当前位置:文档之家› 专八人文知识(美国文学史部分)



1. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ____

A Jack London

B Charles Dickens

C Samuel Coleridge

D Ernest Hemingway

2. The Catcher in the Rye is written by ____

A J.D. Salinger

B Jack London

C Flannery O'Connor

D Saul Bellow

3. The image of the famous "henpecked husband" is created by____

A Washington Irving

B Fennimore Cooper

C Edith Wharton

D William Dean Howells

4. The literary spokesman of the Jazz is often thought to be ____

A O'Neil

B Pound

C Robert Frost

D Scott Fitzgerald

5. The main theme of Emily Dickinson is the following except____

A friendship

B love and marriage

C life and death

D war and peace

6. Robert Frost is a famous ____

A novelist

B playwright

C poet

D literary critic

7. The period from 1865-1914 has been referred to as the ____ in the literary history of the United States.

A Age of Realism

B Age of Classicalism

C Age of Romanticism

D Age of Renaissance

8. It’s generally known that the “First book of American” is ___ b y John Smith.

A A True Relation of Virginia

B The True Travels of Captain John Smith

C Map of the Bay and the Rivers

D A Description of New England

9. ___ was the first black woman who published her collection of poems.

A Philis Wheatley

B Ralph Ellison

C James Baldwin

D Alex Haley

10. In Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, "A" may stand for ____.

A.Adultery B.Angel

C.Amiable D.All the above

11. Poor Ric hard’s Almanac was written by __ who also wrote ___.

A Benjamin Franklin … Autobiography

B Washington Irving … Autobiography

C Washington Irving … History of New Y ork

D Be njamin Franklin … History of New Y ork

12. The series of “poems of romantic fancy” are poems written by ___.

A Washington Irving

B James Fenimore Cooper

C Edgar Allan Poe

D Philip Freneau

13. T.S.Eliot’s most famous long poem is ___.

A I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud

B A Boy’s Will

C The Waste Land

D The Golden Bough

14. Hemingway once described ___the one book from which “all modern American literature comes.”

A Moby-Dick

B The Sun Also Rises

C The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

D The Great Gatsby

15. Stephen Crane is famous for ___.

A An American Tragedy

B The Ambassadors

C Main Street

D The Red Badge of Courage


1. D 《老人与海》是海明威的作品。

2. A The Catcher in the Rye(《麦田里的守望者》)是J.D. Salinger(J.D. 赛琳格)的名著。

3. A henpecked husband 是指“怕老婆的男人”,该典型形象出自Washington Irving的Rip V an Winkle《瑞普·凡·温克尔》。

4. D 二十世纪出现Jazz Age,这一代的年轻人物欲膨胀,沉迷酒色。Scott Fitzgerald的Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》根据时代特征,对深深讽刺了所谓的美国梦。

5. D Emily Dickinson(1709-1784),美国女诗人,终生未嫁。主要诗歌包括:I Could Not Stop for Death还有,I'm Nobody. Who Are Y ou?


6. C Robert Frost是十九世纪的美国诗人,后因父亲过世已经英国,在新英格兰享有很高名望。主要作品有:The Road Not Taken,Mending Wall。

7. A 1865-1914,也就是美国内战结束之后,第一次世界大战爆发之前。这个时候涌现的作家,比如Mark Twain刻画出美国经济政治发展引发的社会现实问题,包括“Gold Rush”。

8. A一般认为,约翰·史密斯John Smith 是美国文学的第一位作者,他的《关于弗吉尼亚的真实叙述》(A True Relation of Virginia)则是美国文学的“第


9. A 菲丽丝·惠特利(Philis Wheatley)是美国文学史上第一位出版诗集的黑人女诗人,由于可以想见的原因,在相当的一段时间内被有意无意地无视了。

10. D 《红字》是霍桑的代表作,书中大量运用了象征主义,故事中天空中出现的“A”可以有多种理解,除给出的选项,A亦可以代表Adamic, 从原型角度看暗指原罪。

11. A 本杰明·富兰克林是殖民地时期唯一一位其作品至今仍广为传诵的作家。“光阴不复返”(Lost time is never found again),“自助者,天助之”(God helps those who help themselves)都是其《穷理查的年鉴》中的名言。他没完成的自传是第一部用英语写的自传。

12. D菲力普·福瑞诺(Philip Freneau)创作的一系列描述美国美丽自然风光的诗歌被成为“浪漫奇想诗”,作品有《美丽的圣克鲁斯》(The beauties of Anta Curz),《印第安人墓地》(The Indian Burying Ground),《乡间小舍废墟旁有感》(Stanzas Occasioned by the Ruins of a Country Inn)。

13. C 托马斯·艾略特是20世纪著名的美国诗人,于1948年获得诺贝尔奖。《荒原》是其代表作,该作品反映了战后欧洲的精神危机。

14. C马克·吐温是美国著名现实主义作家,其主要作品有

The Gilded Age 《镀金时代》

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer《汤姆·索亚历险记》

The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》

Life on the Mississippi《密西西比河上的生活》。

15. D斯蒂芬·克莱恩(1871-1900),美国小说家、诗人,自然主义和印象主义的先驱。他在短暂的一生中创作了许多优秀著作,其中长篇小说《红色英勇勋章》奠定了他在美国文坛上不可动摇的地位。



3专八人文知识:英国地理概况 the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france and connects the atlantic ocean and north sea. 英吉利海峡:英吉利海峡是一道狭长的海峡,分割英法两国,连接大西洋和北海。 the dee estuary: a small sea ( in irish sea) where the dee river enters. 迪河河口:是迪河流入的一个小海。 "the act of union of 1801": in 1801 the english parliament passed an act by which scotland, wales and the kingdom of england were constitutionally joined as the kingdom of great britain. 1801合并法:1801年英国议会通过法令,规定英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士根据宪法合并成为大不列颠王国。 gaelic: it is one of the celtic language, and is spoken in parts of the highlands. 盖尔语:是盖尔特语言的一种,在高地地区仍有人说这种语言。 the "backbone of england": it refers to the pennies, the board ridge of hills.


英国文学 一、古英语时期的英国文学(499-1066) 1、贝奥武夫 2、阿尔弗雷德大帝:英国散文之父 二、中古英语时期的英国文学 1、allegory体非常盛行 2、Romance开始上升到一定的高度 3、高文爵士和绿衣骑士 4、Willian Langlaud 《农夫皮尔斯的幻象》 5、乔叟坎特伯雷故事集(英雄双韵体) 6、托马斯.马洛礼《亚瑟王之死》 三、文艺复兴时期的英国文学(伊丽莎白时代)(14-16世纪) 1、托马斯.莫尔《乌托邦》 2、Thomas Wyatt 和Henry Howard引入sonnet 3、Philips Sidney 《The defense of Poesie》

《阿卡迪亚》描述田园生活;现代长篇小说的先驱 4、斯宾塞《仙后》诗人中的诗人;斯宾塞体诗节; 5、莎士比亚: 长篇叙事诗:《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》、《露克丝受辱记》 四大悲剧:哈姆雷特、尔王、奥赛罗、麦克白 7、本.琼森风俗喜剧(comedy of manners)《人性互异》 8、约翰.多恩“玄学派”诗歌创始人 9、George Herbert 玄学派诗圣 10、弗朗西斯.培根现代科学和唯物主义哲学创始人之一《Essays》英国发展史上的里程碑 《学术的推进》和《新工具》 四、启蒙时期(18世纪) 1、约翰、弥尔顿:《失乐园》、《为英国人民争辩》 2、约翰、班扬:《天路历程》religious allegory 3、约翰、德莱顿:英国新古典主义的杰出代表、桂冠诗人;

《论戏剧诗》 4、亚历山大.蒲柏:英国新古典主义诗歌的重要代表;英雄双韵体的使用达到登峰造极的使用;《田园组诗》是其最早田园诗歌代表作 5、托马斯、格雷:感伤主义中墓园诗派的代表人物《墓园挽歌》 6、威廉、布莱克:天真之歌、经验之歌; 7、罗伯特、斯:格兰最杰出的农民诗人; 8、Richard Steel和Joseph Addison合作创办《The tatler》和《the spectator》 9、Samuel defoe英国现实主义小说的奠基人之一;《鲁滨逊漂流记》;《铲除非国教徒的捷径》,仪表达自己的不满; 10、Jonathan Swift 《一个小小的建议》;《格列佛游记》;《桶的故事》; 11、Samuel Richardson 英国现代小说的创始人;帕米拉;克拉丽莎;查尔斯.格蓝迪森爵士的历史; 12、Henry Fielding 英国现实主义小说理论的奠基人;《约瑟夫。安德鲁》;《汤姆.琼斯》,英国现实主义小说的最高成就; 13、劳伦斯、斯特恩:感伤主义小说的杰出代表,《项狄传》,第一部开创了意识流小说的先驱之作品;《感伤的旅行》


英语专八人文知识考试总结 1 专八考试人文知识考试内容总结 其中英美文学包括英国文学和美国文学。英国文学主要分为六个时期: 1. Old and Medieval English Literature(中古英国文学)。 2. The Renaissance Period(文艺复兴时期)。 3. The Neoclassical Period(新古典主义时期)。 4. The Romantic Period(维多利亚时期)。 5. The Victorian Period(维多利亚时期)。 6. The Modern Period(现代时期)。 美国文学主要分为四个时期: 1. The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence(独立革命前后的文学)。 2. American Romanticism(美国浪漫主义文学)。 3. American Realism(美国现实主义文学)。 4. American Modernism(美国现代主义文学)。 语言学,考生不光要知道语言的本质还要掌握语音学,音位学,形态学,句法学,语义学和语言学的知识。 关于英语国家概况,英语专业的学生都会开设英美概况这门课程,但是专八考试的中需要考生了解的是英语国家概况,不光包括英国和美国,还有其他一些说英语的地区,包括爱尔兰概况,加拿大概况,澳大利亚概况和新西兰概况。 3专八人文知识:英国地理概况 the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france


英美文学知识考点\ 一、对知名的英美文学家及其作品的重点考查 1. The novel Emma is written by________.(2005年真题第35题) A. Mary Shelley B. Charlotte Bronte C. Elizabeth C. Gaskell D. Jane Austen 2.Which of the following novels was written by Emily Bronte? (2007年真题第35题) A. Oliver Twist B. Middlemarch C. Jane Eyre D. Wuthering Heights 3.Death of a Salesman was written by________.(2007年真题第37题) A. Arthur Miller B. Ernest Hemingway C. Ralph Ellison D. James Baldwin 美国著名的剧作家,作品有Man Who Had All the Luck,Death of A Salesman,All My sons等, 4.The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is written by________. (2006年真题第36题) A. Scott Fitzgerald B. William Faulkner C. Eugene O'Neil D. Ernest Hemingway 他的主要作品还有:In Our Time,The Sun Also Rises,Farewell to Arms等 二、对英美文学流派及文学术语的重点考查 1.Which of following is NOT a romantic poet? (2005年真题第36题) A. William Wordsworth B. George Elliot C. George G. Byron D. Percy B. Shelley 2._____ is defined as an expression of human emotion which is condensed into fourteen lines (2006年第37题) A. Free verse B. Sonnet C. Ode D. Epigram 十四行诗(Sonnet )是欧洲的一种抒情诗体,诗句共有十四行,音译为“商籁体”,语源于普罗旺斯 Sonnet。原系中世纪民间流行并用于歌唱的一种短小诗歌。自欧洲进入文艺复兴时代之后,这种诗体获得 泛的运用。ABAB,CDCD,EFEF,GG。每行诗句有十个抑扬格音节,常常在最后一副对句中点明题意。 三、重点考查对主要文学家的概况及作品特点的了解 1.William Sidney Porter, known as O. Henry, is most famous for________.(2005年真题第37题) A. his poems B. his plays C. his short stories D. his novels 2.William Butler Yeats was a(n) ______ poet and playwright. (2007年真题第36题) A. American B. Canadian C. Irish D. Australian (1865-1939)是爱尔兰诗人,1923年获诺贝尔文学奖,主要诗集有《芦苇中的风》、《责任》、《塔》等。 3.Which of the following writers is a poet of the 20th century? (2006年真题第35题) 托马斯·斯特尔那斯·艾略特 A. T.S. Eliot B. D.H. Lawrence C. Theodore Dreiser D. James Joyce T.S. Eliot 是20世纪著名诗人、评论家、戏剧家,长诗―The Waste Land‖是他著作,。 英国文学知识简介(English Literature)


英国文学(English Literature) 一、Old and Medieval English Literature中古英语文学(8世纪-14世纪) 1) The Old English Period / The Anglo-Saxon Period古英语时期(449-1066) a. pagan poetry(异教诗歌): Beowulf《贝奥武甫》- 最早的诗歌;长诗(3000行) heroism & fatalism & Christian qualities the folk legends of the primitive northern tribes; a heroic Scandinavian epic legend; 善恶有报b. religious poetry: Caedmon(凯德蒙610-680): the first known religious poet; the father of English song Cynewulf(基涅武甫9C): The Christ c. 8th C, Anglo-Saxon prose: Venerable Bede(673-735); Alfred the Great(848-901) 2) The Medieval Period中世纪(1066-ca.1485 / 1500): a. Romance中世纪传奇故事(1200-1500): the Middle Ages; 英雄诗歌 无名诗人- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight《高文爵士与绿色骑士》: Celtic legend; verse-romance; 2530 lines ~ 14th C,Age of Chaucer: * Geoffrey Chaucer(乔叟1340-1400): 文风:vivid and exact language, his poetry is full of vigor and swiftness the father of English poetry; the father of English fiction; 首创“双韵体”couplet; 首位用伦敦方言写作英国作家 The Canterbury Tales:pilgrims stories 受Boccaccio(薄伽丘) - Decameron《十日谈》启发 The House of Fame; Troilus and Criseyde; The Romaunt of the Rose《玫瑰罗曼史》(译作) * William Langland(朗兰1332-1400):The Vision of Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯之幻象》: 普通人眼中的社会抗议 b. 15th C, English ballads: Thomas Malory (1395-1471):Morte D’Arthur《亚瑟王之死》- 圆桌骑士 二、The Renaissance Period英国文艺复兴(1500-1660): humanism十四行诗,文艺复兴,无韵诗,伊丽莎白戏剧 1) 诗歌Henry Howard(霍华德1516-1547) a. Thomas Wyatt (怀亚特1503-1542): the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature b. Sir Philip Sidney(雪尼爵士1554-1586):代表了当时的理想- “the complete man”Defense of Poetry《为诗辩护》 Astrophel and Stella; Arcadia《阿卡狄亚》: a prose romance filled with lyrics; a forerunner of the modern world c.Edmund Spenser(斯宾塞1552-1599): the poets’ poet; non-dramatic poet of伊丽莎白时代- long allegorical romance 文风:a perfect melody, a rare sense of beauty and a splendid imagination. The Shepherd Calendar The Faerie Queen《仙后》:long poem for Queen Elizabeth; Allegory - nine-line verse stanza/ the Spenserian Stanza Spenserian Stanza(斯宾塞诗体): Nine lines, the first eight lines is in iambic(抑扬格) pentameter(五步诗), and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter(六步诗) line.


第一阶段:中古英国文学(8世纪——14世纪 1. Which of the following does not belong to the works of Geoffrey Chaucer? A. The Canterbury T ales B. The Vision of Piers Plowman C. Troilus and Criseyde D. The Romaunt of the Rose 2. “_____” brings the readers into a world that be longs to the Celtic legend of King Arthur and his knights of the Round T able. A. The Vision of Piers Plowman B. The House of Fame C. The Romaunt of the Rose D. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 3. Which of the following is the translation work of Geoffrey Chaucer? A. The Canterbury T ales B. Troilus and Criseyde C. The Romaunt of the Rose D. The House of Fame 4. In the 14th century, the most important writer is _____. A. Langland

B. Wyclif C. Gower D. Chaucer 5. In Anglo-Saxon period, “Beowulf” rep resented the _____ poetry. A. pagan B. religious C. romantic D. sentimental 6. When we speak of the old English prose, we might think of _____, who is the first scholar in English literature and has been regarded as father of English learning. A. William Shakespeare B. Beowulf C. Julius Caesar D. Venerable Bede 7. _____ is not only a prose writer but also a king of Wessex. A. Alfred the Great B. Venerable Bede C. Adam Bede D. king Arthur

★英美文学知识 (专八)

英美文学知识点总结(专八) Old English Literature (古英语文学) (450-1066年) Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》: The first English national epic. S ir Gawain and the Green Knight 《高文爵士与绿林骑士》:knight literature. 中世纪英语文学(1066-1500) Geoffrey Chaucer(乔叟,c. 1343–1400) was an English poet. He is remembered for his The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》, called the father of English literature ―英国文学诗歌之父‖William Langland (朗格兰,1330?-1400?), the author of the 14th-century English long narrative poem Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》. 文艺复兴(16-17世纪) William Shakespeare (莎士比亚,1564-1616), English poet and playwright, his surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems Venus and Adonis 《维拉斯和阿多尼斯》The Rape of Lucrece.《鲁克丽丝受辱记》 Shakespeare‘s greatest works: 1.Greatest tragedies are King Lear《李尔王》, Macbeth《麦克白》, Hamlet《哈姆雷特》, Othello 《奥赛罗》, Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》. 2.Great comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》, As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》, The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》, Twelfth Night《第十二夜》 3.great historical plays:Richard III 《理查三世》, Henry IV《亨利四世》, Henry V 《亨利五世》, Henry VII 《亨利八世》 Francis Bacon (弗朗西斯·培根, 1561-1626) a representative of the Renaissance in England, is a well-known philosopher, scientist and essayist. He lays the foundation for modern science with his insistence on scientific way of thinking and fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for obtaining knowledge. His Essays is the first example of that genre in English literature, which has been recognized as an important landmark in the development of English prose. Works by Bacon: The Advancement of Learning(1605)《学术的推进》,New Instrument (1620) 《新工具》,Essays (1625) 《培根文集》. John Donne (约翰·邓恩,1572-1631), a leading figure of the ―metaphysical school‖(玄学派主要代表人物),who frequently applies conceits (奇喻) or fantastic metaphors in his poems, involving dramatic contrasts. His poems feature a diversity of experiences and attitudes, and a free range of feelings and moods, achieving vividness of imagery, vitality of rhythms, ingenuity of speech and depth of philosophy. Works by Donne: Songs and Sonnets《歌与十四行诗》,of which ―The Flea‖, ―The Good Morrow‖, ―Break of Day‖and ―A Valediction: Forbidding Morning‖are most popular. Holy


专八人文知识(练习题+答案详解) 专八人文知识练习(1) 1. Morphology is a study of ___1___ A. the internal structure of words and the rules that govern their formation B. the uses of different types of utterances in different contexts C. the differences between sounds used in human languages and sounds in nature D. the rules that pertain to all languages throughout the world 2.Which of the following does NOT belong to “open class words”?___2___ A. Nouns B. Adjectives C. Conjunctions D. Adverbs 3. What is the minimal unit of meaning?___3___ A. Phoneme B. Morpheme C. Allophone D. Allomorph 4. Which of the following is NOT a free morpheme?___4___ A. bed B. tress C. dance D. children 5. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?___5___ A. Rainbow B. Inaction C. Icy-cold D. Unpleasant 6. ___6___ are bound morphemes because they can not be used as separate words. A. Roots B. Stems C. Affixes D. Compounds 7.Syntax mainly deals with ___7___ A. how a language changes through time B. how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences. C. how the human work when they use language D. how a language varies through geographical space 8.Syntactic categories contain the type of ___8___ A. meaning that words express B. affixes that the words take C. structures in which the words can occur D. all of the above 9.Which of the following is NOT the concern of a word category? ___9___ A. A word category can be determined by meaning, inflection and distribution B. T o determine a word’s category by its meaning only is often not reliable. C. A word category can be embodied directly from its meaning. D. Distribution is more reliable than the meaning to determine a word’s category.

英语专业八级 英国文学知识总结

1 Old and Medieval Period 1-1 the Anglo-Saxon Period Beowulf Caedmon – Caedmon’s Hymn Cynewulf – The Fates of the Apostles, Juliana, Elene 1-2 the Middle English Period Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Thomas Marlory – Le Morte D’Arthur (The Death of King Arthur) William Langland – Piers the Plowman Geoffrey Chaucer –The Canterbury Tales 1-3 the 15th Century The Robin Hood Ballads 2 The Renaissance Period 2-1 poem Thomas Wyatt Henry Howard Sir Philip Sidney – Astrophel and Stella, Apology for Poetry Edmund Spencer – The Shephearde’s Calendar, Epithalamion, The Faerie Queene 2-2 prose Thomas More – Utopia Francis Bacon – A History of the Life and Reign of King Henry Ⅶ, The Advancement of Learning, Essays(Of Studies, Of Travel, Of Wisdom), The New Atlantis John Lyly—Eupheus 2-3 drama Christopher Marlowe – Tamburlaine, The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus, The Jew of Malta William Shakespeare – Comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It, Merchant of Venice, The Twelfth Night Tragedies: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, The Tempest Historical plays: Henry Ⅳ, HenryⅤ Long narrative poems: Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece


British Literature: A Concise History I. Review (P.162) 补充09 1. Ode to the West Wind was written by _____. (2009) A. William Blake. B. William Wordsworth. C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. D. Percy B. Shelley. 2. The novel Sons and Lovers was written by __. (2009) A. Thomas Hardy. B. John Galsworthy. C. D.H. Lawrence. D. James Joyce. 3. The Canterbury Tales, a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, is an important poetic work by ______. (2008) A. William Langland B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. William Shakespeare D. Alfred Tennyson 4. All of the following are well-known female writers in 20th-century Britain EXCEPT ______. (2008) A. George Eliot B. Iris Jean Murdoch C. Dons Lessing D. Muriel Spark 5. Which of the following novels was written by Emily Bronte? (2007) A. Oliver Twist B. Middlemarch C. Jane Eyre D. Wuthering Heights 6. William Butler Yeats was a(n) ____ poet and


!!英语专业八级人文知识汇总~ ~英国概况!!来源:姚恩璇?Iris的日志 1.Britain was the first country to industrialize because of the following factors except __D ___. 英国之所以能成为世界上最早开始工业化的国家,原因有很多。但英国是从17世纪以后逐步开始对海外贸易和开拓海外殖民地产生浓厚兴趣的。 A Britain was well placed geographically to participate in European and world trade. B Britain had many rivers, which were useful for transport. C British engineers had sound training and the inventors were respected. D British government was increasingly interested in overseas and colonies after the 17th c entury. 2.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The monarch has very little power. 英国是君主立宪制国家,国王或女王(君主)几乎没什么实质性的权力。 3.the Conservative Party has always had strong links with the trade unions and received fi nancial support from them? 保守党和自由党是英国最早成立的两个党派。大致来说,保守党是中上层阶级的党,它得到大公司财政上的支持;而工党主要得到工会的支持,它的支持者主要是中产阶级和知识分子。 4.On accepting Bill of Rights, the age of constitutional monarchy, of a monarchy with po wers limited by Parliament, began. 《权利法案》的签署,标志着英国进入了君主立宪制时代,一个君主几乎没有什么实质性权力并受制于议会的时代。 5.Females were allowed to vote in national elections until 1918. 直到1918年妇女才在全国大选中享有选举权。 6.The British North America Act of 1867 established Canada as a domain. 《1867年英国北美法案》将加拿大纳为它的自治领。 7.During World War II, as a war leader,Winston Churchill received massive popular suppo rt and led his country to final victory in 1945. 在第二次世界大战中,当时的英国首相丘吉尔作为战争统帅受到了英国人民的广泛拥戴,并带领英国人民赢得了战争的最后胜利。 8.The Falkland Islands war was between Britain and Argentina. 福克兰群岛战役是发生在英国和阿根廷着这两个国家之间。位于大西洋南部的福克兰群岛从1892年起就是英国的海外殖民地,1982年阿根廷开始控制这些岛屿,但是英国最终打败了阿根廷,并重新占领了这些岛屿。 9.In Britain, a by-election is held when a Member of Parliament dies, retires or resigns. 英国的下院议会成员中有人去世、退休或辞职时,就要进行补缺选举。


Old English Literature 古英语文学 (450-1066年) Beowulf (贝奥武甫)---The first English national epic 中世纪英语文学(1066-1500) Geoffrey Chaucer(乔叟,c. 1343–1400) was an English poet. He is remembered for his The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》, called the father of English litera ture―英国文学之父‖William Langland (朗格兰,1330?-1400?),the author of the 14th-century English long narrative poem Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》. 文艺复兴(16-17世纪) William Shakespeare (莎士比亚,1564-1616), English poet and playwright, his surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems Venus and Adonis 《维拉斯和阿多尼斯》The Rape of Lucrece.《鲁克丽丝受辱记》 Shakespeare‘s greatest works: greatest tragedies are King Lear 《李尔王》,Macbeth《麦克白》,Hamlet《哈姆雷特》, Othello 《奥赛罗》,Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 great comedies: A Midsumme r Night‘s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》,As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》,The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》, Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》 great historical plays: Richard III 《理查三世》,Henry IV 《亨利四世》, Henry V 《亨利五世》, Henry VII 《亨利八世》 John Milton (弥尔顿, 1608-1674)was an English poet and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England. He is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost《失乐园》, Paradise Regained《复乐园》Samson 《力士参孙》. 18世纪文学和新古典主义 Alexander Pope (浦柏,1688-1744 ) is generally regarded as the greatest English poet of the eighteenth century, best known for his satirical epigram 讽刺隽语and heroic couplet英雄双韵体.His major works include mock epic satirical poem An Essay on Man 《人论》and An Essay on Criticism 《论批评》 Daniel Defoe ( 笛福,1660—1731)was an English writer who gained enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》, spokesman for middle-class people Henry Fielding (菲尔丁, 1707 ---1754) ,an English novelist known for his novel:The History of Tom Jones. Jonathan Swift (斯威夫特,1667-1745), was an Anglo-Irish novelist, satirist. He is remembered for novel such as Gulliver‘s Travels《格列佛游记》. Richard Sheridan ( 谢立丹,1751—1816), Irish playwright ,known for his satirical play School of Scandal(造谣学校). He was a represntative writer of Comedies of Manners. Laurence Sterne (斯特恩,1713—1768 ), an English novelist. He is best known for his novel Tristram Shandy (《商第传》). Oliver Goldsmith (哥尔德斯密斯,1728-1774)English novelist, known for his novel Vicar of


英国文学 Part 1. Old and medieval Beowulf 贝尔武甫(the national epic of the English people) stricking feature: alliteration, metaphors and understatements. William Langland 威廉。兰格伦 Piers the Plowman耕者皮尔斯 Geoffrey Chaucer杰佛利·乔叟1340-1400 长诗:The House of Fame声誉之堂;Troilus and Criseyde特罗勒斯与克丽西德 小说:Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集----英国文学史上现实主义第一部杰作(他是最早有人文主义思想的作家,现实主义文学的奠基人) his contribution to English poetry: introduced from france the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter (the heroic couplet), is the first great poet who wrote in the English language. Who making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech. Part 2. The English renaissance Thomas More托马 斯。莫尔 Utopia乌托帮 Philip Sidney菲力 普。锡德尼 Astrophel and Stella Apology for Poetry诗辩 Edmond Spenser埃 德蒙。斯宾塞 The Faerie Queene 仙后The Shepherds’s Calender 牧羊人日历 Francis Bacon培根1561-1626 Advancement of Learning学术的进展;Novum Organum新工具;New Atlantic新大西岛;Essays论文集(Of Studies论学习;Of Wisdom for a Man’s Self) The founder of English materialist philosophy Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托夫。马洛Tamburlaine铁木耳大帝Dr.Faustus浮士德的悲剧The Jew of Malta马耳他的犹太人The Passionate Shepherd多情的牧羊人致情人 William Shakespeare 莎士比亚1564-1616 The Tempest暴风风雨;The Two Gentlemen of Veronaz维罗纳二绅士;The Mercy Wives of Windsor温莎的风流妇人;Measure for Measure恶有恶报;The Comedy of Errors错中错;Much Ado about Nothing无事自扰;Love’s Labour’s Lost空爱一场;A Midsummer Night’s Dream仲夏夜之梦;The Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人;As You Like It如愿;The Taming of the Shrew驯悍记;All’s Well That Ends Well皆大欢喜;Twelfth Night第十二夜;The Winter’s Tale冬天的故事;The Life and Death of King John/Richard the Second/Henry the Fifth/Richard the Third约翰王/理查二世/亨利五世/理查三世;The First/Second Part of King Henry the Fourth亨利四世(上、下);The First/Second/Third Part of King Henry the Sixth亨利六世(上、中、下);The Life of King Henry the Eighth亨利八世;Troilus and Cressida脱爱勒斯与克莱西达;The Tragedy of Coriolanus考利欧雷诺斯;Titus Andronicus泰特斯·安庄尼克斯;Romeo and Julet罗密欧与朱丽叶;Timon of Athens雅典的泰门;The Life and Death of Julius Caesar;朱利阿斯·凯撒;The Tragedy of Macbeth麦克白;The Tragedy of Hamlet哈姆雷特/王子复仇记;King Lear李尔王;Othello 奥塞罗;Antony and Cleopatra安东尼与克利欧佩特拉;Cymbeline辛白林;Pericles波里克利斯;Venus and Adonis维诺斯·阿都尼斯;Lucrece露克利斯;The Sonnets十四行诗 The Great Comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream仲夏夜之梦;The Merchant of V enice威尼斯商人;As Y ou Like It如愿;;Twelfth Night第十二夜; The Great Tragedies: The Tragedy of Hamlet哈姆雷特/王子复仇记; Othello 奥塞罗King Lear李尔王; The Tragedy of Macbeth麦克白; The Later Comedies(romances): Pericles波里克利斯; Cymbeline辛白林; The Winter’s Tale冬天的故事; The Tempest暴风风雨; Part 3. The English Bourgeois revolution period John Milton约翰·弥尔顿1608-1674 L‘Allegro欢乐的人;Il Penseroso沉思的人;Comus科马斯;Lycidas列西达斯;Areopagitica 论出版自由;Pro Populo Anglicano Defense为英国人民声辩; Pro Populo Anglicano Defense Secunda再为英国人民声辩;Paradise Lost失乐园;Paradise Regained复乐园;Samson Agonistes力士参孙 John Bunyan班扬1628-1688 The Pilgrim’s Progress天路历程; The Life and Death of Mr Badman培德曼先生的一生 John Donne 约翰。多恩Songs and Sonnets Devotions upon emergent Occasions (The founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry) John Dryden All for Love Antony and Cleopatra An Essay of Dramatic Poesy Part 4. The eighteenth Century Joseph Addison艾迪生诗:The Campaign 远征;剧本:Cato加图名文;Adventure of A shilling一先令的历险 Richard Steele理查德·斯梯尔1672-1729 The Christian Hero基督教徒的英雄 名文:The Spectator Club旁观者俱乐部 Alexander Pope蒲柏1688-1744 Pastorals田园诗集;An Essay on Criticism批评论;Windsor Forest温莎林;The Rape of the Lock卷发遇劫记;The Duncial愚人志;Moral Essays道德论;An Essay on Man人论;Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot与阿布斯诺博士书

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