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综合教程4课后翻译练习 主编何兆熊

综合教程4课后翻译练习   主编何兆熊
综合教程4课后翻译练习   主编何兆熊

Unit 1

I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese

1. 但我们必须学会同样善于应付短暂而干脆与漫长而艰难的局面。

2. 人们普遍认为英国人最终总是会胜出的。

3. 其他国家认为英国输得一无所有了。

4. 一年前我们孤军作战,许多国家都以为我们被彻底打败了。

II. Translate the following sentences into English

1. 我安排他们在小酒吧见面,但那个小伙子一直都没有来。(turn up)

I had arranged for them to meet each other at the pub, but the young man never turned up.

2. 你无法仅凭表象判断形势是否会变得对我们不利。(tell from appearance)

You cannot tell merely from appearances whether things will turn out unfavourable to us or not.

3. 那个士兵每次打仗都冲锋在前,从而赢得了国家的最高荣誉。(stand in the gap)

The soldier, who stood in the gap in every battle, gained the highest honors of the country.

4. 主席讲话很有说服力,委员会其他成员都听从他的意见。(yield to)

The chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee yielded to his opinion.

5. 他们现在生活富裕了,但也曾经历坎坷。(ups and downs)

They are well-to-do now, but along the way they had their ups and downs.

6. 这次演讲我将说明两个问题。(address oneself to)

There are two questions to which I will address myself in this lecture.

7. 我们正筹划为你举办一次盛大的圣诞聚会。(in sb.’s honou r)

We are planning a big Christmas party in your honour.

8. 听到那个曲子,我回想起了儿童时代。(throw one’s mind back)

Hearing that tune threw my mind back to my childhood.

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese




Unit 2

I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese

1. 在我看来,礼貌就是给别人以空间,不冒犯别人,允许别人有隐私。

2. 个人空间基本上是一个公众场合的问题;私下里,我们是允许对个人空间进行各种各样的侵犯的。

3. 就像我们国家拥有12海里领海权一样,个人空间就是我们的边界,只要有陌生人穿过这个边界,就会使我们感到不安。

4. 说到底,个人空间是个心理上的问题,而不是个物理上的问题;与其说它与我们的外部空间相关,还不如说它与我们的内心空间相关。

II. Translate the following sentences into English

1. 那只鸽子被卡在树杈里,不多一会儿就跌落下来。(wedge)

The pigeon was wedged in the fork of a branch and it fell after a while.

2. 驾车人该付多少钱需要根据他对别人车子造成损坏的程度而定。(be proportional to)

The payment that the motorist will have to make is proportional to the amount of damage he has done to the other person’s car.

3. 你只有伏在地上慢慢爬过一条狭长的地道才能进入山洞。(inch)

You can only enter the cave by inching through a narrow tunnel on your stomach.

4. 她一面结结巴巴地为没有敲门就进入我的办公室而道歉,一面羞怯地朝门口走去。(sidle)

She stammered some apology for entering my office without knocking as she sidled towards the door.

5. 他尽力向我解释说不是因为我工作不好而解雇我,而是因为公司面临着财政困境。(take

pains to)

He took pains to explain to me that I was not being dismissed because I didn’t do my work well

but because the company was confronted by financial troubles.

6. 年轻士兵的入伍给军队带来了新的希望并鼓舞了士气。(infuse ... into ...)

The enlistment of young soldiers infused new hope and morale into the army.

7. 一旦大一些的男孩子们声称草坪属于他们,小一些的孩子就只好退避三舍。(stake a claim


Once the older boys stake a claim to the lawn, the younger ones had to give way to them to avoid conflict.

8. 跟在她身后的人让她心神不安,她不由得加快了脚步。(make sb. uneasy)

The man following her made her uneasy and she couldn’t help quickening her steps.

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese


Unit 3

I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese

1. 由于登录和使用互联网的限制相对较少,它的作用就等同于通讯传播中的国际海域。

2. 这听起来似乎相互矛盾:一种东西怎么会既能让人们自由地交流思想、又能使全球融为一


3. 据我所知,他不喜欢夸大其词,因此当他描述自己的网瘾、说常常连续泡网一天一夜时,引起了我的思考。

4. 但代价是消耗了原本可以用来参加一些培养他们村庄及城镇社区意识的活动的时间。

II. Translate the following sentences into English

1. 无可否认,香烟会使人上瘾。而一旦你上了瘾,就很难戒除这个习惯。( addict )

There’s no denying that smoking is addictive. And once you are addicted, it’s very difficult to get rid of the habit.

2. 在日本人生产的一种电子游戏中,玩游戏的人可以模拟艾滋病患者从染上艾滋病毒直到死亡的经历。(simulate)

In a Japanese-made video game, players can simulate the experience of AIDS from HIV infection until death.

3. 我肯定,他说你可以用这笔钱继续学习音乐是认真的。(in earnest)

I’m sure he was in earnest when he said that you could use this money to continue your study of music.

4. 我们只能以牺牲质量为代价来提高产量,但这可能会损害公司的声誉。(at the expense of)

We can only in crease production at the expense of quality, which could ruin the company’s reputation.

5. 她难得生气,不过这次她可真的是发脾气了。(be given to)

She is not often given to anger, but this time she really lost her temper.

6. 一名外语教师如果要在中学任教,他最起码要持有正规教育院校颁发的学位证书。(at the very least)

A teacher of foreign language should possess at the very least a graduate degree from a certified

education school or institute if he is to teach high school.

7. 我很快觉察到我无法使他改变想法。(perceive)

I soon perceived that I couldn’t make him change his mind.

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese



Unit 6

I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese

1. 虽然我没见过有人抬头看它一眼,但打心眼里希望来自美国的旅游者能看到它并会心一笑,或者路过此地的法国人能想到悬挂它的日期和理由。

2. 7月4日是一个这样的日子:我的美国心为孩子们对自己的身份一片空白而感到焦灼万分,这促使我想填补所有空白。

3. 美国校园的枪击事件对我们的孩子来说是活生生的一课,让他们了解到千里之外那个社会丑恶的一面。

4. 一方面,我们的孩子所面对的不和谐的文化差异比我们小时候要少,而且他们有更多的机会接触本族文化。

II. Translate the following sentences into English

1. 大厅里回响着小号独奏的乐曲声。(resonate with)

The hall resonated with the notes of the trumpet solo.

2. 我想象得出母亲在听到儿子的死讯时那张苍白的脸。(in one’s mind’s eye)

I saw, in my mind’s eye, the pale face of the mother when she heard the news of her son’s death.

3. 他走路的样子使我想起他父亲也是这样走路的。(remind of)

The way he walks reminds me of the way his father used to walk.

4. 我把日期搞错了,所以到达的日期不对了。(mix up)

I mixed the dates up and arrived on the wrong day.

5. 听到女儿被牛津大学录取,她心中充满了自豪。(swell)

Her heart swelled with pride when she learned that her daughter had been admitted by Oxford University.

6. 理论上来说,全体公民都有权直接获取信息,而不必等候政府或媒体的过滤。(have access


Theoretically speaking, the whole population should have direct access to information without waiting for its being filtered by the government or the media.

7. 在此次总统选举中,民主党发动了一场拉拢女性选民的宣传活动。(launch)

Democrats have launched a campaign to win women voters over in this presidential election. 8. 他继承父亲的产业后,便沉溺于声色犬马之中。(be immersed in)

After he inherited his father’s estate, he was immersed in all kinds of sensuous pleasures.

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese




Unit 8

I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese

1. 这让他看上去像一盘盆景,树根和树枝都被修剪掉了,一棵大树只剩下矮小的树干。

2. 他两腿的残肢,失去了腿和脚的负荷,翘在半空,露出双腿的病况。

3. 他双手端起盘子,放到右手上,移到手心里,然后把它稳住。

4. 传来盘子在他床头对面墙上撞碎的声音以及湿漉漉的炒蛋轻轻地掉到地板上的声音。

II. Translate the following sentences into English

1. 探照灯的光柱掠过漆黑的水面。(finger across)

Searchlights fingered across the black water.

2. 自从这座大厦发生了一起抢劫案之后,守夜人就更加小心了,他每小时都要巡视一次。

(make one’s rounds)

Since a robbery happened in this building, the night watchman has become more careful and makes his rounds once every hour.

3. 虽然已经没有任何力量支持他了,他依然坚持自己的计划。(prop up)

He stuck to his plan, though there was nothing left to prop him up.

4. 他被警方雇佣刺探恐怖分子的活动。(spy on)

He is paid by the police to spy on the activities of the terrorists.

5. 总有一天他们会接受这个残酷的现实的。(in time)

In time they will come to accept the harsh reality.

6. 那个人的行为非常可疑。他假装睡觉,却不时窥视过往的行人。(furtive)

That man’s behaviour looks very suspicious. He is pretending to sleep, but now and then he steals a furtive glance at the passers-by.

7. 这个国家近几年发生的社会、经济变化如此彻底,使所有邻国相形见绌。(dwarf)

The social and economic changes that have taken place in this country are so sweeping that it has dwarfed all its neighbours.

8. 在拂晓前昏暗的光线中,我看到一个黑影挡在门口。(athwart)

In the dim light of the daybreak, I saw a dark shape looming athwart the door.

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese


Unit 13

I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese

1. 当我读这句话时,我忍不住想问,在哪里能见到这些像常人一样思考或者假装像常人一样思考的常人。

2. 他声称:“婚姻比单身生活少一份美感,却多一份安全感--- 它有更多的关心,却减少了风险;它令人更加快乐也更加伤心;它充满了更多的悲哀,也充满了更多的欢乐。”

3. “先生,”他说,“要让一个男人和一个女人生活在婚姻的状态中,根本不是一件自然的事情,我们发现能让他们保持这种关系的各种动力以及文明社会强加于他们的约束,都不足以保证让他们厮守终身。”

4. 作为社会改革家,我们支持婚姻会给人们带来幸福,但作为思想家和审美家,我们更认同婚姻充满了痛苦。

II. Translate the following sentences into English

1.尼日利亚的石油工业饱受腐败困扰。其结果是油价上涨,人权遭到践踏。(be beset with)

Nigeria’s oil industry is beset with corruption, which leads to higher oil prices and human rights abuses.

2. 我们非常清楚所面临的挑战有多严重、多巨大。(under no illusions)

We’re under no illusions about the seriousness and the greatness of the challenge.

3. 即使你拒绝我们的建议,我也想对你的无知谈谈看法。(in regard to)

Even if you reject our suggestion, I still want to say something in regard to your ignorance.

4. 我们注意到他的诗句如何打动了她的心。(go home to sb’s heart)

We have noticed how his poem went home to her heart.

5. 如果这个世界上都是坦白正直的人,我们就能避免许多无休止的争论!(refrain from)

If the world were populated with all upright men, we would be able to refrain from many ceaseless arguments.

6. 不要奢望迅速完事,因为想要快点完成任务,就不可能把事情做得很彻底。(be desirous of)

Do not be desirous of having things done quickly. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly.

7. 守在大钟附近的士兵是不会被诱离他的哨位的。(decoy)

The guard near the big clock cannot be decoyed away from his post.

8. 每天按时散步也许是延长老年人生命的最可行的运动方式之一。(prolong)

Taking a regular walk every day is probably one of the most feasible forms of exercise to prolong life for the elderly.

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese



攻势已经持续了三天,但是我们并没有取得多少进展。我们在前线与敌人交战的部队遇到了强力的抵抗。师长(DIVISION COMMANDER)命令我们营(BATTALION)绕到敌人后方发起突然袭击。然而,要绕到敌人后方,我们必须越过一片沼泽地(MARSHLAND)。我们很多人担心会陷入泥潭之中。我们营长决定冒一下险。我们在夜幕掩盖下出发,不顾困难,奋勇向前。幸运的是,夜间温度突然下降到摄氏零下20度,烂泥地都结上了冰。由于这寒冷的天气,我们于天亮前到达并从敌人后方发起进攻。这一下扭转了战局。敌人没有戒备,不久便投降了。 The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. Our troops engaging the enemy at the front were faced with strong/fierce/stiff resistance. The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. We started under cover of darkness and pressed on in spite of great difficulties. By a stroke of luck, the temperature at night suddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius and the marsh froze over. Thanks to the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered. Unit 2 汽车在二十世纪改变了世界,尤其是在美国和其他工业国家。汽车确实对我们大有用处,但也带来了一些危害,比如声音污染、空气污染以及公路死亡事故。据报导汽车事故被列为全世界导致死伤的主要原因之一。可庆幸的是,现代发明家们正在重新发明汽车。新的推进系统(PROPULSION SYSTEM)、燃料、设计以及制造汽车的手段在过去的十年中得到迅速发展。例如,通过使用卫星辅助的全球定位系统,汽车里的计算机能给汽车精确定位;随着遥感器的应用,智能汽车能排除不少汽车事故。 Automobiles changed the world during the 20th century, particularly in the United States and other industrialized nations. They are indeed of great use to us, but they have brought some hazards as well, such as noise and air pollution, and highway fatalities. It is reported that automobile accidents rank among the leading causes of death and injury throughout the world. Fortunately modern innovators are reinventing the automobile. New propulsion systems, fuels, designs, and means of manufacturing cars have all developed rapidly in the past decade. For example, by using the satellite-aided global positioning system (GPS), a computer in the automobile can locate the vehicle's precise position, and with the application of sensors, smart cars can eliminate most car accidents.


全新版大学英语综合教程4(第二版)习题答案 Unit 1 Vocabulary I. 1. 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) declarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future 2) has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike 3) will/should never get in the way of her career 4) caught the foreign minister off guard 5) of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date/obsolete 4. 1) Being faced with … the occupation of … regions 2) crucial to … efficient … to reckon with … weaken … be brought to a halt 3) a heroic … the decisive … turned the tide … siege … by launching II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3) I spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather. III. Usage 1) fall ill 2) lay dead at home for two weeks 3) dropped dead from a heart attack 4) fell asleep. 5) marrying young 6) to sit still for longer than a few minutes


Unit 1 lexf Organization

II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather.

- 90 - Appendix I III. Usage 1)But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health. 2)A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it. 3)It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work 1)Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if you fall asleep. 4)In those days people believed in marrying young and having children early. 5)Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes. ■ Structure 1. 1) To his great delight, Dr. Deng discovered two genes in wild rice that can increase the yield by 30 percent. 2)To her great relief, her daughter had left the building before it collapsed. 3)To our disappointment, our women's team lost out to the North Koreans. 4)We think, much to our regret, that we will not be able to visit you during the coming Christmas. 2. 1) These birds nest in the vast swamps (which lie to the) east of the Nile. 2)By 1948, the People's Liberation Army had gained control of the vast areas north of the Yangtze River. 3)Michelle was born in a small village in the north of France, but came to live in the United States at the age of four. ■ 4) The Columbia River rises in western Canada and continues/runs through the United States for about 1,900 kilometers west of the Rocky Mountains. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (A) 1. invasion 3. Conquest 5. launching 7. campaign 9. reckon with 2. s tand in the way 4. c atching... off his guard 6. d eclaration 8. d rag on 10. b ringing...to a



Unit 1 无名英雄:职业父亲意味着什么? 在我们的孪生女儿出生后的第一次“约会”时,我和丈夫一起去看了一部名为《玩具总动员》的电影。我们很喜欢这部片子,但随后我丈夫问道:“父亲在哪儿呢?”起初我还认为因为一个小小的失误而批评一部很吸引人的家庭影片似乎是太偏狭了。可后来越想越觉得这一疏忽太严重了。父亲不仅没有出现,他甚至没有被提到——尽管家中有婴儿,说明他不可能离开太长时间。影片给人的感觉是,父亲出现与否似乎是个极次要的细节,甚至不需要做任何解释。 新闻媒体倾向于把父亲的边缘化,这只是一个例子,它反映了在美国发生的巨大的社会变化。大卫?布兰肯霍恩在《无父之国》一书中将这种倾向称之为“无需父亲”观念。 职业母亲(我想这应是与无职业母亲相对而言的)奋斗的故事从媒体上无尽无休地轰击着我们。与此同时,媒体上绝大多数有关父亲的故事又集中表现暴力的丈夫或没出息的父亲。看起来似乎父亲惟一值得人们提及的时候是因为他们做家务太少而受到指责的时候(我怀疑这一说法的可靠性,因为“家务”的定义中很少包括打扫屋顶的雨水沟、给汽车换机油或其它一些典型地由男人们做的事),或者是在他们去世的时候。当布兰肯霍恩先生就“顾家的好男人”一词的词义对父亲们进行调查时,许多父亲都回答这一词语只有在葬礼上听到。 这种“无需父亲”综合症的一个例外是家庭全职父亲所受到的媒体的赞扬。我并非暗指这些家庭全职父亲作出的承诺不值得人们的支持,我只是想指出在实际生效的双重标准:家庭全职父亲受到人们的赞扬,而家庭全职母亲和养家活口的父亲,所得到文化上的认同却很少,甚至完全得不到。 我们用来讨论父亲角色(即没出息的父亲)的话语本身就显示出人们对大多数男人默默无闻而自豪地履行对家庭承担的责任缺乏赏识。我们几乎从来没听到“职业父亲”这一说法,在人们呼吁应该考虑给予工作者在工作地点上更大的灵活性时,很少有人认为这种呼吁不但适用于女子,同样也适应于男子。我们这个社会表现出似乎家庭职责对父亲来说并不象对母亲那么重要——似乎事业上的满足就是男人生活的全部。 更让人感到侮辱的是最近媒体的这种倾向,即把家庭主妇看成是一种“地位的象征” ——就像一辆名贵的汽车,只有据说少数男人才享受得起这种奢侈与豪华。这暗示家里有家庭主妇的男人比那些妻子在外工作的男人日子过得更舒适,因为他们拥有全职管家这种“奢侈品”。然而,实际上作为家庭惟一挣钱者的男人要承受很多压力。当他们的那份工作是家庭收入的惟一来源的时候,失业,或者甚至只不过是受到失业的威胁,对他们来说显然构成更大的困难。同样,家庭惟一的工资收入者在想辞去不太满意的工作时,其灵活程度也要小一些,因为这种工作变换会使他们失去收入。此外,为了给家庭挣更多的钱,许多丈夫超时工作或兼做第二职业。对于这些男人来说,正是这份工作所支撑的家庭,使得他们值得付出努力。很多男人相信母亲呆在家里对小孩十分重要,这种信念使得他们乐意地担起家里惟一挣钱人的担子。 目前,研究者们普遍认为家庭中没有父亲会对小孩——因此对整个社会——带来严重的问题。然而,我们这个社会并没有把“普通”父亲作为正面角色为未来的父亲树立榜样,相反地,却常常持放弃态度,认为传统的父道从最好的方面说是已经过时,从最坏的方面讲就是危险的反动。这使得许多男人对他们作为父亲的角色的价值提出疑问。 作为一个社会,我们需要认识到对于孩子来说,父亲是与母亲同等重要的,不仅仅在经济支


全新版大学英语综合教程4课后习题答案 Unit 1 I. Vocabulary 1. 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) declarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1)The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future. 2)Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’strike. 3)Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career. 4)Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard. 5)The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date. 4. 1)Being faced with an enemy forces much superior to ours, we had to give up the occupation of big cities and retreat to the rural and mountainous regions to build up our bases. 2)Unity is crucial to the efficient operation of an organization. Failure to reckon with this problem will weaken its strength. In many cases, work may be brought to a halt by constant internal struggle in an organization. 3)The Red Army fought a heroic battle at Stalingrad and won the decisive victory against the Germans.In fact, this battle turned the tide in the Second World War. During this famous battle, the Soviet troops withstood the German siege and weakened the German army by launching a series of counterattacks. II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3) I spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words.


Key to book4 un it1-4 Unit 1 Active readi ng (1) Look ing for a job after uni versity? First, get off the sofa Read ing and un dersta nding Dealing with unfamiliar words 3 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 to make progress by moving to the n ext stage in a series of acti ons or events (proceed) 2 the process of cha nging from one situati on, form or state to ano ther (tra nsiti on) 3 not feeli ng in volved with some one or someth ing in a close or emoti onal way (detached) 4 referri ng to somethi ng which will happe n soon (upco ming) 5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump) 6 to retur n to a previous state or way of behav ing (revert) 7 to say what happe ned (reco unt) 4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. It isn ' t easy to make the (tr)a nsiti on from a busy uni versity stude nt to an un employed young adult (2) slumped on a bar stool or half watch ing a min dless televisi on show, wondering if and how their career is going to (3) proceed . Many people who have experie need a long period of in activity like this, whe n (4) reco un ti ng how they felt at the


Unit1 Working with words and expressions 1. 2. cloze Translation

Answers to Unit 2 Book 4 Unit Two Man and Technology Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions 1. 1) monitor 2) phenomenon 3) isolation 4) gradual 5) opponent 6) advent 7) genetic 8) consciously 9) extreme 10) nasty 11) boom 12) formal 13) soar 14) survey 15) Similarly 16) modify 17) rough 2. 1) at the same time 2) are stuck with 3) for certain 4) make no difference 5) on average 6) when it comes to 7) depends on 8) built into 9) come to mind 10) at work Increasing Your Word Power 1. Adjectives Nouns Adjectives

Nouns 1) technological technology 6) luxurious luxury 2) eternal eternity 7) leisurely leisure 3) miraculous miracle 8) subjective subject 4) relevant relevance 9) prosperous prosperity 5) analytical Analysis 10) innovative innovation 2. 2) multi-faith 3) multiform 4) multifunction 5) multi-ethnic 6) multilateral 7) multi-lingual 8) multimedia 9) multimillionaire 10) multinational 1) a multi-faith society 2) a multi-lingual secretary 3) a multimillionaire 4) a multinational motor-manufacturing corporation 5) a multifunction video camera


Unit 1 1)The village is so close to the border that the villages live in constant fear of attacks from the enemy. 2)In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power. 3)This company has evolved into one of the major chemical manufacturing bases in this region. 4)Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued. 5)The government’s call for suggestions about the control of water pollution produced very little response from the citizens. 6)The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for flood. 7)At one time scientists thought that there was nothing smaller than an atom but now most people know that an atom consists of even smaller particles. 8)The students were all very much concerned about t he World Cup, spending at least two hours every day watching the live matches on TV. 9)The department store lost out because loans were very hard to come by and it could not start business on time. 10)We can’t go there for a walk because there is a navy base there,


全新版大学英语综合教程4【第二版】习题答案 主编:李荫华 上海外语教育出版社 Unit 1 Part II Text A lexf Organization Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One Paras 1-2 Introduction — Both Napoleon's and Hitler's military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter. Part Two Paras 3-11 Napoleon's military campaign against Russia Part Three Paras 12-20 Hitler's military campaign against the Soviet Union Part Four Para 21 Conclusion—the elements of nature must be rekoned with in any military campaign. 2. Sections Paragraphs Main Ideas Section One Paras 12-13 Hitler's blitzkrieg against Russia and Stalin's scorched earth policy Section Two Paras 14-18 the battles fought at Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad Section Three Paras 19-20 the Russian counter-offensive and the outcome of the war Vocabulary I. 1. 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) declarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out


Unit1 1, There has been this long lull with nothing particular turning up! you are beginning to be anxious because there has been no progress of the war in such a long quiet period… 2,we must "...meet with Triumph and Disaster. And treat those two impostors just the same." We are sure to experience both Triumph and Disaster and we must treat them as the same thing taking different appearances because they are essentially interchangeable. 3,never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense Never give in unless we are convinced that it is honorable and sensible for us to do so. 4,Britain, other nations thought, had drawn a sponge across her slate. Britain, in other nations’ eyes, was completely wiped out/conquered. 5,we have only to persevere to conquer. … we have no choice but to hold on until victory comes. Unit2 1, The phrase "personal space" has a quaint, seventies ring to it The phrase “personal space” sounds old-fashioned and reminds one of the seventies…2, T-shirt weather can make proximity more alluring (or much, much less). … I have suspected that maybe the cause (of the space invasion) is the season: summer may either make people want to be closer to each other or more likely, to keep a distance between each other. 3, The logistics of it vary according to geography people in different regions are given different size of personal space. 4, individuals routinely commandeer booths and sets of facing seats meant for foursomes. …individuals, as usual, occupy the booths and seats which are desi gned for four people. 5,In the same way that the breeze from a butterfly's wings in Japan may eventually produce a tidal wave in California, I have decided to expand the contracting boundaries of personal space. Because the initial invasion of personal space can cause a chain of reactions, which may bring about a catastrophic consequence, as the breeze from a butterfly’s wings in Japan, if it initiates a chain of waves, may eventually produce a tidal wave in California, I have decided to enlarge the shrinking personal space. Unit3 1,Given the relatively few restrictions governing access and usage, it is the communications modal equivalent of international waters As there are relatively few restrictions for reaching and using the Internet, communications via the Internet are comparable to traveling through the international waterways. 2,But much less widely reported has been the notion that the Internet may be responsible for furthering the fragmentation of society by alienating its individual users A lot of people talk about the “new information age”, but not so many people are acquainted with the idea that the Internet separates people form each other and fragments society further as a result


Unit 1 If you ask me, taking a second major isn’t good for every undergraduate. In my freshman year as an English major, I took economics as my minor. By all odds, I was the most hard-working student in my class. But try as I might to meet the requirements of the two different subjects, I still couldn’t do well enough to pass all the exams. Given that the study of economics required a good command of mathematics, I had to spend so much time on math that I neglected my English. Failing English Literature and Macroeconomics in the second term sounded the alarm for me. This was the first time I did not pass a course in my life, which had greatly sapped my confidence. Although I was not a man who would easily bow to fate, as the summer bread came to a close, I decided to give up economics for fear that I would fail both subjects. Now that I had only one subject to attend to, everything seemed to be on the right track again. Unit 2 It was not until after he had graduated from university and started to work that Zhang Lei became aware of the pleasure of reading. reflecting on his undergraduate studies, he lamented that he, unlike some of his classmates who had immersed themselves in various interesting books they were able to lay hands on from the library or bookshops, had only read textbooks, none of which was really worthwhile, or could be read in one sitting. He was deprived of the privilege of gaining access to the writers’ fantastic worlds through the windows their books have opened, so to speak. Now he has become an avid and omnivorous reader. It is as if he wants to read all those marvelous books he hadn’t had a chance to read in his university days. By now, in his spare time, he had read several hundreds of books, including novels, biographies and travel notes. He realizes that books can not only reveal to him the vista of a hopeful future and help him withstand stresses and strains, they can also help him clear up some misconceptions and discover the true meaning of life. Unit 3 What you wear seems to dictate your behavior. Take primary school and high school students for example. One of the hard and fast rules they have to observe is that they must wear uniforms at school. There is no doubt that school uniforms would not have achieved their currency without a symbolic correlation between the uniformity of clothes and the students’ conformity to some common code of conduct. However, after years of school life, there is always a backlash secretly nursed in the students’ mind against the ubiquitous uniform which suppresses the expression of individuality. To compensate for this loss, students usually wear more casual and popular clothes on weekends. It is not until they start university, however, that they can really enjoy the freedom of dress, an anarchy associated with the cultivation of creativity and the encouragement of free expression of ideas and talents. But this situation won’t obtain for long. After a relatively short time of liberty, they may experience again the revived pressure of dress code as soon as they become professions. Unit 4 When it comes to the effects of the current economic downturn, the decrease of student activities is a good case in point. To enliven campus life, the university is always willing to carve out some money for activities organized by student clubs and societies, but such sponsorships have been pared down this year because of huge budget cut. Apparently, student organizations need to weather their own financial crisis if they want to recover from their current state of inactiveness. Some suggest enrolling more club members, on the ground that the consequent increase of membership fees may help them get out of the difficulty.

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