当前位置:文档之家› 扑面而来的英语世界




10月30日,我校举行了万圣节的游园活动,孩子们兴奋不已、盛装打扮,“Trick or treat”的欢呼声此起彼伏地回荡在校园里。朋友圈里基本被万圣节的活动刷屏了,我在欣赏着各种节日图片时,也被一条与众不同的消息吸引了“搞不懂为什么要过万圣节?尤其是一些幼儿园和学校,跟风,和中国人屁关系!干嘛不过我们的七月半?”我忍不住在心里笑了,这朋友干嘛这么瞧不上外国的节日!姑且不论学校组织这样的活动要比平时日常教学辛苦多少,单看孩子们在学习之余还能享受别样的乐趣也是值得的啊!但我更想说的是,其实学校开展这样的活动是希望通过创设相对真实的语言环境让孩子们在生活中去使用、体验、发现英语。

在学校“253”课程体系下,“从这里走向世界”的育人目标是我们想要进一步落实和在各项课程中充分体现的。作为一名英语学科的教师,我们也更加注重将其工具性和人文性进行融合、学科内各单元同一主题以及朗文和PEP教材进行整合,同时与信息技术跨学科进行整合。各年段除了自己的基础教材的学习,还加入了视听课程(低年段以《迪士尼神奇英语》为主,《phonics》为辅)、绘本阅读《Reading for Fun》、每周一节的外教口语课程以及人生远足课程。与此同时,学校在每学期还会开展学生的素养展评,通过“Stories(讲故事)”、“The Voice of Waixiao(外小好声音)”、“Fun dubbing(英语趣配音)”等丰富多彩的活动形式为学生搭建各种展示、使用英语语言和体验、发现英语乐趣的平台。

随着现代科技的发展,我们常常觉得世界越来越小,如何让学生足不出户也能感受到扑面而来的英语世界?每年精彩纷呈的“走进异国嘉年华”和万圣节、圣诞节等西方传统节日的大型游园活动都是我们的尝试和坚持。在这些活动中,其实我们不仅仅在欢庆所谓的“洋节”,我们更注重文化的渗透。在此次万圣节活动开始之前,外教Pauline通过PPT向学生介绍了杰克灯的演变以及西方国家的常见庆祝活动。微电影和图片让学生更加直观地了解witch、ghost、batman 等人物形象,歌曲"Are you scary"让孩子们在欢乐又有些惊恐的氛围中进一步区分万圣节装扮。"trick or treat"(不给糖就捣蛋)是孩子们最喜欢的活动,但如何正确引导学生“捣蛋”?怎样“捣蛋”是符合中国人容忍标准的?这些都是我们





世界八大奇迹常识 1、罗马斗兽场 罗马斗兽场(Colosseum),亦译作罗马大角斗场、罗马竞技场,位于今天的意大利罗马市中心,是古罗马时期最大的圆形角斗场,建于公元72至82年间,现仅存遗迹。斗兽场专为野蛮的奴隶主和流氓们看角斗而造。 从功能、规模、技术和艺术风格各方面来看,罗马斗兽场是古罗马建筑的代表作之一。罗马斗兽场由弗拉维安王朝的三个皇帝建造,它正式的名字是弗拉维安竞技场。 罗马斗兽场能容纳的观众大约5万人。共有3层座位;下层,中层及上层,顶层还有一个只能站着的看台,这是给地位最低下的社会成员准备的:女人,奴隶和穷人。但即使在其他层,座位也是按照社会地位和职业状况安排的:皇室成员和守望圣火的贞女们拥有的、特殊的包厢。身着白色红边长袍的元老们坐在同一层的“唱诗席”中;然后依此是武士和平民。不同职业的人也有特殊的席位,例如士兵、作家、学者和教师,以及国外的高僧等。观众们从第一层的80个拱门入口处进入罗马斗兽场,另有160个出口遍布于每一层的各级座位,被称为吐口,观众可以通过它们涌进和涌出,混乱和失控的人群因此能够被快速的疏散(据说这里只需十分钟就可以被清空)。 建造背景 斗兽场由维斯西巴安(Vespasian)皇帝下令修建,是古罗马当时为取悦凯旋而归的将领士兵和赞美伟大的古罗马帝国而建造的。在其儿子图密善在位期间建成,是古罗马帝国标志性的建筑物之一。 斗兽场是古罗马举行人兽表演的地方,参加的角斗士要与一只牲畜搏斗直到一方死亡为止,也有人与人之间的搏斗。 罗马斗兽场就是罗马帝国内规模最大的一个椭圆形角斗场,它长轴187米,短轴155米,周长527米,中央为表演区,长轴86米,短轴54米,地面铺上地板,外面围着层层看台。看台约有60排,分为五个区,最下面前排是贵宾(如元老、长官、祭司等)区,第二层供贵族使用,第三区是给富人使用的,第四区由普通公民使用,最后一区则是给底层妇女使用,全部是站席。在观众席上还有用悬索吊挂的天篷,这是用来遮阳的;而且天篷向中间倾斜,便于通风。这些天篷由站在最上层柱廊的水手们像控制风帆那样操控。 2、中国长城 长城的修筑长城的修筑可上溯到公元前七、八世纪。当时割据一方的诸侯国为为了防御邻国侵袭,在各自的领土上先后筑起了防卫城墙。公元前221年秦始皇统一了中国,派遣蒙恬率领三十万大军北逐匈奴后,为防御北方的匈奴贵族南扰,将原来北方三个诸侯国的长城连接起来,并且继续修建廷至一万多里。其后历代不断维修扩建。最后一次大规模修筑始于明代初年的1368年。明灭元后,为了防止蒙古人卷土重来,从建朝第一年起就开始大力修筑长城。明代修筑长城的技术大有提高,改进了以前多用土夯或石砌的建筑方式,主要用砖石砌筑、石灰砌缝。在特别险要的地方还筑了关城,修建双重或多重的城墙,以便层层设防。明朝修筑长城历时两百多年,修成后的明长城西至甘肃嘉峪关,东至辽宁鸭绿江口,全长六千多公里,北京北部的长城就是其中的一段。长城的修筑工程历时两千多年,它那强固的关隘、林立的敌台、危峭的城墙和传递军情的烽火台,使其作为最大的防御建筑工程,关系着各诸侯国和王朝的存亡。所以,有着两千多年修筑工程历史的长城也是中国两千多年封建王朝兴衰存亡的历史见证。中国古代人造而成的雄伟防御建筑工程长城,其修筑时间之久,工程量之巨,史所罕见。它以其实物存在向后人们展示了设计者的智慧才华和建造者的艰辛劳作。现存长城,是明朝修筑的,距今已有六百多年的历史 一、修筑长城的军事意义: 长城是世界古代史上最伟大的军事防御工程,它并非简单孤立的一线城墙,而是由点到线、由线到面,把长城沿线的隘口、军堡、关城和军事重镇连接成一张严密的网,形成一个完整的防御体系。 二、长城对古代农业社会的影响:长城是中国古代农业社会和平安定的保障。在2000多年的历史长河中,历代统治者凭借长城,多次击退了北方游牧民族的侵扰,为封建社会农业经济的生存和发展创造了相对利平的生产环境,也使人民的生活更加安定。


第九届“郑州大学—《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛英译汉原文 The Whoomper Factor By Nathan Cobb 【1】As this is being written, snow is falling in the streets of Boston in what weather forecasters like to call “record amounts.” I would guess by looking out the window that we are only a few hours from that magic moment of paralysis, as in Storm Paralyzes Hub. Perhaps we are even due for an Entire Region Engulfed or a Northeast Blanketed, but I will happily settle for mere local disablement. And the more the merrier. 【1】写这个的时候,波士顿的街道正下着雪,天气预报员将称其为“创纪录的量”。从窗外望去,我猜想,过不了几个小时,神奇的瘫痪时刻就要来临,就像《风暴瘫痪中心》里的一样。也许我们甚至能够见识到《吞没整个区域》或者《茫茫东北》里的场景,然而仅仅部分地区的瘫痪也能使我满足。当然越多越使人开心。 【2】Some people call them blizzards, others nor’easters. My own term is whoompers, and I freely admit looking forward to them as does a baseball fan to April. Usually I am disappointed, however; because tonight’s storm warnings too often turn into tomorrow’s light flurries. 【2】有些人称它们为暴风雪,其他人称其为东北风暴。我自己则有一个叫法:呐喊者。我大方地承认道我期待着它们的到来,正如一位篮球迷盼望着四月份的来临。然而通常情况下,我会大失所望,因为今天发布了风暴警报,明天往往只飘起小雪。 【3】Well, flurries be damned. I want the real thing, complete with Volkswagens turned into drifts along Commonwealth Avenue and the MBTA’s third rail frozen like a hunk of raw meat. A storm does not even begin to qualify as a whoomper unless Logan Airport is shut down for a minimum of six hours. 【3】好吧,小雪令人厌恶。我想要实实在在的东西,包括大众汽车成了联邦大道的漂浮物,波士顿市运输局的第三条轨道像一大块生肉一样被冻住了。除非洛根机场至少关闭六个小时,否则这一场风暴根本配不上称作呐喊者。


New 7 Wonders vs. Ancient 7 Wonders New: Christ the Redeemer Statue Photograph by Samba Photo/Photonica/Getty Images The 105-foot-tall (38-meter-tall) "Christ the Redeemer" statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was among the "new seven wonders of the world" announced July 7 following a global poll to decide a new list of human-made marvels. The winners were voted for by Internet and phone, American Idol style. The other six new wonders are the Colosseum in Rome, India's Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, Jordan's ancient city of Petra, the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, and the ancient Maya city of Chichén Itzá in Mexico. The contest was organized by the New7Wonders Foundation—the brainchild of Swiss filmmaker and museum curator Bernard Weber—in order to "protect humankind's heritage across the globe." The foundation says the poll attracted almost a hundred million votes.

第七届“英语世界”翻译比赛英译汉原文 Great Possessions

Great Possessions By Aldo Leopold 【1】One hundred and twenty acres, according to the County Clerk, is the extent of my worldly domain. But the County Clerk is a sleepy fellow, who never looks at his record books before nine o’clock. What they would show at daybreak is the question here at issue. 【2】Books or no books, it is a fact, patent both to my dog and myself, that at daybreak I am the sole owner of all the acres I can walk over. It is not only boundaries that disappear, but also the thought of being bounded.Expanses unknown to deed or map are known to every dawn, and solitude, supposed no longer to exist in my county, extends on every hand as far as the dew can reach. 【3】Like other great landowners, I have tenants. They are negligent about rents, but very punctilious about tenures. Indeed at every daybreak from April to July they proclaim their boundaries to each other, and so acknowledge, at least by inference, their fiefdom to me. 【4】This daily ceremony, contrary to what you might suppose, begins with the utmost decorum. Who originally laid down its protocols I do not know. At 3:30 a.m., with such dignity as I can muster of a July morning, I step from my cabin door, bearing in either hand my emblems of sovereignty, a coffee pot and notebook. I seat myself on a bench, facing the white wake of the morning star. I set the pot beside me. I extract a cup from my shirt front, hoping none will notice its informal mode of transport. I get out my watch, pour coffee, and lay notebook on knee. This is the cue for the proclamations to begin. 【5】At 3:35 the nearest field sparrow avows, in a clear tenor chant, that he holds the jackpine copse north to the riverbank, and south to the old wagon track. One by one all the other field sparrows within earshot recite their respective holdings. There are no disputes, at least at this hour, so I just listen, hoping inwardly that their womenfolk acquiesce in this happy accord over the status quo ante. 【6】Before the field sparrows have quite gone the rounds, the robin in the big elm warbles loudly his claim to the crotch where the icestorm tore off a limb, and all appurtenances pertaining thereto (meaning, in his case, all the angleworms in the not-very-spacious subjacent lawn). 【7】The robin’s insistent caroling awakens the oriole, who now tells the world of orioles that the pendant branch of the elm belongs to him, together with all fiber-bearing milkweed stalks near by, all loose strings in the garden, and the exclusive right to flash like a burst of fire from one of these to another. 【8】My watch says 3:50. The indigo bunting on the hill asserts title to the dead oak limb left by the 1936 drouth, and to divers near-by bugs and bushes. He does not claim, but I think he implies, the right to out-blue all bluebirds, and all spiderworts that have turned their faces to the dawn.


十三陵The Ming Tombs 雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery 中华世纪坦China Century Altar 秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang\'s Tomb 天安门广场Tian\'anmen Square 人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People\'s Heroes 毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People 故宫The Forbidden City 乾清宫The Palace of Heavenly Purity 坤宁宫The Palace of Earthly Tranquility 御花园The Imperial Garden 九龙壁The Nine Dragon Screen 天坛The Temple of Heaven 回音壁Echo Wall 祈年殿The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest 颐和园The Summer Palace 佛香阁The Tower of Buddhist Incense 石舫The Marble Boat 十七孔桥The 17-Arch Bridge 铜牛Bronze Ox 谐趣园The Garden of Harmonious Interests 长城The Great Wall 居庸关Juyongguan Pass 北海公园Beihai Park 故宫博物院the Palace Museum 革命历史博物馆The Museum of Revolutionary History 天安门广场Tian’anmen Square 毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall 保和殿the Hall of Preserving Harmony 中和殿the Hall of Central Harmony 长城the Great Wall 午门the Meridian Gate 紫金山天文台Purple and Gold Hills Observation 紫禁城the Forbidden City 周口店遗址Zhoukoudian Ancient Site 太和殿the Hall of Supreme Harmony 少年宫the Children’s Palace 烽火台the Beacon Tower 清东陵Easten Royal Toms of the Qing Dynasty 民族文化宫the Cultural Palace for Nationalities 劳动人民文化宫Worker People’s Cultural Palace


第七届“北京外国语大学-《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛比赛原文 英译汉原文: G reat Possessions By Aldo Leopold 【1】One hundred and twenty acres, according to the County Clerk, is the extent of my worldly domain. But the County Clerk is a sleepy fellow, who never looks at his record books before nine o’clock. What they would show at daybreak is the question here at issue. 【2】Books or no books, it is a fact, patent both to my dog and myself, that at daybreak I am the sole owner of all the acres I can walk over. It is not only boundaries that disappear, but also the thought of being bounded. Expanses unknown to deed or map are known to every dawn, and solitude, supposed no longer to exist in my county, extends on every hand as far as the dew can reach. 【3】Like other great landowners, I have tenants. They are negligent about rents, but very punctilious about tenures. Indeed at every daybreak from April to July they proclaim their boundaries to each other, and so acknowledge, at least by inference, their fiefdom to me. 【4】This daily ceremony, contrary to what you might suppose, begins with the utmost decorum. Who originally laid down its protocols I do not know. At 3:30 a.m., with such dignity as I can muster of a July morning, I step from my cabin door, bearing in either hand my emblems of sovereignty, a coffee pot and notebook. I seat myself on a bench, facing the white wake of the morning star. I set the pot beside me. I extract a cup from my shirt front, hoping none will notice its informal mode of transport. I get out my watch, pour coffee, and lay notebook on knee. This is the cue for the proclamations to begin. 【5】At 3:35 the nearest field sparrow avows, in a clear tenor chant, that he holds the jackpine copse north to the riverbank, and south to the old wagon track. One by one all the other field sparrows within earshot recite their respective holdings. There are no disputes, at least at this hour, so I just listen, hoping inwardly that their womenfolk acquiesce in this happy accord over the status quo ante. 【6】Before the field sparrows have quite gone the rounds, the robin in the big elm warbles loudly his claim to the crotch where the icestorm tore off a limb, and all appurtenances pertaining thereto (meaning, in his case, all the angleworms in the not-very-spacious subjacent lawn).


《英语世界》 时间:第十周 主持人:谢曼丽、黄瑾 指导老师:丘嘉曼 AB:English Broadcast is coming.(英语广播开始了。) A:Good morning, every teacher.(各位老师早上好!) B:Good morning, boys and girls.(各位同学早上好!) A:I’m … B:I’m … AB:I hope you like us.(我希望大家能喜欢我们。) A:Today is Wednesday, It’s sunny. B:今天是星期三,天气晴。 A:First , let’s learn to speak English sentence. B:首先,让我们一起来学习讲英语句子。 A:Please, everyone read after me, loud please. B:大家可以跟着我们一起读,大声读。 A/B:Come in, please. 请进。 A/B:Sit down, please. 请坐。 A/B:It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 A/B:Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。

A/B:Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? A/B:Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗? A/B:Any questions? 有什么问题吗? A/B:That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。 A/B:What's this? 这是什么? A/B:It's a pen. 是支笔。 A/B:It's an air-conditioner. 这是空调。 A/B:Is this yours? 这是你的吗? A/B:Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的。 A/B:Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿? A/B:How are you? A/B:I’m fine,thank you. A:Ok,今天我们暂时学到这里。 B:Let’s listen to a famous English song. A:让我们一起来听一首好听的英文歌曲。(插播英文歌) AB:同学们,今天的英语广播就要和大家说再见了,我们下周见,see you next week. 二0一三年十一月六日


第六届“《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛原文 A Garden That Welcomes Strangers By Allen Lacy I do not know what became of her, and I never learned her name. But I feel that I knew her from the garden she had so lovingly made over many decades. The house she lived in lies two miles from mine – a simple, two-story structure with the boxy plan, steeply-pitched roof and unadorned lines that are typical of houses built in the middle of the nineteenth century near the New Jersey shore. Her garden was equally simple. She was not a conventional gardener who did everything by the book, following the common advice to vary her plantings so there would be something in bloom from the first crocus in the spring to the last chrysanthemum in the fall. She had no respect for the rule that says that tall-growing plants belong at the rear of a perennial border, low ones in the front and middle-sized ones in the middle, with occasional exceptions for dramatic accent. In her garden, everything was accent, everything was tall, and the evidence was plain that she loved three kinds of plant and three only: roses, clematis and lilies, intermingled promiscuously to pleasant effect but no apparent design. She grew a dozen sorts of clematis, perhaps 50 plants in all, trained and tied so that they clambered up metal rods, each rod crowned intermittently throughout the summer by a rounded profusion of large blossoms of dark purple, rich crimson, pale lavender, light blue and gleaming white. Her taste in roses was old-fashioned. There wasn’t a single modern hybrid tea rose or floribunda in sight. Instead, she favored the roses of other ages – the York and Lancaster rose, the cabbage rose, the damask and the rugosa rose in several varieties. She propagated her roses herself from cuttings stuck directly in the ground and protected by upended gallon jugs. Lilies, I believe were her greatest love. Except for some Madonna lilies it is impossible to name them, since the wooden flats stood casually here and there in the flower bed, all thickly planted with dark green lily seedlings. The occasional paper tag fluttering from a seed pod with the date and record of a cross showed that she was an amateur hybridizer with some special fondness for lilies of a warm muskmelon shade or a pale lemon yellow. She believed in sharing her garden. By her curb there was a sign: “This is my garden, and you are welcome here. Take whatever you wish with your eyes, but nothing with your hand.” Until five years ago, her garden was always immaculately tended, the lawn kept fertilized and mowed, the flower bed free of weeds, the tall lilies carefully staked. But then something happened. I don’t know what it was, but the lawn was mowed less frequently, then not at all. Tall grass invaded the roses, the clematis, the lilies. The elm tree in her front yard sickened and died, and when a coastal gale struck, the branches that fell were never removed. With every year, the neglect has grown worse. Wild honeysuckle and bittersweet run


世界七大奇迹分别是哪七个 世界七大奇迹分别是哪七个?想知道吗?想更加了解吗?现在就让来给你细细道来。 世界七大奇迹 答:世界七大奇迹之一:埃及法老胡夫的大金字塔。 胡夫金字塔建于埃及第四王朝第二位法老胡夫统治时期(约公元前2670年),被认为是胡夫为自己修建的陵墓。在古埃及,每位法老从登基之日起,即着手为自己修筑陵墓,以求死后超度为神。胡夫大金字塔的4个斜面正对东、南、西、北四方,误差不超过圆弧的3分,底边原长230米,由于塔外层石灰石脱落,现在底边减短为227米,倾角为51度52分。塔原高146.59米,因顶端剥落,现高136.5米,相当于一座40层摩天大楼,塔底面呈正方形。整个金字塔建筑在一块巨大的凸形岩石上,占地约52900平方米,体积约260万立方米。它的四边正对着东南西北四个方向。 世界七大奇迹之二:巴比伦的“空中花园”。 巴比伦空中花园,是古代世界七大奇迹之一,又称悬园。在前6世纪由新巴比伦王国的尼布甲尼撒二世(Nebuchadnezzar)在巴比伦城为其患思乡病的王妃安美依迪丝(Amyitis)修建的。现已不存。空中花园据说采用立体造园手法,将花园放在四层平台之上,由沥青及砖块建成,平台由25米高的柱子支撑,并且有灌溉系统,奴隶不

停地推动连系著齿轮的把手。园中种植各种花草树木,远看犹如花园悬在半空中。巴比伦文献中,空中花园仅是一个谜,甚至没有一篇提及空中花园。 世界七大奇迹之三:阿尔忒弥斯神庙。 阿尔忒弥斯神庙是希腊神话中女神阿尔忒弥斯的神庙,位列古代世界七大奇迹之一。神庙位于希腊人在小亚细亚建立的城镇以弗所。公元前7世纪,原地旧有的建筑毁于洪水。大约于公元前550年由吕底亚王国的克罗索斯发动重建,大约一百余年后在波斯的阿契美尼德帝国时完成。 地址:Atatürk Mh., 35920 Selçuk/İzmir, 土耳其公元前356年7月21日,神庙被希腊人黑若斯达特斯纵火焚毁。传说亚历山大大帝诞生于神庙被毁的同一天。公元前323年,神庙开始重建,规模超过以前,长425英尺长,宽230英尺,有126根高60英尺的大理石柱。重建后的神庙矗立了大约六百年。公元246年,神庙被哥特人损坏,之后是否曾重建或重修尚不清楚。1869年考古学家约翰;特陶;伍德发现了阿尔忒弥斯神庙遗址,发掘工作一直持续到了1874年[2]。今日的阿尔忒弥斯神庙旧址处,人们用发掘出的大理石拼成了一根石柱作为标记。 世界七大奇迹之四:奥林匹斯的宙斯神像。 宙斯(Zeus)希腊众神之神,是奥林匹亚(Olympia)的主神,为表崇拜而兴建的宙斯神像是当世最大的室内雕像,宙斯神像所在的宙斯神殿则是奥林匹克运动会的发源地。拜占庭的菲罗撰写记述七大奇


《英语世界—自然拼音》启蒙版教材继普及版之后,历经一年的研发整合终于印刷出版了! 在此感谢公司的全体同仁及全国一直关注我们的合作机构的校长老师们! Phonics 自然拼音法在英美国家一直做为幼儿启蒙学习的第一门必修课程,与国内的汉语拼音在汉语学习过程中的地位相似。是培养孩子英语语感,为今后的系统学习打下坚实基础的入门课程。说它可以影响孩子一生的学习丝毫没有夸大其词。孩子掌握了Phonics 自然拼音法后不仅可以有效提高学习兴趣及效率,更加可以帮助孩子建立强烈的学习成就感。当孩子看到陌生的单词可以根据发音规则拼读出来的时候,脸上流露出的是无比自豪的表情。在这种情况下还怕孩子学不好英语吗? 目前在国内,Phonics 自然拼音课程正逐渐被家长接受及认可。市面上更涌现出了各种版本及品牌的教材,多数是从英美国家原版进口到国内。原版进口的教材真的适合国内的孩子启蒙学习使用吗?有的老师会觉得我们既然学习人家的语言,用人家正版的教材肯定是正确的。甚至很多培训机构以使用美国小学同步英语教材作为学校的主打宣传语!这种盲目崇洋的思想是阻碍国内教育发展迟缓的主要因素之一。仔细分析一下,国外的语言背景、文化背景、教育背景等与国内的差别有多大,国外3岁的孩子英语的语言能力相当于国内几年级的学生?把国外3岁孩子启蒙学习使用的原版教材拿到国内给同龄孩子使用效果会相同吗?里面的知识结构设计与学习目标适合国内同龄孩子吗?我们研发《英语世界—自然拼音》启蒙版的初衷就是希望可以真正打造一套适合国内3——8岁孩子英语启蒙学习的Phonics 自然拼音教材。老师教的轻松,孩子学的快乐! English World Phonics Kids《英语世界——自然拼音》启蒙版教材是专门针对即将开始英语学习的孩子而设计的教科书。适用于3——8岁的孩子英语启蒙学习使用,共六册分三个级别完成全部课程(幼儿园使用每学期用一册)。每本教材一个学习主题,分别为字母、字母音、短元音、长元音、魔法‘E’、‘R’元音&合成音。通过循序渐进系统的发音学习,有效培养孩子的英语语感最终达到见词能读、听词可写的学习效果,是英语启蒙必须学习的一门课程! 在学习Phonics自然拼音法的同时,根据《国家英语课程标准》的要求,把《国家英语课程标准》里的要求全部融入到了课程中。通过听、说、读、写、玩、练多元化的教学全面培养孩子的英语能力。同时配套有多媒体动画互动教学课件供老师使用,让我们的课堂从此以后充满了欢声笑语。不仅缓解了老师上课的工作负担,更加保证了孩子学习的热情。 我们的努力,您的关注!让我们携手帮助所有学习英语的孩子快乐学习,轻松提高!


世界七大奇观是由马其顿王国(Macedonia,公元前4世纪中叶至前2世纪中叶)的亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Greater,公元前356-前323)统治时期建于西亚、北非及爱琴海地区的七处规模较大的雄伟建筑与雕刻品,被古希腊和古罗马的观察家们认可为古代遗迹中最非凡的艺术品和建筑作品。世界七大奇观的名单有时会有所不同,以下以古代西顿(Sidon)作家安提帕特(Antipater,公元前398?-前319)在他的一本游记中所列举的七大奇观为准。它不但被广泛使用而且还是标准的名单,七大奇观中除金字塔外,其他六个均未完整保存下来。 1.埃及金字塔(Pyramid) 世界七大奇观之一。金字塔是古代所建的一种方锥形建筑物,因其外形像汉语的“金”字,在中国译称“金字塔”。墨西哥、希腊、苏丹等国都有金字塔,但名声最为显赫的是埃及的金字塔。埃及金字塔是古埃及文明的代表作,是埃及国家的象征。古埃及的金字塔目前保存下来的约有80座,是为古埃及法老(Pharaoh——古埃及国王的称号)修建的陵墓。最大的一座是古埃及第四朝法老胡夫(Khufu)的金字塔,称为“大金字塔”(The Great Pyramid),位于开罗近郊吉萨(Giza),建于大约公元前27世纪。它的底座成方形,每边长约232米,高约146米,用230余万块(每块重约2.5吨)巨石叠成。塔内有墓室、石阶及甬道等结构。据说建塔时,每天投入80万劳动力,历时30年方建成。就当时的生产力水平而言,其设计与建筑水平已达到相当惊人的程度。“大金字塔”附近建有法老哈夫拉(Khafra,约公元前20世纪)的金字塔及斯芬克斯巨型石雕像。现存于吉萨的70余座金字塔大都残损破朽,墓室里的财宝也被盗劫一空。 2.巴比伦空中花园(Hanging Garden of Babylon) 巴比伦空中花园在古巴比伦王国(今伊拉克南部)首府巴比伦城王宫内,是国王尼布甲尼撤二世(NebuchadnezzaⅡ,公元前604-公元前562)建造的。为了安慰患上思乡病的王妃安美依迪丝(Amyitis),仿照王妃在山上的故居兴建的。其实,它并非真正的“空中花园”,而是建在一系列塔庙的平台顶上的几层土坛,坛上遍种花草。远望时,它像一座花草覆盖的小山,近看时,则给人以花草悬空而植的感觉,故名“空中花园”。 3.以弗所的阿耳忒弥斯神殿(Temple of Artemis of Ephesus) 世界七大奇观之一,阿苔密斯(又译为“阿耳忒弥斯”)是希腊神话中的月亮女神和狩猎女神。古代以弗所(在今天的土耳其境内)的居民对阿苔密斯的崇拜甚盛,并建造了不少纪念她的神庙。公元前4世纪建成了这个最大的神殿。它用白色大理石建造,有不少廊柱用金、银、宝石缀饰。这座雄伟的大理石神庙是由昌底亚的国王克里萨斯出资筹建,由希腊建筑家车西夫若恩设计。神庙中装饰着由当时技艺最精湛的艺术家们所塑的青铜雕像,这个神殿被视为七大奇观中最美的一景。 4.奥林匹亚的宙斯神像(Statue 0f Zeus at Olympia) 世界七大奇观之一,它原在奥林匹亚的宙斯神庙(the Temple 0f Zeus at Olympia)里,由古代希腊著名雕刻家菲狄亚斯(Phidias,雅典人,主要活动时期在公元前448-前432)雕成。雕像为木质,高约10米,全身饰以象牙、金箔和宝石等昂贵材料,眼睛也是用宝石雕


世界上最伟大的发明 口语对话: Gabriel: Geraldo, what do you think is the greatest invention in history? 加百利:杰拉尔多,你觉得历史上最伟大的发明是什么? Geraldo: I think it is a mobile phone, it makes the distance between people become more closer. 杰拉尔多:我觉得是手机,它让人与人之间的距离变得更近了。 Bob: I also like mobile phones, but I think the world's greatest invention is electricity, nothing can be used without electricity. 鲍勃:我也喜欢手机,但我觉得世界上最伟大的发明是电,没有电什么都不能用。 Jack: I think the world's greatest invention is the network, if there is no network, then you have nothing to do with the fun of the phone. Lucia, what do you think? 杰克:我觉得世界上最伟大的发明是网络,如果没有网络的话,你的手机也没什么好玩的。 露西亚,你认为呢? Lucia: I don't like to play mobile phone, I like reading, so I think the world's greatest invention is paper. 露西亚:我不喜欢玩手机,我喜欢读书,所以我觉得世界上最伟大的发明是纸。 Jack: Tom, you also like reading, what do you think is the greatest invention in the world? 杰克:汤姆,你也喜欢读书,你觉得世界上最伟大的发明是什么? Tom: The great invention of the world is too much, I can only say that my favorite invention is the movie. Film art has enriched our lives. 汤姆:世界上伟大的发明太多了,我只能说我最喜欢的发明是电影。电影艺术丰富了我们的生活。 Geraldo: But with the phone, we can watch movies on the phone, the phone is not more great? Bob, what do you think? 杰拉尔多:但有了手机,我们可以在手机上看电影,手机不是更伟大吗?鲍勃,你觉得呢?Bob: I suddenly feel that the greatest invention in the world is not electricity. 鲍勃:我突然觉得世界上最伟大的发明不是电。 Jack: what's that? 杰克:那是什么? Bob: It's a sandwich. I'm hungry. 鲍勃:是三明治,我饿了。 Gabriel: Haha! 加百利:哈哈!

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