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Whopper to go


Will Burger King be gobbled up by private equity?


Sep 2nd 2010 | NEW YORK

SHARES in Burger King (BK) soared on September 1st on reports that the fast-food company was talking to several private-equity firms interested in buying it. How much beef was behind these stories was unclear. But lately the company famous for the slogan “Have It Your Way” has certainly not been having it its own way. There may be arguments about whether BK or McDonald’s serves the best fries, but there is no doubt which is more popular with stockmarket investors: the maker of the Big Mac has supersized its lead in the past two years.


Recession has favoured McDonald’s over BK, whose share price has fallen by half since the economy was flame-grilled in the summer of 2008. Shares in McDonald’s have risen, reaching an all-time high in August. Same-store sales at BK have fallen for five successive quarters.


Why has McDonald’s been eating BK’s lunch? Among other things, BK has always had a higher proportion of sales to young men, who have been hit especially hard by the recession. McDonald’s, by contrast, has for several years wooed women and older people with relatively healthy salads and drinkable coffee. BK has struggled to follow suit. At the same time, it has had to contend with angry shareholders, as the rising cost of beef and other ingredients has clobbered its profits. BK may also have cannibalised its existing sales by offering value meals that were a bit too irresistible.


BK is used to changes in ownership. It went from being part of Pillsbury, a food company, to Grand Metropolitan, a British conglomerate, then to Diageo, a drinks giant. In 2002 it was sold to a group of private-equity investors: TPG, Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs. They did a fair job, improving sales with better marketing. They also helped turn around the most troubled of the franchisees who operate most BK restaurants. In 2006 BK floated its shares again. Its bosses may hope that going private once more will protect them from short-term stockmarket pressures while they ponder how to beat McDonald’s.


If BK does go private, it may be part of a trend in the private-equity industry —now that some of the bigger firms have rediscovered their appetite for deals—of gobbling up the companies they had taken public during the bubble years but which are now trading cheaply. TPG, Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs still own a sizeable stake in BK, despite listing it on the New York Stock Exchange in 2006. However, it seems that other private-equity firms are interested in buying it. If that happens, no doubt BK servers will appreciate the irony: the act of passing a company from one private-equity firm to another is known in the business as “flipping”.


本主题由 shiyi18 于 2010-11-12 13:16 移动

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Down the slipway下水

“Quantitative easing” is unloved and unappreciated—but it is working


Nov 4th 2010 | Washington, dc

EVEN before the Federal Reserve unveiled its second round of quantitative easing (QE) on November 3rd, critics had already denounced it as ineffectual or an invitation to inflation. It cannot be both and it may not be either.


The announcement of “QE2” was hardly breathtaking. The Fed said it will buy $600 billion of Treasuries between now and next June, at about $75 billion a month, although it also said it could adjust the amount and timing if need be. That was about what markets expected but far less than the $1.75 trillion of debt it bought between early 2009 and early 2010 in its first round of QE. Yet QE2 seems already to have exceeded the low expectations it has aroused. Since Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Fed, hinted at it at Jackson Hole on August 27th, markets have all done exactly what they should (see chart).

第二轮量化宽松并没有惊人之处。美联储称,从现在起到明年6月,它将购买6 000亿美元美国国债,相当于每月购买750亿美元,但具体数字可能随情况进行调整。这一规模与市场预期相当,远低于2009年初至2010年初第一轮量化宽松(总共购买债务1.75万亿美元)。但第二轮量化宽松似乎已经超过了它所引起的低预期。自美联储主席本?伯南克于8月27日在杰克森霍尔(Jackson Hole)暗示这一计划以来,市场对此已有了充分的反映(见图)。

Under QE the Fed buys long-term bonds with newly created money. This lowers long-term yields and chases investors into riskier, alternative investments. The real yield on ten-year, inflation-indexed Treasury bonds has fallen from 1.05% to 0.5%, a result of relatively flat nominal yields and a rise in expected inflation. The yield on their five-year cousins is negative (see Buttonwood). Share prices are up by 14% in the same period. Lower yields make the dollar less appealing: it has duly fallen by 5% against the Japanese yen, by 9% against the euro and by 5% on a trade-weighted basis. “You can declare QE to be a success already,” says one hedge-fund economist. “Whether this translates into real activity remains a question-mark. But the question of whether the mechanism would work has been answered.”

在量化宽松计划中,美联储将通过发行新钞买入长期债券。这压低了后者的收益率,使投资者转向风险更高的替代投资品。在名义收益率相对较平和预期通胀的双重作用下,10年期通胀指数化美国国债真实收益率从 1.05%下降至0.5%。五年期品种则已呈现负利率(见本期Bottonwood)。同期,股票市场上涨了14%。收益率的下降使美元失去了吸引力:美元对日元下跌了5%,对欧元下跌了9%,从贸易加权角度看,则下跌了5%。一位对冲基金经济学家说:“可以说,量化宽松已经获得了成功。它能不能转化为实际行动还不好说。但其机制是否起作用已经毋庸置疑了。”

With a bit of a lag, these easier financial conditions are supposed to boost growth through three channels. First, lower real yields spur borrowing and investment. This channel is bunged up: many households cannot borrow because their homes have fallen in value and because banks are less willing to lend. But the remaining two channels remain open. Higher share prices have raised household wealth by some $1.4 trillion, which will spur some spending. And the lower dollar should help trade. American factory purchasing managers reported a sharp jump in export orders in October and

a drop in imports.


Macroeconomic Advisers, a consulting firm, reckons that the Fed will eventually buy $1.5 trillion of debt under QE2, and that this will raise growth next year to 3.6% from 3.3% without QE. That’s not exactly overwhelming: the firm thinks the Fed would have to buy $5.25 trillion of bonds to achieve the equivalent of a –4% federal-funds rate, which is what the economy needs. The Fed will not do that for fear of unknown consequences, among them the response of Congress’s newly empowered Republicans. In a Bloomberg poll, 60% of self-identified tea-party supporters favoured overhauling or abolishing the Fed.

咨询公司Macroeconomic Advisers认为,美联储在第二轮量化宽松中将总共购买1.5万亿美元债务,使明年的经济增长率从3.3%(如果不实行量化宽松的话)提高到3.6%。这还不是最令人震惊的:该公司还认为,美国经济需要联邦基金利率下降到-4%的水平,要达到这一效果,美联储必须购买5.25万亿美元债券才行。要美联储抛出如此大手笔是不可能的,因为它害怕因此导致不可预料的后果,比如引起最近在国会中重掌大权的共和党人的激烈反应。彭博社(Bloomberg)的调查显示,60%自称茶党支持者的人赞成改组甚至取消美联储。

Could QE work too well and drive inflation expectations to dangerous levels? “The odds aren’t zero,” says Don Kohn, a former Fed vice-chairman, but they’re small. There’s more risk that expectations could rise once credit loosens up and spending accelerates. That, however, would be a signal that the Fed has succeeded; it can then tighten policy.

量化宽松会过犹不及、将通胀预期推高到危险水平吗?“并非不可能。”前美联储副主席邓?考恩(Don Kohn)说,但可能性很小。更大的风险是通胀预期在信贷放松和支出增速之后抬头。但这正是美联储成功的信号,届时它已经可以采取紧缩措施了。

Other countries complain that QE is merely bringing them overvalued currencies and bubbly asset markets by pushing investors to seek higher returns elsewhere. But that may be unavoidable given their divergent growth paths. Both India and Australia raised interest rates this week despite rising currencies.


A damaging round of beggar-thy-neighbour currency interventions cannot be ruled out. But the Bank of Japan, after intervening directly to weaken the yen in September, has struck upon a more benign response. It had been scheduled to release details of

its own QE at a regular policy meeting in mid-November but moved the date forward to this week. Analysts suspect this was to counteract upward pressure on the yen because of the Fed’s move. If central banks all print money in unison, and don’t mop up excess liquidity, then the result could be a worldwide monetary fillip. QE’s benefits should not be over-egged. Nor should they be dismissed.


Opening stand 登场

Luck may play a big role in launching successful careers


Nov 18th 2010

IN CRICKET batsmen often need a slice of luck to build a decent innings. Might that be true of cricketers’ careers in general, and even of other jobs? In an IMF working paper Shekhar Aiyar and Rodney Ramcharan suggest that it is lucky for international cricketers to play their debut Test (international) match at home.

在板球比赛中,击球手通常需要点运气才能打出不错的击球局。所有板球选手都是这样吗?其他职业也是如此吗?在一篇IMF工作论文中,Shekhar Aiyar和Rodney Ramcharan提出,就(国际)对抗赛(Test)而言,能在主场上演职业生涯首秀对于板球选手来说是件幸事。

Playing at home means familiar pitches and climatic conditions, and a more supportive crowd (just ask the English cricketers whose series against Australia starts in Brisbane on November 25th). Sifting through the data on 790 cricketers who made their Test debuts between 1950 and 1985, the authors find that playing at home rather than away raises the average number of runs scored in their first series by 33% and reduces the runs that a bowler concedes by 18%.


This would not be luck, of course, if team selectors deliberately give home debuts to better players. But first starts are often the result of random events such as the injury or poor performance of existing team members. By using age as a proxy for ability (assuming that younger players who force their way into international sides tend to be more talented), the authors find that the distribution of cricketers’

ages is almost identical for home and away debuts.


A strong debut seems to lead to a shinier career. Every additional ten runs scored in a debut series adds an extra five runs to a player’s career average. The effects of initial success are similar for bowlers. One possibility is that a good start builds confidence and experience that boosts future performance. A bad start, in contrast, is not easily forgiven: selectors appear to discard potentially high-ability players who had the misfortune to debut abroad.


A good start may have a persistent, positive impact in other fields, too. That’s especially likely if employers take things at face value and fail to discount the impact of other factors that might enable good performance—a boom in financial markets for a trader, let’s imagine.


A rock, not a hard place 选石的,不选硬的

Boom time for miners in a resource-hungry region


Nov 11th 2010 | Hong Kong

IT CAN sometimes feel as if bankers in Asia are shifting their focus backwards along the economic food chain. First they moved from manufacturing to property. Now it’s the turn of rocks.


In Hong Kong alone seven mining and natural-resources firms have gone public this year, raising HK$36 billion ($4.6 billion) in the process. Another 13 listed in 2009, raising HK$58 billion, up from not very much the year before. A further 10-15 firms are due to list over the next year and the sums raised will almost certainly be bigger

than before, thanks to Asia’s appetite for raw materials and inexorably rising commodities prices.


One of the more meteoric ascents has been that of Sino Prosper State Gold Resources Holdings, a Hong Kong-listed company which a year ago was barely more than a shell company. It had an agreement to buy what was thought to be a small mine in Inner Mongolia, along with five undeveloped tracts of land in a remote area of Heilongjiang, in China’s north-eastern tip. The firm was valued on the Hong Kong stock exchange at HK$400m. Since then the price of gold has spiked, and the mine has been bought and turned out to be not so very small after all. Sino Prosper’s valuation is currently HK$3.5 billion and it has become a beacon for other minerals firms.


Hong Kong’s Canadian Chamber of Commerce this week held an invitation-only conference on mining. It was packed with Canadian companies in search of capital either through a direct listing (difficult, given profitability requirements at the Hong Kong stock exchange) or a partial investment by a cash-laden, resource-hungry Chinese firm. Investors seemed less concerned by the risks of digging up minerals, more by potential political obstacles in the wake of the Canadian government’s intervention to block BHP Billiton’s hostile takeover of Potash Corporation.

上周,众多加拿大公司出席了一个由香港加拿大商会(Canadian Chamber of Commerce)举办的凭柬入场矿业会议,或是争取直接上市(这比较困难,因为香港股票交易所对上市公司盈利能力要求较高),或是寻求手握重金又急切需要资源的中国企业作为部分投资人,以获得资本。投资者们似乎不太担心挖矿风险,而是更加顾忌潜在的政治障碍——加拿大政府干预叫停了必和必拓(BHP Billiton)对Potash公司的敌意收购。

Enthusiasm for minerals firms is not found just in Hong Kong. There are stirrings in less likely places, too. The Mongolian stock exchange, located in a lovely old cinema in Ulan Bator, has been transformed into a meeting place for international bankers. Locally listed miners are booming. A tie-up between the Mongolian bourse and the London Stock Exchange is expected to be announced by the end of the month. 并非只有香港出现了矿业公司狂热。在某些意想不到的地方,矿业股也是热火朝天。位于乌兰巴托一座漂亮的老剧院内蒙古证券交易所最近成了国际银行家的聚会之地。本地的上市矿业公司非常火爆。蒙古证券交易所与伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange)的合作预计将于本月末公布。

Only two large mines are currently being developed—gold and copper in Oyu Tolgoi, coal in Tavan Tolgoi—but there are numerous smaller mines throughout the country and 15 major deposits that are the source of serious discussions between global mining giants and the government, says Ganhuyag Chuluun Hutagt of TenGer, a bank holding company. Financiers are on the hunt for investment opportunities in other businesses, too. Mr Hutagt calls Mongolia a wolf economy, hungry and eager. Just like the bankers. 目前蒙古只有两个较大的矿处于开发中——Oyu Tolgoi的金铜伴生矿和Tavan Tolgoi的煤矿。但是,TenGer银行控股公司的Ganhuyag Chuluun Hutagt透露,有传言说蒙古政府正在就全国众多小型矿和15个主要大矿与全球矿业巨头进行重要谈判。除了矿产企业之外,金融家也在蒙古寻求着其他业务机会。Hutagt用“狼”来形容蒙古经济,认为它又饥饿又迫切。这倒是与银行家颇为相似。

America's budget deficit


Speak softly and carry a big chainsaw


Sorting out America’s fiscal mess is relatively simple. What’s needed is political courage


Nov 18th 2010

LAST week Asia, this week Europe: no wonder Barack Obama has been to so many foreign summits since his party took a pounding in the mid-term elections. With the prospect of gridlock at home, a president naturally turns abroad. Yet Mr Obama badly needs to show that he can still lead on domestic policy. He should start by cajoling Congress into an agreement to tackle America’s ominous fiscal arithmetic.


Conventional wisdom says such an agreement is impossible: the problem is too big, the politics too difficult. But it is wrong to suppose that the deficit is unfixable, as two proposals for fixing it have shown this month (see article). And even the politics may not be totally intractable.


A trillion-dollar trove


The scale of America’s fiscal problem depends on how far ahead you look. Today’s deficit, running at 9% of GDP, is huge. Federal debt held by the public has shot up to 62% of GDP, the highest it has been in over 50 years. But that is largely thanks to the economy’s woes. If growth recovers, the hole left by years of serial tax-cutting and overspending can be plugged: you need to find spending cuts or tax increases equal only to 2% of GDP to stabilise federal debt by 2015. But look farther ahead and a much bigger gap appears, as an ageing population needs ever more pensions and health care. Such “entitlements” will double the federal debt by 2027; and the number keeps on rising after then. The figures for state and local debt are scary too.


The solution should start with an agreement between Mr Obama and Congress on a target for a manageable level of publicly held federal debt: say, 60% of GDP by 2020. They should also agree on the broad balance between lower spending and higher taxes to achieve this. This newspaper believes that the lion’s share of the adjustment should come on the spending side. Entitlements are at the root of the problem and need to be trimmed, and research has shown that although spending cuts weigh on growth in the short run, they hurt less than higher taxes. And in the long run later retirement and other reforms will expand the labour force and thus potential output, whereas higher taxes dull incentives to work and invest.


Yet even to believers in small government, like this newspaper, there are good reasons for letting taxes take at least some of the strain. Politically, this will surely be the price of any bipartisan agreement. Economically, there is sensible room for manoeuvre without damaging growth. American taxes are relatively low after the reductions of recent years. In an ideal world the tax burden would be gradually shifted from income to consumption (including a carbon tax). But that is politically hard —and there is a much easier target for reform.



America’s tax system is riddled with exemptions, deductions and credits that feed an industry of advisers but sap economic energy. Simply scrapping these distortions —in other words, broadening the base of taxation without any new taxes—could bring in some $1 trillion a year. Even though some of this would have to go in lowering marginal rates, it is a little like finding money behind the sofa cushions. The tax system would be simpler, fairer and more efficient. All this means that America can sensibly aim for a balance between spending cuts and higher taxes similar to the benchmark set by Britain’s coalition government. A ratio of 75:25 is about right. 美国的税收体系给税收豁免、税收扣减和信贷留了许多开口,这不仅养活了整个顾问行业,还消耗了经济的整体能量。每年仅仅为了冲抵这些差异(换而言之,没有新税种增加的情况下增加税收基础)就要耗费一万亿美元。为了实现这个目的不得不降低边际税率,但多少有点儿像在沙发垫子后面寻找钱财。税收体系将会更加简单、公平和高效。所有这些意味着美国可以理智的在职出削减和提高税收之间找到平衡,类似于英国联合政府设定的基准。75:25差不多就是正确的比例了。

There is legitimate concern that, done hastily, austerity could derail a weak recovery. But this strengthens the case for a credible deficit-reduction plan. By reassuring markets that America will control its debt, the government will have more scope to boost the economy in the short term if need be—for instance by temporarily extending the Bush tax cuts.


Mr Obama and the Republicans are brimming with ideas for freezing discretionary spending, which covers most government operations from defence to national parks. They have found common cause in attacking “earmarks”, the pet projects that lawmakers insert into bills. But discretionary outlays, including defence, are less than 40% of the total budget. Entitlements, in particular Social Security (pensions) and Medicare and Medicaid (health care for the elderly and the poor), represent the bulk of spending and even more of spending growth.


On pensions, the solution is clear if unpopular: people will need to work longer.

America should index the retirement age to longevity and make the benefit formula for upper-income workers less generous. The ceiling on the related payroll tax should be increased to cover 90% of earnings, from 86% now.


Health-care spending is a much tougher issue, because it is being fed by both the ageing of the population and rising per-person demand for services. Richer beneficiaries should pay more of their share of Medicare, while the generosity of the system should be kept in check by the independent panel set up under Mr Obama’s health reform to monitor services and payments. The simplest way for the federal government to restrain Medicaid would be to end the current system of matching state spending and replace this with block grants, which would give the states an incentive to focus on cost-control.


Chainsaw you can believe in


Devising a plan that reduces the deficit, and eventually the debt, to a manageable size is relatively easy. Getting politicians to agree to it is a different thing. The bitter divide between the parties means that politicians pay a high price for consorting with the enemy. So Democrats cling to entitlements, and Republicans live in fear of losing their next party nomination to a tea-party activist if they bend on taxes. Even the president’s own bipartisan commission can’t agree on what to do.


But true leaders turn the hard into the possible. Two things should prompt Mr Obama. First, the politics of fiscal truth may be less awful than he imagines. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton both won second terms after trimming entitlements or raising taxes. Polls in other countries suggest that nowadays tough love can sell. Second, in the long term economics will tell: unless it changes course, America is heading for a bust. If Mr Obama lacks the guts even to start tackling the problem, then ever more Americans, this paper and even those foreign summiteers will get ever more frustrated with him.


Divided we fall


Britain and France need each other to continue as great(ish) powers


Nov 4th 2010
































数据来源: ⅡSS;DASA/MOD:经济学人杂志社

THEY may not always see eye to eye, but when it comes to defence, the interests of France and Britain converge. The two countries are respectively the third and fourth biggest military spenders in the world. Both see themselves as global players, ready and willing to project expeditionary force. But fiscal austerity has threatened the ability of both to live up to those grandiose ambitions. Only by working much more closely together, they have concluded, can two medium-sized European countries hope to stay in the great-power game. Hence the 50-year defence and security co-operation treaty signed this week in London by David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy.


The main items in the pact are a combined joint expeditionary force and an agreement to operate aircraft-carrier strike groups using aircraft and escort vessels contributed by both countries. But much of the treaty deals with less glamorous equipment and capabilities. Training and maintenance for the new A400M transport aircraft that the two nations are buying will be pooled. Britain is keen to share its new A300-based aerial tankers, if a financial deal to do so can be reached.


The two countries will jointly develop nuclear-submarine technologies, satellite communications and maritime-mine countermeasures. The big defence industries of both will be encouraged to co-operate on the next generation of surveillance drones and assorted new missiles, with the aim of forging a single prime European contractor for “complex weapons”.


Most dramatically, a separate treaty has been signed on nuclear co-operation. This is remarkable, given the different approaches that France and Britain have taken towards their nuclear deterrents (Britain depends heavily on American kit, while France’s force de frappe is a supreme symbol of national sovereignty). With the blessing of the United States, Britain’s Aldermaston research establishment will concentrate on developing technology, while its French counterpart at Valduc will carry out simulated warhead testing.


Predictably, there was much harrumphing in Britain’s jingoistic popular press. A few retired politicians were dragged out to reminisce about slights suffered at the hands of the perfidious Frogs. The reaction in France was more muted, perhaps because the agreement carefully avoids any of the visionary language about European architectures that excites French imaginations, but which many British Conservatives, such as the defence secretary, Liam Fox, viscerally loathe.

可以预见,在支持强硬外交政策的英国大众媒体上会出现一片不满和反对之声。还会拖出几个退休赋闲的政客来追忆背信弃义的法国佬在过去给英国带来的小小不快。法国的反应则要温和的多,原因也许是该协议小心翼翼地回避了对欧洲架构的预见性表述。只要提起欧洲架构就会激起法国人的想象力,但许多英国保守党人,如国防部长利亚姆?福克斯(Liam Fox)之流,就发自内心地厌恶之。

In fact, most of the objections raised seem either ignorant or anachronistic. Even before France rejoined NATO’s integrated military structure last year, British and French forces had frequently worked and fought together under the command of one or other country. With the exception of the Iraq controversy, the two have rarely found themselves on opposite sides during recent international crises. For example, Britain’s defence secretary during the Falklands war, John Nott, revealed in his

memoirs that France had been Britain’s staunchest ally, providing information that helped to render the Exocet anti-ship missiles used by Argentina ineffective, and supplying Mirage and Super-Etendard fighters for British Harrier pilots to pit themselves against in training.

事实上,大多数持反对观点的人似乎要么是无知,要么就是落伍于时代。甚至在法国去年重返北约军事一体化架构之前,英法两国的军队就已经频繁地在对方指挥下共同工作和作战。除了伊拉克战争的论战之外,两国在最近出现的国际危机中很少出现对立。例如,英国在马岛战争期间的国防部长约翰?诺特(John Nott)就在他的回忆录中透露,法国在这场冲突中是英国最坚定的盟友,法国提供的情报使阿根廷的飞鱼反舰导弹收效甚微,法国还提供“幻影”和“超军旗”式战斗机供英国的鹞式战斗机飞行员进行对抗训练。

Difficulties could arise, however, over shared use of the two countries’ aircraft carriers, if national priorities and policies do not coincide during future conflicts. One solution would be for Britain not to sell the second carrier it is currently building, which at present seems its likely fate, but to operate it on a timeshare basis with the French. That way it could be made available without caveats to whichever country needed it when its main ship was in refit (a three-year job required every seven years or so). Just don’t call it Trafalgar.


The liquefaction of hardware


The rise of the virtual computer


Nov 18th 2010

IMAGINE a personal computer that has two souls. One moment it is your work machine, complete with a set of corporate applications and tight security settings. Then it becomes an entertainment centre, allowing you to watch any video and download any program.


Thanks to a process called “virtualisation”, such computers are now being created. Ever more processing power and clever software are allowing devices of all kinds to separate from their hardware vessels and move to new homes. If this process continues as some expect, it will change computing radically. And more than one IT company will have to rethink how it does business.


Virtualisation dates back to the age of mainframe computers. To make better use of them they were sometimes split into smaller “virtual machines”, each of which could run its own operating system and application. But the approach took off only in recent years, when VMWare, a software firm, applied it to servers, the powerful computers that populate today’s corporate data centres. VMWare and its main rivals, Citrix and Microsoft, have since developed all kinds of software tools to manage virtual machines—moving them between data centres, for example.

虚拟化始于大型机时代。为优化利用,大型机有时被分割成一些小型“虚拟机”,每个虚拟机都能运行自己的操作系统及应用软件。但此法近几年突然风行,当时,一家软件公司VMWare 将其运用到服务器上,正是这些功能强大的服务器,构成了今天的企业数据中心。VMWare及其主要对手Citrix和Microsoft,那时起就开发了各种虚拟机管理软件工具,比如让虚拟机在数据中心间迁移的软件。

The success of server virtualisation has inspired IT firms and their customers to do the same thing with other types of hardware, such as devices to store data. Software now pools their capacity and allocates “virtual disks” as needed. Going further, Dropbox, an online storage service, saves identical files only once. Even large files can take only seconds to upload if they already exist somewhere on one of these firms’disks.


The virtualisation of PCs is now under way. Many company computers can already work with applications that run on a central server. But start-ups are pushing the concept further. Desktone offers virtual desktops as an online service. NComputing, a maker of computer terminals, virtualises PCs so they can be shared by up to 30 users. It has already sold more than 2.5m devices, mostly to developing countries and schools. And technology from MokaFive can send an entire virtual machine—complete with operating systems, applications and data—over the network and install it on any PC. Eventually people may no longer need to carry laptops at all. Virtual computers, including data and applications, will follow them everywhere.


In the long run, smartphones and other mobile devices may also become shells to be filled as needed. Open Kernel Labs, a start-up in which Citrix has a stake, already lets smartphones run applications, multimedia and radio functions on a single processor, cutting manufacturing costs. Software from Citrix turns the iPad, Apple’s tablet computer, into a terminal for applications that run in a corporate data centre.

终究,智能电话与其他设备也可能变成空壳,按需填充各种软件数据。一家Citrix持股的新兴企业Open Kernel Labs,已使智能电话在一个单处理机上运行应用软件、实现多媒体及收音机功能,削减了制造成本。Citrix的软件,把苹果的平板电脑iPad,变成了一个应用软件终端,而这些软件运行在一个企业数据中心内。

How quickly will virtualisation advance? Gartner, a market-research firm, predicts that the overall market for virtualisation software will grow from $2.7 billion this year to $6.3 billion in 2014. There is certainly no lack of demand. Virtualisation lowers costs by enabling firms to make better use of their servers and buy fewer new ones. The technology also allows PCs to be maintained remotely, which is much cheaper. But improved reliability and security are even more of an attraction. Users of MokaFive, for instance, can relaunch their virtual machine should a computer virus infect it. And it can be shut down if a laptop is lost or stolen.


Yet the technology also has to overcome a few hurdles. The virtualisation of servers is well understood, but for PCs and mobile devices the technique has yet to mature. In the longer run institutional barriers will prove more of a problem, argues Simon Crosby, Citrix’s chief technology officer. Virtualising IT systems, he says, is only the first step to automating their management. This is seen as a threat to existing workers and makes many IT departments hesitant to embrace the technology.

然而,该技术还须攻克几个障碍。服务器虚拟化,大家都很清楚,但对个人电脑及移动设备而言,该技术尚未成熟。Citrix公司首席技术官Simon Crosby表示,从更长远来看,制度障碍也将证实是个问题。他称,IT系统虚拟化仅是其管理自动化的第一步。这被在职员工视为一个威胁,令许多IT部门接受这种技术犹豫不决。

Still, analysts believe virtualisation will win out. Its impact will be felt through the industry. The technology not only makes IT systems more flexible, but allows firms to switch vendors more easily—which will weigh on the vendors’ profits. Big software firms such as Microsoft and Oracle may be hit hardest. But many hardware-makers may suffer as well, since their wares will become even more of a commodity than they are today.

尽管如此,分析家认为虚拟化将最终胜出。整个IT业都将感受到其影响。该技术不仅使IT 系统更为灵活,也让企业更换销售商更为容易,这将给这些销售商盈利造成压力。诸如Microsoft及Oracle之类的软件巨头可能受打击最重。但许多硬件制造商,由于其产品将变成比现在更有价值的一种商品,也可能遭受重创。

What’s up, BYOC?(注1)


Moreover, virtualisation makes it much easier to add new servers or storage devices. Alternatively, firms can simply rent extra capacity from operators of what are called “computing clouds”, such as Amazon Web Services. That outfit has built a network of data centres in which virtual machines and disks can be launched in seconds. As a result, IT systems will increasingly no longer be a capital expense(注2), but an operational cost(注3), like electricity.

此外,虚拟化使得增添新服务器或存储设备非常容易。如若不然,企业也能简单地从所谓的“计算云”运营商(如Amazon Web Services公司)那租用额外磁盘容量。这家厂商已建立了一个数据中心网络,其中的虚拟机及磁盘能在数秒内启动。结果,IT系统愈来愈不是一种资本支出,而是一种运营成本,跟电力一样。

Yet the most noticeable change for computer users will be that more employees will be allowed to bring their own PC or smartphone to work, says Brian Madden of TechTarget, a consultancy. Companies can install a secure virtual heart on private machines, doing away with the need for a separate corporate device. A “bring your own computer”or “BYOC” movement has already emerged in America. Companies such as Citrix and Kraft Foods pay their employees a stipend, which they can use to buy any PC they want —even an Apple Mac.

然而,电脑用户感受到的最显著变化,则是更多雇员将获准携带自己的个人电脑或智能电话工作,一家咨询公司TechTarget的Brian Madden这样说。企业可在私人机器上安装一个可靠的虚拟心脏,这也摆脱了对企业设备的单独需求。一种“自带电脑”或“BYOC”运动已在美国出现。像Citrix和Kraft Foods这样的公司,付给雇员津贴,让他们用其购买想要的任何电脑,甚或苹果Mac电脑。

Such innovations may help to ease growing tensions between workers and IT departments. New privacy regulations and rampant cybercrime are pushing firms to tighten control of company PCs and smartphones. At the same time more and more “digital natives (注4)” enter the workforce. They have grown up with the freewheeling internet and do not suffer boring black corporate laptops gladly. Giving workers more freedom while helping firms keep control may prove to be the biggest benefit of virtualisation.


注1:What’s up, BYOC?

小标题源自美国1972年出品的电影“What’s up, Doc?”,中文片名一般译为《爱的大追踪》,或“出什么事了,大夫? / 疯狂飞车大闹唐人街 / 爱的大逃亡”。

注2:capital expense

Capital Spending/Capital Expenditures/Capital Expense 资本支出

某些支出—如购置厂房、机器、设备等—可以使以后多个会计年度受益而非当年消耗完毕,这种支出形成的企业的生产能力,称为资本支出(capital expenditures)。当一个企业花钱购买固定资产或给已有固定资产增加价值时,这就产生了资本支出。在会计中,把支出记作资产的办法,称为资本化。



注3:operational cost

营业成本(Operating costs),也称经营成本、运营成本,是指企业所销售商品或者提供劳务的成本。营业成本应当与所销售商品或者所提供劳务而取得的收入进行配比。营业成本是与营业收入直接相关的,已经确定了归属期和归属对象的各种直接费用。营业成本主要包括主营业务成本、其他业务成本。销售产品、商品和提供劳务的营业成本,是由生产经营成本形成的。工业企业产品生产成本(也称制造成本)的构成主要包括:





注4:digital natives

从80年代就开始接触PC的人,现在通常都已过不惑之年。90年代中国PC进入普及阶段的用户,现在也都30出头。这些人经历了模拟时代(机械时代)的种种生活方式和工具,他们试着去转变自己的使用习惯和思维方式,这些人可称为“数字移民(Digital Immigrants)”。然而1985年之后出生的人,则大不相同:他们成长的年代,已经是数字化的年代。他们属于天生数字(Born Digital),而且习惯且依赖连接世界(Live Connected)。这类人称为第一代“数字原住民(Digital Native)”。

A digital native is a person who was born after the general implementation of digital technology, and as a result, has had a familiarity with digital technologies such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones,and digital audio players over their entire lives. A digital immigrant is an individual who was born before the existence of digital technology and adopted it to some extent later. Alternatively, this term can describe people born in the latter 1970s or later, as the Digital Age began at that time; but in most cases the term focuses on people who grew up with 21st Century technology. This term has been used in several different contexts, such as education (Bennett, Maton & Kervin 2008) (in association with the term New Millennium Learners (OECD 2008)).

More complicated than you think


A new, giant virus is confounding old certainties


Oct 28th 2010

BIODIVERSITY is not just a matter of tigers and whales, or butterflies and trees, or even coral reefs and tuna. It is also about myriad creatures too small to see that live in numbers too large to count in ways too numerous to imagine. It is easy to forget, especially at meetings like the one to discuss the Convention on Biological Diversity that has been taking place in Nagoya under the auspices of the United Nations, that most of biology is in fact microscopic. Indeed, the more microscopic biology gets, the more diverse it becomes.


In that context, the discovery by Curtis Suttle of the University of British Columbia and his colleagues of a critter they propose to call Cafeteria roenbergensis virus, or CroV, should not be surprising. But for those brought up on a textbook definition of what a virus is, it is still a bit of a shock. For CroV is not a very viruslike virus. It has 544 genes, compared with the dozen or so that most viruses sport. And it may be able to make its own proteins—a task that viruses usually delegate to the molecular machinery of the cells they infect.

从这个意义上讲,英属哥伦比亚大学的Curtis Suttle和他的同事发现的一种新生物,不应该太出人意料。他们建议将其命名为Cafeteria roenbergensis病毒,或CroV。但是对于那些从小到大就熟悉课本对病毒的定义的人而言,这还是让人有点儿让他们震惊。因为CroV 是一种不太象病毒的病毒。它有544个基因,而大多数病毒只有十几个。此外,它还可能制造自己的蛋白质—而病毒通常将这一任务交给自己感染的细胞由其通过分子机械功能来完成。


The Brain Activity Map 绘制大脑活动地图 Hard cell 棘手的细胞 An ambitious project to map the brain is in the works. Possibly too ambitious 一个绘制大脑活动地图的宏伟计划正在准备当中,或许有些太宏伟了 NEWS of what protagonists hope will be America’s next big science project continues to dribble out. 有关其发起人心中下一个科学大工程的新闻报道层出不穷。 A leak to the New York Times, published on February 17th, let the cat out of the bag, with a report that Barack Obama’s administration is thinking of sponsoring what will be known as the Brain Activity Map. 2月17日,《纽约时报》刊登的一位线人报告终于泄露了秘密,报告称奥巴马政府正在考虑赞助将被称为“大脑活动地图”的计划。 And on March 7th several of those protagonists published a manifesto for the project in Science. 3月7日,部分发起人在《科学》杂志上发表声明证实了这一计划。 The purpose of BAM is to change the scale at which the brain is understood. “大脑活动地图”计划的目标是改变人们在认知大脑时采用的度量方法。 At the moment, neuroscience operates at two disconnected levels. 眼下,神经学的研究处在两个断开的层次。 The higher one, where the dimensions of features are measured in centimetres, has many techniques at its disposal, notably functional magnetic-res onance imaging, which measures changes in tissues’ fuel consumption. 在相对宏观的层次当中各个特征的规模用厘米来衡量,有很多技术可以使用,尤其是用来测量组织中能量消耗变动情况的核磁共振成像技术。 This lets researchers see which bits of the brain are active in particular tasks—as long as those tasks can be performed by a person lying down inside a scanner. 该技术可使研究人员找出在完成具体的任务时,大脑的哪些部分处于活跃状态。At the other end of the scale, where features are measured in microns, lots of research has been done on how individual nerve cells work, how messages are sent from one to another, and how the connections between cells strengthen and weaken as memories are formed. 而另一个度量的层次则要求用微米来测量各种特征,这一层次的研究很多都是关于单个神经细胞是如何工作的、信息在神经细胞之间是如何传递的以及当产生记忆的时候神经细胞之间的联系是如何得到加强和减弱的。 Between these two, though, all is darkness. 然而,位于这两个层次之间的研究还处于一片漆黑当中。 It is like trying to navigate America with an atlas that shows the states, the big cities and the main highways, and has a few street maps of local neighbourhoods, but displays nothing in between.


Iran’s election and the internet 伊朗总统选举与互联网 Behind a thick curtain 重重幕帘后的伊朗总统选举 In the run-up to the presidential poll, the authorities are blocking the web 总统选举民意测验姗姗走来,互联网转身离开 Jun 15th 2013| TEHRAN |From the print edition AFTER a string of strong performances on the world stage in recent years, Iran’s national kick-boxing team has had to drop out of an international championship in Greece this month. The Greek embassy in Tehran, citing “communications disruptions in Iran”, said that poor internet c onnectivity, which has drastically slowed down in the run-up to the presidential election on June 14th, was to blame. Apparently the Greeks could not get onto an essential server to process the fighters’ visas. “When the elections come, the internet goes,”explains a 31-year-old Iranian teacher. “We are behind a thick curtain at the moment. It happens at every election, even the parliamentary ones.” 这个月,曾经叱咤风云几度春秋的伊朗国家跆拳道队不得不黯然离开希腊国际大奖赛的舞台。希腊驻德黑兰大使馆指责伊朗境内几乎停滞的缓慢网速是罪魁祸首。6月14日,总统选举前夕,“伊朗出现了‘沟通混乱’”。慢得掉渣的网速使希腊大使馆完全无法展开正常工作,更别提给这些跆拳道选手们发放Visa了。“大选迎面走来,但是互联网离我们远去”,一个31岁的伊朗教师解释道,“一块深深幕帘遮挡住了我们。这种‘遮挡’发生在每次选举的前夕,即便是国会选举也是如此。” Wary of the role social networks and videos played in fomenting massive street protests after the disputed re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinej ad as president in 2009, the state’s cyber sleuths are taking no chances this time. Since March, virtual private networks (VPNs), the chief means whereby many of Iran’s 43m internet users evade censorship filters, have been blocked. This is the first time the authorities have managed so protracted and comprehensive a blockage of the VPNs, which means that thousands of foreign websites, including The Economist’s, are blocked, along with Twitter and Facebook. Users trying to get access to such sites are redirected to a slide-show of flowers and mosques. 2009年,内贾德几经波折,终于再次当选总统之后,席卷而来的社交网络与宣传短片煽动了规模庞大的街头抗议。这次教训使得今年的网络侦探们格外谨慎行事。早在三月份,虚拟的私营网络(VPNs)——这个曾经帮助43,000,000伊朗网民摆脱网络监视的“法宝”,就被政府封锁了。这是有史以来伊朗权威部门如此兴师动众地大规模封锁VPNs,这一举动意味着包括经济学人、推特、脸书等在内的成千上万的国外网站一同从伊朗网络上消失。那些仍不死心的网民打开输入这些网址时,发现进入的是一些满是鲜花与清真寺的幻灯片。 The only way netizens can reach censored sites is by using an array of “proxy” applications that work only sporadically and are considered less safe from the Revolutionary Guard’s snooping internet police. Speeds on these proxies are often intolerably slow, uploading virtually impossible. An owner of an engineering firm in Tehran says he has stopped sending technical drawings to clients over the net and uses an expensive private courier instead. 唯一的能打开这些“禁网”的方法就要靠一系列“代理软件”了。即便如此,这些软件也动不动就“罢工”。伊朗革命自卫队的网络警察眼里,这些网站极不安全。经过代理软件处理的网速通常是极其缓慢,想要下载任何东西几乎也是天方夜谭。德黑兰的一位工程公司的老板无奈地表示,形势逼迫他放弃了用网络给客户发技术草图,转

经济学人中英对照Brave new words

Central banks 各国央行 Brave new words 大胆新言论 Rich-world central banks explore more doveish strategies 发达国家央行探索更加温和的政策 FOR four years rich-world central banks have done their best to rejuvenate economies with conventional and unconventional monetary policy. Now, with short-term interest rates still stuck near zero and their balance-sheets stuffed with government bonds, the central banks of America, Britain and Japan are experimenting with a shift in approach: coupling monetary action with commitments designed to alter the public’s expectati ons of interest rates, inflation and the economy. The sense of change is reinforced by the prospect of new leaders at the Japanese and British central banks, and the increasing prominence of several doves at America’s. 4年来,发达国家央行为经济复苏想尽了一切办法,常规和非常规货币政策你方唱罢我登场。时至今日,短期利率依然近乎于零,资产负债表上依然满是政府债券。美国、英国和日本央行正在尝试改变路线:为了改变公众对于利率、通胀和经济前景的预期,他们做出一系列承诺,并将货币政策与承诺相结合。日本和英国央行新领导人即将走马上任,加上美国几位鸽派人物的声音日益突出,使改变即将到来的感觉愈发强烈。 A more doveish stance would entail tolerating higher inflation, at least temporarily, in pursuit of higher output: a significant shift given the primacy central banks have long given to low inflation. Bond investors have begun to price in higher inflation (see chart). But just how far each central bank is prepared to go is still uncertain. 为了提高产值,更加温和的政策意味着必须要容忍更高水平的通胀,至少短期内会是如此:央行长期以来将低通胀率视为第一要务的政策即将迎来重大改变。一些大胆的投资人已经开始以更高的通胀率定价(见图)。但是各国央行的新政力度到底有多大尚不得而知。 In Japan, Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, has used the term “regime change” to describe the Bank of Japan’s (BoJ’s) agreement to raise its inflation targe t to 2% from 1%, and pursue it with unlimited asset purchases. There are expectations for even more forceful action once Masaaki Shirakawa, the current governor, and his two deputies depart on March 19th. Under Mr Shirakawa the BoJ bought lots more assets, but critics said he undercut the positive impact by repeatedly saying they were not enough to end deflation and by restricting the maturity of bonds the bank bought. 日本首相安倍晋三曾以“制度改革”一词来形容日本央行的政策变化。日本央行同意将通胀目标从1%提高到2%,并表示为了实现这一目标资产收购将不设上限。有人预期现任行长白川方明和两位副行长3月19日离任之后,会有力度更大的政策出台。白川在任期间日本央行购入了大量资产,但是有人批评到,由于白川经常强调购入的资产数量仍不足以结束通货紧缩,而且对买入债券的期限种类



空气污染英国需要采取更多措施来净化污浊的空气 Air pollution空气污染The big smoke雾都 Britain needs to do more to clean up its dirty air 英国需要采取更多措施来净化污浊的空气VISITING Oxford Street, a road teeming with tatty shops and overcrowded with people, is plainly a trial. Less plainly, levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a noxious gas, have been found to be around three times higher there than the legal limit. In 2013 the annual mean concentration of NO2 on the street was one of the highest levels found anywhere in Europe. 来到牛津街,你会看到街道两边布满了各式杂乱的商店,而道路上人满为患。行走在这条街上,很明显是个磨练。不为人觉察的是,这里有毒气体二氧化氮(NO2)测出含量超出法定水平的约三倍以上。2013年,这条街的NO2年均浓度是欧洲最高之一。 British air is far cleaner than it was a few decades ago. Fewer people use coal-burning stoves; old industrial plants have been decommissioned. But since 2009 levels of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, coarse or fine particles that are linked to lung cancer and asthma, have fallen more slowly. The exact number of deaths caused by dirty air is unknown. But in 2010 a government advisory group estimated that removing man-made fine particulate matter from the atmosphere would increase life expectancy for those born in 2008 by an average of six months. 英国的空气比几十年前干净多了。使用燃煤炉灶的人越来越少;老工业厂已经停产。但自2009年起,氧 化氮、微粒物质、以及与肺癌和哮喘相关的粗、细颗粒含量的下降速度减慢了。因污浊空气所引发的死亡人数是未知的。但2010年,一个政府顾问组估算如果将大气中人为造成的微粒物质除去的话,2008年的出生人口人均寿命将增加六个月。 Much of the slowdown is the result of fumes from diesel cars, which were championed by successive governments because they use less fuel and thus produce less carbon dioxide than petrol cars. In 2001 only 14% of all cars ran on diesel; by 2013 the proportion had increased to 35%. (Greener “hybrid” and electric cars have increased ninefold since 2006, but account for just 0.5% of the entire fleet.) Second-hand cars are particularly noxious, but even newer ones have not been as clean as hoped. Many cars that belched out few pollutants in tests produced more when on the roads. 下降速度放缓的大部分原因在于柴油汽车排放的尾气—这为历任政府所支持,因为柴油汽车耗用更少的能源,比汽油汽车排放更少的二氧化碳。2001年,仅14%的汽车使用柴油。2013年,这个比例上涨到了35%。(更绿色的“混合动力”和电瓶车自2006年以来增加了九倍,但仅占汽车总量的0.5%。)二手汽 车尤其有害,但新车也没所期望的那样清洁。很多车在污染物排放测试中排放量低,车在上路时却排放了更多。 Climate change and geoengineering气候变化与地质工程学Fears of a bright planet 地球发光,令人担心Experiments designed to learn more about ways of geoengineering the climate should be allowed to proceed为更好地利用工程学手段研究气候问题所设计的实验应该获准进行下去。SHINY things absorb less heat when left in the sun. This means that if the Earth could be made a little shinier it would be less susceptible to global warming. Ways to brighten it, such as adding nanoscale specks of salt to low clouds, making them whiter, or putting a thin haze of particles into the stratosphere, are the province of “geoengineering”. The small band of scientists which have been studying this subject over the past decade or so have mostly been using computer models. Some of them are now proposing outdoor experiments—using seawater-fed sprayers to churn out particles of the exact size needed to brighten clouds, or spewing sulphur particles from underneath a large balloon 20km up in the sky.发光的物体放在太阳下面会吸收较少的热量。这就意味着如果让地球发一点光的话,受到全球变暖的影响就会小一些。让地球发光的方式,比方说在低空云层上添加纳米级的盐微粒,让云变得更白,或者是将一层薄的雾状物洒向平流层,这些都属于地质工程学的范畴。过去十年左右研究这一领域的一小批科学家主要使用计算机模型,其中一些人现在提出要做室外实验――就是用装有


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Other Support ing Experie nces 其他辅助经历 6. Senior professi onal route to membership 成为会员的资深专业人员途径 The senior professi onal route to membership was in troduced by RICS to en courage greater diversity of membership by offering a route to senior professionals in the industry. A senior professi onal 's some one who formulates strategy and policy within a senior positi on of their orga ni sati on, exercis ing exte nsive leadership and man ageme nt skills. 为使其会员更具多样性,RICS向该行业的资深专业人士提供了入会的“资深专业人士途径”。“资深专业人士”是指在组织中占据高级职位,负责制定战略和政策性决策,拥有很强的领导力和管理技能的人。 注意:面试可以选择中文或者英文,请在下面选择面试语言 □中文面试 □英文面试 Appe ndix 1 附件1: Please note that your responses will be evaluated by a senior RICS member vetting team for assessme nt to proceed to final in terview. If successful your resp on ses can be expa nded and used in case


来源于https://www.doczj.com/doc/b96069344.html,/wordpress/(The Economist《经济学人》中文版)和https://www.doczj.com/doc/b96069344.html,/(《The Economist》《经济学人》中文版) 11月10, 2008 [2008.11.08] 美国大选:无限期望 America's election:Great expectations NO ONE should doubt the magnitude of what Barack Obama achieved this week. When the president-elect was born, in 1961, many states, and not just in the South, had laws on their books that enforced segregation, banned mixed-race unions like that of his parents and restricted voting rights. This week America can claim more credibly that any other western country to have at last become politically colour-blind. Other milestones along the road to civil rights have been passed amid bitterness and bloodshed. This one was marked by joy, white as well as black (see article). 相信无人质疑奥巴马于本周取胜的重要意义。这位新总统出生于1961年,那时美国很多州的法律都要求强化种族分离、禁止像奥巴马父母那样的跨族通婚、限制选举权利;这些不仅限于南部地区,而出现在全国范围内。从本周开始,美国可以更加自信的宣称:任何其他的西方国家都变得有些政治色盲了。在通向民权的道路上,其它里程碑似的重大历史事件都是在痛苦与血泊中通过的;而此次总统选举则以愉快著称,受到了包括白人及黑人在内的全国选民的称赞。 Mr Obama lost the white vote, it is true, by 43-55%; but he won almost exactly same share of it as the last three (white) Democratic candidates; Bill Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry. And he won heavily among younger white voters. America will now have a president with half-brothers in Kenya, old schoolmates in Indonesia and a view of the world that seems to be based on respect rather than confrontation. 奥巴马丢掉了大约43%-55%的白人选票,这是不争的事实;但他与过去三位白人民主党候选人–克林顿、戈尔和肯尼迪–得到的白人选票几乎相同。同时,他在年轻一代的白人选民中取得了重大胜利。这位新总统有一个同父异母的兄弟在肯尼亚,有老同学在印尼,他的世界观似乎建立在尊重而不是对抗的基础之上。 That matters. Under George Bush America’s international standing has sunk to awful lows. This week Americans voted in record-smashing numbers for many reasons, but one of them was an abhorrence of how their shining city’s reputation has been tarnished. Their country will now be easier for its friends to like and harder for its foes to hate. 这很重要。在布什治下,美国的国际声誉降到了糟糕地步。本周美国选民的投票数量突破了历史纪录,其中原因很多,有一个就是他们对曾经辉煌无比的城市形象已然黯淡无光而感到愤恨。现在他们的国家将会更易赢得朋友的喜爱,而不易引起敌人的仇恨。 In its own way the election illustrates this redeeming effect. For the past eight years the debacle in Florida in 2000 has been cited (not always fairly) as an example of shabby American politics. Yet here was a clear victory delivered by millions of volunteers-and by the intelligent use of technology to ride a wave of excitement that is all too rare in most democracies. Mr Obama showed that, with the right message, a candidate with no money or machine behind him can build his own.

经济学人中英对照文章 Northern lights

Northern lights 北极光 The Nordic countries are reinventing their model of capitalism, says Adrian Wooldridge 艾德里-伍尔德里奇(Adrian Wooldridge)指出北欧国家正在重塑它们的资本主义模式 THIRTY YEARS AGO Margaret Thatcher turned Britain into the world’s leading centre of “thinking the unthinkable”. Today that distinction has pas sed to Sweden. The streets of Stockholm are awash with the blood of sacred cows. The think-tanks are brimful of new ideas. The erstwhile champion of the “third way” is now pursuing a far more interesting brand of politics. 三十年前马格丽特-撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)将英国转变成了一个在全世界首屈一指“敢于想不可想象之事”的中心。今天这项荣耀则移到了瑞典头上。斯德哥尔摩的大街上充满着打破禁忌局限所产生的新气象。智囊机构的好点子层出不穷。之前身为“第三条道路”[1]的拥护者,如今瑞典所追求的政治模式要比过去有趣得多。 Sweden has reduced public spending as a proportion of GDP from 67% in 1993 to 49% today. It could soon have a smaller state than Britain. It has also cut the top marginal tax rate by 27 percentage points since 1983, to 57%, and scrapped a mare’s nest of taxes on property, gifts, wealth and inheritance. This year it is cutting the corporate-tax rate from 26.3% to 22%. 瑞典政府开支占国民生产总值(GDP)的比例已从1993年的67%降到了今天的49%。很快其政府规模将会比英国更小。同时,瑞典的最高边际税率已降到了57%,比1983年整整低了27个百分点,而且瑞典政府也已取消了大量混乱不堪的财产税,馈赠税以及继承税。今年瑞典将会把企业所得税从26.3%下调到22%。 Sweden has also donned the golden straitjacket of fiscal orthodoxy with its pledge to produce a fiscal surplus over the economic cycle. Its public debt fell from 70% of GDP in 1993 to 37% in 2010, and its budget moved from an 11% deficit to a surplus of 0.3% over the same period. This allowed a country with a small, open economy to recover quickly from the financial storm of 2007-08. Sweden has also put its pension system on a sound foundation, replacing a defined-benefit system with a defined-contribution one and making automatic adjustments for longer life expectancy. 瑞典也披上了“黄金紧身衣”[2]——承诺会在这个经济周期内达到财政预算盈余。其政府债务占GDP的比例已从已从1993年的70%减少到了2010年的37%。同期瑞典政府预算也从11%的赤字转变至0.3%的盈余。所有这些行动使这个开放的小经济体迅速地从2007-08的金融风暴中恢复过来。瑞典同时也打稳了其退休金制度的基础,将约定提存制度改成了约定给付制度[3],并让退休金根据平均寿命的增长自动进行调整。


Name Phone number| Email address Gender: Female| Date of Birth: Mar. 5th, 1993|Birthplace:Beijing Current Address: E DUCATION 9/2011-present Bachelor, Information Technology Management, Hong Kong Baptist University E XPERIENCE 1/2013-7/2013Project practice,Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China ?Responsible for the pretection of computer safety. ?Responsible for the computer firewall design. ?Responsible for the protection of could storage safety. H ONORS/A WARDS ?2012, 2013 “National S cholarship” for two consecutive times; ?6/2012 “The First P rize” in the speech contest. P ROFESSIONAL S KILLS ?Extensive experience in e-commerce operating and planning; ?Be good at information analysis. A DDITIONAL I NFORMATION ?Certified American Red Cross CPR and First Aid Instructor. ?Interests include jazz, painting and basketball.


Europe's debt crisis 欧洲债务危机 Spot the pattern 看变化模式 Jul 5th 2011, 18:55 by R.A. | WASHINGTON 2011年7月5日18:55 R.A./华盛顿 HERE'S a chart showing the yields on 10-year Greek debt over the past three months. See the pattern? 本图显示的是在过去3个月10年期希腊债券的收益率。变化模式看清楚了吧? There's a spike, followed by a decline, followed by a higher spike, followed by a decline to a higher trough, and so on. European leaders keep taking steps to avert disaster, and each time markets are less assuaged. 有个尖峰,接着是下跌,然后又是稍高一些的尖峰,接着跌入一个较高的波谷,如此反复。欧洲国家的领导人一直在采取措施避免灾难,而每一次市场都没有大的起色。 The latest spike corresponds to the stalemate over the IMF's willingness to continue making bail-out payments without a new, long-term rescue package in place (and the corresponding disagreement over how to rollover Greek debt, plus the drama surrounding the passage of Greece's new austerity plan). The IMF agreed to keep paying, French and German banks seemed willing to sign on to a rollover plan, and Greece got its new austerity programme through parliament. But it wasn't long before trouble kicked up again. 最近的尖峰反映了这样一个困境:国际货币基金组织愿意继续救助,但又没有制定出一个长期的一揽子救助计划(同时也反映出如何缓解希腊债务各方存在分歧,以及希腊的新紧缩计划能否通过依然有变数)。国际货币基金组织同意继续提供支付,法国和德国的银行似乎愿意签署资金周转计划书,希腊国会通过了新的紧缩计划。但是,没过多久,麻烦又来了。 Moody's and Standard and Poor's have both suggested that the agreed-upon rollover plan might well constitute a default. Since that's precisely the outcome European leaders were hoping to avoid, this news has sent everyone scurrying to come up with a new and better deal. Meanwhile, Moody's has cut Portugal's debt rating to junk. Portugal may well need a new rescue package, which will surely include debate over the fate of creditors, which will mean more questions about bank finances and more brinksmanship. And the European economy continues to slow, even as the European Central Bank continues to tighten policy. 穆迪和标准普尔都暗示,商定好的周转计划很可能得不到执行。因为这种结果正是欧洲国家的领导人们想避免的,所以这条消息让每个人都急不可待地要制定出一个新的、更好的解决办法。与此同时,穆迪公司已经将葡萄牙的债务评级降至垃圾级。葡萄牙很可能需要一个新的一揽子救援计划,这必将包括对债权人命运的辩论,而辩论的内容将更多的是关于银行财政方面的问题和边缘政策。欧洲经济增长速度持续放缓,尽管欧洲央行继续收紧货币政策。 I don't know that there's any broad lesson here, other than: for all the steps already taken by European leaders, the euro zone hasn't really gotten any closer to solving the underlying issues of insolvency and institutional weakness.

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