当前位置:文档之家› 2017年政府工作报告中英文





The registered urban unemployment rate stood at 4.02 percent at year-end 2016, the lowest level in years.


Initial success was achieved in supply-side structural reform.


The value created by the service sector rose to 51.6 percent of GDP.


People were busy launching businesses or making innovations.


Personal per capita disposable income increased by 6.3 percent in real terms.


The number of people living in poverty in rural areas was reduced by 12.4 million.


Overseas trips exceeded 120 million.


The M2 money supply increased by 11.3 percent, below our projected target of around 13 percent.


We took further steps to implement the Internet Plus action plan and the national big data strategy.


A 9.1-percent drop in the annual average density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) was seen in 74 major cities.


What the government will do in 2017


Key projected targets for development this year:


GDP growth of around 6.5 percent, or higher if possible in practice.


CPI increase kept around 3 percent.


Over 11 million new urban jobs, and a registered urban unemployment rate within 4.5 percent.


We will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and

a prudent monetary policy.


Major areas of work for 2017

3.1 用改革的办法深入推进“三去一降一补”。

Pushing ahead with the five priority tasks through reform 扎实有效去产能。

Take solid and effective steps to cut overcapacity


Take targeted policies to cut excess urban real estate inventory


Carry out deleveraging in an active and prudent way.


Take multiple measures to cut costs.


Take targeted and powerful measures to strengthen areas of weakness.

3.2 深化重要领域和关键环节改革

Deepening reform in major sectors and key links


We will continue to transform government function.


We will continue to reform fiscal and tax systems.


We will advance reforms in the financial sector.


We will speed up the reform of SOEs and state capital.


We will do more to energize the non-public sector.


We will improve the property rights protection system.


We will make a big push for progress in the reform of the social system.


We will deepen institutional reform to build a sound ecological environment.

3.3 进一步释放国内需求潜力

Doing more to unleash the potential of domestic demand 促进消费稳定增长。

We will promote a steady increase in consumer spending.


We will work proactively to expand effective investment.


We will improve planning for regional development.


We will take solid steps to pursue a new type of urbanization.

3.4 以创新引领实体经济转型升级

Transforming and upgrading the real economy through innovation


We will strengthen our capability for making technological innovations.


We will accelerate the development of emerging industries.


We will endeavor to transform and upgrade traditional industries.


We will continue to encourage people to start businesses and make innovations.


We will take comprehensive steps to improve product quality.

3.5 促进农业稳定发展和农民持续增收

Promote steady development of agriculture and continued increases in rural incomes


We will push forward with structural adjustment in agriculture.


We will boost the development of modern agriculture.


We will deepen rural reform.


We will step up the development of public facilities in rural areas.

3.6 积极主动扩大对外开放

Actively expanding China's opening up to the world


We will make solid efforts to pursue the Belt and Road Initiative.


We will ensure that foreign trade continues to pick up and register steady growth.


We will make big moves to improve the environment for foreign investors.


We will promote the liberalization and facilitation of international trade and investment.

3.7 加大生态环境保护治理力度

Effectively strengthening environmental protection


We will make our skies blue again.


We will strengthen the prevention and control of water and soil pollution.


We will move forward with ecological conservation and improvement.

3.8 推进以保障和改善民生为重点的社会建设

Promoting social development to ensure and improve the wellbeing of our people


We will strive to boost employment and business startups.


We will work to ensure that our people have access to

equitable and quality education.


We will make continued progress in building a Healthy China.


We will weave a strong safety net to ensure people's wellbeing.


We will develop cultural programs and industries.


We will explore new forms of social governance.


We will ensure workplace safety and people's lives.

3.9 全面加强政府自身建设

Strengthening the all-around improvement of government


We will continue to work to see that government functions are fully carried out in accordance with law.


We will maintain ethical conduct and moral integrity at all times.


We will perform with a strong work ethic, sense of

responsibility, and enterprising spirit.


历年政府工作报告中英文对照版和《经济学家》中英文对照版建议多看看,上面的习题最好都亲自做一下,三级没多大难度,充分准备应该可以通过 汉英翻译技巧的培养(translation competence development)应涉及以下内容: 一.要培养对英语的语感和悟性(language intuition – open and alert mind to pick up idioms, specific expressions, etc.); 二.要培养对英语的判断能力和鉴赏能力(evaluation capacity – judgment); 三.要培养对英语的洞察能力和剖析能力(power of observation – insight); 四.要培养对英语细微特征的反应能力(linguistic nuances alertness);- 五.要培养对社会文化和跨文化交流的敏感性(social-cultural sensitivity – cross-cultural awareness); 六.要培养对英语和汉语之间差别的意识(sense of differences between Chinese and English); 七.要培养对英语和汉语之间的辩证关系的认识(awareness of the dialectic relationship between Chinese and English); 八.要培养对英语“洋为中用”的意识(“use things foreign to serve Chinese purposes”); 九.要培养对英语“学以致用”的意识(apply what you have learned in your translation); 十.要培养对翻译的多层次、多角度的立体思维方式(a multi-tier approach )。 十一.一名称职的翻译工作者必须懂得什么是翻译的真谛(a clear conception of what translation is)。 十二.一名优秀的翻译人员必须具有高屋建瓴的视角(great powers of conception)。 各种能力和意识的培养都需要加强翻译意识的锻炼: 第一:要对翻译的重要性有深刻的、充分的认识,翻译的对与错、好与坏有时会产生绝


2020年政府工作报告双语版金句集合 5月22日上午,李克强总理作政府工作报告。报告结束后,“各级政府必须真正过紧日子”登上热搜,“生命至上”“群众关切的事情要努力办好”等话语也让网友大呼暖心。 我们为大家整理了双语版金句集合,一起来看! 1.中华儿女风雨同舟、守望相助,筑起了抗击疫情的巍峨长城。Through all these efforts, we, all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, have stood together in the most trying of times and built a Great Wall of solidarity against the epidemic. 2.对我们这样一个拥有14亿人口的发展中国家来说,能在较短时间内有效控制疫情,保障了人民基本生活,十分不易、成之惟艰。 As a developing country with 1.4 billion people, it is only by overcoming enormous difficulties that China has been able to contain COVID-19 in such a short time while also ensuring our people's basic needs. 3.我们也付出巨大代价,一季度经济出现负增长,生产生活秩序受到冲击,但生命至上,这是必须承受也是值得付出的代价。

Our success has come at a great price. The economy posted negative growth in the first quarter of this year, and daily life and work have been greatly affected. However, life is invaluable. This is a price we must pay, and a price worth paying. 4.各级政府必须真正过紧日子,中央政府要带头,中央本级支出安排负增长,其中非急需非刚性支出压减50%以上。 Governments at all levels must truly tighten their belt. The central government will take the lead by committing to negative growth in its budgetary spending, with a more than 50 percent cut to outlays on non-essential and non-obligatory items. 5.各项支出务必精打细算,一定要把每一笔钱都用在刀刃上、紧要处,一定要让市场主体和人民群众有真真切切的感受。 We will scrutinize all expenditure items and see that every cent is used where it is needed most and where market entities and the people will feel the greatest benefit from it. 6.14亿中国人的饭碗,我们有能力也务必牢牢端在自己手中。 It is imperative, and it is well within our ability, to ensure the food supply for 1.4 billion Chinese people through our own efforts.


法治政府建设2018年工作总结 教育体育局2018年法治政府建设工作总结 今年来,荆州市教育体育局按照市委市政府法治荆州建设的总体部署,以完善行政决策机制,建立部门权力清单,提高普法质量,加强教育体育行政执法监督,规范行政执法行为,强化责任追究为重点,全面推进部门法治建设工作,较好地完成了全年工作任务。 一、工作开展情况 (一)加强组织领导,夯实法治建设基础 成立以局党组书记、局长为组长,副局长为副组长,各科室负责人为成员的法治建设领导小组。明确领导小组及其成员的工作职责。领导小组下设办公室,办公地点设在教育体育局法规与行政审批科,并明确了专门人员为联络员,处理法治建设工作日常事务。同时,还做好了下列基础性工作: 一是建立健全法治建设制度。印发了《荆州市教育体育系统开展法治宣传教育的第七个五年规划(201X-2020年)》、《关于进一步加强全市青少年学生法治宣传教育工作的意见》、《市教育体育局党组中心组理论学习制度》、《市教育体育局机关工作学习制度》、《市教育体育局党组会议事决策制度》、《市教育体育局局长办

公会议事决策制度》、《市教育体育局联系基层服务中心制度》,其中党组中心组带机关干部经常安排时间学习法律法规与条例,参加专业法律培训。把法律学习与考核纳入干部考察、任免、奖惩范畴。将各县(市区)教育体育部门及市直单位法治建设工作制度纳入年度绩效考评之列,确保全系统全员参与法治建设。 二是建立权力清单,清理规范性文件。根据《国务院关于第三批取消中央指定地方实施行政许可事项的决定》要求,我们对普通中小学、幼儿园、中等职业学校(含民办)章程核准,民办学校招生简章和广告备案核准进行取消。按市政府法制办的要求,对以前制定的规范性文件进行了评估和清理,建议继续保留《荆州市国家通用语言文字应用管理办法》(荆政规〔201X〕3号)与《荆州市人民政府办公室关于加强市直城市教育费附加和地方教育附加使用管理的通知》(荆政办发[201X]75号)两份规范性文件。 三是开展重大行政决策听证制度。对一些重大行政事项进行决策时采取公开听证、合法性论证、集体决定、实施情况反馈和决策责任追究等制度调研。如全市英语教材选定,专门组成教材选用审定委员会,召开专选用会,邀请教育专家、教师、学生家长及人大代表与政协委员参加选定工作。 四是认真落实法律顾问制度。我局与湖北思捷律师事务所签订了法律顾问合同,该所委派许圣国律师担任我局法律顾问,处理我局所有法律方面的纠纷与咨询。全年来许圣国律师为机关进行法律知识讲座、协助处理有关劳务合同、为龙舟赛合作出具法律意见书、为马拉松赛招标提供论证意见以及其它有关法律知识解答。


1、全面建成小康社会build a moderately prosperous in all respects 2、不断涌现there was a constant stream of 3、一般公共预算收入revenue in general public budgets 4、全国居民人均可支配收入per capita disposable personal income 5、农村居民人均可支配收入per capita disposable income of rural residents 6、目标提前实现the goal of ... was achieved ahead of schedule 7、区间调控range-based macro regulation 8、定向调控targeted regulation 9、战略定力strategic focus 10、激活力、补短板、强实体stimulated market activity, shored up the our weak spots, and boosted the real economy 11、做到结构调优而不失速e nsure that structural adjustment were made without compromising the growth rate 12、积极的财政政策proactive fiscal policy 13、稳健的货币政策prudent monetary policy 14、社会发展薄弱环节weak areas in economic and social development 15、啃下了不少硬骨头tackle many tough issues 16、专项转移支付项目items receiving special transfer payments 17、一般性转移支付transfer payments for general purposes 18、“沪港通”the Shanghai-Hong kong Stock Connect 19、机关事业单位养老保险制度the pension system for employees of Party and government offices and public institutions 20、上海自由贸易试验区the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone 1、夯实……根基lay a firm foundation for... 2、农业综合生产能力overall agricultural production capacity 3、水利工程water conservancy projects 4、退耕还林还草return more marginal farmland to forest or grassland 5、异军突起rise swiftly to prominence 6、众多“创客”脱颖而出creators come thick and fast 7、京津冀Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region 8、长江经济带the Yangtze Economic Belt 9、农网rural power grids 10、南水北调中线一期工程the first phase of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project 11、中关村国家自主创新示范区t he Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone 12、支线客机 a regional jet 13、保基本、兜底线、建机制we have been working to build up a basic safety net, ensure there is a cushion in place for those most in need, and make relevant institutional arrangements 14、城乡居民基本养老保险制度the basic pension systems for rural residents and non-working urban residents 15、企业退休人员基本养老金水平basic pension benefits for enterprise retirees 16、保障性安居工程government-subsidized housing units 17、临时救助制度temporary-assistance 18、城乡低保标准subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents


https://www.doczj.com/doc/b29069273.html, 2017年《政府工作报告》出炉,“蓝天保卫战”“数字家庭”“全域旅游”“国家公园体制”“住房居住属性”“清单管理制度”......!这些新词、新提法,你知道该怎么翻译吗?外语在线学习平台北外网课为大家整理了相关翻译,赶快学习吧~ 蓝天保卫战 make our skies blue again 数字家庭 digital homes 数字经济 digital economy 全域旅游 all-for-one tourism 住房居住属性 housing is for people to live in 河长制 river chief system 海绵城市 sponge cities 农村土地“三权分置” separating rural land ownership rights,contractrights,and management rights 清单管理制度 the list-based management system 国家公园体制 national parks system

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b29069273.html, 人工智能 artificial intelligence 第五代移动通信 5G mobile communications 谈改革 我国发展到现在这个阶段,不靠改革创新没有出路。 Having reached the current stage of development,China can now advance only through reform and innovation. 谈民生 民生是为政之要,必须时刻放在心头、扛在肩上。 The wellbeing of the people is at the center of governance;it must be always on our minds and the responsibility for it must never leave our shoulders. 谈经济 中国人民有勇气、有智慧、有能力战胜任何艰难险阻,中国经济有潜力、有韧性、有优势,中国的发展前景一定会更好。 We the Chinese people have the courage,ingenuity,and ability to overcome any difficulty or hardship.It also shows that the Chinese economy possessespotential,resilience,andstrengths,so we can be sure there is even better development ahead for China. 谈简政放权 我们一定要让企业和群众更多感受到“放管服”改革成效,着力打通“最后一公里”,坚决除烦苛之弊、施公平之策、开便利之门。 To see that businesses and the public benefit more from our reforms to streamline administration,delegatepowers,and improve regulation andservices,we must cut red tape,level the playing field,provide greater


镇年度法治政府建设情况报告 根据《X县法治政府建设工作方案(X-X年)》和《X县X年度法治政府建设重点工作安排》的工作安排,X年,在县委、县政府的正确领导下,在县法制办的有力指导下,X镇认真履行法治政府建设职责,不断加快转变政府职能,规范行政行为,法治政府建设取得了一定的成效,现将X镇X年度法治政府建设工作报告如下: 一、X年度法治政府建设工作开展情况 (一)抓住领导干部关键少数,压紧压实第一责任人责任。X镇成立以镇党委书记和镇长的党政一把手任组长的法治政府建设工作领导小组,定期召开会议,分析、检查、研究法治政府建设工作,查找存在的问题,及时采取各种措施,确保全镇法治政府建设工作中存在的问题和困难得到及时研究解决。做到年初有目标、平时有监督、年终有总结的管理制度,建立法治政府建设第一责任人职责清单,主要领导做到了重要工作亲自部署、重大问题亲自过问、重点环节亲自协调、重要任务亲自督办,在全镇形成了对法治政府建设工作层层发动,层层落实的工作新格局。 (二)落实法治政府建设报告制度。我镇在X年第一季度按时向县政府报告X年度法治政府建设情况。 (三)深化法治示范乡镇创建。X年X镇创建为市级法治示范乡镇,通过成功创建“法治示范乡镇”,X镇的依法行政能力得到进一

步提高,公民的法治意识、法治观念得到进一步增强,法治建设工作取得了明显的成效。 (四)全面推进政务公开。贯彻落实《政府信息公开条例》及相关规定,进一步拓宽政府信息公开渠道,明确公开范围和内容坚持“以公开为常态,以不公开为例外”。重点推进财政预算、财政决算、三公经费、重大建设项目批准和实施、社会公益事业建设、惠农资金等领域的政府信息公开。X年,在X县门户网站公开X镇信息累计156条。 (五)健全法律顾问制度,法律顾问全覆盖。X镇建立健全了法律顾问制度,我镇与X同兴律师事务所签订了聘请法律顾问合同书,建立了法律顾问队伍,全镇9个村、1个社区实现了法律顾问全覆盖,为矛盾纠纷的调处、解决提供有效的法律依据和保障。 (六)严格落实规范性文件管理制度。我镇严格按照《X省行政规范性文件管理办法》规定,认真落实文件“三统一”制度、备案制度等相关制度。X年我镇无规范性文件。 (七)完善便民服务中心。完善镇便民服务中心各项流程,将政府职能、法律依据、实施主体、权责权限、办理流程、办理时限、监管方式等事项以权力清单形式向群众公开,让群众看得懂、看得透。 (八)以“法律七进”为载体,全面法治政府建设进程。 1、制定了《学法计划》,制定班子会、职工会会前学法制度,采用自学和集中学习相结合的方式,重点学习《宪法》《行政诉讼法》


【今日热点】2020年政府工作报告双语版金句集合 5月22日上午,李克强总理作政府工作报告。报告结束后,“各级政府必须真正过紧日子”登上热搜,“生命至上”“群众关切的事情要努力办好”等话语也让网友大呼暖心。 我们为大家整理了双语版金句集合,一起来看! 1.中华儿女风雨同舟、守望相助,筑起了抗击疫情的巍峨长城。Through all these efforts, we, all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, have stood together in the most trying of times and built a Great Wall of solidarity against the epidemic. 2.对我们这样一个拥有14亿人口的发展中国家来说,能在较短时间内有效控制疫情,保障了人民基本生活,十分不易、成之惟艰。 As a developing country with 1.4 billion people, it is only by overcoming enormous difficulties that China has been able to contain COVID-19 in such a short time while also ensuring our people's basic needs. 3.我们也付出巨大代价,一季度经济出现负增长,生产生活秩序受到冲击,但生命至上,这是必须承受也是值得付出的代价。

Our success has come at a great price. The economy posted negative growth in the first quarter of this year, and daily life and work have been greatly affected. However, life is invaluable. This is a price we must pay, and a price worth paying. 4.各级政府必须真正过紧日子,中央政府要带头,中央本级支出安排负增长,其中非急需非刚性支出压减50%以上。 Governments at all levels must truly tighten their belt. The central government will take the lead by committing to negative growth in its budgetary spending, with a more than 50 percent cut to outlays on non-essential and non-obligatory items. 5.各项支出务必精打细算,一定要把每一笔钱都用在刀刃上、紧要处,一定要让市场主体和人民群众有真真切切的感受。 We will scrutinize all expenditure items and see that every cent is used where it is needed most and where market entities and the people will feel the greatest benefit from it. 6.14亿中国人的饭碗,我们有能力也务必牢牢端在自己手中。 It is imperative, and it is well within our ability, to ensure the food supply for 1.4 billion Chinese people through our own efforts.


3月5日,温家宝总理在十一届全国人大三次会议上所作的政府工作报告中,针对百姓关注的热点、难点问题,提出一项项切实可行的政策措施。在今年的报告中,涉及民生的篇幅更长、政策更实、提法更新、标准更高、速度更快。一项项民生措施,汇聚成闪亮的民生新亮点。下面就向大家介绍一些此次政府工作报告中的双语词汇。 Report on the Work of the Government 政府工作报告 income distribution 收入分配 reform of household registration system 户籍制度改革 fiscal revenue 财政收入 per capita disposable income 人均可支配收入 net per capita income 人均纯收入 the central government's public investment 中央政府公共投资 technological upgrading projects 技改项目 actual utilized foreign direct investment 实际利用外商直接投资 defense budget 国防预算 registered unemployment rate 登记失业率 rise in the CPI 居民消费价格涨幅 balance of payments 国际收支状况 income gap 收入差距 income distribution 收入分配 low-carbon economy 低碳经济 industrial restructuring 产业结构调整 local government bonds 地方债 local government budgets 地方财政预算

2015 政府工作报告英文版学习笔记

(03) 经济结构有新的优化,粮食产量达到1. 21 万亿斤,消费对经济增长的贡献率上升3 个百分点,达到51. 2%,服务业增加值比重由46.9%提高到48.2% ,新产业、新业态、新商业模式不断涌现。 The economic structure was upgraded. Grain output reached 605 million metric tons; the contribution of consumption toward economic growth rose by three percentage points to 51.2%; the value added of the service sector increased from 46.9% to 48.2% of the GDP; and there was a constant stream of new industries, new types of business, and new business models. 结构优化,一般动词都是upgrade,比较固定。“斤”这类单位,有时候是要做折算,一斤就是半公斤。公吨的问题需要注意,下面是百度百科的解释,比较复杂,不要绕晕: 简单地说,公吨是tonne 或者metric ton,其缩写为mts(经常在邮件往来中使用),吨是ton。 1公吨(tonne, metric ton)= 1000公斤 1吨(ton)= 1016公斤(英制单位)或907.2公斤(美制单位)。 公吨是公制的单位,在英文中原本的表达法为tonne 或者metric ton。 由于用公吨的人太多,人都喜欢偷懒,故常把metric ton缩略为ton。


2017政府工作报告完整版【中英对照】 导读:本文2017政府工作报告完整版【中英对照】,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 2017政府工作报告完整版【中英对照】一、2016年工作回顾 A review of our work in 2016 经济运行缓中趋稳、稳中向好; The economy has registered a slower but stable performance with good momentum for growth. 国内生产总值达到74.4万亿元,增长6.7%; GDP reached 74.4 trillion yuan, representing 6.7-percent growth. 居民消费价格上涨2%; The CPI rose by 2 percent. 工业企业利润由上年下降2.3%转为增长8.5%; With an 8.5-percent increase in profits, industrial enterprises reversed the previous year's negative growth of 2.3 percent. 就业增长超出预期; Employment growth exceeded projections. 全年城镇新增就业1314万人;

A total of 13.14 million new urban jobs were added. 年末城镇登记失业率4.02%,为多年来最低; The registered urban unemployment rate stood at 4.02 percent at year-end 2016, the lowest level in years. 供给侧结构性改革初见成效; Initial success was achieved in supply-side structural reform. 服务业增加值占国内生产总值比重上升到51.6%; The value created by the service sector rose to 51.6 percent of GDP. 大众创业、万众创新广泛开展; People were busy launching businesses or making innovations. 全国居民人均可支配收入实际增长6.3%; Personal per capita disposable income increased by 6.3 percent in real terms. 农村贫困人口减少1240万; The number of people living in poverty in rural areas was reduced by 12.4 million. 出境旅游超过1.2亿人次; Overseas trips exceeded 120 million. 广义货币M2增长11.3%,低于13%左右的预期目标;


2020年法治政府建设情况报告 x年,在省委、省政府的坚强领导下,x市认真贯彻落实党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,按照x要求,持续深化改革,着力推动政府职能转变,不断完善依法行政制度体系,全面提升政府依法履职能力,全市法治政府建设各项工作取得明显成效。现将有关情况报告如下: 一、主要工作完成情况。(一)加强保障,全面推进工作落实。x.加强组织领导。健全完善法治政府建设组织体系,针对机构改革及时调整全市法治政府建设工作领导小组成员,确保机构改革期间各地、各部门思想不滑坡、工作不断档、责任不落空,为全面推进我市法治政府建设工作提供了强有力的组织保障。 x.全面推进落实。一是制发《x市x年法治建设工作要点》,要求各地、各部门结合职能,制定工作计划,认真组织实施。二是定期研究问题。坚持将法治政府建设摆在政府工作的重要位置,与经济社会发展同部署、同推进。市政府常务会议定期听取法治政府建设工作情况汇报,及时解决法治政府建设过程中的重大问题,加快推进法治政府建设进程。 x.加强考核督办。将推进法治政府建设工作纳入各地、各部门年

度目标责任考核体系,采取“年初制定标准、定期检查督办、年终综合考评”的方式,加强考核督办,层层传导压力,有效推动各地、各部门全面完成法治政府建设各项任务。 (二)深化改革,推动政府职能转变。x.持续深化重点领域“放管服”改革。及时调整推进政府职能转变和“放管服”改革协调小组,将“放管服”改革作为推动政府职能转变的重要抓手。重点实施“x+x”改革,推进企业开办“一窗受理,并行办理”,将新开办企业的设立登记、公章刻制、申领发票、社保登记等x个环节的办理时限压缩至x个工作日内;设立工程建设项目审批服务综合窗口,出台配套制度X项,实现工业投资项目施工许可证办理x个工作日内完成、政府投资工程建设项目审批x个工作日内完成、一般社会投资工程建设项目审批x个工作日内完成。全面实施“证照分离”,惠及企业X户;全面实行“x证合一”,办理“多证合一”营业执照X户。深化“互联网+登记”改革,推行全程电子化登记业务“一网办理”,共办理全程电子化登记业务X户。 x.稳妥推进市政府机构改革。按照《x市机构改革方案》要求,调整优化市政府及工作部门职能,整合部门职责和内设机构,市政府工作部门由X个减少到X个,积极构建系统完备、科学规范、运行高效的机构职能体系。


汉英对照标注版2008年《政府工作报告》(一) 政府工作报告 REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT ——2008年3月5日在第十一届全国人民代表大会第一次会议上 Delivered at the First Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress on March 5, 2008 国务院总理温家宝 各位代表: Fellow Deputies, 现在,我代表国务院,向大会报告本届政府过去五年的工作,对今年工作提出建议,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。 On behalf of the State Council, I would now like to deliver to you a report on the work of the government over the past five years and on the arrangements for its work this year for your deliberation and approval and also for comments and suggestions from the members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). 一、过去五年工作回顾

I. Review of the Work of the Past Five Years 第十届全国人民代表大会第一次会议以来的五年,是不平凡的五年。在中国共产党领导下,各级政府和全国各族人民认真贯彻党的十六大精神,齐心协力,顽强拼搏,积极应对复杂多变的国际环境,努力克服经济社会发展中的各种困难,战胜了突如其来的严重非典疫情和历史罕见的低温雨雪冰冻等特大自然灾害,改革开放和现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的重大成就。 The past five years since the First Session of the Tenth National People's Congress was a momentous period. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), governments at all levels and people of all the ethnic groups in China diligently followed the guiding principles set out at the Sixteenth CPC National Congress and worked in concert and with dedication. We vigorously responded to the complex and volatile international environment, strove to overcome various difficulties hindering economic and social development, and prevailed over the sudden and severe outbreak of SARS and catastrophic natural disasters such as the recent snow and ice storms in the south that the region has rarely seen before. We made major achievements in reform, opening up and modernization, which attracted the attention of the world. ——经济跨上新台阶。2007年,国内生产总值达到24.66万亿元,比2002年增长65.5%,年均增长10.6%,从世界第六位上升到第四位;全国财政收入达到5.13万亿元,增长1.71倍;外汇储备超过1.52万亿美元。 – The economy reached a new high. China's GDP in 2007 reached 24.66 trillion yuan, an increase of 65.5% over 2002 and an average annual increase of


2017年《政府工作报告》双语划重点 回顾2016 李克强总理表示,过去一年,我国发展面临国内外诸多矛盾叠加、风险隐患交汇的严峻挑战,但我国经济社会发展主要目标任务圆满完成,“十三五”(the 13th Five-Year Plan)实现了良好开局。 主要完成的工作包括: 国内生产总值(GDP)达到74.4万亿元,增长6.7%,名列世界前茅; GDP reached74.4trillion yuan,representing6.7-percent growth,and seeing China outpace most other economies. 城镇登记失业率4.02%,为多年来最低; The registered urban unemployment rate stood at4.02percent at year-end2016, the lowest level in years. 降低企业税负5700多亿元,所有行业实现税负只减不增; The tax burden of business for the year was slashed by over570billion yuan and tax burdenswere reducedin every sector. 新设7个自贸试验区; Another seven pilot zones were established. 74个重点城市细颗粒物(PM2.5)年均浓度下降9.1%。 We saw a9.1-percent drop in the annual average density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5)in74key cities.

2018年政府工作报告中英文 02

2018.12.30 2018年政府工作报告中英文02 (前三段组成排比段,第一句总说,后面展开详说,时态是现在完成时。可以学到不少关于数字的表达。) 五年来,经济实力跃上新台阶。国内生产总值从54万亿元增加到82.7万亿元,年均增长7.1%,占世界经济比重从11.4%提高到15%左右,对世界经济增长贡献率超过30%。财政收入从11.7万亿元增加到17.3万亿元。居民消费价格年均上涨1.9%,保持较低水平。城镇新增就业6600万人以上,13亿多人口的大国实现了比较充分就业。 Over the past five years,economic strength has reached a new high.China’s gross domestic product(GDP)has risen from54trillion to82.7trillion yuan,registering average annual growth of 7.1percent;and its share in the global economy has grown to roughly15percent,up from11.4 percent.China’s contribution to global growth has https://www.doczj.com/doc/b29069273.html,ernment revenue has increased from11.7trillion to17.3trillion yuan.Consumer prices rose at an average annual rate of 1.9percent,maintaining a relatively low level of growth.More than66million new urban jobs have been added,and our country,with its population of over1.3billion,has achieved relatively full employment. 1.经济实力economic strength 2.跃上新台阶reach a new high 3.国内生产总值gross domestic product(GDP) 4.从A增加到B rise from A to B/grow to B,up from A/increase from A to B 5.年均增长average annual growth of/rise at an average annual rate of/an average annual increase of 6.A占B的比重A’s share in B/the share of A()of B 7.达到……have achieved/reached 8.世界经济增长贡献率contribution to global growth 9.财政收入government revenue 10.居民消费价格consumer prices 11.城镇新增就业new urban jobs have been added(主动变被动) 12.比较充分relatively full 13.register(仪表等)显示,指示When something registers on a scale or measuring instrument, it shows on the scale or instrument.You can also say that something registers a certain amount or level on a scale or measuring instrument.

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