particular shape and used to operate a lock or start an engine.

Main: XXX.


Agree: To have the same XXX.

Agree with sb.: To share the same XXX.

Vocabulary: The body of words used in a particular language.

Ask for: To request or seek something from XXX.

Improve: To make something better or XXX.

Basic: XXX.

Time: The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past。present。and future regarded as a whole.

Advise: XXX.

Shy: XXX in the company of other people.


Quickly: At a fast speed。rapidly.

Deleted paragraphs.

Module 1 XXX of English language learning。It covers essential skills such as spelling。vocabulary。grammar。n。and XXX module also emphasizes the XXX.

One of the key components of this module is the use of a nary to look up unfamiliar words。This is an essential skill for language learners as it XXX.


The module also includes advice on how to improve one's language skills。such as writing down new words in a XXX.

Overall。Module 1 provides a solid n for English language learning and emphasizes the importance of practice。making mistakes。and continuous improvement.


XXX in a pretty good place。XXX and with a wide area。The n is about a n。so it's pretty big。It's in the north of the country。not too far from the south and west。My home town is especially famous for its university。which is one of the best in the country。It's also known for being located on an island。which makes it a popular tourist area.

The area around my hometown is pretty low。with only a few mountains in the countryside。But it's still a nice place to live。with plenty of XXX it rains。everyone takes out their XXX.

In terms of sports。XXX I used to play both in after-school clubs and was part of a fan club for the local team。The games were always exciting and the XXX.

XXX also has a large stadium。which was used during the Olympics。I missed the chance to see the games。but I don't mind too much。There are XXX。like practicing sports or just relaxing

in the park.

XXX is that the roads in my hometown can be pretty careless。It's important to warm up and train before going out for a run or bike ride。But overall。I'm pleased to call this place my home.

Module 4

XXX。there is not much we can do to prevent them。However。we can make a XXX not too long ago。and it made me realize how far away we are from being safe on the roads。It's important to stay close to the speed limit and avoid crowded areas。All the time。we should be aware of our surroundings and make XXX.

When I was younger。I used to love going on long journeys and reading a good book。One of my favorite places to go was the park XXX。as I grew older。I realized that there were other things I could do to have fun。After school。I would often go to the teahouse with my friends。It was a great way to relax and catch up with each other。Sometimes。we would offer to help the head teacher with some tasks or practice for our sports teams。It was a good way to stay active and motivated.

Module 5

Acting has always been a magic that has XXX and thinking how amazing it would be to be on stage。One day。I hope to have the opportunity to pursue my dream。I know it won't be easy。but I am confident that with hard work and n。I can achieve it.

In the end。the cost of pursuing our dreams is worth it。We may have no idea where the journey will take us。but it's important to have the courage to act on our ns。Sometimes。we may face obstacles that XXX。but we can always think of ways to protect ourselves and keep moving forward.

XXX where there is peace is something we all desire。However。sometimes we may find ourselves in danger。especially when we are in the wild。It's important to be aware of our surroundings and look after ourselves and others。If we raise our voices and work together。we can make a difference and create a better world for XXX.

1.XXX XXX the wild environment.

2.XXX of the baby rabbits was in danger as they were in a hole that was too small for them.

3.The government has produced a new set of rules for the tea party in order to XXX.

4.The general nature of the research is to study the effects of climate change on the local ecosystem.

5.The play has XXX.

6.XXX management of the school.

7.The college offers a wide range of courses for students to choose from.

8.The novel is set in the 19th century and describes the life of

a young woman.

9.The parents decided to name their baby girl after her XXX.

10.If you believe in magic。you might XXX.

11.The snake coiled around its prey。tightening its grip on the neck.

12.The scarf was thin and long。perfect for wrapping around your neck in the winter.

13.The danger of smoking is well-known and can lead to us health problems.

14.The baby was finally asleep。giving XXX rest.

15.XXX of a new building in the city center.

16.The goal of the XXX.

17.The wild animals gradually XXX.

18.XXX it.

19.The food at the XXX.

20.The peace talks een the two countries were successful。XXX.


22.XXX XXX dance.

23.XXX for taking care of the children while the parents were away.

24.XXX to raise money for the local charity.

25.XXX study of the effects of n on the environment.

26.XXX giggled and cooed。XXX.

27.XXX over the new law.


29.XXX。fluffy babies.

30.XXX energy was met with mixed ns.

31.The southwest n of the country is known for its beautiful XXX.

32.In order to succeed。you need to work hard and stay focused on your goals.

33.XXX services to its citizens。XXX.


35.The rabbit darted across the field。XXX.

36.I often think about my childhood and the memories I have of growing up.

37.The ocean was deep and us。XXX.

38.While I was walking in the park。I saw a family having a ic.

39.The land was barren and dry。with no signs of life.

40.The pale color of the flower indicated that it had not received XXX.

41.The sun began to appear over the horizon。signaling the start of a new day.

42.The round shape of the moon was visible in the night sky.

43.The cat hid behind the corner。XXX.

44.The baseball hit the window。XXX.

45.I was glad to see my old friend after so many years.

46.We arrived at the airport just in time to catch our flight.

47.The leaves began to fall off the trees。signaling the start of autumn.

48.The teacher asked the students to pay n to the lesson.

49.It's important to pay n to your surroundings。especially when you're in a new place.

50.The two friends walked side by side。enjoying each other's company.

51.The dog bit the mailman。XXX.

52.The children climbed the tree。XXX.

53.The cat hid under the bed。waiting for the mouse to come out.

54.XXX。who caught it easily.

55.The milk in the fridge had gone bad。giving XXX.

56.The pain in my back was getting worse。making it difficult to XXX.


58.The baby was fed every two hours。XXX. XXX Drop

Follow or Trail

Hole or Cave

Rabbit or XXX

Shh (to signal XXX)

Ground or Floor

XXX Party

Twice or Double

XXX Twice


Pink (color)

Pocket or Pouch

Pasture or Field

Consider or Think about

Deep (from top to bottom)

When or While

Fall (or Jump or Drop) to the ground (or water) Dry or Arid

Pale (skin color)


Turn to the other side of (something)



Happy or XXX


Fall from (something)


Pay n or Be XXX

Side (of an object or switch)


XXX Sting




Refrigerator or Fridge

Pain or XXX

XXX Worse off


Module 9

Noise or Sound


XXX Jottings

Report or Account Grow (grew) or Increase XXX


Problem or Issue




XXX 5th

Wait or Hold on

Flat or Apartment Rubbish or Garbage XXX

Local or Nearby


Pupil or Student XXX

Public or Open Service or Assistance XXX

Cloud or Vapor XXX Rain



XXX Overcast



Sunny or Bright XXX


Thick or XXX

Ice or Frozen water XXX Jest


XXX or Heat

Minus or Negative

Degree or Level

Although or Even though



XXX Horrible

Module 10

This module is about XXX。such as clouds。rain。snow。and wind。It also talks about temperature and how it can be negative or zero degrees。Even though some weather can be annoying。it is important to know how to deal with it and find XXX.

Module 11

In this module。we learn about different things。such as hats。chess sets。chopsticks。and toys。We also learn about video XXX。XXX surprise us。It is important to accept and XXX。


外研版八年级上册英语单词表Module 1 translate v.翻译 translation n.翻译 correct v.改正;纠正 adj.正确的,对的 match v.将……配对 number v.给……标号码 n.数字;号码 repeat v.重复 grammar n.语法 pronunciation n.语音;发音 writing n.写作;文章 punctuation n.标点符号 spelling n.拼写 term n.学期 advice n.建议 write down写下,记下 mistake n.错误 notebook n.笔记本 *else/els/adj.&adv.其他 *radio n.收音机 newspaper n.报纸 message n.(书面或口头的)信息,信 pen friend笔友 *each pron.各个,每个

other pron.不同的人(或物) 外研八年级上册词汇 *each other互相 excellent adj.<口>好极了;卓越的,极好的orchestra n.管弦乐队 send v.发送;寄 language n.语言 improve v.提高 basic adj.主要的;最重要的 *watch v.看;注视;观察 n.手表 guess v.猜,猜测 *just adv.(引起注意、表示允许等)请,就.yourself pron.你自己 enjoy yourself过得快乐 *shy adj.害羞的 conversation n.谈话 deep adj.深的 breath n.呼吸 smile v.&n.微笑 *remember v.记住;想起;记着 *forget v.忘记


新外研版英语八年级上册单词表 Pair: XXX. Correct: To make something right or accurate. Spelling: The act of writing or XXX form a word correctly. Word: A unit of language。XXX。that XXX. Practice: The act of repeatedly doing something in order to XXX it. Meaning: XXX XXX a word or phrase represents. Complete: To make something whole or perfect by adding or doing what is necessary. Sentence: A group of words that XXX.

nary: XXX. Grammar: The rules that govern the use of a language. XXX. Look up: To search for n in a reference book or online. XXX: An error or fault in n。n。n。or XXX. Make a XXX: To do something XXX. Understand: XXX. Advice: XXX。conduct。or choice. Should: Used to XXX。duty。or correctness. Possible: Able to be done or achieved.


外研版八年级上册英语单词表(2021年第一次印刷) Module 1 pair n. (相关的)两个人,一对 correct v. 更正;纠正adj. 正确的;对的 spelling n. 拼写 word n.词;单词;字 practise v. 练习 match v.找到与......相配之物,使相配;使成对 meaning n. 意义;意思 complete v. 把......填完整;使完全 sentence n. 句子 dictionary n.词典;字典 grammar n.语法 letter n.字母 look up 查;查找 mistake n.错误;过错 make a mistake 犯错误 understand v.(understood) 理解;明白 advice n. 意见;建议 should v. aux. 应该 possible adj. 可能的 write down 写下;记下 notebook n.笔记本 forget v.(forgot) 忘;忘记 pronounce v.发......的音 aloud adv. 高声地;作声地 radio n. 电台;广播 pronunciation n.发音 key adj. 关键性的;超级重要的 main adj. 主要的;最大的 excellent adj. 极好的;优秀的 agree v.赞同 agree with sb. 同意某人 vocabulary n. 辞汇;辞汇量 ask for 请求(给予) improve v. 改良;改善 basic adj.主要的;基础的 time n.次;回;时间 advise v. 向......提出意见;忠告;建议shy adj.羞怯的;腼腆的


2021外语教研版八年级英语上册单词表2021年月日Module 1 How to learn English 1、pair [pεə] n.〔相关的〕两个人,一对 2、correct [kə'rekt] vt. 改正;纠正。adj. 正确的;对的; 3、spelling ['speliŋ] n. 拼写;拼字 4、word [wə:d] n. 单词;字;词 5、practise ['præktis] vi. 练习, 6、match [mætʃ] vt. 找到与…..相配之物,使成对;使相配 7、meaning ['mi:niŋ]n. 意义;意思 8、complete [kəm'pli:t]….填完整;使完全。 9、sentence ['sentəns] n. 句子 10、dictionary ['dikʃənəri] n. 字典;词典 11、grammar ['ɡræmə] n. 语法 12、letter ['letə] n. 信;字母 13、look up 查,查找 14、mistake [mi'steik] n. 错误;过错 15、make a mistake 犯错误 16、understand [,ʌndə'stænd] v.〔understood [,ʌndə'stud]〕理解;明白 17、advice [əd'vais] n. 建议;意见 18、should [ʃud] v. aux. 应该 19、possible ['pɔsəbl] adj. 可能的 20、write down 写下;记下 21、notebook ['nəutbuk] n. 笔记本 22、forget [fə'get] v. 〔forgot [fə'ɡɔt]〕忘,忘记 23、pronounce [prəu'nauns] v. 发……..的音 24、aloud [ə'laud] adv. 大声地;出声地 25、radio ['reidiəu] n.电台,播送 26、pronunciation [prəu,nʌnsi'eiʃən] n. 发音 27、key [ki:] adj. 关键行动,非常重要的 28、main [mein] adj. 主要的,最大的 29、excellent ['eksələnt] adj. 极好的;极好的 30、agree [ə'ɡri:] vt. 同意;赞同 31、agree with sb. 同意某人 32、vocabulary [vəu'kæbjuləri] n. 词汇;词汇量 33、ask for 请求〔给予〕 34、improve [im'pru:v] vt. 改善,改良 35、basic ['beisik] adj. 主要的;根底的 36、time [taim] n. 回;次 37、advise [əd'vaiz] vt.向…..提出意见;建议;忠告 38、shy [ʃai] adj. 害羞的;腼腆的 39、conversation [,kɔnvə'seiʃən] n. 交谈;谈话 40、quickly ['kwikli] adv. 迅速地;快地


(完整版)新外研版英语八年级上册单词表Unit 1 Ruler •apple •banana •orange •pear •watermelon Workbook •swim •run •jump •skip •hop

Unit 2 Ruler •cat •dog •rabbit •mouse •tiger Workbook •listen •speak •read •write •communicate Unit 3 Ruler •book •pen

•pencil •eraser •ruler Workbook •math •English •science •history •geography Unit 4 Ruler •nurse •doctor •teacher •driver •engineer

Workbook •clean •cook •wash •repair •drive Unit 5 Ruler •restaurant •bank •hospital •cinema •supermarket Workbook •buy •sell •pay

•save •spend Unit 6 Ruler •chair •table •sofa •bed •desk Workbook •sit •stand •sleep •study •write

Unit 7 Ruler •spring •summer •autumn •winter •weather Workbook •hot •cold •sunny •rainy •windy Unit 8 Ruler •Monday •Tuesday


新版外研版八年级上册英语单词表(含音 标) 2013年,教育部审核了八年级英语上册。在这个模块中,我们将研究一些重要的词汇和语法知识。例如,我们将研究如何正确发音,如何拼写单词,如何使用词典,并练如何使用正确的语法和完整的句子进行对话。 在研究这些知识时,我们需要注意一些关键的事项。首先,我们需要注意正确的发音和拼写。其次,我们需要练使用正确的语法和完整的句子进行对话。最后,我们需要使用词典查找单词的意思,并记下笔记。 当我们研究新的单词时,我们需要记住它们的意思和如何使用它们。我们需要向老师或同学请教,以便更好地理解和掌握这些知识。此外,我们应该注意避免犯错误,并及时纠正错误。

总之,研究英语需要我们付出努力和时间。我们需要不断练,改进自己的语言能力。只有这样,我们才能在英语研究中取得进步。 ___。some people find them boring and annoying。___。players try to score points by ___ getting it over the net。Fans cheer their favorite teams on。and coaches train and practice with their players to warm them up before the game。This is the usual routine before any sports game. In n to sports games。there are also fan clubs for sports。movie。and music ___ people who share the same ___. Sometimes。players may get injured or miss the chance to play in important games。This can be a pity for the team。but they still have ___。players should be careful and not be careless。as injuries ___. After-school activities are also popular among students。 They can choose to participate in us activities such as sports。music。or art classes。They can also ___。they may have to


外研英语八年级上册单词过关表 Module?1 1.?两个人,一对_____________? 2.?改正,正确的_____________? 3.?拼写?_____________ 4.?练习?_____________ 5.?意义,意思?_____________ 6.?把…填完整?_____________ 7.?句子?_____________ 8.?词典,字典?_____________ 9.?语法_____________? 10.?字母_____________ 11.?查找?_____________ 12.?错误?_____________ 13.?犯错误?_____________ 14.?理解,明白?_____________ 15.?(过去式)?_____________ 16.?意见,建议?_____________ 17.?应该?_____________ 18.?可能的?_____________ 19.?写下,记下?_____________ 20.?笔记本_____________? 21.?忘记?_____________ 22.?(过去式)?_____________ 23.?发……音?_____________ 24.?大声地?_____________ 25.?电台,广播?_____________ 26.?发音?_____________ 27.?关键性的?_____________ 8.?主要的?_____________ 29.?优秀的?_____________ 30.?赞同?_____________ 31.?同意某人_____________? 32.?词汇?_____________ 33.?请求_____________ 34.?改进,改善?_____________ 35.?主要的,基础的?___________ 36.?提出意见?_____________ 37.?羞怯的?_____________ 38.?谈话?_____________ 39.?快地?_____________ 40.?合理的?_____________ 41.?建议,提议?_____________ Module?2? 1.?小山?_____________ 2.?人口?_____________ 3.?宽的?_____________ 4.?百万?_____________ 5.?相当地,很?_____________ 6.?相当好?_____________ 7.?比?_____________ 8.?北方?_____________ 9.?南方?_____________ 10.?西方?_____________ 11.?故乡,家乡?_____________ 12.?尤其?_____________ 13.?因…而闻名?_____________ 14.?大学?_____________ 15.?岛屿?_____________ 16.?地区?_____________ 17.?矮的,低的?_____________ 18.?山?_____________ 19.?农村地区?_____________ Module?3? 1. 棒球?_____________ 2.?排球?_____________ 3.?烦人的?_____________ 4.?令人激动的?_____________ 5.?已经?_____________ 6.?问题,麻烦?_____________ 7.?怎么了??_____________ 8.?使受伤?_____________


外研版八年级上册英语单词表(2013年第一次印刷) Module 1 pair n. (相关的)两个人,一对correct v. 改正;纠正adj. 正确的;对的 spelling n. 拼写 word n.词;单词;字 practise v. 练习 match v.找到与......相配之物,使相配;使成对 meaning n. 意义;意思 complete v. 把......填完整;使完全sentence n. 句子 dictionary n.词典;字典 grammar n.语法 letter n.字母 look up 查;查找 mistake n.错误;过错 make a mistake 犯错误 understand v.(understood) 理解;明白advice n. 意见;建议 should v. aux. 应该 possible adj. 可能的 write down 写下;记下 notebook n.笔记本 forget v.(forgot) 忘;忘记 pronounce v.发......的音 aloud adv. 大声地;出声地 radio n. 电台;广播 pronunciation n.发音 key adj. 关键性的;非常重要的 main adj. 主要的;最大的 excellent adj. 极好的;优秀的 agree v.赞同 agree with sb. 同意某人 vocabulary n. 词汇;词汇量 ask for 请求(给予) improve v. 改进;改善 basic adj.主要的;基础的 time n.次;回;时间 advise v. 向......提出意见;忠告;建议shy adj.羞怯的;腼腆的conversation n. 谈话;交谈 quickly adv.快地;迅速地 natural adj.合理的;合乎常情的suggest v.建议;提议 place v.放置n.地方 Module 2 hill n,小山;山丘 population n.(某一地区的)人口,全体居民 wide adj.宽的;宽阔的 million num.百万 pretty adv.[主口]相当地;非常;很 pretty good 相当好;很好 than prep.比 get v.变成;成为 north n.北;北方adj.在北方的;朝北的south n.南;南方adj.在南方的;朝南的west n.西;西方adj.在西方的;朝西的home town 故乡;家乡 especially adv.尤其 be famous for 因.......而闻名 university n. 大学 island n.岛;岛屿 area n.地区;区域 low adj.矮的;低的 mountain n. 山;山岳 countryside n.农村地区;乡下 umbrella n.雨伞 Module 3 baseball n.棒球 volleyball n.排球 boring adj. 烦人的;无聊的 exciting adj.令人激动的;使人兴奋的relaxing adj.令人愉快的;使人放松的score v.(体育比赛中)得(分) already adv. 已经;早已 matter n.问题;麻烦 What’s the matter ? 怎么了?

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