当前位置:文档之家› 考研英语作文复习总结版

















The table minimal rise

chart shows small increase

diagram indicates a/an (very) slight decrease

bar presents slow decline

figure gradual reduction

pie steady fall

marked drop

large dip

rapid trend




It can be seen from….that….

Why are there such big changes during 10years?

2) 分析其中原因如:Two reasons contribute to it….

3) 提出解决方法或希望


Manners are a reflection of one’s cultivation as well as one’s education.Well-bred people pay much attention to their manners at any time in any place.Good manners constantly remind us that we are living in a highly civilized society,when struggling for the improvement of our finicial conditions,we should never ignore the virtures that we are supposed to be attached to

civilized beings.(此句式我曾在四六级和考研中多次变换应用。谈到诚信、品质、自信、追逐时尚、环保意识等都可以换用!)

Many students are indulged in playing computer games,which greatly cut into their time for study and rest.(好好体会这种非限定性定语从句,学会用之!)

All theories originate from/in practice,and in turn serve practice.任何理论来源于实践,反过来又为实践服务(作文中谈负面影响、相关联系时可考虑用!)

As far /So long as I’m concerned,I also support the above idea that competition account for a large part in terms of one’success.

We are now entering a new era which calls for……我们正进入一个需要如何如何的新时代(新纪元)——漫画作文中段(第二段)时可套用之!

There is the change who enable more people to enjoy larger living space and demand higher standard to our society.(There is ….who do ….and do…..——描述性句型可用的如此美妙!)

引言举例型句式:History offers numerous examples in this respect.历史上诸如此例不及其数

事实证明句式:No one can deny the fact that….或The idea is hardly supported by facts…..


As is accurately revealed(或obviously betrayed)in the graph above, over the past years/decades…..has been developing from…..to…..,which is both cheerful and thought-provoking(或:which seems to be humorous but most thought-provoking).

附注:若斜线部分描述太冗长,可以换用——this cartoon pose a serious problem worthy of provoking thought and careful reflection.

It goes without saying that the cartoonist/drawer(of the picture)aims at/revealing that……省略号部分为提炼图画主旨、寓意,考虑内容为:1.快速思维发散,进行对比、剖析其正、反面意义;2.联系社会、生活中相似的情况或事例(语言姚精炼,句式要灵活)——如“Good manners”句型。

图表类还可以用The implied meaning of the graph above can be briefly/illustrately stated as follows.To begin with,the stastistics in the graph means……what’s more,…….Last but not least important,……At present,…….Therefore,we must prepare for a rainy day.Otherwise……In sum,we must……(根据题目图画表格等情况选用!)

末段可总结题旨,指出正确方式、态度,并适当联系自身情况、社会、国家、当前形势,提出号召或解决办法!(如前面的例句或用!注意词汇的灵活更换、句子通顺程度等)。方式一:In my view,measures should be taken to ward off/avoid/guard against the negative consequences caused by……或用Couter-measures should be taken to reserve the current grim situation (我们应该采取应对措施改变目前的严峻情况) .后文——我们自身应该怎样,政府、企业、社会等应该怎样,等等。Only in this way can we enjoy the convenience brought about by modern civilization.或Only in this way can we create a harmonious and healthy society.

方式二:Living in a world of comlexing and change,we should never be satisfied with the…..或we should recongnize/be aware of……

方式三:1.结尾处核心句——From what has been discussed(或:Taking into account all these factors),we may safely draw/(come to/arrive at) the conclusion that…..

2.We must look/(search/cry/call) for an immediate method/(action/measure),because the

present/current situation/phenomenon/tendency of…..if permitted to continue/(proceed),will surely lead to/result in the end/(destruction/heavy cost )of…..






考研英语作文心得体会 导读:本文考研英语作文心得体会,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 考研英语作文心得体会 写在前面:快考试了,同学们,英语提分有那么难吗。依我看,专科起点依然可以大大的提分。若短时提分,必优先提作文。作文有那么难吗?充其量就相当于小学一二年级的漫画作文嘛。抓好作文,必有大成。同学们加油!你们可以的! 一、研究考研真题 考研真题的重要性不必多说。我建议用最快的时间熟悉历年考研真题考察的题材、角度、思路,熟背经典范文,总结经常用的套话及比较好的句子。对比较好的范文,要按照自己以前记忆的句子,尝试着做修改,对一个意思的话语要尝试多种句子表达。脑子中装着几篇范文,到练习、模拟或考试时不会过于发慌,也会比较从容,对于格式了基本用语了语法了啥的也会左右逢源。 二、加强书写练习 评卷老师阅卷时间通常很短,这就要求我们字体要写的规范、漂亮些,以第一时间赚取印象分。英语字母就26个,练字难度也不大,备考时每天都工工整整地写上一两遍,几周后你便会发现自己的进步。平时写单词,练习时多注意每个字母的圆润、工作与美感,我想你会在研究生考试的考场上会有一手漂亮的字体的。

三、真实情景强化模拟 我考前几个月,找了一个研究生考试的答题卡并复印了很多很多,下午练习作文的时候就在上面写,严格按照考研的要求模拟,在时间上、写字工整、语法运用上都严格要求。我每天都练,每天必练,对字体的控制、语法的控制都比较从容。到了考场上虽然还是紧张,但字体语法我还是感觉比较满意。 四、时刻保持一个作文的意识 无论自己平时读英语文章,总结阅读理解等题目的真题,或是总结各个体型的模拟题时,我都保持一个作文的心态,都会试图从中寻找比较好的逻辑词、语法,尝试从中汲取营养。可以说,考研作文里面的每个句子、每个单词,我都是有讲究有出处的,平时都运用了,所以我感觉极少有错误。 感谢阅读,希望能帮助您!


考研英语作文模版 在此之前,我们先定下一个基调,写的作文主题就是好的是好的,坏的也可以变成好的,总之一句话,积极向上,美好愿望实现是必然。 一、如何解剖模版作文 你首先明确一个目标,那就是你要写的作文想让他成为什么样子。你可能觉得很简单,让他成为高分作文的样子,ok,没问题,接下来,什么样的才是高分作文,你去网上发现很多都是高分的作文,所以,会鉴别高分作文,才是你应该做的第一步。 下面这个例子,你们应该看过,我不作具体的内容分析,只是告诉你们看这篇文章的方法,因为至少5年内,没太大希望再看到他出现。 2012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题 1) describe the drawing briefly2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20 points) 从作文的要求看1描述2解释3观点,那么分析文章的时候基本上就从这三个点来分析。第一步分拆:

描述 uncommon social phenomenon, from which we can observe that ○2 in this cartoon stand two men and a bottle of milk. ○ 3The two men show different perspectives toward the bottle of milk that is place on the ground. different attitudes towards the issue. Then , what prove to be the underlying reasons for it? foremost, that iss without any doubt, some people are born positively, and while how we throw our insights into something we are deal with. 观点:○ 1As far as my personal thinking is concerned,○2when it comes to mentioning the issue concerning how to look at the world, what we should do is to observe it positively and confidently, especially when we are experiencing and encountering setbacks ,○ 3 only if we have the above-mentioned proposals adopted, can we be bound to live a life of happiness. 有些东西,我想了很久,始终无法想出来怎么用文字来表达这种感觉, 那就是,当你看到一篇文章时怎么迅速剖析出结构来。其实,单纯的阅读而言,这一点要比后面我总结的一些小方法,要更加重要,(如果有必要,我有时间当面讲好了)下面,我尽量用文字说一些剖析结构的思路。 social phenomenon, from which we can observe that ○ 2 in this cartoon stand two men and a bottle of milk. ○ 3The two men show different perspectives toward the bottle of milk that is place on the ground. ○ 1不得不说的废话,其实这些话就是简单的一种结构,因为它不涉及到且不表。 ○2这里涉及到了文章内容,内容就是内容,(你们政治应该学的)那么怎么办呢,从总体上概述了画面的内容,我们可以简单的称之为总述,3句子的表达方式,另外一个就是单词和短语的使用。 第一段, 我们提炼的的结构为:开头的套话+画面的简单的总 起的概括++具体的画面内容描述。 第二段


历年英语?一作?文真题 2017年 ?小作?文 Directions: You are to write an email to James Cook, a newly-arrived Australia professor, recommending some tourist attraction in your city. Please give reason for you recommendation. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not sign your own name at the end of the email. Use instead. Do not write the address. (10 points). ?大作?文 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture in your essay, you should 1. describe the pictures briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

?小作?文 Suppose you are a librarian in your university. Write a notice of about 100 words, providing the newly-enrolled international students with relevant information about the library. You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead Do not write the address .(10 points) ?大作?文 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture in your essay, you should 1. describe the pictures briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)


笔者考研英语作文归纳方法 适合英语基础偏差对作文只要求中庸偏上分数的同学考研英语作文一般都是很多同学最后需要复习的题型。在我们的复习中很多同学都会产生误区。具体误区如下: ·只背范文不去思考,不去总结。 ·范文追求数量不追求质量。 ·范文确实背了,但是没背熟,不能脱口而出。 ·范文背熟了,没有默写训练,上考场写了好多错别字。 ·范文背熟了,默写训练了,没有实战改写,上考场还是下不了笔。 作文的复习是成体系的,循序渐进的。背范文+背模板→背的熟→会默写→会改写→实战练习。没有这一套的复习,缺少任何环节,作文都等于没有复习。所以很多同学会产生这样的误区。努力了,确实背了,背了不少,也背熟了,就是上考场写不出来。然后就开始怀疑自己的英语写作能力。从而影响考研英语的整体成绩。 所以笔者根据自身吃亏和成长的实践经验,整理一下自己的考研英语作文笔记。和大家共同分享,争取用最少的篇幅告诉大家,英语作文达到不拖后腿的程度到底是怎么回事。建议,背的模板首先不要贪多。其次要会快速的默写。再者掌握一定的语言表达模式后,以不变的表达能力应万变的题型。最后,背、默、改多多益善,坚持到上考场前一秒。 由于记忆的连贯性,最好上考场直接对作文开刀。肯定比顺着题型做要记忆深刻的多。

小作文(10分): 复习范围(英语一、英语二考察内容相同) ·书信(重点)——全面复习,熟悉格式,掌握必要表达 ·通知(重点)——全面复习,熟悉格式,掌握必要表达 ·备忘录(基本没考过,了解格式) ·便笺(基本没考过,了解格式) 一、书信 1.格式 XXX(称呼): XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX.(第一段) XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXX.XXXXXX.(第二段) XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.(第三段) XXXX(谨启) XXXX(署名) 2.分值规划 (1)小作文满分10分 (2)称呼:一般表达时比较固定。根据题目的具体要求。 最常见的是Dear Sir/Dear Sir or Madam/Dear Sb等等。根据题目要求来。第一排顶格子写,注意字母大小写。写出来可得1.5分。(3)第一段:一般写两句话。第一句自我介绍。可以这么写I am 谁/职务/自我介绍等。第二句话写目的,都是有模板可套用的,稍后分书信的种类进行总结。第一段写完1.5分到手。


考研英语作文万能模板范文万能句子篇一:考研英语大作文及范文 51. Directions: Write a letter to a friend of yours to 1) recommend one of your favorite movies and 2) give reasons for your recommendation. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use”Li Ming ”instead. Do not write the address.(10points) Dear Wang Wei, Long time no see. I guess you are busily preparing for the National Entrance Tests for Masters ' programs. But remember, my dear friend, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Why don 't you stop and relax yourself a little, like seeing a movie? I saw a

movie “If you are the one ” recently, casting Ge You, Shu Qi and directed by Feng Xiao- gang. It 's fantastic and certainly worth your time. Famous director, shining stars, humorous language and beautiful sceneries will surely make you forget all those tedious and exhausting preparations for the exams. Besides, the ideas and morals as conveyed by the movie are exceptional and thought-provoking. I strongly recommend the movie to you. Well, let me know how you are getting on with your preparation and don 't hesitate to ask me if I can be of any help to you. Best wishes. Your s, Li


考研英语写作20个高级表达方式 2015考研英语写作20个高级表达方式。考研英语作文写作中,出彩的表达,总是会让阅卷老师眼前一亮,瞬间赢得老师的好感,下面小编就为大家整理了20个闪光的表达方法,供大家参考,预祝大家考试顺利! challenging and demanding experience人生中最幸福的就是身体健康 充满挑战和要求极高的经历 of fulfillment 满足感 不言自明 compliance with 遵守 5.…have the potential to boost …有潜能提升… and downsides 利弊 and refreshed 精力充沛,神清气爽 慎重 havoc on 对…造成损失 from …除开 support 坚定不移的支持 12. be conducive and instrumental to …对…有好处 合理 desirable trait 优点 15. adversity and hardship 逆境和苦难 16. strive for 为了…努力 17. Aspire to do sth 努力做… 18. attainment 成就

19. perseverance and persistence 坚持 20. Action enables us to transform our aspirations froma state of latent potentiality into one of manifest reality. 行动能让我们潜在的愿望变成现实; 凯程教育张老师整理了几个节约时间的准则:一是要早做决定,趁早备考;二是要有计划,按计划前进;三是要跟时间赛跑,争分夺秒。总之,考研是一场“时间战”,谁懂得抓紧时间,利用好时间,谁就是最后的胜利者。 1.制定详细周密的学习计划。 这里所说的计划,不仅仅包括总的复习计划,还应该包括月计划、周计划,甚至是日计划。努力做到这一点是十分困难的,但却是非常必要的。我们要把学习计划精确到每一天,这样才能利用好每一天的时间。当然,总复习计划是从备考的第一天就应该指定的;月计划可以在每一轮复习开始之前,制定未来三个月的学习计划。以此类推,具体到周计划就是要在每个月的月初安排一月四周的学习进程。那么,具体到每一天,可以在每周的星期一安排好周一到周五的学习内容,或者是在每一天晚上做好第二天的学习计划。并且,要在每一天睡觉之前检查一下是否完成当日的学习任务,时时刻刻督促自己按时完成计划。 方法一:规划进度。分别制定总计划、月计划、周计划、日计划学习时间表,并把它们贴在最显眼的地方,时刻提醒自己按计划进行。 方法二:互相监督。和身边的同学一起安排计划复习,互相监督,共同进步。 方法三:定期考核。定期对自己复习情况进行考察,灵活运用笔试、背诵等多种形式。 2.分配好各门课程的复习时间。 一天的时间是有限的,同学们应该按照一定的规律安排每天的学习,使时间得到最佳利用。一般来说上午的头脑清醒、状态良好,有利于背诵记忆。除去午休时间,下午的时间相对会少一些,并且下午人的精神状态会相对低落。晚上相对安静的外部环境和较好的大脑记忆状态,将更有利于知识的理解和记忆。据科学证明,晚上特别是九点左右是一个人记忆力最好的时刻,演员们往往利用这段时间来记忆台词。因此,只要掌握了一天当中每个时段的自然规律,再结合个人的生活学习习惯分配好时间,就能让每一分每一秒都得到最佳利用。 方法一:按习惯分配。根据个人生活学习习惯,把专业课和公共课分别安排在一天的不同时段。比如:把英语复习安排在上午,练习听力、培养语感,做英语试题;把政治安排在下午,政治的掌握相对来说利用的时间较少;把专业课安排在晚上,利用最佳时间来理解和记忆。 方法二:按学习进度分配。考生可以根据个人成绩安排学习,把复习时间向比较欠缺的科目上倾斜,有计划地重点复习某一课程。 方法三:交叉分配。在各门课程学习之间可以相互穿插别的科目的学习,因为长时间接受一种知识信息,容易使大脑产生疲劳。另外,也可以把一周每一天的同一时段安排不同的学习内容。 凯程教育: 凯程考研成立于2005年,国内首家全日制集训机构考研,一直从事高端全日制辅导,由李海洋教授、张鑫教授、卢营教授、王洋教授、杨武金教授、张释然教授、索玉柱教授、方浩教授等一批高级考研教研队伍组成,为学员全程高质量授课、答疑、测试、督导、报考指导、方法指导、联系导师、复试等全方位的考研服务。


笔者考研英语作文归纳方法适合英语基础偏差对作文只要求中庸偏上分数的同学考研英语作文一般都是很多同学最后需要复习的题型。在我们的复习中很多同学都会产生误区。具体误区如下: ·只背范文不去思考,不去总结。 ·范文追求数量不追求质量。 ·范文确实背了,但是没背熟,不能脱口而出。 ·范文背熟了,没有默写训练,上考场写了好多错别字。 ·范文背熟了,默写训练了,没有实战改写,上考场还是下不了笔。 作文的复习是成体系的,循序渐进的。背范文+背模板→背的熟→会默写→会改写→实战练习。没有这一套的复习,缺少任何环节,作文都等于没有复习。所以很多同学会产生这样的误区。努力了,确实背了,背了不少,也背熟了,就是上考场写不出来。然后就开始怀疑自己的英语写作能力。从而影响考研英语的整体成绩。 所以笔者根据自身吃亏和成长的实践经验,整理一下自己的考研英语作文笔记。和大家共同分享,争取用最少的篇幅告诉大家,英语作文达到不拖后腿的程度到底是怎么回事。建议,背的模板首先不要贪多。其次要会快速的默写。再者掌握一定的语言表达模式后,以不变的表达能力应万变的题型。最后,背、默、改多多益善,坚持到上

考场前一秒。 由于记忆的连贯性,最好上考场直接对作文开刀。肯定比顺着题型做要记忆深刻的多。 小作文(10分): 复习范围(英语一、英语二考察内容相同) ·书信(重点)——全面复习,熟悉格式,掌握必要表达 ·通知(重点)——全面复习,熟悉格式,掌握必要表达 ·备忘录(基本没考过,了解格式) ·便笺(基本没考过,了解格式) 一、书信 1.格式 XXX(称呼): XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX.(第一段) XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXX.XXXXXX.(第二段) XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.(第三段) XXXX(谨启) XXXX(署名)


历年英语?一作?文真题 2016年 ?小作?文 Suppose you are a librarian in your university. Write a notice of about 100 words, providing the newly-enrolled international students with relevant information about the library. You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead. Do not write the address .(10 points) ?大作?文 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture in your essay, you should 1. describe the pictures briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

2015年 ?小作?文 You are going to hold a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members.  You should state reasons for your recommendation.  You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use "Li Ming " instead. Do not write the address . (10 points) ?大作?文 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.In your essay, you should 1. describe the pictures briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET . (20 points)


考研英语作文常用句子总结 句型在英语学习中占有不可替代的作用,背诵一些有用的句子对于我们来说也是非常重要的。考研英语作文冲刺复习要注意积累,记忆一些好的句式。素材丰富了,大家才能下笔灵活,下面分享的这些考研英语常用写作句型,大家可以收藏。 1.The cartoon vividly shows an important truth that…漫画生动地揭示了一个重要的道理 2.As is vividly depicted in the drawings 漫画生动地描述了 3.Clearly, the cartoon reveals a very common problem in our society 很明显,漫画揭示了我们社会的一个普遍现象 4.The implied meaning of the drawings is that 漫画的寓意是 5.As is manifested in the cartoon 如漫画所示 6.The two drawings stand in a sharp contrast 两幅图形成了鲜明的对比 7.A ridiculous situation 一个可笑的场景 8.To grasp the full implication 充分理解寓意 9.With sweats trailing down the face 汗流满面 10.There is no denying that… 毋庸置疑…… 11.There is a general assumption that 人们普遍认为 12.To make careful decision 认真做决定


2006年大作文 2006年短文写作还是图画作文。给了两幅画面,一幅是一个人脸上刻着贝克汉姆的名字,另一幅是一个人花了300元剪了一个小贝的发型,两幅图均透露出社会上一些人崇拜偶像的现象,让考生对这种现象做出评价,很新鲜、灵活。感觉以往的英语作文试题大多考传统型的,如孝敬父母,毅力恒心等,这次让人很意外。 考生在看到大作文的第一眼是感觉亲切而高兴,觉得非常有趣,很有东西写。因为贝克汉姆对年轻人来说,实在是太熟悉太有诱惑力了,小贝的出场,无论对男生女生,通常引起的都是狂热与奔放。但是此时要静下心来,逻辑严密、条理清晰、有条不紊地去论述一下偶像崇拜的问题,很多考生马上又坐不住板凳了。要么提笔忘字,要么干脆无话可言,再或者干巴巴说几句就再也不能继续下去。其实,文章探讨的主题应该是当今社会出现的年轻人对明星盲目崇拜的现象。只要围绕这个主题写就行,至于从哪个角度去讨论,自己的具体看法是什么,那不是最重要的。关键是考生的文章观点要明确而清晰,尤其是,词句的表达要流畅规范。 图画作文通常写法:第一段揭示现象,描述图画;第二段发表自己对这个现象的分析议论;第三段针对该现象提出自己的看法或发出自己的倡导。可写性很强。 回复:剖析2006年考研英语作文真题 二、经典范文赏析

Part B 范文 There are two pictures:The first is a photo of a man’s face on which the name of the famous football player Beckham can be seen. In the second picture we can see a man in a barbershop, his hair being done in Beckham’s hair style, costing him 300 yuan. Obviously,the two persons are fans of Beckham.These pictures, although a little exaggerating and satirical at first glance, can make us ponder: why does this phenomenon appear?As is known to all, with the development of modern communications, more and more people are influenced by some so called “stars”. Therefore,we have many fans who run after and imitate them-film stars,athletic stars, even stars of super girl singers. First,they do so because they admire them and want to obtain their fame and reputation. Second, although there is no denying the fact that some people do this out of pure adiration, yet, some just want to become wealthy overnight-without hard work, without sweat, just effortlessly. Anyway, in my opinion, our government must educate our people-especially the youth-that some famous people get their reputation because they have made great contribution to our society-such as Liu Xiang. And we ourselves also must understand that their achievement is not easy job. We’d better turn our admiration into practical action to learn from them so that we can make even greater contribution to our country in the future. 译文 这里有两幅图:第一张是一个人脸上写着著名足球运动员贝克汉姆的名字。第二张我们可以看见一个人在理发店里,他让理发师按照贝克汉姆的发型给他做头发,花了300元。 很明显,这两人是贝克汉姆的崇拜者。这些图片,尽管第一眼看上去有些夸张和讽刺,仍然可以使我们深思:为什么会发生这种现象?众所周知的是:随着现代传媒的发展,越来越多的人都被这样的“明星”影响。因此,有很多追随和模仿他们的追星族——电影明星,体育明星,甚至“超女”歌星。第一,他们这样做是因为他们崇拜他们,想得到他们的名声。第二,尽管不可否认的是一些人这么做纯粹是出于崇拜,但是,也有一些人只是想一夜暴富——不需努力工作,不需流汗,只是无需努力。 以我的观点,无论如何,我们的政府都必须教育人民——尤其是年轻人——一些著名的人得到他们的声誉是因为他们为我们的社会做出了巨大贡献——比如刘翔。我们自己必须理解他们的成就是不容易的。我们最好将我们的崇拜转化为学习他们的实际行动,这样我们才能在将来为我们国家做出更大的贡献。 黄金句型 These pictures, although a little exaggerating and satirical at first glance, can make us ponder... 这些图片,尽管第一眼看上去有些夸张和讽刺,仍然可以使我们深思……


考研作文历年真题 2014年整理 1998-2013年之间

考研作文历年真题 1998 Directions: A.Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words. B.Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET II. C.Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below: 1.Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon. 2.Give your comments. 【高分范文】 As is symbolically and apparently conveyed in the drawing above, a proud hen is making a promise that eggs she laid are round without any angles and corners and have shells, egg whites and yolks. We are informed that a variety of promises have been arising from all walks of life, however, quite a lot of promises are sheer nonsense. The idea conveyed by the cartoon is apparent that some people put their duties as their promises in order to acquire immoral benefits. First of all, with the accelerated development of the market economy, some businessmen have to make such false promises for surviving in the fierce competitive surroundings. Furthermore, it is widely accepted that the moral level is declining steeply because the fair competition environment has not been established after the setting of reform and opening policy. For example, manufacturing units guarantee to turn out products of good quality. As a consequence, the intention to make such commitments is nothing but to put on civilized outer clothing to deceive the public. Personally, I advocate that special care must be taken to ensure an honest competition system. On the one hand, the regulations should be adopted by the authorities to punish the false promise makers. On the other hand, the businessmen should remember the old saying,


考研英语作文总结 1、合作的重要性(importance of cooperation team spirit) 第一段:描述图画人(缺少了左右腿的人)事物(被丢弃的拐杖)动作(合作) AS is depicted in the cartoon, with the support of each others, Two single-legged men abandon the walking sticks and travel from north to south together with their bined legs. 第二段:对图画寓意总结→举例 The picture shows :even disabled people can make up a capable team. This can be illustrated by the example of ………With the perfect cooperation, these disabled people change disadvantages into advantages, the impossible into reality. 第三段:对总结再进一步深化。 With cooperation ,a person or organization can not aomplish mush in the increasingly inter-dependent society we now live in. It is the cooperation based on the plementary advantages that will contribute to the ultimate suess. As we


11考研结束,对金翅来说是不平凡的一年。这里对英语的作文说一说我的感悟,可能不是最适合你的,但希望你能从中有所收获。各位看官请上座,且听金翅一一道来个中玄机。 在我看来英语的作文,有点像古代的那种八股文,每一段写的东西都很模式化的,都很固定。有的同学说了,我都不知道怎么写。写完As vividly就不知道写什么了,憋半天憋出一个I believe,后边又没词了。相信你看完我这篇文章之后,会有“文思如尿崩,谁与我争锋”的赶脚。话糙理不糙,闲言少叙,咱们直入主题~~ 英语大作文一共分为三种。积极类,比如文化融合,合作,点一盏心灯等等,都可以用积极类的模板。另一种是消极类的,比如11的环境污染,温室花朵,过量捕鱼这是一类。还有一类就是中性类,自信啊,网络利与弊啊,这类的。 但是这三种模板的三段谋篇布局是一样一样的。描述图片+解释图片+我们该怎么办。有时候他会让你举一个人物的例子,这就更简单了,都是提前准备好的。别着急,后面都会说到,先说说这第一段。 第一段的话,80%的作文书,第一句准是as vividly+你看到图中的东西,都用烂了的,咱们不用,咱们的宗旨就是与众不同。第一句怎么写,咱们先不说,先说第二句。第二句一般会写,这个东西对我们的生活产生深远的影响。 例子,1、正如图片中生动形象的描画了一个文化火锅,里边有莎

士比亚、佛bulabula~~(后半句用非限定性定语从句,这个待会讲)。2、文化对人们的生活产生了深远的影响。所以金翅给出的第一段第2句(一、2用此表示,下同)的表达方法。 Multi-culture does exert such a profound effect on our life that it revolutionizes the way of people’s living and thinking.多元文化的确对我们的生活产生了深刻的影响,这种影响使我们生活和思考的方式发生了变革。大家想一想,是不是把多元文化替换成,网络、环境问题、合作、自信都很通顺呢,而且用does强调动词exert,让人眼前一亮。这样咱们的一、2就完事了。现在说一、1,先上模板。As is subtly revealed in the portrayal,there is a hot-pot,which involves Shakespeare and Buddha.这句话的亮点在于非限定性定语从句,把两句话合二为一。有同学说了,这不还是as系列的么?这就需要变通啊,句子是死的人是活的呀。咱们的策略是把第一句和第二句调换一下位置,别让老师一看就是as,吐都吐死了。 综上所述第一段前两句是: 一、1:Multi-culture does exert such a profound effect on our life that it revolutionizes the way of people’s livin g and thinking.一、2 As is subtly revealed in the portrayal,there is a hot-pot,which involves Shakespeare and Buddha. 多元文化对我们的生活产生了深刻的影响,这种影响使我们生活和思考的方式发生了变革。正如这幅图片所描绘的,这里有一个火锅,它包括莎士比亚和佛。是不是感觉“正如”用的有承上启下的作用呢?是不是很传神呢?11年的环境作文中,金翅用的此法,从最后结果来看,分数还是灰常让我满意的。


写作必背范文 (一)图画作文 2017年英语一写作真题 Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures. In your essay, you should 1)describe the pictures briefly, 2)interpret the meaning, and 3)give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 参考范文: This is a plain but enlightening set of pictures. As is vividly depicted in the first one, one person is sitting in front of shelves of books, claiming

complacently that he has a large number of books, while in the second picture, another person says that he has already finished reading 20 books. The caption reads “Having books and reading books”. Simple as the picture is, the meaning behind it is far-reaching. Evidently, it is meant to reveal the importance of a personal quality: acting or practicing rather than talking or thinking. With such a quality, one can overcome almost all difficulties; otherwise, he or she would be defeated by unworthy enemies. Taking a look around, one can spot examples too many to enumerate. The most typical one might be Ma Yun. A number of factors may have contributed to her success, but the crucial one might be her spirit of acting in time. Bringing what has been discussed into a conclusion, we may say that acting in time plays a vital role on our way to success. Therefore, we should truly understand the profound meaning of the picture and try various means to cultivate this desirable quality. 2018年英语一写作真题 Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should 1) describe the pictures briefly, 2) interpret the meaning, and 3) give your comments.

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