当前位置:文档之家› 越南语成语600句





1 Anh em khinh tr??c, làng n??c khinh sau 家火不起,野火不来

2 áo g?m ?i ??m 锦衣夜行

3 ?n bát c?m d?o, nh? n?o ???ng ?i 食饭不忘种田人

4 ?n b?n s?ng sau 不干不净、吃了长命

5 ?n b? làm bi?ng, hay ?n l??i làm 好逸恶劳

6 ?n cám tr?vàng 吃人一口,报人一斗;吃人糠皮,报人黄金

7 ?n cay táo rào cay sung (cay xoan ) 吃力扒外

8 ?n cènhai, nèi cè ngh?食须细嚼、言必三思

9 ?n c?m chúa, múa t?i ngày 饱食终日、无所事事

10 ?n c?m gà gáy, c?t binh n?a ngày 鸡啼饱饭、三竿出兵;起个大早、赶个晚集

11 ?n c?m nhà vác tù vàhàng t?ng 吃一家饭、管万家事

12 ?n cháo ?á bát, qua c?u rút ván 过河拆桥

13 ?n ch?n g cè khè ??n than 好事无缘,坏事有分

14 ?n ch?n n?i, ch?i ch?n b?n 择善而从

15 ?n ??c ch?c m?p 独食独生疮

16 ?n kh?ng n?n ??i, nèi ch?ng n?n l?i 笨口拙舌

17 ?n mày ??i x?i g?c (?n tr?c ??i bánh ch?ng) 乞丐讨肉粽

18 ?n mi?ng tr? mi?ng 以眼还眼、以牙还牙

19 ?n m?t bát cháo, ch?y ba qu?ng ??ng 吃一碗粥、走三里路

20 ?n ngay nèi th?t m?i t?t m?i lành 天理良心、到处通行


21 ?n nh?t m?i bi?t th??ng mao 落魄方知穷人苦

22 ?n ?c nèi m?; nh?m m?t nèi m? 瞎说八道;向壁虚造

23 ?n qu? nh? k? tr?ng cay 食果不忘种树人

24 ?n quàng nèi b?y, ?n nèi lung tung 信口开河;信口雌黄; 胡说八道

25 ?n v?ng ?? v?cho mao, vu oan giá h?a 屈打成招

26 ?n x?i ?th? , m?gà l?y tr?ng 杀鸡取卵;杀鸡取蛋

27 Ba bà ch?n chuy?n; tam sao th?t b?n 话经三张嘴,长虫也长腿

28 Bà con xa kh?ng b?ng láng gi?ng g?n 远亲不如近邻

29 Ba ??u sáu tay 三头六臂

30 Ba m?t m?t l?i 三头对案;三面一词

31 Ba m??i ch?a ph?i là t?t 别言之过早

32 Bán tr?n nu?i mi?ng 皮肉生涯

33 Bát n??c ???i khè l?y l?i 覆水难收

34 B?n ??i bác c?ng kh?ng t?i 八竿子打不着

35 B?ng m?t kh?ng b?ng l?ng 貌合神离

36 B?t cá hai tay 双手抓鱼

37 B?t cèc b???a 炊沙作饭

38 B?t chè ?i cày, 狗咬耗子

39 B? kh?ng vin, c? g?y cành 小时不教、大时不肖

40 B?nh nào t hu?c n?y 对症下药


41 Bi?t ng??i bi?t ta, tr?m tr?n tr?m th?ng 知己知彼、百战百胜(百战不殆)

42 B?nh c? r??u m?i 旧瓶装新酒

43 B?nh chan nh? v?i, khoanh tay ??ng nh?n 高枕无忧, 袖手傍观

44 Bè ?u?c ch?n c?t c?百里挑一

45 B?c thu?c theo ??n 照方子抓药

46 B?i bao ra b?, b?i l?ng t?m v?t 吹毛求疵

47 B?ng b?o d?自言自语;自说自话

48 B?ng c? r?n (l?ng ta v?n v?ng nh? ki?ng ba chan) 无动于衷

49 B?ng làm d? ch?u 责无旁贷;自作自受;作法自毙

50 B?ng th?i nh? c?t 一肚子坏

51 B?t chùa nhà kh?ng thi?ng 家庙不灵

52 Bút sa gà ch?t 惜墨如金

53 B?a ??c b?a cái 三天打鱼两天晒网

54 B?c vách cè tai (b? t??ng cè m?t) 隔墙有耳

55 Cá kh?ng ?n mu?i cá ??n 不听老人言、吃亏在眼前

56 Cà cu?ng ch?t ??n ??t c?n cay 死不改悔

57 Cá l?n nu?t cá b? 大鱼吃小鱼

58 Cá ma m?t l?a 难兄难弟(一丘之貉)

59 Cá n?m tr?n th?t 鱼游釜中

60 C?tham chèng chán 一暴十寒


61 C?vú l?p mi?ng em; Gái ?? già m?m, Cái chày c?i c?i 强词夺理

62 Cái kim trong b?c lau ngày c?ng l?i ra 纸包不住针

63 Cái khè lè cái kh?n 急中生智

64 Cái n?t ?ánh ch?t cái ??p 德重于貌

65 C?i nhau nh? m?b? 大吵大闹

66 Cái s?y n?y cái ung 千里之堤、溃于蚁穴

67 Càng già càng d?o càng dai 宝刀不老;老当益壮

68 Cáo ch?t ba n?m quay ??u v?núi 狐死首丘;树高千丈,叶落归根

69 Cáo ??i l?t h?, cáo m??n oai hùm 狐假虎威

70 C?y r?ng kh?ng nèi m?t l?i 不哼不言

71 C?m can n?y m?c 掌枰划线

72 Cam nh? h?n 噤若寒蝉

73 C?n t?c v? áy náy 有备无患

74 C?u ???c ??c th?y 得心应手

75 Cay cao, bèng c?树高影大

76 Cay cè c?i, n??c cè ngu?n 木有本,水有源

77 Cay mu?n l?ng mà giè ch?ng ng?ng 树欲静而风不止

78 Cay ngay kh?ng s? ch?t ??ng 真金不怕火炼;身正不怕影子斜

79 Cè b?nh m?i lo t?m th?y 病急乱投医

80 Cè b?t m?i g?t n?n h?巧妇难为无米之炊


81 Cè c? th? ch? c?ng ??ng, c? ?i l?y ch?ng th? ch? c?ng vui. 有你不多、没你不少

82 Cè ch?y ??ng tr?i 插翅难飞

83 Cè ch? th? n?n; cè c?ng mài s?t cè ngày n?n kim 功到自然成;有志竞成

84 Cè ??u cè ?u?i, cè ngành cè ng?n 有条有理、有头有尾、有板有眼;

85 Cè ?i cè l?i m?i to?i l?ng nhau 礼尚往来

86 Cè gan ?n c?p, cè gan ch?u ??n 敢做敢当;有种犯料、有胆到案

87 Cè làm th? m?i cè ?n, kh?ng d?ng ai d??em ph?n ??n cho. 春花秋实

88 Cè m?t nh? mù; cè m?t kh?ng tr?ng 有眼无珠、有眼不识泰山

89 Cè m?i n?i c?, cè tr?ng qu?n ?an 喜新厌旧

90 Cè nu?i con m?i bi?t l?ng cha m?不养儿不知父母恩

91 Cè t?t gi?t m?nh 做贼心虚;谈虎色变

92 Cè t?ch m?i d?ch n?n tu?ng, cè b?t m?i g?t n?n h?巧妇难为无米炊

93 Cè ti?n mua ti?n c?ng ???c 钱能沟通神;钱大买钱二炮

94 Cè ti?ng kh?ng cè mi?ng 有名无实

95 Cè th?c m?i v?c ???c ??o 衣食足方能买鬼推磨

96 Cèc ?i gu?c, kh??eo hoa 东施效颦

97 Cèc g?mà ??i ?n th?t thi?n nga 瘌蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉

98 Coi tr?i b?ng vung 不知天高地厚;狗胆包天;目空一切;无法无天

99 Con cè khèc m? m?i c ho bú 孩子哭了,抱给他娘

100 Con ch? ch?a ?i, con d? nè l?姐姐不嫁,耽搁了妹妹


101 Con ch?nè ?i, con d? nè l?n (tre già m?ng m?c) 后浪推前浪

102 Con giun x?o m?i c?ng qu?n 忍无可忍

103 Con kh?ng ch? cha m?khè, chè kh?ng ch? ch?nghao 儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫104 Con nhà t?ng kh?ng gi?ng l?ng c?ng gi?ng cánh 万变不离其宗

105 Con ?ng cháu cha 王孙公子(公子哥儿)

106 Con sau làm r?u n?i canh 害群之马

107 C?ng r?n c?n gà nhà 开门揖盗;认贼作父;引狼入室

108 C?ng r?n c?n gà nhà, r??c voi v?giày m? t?背蛇害家鸡、招象踏祖坟

109 C?p ch?t ?? da, ng??i ta ch?t ?? ti?ng 牛死留皮、人死留名

110 C?c m? c? x?i (m?nh làm ng??i h??ng) 火中取栗

111 C?m áo g?o ti?n 衣食住行

112 C?m gàcá g?i 炮风烹龙

113 C?m kh?ng ?n, ??i ?n c?t; nh?kh?ng ?a,?a n?ng 吃硬不吃软;敬酒不吃吃罚酒; 114 C?a ?t l?ng nhi?u 千里送鹅毛

115 C?a ng??i phúc ta (m??n hoa cúng ph?t) 借花献佛;慷他人之慨

116 C?a r?là c?a ?i, c?a ??y n?i là c?a ch?ng ngon 便宜没好货117 C?a thi?n tr???a 悖入悖出

118 Cùng ???ng ?u?i ly 理屈词穷

119 Cha m? sinh con tr?i sinh t?nh 龙生九种(种种个别)

120 Cha nào con ?y 有其父必有其子


121 Cha truy?n con n?i 一脉相传

122 Cháy nhà hàng xèm b?nh chan nh? v?i 坐观成败

123 Cháy nhà ra m?t chu?t 图穷匕手见; 水落石出

124 Ch?y tr?i kh?ng kh?i n?ng 狭路相逢

125 Chan ??m ?áchan chi?u 跌跌撞撞

126 Chan ??t chan ráo 风尘未掸

127 Chau ch?u ?á voi, ch? bu?c chan voi, mu?i b? bi?n, 杯水车薪128 Ch? b?o h?t n??c h?t cái (t?n t?nh khuy?n b?o) 苦口婆心

129 Ch? c hè m?ng mao, nèi bèng nèi giè 指桑骂槐

130 Ch?mành treo chu?ng, ngàn can treo s?i tèc 风中之烛

131 Chè c?y g?n nhà, gà c?y g?n chu?ng (chè c?y th? ch?) 狗仗人势132 Chè cè váy l?nh; ch?ch ?? ng?n ?a 铁树开花;白日见鬼

133 Chè cùng d?t gi?u, t?c n??c v? b?狗急跳墙

134 Chè d? m?t láng gi?ng 恶犬伤近邻

135 Chè ?en gi? m?c; ?ánh ch?t cái n?t kh?ng ch?a 万变不离其宗136 Chè ngáp ph?i ru?i 瞎狗碰上死老鼠

137 Chè nhà cè ?ám 丧家之犬(狗)

138 Ch? c?i v? r?ng 运柴回林

139 Ch????c v?má ?? s?ng 远水解不了近渴

140 Ch? th?y sèng c?mà ng? tay trao 莫见浪大松橹桨(lujiang)


141 Ch?i b?i l?u l?ng, du th? du th?c 游手好闲

142 Ch?i dao cè ngày ??t tay; gieo giè g?t b?o 若火烧身;玩火自焚143 Ch?i v?i chè, chè li?m m?t (nu?i ong tay áo) 养虎遗患

144 Chú khi ni, mi khi khác 表面一套、背后一套

145 Chui ??u vào r?, t?trèi m?nh 作茧自缚

146 Chúng kh?u ??ng t?, ?ng s? c?ng ch?t 众口一词、百口莫辩

147 Chu?t chù ch? kh? r?ng h?i 五十步笑百步

148 Chu?t sa ch?nh g?o 鼠陷米缸;正中下怀

149 Chuy?n b? x? ra to 小题大作

150 Chuy?n gi?n nh? pháo rang 谈笑风生

151 Ch?tác ?ánh ch? t?鲁鱼亥豕

152 Ch?a ???ng ngha, ?? ?e hàng t?ng 未进山门,就想当方丈

153 Ch?a g??? co v?i 畏缩不前

154 Ch?a già?? y?u 未老先衰

155 Ch?a h?c b? ?? lo h?c ch?y 未学爬、就学走

156 Ch?a kh?i r?n ?? qu?n th?y thu?c 呻吟未止忘良医

157 Ch?a th?y quan tài ch?a nh? l?, cà cu?ng… 不见棺材不落泪

158 Ch?i nh? m?t gà 骂大街

159 Ch?i nh?tát n??c 破口大骂

160 D? tràng xe cát, c?ng d?tràng, m? tr?ng ?áy bi?n 付诸东流;海底捞月、海底捞针


161 Dài d?ng v?n t?冗言繁语;空话连篇;

162 D?i n?ng d?m m?a 风里来,雨里去

163 Dai nh???a ?èi 韧如饿蛭

164 Dao s?c kh?ng g?t ???c chu?i 水高漫不过船

165 Day cà ra day mu?ng 东拉西扯

166 D? nh? tr?bàn tay 易如反掌

167 D? h?a vi quy 与世无争

168 D? s?ng d? b? d?d?, nào ai l?y th??c mà ?o l?ng ng??i 江海一量、人心莫测169 D?t ??c cán mai 一窍不通

170 D?khèc d? c??i 哭笑不得

171 D??ng d? th?ng, ng? kh?ng ra ng?, khoai kh?ng ta khoai 不伦不类

172 D?c t?c b?t ??t; nhanh nh?u ?o?ng 欲速不达

173 Dùi ??c ch?m m?m t?m 风马牛不相及

174 ?? trèt th? ph?i tr?t, làm th? làm cho trèt 一不做,二不休

175 ??i cát t?m vàng 沙里淘金

176 ?àn g?y tai trau,N??c ??lá khoai, v?t nghe s?m,… 对牛弹琴

177 ?an g?u tát bi?n 编戽竭海;炊沙作饭

178 ?ánh bùn sang ao 井里打水,往河里倒

179 ?ánh ch?t cái n?t kh?ng ch?a 本性难移

180 ?ánh ch?t cái n?t kh?ng ch?a 江山易改、本性难移


180 ?ánh ch?t cái n?t kh?ng ch?a 江山易改、本性难移

181 ?ánh chè khinh ch?打狗欺主

182 ?ánh ??n ph???u 先发制人

183 ?ánh k? ch?y ?i, kh?ng ai ?ánh k? ch?y l?i 浪子回头金不换

184 ?ánh r?n d?p ??u 除恶务尽;打落水狗

185 ?ánh tr?ng b?dùi 看始无终;不了了之

186 ?ánh tr?ng l?ng 打退堂鼓

187 ?ào ng? m?n thay 前仆后继

188 ?am b?thèc, ch?c b? g?o 搬唇递舌;搬弄是非;两面三刀

189 ?am lao ph?i theo lao 将错就错(骑虎难下); 一不做,二不休

190 ?am lao th? ph?i theo lao 箭在弦上

191 ??t l?qu? thèi 随乡入乡

192 ??u c? tr?c l?i 投机取巧

193 ??u mày cu?i m?t; li?c m?t ??a t?nh 眉来眉去

194 ??u xu?i ?u?i l?t 好来好去(善始善终)

195 ??y chè b?i r?m 煽风点火

196 ?em con b? ch?不管不顾

197 ?an nhà ai nhà?y r?ng 一个萝卜一个坑

198 ?i ?au ?n m?m ngèe ??y; nh?p gia tùy t?c 入乡随俗

199 ?i ??i nhà ma 呜乎哀哉

200 ?i m?t ngày ?àng, h?c m?t sàng kh?n 经一事长一智


201 ?i v?i b?t m?c áo cà sa, ?i v?i ma m?c áo gi?y 物以类聚

202 ?o l? n??c m?m, ??m c? d?a hành 日量鱼露、夜点瓜葱

203 ?èi ?n v?ng, túng làm càn 铤而走险

204 ?èi cho s?ch, rách cho th?m 人穷志不穷

205 ?èi l?ng sung chát c?ng ?n 饥不择食

206 ??n xèc hai ??u 两面三刀;嘴甜心苦

207 ??ng cam c?ng kh?同甘共苦

208 ??ng nh? ki?n c?人山人海

209 ??i cha ?n m?n ??i con khát n??c 前人撤涂迷了后人的眼

210 ??i ch? m?i m?t 望眼欲穿

211 ??c n??c b?o c? 浑水摸鱼

212 ??ng m?i ch?u sào 首当直冲

213 ??ng ng?i kh?ng y?n 坐立不安

214 ???c ?n c?ng? v?kh?ng 孤注一掷

215 ???c bu?i gi?, l? bu?i cày; ???c l?hà, ra l? h?ng 贪小失大;216 ???c ??ng chan lan ??ng ??u 得寸进尺

217 ???c ??ng tr?n, ??ng x qu? m?顾此失彼

218 ???c voi ??i ti?n 得一望十;这山望着那山高;骑马找马;得陇望蜀219 ???ng ? m?m 有嘴就有路

220 ??t tay hay thu?c 手破识良药


221 ?ch ch?t t?i mi?ng 病从口入,祸从口出

222 ?ch nào mà ch?ng th?t 肥的瘦的一锅煮

223 Gà nhà b?i m?t ?á nhau 同室操戈

224 Gà qua ?n qu?n c?i xay 瘸鸡只吃磐边谷

225 Gà tr?ng nu?i con 公鸡带小鸡

226 G?i ?úng ch? ng?a 一针见血;正中下坏

227 Gái gèa lo vi?c tri?u ??nh “小二”管“大王”

228 Gáo dài h?n chu?i 戽斗比把儿长;胳膊比腿粗

229 G?p l?a b? tay ng??i 以邻为壑(ha);

230 G?n chùa ???c ?n o?n (g?n quan ???c ?n l?c) 近水楼台先得月

231 G?n ??t xa tr?i 风烛残年

232 G?n m?c th? ?en, g?n ?an th? sáng 近朱者赤、近黑者黑

233 G?y ?ng ??p l?ng ?ng 以其人之道,还治其人之身; 搬起石头打自己的脚

234 Gh?t c?a nào tr?i trao c?a ?y 怕什么有什么

235 G?ng càng già càng cay 姜还是老的辣

236 G??ng tày li?p (v?t xe ??) 前车之鉴;前车可鉴

237 G??ng v? l?i lành 破镜重圆

238 Giá áo túi c?m 酒囊饭袋

239 Gi?cam gi??i?c 装聋作哑

240 Gi??ui gi??i?c; gi?cam gi??i?c 装聋作哑


241 Già n?o ??t day 物极必反

242 Gi?ngay gi?ng? 装疯卖傻; 装聋作痴

243 Già trái non h?t (già dái non h?t); mi?ng hùm gan s?a;mi?ng c?p gan th?外强中干;色厉内荏

244 Gi? v? gi? v?t 无病呻吟

245 Gi?c ??n nhà, ?àn bà c?ng ?ánh 老鼠过街、人人喊打

246 Gi?n cá ch?m th?t 迁怒于人; 睡不着觉怪床歪

247 Gi?t ??u cá, vá ??u t?m 东拼西凑;挖肉补疮

248 Gi?u ??u h??u?i ( l?i ?u?i) 藏头露尾;狐狸尾巴;欲盖弥彰

249 Gi?u ??b?m leo 投井下石

250 Gi?u nh? mao gi?u c?t 守口如瓶

251 Gi?u voi ??n r? (gi?u ??u h??u?i) 欲盖弥彰

252 Gi?y tr?ng m?c ?en 白纸黑字

253 Gieo nhan nào, g?p qu??y 种瓜得瓜、种豆得豆

254 Gi?t ng??i nh? ngèe 草菅人命(caojian renming)

255 Giè chi?u nào che c hi?u ?y 风派人物

256 Gi???u ch?u báng 替死鬼

257 Gi??i m?c núi, gi? v? m?c s?ng (ti?n thoái l??ng nan) 进退两难;进退维谷258 Há mi?ng ch?sung, ?m cay ??i th?守株待兔

259 Há mi?ng m?c quai 吃人家的嘴短,拿人家的手软:有口难言,有口难分;

260 Hai n?m r? m??i 不言而喻


261 Hành ??ng theo c?m t?nh 意气用事

262 H?t g?o tr?n sàng 硕果仅存

263 Hay làm kh?o tay 熟能生巧

264 H?u sinh kh?úy, con h?n cha, tr? h?n th?y 青出于蓝

265 H? voi b?n súng s?y, ph? tr??ng thanh th?虚张声势

266 Hoa lài c?m b?i phan trau (gáo vàng múc n??c gi?ng bùn) 鲜花插在牛粪上; 佛头着粪

267 H?c m?t bi?t m??i 举一反三;一隅三反

268 Hèt c?t cho ai (làm vi?c ng??i khác làm ch?a xong c?n xèt l?i) 擦屁股269 H? d?kh?ng ?n th?t con 虎毒不食子

270 Im nh? thèc ?? b?, cam nh? h?n 噤若寒蝉

271 K?n cá ch?n canh 挑肥拣瘦; 一人得道鸡犬

272 Ki?m c?i ba n?m ??t m?t gi?前功尽弃;千日打柴一日烧;养兵千日、用在一时273 Ky cèp cho c?p nè ?n 火中区栗

274 Kh?n ba n?m d?i m?t gi?聪明一世糊涂一时

275 Kh?n ?au ??n tr?, kh?e ?au ??n già 事事有数

276 Kh?ng ai giàu ba h?富无三代享

277 Kh?ng b?t mà g?t l?n h?平地楼台

278 Kh?ng cánh mà bay 不翼而飞

279 Kh?ng cè l?a làm sao cè khèi 无风不起浪

280 Kh?ng cè vi?c g? khè, ch? s?l?ng kh?ng b?n 世上无难事、只怕没人心



英语作文常用谚语、俗语 1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。 2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。 3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。 4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。 16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。 17、A single flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。 18、A year's plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。 19、A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 20、Better late than never. 不怕慢,单怕站。 21、By reading we enrich the mind.读书使人充实, 22、Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。 23、Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。 24、Custom is a second nature. 习惯是后天养成的。 25、Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。 26、Doing is better than saying. 与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。 27、Do nothing by halves. 凡事不可半途而废。 28、Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。 29、Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自找麻烦。 30、Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起身体好。 31、Easier said than done. 说得容易,做得难。 32、Easy come, easy go. 来也匆匆,去也匆匆。 33、Eat to live, but not live to eat. 人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。 34、Every man has his faults. 金无足赤,人无完人。 35、Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。 36、Every minute counts. 分秒必争。 37、Each coin has two sides. 38、Fact speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 39、Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。 40、God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。 41、Health is better than wealth. 健康胜过财富。 42、Honesty is the best policy. 做人诚信为本。 43、Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。 44、It is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 45、Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量 46、Like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女。 47、No pain,no gain.(不劳无获。) 48、You never know till you have tried. 不尝试,不知晓。。 49、An idle youth, a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 50、Diligence is the mother of success.勤奋是成功之母。 51、Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起,使人健康、富裕和聪颖。 52、Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的教师。


1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog. 2.百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing. 3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst. 4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start. 5.不眠之夜 white night 6.不以物喜不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses 7.不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best 8.不打不成交 No discord, no concord. 9.拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul 10.辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new 11.大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 12.大开眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener 13.国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace 14.过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little 15.功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits. 16.好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more 17.好事不出门恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide. 18.和气生财 Harmony brings wealth. 19.活到老学到老 One is never too old to learn. 20.既往不咎 let bygones be bygones


英语谚语和汉语俗语的一致性 来源:译者| 时间:2年前| 阅读7510 次[收藏] [划词已启用] 有两则关于同一条英语谚语Blood is thicker than water的译例。其一是“清水不浓血却浓”,其二是“血浓于水”。从字面上看,上述两则译例译得固然不错,似无可厚非。译文读起来很顺,又比较易懂,但读后似有不知所云之感。这是因为译文的形象没能准确地传达出这条谚语的喻义来。Longman Dictionary of English Idioms(p.28)上对这条谚语的解释是"The relationship between people of the same family is stronger than other,relationships”因此,这则谚语似可以借用汉语中一句俗语“亲不亲一家人”来译更能表达出“属于同一血缘关系的一家人比别人更亲近一些”的寓意。 语言是文化的表现形式。谚语同文学作品、诗歌一样是语言的精华。英语谚语是富于色彩的语言形式,一般具有生动形象、喻义明显、富于哲理的语言特征。在一定程度上,英语谚语反映了英语民族的文化特点。因此,翻译英语谚语时,仅仅以语言之间词汇的同义性(等价性)为前提,寻求对等的表现是不够的。译者须较多运用汉语的表现手段,力求能再现英语谚语的语言风格和丰富内涵。只有多注意英语谚语字面以外所特有的语言内涵色彩,才能使译文讽喻得当,宜于说理,又不失原来谚语所具有的语言形象。 某些英语谚语和汉语成语、俗语在表现形式和含义方面是一致的或基本一致的。汉译这些英语时,可惜用与其喻义相同或相近的成语或谚语及俗语直接对译。这样不但可以比较好地保持原文的神韵和形式,又使译文易于为读者或听者接受。如: Pride comes before a fall. 骄兵必败。 Amiss is as good as a mile. 差之毫厘,失之千里。 Two is company,but three is none. 两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚无水吃。 Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。 Enough is asgood as a feast. 知足常乐。 有些英语谚语虽然在语言习惯和文化背景方面和其相对的汉语谚语之间存在着某些差异,而且所比喻的事物并不一样,但他们的喻义却相互吻合,而且表达方式也很相似,汉译这些英语谚语时,常常需要“易其形式,存其精神”,即采用形象近似的汉语成语意译。这样可使译文既喻义明显,又含而不露,且可再现原文所具有的语言效果,容易达意。如: Two can play the game.孤掌难鸣。 Newbroom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。 Speak of the devil, and he appears. 说曹操,曹操到。 The grass is greener on the other side of the hill. 这山望着那山高。 Putting the cart before the horse. 本未倒置。 有些英语谚语意在言外,语言含蓄,寓意深刻。如果仅从字面意义直译成汉语,而不领会原文的具体含义及其效果,译文势必平淡无味。这样既不能表达意思,又有损于原文的语言形象和丰富内涵。因此,在翻译时,应在汉语中寻找那些与原文喻义相同或效果相似的成语、谚语或俗语来表达,则会使译文形象生动,准确达意。试比较下列各译例。


越南语-常用外贸成语,俗语和习惯用语 爱莫能助/力不从心: L?c b?t t?ng tam 白闻不如一见:Tr?m nghe kh?ng b?ng 1 th?y 别具一格: Phong cách ri?ng, ??c ?áo 不言而喻: Kh?ng nèi c?ng r?, kh?ng nèi c?ng hi?u, hai n?m r? m??i 财源茂盛达三江: Ti?n c?a nhi?u nh? n??c ?? vào 穿空子:L?i d?ng s? h? 车到山前必有路: Kh?ng n?n d?ng tr??c khèkh?n nh?t ??nh s? cècách v??t qua 趁热打铁: M??n gièb? m?ng, gi?u ?? b?m leo, t?n??c theo m?a 朝夕相处: S?m t?i cènhau 大功告成: Vi?c l?n ?? thành, vi?c l?n ?? làm song 但愿如此: Ch? mong nh? v?y, ch? mong nh? th? 当之无愧: Hoàn toàn x?ng ?áng 得心应手: Thu?n bu?m su?i giè; mu?n g????c l?y; c?u ???c ??c th?y 登峰造极: ??t t?i ??nh cao; l?n ??n t?t ??nh; l?n ??n c?c ?i?m 大功告成: Vi?c l?n ?? thành, vi?c ?? làm song. 各付各的: C?a ai ng??i ?y tr? 供不应求: Cung kh?ng ?? c?u 光辉灿烂: Quang minh; xán l?n 果断利索: Qu? quy?t; quy?t ?oán 含糊其辞: ?n nèi úp m?; ?n nèi ?m ?


A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智Facts speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩 Money can’t buy time. 寸金难买寸光阴 Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。 The visitor arrives, it is as if returning home.宾至如归。 A good beginning is half the battle.良好的开端成功的一半。To teach is to learn.教学相长。 Like father,like son.有其父,必有其子。 Pride goes before a fall.骄兵必败。 Fish in trouble water.混水摸鱼。 Business is business.公事公办。 The style is the man.文入其人。 More haste,less speed.欲速则不达。 Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。 Misfortunes never come alone. 祸不单行。 Hedges have eyes,walls have ears.隔篱有眼,隔墙有耳。Man proposes,God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.情人眼里出西施。Time and tide wait for no man.时不待我/岁月无情。 A young idlder,an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。



1.爱屋及乌.Love me, love my dog. 2.百闻不如一One look is worth a thousand words./Seeing is believing. 3.比上不足,比下有余to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst 4.笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start. 5.不遗余力spare no effort; go all out; do one's best 6不打不成交No discord, no concord. 7拆东墙补西墙rob Peter to pay Paul 8辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old and usher in the new 9大事化小,小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 10.大开眼界broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener 11国泰民安the country flourishes and people live in peace 12过犹不及going beyond the limit is as bad as falling short; excess is just as bad as deficiency; too much is as bad as too little 13好了伤疤忘了疼once on shore, one prays no more 14好事不出门,坏事传千里Bad news travels fast. 15和气生财harmony brings wealth;/friendliness is conducive to business success 16活到老学到老never too old to learn 17既往不咎let bygones be bygones 18金无足赤,人无完人There are spots even on the sun. 19金玉满堂Treasures fill the home. 20脚踏实地be down-to-earth 21脚踩两只船sit on the fence; be a fence-sitter; have a foot in either camp


80句中文谚语的英文翻译,简直太美了! 01. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 02. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济。 03. A contented mind is a continual/perpetual feast. 知足常乐。 04. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 05. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. 客随主便。 06. A letter from home is a priceless treasure. 家书抵万金。 07. All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同归。 08. All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,时不再来。 09. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。 10. As heroes think, so thought Bruce. 英雄所见略同。 11. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 12. Behind the mountains there are people to be found. 天外有天,山外有山。 13. Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失马,安知非福。 14. Bread is the stall of life. 面包是生命的支柱(民以食为天)。 15. Business is business. 公事公办。 16. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 笨鸟先飞。 17. Courtesy costs nothing. 礼多人不怪。 18. Custom makes all things easy. 习惯成自然。 19. Desire has no rest. 人的欲望无止境。 20. Difficult the first time, easy the second. 一回生,二回熟。 21. Do not change horses in mid-stream. 别在河流中间换马。 22. Do not have too many irons in the fire. 贪多嚼不烂。 23. Do not pull all your eggs in one basket. 别把所有的蛋都放在一个篮子里。(不要孤注一掷。) 24. Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。 25. East or west, home is the best. 东奔西跑,还是家里好。 26. Experience is the best teacher. 实践出真知。 27. Fact is stranger than fiction. 事实比虚构更离奇。(大千世界,无奇不有。)


精心整理 1.爱屋及乌.Loveme,lovemydog. 2.百闻不如一Onelookisworthathousandwords./Seeingisbelieving. 3.比上不足,比下有余tofallshortofthebest,butbebetterthantheworst 4.笨鸟先飞Aslowsparrowshouldmakeanearlystart. 5.不遗余力sparenoeffort;goallout;doone'sbest 6不打不成交Nodiscord,noconcord. 7拆东墙补西墙robPetertopayPaul 8辞旧迎新bidfarewelltotheoldandusherinthenew 9大事化小,小事化了 10.11121314151617181920212223242526272829303132弄巧成拙makeafoolofoneselfintryingtobesmart 33赔了夫人又折兵sufferadoubleloss;losethebaitalongwiththefish 34抛砖引玉amodestspurtoinduceotherstocomeforwardwithvaluablecontributions;throwasprattocatchawhale 35破釜沉舟cutoffallmeansofretreat ;burnone'sownwayofretreatandbedeterminedtofighttotheend 36抢得先机takethepreemptiveopportunities 37巧妇难为无米之炊Onecan'tmakebrickswithoutstraw. 38千里之行始于足下 athousand-lijourneybeginswiththefirststep--thehighesteminenceistobegainedstepbystep 39前事不忘,后事之师Pastexperience,ifnotforgotten,isaguideforthefuture. 40前怕狼,后怕虎fearwolvesaheadandtigersbehind ;hesitateindoingsomething 41强龙难压地头蛇Themightydragonisnomatchforthenativeserpent.


Part One I had only recently seen John in a restaurant. The news of his death came as a bolt from the blue She found the keys she had lost last month, which was like a bolt from the blue A bolt from the blue Meaning:A complete surprise, like a bolt of lightning from a blue sky. Origin:This has the feel of a Shakespearian or Biblical phrase, but it isn't as old as it sounds. There are several forms of it: 'out of the blue', 'a bolt out of the blue', etc. The earliest citation is Thomas Carlyle, in The French Revolution, 1837: "Arrestment, sudden really as a bolt out of the Blue, has hit strange victims." It is unpleasant to hear him speak on national topics, for he is a bird of ill omen. 叫他谈论国事是不愉快的,因为他常出不吉之言。 a bird of ill omen 中国有句老话:“夜猫子进宅,无事不来”,可见猫头鹰是种不吉利的象征。它往往和黑暗、神秘甚至死亡联系起来。然而在日本,猫头鹰却是吉利和幸福的代表。 奥运会的吉祥物 雕像、挂钟、水壶、牙签盒,甚至还有女士佩戴的胸针 They were only crying crocodile tears at the old man's funeral because nobody had really liked him. 在老人的葬礼上,他们在假装慈悲,因为他们之中没有谁喜欢过他。 We need not hope for lower taxes in the future ─ that would be crying for the moon. 我们不应抱任何希望将来会降低税收,这是根本不可能的事。 “不可能”,“没门”的译法 No way/There is no way! Impossible! Out of the question/That's out of the question! Not a chance! Hopeless! Pigs might fly! The sun might rise in the west! Never/Never ever ever! You are crying for the moon! Street Arabs are produced by slums and not by original sin. 流浪儿是贫民窟的产物,而不是原始罪恶的产物。 John is ashamed of his humble background. That is his Achilles' heel. 约翰因出身卑贱而自惭形秽,这是他的致命弱点。 Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own; in pain and sickness it would still be dear. 在我看来,你身上的每一个细胞都像我自己的细胞一样亲,即使你痛苦你有病,也还是一样亲。 I'll play old Gooseberry with the office, and make you glad to buy me out at a good high figure. 我要在工作上故意捣蛋,使你不得不付出高价收买我。 play gooseberry (British humorous) to be with two people who are having a romantic relationship and who would prefer to be alone. “Best be off to bed, my boy ─ ho, ho!”“No, no. We know a trick worth two of that. We won’t go home till morning, till day light does appear!” “孩子,最好上床睡吧——嗬,嗬!”“不,不,你不必跟我们玩那一套。不到明天,不到天大亮我们不归家。


一、英语成语及谚语中某些常见误解与误译由于汉语与英语、东方人与西方人之间文化背景及思维方式的巨大差异,中国人在理解英语成语、谚语时极易产生偏差。比如,有一个成语Claw me,and I’llclaw t hee.有人把它译成“以牙还牙”。这样理解就错了。应译成“你吹捧我,我吹捧你。”错译的人认为,claw 一词意为“用爪子抓”,你既然要抓我,作为报复,我也就抓你,这不是顺理成章的“以牙还牙,以眼还眼”吗?其实,大谬不然。Claw过去意为stroke;tickle(拍;呵痒),因而引申为“讨好,恭维”。由此可见,切不可单就一个词似是而非的表面意义,进行想当然的推理或类比来理解成语。另外,中国人学习英语成语往往容易犯的一个毛病就是把英语中的某些单词与汉语中概念相类似的内容进行同比,从而造成理解上的错误。例如,把to pullone’s leg(取笑某人)误解为“拖某人后腿”。把towake a sleeping wolf(自找麻烦),误解为“打草惊蛇”,把to keep the wolf from the door(使免于饥饿)误译为“御敌于门外”等等。要知道,上述例子中,pull sb’s leg寓有“故意愚弄”之意。To wake a sleeping wolf(吵醒一条睡着的狼),其后果不是把狼吓跑,而很有可能是这头狼扑过来咬你,故不应理解为“打草惊蛇”而应该是“自找麻烦”。还有,有人把a walking skeleton(骨瘦如柴的人)误解成“行尸走肉”。这一错误估计根源于 skeleton(骨骼,骷髅)这个词的词意。这一成语的寓意旨在形容一个人瘦得只剩一付骨头架子。然而某些联想力丰富的人就把skeleton类比为“僵尸”,在加上前面正好有walking一词,于是“,行尸走肉”这样一个现成的中国成语就被错误的引申出来了。请看,由于理解的不同,同一个成语的两种译义竟会如此大相径庭。还有些人不懂得英语成语的特点,只单纯从表面上的词义来进行推理判断。这当然就会造成理解上的差错和失误。比如,有的人把to eat one’s words(承认错误)误解成“自食其言”,把to have a word with sb.(与某人吵架)误解成“与某人交谈”。其实“与某人交谈”的英语为to have a word with sb.。把to take one’sbreat h away(使某人大吃一惊)误解为“使某人窒息而死”等等。笔者的一个学生曾把下面这个句字I am go2ing to take my wife’s breat h away t his evening.(我打算今晚让我的妻子大吃一惊)误译成“:我打算今晚掐死我的妻子。”问他为什么这么译,他说“:把呼吸拿走,人不就死了吗?”二、利用对比法正确理解英语成语、谚语以上各例无一不是由于不恰当的联想、推理、类比和引申造成的理解上的错误。由此可见,要学好成语,正确的理解是十分必要的。笔者认为,为了加深对成语的理解,可以运用两种不同的对比法:(一)英语本身的对比在英语中,由于用词的不同,往往使表面上似乎一样的词组或短语产生内在含义上的巨大区别。例如:tosmell a rat和to scent a rat这两个词组,单纯从词面上看,都可译成“闻到了老鼠的气味”。但to smell a rat是一个成语,要译成“怀疑(其中有诈)”。例如:From thestrange expression on his face and what he told me,I be2gan to smell a rat.(从他脸上奇怪的表情和他告诉我的事情来看,我开始产生怀疑)。而to scent a rat却并非成语,也无其他暗含的喻义,只表示闻到了老鼠的气味而已。(二)英汉两种语言的对比有些英语成语在表面含义上往往与汉语的某一成语接近,但仔细推敲,两者的含义却并不相同。例如,tot hrow a sprat to catch a whale直译为“投一条小鲸鱼去捕捉一条大鲸”。有人把它译成了“抛砖引玉”。这一理解是错误的。尽管该成语与汉语中的“抛砖引玉”的确有意义上的相似之处,但仔细对比,两者只是似是而非罢了。要知道“,抛砖引玉”指的是用自己不太好的东西去引诱旁人献出其珍品,通常只是在一个人自谦的场合下用来作为客气语。而上述英语成语却带有以小的代价


成语俗语越南语翻译 1. Bi?t nhi?u kh? nhi?u: 能者多劳。 2. Thà ch?t vinh còn h?n s?ng nh?c: 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 3. Tr?ng ?ánh xu?i kèn th?i ng??c; Rau ?ng n? c?m c?m bà kia: 牛头不对马嘴。 4. Tiên l? h?u binh: 先礼后兵。 5. ??u voi ?u?i chu?t: 虎头蛇尾。 6. C?i chày c?i c?i: 强词夺理。 7. Toàn tam toàn y: 全心全意。 8. Tr?ng ch?i v?i ?á; chau ch?u ?á xe: 螳臂当车。 9. D?nh? tr? bàn tay: 探囊取物。 10. N?i giáo cho gi?c; V????ng cho h??u ch?y: 为虎傅翼 11???ng nào c?ng ??n La M?条条大路通罗马;殊途同归;百川归海 12. xa hoa tr?y l?c / 灯红酒绿 13/. xa r?i th?c t? /脱离实际 14/. xa x?i ngàn d?m / 千里遥遥 15/. x? than c?u ng??i / 舍己救人 16/. x?than vì ??i ngh?a /舍生取义 17/. x?u ng??i ??p n?t còn h?n ??p ng??i /品德优美才是真美 18/. x?u ng??i hay làm dáng /丑人爱打扮 19/. x? xác tiêu ?i?u / 凋谢零落 10/. xua chim v? r?ng, xua cá ra s?ng/ 为渊驱鱼,为丛驱雀 20.Anh em khinh tr??c, làng n??c khinh sau --> 家火不起,野火不来


从越南海防去河内途中,在一个小小的庄园里驻足小憩午餐,餐后转悠,在房间楼梯口处发现一个牌位,黄纸红字,木刻印刷,细看时,让人意外的是除了那些如道士画符一般的符咒,更有熟悉亲切的方块汉字,“大神力金刚”、“定除灾金刚”、“鬼镇”等,在越南看够了那些歪歪绕绕加上音调的罗马字———即越南所谓的“国语字”以后,意外地在这里碰到这样一件与百姓生活相关的黄纸,没有一个罗马字母,亲切之外,几乎一股浓重的乡愁立刻扑面而来。 后来问越南导游,导游说不奇怪,越南无论城市还是乡村,家家户户都有神龛敬奉祖先与神灵,与祭祀有关的几乎都用汉字,还有贴汉字对联的,如“祖宗功德千年盛,子孝孙贤万代昌”、“福生礼仪家堂盛,禄发荣华福贵春”等。 然而一个事实是,汉字在越南已远离民众的现实生活,越南———这个曾经须臾不可离开汉字的国家,早在六十多年前把自己祖先使用数千年、与整个民族血脉相关的汉字弃之脑后,而把来自西方的罗马字称作“国语字”。他们的思路正与那些认为“汉字是愚民政策的利器”的观点偏激者一脉相承,只是他们又加上了一些理由———“汉字是外来的语言”、“代表着既得利益阶层”。然而,真的如此吗? 到底谁是既得利益阶层呢? 一个拼音化的汉语方言? 即使在越南是走马观花,但在我个人看来,越南语其实更多的近似于汉语方言的一支———而越南文字,则近似于一个拼音化的汉语方言,一个民族的语言里保守计算就有七八成的语词源自汉语(越南学者称其为汉语借词,而这还不包括源自古汉语的古汉越音,所有这些大概不是一个“借”所能简单概括的,而更多折射出人种、文化等多方面的渊源),而且在六十多年前长达数千年有文字可查的历史一直以汉字记录———这样的国家,谁会认为她不是华夏文化的一支呢? 就像广东话如果以拼音表示,闽南话、上海话、温州话、苏州话都以拼音表示,结果是,除了当地人与专门学习者,中国境内的绝大多数人大概没多少人能懂,中国文化的最大特色正是“书同文”———正如朝鲜李朝时期的崔万里反对世宗推行谚文时所言:“自古九州之内,风土虽异,未有因方言而别为文字者。”话说得掷地有声,世宗终其一生也未能真正将谚文推选下去,而现在的韩国,在丢失汉字几十年后,终于又重新拾起汉字,颁布了一系列推动汉字教育的政策,韩语和越南语一样,也有七成以上的文字源自汉语,倘不明白汉字,只读拼音化的韩语与越南语,除了同音多字的问题无法解决,更严重的是普通民众将很难真正了解其民族文化的根基所在。 从这一点看,重新拾起汉字的韩国人到底是明智的。 而越南人呢? 曾经熟读《四书五经》、《三字经》的安南人,他们的后代———越南人现在仍有大量的成语源自汉语,越南学者阮江灵在一篇论越南汉语词的文章中这样写道:“在各类汉语借词中,汉越词占绝对优势。它的读音是唐代传入越南的一套读音。这可能是属于公元八、九世


经典英文谚语大全带翻译 英文谚语大全带翻译第一部分 1、A little of everything, and nothing at all. 样样皆通,样样稀松。 2、A picture is a poem without words. 画为无言诗。 3、A word spoken cannot be recalled. 谚语是一个民族生产、生活智慧的沉淀与结晶,是一个民族语言与文化的精华。以下是由为大家推荐的英文谚语大全,欢迎大家学习参考。 一言说出,难以收回。 4、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找我。 5、A man is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 6、A little labour, much health. 常常走动,无病无痛。 7、A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 蛋糕莫保留,坏习气要除掉。 8、A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 她太喜爱这个娃娃了,所以对它观察得很细致。她是按这样的顺序来观察并描写的:蓝天→星星→月亮→小男孩和小女孩→可爱的小花猫。写一个静物比较容易,要把静物写得生动而又具体就不那么容易了。周智莹小朋友恰恰做到了这一点:她不仅写了这个静物各部分的颜色、大孝样子,还写出了小男孩和小女孩的服饰和姿态,最后还写出了自己的联想,字里行间流露出对爸爸送给自己的这份礼物的喜爱之情。 人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有阳光。


40个成语俗语的英文翻译 1. 爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog. 2. 百闻不如一见One look is worth a thousand words./ Seeing is believing. 3. 比上不足,比下有余To fall short of the best, but be better than the worst. 4. 笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start. 5. 不遗余力Spare no effort. / go all out./ do one's best. 6. 不打不成交No discord, no concord. 7. 拆东墙,补西墙Rob Peter to pay Paul. 8. 辞旧迎新Bid farewell to the old and usher in the new. 9. 大事化小,小事化了 Try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all. 10. 大开眼界Broaden one's horizon. / be an eye-opener. 11. 国泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace. 12. 过犹不及 Going beyond the limit is as bad as falling short./ Excess is just as bad as deficiency. / Too much is as bad as too little. 13. 好事不出门,坏事传千里Bad news travels fast. 14. 和气生财 Harmony brings wealth. / Friendliness is conductive to business. 15. 活到老学到老Never too old to learn. 16. 既往不咎Let bygones be bygones. 17. 金无足赤,人无完人There are spots even on the sun. 18. 金玉满堂Treasures fill the home. 19. 脚踏实地Be down-to-earth. 20. 君子之交淡如水A hedge between keeps friendship green. 21. 老生常谈,陈词滥调Cut and dried; cliche 22. 礼尚往来Courtesy calls for reciprocity. 23. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧Where there is life, there is hope. 24. 马到成功Achieve immediate victory; / win instant success. 25. 名利双收Gain both fame and wealth. 26. 茅塞顿开Be suddenly enlightened. 27. 没有规矩,不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 28. 每逢佳节倍思亲 On festive occassions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away. 29. 谋事在人,成事在天Man proposes, god disposes. 30. 弄巧成拙 Overreach oneself; / make a fool of oneself in trying to be smart. 31. 抛砖引玉 Throw a sprat to catch a whale. / a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions. 32. 破釜沉舟 Cut off all means of threat; / burn one's own way of retreat and determined to flight to the end.

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