当前位置:文档之家› 交大网络大学英语(二)作业一(语法30题)




We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon.


a. Leaves

b. would leave

c. had left

d. left


正确答案是:would leave



His salary as a driver is much higher than ________.


a. as a porter

b. that of a porter

c. a porter

d. is a porter


正确答案是:that of a porter


It is said that______ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball.


a. quite a little

b. quite a bit

c. quite a few

d. very little


正确答案是:quite a few


My father is leaving ______Shanghai tomorrow.



a. For

b. to

c. In

d. Into




Don't forget ________ the window before leaving the room.


a. having closed


b. to have closed

c. closing

d. to close


正确答案是:to close


In the fourth para graph, “a high priority” means _________ 第四段中的“a high priority”是什么意思


a. a first concern要首要考虑的。

b. a less important thing

c. a good business

d. an attractive gift


正确答案是:a first concern要首要考虑的。


Nancy is considered to be ________ the other students in her class.


a. the most intelligent

b. as intelligent as

c. intelligent as well


d. less intelligent


正确答案是:as intelligent as


Tom was watching TV when someone______.


a. came

b. has come

c. come

d. comes





Do you often wait for a long time ______the bus stop


a. at

b. in

c. under

d. in





Equipped with modern facilities, today's libraries differ greatly from _______. 选择一项:

a. these past

b. those of the past

c. which of the past

d. the past


正确答案是:those of the past


Uncle Sam sent him a _______ bicycle as a birthday present. 选择一项:

a. red sports new

b. new red sports

c. new sports red

d. sports new red


正确答案是:new red sports



-- _____ -- She's our history teacher.


a. How is the woman

b. Where is she from

c. Where does the woman work

d. Who is she


正确答案是:Who is she


This is the student _______ I know will pass the TOEFL test. -


a. whose

b. whom

c. what

d. who




I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I __________to half a dozen other groups.


a. have given

b. was giving

c. am giving

d. had given


正确答案是:had given


You ____ buy some reference books when you go to college.


a. have to


b. must

c. must to

d. will have to


正确答案是:will have to


The young lady coming over to us _____ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!


a. could be

b. can be


c. would be

d. must be


正确答案是:must be


I was satisfied with her explanation, _________.


a. so were my classmates

b. so my classmates did

c. so did my classmates

d. so my classmates were


正确答案是:so were my classmates


Had you come five minutes earlier, you _____ the train to . But now you missed it. 选择一项:

a. would catch

b. would have caught

c. could catch

d. should catch



正确答案是:would have caught


The little girl put on a _______ dress for the happy occasion.


a. silk red bright

b. silk bright red

c. bright red silk

d. red bright silk



正确答案是:bright red silk


While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo, ____ is very useful now for me.


a. what

b. that

c. which

d. it





The number of students of this school ______large.


a. aren't

b. Are

c. isn't

d. are not





The old lady is quarrelling as if she ______ mad.


a. is

b. was

c. were

d. are




After the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made

____all sorts of awkward questions.



a. answering

b. answered

c. to answer

d. answer


正确答案是:to answer


I have been looking forward to ____ from my parents. 选择一项:

a. be heard

b. hearing

c. being heard

d. hear




Nobody _________to smoke in the cinema.


a. are allowed

b. Allows

c. allow

d. is allowed


正确答案是:is allowed


A long time ago, I _______ in London for three years. 选择一项:

a. had lived

b. lived


c. have been living

d. have lived




- Don't you feel surprised to see George at the meeting - Yes. I really didn't think he ____ here. 选择一项:

a. had been

b. would be

c. has been


d. would have been


正确答案是:would be


Would you like something_________


a. drinking

b. drink

c. for drinking

d. to drink


正确答案是:to drink


He never laughs ______ people when they are ______ trouble.


a. to… at

b. at… at

c. to… in

d. at… in


正确答案是:at… in


I have the complacent feeling ____I'm highly intelligent. 选择一项:

a. this

b. which

c. what

d. that




精品文档 上海交通大学继续教育学院网络教育试题纸课程名称:管理信息系统试卷类型:模拟卷(闭卷) 一、单项选择题(每题4分,共20分,答案请填在以下括号中) 1. (B) 2.(D) 3.(A) 4.(C) 5.(C) 1.按作用,信息可分类为___有用信息____、无用信息和干扰信息。 A、初级信息 B、有用信息 C、加工信息 D、有价值信息 2.信息系统的研究视角:技术视角、技术-管理视角、管理-技术视角、___社会___-技术视角。 A、管理 B、组织 C、行为 D、社会 3.信息管理的过程包括信息收集、信息传输、信息加工和信息__储存___。 A、储存 B、输出 C、处理 D、表达 4.数据是未经加工的__原始资料________。 A、数据 B、材料 C、原始资料 D、自然资源 5.按_管理手段_,信息管理可以分类为手工信息管理、信息技术管理、信息资源管理等。 A、信息活动 B、信息处理 C、管理手段 D、数据加工 二、选择填空题(每题4分,共20分,请分别选择以下10个答案填空) 1. (h) 2. ( j) 3. (d) 4. (e) 5. (c) 答案:a.流程 b. 层级 c. 可重复的 d. 交易 e. 流程再造 f. 推理 g. 供应链 h. 管理平台 i. 创造 j. 业务数据 1.从管理系统的角度看,ERP 是整合企业管理理念、业务流程、基础数据和制造资源,用系统化的管理思想为企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的__管理平台________。 2.事务处理系统服务于组织作业层,是指负责记录、处理并报告组织中重复性的日常活动,记录和更新企业_业务数据___的信息系统。 3.组织间的合作模式有 3 种:____交易____型、流程型和交互型。 4.企业__流程再造___是指以企业流程为改造对象,从顾客的需求出发对企业流程进行基础性的再思考和根本性的再设计,以达到成本、质量、服务和速度等现代关键业绩指标的巨大提高。 5.电子数据交换主要用于预先商定的、__可重复的____商业事务和信息的自动流转,由计算机自动读取,而无需人工干预或人为介入。


一、名字解释 1、结构性维度:描述组织的内部特征状态的参数。 2、关联性维度:反映整个组织特征状态的参数。 3、管理幅度:是指一个管理者直接领导的下级人数,即一个管理部门所控制的规模。 4、决策方式:决策者在决策制定过程中组合运用各种资源的方式。 5、决策树:将决策过程各个阶段之间的逻辑结构回程一张树形图,称之决策树。 6、管理方格图:是一张纵轴和横轴各9等分的方格图,纵轴表示企业领导者对人的关心程度,横轴表示企业领导者对业绩的关心程度。 7、网络计划方法:网络计划方法是把一个工程项目分解成若干作业(或称活动),然后根据作业的先后顺序、逻辑关系进行统筹安排,合理规划,分别轻重缓急,从而对项目整体进行控制和调节,更好地监控项目的进度,发现可能的瓶颈环节,以及必要时调度资源确保项目按计划进行。 8、前馈控制:是指通过观察情况、收集整理信息、掌握规律、预测趋势,正确预计未来可能出现的问题,提前采取措施,将可能发生的偏差消除在萌芽状态中,为避免在未来不同发展阶段可能出现的问题而事先采取的措施。 9、反馈控制:反馈控制就是通过信息测定实际与标准的误差,对实际进展采取措施加以调整的活动。 10、企业文化:企业文化,或称组织文化,是一个组织由其价值观、信念、仪式、符号、处事方式等组成的其特有的文化形象。 11、经济人假设:“经济人”假设把人的一切行为都看成是为了最大限度地满足自身的经济利益,工作就是为了获得报酬。 12、影响力:领导是一种影响力,是对人们施加影响的艺术或过程,从而使人们情愿地、真心地为实现组织或群体的目标而努力。 13、权力:(权利:在组织中,通过一定的程序赋予某个人的资源支配能力) 14、矩阵结构组织:在一个机构的机能式组织型态下,因某种特别任务需求,另外成立专案小组负责,此专案小组与原组织配合,在形态上有行列交叉之式,即为矩阵式组织。 15、网络结构组织:是一种“外部化”的组织结构,它只有很小的中心组织,并依靠其他组织以合同为基础进行制造、销售等等业务


交大网络学院大学英语二期末考题及答案 第一部分:交际用语(来自课后练习及统考题库)1.-What can I do for you? -____B_____ A. Let me have a watch. B. Could you show me the watch? 2.- I don't know how to thank you enough. -__C_______. A. No thanks B. Thank you, too C. Never mind D. It's nothing C. Yes, you can. Give me the watch. D. The watch, please don't give me the pen. 3. --- I'm sorry I broke your mirror. --- Oh, really? ____A___. A. It doesn't matter B. Don't be sorry C. Not at all D. It's OK with me 4. -Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? -___A____. A. No problem B. I hope so 5. - Peter, don't step on the grass. - _______D_____. A. It doesn't matter B. I can't do it C. Don't worry D. Sorry, I won't do it again C. That's all right D. That's a good idea 6. --- The summer vacation is coming in a few days. I'll share the holidays with my daughter by traveling. ---- ___C___ A. Congratulations! B. Nice to meet you! 7. ---What are Johnson's family like? ---__D_____. A. His family is just like mine B. They all like sports and travel C. Oh, it's really a big one D. They are all warm-hearted and helpful C. Have a good trip! D. It's very kind of you.


题目1 正确 获得1.0分中的1.0分 标记题目 题干 Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ______ of fat. 选择一项: a. a large number b. a large amount c. the large amount d. the large number 题目2 正确 获得1.0分中的1.0分 标记题目 题干 He asked the waiter ________ the bill. 选择一项: a. of b. on c. for d. after 题目3

正确 获得1.0分中的1.0分 标记题目 题干 He helped me ______ my homework. 选择一项: a. of b. to c. with d. about 题目4 正确 获得1.0分中的1.0分 标记题目 题干 If you ride your bike too fast, there may be _____accident. 选择一项: a. The b. 不填 c. A d. An 题目5 不正确 获得1.0分中的0.0分

标记题目 题干 Robert, there's a man at the front door, saying he has _____news of great importance. 选择一项: a. a b. / c. an d. the 题目6 不正确 获得1.0分中的0.0分 标记题目 题干 _______ these honours he received a sum of money. 选择一项: a. besides b. except c. but d. outside 题目7 不正确 获得1.0分中的0.0分

上海交大网络学院 大学英语(二)第三次作业

1. It's ________ that he was wrong. A. clearly B. clarity C. clear D. clearing 2. She was awarded the highest ______ for his contribution to world peace. A. price B. press C. prize D. pride 3. Who should be responsible ______ the loss of the documents? be responsible for 对某事负责人 A. in B. on C. of D. for 4. You should be ashamed _______ what you have done. be ashamed of 为…..感到耻辱 A. to B. of C. by D. at 5. Tom is so talkative. I'm sure you'll soon get tired _______ him. get tired of 变得厌倦了 A. at B. with C. of D. on 6. Who are you smiling _________? smile at 对…..微笑 A. at B. of C. with D. towards 7. This city was named ______ the great president. named for 以….的名字命名 A. for B. after C. to D. of 8. Go away, you're always getting ________ the way. A. in B. on C. at D. to 9. It is not always easy to tell the right ______ the wrong. A. to B. with C. than D. from 10. I am not used to speaking ________ public. in public 在公共场合 A. on B. at C. in D. to 11. They sent the letter to me ________ mistake. A. by B. for C. on D. with 12. Fish can't live ______ water. A. no B. without C. except D. beside 13. He asked the waiter ________ the bill. A. on B. of C. for D. after 14. It was a great pleasure ________ me to be invited to the party. A. for B. on C. to D. of 15. What's the weather forecast ______ tomorrow? A. for B. to C. with D. of 16. She leaned _______ the wall while she was speaking to her friend. A. to B. against C. towards D. for 17. He ran _________ the direction of the school. in the direction of 朝…….的方向 A. at B. for C. in D. on 18. The young man was drunk ________ two glasses of wine. A. on B. with C. at D. against 19. Students don’t go to school _____Sundays. A. in B. at C. on D. to

上海交大宿舍网络申请教程 (1)

为了方便广大同胞顺利申请的交大免费的宿舍网络,我特意小小地搞了一个教程,大家围观一下。。。 这个流程部分win7、win8的,都可以用,不同的地方我会注明:第一部分:获取本电脑mac地址: Step1:在电脑开始菜单那输入“cmd”,(如图1),然后点回车,进入一个窗口界面,如图2. 图1 图2

Step2:然后在光标闪烁处直接输入“getmac –v”(注:中间有空格隔开;小短线是“减号“),然后点回车,出现如下界面。如图3. 图3 注:这个界面电脑与电脑会不一样。win7以下的系统,咱们直接找“本地连接”这行所对应的物理地址,如上图我们所需要的mac地址就是“F0-4D-A2-D0-AE-22”;如果是win8的,那就需要找“以太网”对应的那行的物理地址。 可以用手机把这个地址直接拍上,后面会需要输入这个mac地址。输入时要输入中间的小短线即“减号”。 第二部分:网络申请(这个需要用需要的网申请,不一定非要在自己电脑上,可以去旁边寝室,或者让同学帮忙申请) Step1:进入“https://www.doczj.com/doc/a7196372.html,”界面(如图1),然后在网页的

左侧偏上的位置找到“网络申请”,点击进入,如图2. 图1 图2 Step2:进入界面后,单击“学生宿舍网络/申请流程”。如图3所示。

图3 Step3:进入界面后,单击申请步骤里的网址,如图4所示。 图4 Step4:进入界面后,点击“使用Jaccount账号登陆“,如图5所示。

图5 Step5:登陆完成后还会返回到图5界面,只不过此时已经登陆到你的界面里了,然后单击图5左侧的“申请开网”。 Step6:由于我已经申请完了,所以后面的界面没有截图了),接下来是回忆版:进入界面后,会出现两行字,我记得单击其中一行,意思是你已经阅读过申请流程什么的了。 Step7:我记得进去之后会问你这个网站会获得你的各种信息,问你是否授权,你点击授权。 (注意:Step6和7忘了哪个先出现了,总之一样的步骤内容)Step8:这个界面需要输入你的宿舍楼信息,房间信息,还有第一部分的mac地址。宿舍楼就找自己的楼号,房间可能要具体到你的床位是东还是西,东的话是D,西就是X,然后再输入你的mac 地址,点“申请开通”。 Step9:上一步点击进入后,会出来一个界面,界面的左侧部分有一个表格,里边有你的各种信息,你用手机把这里边的信息拍


1. This year saw the publication of rich assortment of realistic fictions for children aged 8-12 and older. 2. People with narcissistic personality disorder have a great sense of self-importance. 3. Studies on film consumers had indicated teenage audience as a prime market, with the result that Hollywood filmmakers obsessively catered to that market, sometimes at the expense of adult fare. 4. They were seen warring, slaying and eating each other, 5. Attempting to make money from the growing legion of both female and male fans of basketball, 6. Being somewhat older than he was, they instilled into him a false idea 7. It is perhaps difficult for White South Africans, with an ingrained prejudice against communism 8. the secretary and chairman hustled back and forth between committees 9.49 people were killed and 47 injured in the stampeded. 10. I had harbored qualms about just how I might be received. 1. where the sacred and profane lived in close proximity. 2. World War I broke out after the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which ignited an already tense territorial feud between….. 3. That night Dr. Leighton concocted a plane to rid himself of this old woman, 4. with the terrific reverberations almost deafening us inside. 5. The great many of slaveholders look upon education among the slaves as utterly subversive of the slave system. 6. is as well known for its mastery of technical innovations as for enigmatic smile of the subject. 7. at t he convergence of youth and manhood in a timeless moment 8. J D was sworn in as provisional president of the CSA defy material injure from external annoyance. 10. T he skin texture of noble was so transparent that the blue veins might be seen branching off in various directions. 1. Although it has been stressed that the confidential information should be kept in absolute secrecy somehow it is given away. 2. The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city.

上海交通大学网络学院《 》学位课程教学大纲 - 上海交通大学继续教育

上海交通大学网络教育学院 《货币银行学》学位课程考试大纲 课程名称:货币银行学/ The Economics of Money and Banking 学时/学分: 60(其中理论课45学时,课程论文15学时)/4 适用专业:金融学(专升本) 先修课程:政治经济学,宏微观经济学,财务学,会计学等课程 推荐教材: 李明贤主编.货币银行学.国防科技大学出版社,2003年7月 戴国强.货币银行学.高等教育出版社,上海社会科学院出版社,2000年7月 参考教材:易纲,吴有昌主编.货币银行学.上海人民出版社,1999 M·米什金(美).货币金融学.中国人民大学出版社,1998 一、课程的性质和任务 货币银行学是一门专业基础理论课,通过本课程的学习,使得学生能全面掌握货币起源、定义和计量、货币供给和货币需求理论、货币政策和通货膨胀理论、银行和金融市场的基本原理,能运用一般理论分析现实的金融问题,掌握货币银行领域里的一些新情况和新的理论成果。 二、考试内容和基本要求 (一) 货币与货币制度 1.考核内容 (1) 货币的起源 (2) 货币的形式 (3) 货币的本质 (4) 货币的职能 (5) 货币制度 2.考核要求 (1)了解货币产生和发展的历史及其演变趋势;了解货币形式的演化。(2)从货币的起 源与发展理解货币的本质;能正确辨析各种货币学说。(3)理解货币的各种职能;重点掌握货币职能的特点与作用。(4)了解货币制度的基本内容;理解货币制度演变的原因。 重点掌握布雷顿森林体系和现行信用货币制度的内容与特点。(5)准确识记本章的基本概念,掌握基本知识点 (二) 信用与信用工具 1.考核内容 (1) 信用及其产生 (2) 信用的历史 (3) 现代信用及其作用 (4) 现代信用形式 2.考核要求 (1)了解信用产生和发展的历史及其演变,重点掌握高利贷信用的特点作用,正确认识 新兴资产阶级反对高利贷的斗争。(2)重点掌握信用与货币的关系。(3)正确理解现代信

交大网络大学英语三 模拟试卷

上海交通大学继续教育学院模拟试题 大学英语三 第一部分交际用语(10分) 此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出正确选项。 1. -- Do you mind my smoking here? -- _______________. A. No, thanks B. Yes, I do C. Yes. I’d rather not D. Good idea 2. -- Do you think Tom is ill? -- _______________. A. No, I don’t think so B. Yes, he’s very well C. Yes, I like him very well D. No, I was ill yesterday 3. -- Jim, please don’t put your head out of the window on the bus. It’s dangerous! -- _______________. A. Good idea B. Sorry, I won’t do it again C. It doesn’t matter D. It’s good 4. -- I hear you are moving into a new apartment soon. -- _______________ A. Yes, who told you that? B. No, I never do anything like that. C. Yes, but it’s more expensive. D. No, no way. 5. -- How many languages does Peter speak? -- _______________. A. Many languages B. Pretty well C. Four languages D. With his roommates 6- Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is? - _________ A. Don't ask me. B. Parking is very difficult. C. Sorry, I'm a stranger here. D. Sorry, you can't park here. 7- Will you come to my birthday party this Sunday? - _________ A. I'm very busy. B. Ok, I don't. C. Ok, I do. D. Ok, I will. 8- Excuse me, when does the next flight from Paris arrive? - _________ A. In half an hour. B. An hour before. C. Until the next one. D. Before another one. 9- This is Bill speaking. May I speak to Mr. Smith? - _________. Here he comes. A. No, speaking. B. Don't go away. C. Who are you? D. Hold on.




上海交通大学继续教育学院模拟试题 大学英语三 第一部分交际用语(10分) 此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出正确选项。 1. -- Do you mind my smoking here? -- _______________. A. No, thanks B. Yes, I do C. Yes. I’d rather not D. Good idea 2. -- Do you think Tom is ill? -- _______________. A. No, I don’t think so B. Yes, he’s very well C. Yes, I like him very well D. No, I was ill yesterday 3. -- Jim, please don’t put your head out of the window on the bus. It’s dangerous! -- _______________. A. Good idea B. Sorry, I won’t do it again C. It doesn’t matter D. It’s good 4. -- I hear you are moving into a new apartment soon. -- _______________ A. Yes, who told you that? B. No, I never do anything like that. C. Yes, but it’s more expensive. D. No, no way. 5. -- How many languages does Peter speak? -- _______________. A. Many languages B. Pretty well C. Four languages D. With his roommates 6- Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is? - _________ A. Don't ask me. B. Parking is very difficult. C. Sorry, I'm a stranger here. D. Sorry, you can't park here. 7- Will you come to my birthday party this Sunday? - _________ A. I'm very busy. B. Ok, I don't. C. Ok, I do. D. Ok, I will. 8- Excuse me, when does the next flight from Paris arrive? - _________ A. In half an hour. B. An hour before. C. Until the next one. D. Before another one. 9- This is Bill speaking. May I speak to Mr. Smith? - _________. Here he comes. A. No, speaking. B. Don't go away. C. Who are you? D. Hold on.

上海交大网络学院 人力资源作业一和作业二 - 打印

作业一 题目1 战略管理中有一个SWOT分析,即优势、劣势、机遇、威胁。下列属于劣势的是: 选择一项: a. 在生产葡萄酒方面,英国100人的生产率只有法国的80%; b. 美国篮球国家队平均身高超过中国队5厘米; c. 一次性打火机出现后,火柴生产面临绝境 d. 上海刚刚建立的自由贸易区对各国经贸活动提供了方便; 题目2 影响企业人力资源规划的内部因素有:企业目标变化,员工素质变化,组织形式变化,高层领导的观念和态度。下列属于企业目标变化的是: 选择一项: a. 某企业老总对人力资源部经理说:“招聘员工一定要具备开拓精神和开拓能力的” b. 企业原打算开辟国外市场,对招聘的新员工外语要求很高,后因故只开辟国内市场,对英语几乎不要求了; c. 某企业计划送20名在岗管理人员到高校培训,后因撤销了总经理(副总)这一层次的管理者,计划也随之取消; d. 某企业原先打算招聘本科生,后来投简历的研究生居多,于是把要求提高了; 题目3 在下列生产力公式中,表现科学技术乘数效应的是: 选择一项: a. 生产力=劳动者+劳动资料+劳动对象+科学技术; b. D生产力=(劳动者+劳动资料+劳动对象)科学技术 c. 生产力=劳动者+劳动资料+劳动对象; d. 生产力=(劳动者+劳动资料+劳动对象)×科学技术; 题目4 战略管理有三个层次:公司战略、业务战略、职能战略。下列属于职能战略的是: 选择一项: a. 海尔在国内市场上开展秋季攻势,买冰箱送冰激凌; b. 海尔打算十年内开发和占领农村市场;

c. 海尔动用10亿美元力图能进入和占领美国市场; d. 惠普在进入中国市场初期,每年在大学生毕业时都会招聘优秀人才储备2-3年; 题目5 面试者本质上就是一个考官,其自身的能力与技巧对招聘工作影响很大,为此,面试者需要有较高技巧包括:面试准备、问题设计和发问技巧、沟通技巧、把握面谈过程的技巧以及结束面谈的技巧。下列属于准备充分的是: 选择一项: a. 每一个被面试者在和刘总面谈后都会感到一阵轻松 b. 王先生主持招聘喜欢准备六道题和让应聘者对某一问题谈自己认识; c. 人事经理王先生不管主持招聘什么岗位的员工和管理者,都能熟练把握应聘者的条件和能力; d. 张先生面试时总是家常式会话,使应聘者能轻松自如回答问题; 题目6 人力资源供给有三方面因素:现有人力资源存量,企业内部人力资源的流动,企业内部的员工培训。下列语句含义体现人力资源存量的是: 选择一项: a. 十年树木百年树人; b. 流水不腐户枢不蠹; c. 养兵千日用兵一时; d. 百尺竿头更进一步; 题目7 人的潜能主要存在于潜意识之中,潜意识通过各种各样的形式,对人的行为产生着潜移默化的影响,潜意识的表现形式有:感知、直觉、情绪、信念等。下列属于直觉的是: 选择一项: a. 晓东午觉刚睡醒,妈妈就对他说,××大学的录取通知书来了,晓东一蹦老高; b. 某银行行长不仅穿戴整洁,还修指甲及涂指甲油。一客户在玩牌时见此情景感觉不妙,第二天就从这家银行将自己的所有积蓄取出来,没多久这家银行果然倒闭了;


一、 名字解释 1、结构性维度:描述组织的内部特征状态的参数。 2、关联性维度:反映整个组织特征状态的参数。 3、管理幅度:是指一个管理者直接领导的下级人数,即一个管理部门所控制的规模。 4、决策方式:决策者在决策制定过程中组合运用各种资源的方式。 5、决策树:将决策过程各个阶段之间的逻辑结构回程一张树形图,称之决策树。 6、管理方格图:是一张纵轴和横轴各9等分的方格图,纵轴表示企业领导者对人的关心程度,横轴表示企业领导者对业绩的关心程度。 7、网络计划方法:网络计划方法是把一个工程项目分解成若干作业(或称活动),然后根据作业的先后顺序、逻辑关系进行统筹安排,合理规划,分别轻重缓急,从而对项目整体进行控制和调节,更好地监控项目的进度,发现可能的瓶颈环节,以及必要时调度资源确保项目按计划进行。 8、前馈控制:是指通过观察情况、收集整理信息、掌握规律、预测趋势,正确预计未来可能出现的问题,提前采取措施,将可能发生的偏差消除在萌芽状态中,为避免在未来不同发展阶段可能出现的问题而事先采取的措施。 9、反馈控制:反馈控制就是通过信息测定实际与标准的误差,对实际进展采取措施加以调整的活动。 10、企业文化:企业文化,或称组织文化,是一个组织由其价值观、信念、仪式、符号、处事方式等组成的其特有的文化形象。 11、经济人假设:“经济人”假设把人的一切行为都看成是为了最大限度地满足自身的经济利益,工作就是为了获得报酬。 12、影响力:领导是一种影响力,是对人们施加影响的艺术或过程,从而使人们情愿地、真心地为实现组织或群体的目标而努力。 13、权力:(权利:在组织中,通过一定的程序赋予某个人的资源支配能力) 14、矩阵结构组织:在一个机构的机能式组织型态下,因某种特别任务需求,另外成立专案小组负责,此专案小组与原组织配合,在形态上有行列交叉之式,即为矩阵式组织。 15、网络结构组织:是一种“外部化”的组织结构,它只有很小的中心组织,并依靠其他组织以合同为基础进行制造、销售等等业务 二、单选 1、你认为管理是:管理自己和他人 2、你认为管理学是:科学与艺术 3、你认为科学管理之父是:泰勒 4、强制惩罚和金钱奖励措施是基于那种人性假设:经济人 5、专业技能是那个组织层次最强调的管理技能:基层管理 6、管理跨度与管理层次之间有什么关系:反向关系 7、下列那种知识可以用于信息化:可编码的知识 8、只是管理的最高层次是:塑造学习型组织9、下列哪项不属于决策方式体系:发现问题的方式 10、下列哪项不是中国文化在决策上的体现:决策个人主义11、下列哪项不是决策判断标准:外部性 12、下列哪项不是命令有效执行的要素:催促13、下列哪项不属于计划的层次:命令 14、哪项不是关键路线的正确表述:活动最早开始时间与最迟结束时间相同的那条路线 15、以下那种观点是正确的:领导现象就是一种追随关系


综合英语(一)(高/专) 题目1 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 28. _____ while the iron is hot. 选择一项: a. Strike b. Hit c. Stick d. Beat 题目2 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 20. There are signs _______ restaurants are becoming more popular with families. 选择一项: a. which b. whose c. in which d. that

题目3 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 35. The thought of seeing her again was all that ____ him. 选择一项: a. obtained b. retained c. sustained d. maintained 题目4 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 3. —— My brother Jerry was promoted PR manager last month. ——_________. 选择一项: a. Oh, please b. Good for you c. Ok, if you like d. Congratulations 题目5

满分1.00 标记题目 题干 22. Doctors predicted that the baby would not survive with such ____ disabilities. 选择一项: a. mild b. strict c. slight d. severe 题目6 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 26. His trousers _____ when he tried to jump over the wall. 选择一项: a. burst b. split c. broke d. cracked 题目7 还未回答 满分1.00


计算机统考模拟试题 6月份统考模拟试题——此为全国网络学院统考练习系统.exe里的内容 单选题(共 40 题) 1. 在现代计算机阶段人们把______年出现的计算机称为第三代计算机时代,其硬件的电子器件为集成电路。 A. 1965-1970 2.计算机的主要特点是______。 C. 速度快、存储容量大、可靠性高 3. 计算机辅助教学的英文缩写是______。 B.CAI 4. 电子计算机从原理上划分,可以分为______。 A.数字电子计算机和模拟电子计算机 5.下列有关总线的描述,不正确的是______。 A.总线分为内部总线和外部总线 6.下列各组软件中,全部属于应用软件的是______。 C.财务处理软件、金融软件、WPS Office 7. 数据是信息的载体。数值、文字、语言、图形和______都是不同形式的数据。 D.图象 8. 下列设备组中,完全属于外部设备的一组是______。 B.激光打印机,键盘,软盘驱动器,鼠标器 9.用户所用的内存储器容量通常是指______的容量。 C.RAM 10.______是计算机各种部件相互连接的纽带和桥梁。 A. 主板 11. 在微机的硬件系统中,______简称为IO 设备。 D. 输入设备与输出设备 12. 指出CPU下一次要执行的指令地址的部件是______。 A. 程序计数器 13. 二进制数 101110 转换成等值的八进制数是______。 B. 56 14.计算机之所以能按人们的意志自动进行工作,主要是因为采用了______。C. 存储程序控制 15. CRT显示器的技术指标之一是象素的点距,通常有0.28、0.25等,它以______为单位来度量。 B.mm 16. 在Word 2000的编辑状态下,选择了整个表格,执行了表格菜单中的“删除行”命令,则______。 A. 整个表格被删除 17. 在Word 2000中,查找和替换正文时,若操作错误则______。 A. 可用“撤消”来恢复 18. 在Excel 2000中,单元格地址是指______。 D. 单元格在工作表中的位置 19. 在Excel 2000中,把鼠标指向被选中单元格边框,当指针变成箭头时,拖动鼠标到目标单元格时,将完成______操作。 B.移动 20. Windows菜单操作中,如果某个菜单项的颜色暗淡,则表示______。 D. 在当前情况下,这项选择是没有意义的,选中它不会有任何反应 21. 在Windows中,单击“开始”按钮,就可以打开______。 B. 开始菜单 22. 在Windows中,某个窗口的标题栏的右端的三个图标可以用来______。 D. 使窗口最小化、最大化和关闭 23. 在Windows中,对桌面背景的设置可以通过______。 C. 鼠标右键单击桌面空白区域,选择“属性”菜单项 24. 在控制面板中,使用“添加删除程序”的作用是______。 D.卸载安装程序 25. 如果要保存网页中的一幅图片,应该______。 C. 在图片上单击鼠标右键,选择“图片另存为”命令 26. 搜索引擎按其工作的方式可分为______。 C. “分类目录型的检索”和“基于关键词的检索”


大作业内容如下: 一、单选题(每小题2分,计40分) 1、OSI参考模型是由( D )组织提出的。 A、IEEE B、ANSI C、EIA/TIA D、ISO 2、拓扑结构是( A )的具有点到点配置的特点。 A、总线 B、星型 C、环型 D、都不对 3、IEEE802是( A )体系结构标准。 A、LAN B、MAN C、WAN D、以上都不是 4、基带传输系统是使用( A )进行传输的。 A、模拟信号 B、数字信号 C、多路模拟信号 D、模拟和数字信号 5、调幅(AM)和调频(FM)以及调相(PM)是( D )调制的例子。 A、模拟—数字 B、数字—模拟 C、数字—数字 D、模拟—模拟 6、异步传输中,字节间的时间间隙是( B )。 A、固定不变 B、可变的 C、0 D、数据速率的函数 7、对于( A ),警戒频带多占用了带宽。 A、FDM B、TDM C、STDM D、以上都是 8、在数据链路层是通过( B )找到本地网络上主机的。 A、端口号 B、MAC地址 C、默认网关 D、逻辑网络地址 9、在基于广播的以太网中,所有的工作站都可以接收到发送到网上的( C )。 A、电信号 B、比特流 C、广播帧 D、数据包 10、下面关于CSMA/CD叙述正确的是( D )。 A、信号都是以点到点方式发送的 B、一个节点的数据发往最近的路由器,路由器将数据直接发到目的地 C、如果源节点知道目的地的IP和MAC地址的话,信号便直接送往目的地 D、任何一个节点的通信数据要通过整个网络,且每个节点都接收并验证该数据 11、关于共享式以太网,下列不正确的说法是( B )。 A、需要进行冲突检测 B、仅能实现半双工流量控制 C、利用CSMA/CD介质访问机制 D、可以缩小冲突域 12、数据分段是在OSI/RM中的( C )完成的。 A、物理层 B、网络层 C、传输层 D、应用层 13、OSI/RM的( B )关心路由寻址和数据包转发。 A、物理层 B、数据链路层 C、网络层 D、传输层


第一部分:交际用语(来自课后练习及统考题库)1.-What can I do for you? -____B_____ A. Let me have a watch. B. Could you show me the watch? C. Yes, you can. Give me the watch. D. The watch, please don't give me the pen. 2.- I don't know how to thank you enough. -__C_______. A. No thanks B. Thank you, too C. Never mind D. It's nothing 3. --- I'm sorry I broke your mirror. --- Oh, really? ____A___. A. It doesn't matter B. Don't be sorry C. Not at all D. It's OK with me 4. -Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? -_____A__. A. No problem B. I hope so C. That's all right D. That's a good idea 5. - Peter, don't step on the grass. - ___D_________. A. It doesn't matter B. I can't do it C. Don't worry D. Sorry, I won't do it again 6. --- The summer vacation is coming in a few days. I'll share the holidays with my daughter by traveling. ---- ____C__ A. Congratulations! B. Nice to meet you! C. Have a good trip! D. It's very kind of you. 7. ---What are Johnson's family like? ---____D___. A. His family is just like mine B. They all like sports and travel C. Oh, it's really a big one D. They are all warm-hearted and helpful 8. --- Is there a table for 4, please? ----____B__, please. Is the one near the backdoor OK? A. Take your time B. This way C. You are welcome D. After you 9. -Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside. -____B____ A. Not at all. B. Sure, go ahead. C. Why not? D. Yes, I would. 10. ---Can I get you a drink? ---____A___. But I have already got one. A. That's very nice of you B. No, you don't have to

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