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第1单元reading A:蓝天模具——创造辉煌蓝天模具公司是中国最著名的挤压式模具生产厂家之一。我们拥有TA 模具公

司和TC 模具公司两家分公司、四个级别的模具和上百种产品组。

TA 模具公司建于1993 年,占地面积达30英亩,位于久负盛名的“模具之乡”和“塑料王国”之称的城市——浙江省宁波市。2007 年,为了扩大企业进军世界市场,我们又新建一个TC 模具公司。

作为经验丰富的专业的模具生产商,我们已创立了一套独特而完整的挤压式集成系统模具制造理论。我们在模具设计、热塑精密缓动控制、PVC 低发泡技术、WPC 原料配方、挤压成型操作技术等方面都处于领先地位。






由于我们有丰富的经验、先进的设备和高效的生产体系,我们的产品已出口40 多个国家和地区,包括欧洲、美洲、东南亚和中亚等。我们将尽力为全球的



第1单元reading B:建立商务关系

















第2单元reading A:中国的空气压缩机市场——过去和将来



中国气体压缩机制造业近年来迅速发展。2007 年,中国355 家公司在气体压缩机工业上年销售收入超过500 万美元,其产值达到56.93 亿人民币,这个产值在整个机械行业的百分比为0.78,比前一年高0.03 个百分点。此外,其他指标也有所增加,例如,新产品产值,工业销售产值和出口交货值。

2009 年正在经历一场世界范围内严重的经济衰退,但是说这一行业也将受到很大的影响却是言之尚早,因为我国政府已经采取了一些有效的措施来处理这一问题。目前在气压缩机制造行业,中国有一个相对激烈的竞争和相对较低的行业集中。中国的气体压缩机制造商,主要分布在东部沿海地区,而在西部地区(包括西南和西北)这类公司较少,在那里存在着巨大的市场潜力,气体压缩机产业


在第十一个五年计划期间(2006–2010 年),在一些行业,例如:石化、化工、纺织、煤炭/电力/ 石油和冶金,大型成套设备的本地化将为发展中国的气体压缩机制造业提供巨大的商机。在2006–2010 年期间根据计划,中国将建造重点行业中大量的重要项目。例如,在中国核电工业,五年时间里将建立20 多个核电站,这不仅为迅速发展气体压缩机制造业提供了广阔的市场,而且还为加速改善气体压缩机质量提供了一个独特的机会。

第2单元reading B:专家访谈——MEMS 开关应用于半导体测试市场专家访谈是任何工业市场研究的一个重要方面。从采访中,人们可以获取准确和广泛的信息。这种资料是非常重要的,作为一个公司可以通过这些信息清楚地了解自己过去的表现与业绩。而且还可以提供必要的结论,公司可以决定其未来的计划。行业访谈具有半引导性。在采访过程中,不管调查问卷是不是前期准备好的,都可以引导访问者满足一些基本的要求。



—MEMS 开关的半导体测试市场有哪些主要应用?

—MEMS 开关应用于半导体测试都可以解决什么问题?

—谁是MEMS 开关的主要目标客户?

—目前半导体测试设备中是否使用MEMS 开关?如果


—有哪些主要因素限制MEMS 开关在半导体测



—当今市场上谁是MEMS 开关的主要供应者?


第3单元reading A:计算机辅助设计

计算机辅助设计(CAD)就是运用计算机技术对设计加以辅助,特别是对部件或产品的绘图进行辅助。如今,CAD 已是一项非常重要的技术,因为相较于手工制图,它大大提高了工作效率。使用CAD 有诸多益处,如降低产品开发成本、缩短设计周期等。CAD 使设计者能在屏幕上设计、完善作品,将它打印出来,或储存起来以便将来编辑,节省了制图的时间。

CAD 分几个种类。每一种都要求操作者进行不同的思考,他得考虑要怎样运用这些类型,并以怎样不同的方式来设计虚拟元件。






第3单元reading B:齿轮减速器——伟大的设计齿轮减速器是一组齿轮、轴和轴承,封闭在外罩中,以类似太阳系的方式排列,由一个或几个行星齿轮围绕恒星齿轮的轨道运行。







I learned some information about this project. As an intern having worked for five months, I’ve participated in two projects already but none of them can compete with this case in terms of scale. Therefore, I’m really eager to be a part of you r team to

accumulate more experience.

Of course, I can contribute to your design. My study in college has equipped me with good knowledge of CAD. I know its different types and have a good command of them. I’m confident to be a qualified assistant to you.

第4单元reading A:计算机辅助制造


CAM 的功能主要集中在四个方面:数字控制、工艺设计、机器人技术和工



数控就是使用编码信息来控制加工机器的运动。在现代计算机数控系统中,运用CAM 程序,连接组件设计被高度自动化。这些程序生成一个计算机文件,该文件是用来解释控制机器工作所需要的指令,并且载入CNC 机器中进行生





目前工艺设计系统还处于发展阶段,但它可以在几乎无需人工参与的情况下从几何模具数据库中直接设计出工艺流程。在该系统中,工艺设计师可以通过交流来复核设计工程师的设计,然后把结果输入CAM 系统,该系统将自动生成一



把机器人技术融入CAM 技术正在取得不断的发展。美国空军集成计算机辅助制造项目就是其中之一,其目的就是在计算机自动化的环境下组织每个生产步骤。作为此项目的一部分,机器人被用来给飞机钣金部件钻孔。机器人钻出公差为0.005 的一组钻孔,然后对250 种部件中的任何一种的边缘进行加工处理,

生产率比传统的人工操作提高了4 倍。



第4单元reading B: 塑料成型工艺





1. 注塑成型: 该方法是把熔化后的塑料注入一个模具型腔,一旦冷却就移走模具。这种塑料成型过程通常用于某个产品的大批量生产。注塑模机出现于20 世纪30 年代。这些设备可以用来大批量生产玩具、厨具、瓶盖和手机座等。

2. 吹塑成型: 该工艺和注塑成型类似,只是热熔塑料是从一个机桶被垂直挤出,形成管状胚料。模具随后闭合,迫使胚料与模具内壁完全贴合。待冷却后,就形成了一个中空部件。塑料瓶、塑料管和塑料容器都属于吹塑成型产品。

3. 压缩成型: 该工艺是把一块硬塑料放在两个加热过的模具中间进行挤压。压缩成型通常使用立式压力机,而不是注塑成型和吹塑成型所使用的卧式压力机。制


4. 滚塑成型(旋转模塑成型):装有塑料粉末的中空模具固定在从主轴延伸出的许多管状轮辐上。主轴带动整个模具系统转至一个封闭的熔炉间,高温使模具内粉末熔化后附着在模具内壁。模具慢慢旋转至一个冷却室。在这里,喷射出的冷水使得模具内的塑料冷却硬化,从而形成一个中空部件。


城市学院英语课文翻 译

Don't Wait Until Death Does Its Part We have but one body. It must last a lifetime. Without it, life ends, and we are done and finished. But do we treat our body fairly, lovingly, like prized possessions? Do we appreciate our body's nonstop efforts to function smoothly? My body asks for little: water to keep hydrated; food for nutrients, energy, and strong bones; rest when I'm tired or sick; and play to lift my spirits. Its ability to self-repair and respond to good care is incredible. But until recently, I have abused my body with excesses of all kinds. Not only did I take its resiliency for granted, I was annoyed when a physical problem, such as a cold or injury, kept me from doing what I want. Moreover, I was harshly critical when it failed to conform to standards of beauty in the media. My overeating, lazy lifestyle, and excessive work had a negative impact on my life, though not fatal. I've also seen friends and family members destroy their body through drugs, alcoholism, or workaholism. For years I had good intentions to change, but I didn't follow through. I could see my future: increased medical expenses, exhausted senses, premature death. Once I understand that it is in my own self-interest to take care of it, I'm struggling to develop a positive relationship with my body. Evidently, I'm not the only one with this awareness now. I begin to make more constructive choices. Instead of asking the question, “What do I want?” I ask, “What does my body need?” And then I respond acc ordingly. Positive actions — exercising, eating mindfully, getting enough rest and water, limiting my work hours, and scheduling recreation — have gradually become regular habits rather than disciplined efforts. After all, each of us gets only one body. So don't wait until death does its part. Appreciate our body and treat it lovingly. It will reward us with a longer, healthier and happier life.


一.单词翻译(英译汉,汉译英共20分) compound pulley 组合滑轮 screw 螺丝 worm gear 涡轮 clearance fit 间隙配合 transition fit 过渡配合 interference fit 过盈配合 ground teeth 精密齿 gear reductions 齿轮减速比aluminum 铝 brass 黄铜 bronze 青铜 cast iron 铸铁 carbon 碳钢 alloy steel 合金钢 hardened steel 硬化钢 stainless steel 不锈钢 plastic materials 塑料材料 gear teeth 齿轮 straight-toothed 直齿轮 rack and pinion 齿条和齿轮 straight bevel gears 直齿锥齿轮spiral bevel gears 弧齿锥齿轮friction 摩擦 lubrication 润滑 lubricant 润滑剂 full fluid film lubrication 全液态薄膜润滑 boundary lubrication 边界润滑elastrohydrodynamic lubrication 流体弹性动力润滑 proton 质子 neutron 中子 parallel circuit 并联电路 series circuit 串联电路 electron 电子 inductor 电感 capacitor 电容 conductor 导体 semiconductor 半导体 metal-oxide-semiconductor 金属氧化物半导体 integrated circuit 集成电路integrated circuit chip 集成电路芯片 dopant 掺杂剂 mask 掩膜 doping 掺杂 photoresist 感光胶 etch 蚀刻法 dielectric 非传导性(电介质)rung 梯级 branch 分支 instructions 指令 power rails 母线 quantity 数量 parameter 参数 ladder diagram 梯形逻辑图 ON-delay timer 通电延时定时器OFF-delay timer 断电延时定时器retentive timer 保持定时器proximity timer 接近开关electromechanical control 机电控制mobile robots 可移动机器人manipulator robots 操作机器人 self reconfigurable robots 自变形(重装)机器人 Analog-to-Digital Converter A/D模数转换器 Digital-to-Analog Converter D/A模数转换器 ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)专用采集电路 Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换 Z-transform Z变换 valve 阀 pump 泵 motor 发动机 cavitation 气穴 hydraulic 液压的 equilibrium position 平衡位置vibration(oscillation) 振动transducer 饱和电抗器,传感器,变频器 reservoir 油箱 pump with electric motor 电力马达泵unloader and safety relief valve 减荷


Unit 1 Text A How Difficult Is English? 英语有多难 Like the national push for Asian literacy (n.有文化,有教养,有读写能力)in Australia,就如澳大利亚在全国推行学亚洲语言一样,there has been foreign languages fervor[f??v?] in China,中国也掀起一股外语热,with English on top of the list. 在这股热潮中,英语高居榜首。English is not only taught at schools,colleges and universities,but also at evening classes,on radio and TV.不仅各级学校教英语,夜校、电台、电视台也都设有英语课程。Parents hire private tutors for their school children;父母为学龄的孩子聘请英语家教,adult English learners would sacrifice the weekend at an English corner in a public park practicing their spoken English with peop1e of the same interest and determination. 成年英语学习者会牺牲周末休息日,到公园参加英语角,与志趣相投的英语学习者练习口语。Is English such a difficult language that it really demands people to invest a large amount of time and energy before it is mastered ? 英语真的有这么难,需要人们投入大量的时间和精力才能掌握吗? The answer,if I am asked to offer,is undoubtedly,yes.如果我被问及这个问题,那么毫无疑问,我的答案是:是的。From my personal experience, 从我个人的经验来看,I think learning English means far more than learning its pronunciation,its grammatical rules,its words,etc.英语学习不仅仅是学习英语发音、语法规则、词汇等,It involves learning everything about the countries where it is used and the people who use it.它包括学习与使用该语言的国家和民族有关的所有内容。Without such a complete understanding of the language, 对英语没有这样全面的理解,the English a foreigner speaks will inevitably sound strange or even unintelligible though there is not anything wrong with his pronunciation,sentence structure and the words he uses.即使发音、句子结构、措辞毫无错误,一个外国人所讲的英语也难免听起来稀奇古怪甚至难以理解。The social customs and habits of the English-speaking people contribute a lot to the difficulty a foreigner has in learning it.讲英语民族者的社会风俗习惯增加了外国人学习英语的难度。Take the Chinese English learners for example.以学英语的中国人为例," Hello "and "Good morning" may sound a little bit simple to Chinese people."你好"和"早上好"是非常简单的。It is totally beyond the understanding of a Chinese English learner that native English speakers would be annoyed when they're addressed "Where are you going?",which is a commonly used addressing among the Chinese."你去哪儿?"是中国人常用的问候语,若英语母语者被问及"你去哪儿?",他们会因此感到不悦,这一点让中国的英语学习者大为不解。Is there anything wrong with the English sentence structure ? 这个英语句子结构不对吗? Of course not.当然不是。It takes quite some time for a Chinese English learner to understand the western concept of privacy being violated in this address. 学英语的中国人得费点儿时间才能理解这一问候语侵犯了西方人的隐私。By the same token,同样,"Have you eaten?"(which is another addressing term the Chinese people usually use)will sound to native English speakers that the Chinese are so hospitable that they invite people to meals off-handedly. 英语母语者听到"你吃了吗?"(中国人常用的另外一个问候语),会觉得中国人非常好客,会在事先毫无准备的情况下请人吃饭。Meanwhile,the Chinese would be shocked to hear,"Oh,it's very nice of you.When?",if the addressee happens to have a craving for Chinese cooking and has not had his dinner yet.如果听话者此刻正希望品尝一下中国美食,又碰巧没有吃饭,他会回答"太好了,什么时候?",中国人为此也会大吃一惊。 "We can say we are going to have chicken for dinner.Why can't we say pig,bull or sheep for dinner instead of pork,beef or mutton?" Chinese English learners may raise such questions.中国的英语学习者可能会这样问:"我们可以说吃鸡,为什么不能说吃猪、吃牛、吃羊,而要说吃猪肉、牛肉、羊肉呢?"Figuring out the reasons for the peculiar English vocabulary is no easy task for Chinese English learners.对学习英语的中国人来说,为这些特殊的英语词汇找出理由并非易事。But the problem is that memorizing English words mechanically would be devastating and inefficient if they did not know what had happened in British history.问题在于如果不懂英国历史,死记硬背英语单词毫无效率。Thus learning English(and other languages as well)involves learning the history of the countries where it is spoken.所以说,学英语(其他语言亦如此)还包括学习使用该语言国家的历史知识。A task of this kind is more difficult for Chinese English learners than for people who speak


Unit 3 Out of Step Bill Bryson 1 After living in England for 20 years, my wife and I decided to move back to the United States. We wanted to live in a town small enough that we could walk to the business district, and settled on Hanover, N.H., a typical New England town—pleasant, sedate and compact. It has a broad central green surrounded by the venerable buildings of Dartmouth College, an old-fashioned Main Street and leafy residential neighborhoods. 2 It is, in short, an agreeable, easy place to go about one’ s business on foot, and ye far as I can tell, virtually no one does. 3 Nearly every day, I walk to the post office or library or bookstore, and sometimes, if I am feeling particu larly debonair, I stop at Rosey Jekes Caféa cappuccino. Occasionally, in the evenings, my wife and I stroll up to the Nugget Theatre for a movie or to Murphy’ s on the Green for a beer, I wouldn’ t dream of going to any of these places by car. People ha ve gotten used to my eccentric behavior, but in the early days acquaintances would often pull up to the curb and ask if I wanted a ride. 4“ I’ m going your way,” they would insist when I politely declined. no bother.”


四川理工学院成人高等教育 《机电工程专业英语》试卷( A 卷) 年级三年级 专业机电一体化 ZK931101 层次专科 号 题号一二三四五六七八总分评阅(统分)人 学 题分20 30 20 30 得 分 注意事项: 线 名 1.满分 100 分。要求卷面整洁、字迹工整、无错别字。 姓 订 生 2.考生必须将“学生姓名”和“学号”完整、准确、清楚地填写在试卷规定的地方,否则视为 学 装 此 废卷。 过 3.考生必须在签到表上签到,否则若出现遗漏,后果自负。 要 得分 评阅教师 级 不 一、选择题: 班 题 业 专 答 选择括号中提供的单词或短语,并以正确的形式填空。 (每空 2 分,共 20 分) ( send out, focus on, deny, prove, make sure, equip with, shock, accomplish, vary from, call ) ( 1) A week ago he received a notice stating his application was . ( 2) Effective teaching is the learning needs of each student in the class. ( 3) His mother when she heard about the accident. ) ( 4) He a number of e-mail messages to his friends. 班 ( 5) Position measurement in NC machines 属 can through direct or indirect methods. 直 ( ( 6) The actual programming commands needed will 点 also builder to builder. 学 ( 7) This method to be very successful. 教 (8) that the instructions for the use of this high pre are strictly observed. (9) The majority of NC/CNCmachine tools automatic too such as magazines on machining center and turrets on turning centers. (10) The movements are detected and counted by a feedback device a transducer. 得分 评阅教师 二、名词解释: 写出下列英文缩写的全称 ,并翻译成中文。 (每题 3 分,共 30 分) ( 1) PLC ( 2) CIM ( 3) AGV ( 4) FMS ( 5) ROM ( 6) CPU ( 7) CNC ( 8) CAD ( 9) GUI ( 10) JIT 得分 评阅教师 三、汉译英: 将下列术语翻译成英文。 (每题 2 分,共 20 分) ( 1) 在线编程 ( 2) 装配有(某设备) ( 3) 钻床 ( 4) 齿轮加工 ( 5) 穿孔纸带 ( 6) 切削中心 ( 7) 加工中心 ( 8) 光电开关 ( 9) 显示面板 ( 10) 超声波加工 得分 评阅教师 四、英译汉

自考英语二(新版) 原文 Unit 11 Cyber World

Unit 11 Cyber World A Famous Quote The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. - Bill Gates Bill Gates (1955- ), American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, and author. Gates is the former chief executive officer (CEO) and current chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with Paul Allen. Text A Cyber Love Pre-reading Questions: 1. Have you ever made a friend on the Internet? How did you develop your friendship? 2. What suggestions can you give if one hopes to make friends on the Internet? Thanks to the late 20th century technology, Maria of Denmark and Martijin of Holland met on a chatline. For months they’ve talked and sent letters to each other with the help of their computers as they found themselves falling head over heels in love. It was then that they decided to meet in the real, not only the virtual, world. It was not easy to arrange as the young man and his lady were separated by 700 very real kilometers, but the date was a success and Maria and M artijin have been living together happily ever since. They’ve created a home page to let the world know how they’ve found happiness via the Internet and introduce couples who’ve met under similar circumstances. Throughout history men and women have used a variety of means to find each other. Internet romance, according to some, is a bizarre method, and to others it is a natural way for the 90’s to meet potential mates. Romances formed on the Internet follow a characteristic script. The development of emotional intimacy is a long progress, sometimes taking several months. “Love at first byte” is rare although there are examples. The initial light exchanges, whether by e-mail or in chat rooms, are generally followed by increasingly self-revealing topics, and then after a while, the two strangers perceive each other as a true friend. Hearts open, an avalanche of e-mail crosses cyberspace carrying literary quality, and electronic messages are even enhanced with verse and virtual gifts (flowers, kisses, animated pictures). Could any heart with romantic inclinations resist? When you reach


Unit1 1.背离传统需要极大的勇气 1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 2.汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。 2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience. 3.很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。 3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 4.假设那幅画确实是名作,你觉得值得购买吗? 4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it? 5.如果这些数据统计上市站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。 5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating. Unit2 1.该公司否认其捐款有商业目的。 1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.


Unit 1 Text A Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, reflects on a visit to China and gives his thoughts on different approaches to learning in China and the West. 哈佛大学教育学教授霍华德·加德纳回忆其中国之行,阐述他对中西方不同的学习方式的看法。 Learning, Chinese-Style Howard Gardner 1 For a month in the spring of 1987, my wife Ellen and I lived in the bustling eastern Chinese city of Nanjing with our 18-month-old son Benjamin while studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools. But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing. 中国式的学习风格 霍华德·加德纳 1987年春,我和妻子埃伦带着我们18个月的儿子本杰明在繁忙的中国东部城市南京住了一个月,同时考察中国幼儿园和小学的艺术教育情况。然而,我和埃伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在南京期间寓居的金陵饭店的大堂。 2 The key to our room was attached to a large plastic block with the room number on it. When leaving the hotel, a guest was encouraged to turn in the key, either by handing it to an attendant or by dropping it through a slot into a box. Because the key slot was narrow, the key had to be positioned carefully to fit into it. 我们的房门钥匙系在一块标有房间号的大塑料板上。酒店鼓励客人外出时留下钥匙,可以交给服务员,也可以从一个槽口塞入钥匙箱。由于口子狭小,你得留神将钥匙放准位置才塞得进去。 3 Benjamin loved to carry the key around, shaking it vigorously. He also liked to try to place it into the slot. Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of the need to position the key just so, he would usually fail. Benjamin was not bothered in the least. He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot. 本杰明爱拿着钥匙走来走去,边走边用力摇晃着。他还喜欢试着把钥匙往槽口里塞。由于他还年幼,不太明白得把钥匙放准位置才成,因此总塞不进去。本杰明一点也不在意。他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多。 4 Now both Ellen and I were perfectly happy to allow Benjamin to bang the key


2、应力和应变在任何工程结构中独立的部件或构件将承受来自于部件的使用状况或工作的外部环境的外力作用。如果组件就处于平衡状态,由此而来的各种外力将会为零,但尽管如此,它们共同作用部件的载荷易于使部件变形同时在材料 里面产生相应的内力。有很多不同负载可以应用于构件的方式。负荷根据相应 时间的不同可分为: (a)静态负荷是一种在相对较短的时间内逐步达到平衡的应用载荷。 (b)持续负载是一种在很长一段时间为一个常数的载荷, 例如结构的 重量。这种类型的载荷以相同的方式作为一个静态负荷; 然而,对一些材料与温度和压力的条件下,短时间的载荷和长时间的载荷抵抗失效的能力可能是不同的。 (c)冲击载荷是一种快速载荷(一种能量载荷)。振动通常导致一个冲击载荷, 一般平衡是不能建立的直到通过自然的阻尼力的作用使振动停止的时候。 (d)重 复载荷是一种被应用和去除千万次的载荷。 (e)疲劳载荷或交变载荷是一种大 小和设计随时间不断变化的载荷。上面已经提到,作用于物体的外力与在材料 里面产生的相应内力平衡。因此,如果一个杆受到一个均匀的拉伸和压缩,也就是说, 一个力,均匀分布于一截面,那么产生的内力也均匀分布并且可以说杆是 受到一个均匀的正常应力,应力被定义为应力==负载 P /压力 A, 因此根据载荷的性质应力是可以压缩或拉伸的,并被度量为牛顿每平方米或它的倍数。如果一个杆受到轴向载荷,即是应力,那么杆的长度会改变。如果杆的初始长度 L 和改变量△L 已知,产生的应力定义如下: 应力==改变长△L /初始长 L 因此应 力是一个测量材料变形和无量纲的物理量 ,即它没有单位;它只是两个相同单位的物理量的比值。一般来说,在实践中,在荷载作用下材料的延伸是非常小的, 测量的应力以*10-6 的形式是方便的, 即微应变, 使用的符号也相应成为 ue。从某种意义上说,拉伸应力与应变被认为是正的。压缩应力与应变被认为是负的。因此负应力使长度减小。当负载移除时,如果材料回复到初始的,无负载 时的尺寸时,我们就说它是具有弹性的。一特定形式的适用于大范围的工程材 料至少工程材料受载荷的大部分的弹性, 产生正比于负载的变形。由于载荷正 比于载荷所产生的压力并且变形正比于应变, 这也说明,当材料是弹性的时候, 应力与应变成正比。因此胡克定律陈述, 应力正比于应变。这定律服从于大部 分铁合金在特定的范围内, 甚至以其合理的准确性可以假定适用于其他工程材 料比如混凝土,木材,非铁合金。当一个材料是弹性的时候,当载荷消除之后,任何负载所产生的变形可以完全恢复,没有永久的变形。材料的弹性范围即是适用于胡克定律的范围,已经表明, 应力/应变==常数常数被赋予符号 E,被称为弹性模量或杨氏模量。因此 E =应力/应变杨氏模量 E 一般认为在拉伸和压缩 里是一样的,大多数工程材料有一个高的数值。典型的,钢的 E = 200 * 109 N / m2,所以它将被观察到,Eq.应变通常是非常小的。在最常见的工程应用中应变很少会超过 0、1%。对任何材料,杨氏模量的实用价值,通常是提供了一个标准的材料测试标本。 4、工程机械概述正如我们环顾四周,我们看到世界的“东西”:机器全,设备,工具;事情,我们已经设计,建造和使用;木材,金属,陶瓷制成的东西, 和塑料。我们从经验知道,有些事情是比别人做得更好,他们去年更长,成本 更低,更安静,看起来更好,或者更容易使用。理想的情况,但是,每个这样 的项目已按设计一些“功能要求,”由设计者认为,也就是说,它的设计,以 回答这个问题,“究竟是什么职能应是执行?在工程世界”,频繁的主要功能 是如此的支持,由于一些装载重量,惯性,压力式,从我们家中的光束,飞机


Unit 9 Facing Life’s Challenges A Famous Quote: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. - Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt(1882-1945), the 32nd President of the United States (1933-1945), he led the nation out of the Great Depression and later into World War II. Before he died, he cleared the way for peace, including establishment of the United Nations. His presidency is widely regarded as one of the greatest in US history. Text A: 300 Hurdles Pre-reading Questions: 1. Have you ever done hurdles? What do you think of it? 2. What kinds of difficulties and challenges have you ever met in your life? Life may give you negative, but don’t despair – it may just develop into a beautiful picture one day. This year, I realized my theory that I have on life. Life is like a 300m hurdle race. Since I run the 300m hurdles, I would know what the race is like. The first thing to any race is worrying about whether you are going to win or not. This relates to worrying about the petty things in life. Does it really matter if you win? Is it really going to be the end of the world? Or will you be upset if you lose and forget about it? In life we worry too much and live in the moment too little. Next is the lining up in our own individual lanes. We each start at different spots, but the race is still the same distance for everyone. This relates to our lives taking us to different places and putting us in different situations, but hopefully we will end up in the same place, but maybe at different times. Now comes the beginning of the race. We all try to keep up with everyone and pace ourselves with other people. This symbolizes that at times in everyone’s lives we worry about fitting in or being the same as other people, instead of worrying about being unique. If anyone were the same, the world would be incredibly boring. Now comes the first hurdle. This hurdle is the easiest to get over because you are not worn out from running. We all make it over this hurdle with ease. This symbolizes those obstacles in life that we struggle to get over, but we

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