当前位置:文档之家› 山东省德州市实验中学2020┄2021学年高二上学期期末考试英语






1.—How about coming to see me in the office tomorrow afternoon?

—________,but I have to meet a guest at the airport.

A.All right B.Sounds great C.No problem D.No,I am very sorry

2.You have to be accurate in this job,because a small mistake can make a big ________. A.difference B.difficulty C.trouble D.change

3. —Brad was Jane’s brother!

— _____ he reminded me so much of Jane!

A. No doubt

B. Above all

C. No wonder

D. Of course

4.It was not until last week_______ she found________ she thought was quite mistaken. A.when;that B.that;that C.when;what D.that;what

5.What we all know is that new technology is being ________to almost every industrial process. A.applied B.attempted C.acquired D.arranged

6. The airport _______ next year will help promote tourism in this area.

A. being completed

B. to be completed

C. completed

D. having been completed

7. MoYan was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2012, made one of the Chinese people’s long-held dreams come true.

A. it

B. that

C. what

D. which

8. Zhu Zhiwen is _____ instant hit as a peasant singer, who is simple and honest by _____ nature.

A. an; the

B. /; /

C. /; the

D. an; /

9. —How about the party _______ at Mary's house?

—Wonderful ! Everyone had a good time.

A.holding B.to hold C.being held D.held

10. You mustn’t be dressed in pink for it doesn’t _____ you.

A. suit

B. attract

C. match

D. fit

11. What great trouble they had ______ where we planned to meet!

A. to find

B. finding

C. found

D. find

12. Not until the teacher explained the importance of getting up early ______ we promise to

come early.

A. should

B. would

C. did

D. could

13. I _____ to go on a diet, but the dishes at the party were simply impossible to resist.

A. intend

B. am intending

C. had intended

D. could intend

14. —You ______ Mary of the meeting to be held this afternoon.

—I’m sorry. I have forgotten all about it.

A. must have informed

B. may have informed

C. would inform

D. should inform

15. Edison was a clever boy, and _______ he was fourteen, he had learned advance mathematics

by himself.

A. whenever

B. by the time

C. the moment

D. ever since

16. The weather wasn’t fine. Otherwise, we _____ a picnic down by the lake.

A. would have had

B. would have

C. had

D. hah had

17. You should report any incident, _______ minor it is.

A. whatever

B. whenever

C. however

D. wherever

18. Dieting for some girls means eating too little, which _______ can lead to poor nutrition.

A. if not

B. in return

C. even so

D. in turn

19. — Have you made any plan for the coming May 1st Holiday?

—I don’t mind what to do _______ there's less homework from the teachers and more

pocket money from my parents.

A.as long as B.as far as C.now that D.in order that

20. Tom said he would appreciate _____ if we would go to help her with housework.

A. that

B. this

C. one

D. it



My uncle has a very beautiful umbrella. He has had it 21 and as he is very 22 it, it still looks as good as new.

“That umbrella must have 23 you a great deal of money, Uncle.” I said to him one day.

“No,” he replied, “ 24 ”

“Was it a present?” I asked again.

“No,” said he.

“Then how did you get it?” I asked.

“Well,” he answered, “it is a strange true story. About ten years ago, I was walking along a quiet London street one evening 25 it suddenly rained. I had no raincoat and no umbrella. No buses ran through that street and there were no 26 in sight. As I was on my way to a party, I didn't want to get 27 . So I stood at a doorway and waited for the rain to stop. By and by it grew quite 28 .There wasn't a person around, and 29 it rained and rained. 30 a young man

came to the place where I was standing, 31 a large umbrella over his head. 32 I hoped he would 33 me to walk to the next corner with him in order that I could get a taxi, I stepped 34 the dark doorway where I had been standing, and said:“ 35 , where are you going with that umbrella?”

36 by my sudden appearance, the young man 37 the umbrella, which, I'm afraid, he had just stolen, ran away, and 38 into the darkness. I picked up the umbrella and continued my walk. I knew it would be 39 in this big city to try and discover the owner and so I've kept it

40 .”

21. A. for months B. for years C. since childhood D. for a few days

22. A. satisfied with B. afraid of C. proud of D. careful with

23. A. given B. cost C. saved D. made

24. A. very little B. I don't know C. not a penny D. quite a lot

25. A. when B. though C. because D. after

26. A. bicycles B. policemen C. friends D. taxis

27. A. tired B. back C. wet D. away

28. A. dark B. fine C. dirty D. dangerous

29. A. naturally B. suddenly C. always D. still

30. A. At once B. At last C. As usual D. As well

31. A. selling B. carrying C. moving D. showing

32. A. As B. Although C. While D. If

33. A. order B. persuade C. allow D. promise

34. A. into B. out of C. towards D. along

35. A. By the way B. Help C. Excuse me D. Stop

36. A. Punished B. Discouraged C. Warned D. Frightened

37. A. raised B. took C. dropped D. forgot

38. A. disappeared B. lost C. pulled D. turned

39. A. endless B. interesting C. exciting D. hopeless

40. A. ever since B. for a while C. for you D. forever




Knowing the best way to study will help you to be a better student. By using your time properly, you can do your homework more quickly. Learning to study is not difficult.

The first thing to remember is that you must be willing to learn. It doesn’t mean that you must always like the subject. It does mean, however, that you must be wil1ing to do whatever is necessary to learn. Try to understand why it is important and how it will help you now and later to do and learn other things. Knowing mathematics facts will be useful in your whole life. Knowing how to spell makes any kind of writing easier. Sometimes the subject that you think is going to be uninteresting will be exciting when you begin to work at it and understand it more clearly. Learning things can be fun if you are willing to work with them.

Here’s some advice for you:have a certain time each day and a quiet place with good lighting for study, so that you can concentrate on your study without interruptions(中断); have everything ready before you sit down to study, a dictionary, paper, a pen and books; be

sure you understand what you should learn before you start; read carefully and pay special attention to the most important things; when memorizing, first find out the main parts and then recite the whole thing; check your homework after you finish it; never forget the importance of review and preview.

Don’t try to spend a lot of time researching learning methods. There are many students who know many good learning methods but don’t study well. They forget that the most useful learning method is to study hard.

41. The main goal of the article is .

A. to prove that learning is not difficult

B. to make the readers be interested in study

C. to tell the importance of self teaching

D. to tell the students how to study well

42. The first thing to remember in studying is that .

A. you must like the subject

B. you must follow the teacher

C. you must enjoy learning

D. you must study hard

43. We learn things because .

A. our parents want us to learn

B. every student learns at school

C. we may use these things in the future

D. we like the subjects

44. The following advice is given in the article EXCEPT .

A. To put a pen, paper and books beside you before study.

B. To study at any possible time and place.

C. To review and preview

D. To pay attention to the most important things.

45. Among the following statements, is true.

A. The more learning methods we have, the better we will study.

B. Finding the best learning method is the most important in learning.

C. If you don’t work hard, though you have a good learning method, you can’t be good at study.

D. Once we have mastered a good learning method, we can improve our study greatly.


My elder brother Steve, in the absence of my father who died when I was six, gave me important lessons in values that helped me grow into an adult.

For instance, Steve taught me to face the results of my behavior. Once when I returned in tears from a Saturday baseball game, it was Steve who took the time to ask me what happened. When I explained that my baseball had soared through Mrs. Holt’s basement window, breaking the glass with a crash, Steve encouraged me to confess(承认)to her. After all, I should have been playing in the park down Fifth Street and not in the path between buildings. Although my knees knocked as I explained to Mrs. Holt, I offered to pay for the window from my pocket money if she would return my ball. I also learned from Steve that personal property is a sacred(神圣的) thing. After I found a shiny silver pen in my fifth-grade classroom, I wanted to keep it, but Steve explained that it might be important to someone else in spite of the fact that it had little value. He reminded me of how much I’d hate to lose to someone else the small dog that my father carved from a piece of cheap wood. I returned the pen to my teacher, Mrs. Davids, and still remembered the smell of her perfume as she patted me on my shoulder.

Yet of all the instructions Steve gave me, his respect for life is the most vivid in my mind. When I was twelve, I killed an old brown sparrow in the yard with a BB gun. Excited with my accuracy, I screamed to Steve to come from the house to take a look. I shall never forget the way he stood for a long moment and stared at the bird on the ground. Then in a dead, quiet voice, he asked, “Did it hurt you first, Mark?” I didn’t know what to answer. He continued with his eyes firm, “The only time you should even think of hurting a living thing is if it hurts you first. And then you think a long, long time.” I really felt terrible then, but that moment stands out as the most important lesson my brother taught me.

46. What is the main subject of the passage?

A. The relationship between Mark and Steve.

B. The important lesson Mark learned in school

C. Steve’s important role in mark’s growing process.

D. Mark and Steve’s respect for living things.

47. It can be inferred from the passage that when Mark confessed to Mrs. Holt, __________.

A. he felt surprised

B. he was light-hearted

C. he felt frightened

D. he knelt before her

48. In the story about the pen, which of the following lessons did Steve teach his brother?

A. Respect for personal property.

B. Respect for life.

C. Sympathy for people with problems.

D. The value of honesty.

49. According to the writer, which was the most important lesson Steve taught his young brother?

A. Respect f or living things.

B. Responsibility for one’s actions.

C. The value of the honesty.

D. Care for the property of others.

50. Which of the follow is true according to the passage?

A. Mark was still a boy when he wrote this passage.

B. Mark lost the small dog his father carved somewhere.

C. When a living thing hurts you, you should kill it.

D. Even if a living thing hurts you, you should not kill it without hesitation.


I began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returni ng from my aunt’s house, and my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America. We were on the bus then. I was crying, and some people on the bus were turning around to look at me. I remember that I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morning.

I do not remember myself crying for this reason again. In fact, I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to see—the strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures. The country I was leaving and never to come back was hardly in my head then.

The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism(乐观), but the idea did not come to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really lost—having to study in three schools as a result of family moves. I did not quite know what I was or what I should be. Mother remarried, and things became even more complex for me. Some time

passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other. I was often sad, and saw no end to “the hard times.”

My responsibilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English better than everyone else at home. I wrote letters, filled out forms, translated at interviews with Immigration officers (移民局官员), took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there, and even discussed telephone bills with company representatives.

From my experiences I have learned one important rule:Almost all common troubles go away at last! Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up, and just wait a little! I believe that my life will turn out all right, even though it will not be that easy.

51. The author got to know America from __________.

A. radio programs

B. books and pictures

C. her mother

D. her relatives

52. Upon leaving for America the author felt __________.

A. excited

B. confused

C. worried

D. amazed

53. For the first two years in New York, the author __________.

A. often lost her way

B. did not think about her future

C. studied in three different schools

D. got on well with her stepfather

54. We can learn about the author from Paragraph 4 that__________.

A. she worked as a translator.

B. she attended a lot of job interviews.

C. she paid telephone bills for her family.

D. she helped her family with her English.

55. The author believes that __________.

A. her future will be free from troubles

B. it is difficult to learn to become patient

C. there are more good things than bad things

D. good things will happen if one keeps trying


In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation(模仿) is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes (菜谱) and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone else’s way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a child’s bicyc le; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.

In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously (下意识地) hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.

In the field of entertainment, those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disastrous. If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.

Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.

56.Imitation proves useful when you .

A. know you are unique

B. lose the balance of life

C. begin to learn something new

D. get tired of routine practice

57. To avoid the bad result of imitation, we should________.

A. forget daily fear and pain

B. choose the right example

C. ask others for decisions

D. stay away from stars

58. According to the author, the world moves on because of those who are .

A. eager to influence others with their knowledge

B. ready to turn their original ideas into reality

C. eager to discover what their ancestors did

D. willing to accept others’ ideas

59.The trouble a creator faces is .

A. the lack of strong motivation

B. the absence of practical ideas

C. how to search for more materials

D. how to use imagination creatively

60. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to __________.

A. emphasize the importance of creativity.

B. criticize the characters of role models.

C. compare imitation with creation.

D. explain the meaning of success.


This hotel in the trees is famous in the world. Peop1e who know very little about Kenya, know of Treetops. When King George VI died, Princess Elizabeth was staying on the Treetops, and when she came down from there, “She succeeded him as the queen of the country”. This hotel in the middle of the forest shows the pleasure of Africa. When you visit it, you will be sent into the heart of the forest by hotel buses, and then a guide, with a gun to protect you against big game, will go with you to the Treetops. Before and after dinner, for the whole night if you

wish, you can sit on the corridor(走廊), watching animals come to the water pool. The earliest hotel Treetops was built round a large tree on the opposite side of the water, but that was destroyed by fire and the new hotel Treetops, which is built round several trees, is much bigger. The dining room at Treetops is small, and the waiters cannot walk round to serve guests, a clever “railway service” has been invented. Guests take their food as it passes slowly in front of them, along a line in the center of the table.

There are many animals around the Treetops. When you visit them, you can see:

---Animals and their babies are waiting to greet the guests.

---Animals, enjoying the Treetops pool in the daylight.

---A long bodied, long ring tailed very active cat-like animal is a special one coming out at night. He hunts and eats anything he can overpower and is very destructive. He lives in the trees at Treetops .He comes for his food every evening. Do not get too near to him, as his teeth and claws(爪)can do you harm. These animals can be trained and become lovely pets.

---Some other animals who have a thick coating of fur to keep them warm in the cold forest nights.

---Many buffaloes(水牛)coming to the Treetops for water and salt during the day or night. 61.“She succeeded him as the queen of the country” In this sentence, “succeeded” means_______.

A.did what she was trying to do B.gained her purpose

C.got a position on the death of the King D.completed an easy task

62.According to the passage, “railway service” actually refe rs to __________.

A.the service provided at the railway station

B.the supply of food on the train

C.the service provided along the railway

D.the supply of food along a moving line

63.Which of the following statements about “the cat-like animal”, described in the passage, is

NOT true?

A.It comes for food only at night.

B.It lives in the trees at Treetops.

C.Its teeth and claws can do people harm.

D.It can catch any other animal in the forest.

64.According to the passage. Treetops is famous in the world because ________.

A.it shows the pleasure of America

B.Princess Elizabeth got to the crown when coming down from there C.it is built round several trees

D.there are many animals that can be trained and become lovely pets

65.We can learn from the passage, that the guests____.

A.should not play games on the Treetops

B.could not sit on the corridor at night

C.could enjoy their dinner in the dining room

D.should keep off the cat-like animals


第一节:阅读表达(共5 小题;每小题4分,满分20分)


[1] I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day. But I became invisible, absent from the conversation.

[2] The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Recently I was in a car with three friends. The driver told us to be quiet because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. There we were, four friends going down the highway, unable to talk to one another because of a tool designed to make communication easier.

[3]Why is it that the more connected we get, ________________________ ? Every advance in communications technology is a hurt to the closeness of human interaction (互动). With e-mail and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.

[4] More and more, l find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation. Or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn’t really have time to talk. The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier.

[5] So I've put myself on technology restriction:no instant messaging with people who live near me, no cell-phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the voice mail pick up when I' m home.

66. What does the author say about communications technology according to the first two paragraphs?(within 15 words)



67. Which sentences in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?However, I felt left out as if we were not conducting the conversation.



68. Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (within 10 words)



69. Does the author restrict (约束) his own activity to improving the situation? Give an example. How?(within 15 words)



70. Translate the underlined sentences in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.






66、___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________ 67、___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________ 68、___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________ 69、___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________ 70、___________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ ________




(2)感谢她帮助你们学习英语; (3)时间:星期六晚六点;

(4)地点:阳光俱乐部(The Sun Club)302房间;


(2)词数:120 ---- 150。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

(3)参考词汇:欢送会 farewell party

Dear Jane,

Congratulations on your passing all the exams.


_________________________________________________________________ ________


_________________________________________________________________ ________


_________________________________________________________________ ________


_________________________________________________________________ ________


_________________________________________________________________ ________


_________________________________________________________________ ________


Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua



1--5BACDA 6--10BDDDA 11--15 BCCAB 16--20ACDAD


21—25 BDBCA 26—30 DCADB 31—35 BACBC 36—40 DCADA


41—45DCCBC 46-50CCAAD 51—55 BACDD 56—60 CBBDA 61-65:CDDBD


66. The cell phone gets in the way of face to face communication./Communications technology is interfering with human contact. / It does harm to the closeness of human interaction. / It is a hurt to the closeness of human interaction.

67. But I became invisible, absent from the conversation.

68. the more disconnected I feel/ the lonelier we feel/ the farther away we seem to be/the more left out we feel

69. Yes. For example, he doesn’t conta ct people living near him with instant messaging. / Yes. For example, he doesn’t use his cell phone in the presence of friends. / Yes. He doesn’t let the voice mail pick up when he is at home.

70. 我发现自己越来越频繁地借用电子邮件回避面对面交谈。/ 越来越多地,我发现本应该用对话交流来解决的事情,自己却用不用露面的电子邮件来做。/ 本该通过对话交流来解决的事情,我却发现自己越来越多地通过不用当面交谈的电子邮件来做。

Dear Jane,

Congratulations on your passing all the exams. I am delighted that you have made great progress in the two years of your studying Chinese in Beijing. There is no doubt that all you have gained is the result of your hard work. We are proud of you. And thank you very much for your help with our English. Without your help, we wouldn’t have found English easy and interesting to learn. The wonderful time which we spent together will never be forgotten.

So a farewell party for you has been prepared before you leave for the US. It will be held in Room 302 in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. I wonder if you could come by 6:00 p.m. Our friends and I would appreciate it if you could come to the party.


居民与聚落 一、单选题(本大题共21小题) 1.如图,下列叙述可由“世界人口增长曲线图”中分析得出的是() A. 世界人口数量在不断增长 B. 1900年以来,世界人口增长缓慢 C. 世界人口的增长速度一直以来都比较均匀 D. 人口数量的变化与自然因素无关 2.小明于2019年8月去巴西里约热内卢观看第31届夏季奥运会,他看到的人种和听到的语言主要是 () A. 白种人,葡萄牙语 B. 混血种人,西班牙语 C. 白种人,西班牙语 D. 黑种人,葡萄牙语 3.为了迎接上海世博会,组委会向社会招募了大量懂英语的志愿者,因为英语是() A. 世界上使用上数最多的语言 B. 世界上使用最广泛的语言 C. 联合国规定的唯一工作语言 D. 上海世博会唯一指定外语 4.如图所示建筑是哪一宗教的活动场所() A. 伊斯兰教 B. 佛教 C. 基督教 D. 犹太教 5.如图为世界局部地区图,读图完成11-12题. 下列说法错误的是() A. 甲地区经济发达,人口稠密 B. 乙地区石油储量丰富,是重要的石油输出区 C. 丙地区人口自然增长率较低 D. 丁地区位于赤道附近,全年高温6.读人口增长示意图,完成5-6题. 图中四类国家都可能存在人口问题,其中人口出现负增长,青壮年劳动力不足的国家为() A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④ 7.读如图,回答10-11题。 促使该地发展成为城市的主要因素是() ①宗教中心②自然资源丰富③地形开阔④河流交汇处 A. ①② B. ①④ C. ③④ D. ②③ 8.如图,下列叙述可由“世界人口增长曲线图”中分析得出的是() A. 世界人口数量在不断增长 B. 1900年以来,世界人口增长缓慢 C. 世界人口的增长速度一直以来都比较均匀 D. 人口数量的变化与自然因素无关 雨燕是飞翔速度最快的鸟。雨燕每年三、四月来到北京,七、八月飞离北京。读北京雨燕迁徙示意图,完成下列各题。 9.关于图中甲、乙、丙、丁四地气候说法有误的是 A. 甲地为温带季风气候 B. 乙地深居内陆,距海远,降水较少 C. 丁地所在大洲气候类型以赤道为轴,南北对称分布 D. 丙地为热带雨林气候,且有世界上面积最大的热带雨林 10.据图判断下列说法不正确的是 A. 迁徙途中雨燕飞越了世界最大的半岛 B. 迁徙途中雨燕飞越的国家大多为发展中国家 C. 由丙到丁所经过地区的居民主要为黑种人 D. 迁徙途中雨燕飞越了亚、欧、非三大洲 11.北京是我们国家的政治中心,向世界展示着中华文化的悠久与灿烂.回答13~14题. 保护世界文化遗产的说法,正确的是() A. 全部封闭,禁止游人参观 B. 拆除后都做成微缩景观供人参观 C. 为适应现代生活要彻底改造 D. 核心是对优秀传统文化的保护. 第 1 页


德州市实验中学12月份月考试题 一、选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的(本大题共 12小题,每小题5分,共60分)。 1.已知}1|{+==x y y M 、},1|),{(22=+=y x y x N 则集合N M 中元素的个数是 A .0 B .1 C .2 D .多个 2.设,,是非零向量,下列命题正确的是 ( ) A .)()(c b a c b a ??=?? B .222 ||||||2|||b +-=- C .若与则|,|||||+==的夹角为60° D .若b a b a b a 与则|,|||||-==的夹角为60° 3.某小组有8名同学,从中选出2名男生、1名女生,分别参加数理化单科竞赛,每人参加一种共有90种不同的参赛方案,则男女生的个数应是( ) (A )男6女2 (B )男5女3 (C )男3女5 (D )男2女6 4.过定点P (2,1)作直线l 分别交x 轴正向和y 轴正向于A 、B ,使△AOB (O 为原点)的面积最小,则l 的方程为 ( ) (A )x +y -3=0 (B )x +3y -5=0 (C )2x +y -5=0 (D )x +2y -4=0 5. 已知c 是椭圆)0(122 22>>=+b a b y a x 的半焦距,则a c b +的取值范围是 ( ) A (1, +∞) B ),2(∞+ C )2, 1( D ]2,1( 6.若某停车场能把12辆车排成一列停放,有8个车位停放车,而4个空位连在一起,这种事件发生的概率是( ) A 、12 7C B 、8128 C C 、12 9C D 、12 10 C 7. 定义n n n n n i i n C C C C +++=∑= (100) , 则10 1 ()n k n n k C ==∑∑的值为( ) (A ).1022 (B ).1023 (C ).2046 (D ).2047 8. 已知椭圆)0,0(1)0(122 222222>>=->>=+n m n y m x b a b y a x 与双曲线有相同的焦点 (-c ,0)和(c ,0),若c 是a 、m 的等比中项,n 2是2m 2与c 2的等差中项,则椭圆 的离心是 ( )(A ). 3 3 (B ). 2 2 (C ). 4 1 (D ). 2 1 9.若方程cos2x +3sin2x =a +1在?? ? ???2,0π上有两个不同的实数解x ,则参数a 的取值范 围是( )(A )0≤a <1 (B )-3≤a <1 (C )a <1 (D )0<a <1 10.一个五位的自然数abcde 称为“凸”数,当且仅当它满足a <b <c ,c >d >e (如12430,13531等),则在所有的五位数中“凸”数的个数是 ( ) (A )8568 (B )2142 (C )2139 (D )1134 11. 如果直线04122=-++++=my kx y x kx y 与圆交于M 、N 两点,且M 、N 关于直线 0=+y x 对称,则不等式组?? ? ??≥≤-≥+-000 1y my kx y kx ,表示的平面区域的面积是 ( ) (A ).41 (B ).2 1 (C ).1 (D ).2 12.已知)(),(x g x f 都是定义在R 上的函数,()0,g x ≠(1)(1)5 ()(), ,(1)(1)2 x f f f x a g x g g -=?+=- 在有穷数列)10,,2,1}() () ({ =n n g n f 中,任意取前k 项相加,则前k 项和大于1615的概率是( ) A . 51 B . 5 2 C . 5 3 D . 5 4

山东省德州市第一中学2019届:高二地理期末模拟试题(Word版 无答案)

山东省德州市第一中学2019届:高二地理期末模拟试题(Word 版 无答案) 德州一中 2017-2018 学年高二下学期期末模拟考试 地 理 试 题 2018 年 7 月 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,第Ⅰ卷 1-10 页,第Ⅱ卷 11-16 页,共 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟。 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题(本大题共 37 个小题,每个小题都有 4 个选项,但只有一个正确选项,请将正确选项 的题号涂在答题卡的相应位置上) 下图为山东省沂源县西南某局部区域等高线分布示意图。图中的东周河因溯源侵蚀,袭夺了沂河上 源。读下图,完成下列各题。 1.袭夺发生后,河水流向出现倒转的河段是 A. AB 段 B. BC 段 C. CE 段 D. EF 段 2.沂河上源被袭夺后,会导致 A. BC 河段水流速度变缓慢 B. FG 河段宽谷内水流变细小 C. CD 河段河流径流量减少 D. 大张庄夏季暴雨洪涝增多 液化天然气(简称 LNG)是指开采出来的天然气经过超低温冷却变成液体后,将其压缩储存在低温 储 存罐内。俄罗斯亚马尔半岛冰原下蕴藏着丰富的天然气资源,2017 年中俄在亚马尔半岛合作兴建 了全球最大的 LNG 项目。该项目全部采用模块化建造,即在其他地方加工完项目所需的大型设备并 组成标准单元,然后运到项目所在地进行组装。下图示意亚马尔半岛位置。据此完成下题。 3.某日在萨别塔港施工的中国工人拍摄到“漫长黑夜后的第一缕阳光”。该日可能是 A .11 月 15 日 B .1 月 27 日 C .3 月 15 日 D .4 月 27 日 2016 年 11 月 30 日二十四节气被正式列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。二 十四节气最初是黄河流域劳动人民发明的。下表为二十四节气表,据此完成下题。 A.惊蛰节气提前、霜降节气错后 B.惊蛰节气错后、霜降节气提前 C.惊蛰节气错后、霜降节气错后 D.惊蛰节气提前、霜降节气提前 7 月 1 日某科考队前往内蒙古巴丹湖(39.2°N ,101.6°E),到达时恰逢日落。考察发现:巴丹 湖被沙山分为东湖和西湖(图 a),两湖水体性质受西北风影响有明显差异。地质时期,该湖所在地 区风向多变,影响着巴丹湖的地貌演化,造就了不同的湖泊形态(图 b)。据此完成 5~7 题。


山东省实验中学2011届第三次诊断性测试 数学(理)试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共6页.满分150分,考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: .1?答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号、考试科目分别填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置 上. 2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮 擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答案不能答在试卷上. 3.填空题直接填写答案,解答题应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. .4?本场考试禁止使用计算器. 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求 的. 1. 已知全集R U =,集合? ?? ? ??<=?≤-=-412 |},02|1 x x B x x A ,则)()(=?B A C R A .),1[)2,(+∞-?--∞ B?.),1(]2,(+∞-?--∞ C.),(+∞-∞ D??.),2(+∞- 2. 设有直线m 、n和平面βα、,下列四个命题中,正确的是 ( ) A?.若n m n m //,//,//则αα .B?若βαββαα//,//,//,,则n m n m ?? C.若βαβα⊥?⊥m m 则,, D.若ααββα//,,,m m m 则?⊥⊥ 3. 已知,13 5 )4sin(-=+πx 则x 2sin 的值等于??( )

A?.169120 ?B.169119 C?.169 120 - D?.-169119 4. 在等差数列}{n a 中,24)(3)(2119741=++++a a a a a ,则此数列前13项的和=13S ( ) 1.A?3 B.26 C.52 D .156 5. 由下列条件解ABC ?,其中有两解的是 ( ) A.?===80,45,20C A b o B?. 60,28,30===B c a .C? 45,16,14===A c a .D? 120,15,12===A c a 6. 平面向量a 与b 夹角为3 2π , a (3,0),|b |2==,则|a 2b |+= (?) A .7 .B?37 C.13 3.D? 7. 已a 、b R ∈,那么“122<+b a ”是“b a ab +>+1”的 ( ) .A?充要条件B? .必要不充分条件 C.充分不必要条件 .D?既不充分也不必要条件 8. 在三角形中,对任意λ都有|AB AC ||AB AC |λ-≥-,则ABC ?形状 ( ) A.锐角三角形 B.钝角三角形 ?C.直角三角形 D?.等腰三角形 9. 数列{n a }满足22,11==a a ,),2(11 1N n n a a a a a a n n n n n n ∈≥-=++--,则13a 等于( ) A.26 42.B? C.122×12! D.! 13213 ? 10. 若函数)10()1()(≠>--=-a a a a k x f x x 且在R上既是奇函数,又是减函数,则)(log )(k x x g a +=的图 象是 (??) 11. 已知函数mx x g x m mx x f =+--=)(,1)4(22)(2,若对于任一实数x ,)(x f 与)(x g 至少有一个为正数,则实数m 的取值范围是 (?? ) 0(.A?,2) B .(0,8) C?.(2,8) D?.(-∞,0) 12. 在正三棱锥S-AB C中,M 、N 分别是SC 、BC 的中点,且AM MN ⊥,若侧菱SA =32,则正三棱 S-ABC 外接球的表面积为? ( ) 1.A?2π B .32π C .36π D .48π 第Ⅱ卷 (共90分) 二.填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分。


1. 设集合{}1|(),|12x M y y N y y ??===≥??? ?,则集合M ,N 的关系为 A.M N = B.M N ? C.N M ≠? D.N M ≠? 2.下列各式中错误的是 A . 330.80.7> B . 0..50..5log 0.4log 0.6> C .< D . lg1.6lg1.4> 3.已知向量=(1,2)-,=(,2)x ,若⊥,则||b = A B . C .5 D .20 4.若点),4(a 在21 x y =的图像上,则π6 tan a 的值为 A. 0 B. 3 3 C. 1 D. 3 5."6"πα=是"212cos "=α的 .A 充分不必要条件 .B 必要不充分条件 .C 充分必要条件 .D 既不充分也不必要条件 6.函数()x x x f 2log 12-=定义域为 A. ()+∞,0 B. ()+∞,1 C. ()1,0 D. ()()+∞,11,0 7. 在△ABC 中,a b c 、、分别是三内角A B C 、、的对边, ?=?=45,75C A ,2b =,则此三角形的最小边长为( ) A .46 B .322 C .362 D . 4 2 8. 命题“∈?x R ,0123=+-x x ”的否定是 A .,x R ?∈0123≠+-x x B .不存在,x R ∈0123≠+-x x C .,x R ?∈ 0123=+-x x D .,x R ?∈ 0123≠+-x x

9.要得到函数的图像,只需将函数的图像 A.向左平移 个单位 B.向右平移个单位 C.向左平移 个单位 D.向右平移个单位 10. 函数的一个零点落在下列哪个区;间 A. (0,1) B. (1,2) C. (2,3) D. (3,4) 11. 等差数列{}n a 中,已知112a =-,130S =,使得0n a >的最小正整数n 为 A .7 B .8 C .9 D .10 12.函数?? ? ??-??? ??+=x x y 4cos 4sin 2ππ图象的一条对称轴是 A .8π=x B. 4π=x C. 2π =x D. π=x 13. 已知{}n a 等比数列,2512,,4a a ==则12231n n a a a a a a ++++= A .()1614n -- B . ()1612n -- C . ()32143n -- D .()32123 n -- 14.若实数,a b 满足2,a b +=则33a b +的最小值是 A. 18 B.6 C.15. 在数列{}n a 中,13a =, 11ln(1)n n a a n +=++,则n a = A .3ln n + B .3(1)ln n n +- C .3ln n n + D .1ln n n ++

山东省德州市乐陵市实验中学2020中考化学 知识点整理

基础知识集锦 一、气体的制备及装置的选择: (一)、反应原理 2KMnO 4=== K 2MnO 4+ MnO 2+O 2↑ 1.氧气: 固体加热 2KClO 3===2KCl+3O 2↑------------- 反应类型:分解反应 ) 2H 2O 2===2H 2O+O 2↑----------------- 2.氢气: Zn+H 2SO 4==ZnSO 4+H 2↑---------- 固体与液体不需要加热 3.二氧化碳: CaCO 3+2HCl==CaCl 2+H 2O+CO 2↑ (应用①碳酸钙作补钙剂②除石灰水瓶壁的白膜) (二)、装置的选择依据: 1.发生装置:反应物的状态及反应条件。 2.收集装置:生成气体的密度及溶解性, 如:氧气用 法收集, CO 2用 法收集,H 2用 法收集, 二、可燃物的燃烧: 点燃 2Mg+O 2===2MgO 点燃 金属:3Fe+2O 2=====Fe 3O 4 点燃 4Al+3O 2===2Al 2O 3 点燃 单质 S+O 2 ====SO 2 点燃 C+O 2====CO 2 反应类型:化合反应 氧化反应 点燃 ( 物质与氧发生 非金属 2C+O 2=====2CO 的化学反应) 点 4P+5O 2====2P 2O 5 点燃 2H 2+O 2====2H 2O 点燃 2CO+O 2=====2CO 2 点燃 化合物 CH 4+2O 2=====CO 2+2H 2O 不属于基本反应类型 点燃 C 2H 5OH+3O 2=====2CO 2+3H 20 三、氧化—还原反应 △ H 2+CuO====Cu+H 2O 反应类型: 高温 C+2CuO=====2Cu+CO 2↑ 置换反应 反应物中得氧的物质被氧化 高温 2Fe 2O 3+3C====4Fe+3CO 2↑ (单+化→ ,发生氧化反应,是还原剂; 高温 Fe 3O 4+2C====3Fe+2CO 2↑ 单+化) 失氧的物质被还原,发生还 △ CuO+CO====Cu+CO 2 原反应,是氧化剂 高温 Fe 2O 3+3CO====2Fe+3CO 2 非基本反应类型 高温 Fe 3O 4+4CO====3Fe+4CO 2 四、几个应用:(复分解反应:酸、碱、盐之间以及酸与金属氧化物之间) 1.酸除锈:(1).盐酸除锈Fe 2O 3+6HCl==2FeCl 3+3H 2O ,若酸过量还有Fe+2HCl==FeCl 2+H 2↑ (2)硫酸除锈Fe 2O 3+3H 2SO 4==Fe 2(SO 4)3+3H 2O ,若酸过量还有Fe+H 2SO 4 ==FeSO 4+H 2↑ 2.湿法炼铜:Fe+CuSO 4==FeSO 4+Cu (铁器不能盛放波尔多液的原因) 3.治疗胃酸过多:NaHCO 3+HCl==NaCl+H 2O+CO 2↑-------------------------------- Mg(OH)2+2HCl==MgCl 2+2H 2O 复分解反应 Al(OH)3+3HCl ==AlCl 3+3H 2O 中和反应:酸+碱==盐+水 4.中和硫酸厂的污水:Ca(OH)2+H 2SO 4==CaSO 4+2H 2O 5.中和反应的实验:向NaOH 溶液中滴入无色酚酞试液现象:液体变红色,然后逐滴滴入稀盐酸至 红色恰好褪去,恰好完全反应,此时溶质为NaCl ,化学方程式是NaOH+HCl==NaCl+H 2O 。 五、几种密闭保存的物质 (一)液体:1浓硫酸:吸水性,久置溶剂增加,溶质质量分数减小--------- 不变质 2.浓盐酸:挥发性,挥发出HCl 气体,溶质质量减少,溶质质量分数减小。 3.NaOH 溶液:与空气中的CO 2反应而变质2NaOH+CO 2==Na 2CO 3+H 2O (非基本反应类型) 此反应用于吸收CO 2; 检验.NaOH 溶液是否变质的方法①Na 2CO 3+2HCl==2NaCl+H 2O+CO 2↑ 复分解反应 ②Na 2CO 3+CaCl 2==2NaCl+ CaCO 3↓ (二)固体:1.NaOH :①吸水而潮解②与空气中的CO 2反应而变质 2. CaO :①CaO+H 2O=Ca(OH)2 ② Ca(OH)2 +CO 2=CaCO 3↓+H 2O “②”用于CO 2的检验,石灰水瓶壁白膜的形成,“①②”解释CaO 不能干燥CO 2 3.铁粉:与水、氧气共同作用,所以作双吸剂。 六、能量变化:1.溶解:吸热的有NH 4NO 3; 放热的有:NaOH 、浓H 2SO 4 2.化学反应:吸热的有:条件是“加热”“高温”如: 高温 高温 CO 2+C=====2CO CaCO 3====CaO+CO 2↑(CO 2的工业制法) 放热的有:①条件是“点燃”的反应, ②CaO+H 2O=Ca(OH)2 ③金属与酸的反应如Mg+2HCl==MgCl 2+H 2↑ 2Al+6HCl==2AlCl 3+3H 2↑ 七、纯碱(苏打)Na 2CO 3 小苏打NaHCO 3 生石灰CaO 熟石灰Ca(OH)2 烧碱(火碱、苛性钠)NaOH 食盐NaCl 酒精C 2H 5OH 醋酸CH 3COOH 银Ag 水银Hg 金Au 金刚石C 氨气NH 3 氨水NH 3 H 2O 干冰CO 2 葡萄糖C 6H 12O 6 氮气N 2 氦气He 氖气Ne 石灰石的主要成分CaCO 3 八、原子团及化合价 -1 -1 -2 -2 +1 +3 -1 NO 3 OH CO 3 SO 4 NH 4 Al Cl 离子:NO 3 – OH - CO 3 2- SO 4 2- NH 4 + Al 3+ Cl - 九、特征物质:黑色固体:C 粉、CuO 、Fe 3O 4、MnO 2、Fe 粉 红色固体:铜、氧化铁(Fe 2O 3) 紫黑色固体:KMnO 4 淡黄色固体:硫 溶液:棕黄色(黄色)溶液FeCl 3、 Fe 2(SO 4)3溶液; 浅绿色溶液:FeCl 2、FeSO 4溶液 蓝色溶液:CuSO 4溶液; 其他溶液大多为无色。 沉淀:蓝色沉淀:Cu(OH)2 红褐色沉淀:Fe(OH)3 不溶于稀硝酸的白色沉淀有AgCl BaSO 4 其他沉淀一般均为白色且溶于酸,如:CaCO 3 BaCO 3 Mg(OH)2 Al(OH)3 十、元素之最:1.地壳中最多的元素:氧,最多的金属元素:铝;其顺序为:养闺女(氧、硅、铝); 2.人体中最多的元素:氧,最多的金属元素:钙; 3.空气中最多的元素:氮(N ); 4. 人体中必需的微量元素:锌、铁、硒、碘、氟 十一、物质之最:1.密度最小的气体:H 2(相对分子质量最小);2.相对分子质量最小的氧化物:H 2O ; 3.最硬的天然物质:金刚石; .最简单的有机物:CH 4; 5.唯一的液态金属:Hg 6.空气成分由多到少顺序为:N 2、O 2、稀有气体、CO 2、其他气体及杂质。


山东省德州市武城县实验中学2020-2021学年八年 级上学期期中地理试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、选择题 1. 有关中国人口、民族的叙述,正确的是() A.人口分布西部密集,东部稀疏 B.人口总数世界第二位 C.民族分布有“大散居,小聚居,交错杂居”特点 D.人口最多的少数民族是藏族 2. 我国民族众多,各民族都有自己的风俗习惯。下列搭配正确的组是 A.蒙古族一开斋节、摔跤B.汉族一-端午节、赛龙舟 C.彝族一一火把节、手鼓舞D.白族一那达慕大会、斗牛 3. 下图为“我国四个省级行政区的轮廓及主要山脉分布图”,读图完成下列小题。 【小题1】暑假期间,小明要去位于天山脚下的吐鲁番盆地,看火焰山神奇地貌。莉莉却想去黑龙江的五大连池,观赏火山喷发形成的湖泊。请帮助他们选择要去的省级行政区域() A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④ 【小题2】图上代表祁连山脉的是() A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁 【小题3】下列关于省份的描述中正确的是() A.①省区全部位于内流区B.②省区的行政中心是南昌 C.③省区与蒙古国相邻D.④省区四季如春 4. 改革开放以来,我国的人口生育政策进行了动态调整(如图)。读图完成下面小题。

【小题1】上世纪八十年代,国家的生育政策是为了 A.缓解人口老龄化问题B.解决人口分布不均问题 C.解决劳动力不足问题D.缓解人口增长过快问题 【小题2】近20年来,与我国人口政策调整密切相关的国情是 A.老年人口比重增加B.劳动人口比重升高 C.人口的死亡率升高D.人口迁移数量增加 【小题3】一个国家人口政策的制定与调整说明 ①人口政策只能解决人口增长问题②人口政策要适应社会发展需求 ③人口发展应与资源、环境相协调④人口增长应与经济发展相适应A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.②③④ 5. 我国幅员辽阔,地形类型多样。读下图,完成下面小题。 【小题1】在我国各类地形中,所占面积比例最大的是( ) A.山地B.高原C.盆地D.平原 【小题2】如图所示,反映出我国的地形特征是( ) A.地形类型多样,平原面积广B.地形类型多样,高原面积广C.地形类型多样,山区面积广D.地形类型多样,盆地面积广 6. 我国气候复杂多样的重要标志是 A.雨热同期B.季风气候显著 C.多种多样的温度带和干湿地区D.冬季寒冷干燥,夏季温暖多雨


一、复数选择题 1.已知复数2z i =-,若i 为虚数单位,则 1i z +=( ) A . 3155i + B . 1355 i + C .113 i + D . 13 i + 2.若20212zi i =+,则z =( ) A .12i -+ B .12i -- C .12i - D .12i + 3.已知复数()2m m m i z i --=为纯虚数,则实数m =( ) A .-1 B .0 C .1 D .0或1 4.欧拉是瑞士著名数学家,他首先发现:e cos isin i θθθ=+(e 为自然对数的底数,i 为虚数单位),此结论被称为“欧拉公式”,它将指数函数的定义域扩大到复数集,建立了三角函数和指数函数的关系.根据欧拉公式可知,i e π=( ) A .1 B .0 C .-1 D .1+i 5.已知i 是虚数单位,复数2z i =-,则()12z i ?+的模长为( ) A .6 B .6 C .5 D .5 6.如图所示,在复平面内,网格中的每个小正方形的边长都为1,点A ,B 对应的复数分别是1z ,2z ,则12z z -=( ) A 2 B .2 C .2 D .8 7. )) 5 5 2121i i -- +=( ) A .1 B .-1 C .2 D .-2 8.设()2 211z i i =+++,则||z =( ) A 3B .1 C .2 D 2 9.已知复数1z i =+,z 为z 的共轭复数,则()1z z ?+=( ) A 2B .2 C .10 D 10 10.若( )()3 24z i i =+-,则在复平面内,复数z 所对应的点位于( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限


山东省实验中学东校 2005~2006学年度第一学期学生先进集体、先进个人名单 一、先进班集体 ⒈高一年级 27班班主任:陈鑫副班主任:葛明明 28班班主任:王克芳见习班主任:周丽丽 34班班主任:邵丽云副班主任:曹文辉 35班班主任:朱崇军副班主任:范心胜 ⒉高二年级 23班班主任:朱强副班主任:季京仁 26班班主任:杨晶副班主任:刘婷婷 29班班主任:赵光银 31班班主任:郭尚民副班主任:徐颖 33班班主任:石磊副班主任:潘晓雯 ⒊高三年级 23班班主任:张志勇副班主任:于永水 27班班主任:田延平 30班班主任:赵温霞副班主任:张延平 34班班主任:张琳副班主任:王存志 二、优秀团支部 ⒈高一年级 23班班主任:李明明见习班主任:薛文 31班班主任:艾金勇见习班主任:王虎 32班班主任:孙晓梅副班主任:王立明 33班班主任:张家鹏副班主任:姜爱娟 36班班主任:张兴卫副班主任:周迎峰 ⒉高二年级 25班班主任:杨光禄副班主任:辛同民 28班班主任:崔乐俊 30班班主任:韩玉坤 32班班主任:苗桂波副班主任:武仓 34班班主任:于兆河副班主任:李青青 ⒊高三年级 26班班主任:李龙新副班主任:王艳玲 28班班主任:张成林 33班班主任:张海副班主任:林琳 三、宿舍管理先进集体 ⒈高一年级:25班33班34班35班 ⒉高二年级:28班31班33班34班 ⒊高三年级:25班27班28班 四、“实验之星”三级奖章获得者名单 ㈠、下列同学在全国数学、物理、化学、生物、信息学、地理奥赛中获得省(赛区)二等奖,授予“实验之星”三级奖章:

高二年级 23班王鹏飞 31班郝阳 34班黄文强 高三年级 23班宋喆 28班于航 33班续广智张萌 34班刘杨 35班孙玮刁辰锡张腾贺玉凯 36班张海洋程龙 ㈡、高三年级31班学生张文卿被授予济南市“见义勇为先进分子”称号,授予“实验之星”三级奖章 ㈢、下列同学在期末考试中列级部前十名,授予“实验之星”三级奖章: 1、高一年级 32班李杨 34班赵慧婵 35班宫跃敏刘畅宋超逸孙小萌 2、高二年级 28班王雪王小双姚瑶董树丛 29班张好雨张素 30班矫玉洁 31班赵锦哲 32班张瑞斌岳海岑 33班吕劭宇丛明舒 34班杜馨张烁吴斌 3、高三年级 29班周广肃王欣欣 30班裴琛王鹏赵丹宁 31班张玲 33班傅宁 34班马文琪么炳楠 35班苏珣 36班刘文良王飞李向南张群 五、“实验之星”二级奖章获得者名单 ㈠、下列同学在全国数学、物理、化学、生物、信息学、地理奥赛中获得省(赛区)一等奖,授予“实验之星”二级奖章: 高二年级 31班戴振衡 36班高琛 高三年级 25班刘天华 29班厉哲 33班范维义赵真龙高翔(大)韩昊陈兵张德兵康凯戴姗姗高翔(小)


1、某植物花的颜色由两对非等位基因A(a)和B(b)调控,A基因控制色素的合成(A:出现色素,AA和Aa的效应相同),B为修饰基因,淡化颜色的深度(B:修饰效应出现,BB和Bb的效应不同)。现有亲代Pl(aaBB.白色)和P2(AAbb.红色),杂交实验如图: (1)若对粉红色的F1植株进行单倍体育种,那么育出的植株花色的表现型及比例是。 (2)F2中白花植株的基因型有种,其中纯合体占。 (3)F2红花植株中杂合体出现的几率是。红花植株的基因型是。 (4)为了验证花色遗传的特点,可将F2中粉红色花植株测交,单株收获所结的种子,每株的所有种子单独种植在一起可得到一个株系,则理论上在所有株系中有的株系F3花色的表现型及其数量比是粉红色:红色=1:1;的株系F3花色的表现型及其数量比为。 答案:(1)红色:白色=1:3 (2)53/7 (3)2/3 AAbb、Aabb (4)1/3 2/3 红色:粉红色:白色=1:1:2 2、在一定实验条件下,测得某植物的光合作用如图(一)所示,细胞呼吸如图(二)所示,请据图回答下列问题: ⑴在光合作用过程中,光反应为暗反应准备的两种物质是_____________________。 ⑵图(一)中影响a曲线的P点位置(上下移动)的主要外界因素是________;如果P

点是在氧气充足条件下测得的,则氧气浓度应大于_________%;在P点时植物细胞中可以产生ATP的结构(或场所)是_________________。 ⑶若此植物为阴生植物,在实验条件不变的情况下,改为生长状况相同的阳生植物,则图(一)a曲线的L点向_________________方向移动。 ⑷图(二)中细胞呼吸的有关曲线需在什么条件下测得?____________________。 ⑸绘制下列有关曲线图: ①图(一)中光合作用强度是用CO2吸收量(mol/h)表示的,如果改为O2的吸收量(mol/h)表示,请在图1中绘出光合作用强度与光照强度的关系曲线; ②在图2中绘出该植物无氧呼吸CO2的释放量与O2浓度的关系。 3、对一位因缺乏腺苷脱氨酶基因的人进行基因治疗.方法是首先将患者的白细胞取出作体外培养.然后用逆转录病毒将正常腺苷脱氨酶基因转人培养的白细胞中,再将这些转基因白细胞回输到患者的体内,经过多次治疗患者的免疫功能趋于正常。 (1)该基因治疗过程中,逆转录病毒的作用相当于基因工程中的,其原理是,该过程中所使用的工具酶有,该基因工程中的目的基因是。 ( 2)如图所示 图中属于属于植物组织培养过程是(填序号),若培养植物的培养基进行动物细胞培养,缺乏的成分是,动物细胞融合过程常用__________作诱导剂。杂交瘤细胞继承了__________。 答案:(1)运载体基因重组限制性内切酶、DNA连接酶 腺苷脱氨酶基因 (2)④-⑤动物血清灭活的仙台病毒 双方细胞的遗传物质,能产生特异性抗体,体外培养条件下能大量增值。


课题:化学电源 【学习目标】 1.能正确描述原电池的工作原理, 了解日常生活中常用的新型化学电源及其原理。 2.准确书写原电池电极反应式和原电池反应的化学方程式。 3.了解原电池的应用。 【知识要点】原电池的工作原理电极的判断和电极反应式的书写原电池的应用 【学习过程】 一、原电池的工作原理 设计成原电池反应的类型原电池定义构成条件工作原理电极反应式的书写 例1.以原电池(-)Fe H2SO4 C (+)为例,在下方空白处画出单液原电池和双液原电池的示意图,并标出电子、电流流向,溶液中存在的离子及离子移动方向,写出电极反应式及电池总方程式。例2.铜锌原电池(如右图)工作时,(盐桥:通常装有含琼脂的KCl的饱和溶液) (1)下列叙述正确的是() A.正极反应为:Zn—2e-=Zn2+B.电池反应为:Zn+Cu2+=Zn2+ +Cu C.在外电路中,电子从负极流向正极D.盐桥中的K+移向ZnSO4溶液 (2)盐桥的作用 双液原电池与单液原电池相比,有哪些优点? 【互动探究1】 1.将Mg片、Al片用导线连接后插入到NaOH溶液中,能否构成原电池?如能,请写出正负极的电 极反应式。 2. 原电池中正负极的判断方法 3.判断下列说法的正误,并说明判断依据。 ①任何反应都可用来设计成原电池()②原电池中负极材料一定比正极材料活泼() ③原电池中负极本身不一定参加反应()④构成原电池的正负极必须是两种不同的金属()二、原电池的应用 (1)加快氧化还原反应的速率 例3. 实验室用Zn和稀H2SO4(或稀HCl)反应制H2,常用粗锌,它产生H2的速率快。原因是如果用纯Zn,可以在稀H2SO4溶液中加入少量的CuSO4溶液,也同样会加快产生H2的速率,原因是。 (2)比较金属的活动性强弱 例4. a、b、c、d四块金属片浸入稀硫酸中,用导线两两相连组成原电池。若a、b相连时,a为负极;c、d相连时,电流由d到c;a、c相连时,c极上产生大量气泡,b、d相连时,b上有大量气泡产生,则四种金属的活动性顺序由强到弱的顺序为 (3)设计化学电源 例5.《世纪金榜》P124 【典例2】及【互动探究】 (4)用于金属的防腐举例说明“牺牲阳极的阴极保护法三、常见的化学电源 1. 锌锰干电池(一次电池) 2. 铅蓄电池(二次电池)3.燃料电池 完成《世纪金榜》P122—123 基础回扣 例6.常用的钮扣式银锌电池的中反应方程式为:Zn + Ag2O +H2O =Zn(OH)2 + 2Ag , (1)写出放电时正负极的电极反应式:正极 负极 (2)下列说法正确的是() A、放电过程中C OH-不变 B、Zn为负极而Ag2O为正极 C、电解质溶液呈碱性 D、电子从Ag2O流出经用电器流入Zn极 例7.写出下列原电池的电极反应式 (1)氢氧燃料电池,电解质是固态氧化物,在熔融状态下能传导O2-。 正极:负极: (2)甲烷燃料电池(碱性电解液) 正极:负极: (3)甲醇(CH3OH)燃料电池,石墨电极 (稀硫酸为电解质)正极:负极: (NaOH为电解质)正极:负极: 【互动探究2】总结原电池电极反应式书写的步骤和规律 【自我检测】 1.下列装置中电流表指针会发生偏转的是() 2、下列装置或操作能达到实验目的的是( ) 3、燃料电池是燃料(例如CO,H2,CH4等)跟氧气或空气起反应,将此反应的化学能转变为电能的 装置,电解质通常是KOH溶液。下列关于甲烷燃料电池的说法不正确的是() A、负极反应式为CH4+10OH--8e=CO32-+7H2O B、标准状况下,消耗5.6LO2时,有1mole-发生了转移 C、随着不断放电,电解质溶液碱性不变 D、甲烷燃料电池的能量利用率比甲烷燃烧的能量利用率大 4. Li-Al/FeS电池是一种正在开发的车载电池,该电池中正极的电极反应式为:



山东省实验中学2008级第三次诊断 性测试 2011 山东省实验中学2008级第三次诊断性测试 语文试题 (2011.1) 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,共10页。满分150分。考试用时150分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生在答题卡上务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置,并根据要求涂黑相应内容。 2.第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。 3.第II卷答案必须写在答题纸上;如需改动先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。 4.第II卷第六题为选做题,考生须从所给㈠㈡两题中任选一题作答,不能全选。 5.考试结束后,只收答题卡和答题纸。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题36分) 一、(15分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一项是() A.脑壳/金蝉脱壳蹊跷/别开蹊径出塞/敷衍塞责藤蔓/顺蔓摸瓜

B.轧帐/暗中倾轧龟裂/龟玉毁椟血肉/碧血丹心隽秀/含义隽永 C.湖泊/漂泊无定禅让/参禅悟道扁平/一叶扁舟呱唧/呱呱坠地 D.婢女/无裨于事尧舜/跪地求饶疑窦/买椟还珠猝死/人文荟萃 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是() A.涅盘笑眯眯神采奕奕犄角之势 B.班配啦啦队寻章摘句山青水秀 C.陨石毛坯房难辞其咎轻歌曼舞 D.倾泻笔杆子班师回朝不记前嫌 3.下列句子的横线上依次所填的词语,最恰当的一项是() ①医学专家说,肥胖是一种臃肿的体态,更是一种病态,它能导致糖尿病、高血压和癌症等诸多疾病,还会使人产生自卑心理。 ②2010书香中国,以"今天,你读了吗"为口号倡导大众阅读,讲述中国人的阅读故事,通过各个层面中国人今天的阅读风貌。 ③中国冰壶队要想在温哥华夺取第一枚冬奥会金牌,成为中国体育史上第一支夺取冬奥会集体项目金牌的队伍,真的很难。 A.不止显示从而 B.不只展示从而 C.不止展示进而 D.不只显示进而 4.下列句子中加点成语使用恰当的一项是() A.才疏学浅而好高骛远,急功近利而当仁不让,还有慵懒、怯弱、自满自足、自以为是…这些人性的弱点,我们都必须加以克服。 B.一些重大玩忽职守案件和重大责任事故造成了重大财产损失和人员伤亡的惨剧,其后果惊世骇俗,教训十分惨痛。


乐陵实验中学九年级数学第一次月考试题 一.选择题(共12小题,每小题4分,共48分) 1.二次函数y=2x2-6x-9的二次项系数、一次项系数、常数项分别为 A. 6,2,9 B. 2,,9 C. 2,6,9 D. 2,, 2.在平面直角坐标系中,如果把抛物线y=-2x2向上平移1个单位,那么得到的抛物线的表达式是() A. y=-2(x+1)2 B. y=-2(x-1)2 C. y=-2x2+1 D. y=-2x2-1 3.二次函数y=x2-3x+2的顶点坐标是() A. (,-) B. (-,) C. (,) D. (-,-) 4.已知关于x的一元二次方程x2-2ax+4=0的一个根是2,则a的值为() A. 1 B. -1 C. 2 D. -2 5.某种电脑病毒传播非常快,如果一台电脑被感染,经过两轮感染后就会有100人被感染.设每轮感染中平均每一台电脑会感染x台其他电脑,由题意列方程应为() A. 1+2x=100 B. x(1+x)=100 C. (1+x)2=100 D. 1+x+x2=100 6.已知抛物线y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)如图所示,那么a、b、c的取值范围是() A. a<0、b>0、c>0 B. a<、b<0、c>0 C. a<0、b>0、c<0 D. a<0、b<0、c<0 7.某广场有一喷水池,水从地面喷出,如图,以水平地面为x轴,出水点为原点,建立平面直角坐标系,水在空中划出的曲线是抛物线24 =-+(单位:米)的 y x x 一部分,则水喷出的最大高度是() A.4米B.3米C.2米 D.1米 8.对于二次函数y=-2(x+1)(x-3),下列说法正确的是() A. 图象与x轴的交点为(1,0),(-3,0) B. 图象的对称轴是直线x=-2 C. 当x<1时,y随x的增大而增大 D. 此函数有最小值为8 9.在同一坐标系中,一次函数y=ax+1与二次函数y=x2+a的图像可能是()


2018-2019学年山东省德州市齐河实验中学九年级(上)第一次 月考化学试卷 一、选择题: 1.(3分)下列性质属于化学性质的是() A.酒精能挥发B.空气是无色无味的气体 C.酒精能燃烧D.铜的密度为8.9g/cm3 2.(3分)庆祝国庆的精彩表演中,发生化学变化的是() A.焰火表演B.霓虹灯表演C.音乐喷泉D.气球升空3.(3分)下列关于化学的看法错误的是() A.化学为人类提供了新能源 B.化学已成为生命科学的重要基础 C.化学的发展必然导致生态环境的恶化 D.化学可以为人类研制新材料 4.(3分)空气是一种宝贵的自然资源。下列有关空气的说法不正确的是()A.氮气的化学性质不活泼,可用于食品的防腐 B.燃烧法测定空气中氧气的含量,不能用硫代替红磷 C.空气的成分按质量计算,氧气大约占21% D.禁止燃放烟花爆竹,可以减少空气污染 5.(3分)对下列实验现象的描述不正确的是() A.硫在空气中燃烧发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰 B.木炭在氧气中燃烧发白光 C.红磷在空气中燃烧冒出大量的白烟 D.细铁丝在氧气中燃烧火星四射 6.(3分)下列有关空气说法不正确的是() A.空气组成比较固定 B.空气是一种十分重要的天然资源 C.空气中二氧化碳含量升高会影响地球环境 D.空气中可吸入颗粒物多少不影响人体健康 7.(3分)分子和原子的根本区别是()

A.分子大、原子小 B.分子可分,原子不可分 C.在化学变化中,分子可以可以再分,原子不能在分 D.分子可以构成物质,原子不能构成物质 8.(3分)关于物质的用途,下列说法不合理的是() A.氮气可作保护气B.稀有气体可作有色光源 C.食盐用作调味品D.氧气用作火箭燃料 9.(3分)我们在打开饮料瓶时可看到瓶口冒出大量泡沫,哪冒出的气体是不是二氧化碳呢? 有同学提出用澄清石灰水来检验.就这一过程而言,属于科学探究中的() A.猜想假设B.设计实验C.收集证据D.得出结论10.(3分)下列说法: ①二氧化硫和臭氧都是空气污染物; ②洁净的空气和水都是纯净物; ③因为水体有自净能力,所以生活污水可任意排放; ④降低可燃物的着火点是灭火的途径之一; ⑤烧碱和熟石灰的溶液都显碱性; ⑥复合肥中一定要含有氮、磷、钾三种元素;⑦如果将化合物按有机化合物和无机化合 物两大类划分,则葡萄糖和尿素应属于有机化合物。 其中正确的是() A.①⑤⑦B.①②④⑥C.④⑤⑦D.①②⑤⑥11.(3分)科学实验中,药品和仪器的存放应符合一定的规范。下列物质存放在对应的容器中,符合规范的是() A.碳酸钙固体B.氢氧化钠溶液 C.氢气D.稀盐酸溶液

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