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20 1 7辽宁沈阳中考英语试题

试题满分1 00分,考试时间1 00分钟

一、单项选择(共1 0小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)

(2017?辽宁沈阳)1. —These people are really nice.

—Yes, they _____ show respect for our feelings

A. seldom

B. never

C. always

D. already

1.C【解析】考查频度副词。seldom很少;never从不,决不;always 一直;already已经。根据上句句意“这些人很友好”可推知下句表达“是的,他们总是尊重别人的感受”,故选C。

(2017?辽宁沈阳)2. We had fun and learnt __________new as well. We had a good time.

A. something

B. anything

C. nothing

D. everything

2.A【解析】考查复合不定代词。句意:我们玩得开心并且学到了_______新东西。something某事,用于肯定句;anything任何事,用于否定句或疑问句;nothing没有事;everything 每一件事。根据关键词as well可知,我们玩的开心,也学到了一些新知识,并且此句是肯定句,故填something,故选A。

(2017?辽宁沈阳)3. __________ 2000, this company has seen much new development. It has become one of the biggest companies in the country.

A. For

B. In

C. By

D. since

3.D【解析】考查介词。句意:自从2000年以来,这家公司已经有了新的发展。它已经变成了这个国家最大的公司之一。根据句中动词has seen运用的是现在完成时态,而且横线后面2000是表示过去的一个时间点,Since+过去时间点,意为自从,是现在完成时的标志。故选D。

(2017?辽宁沈阳)4. ________ it is often cold in the mountains, you need to wear warm clothes.

A. Though

B. Unless

C. As

D. Until


(2017?辽宁沈阳)5. Look on the bright side of life, and imagine that you ______ a happy and successful future.

A. had

B. will have

C. have

D. have had.


(2017?辽宁沈阳)6. These light bulbs look the same, but their _______ on the environment are different.

A. solutions B methods C. effects D. secrets

6.C【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:这些灯泡看起来一样,但是它们的______在环境中不同。solutions 解决方案;methods方式;effects影响、效果;secrets秘密。根据句意,结合选项,应该是效果不同,所以应该选effects,故选C。

(2017?辽宁沈阳)7. —What tools ________ to make paper cutting?


A. are used

B. used

C. will use

D. use

7.A【解析】考查被动语态。句意:—什么工具被用来剪纸?—剪刀。tool与use之间是被动关系,需要用被动语态,其结构是be done,根据句意应该用一般现在时,主语为tools,故用are, 所以应该选A。

(2017?辽宁沈阳)8. I t's hard to hold back the tears. This is _________ thing I’ve ever heard.

A. sad

B. sadder

C. saddest

D. the saddest


句话句末的that I’ve ever heard(我曾经听说过的)是最高等级的标志。故选D。

(2017?辽宁沈阳)9. —I’m worried about the air.

—___________. There might be heavy pollution

A. Me too

B. Never mind

C. Of course

D. Not yet

9.A【解析】考查情景交际。句意:--我很担心空气。--_______。也许会成为重污染。Me,too. 我也是;Never mind别担心;Of course当然;Not yet还没有。根据答语“可能会成为重污染”表达的是和上句同样的观点。故选A。

(2017?辽宁沈阳)10. We're discussing why ________ for our health.

A. are fast food bad

B. fast foods are bad

C. fast food is bad

D. is fast food bad

10.C【解析】考查宾语从句。句意:我们正在讨论为什么快餐对我们的健康不好。根据动词discuss 可知why引导的从句为宾语从句,其语序为陈述语序,即特殊疑问词+主语+谓语+其他。可排除A和D。又因为fast food快餐,food是不可数名词。故句中的动词使用is,故选C。

(2017?辽宁沈阳)二、完形填空(共1 5小题,每小题1分,满分1 5分)


A long time ago, there was a king in India. The king's 11 game was chess.

One day, a wise old man 12 to the palace and the king challenged him to 13 game. The king promised the old man. “You can 14 any prize if you win the ga me.”

The old man 15 , “lf I win the game, l’d like one grain of 16 for the first square of the chessboard, two for the second, four for the 17 , and then double the amount for each of the 18 of the squares.”

“Is that all?" asked t he king, "Wouldn't you like gold or silver 19 ?”

“No, just rice.” replied the old man.

The king and the old man played the game 20 a long time. Finally, the old man won. 21 the king ordered his men to collect a bag of rice. He 22 one grain on the first square, two on the second, and so on. The king quickly realized the 23 —even with all the rice in the country, he would 24 not have enough rice to put on all the 25 .

11. A. boring B. favourite C. dangerous D. fam

12. A. came B. faced C. brought D. turned

13. A. an B. a C. the D. /

14. A. make B. try C. have D. give

15. A. told B. talked C. spoke D. said

16. A. sweet B. rice C. bean D. cake

17. A. third B. fourth C. fifth D. sixth

18. A. whole B. couple C. part D. rest

19. A. instead B. too C. again D. once

20. A. in B. at C. for D. from

21. A. But B. So C. Or D. Yet

22. A. found B. used C. put D. took

23. A. problem B. decision C. advice D. opinion

24. A. hardly B. still C. just D. also

25. A. squares B. bags C. areas D. spaces








15.D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。tell意为“告诉、讲述”,指某人把某一件事、一条信息传送给别人或讲述一件事;talk“讲”、“说话”、“谈话”,指一般的谈话或交谈,而speak正规的“演讲”、“发言”,须跟宾语时,与to、with、about等介词连用;say 一般强调讲话的内容。横线后面是智者所说的内容,所以选择D选项。

16.B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。根据后文“No,just rice.”可以推断出老人要的奖品是大米。选择B 选项。句意:如果我赢得比赛,我想要一粒大米在棋盘的第一个方格,两粒在第二个。

17. A【解析】考查序数词。根据后面“and then double the amount for each of the rest of the squares.”可以推断出是每一个格子里的大米数量是前一个格子里的两倍。所以第三个格子是四粒米,故选A。句意:四粒在第三个,然后使每个剩余的方格在数量上加倍。

18.D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。whole整个;couple数个;part部分;rest其余的。根据语意“剩下的每一个格子里的数量都是前面的两倍”选择D选项。句意:然后使每个剩余的方格在数量上加倍。19.A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。instead代替;too也;again再一次;once 一次,曾经。根据语意“你不想要金子或者银器来代替吗?”所以选择A选项。

20.C【解析】考查介词用法。横线后面的a long time是一段时间,介词for后面接一段时间。故选择C 选项。






三、阅读理解(共1 5小题,每小题1分,满分1 5分)


As an exchange student, I must admit(承认)that at first America was a big culture shock for me.

I stayed with a host family in a small town. My host parents organized a lot of activities in my spare time

so that I wouldn't miss home or feel lonely.

However, life was hard to get used to. My main problem was with the language. I failed to understand much in the first few weeks because everyone spoke so fast. Though I managed to get used to it. I still have problems because they used a lot of idioms (习语).

Another difference was with the food. My host family always had bread, potatoes and salad for meals. I

really miss the dumplings, rice and delicious dishes from home.

School was a big shock too. They do not require students to wear uniforms, so students can wear almost whatever they like. Some students have strange hairstyles(发型) as well. Some students even have pink or purple hair!

——By Brad Li My dream was to see some real snow, so during the Christmas holiday, we took our passport (护照) and flew over the Pacific to Calgary, Canada. We took a bus to a ski resort in the Canadian Rockies. As the bus climbed through the mountains, we saw the thick snow on the trees. I was dying to get out and play with it. At last, we reached the resort and quickly jumped out of the bus. This was our first experience with snow. We were like little children —we made snow balls, and threw them at one another. Then we check in at the hotel.

The next day, we put on our ski suits and gloves, took our skis and went outside onto the snow. Our instructor took us to a gentle slope (斜坡), and showed us some basic skills. To be honest, the first lesson was not a great success. I kept on falling over, and I had to hold on to a rope to keep my balance(平衡).

However, the next day, I only fell over a few times, and I managed to do a few rapid runs. I felt pleased with myself, and my instructor told me I was doing much better. Although it was very cold, I spent most of my holiday skiing. I had a wonderful time.

--By Vanessa

26. Brad Li seemed to tell us that his host parents ___________________.

A. were very active

B. were very kind

C. felt lonely

D. felt unhappy

27. Which of the following shows America was a big culture shock for Brad Li?

A. People used a lot of idioms.

B. He stayed with a host family in a small town.

C. His host family always had dumplings for meals.

D. Students are not required to wear uniforms at school.

A.a; c B. b; d C. a; d D. b; c

28. After landing on Calgary airport, Vanessa went to a ski resort ____________.

A. by bus

B. by train

C. by ship

D. by plane

29. How did Vanessa react(反应)when she saw the snow for the first time?

A. She was dying when she got out and played with it

B. She was afraid of death to get out and play with it

C. She wanted very much to get out and play with it

D. She was too nervous to get out and play with it

30. Which picture shows that Vanessa's first lesson was not a great success?

31. The best word to describe the two writers' experiences in another country is “____________”.

A. unsuccessful

B. comfortable

C. unforgettable

D. tiring



26. B【解析】推理判断题。关键词是host parents,根据第二段My host parents organized a lot of activities in my spare time so that l wouldn't miss home or feel lonely.可知我的寄宿家庭的父母为了不让我感到孤独,想家,在业余时间组织了很多活动,可推断出他们是kind友善的,而active表示活跃的、生动的,在这里不合语境。

27. C【解析】细节理解题。关键词是big culture shock,根据第三段中冲击一:Though I managed to get used to it. I still have problems because they used a lot of idioms(习语);第四段冲击二:My host family always had bread, potatoes and salad for meals.第五段冲击三:They do not require students to wear uniforms。所以选择C。

28. A【解析】细节理解题。关键词是Vanessa went to a ski resort,根据第六段We took a bus to a ski resort in the Canadian Rockies可知“我们乘坐公共汽车去加拿大洛基山脉的一个滑雪胜地”,所以选择A。

29. C【解析】细节理解题。关键词是for the first time,根据第六段As the bus climbed through the mountains, we saw the thick snow on the trees. I was dying to get out and play with it.可知当瓦内萨第一次看见雪的时候,她非常渴望从公共汽车上下来玩雪。所以选择C。

30.D【解析】推理判断题。关键词是not a success,根据第七段中the first lesson was not a great success. I kept on falling over, and l had to hold on to a rope to keep my balance.可知推知第一节课非常不成功。我总是失去平衡摔倒,我不得不抓紧一个绳子来保持平衡,所以选择D。

31.C【解析】推理判断题。能描述他们国外旅行的最好的词,根据第一个作者的第一句话As an exchange student, I must admit(承认)that at first America was a big culture shock for me. 和第二个作者的最后一句话I had a wonderful time可推知这里描述两个作者的经历的应该是快乐的、难忘的等一些积极意义的词。unsuccessful不成功的;comfortable舒服的;unforgettable难忘的;tiring厌烦的。所以选择C。


Though you are a teenager now, there will finally come a time when you start to earn (赚) money. While it may be fun to have your own money to spend, it can also be difficult trying to manage it properly. Here are some tips on how to manage your money.

Use your money wisely

Most teenagers earn money for everyday use, or because they are saving up for something. So when they receive their money, they must first decide what they want to do with it. However, try to avoid the temptation (诱惑) to spend it all in one go (一口气)! Remember: Money takes a long time to earn, but it goes very quickly.

Bank your savings

The money you don't need can be saved at home or in a bank.1f you want to save your money at home, get yourself a piggy bank or something else to keep your money in. The other choice is to save your money in a bank. One of the advantages is that you can earn interest(利息)on it.

Use the money to make money

Rather than saving your money at home or in a bank, you can use the money you earn to invest(投资) in things to make more money. For example, if you are selling something around your neighborhood, you could pay someone else to sell your things in their neighborhood. This way, by spending a little, you can make a lot.

32. The first thing for the teenagers to do after receiving their money is _______________.

A. to consider how to deal with it

B. to spend it for everyday use

C. to let it go very quickly

D. to invest in things correctly

33. Which of the following can best explain “use your money wisely”?

A. Don't earn it for everyday use.

B. I t’s saved up for something.

C. Don’t spend it all in one go.

D. It takes a long time to earn.

34. According to the passage, one of the ways to earn interest is ____________.

A. to get yourself a piggy bank

B. to save your money in a bank

C. to make some other choices

D. to leave your money at home

35. By paying others to sell things, teenagers can usually ____________.

A. spend less money

B. give less money

C. waste more money

D. make more money



32. A【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中So when they receive their money,they must first decide what they want to do with it.可推知当青少年收到钱的时候,要做的第一件事就是决定要怎么花这些钱。故选A。33. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段However, try to avoid the temptation(诱惑)to spend it all in one go (一口气)!”可推知明智地花费钱就是“请尽量克服花钱的欲望,不要一口气全部花掉”,故选C。34. B【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段The other choice is to save your money in a bank.One of the advantages is that you can earn interest(利息)on it. 可推知“挣利息的一个方法就是把你的钱存到银行”,故选B。

35. D【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句话“This way, by spending a little, you can make a lot. ”可推知通过“让别人在他们的居民区卖你的东西,你向他们支付费用”这种方式,你可以通过花一点点钱就挣到一大笔钱。故选D。


Children with no shoes on do better at school than those with shoes on, a study suggests.

For over 10 years, researchers from universities observed(观察) children in 100 schools from 25 countries. They found that classrooms were quieter when children took off their shoes. It provided a quieter environment where pupils were more willing to focus on study than those with shoes on.

“Children are much more willing to sit on the floor and relax if they have no shoes on," said professor Stephen Heppel, a lead researcher.

“The last place a child would sit to read is an upright chair. And we’ve found that 95% of them really don’t read on a chair at home,”Heppel added. “When they go on holidays, they r ead lying down.”

Professor Heppel hopes to bring the “shoeless policy” to all U.K. schools. He says relaxing conditions at school make children feel as if they’re at home. He believes all the teachers will be glad to adopt the habit.

36. The best title to describe the main idea of the passage is “_________”.

A. Suggestions on shoeless children.

B. Suggestions on children with shoes on.

C. Shoeless children do better at school.

D. Shoeless children looks cool at school.

37. According to the passage, we know that the study was made by ____________.

A. some university students

B. children from 25 countries

C. teachers in 1000 schools

D. researchers from university

38. Which of the following pie chart ( ) can explain Heppel's discovery?

39. Heppel thinks shoeless policy can provide children with ____________.

A. quiet activities

B. relaxing conditions

C. some upright chairs

D. a safe environment

40. What does the underlined word “adopt” mean in the passage?

A. accept

B. refuse

C. change

D. throw



36. C【解析】主旨大意题。文章第一段中提及Children with no shoes on do better at school than those with shoes on, a study suggests. 根据一项研究建议到:在学校里不穿鞋子的孩子比那些穿鞋子的孩子做的更好。而下面紧接着用四段话来验证这一结论,故文章的最好的标题就是“不穿鞋子的孩子做得更好”。

37. D【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第一句话For over 10 years,researchers from universities observed【观察)children in 100 schools from 25 countries可知,此项研究由来自大学的研究者发起的。

38. C【解析】细节理解题。根据文中第四段第二句话And we're found that 95% of them really don't read on a chair at home,”Heppel added.95%的孩子在家中的时候不在椅子上读书,因此在椅子上读书的占5%,根据图标可知C选项符合。

39. B【解析】细节理解题。根据文中第五段第二句话He says relaxing conditions at school make children feel as if they're at home可知此政策能够给孩子提供像家一样放松的环境。

40. A【解析】推断判断题。根据划线句子的上句He says relaxing conditions at school make children feel as if they’re at home.他说在学校令人放松的情形使得孩子感觉好像在家里一样。既然对孩子有益处,可推知文中划线的句子表达“他相信所有的老师很高兴接受这个习惯。accept表示接受;refuse表示拒绝;change 表示改变;throw表示扔掉。故选A。

四、回答问题(共1 0小题,每小题2分,满分20分)



Do you always find it is raining when you walk out? Or are you always buying umbrellas and leaving them home when it rains? There is a new umbrella that could solve both problems.

The umbrella will not only tell you the weather, but also let you know you’ve left it behind.

How does it work? The umbrella will send a message to your smartphone. And it says “Hey, it’s going to rain in 15 minutes where you are, so you’d better take your umbrella.” Besides, if you are forgetful, you may never leave an umbrella on a bus or somewhere else again. The umbrella will send a warning to your smartphone if you leave it behind.

The new umbrella is expected to go on sale soon.

Though it is a good idea and it looks pretty cool, the umbrella will cost you $185. Maybe you will just

check the free weather apps(应用程序) on your smartphone and take an umbrella with you when it is going to rain.

41. How many problems can the new umbrella solve?

42. What else can the new umbrella tell you besides the weather?

43. Where will the new umbrella send a warning?

44. When will the new umbrella be sold?

45. Does the writer think the new umbrella looks cool?



41. Two

【解析】根据文章第二段“The umbrella will not only tell you the weather, but also let

you know you’ve left it behind。”可知这把雨伞可解决两个问题。

42. The umbrella will also tell you that you've left it behind.

【解析】根据文章第二段“The umbrella will not only tell you the weather, but also let

you know you've left it behind.”可知新雨伞除了能告诉你天气之外,还能让你知道你已经遗忘了它。

43. To your smartphone.

【解析】根据文章第三段最后一句话“The umbrella will send a warning to your smartphone if you leave it behind.”可知新雨伞将会把警告发送到你的智能手机上。

44. The new umbrella is expected to go on sale soon.

【解析】根据文章第四段“The new umbrella is expected to go on sale soon.”可知新雨伞很快被期望上市销售。

45. Yes.

【解析】根据最后一段第一句话“Though it is a good idea and it looks pretty cool.”可知作者认为新雨伞看起来很酷。


47. How much did Doris and her family pay for the meal each person at least?

48. Who used to cook the fish pie for Doris?

49. What did Doris think of the waiters at the Country House?

50. Why did Doris want to recommend(推荐) the Country House?


【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。Doris(多里斯)在因特网上写下了一篇餐馆评论。上个周六晚上,她和家人去The Country House.就餐。文中主要包括餐馆的价格、食物、服务员的态度等方面的内容。

46. On the Internet.

【解析】根据文章中第一段段尾Doris has written a restaurant review on the Internet.”可知多里斯写的这篇餐馆评论我们可以在因特网上看到。

47. 15 pounds.

【解析】根据文章中第二段第二行句尾The Country House serves traditional English food, we paid about 15 to 20 pounds a person to eat there. 可知The Country House这家餐馆提供传统的英国食物,如果我们在那里就餐每人花费大约15到20英镑。

48. Her grandma.

【解析】根据文章中第二段第四行句尾The fish pie reminded me of my grandma. She used to cook it for me.可知多里斯的奶奶过去常常给她鱼肉馅饼。

49. The waiters were polite, but a little slow.

【解析】根据文章中第二段第五行句尾The waiters were polite, but a little slow.可知作者认为在The Country House工作的服务员很有礼貌,但是服务有点慢。

50. For good, traditional English food.

【解析】根据文章中第二段第七行句尾I would certainly recommend the Country House for good, traditional English food.可知作者推荐The Country House这家餐馆是因为它的美味的、传统的英国食物。

五、综合阅读(共1 0小题,每小题2分,满分20分)



Do you know Laszlo Biro? Maybe you do not, but you probably use his invention every day, and you may even have (A) it in your hand right now!

Biro (1899-1985) was the inventor of the ballpoint pen. He was born in Budapest, Hungary. In the 1930s, when he worked as a newspaper editor(编辑), he used a fountain pen (B) almost every day. However, he had to refill it all the time. The ink also did not dry easily, and it sometimes made a mess on the paper. Biro (C)想要更好的笔.His brother, George, helped him develop a special ink. The ink dried easily. Then they developed a new type of pen. There was a (D) tiny ball at the tip of the pen. The ball rolled ink onto the paper as it moved. They call it the “ballpoint” pen.

The ballpoint pen was a great success. Everyone love it. Now (E) millions of people use it all over the world every day.

People will always remember Biro for his invention. Today in many English-speaking countries, people still use the word “biro” to refer to any kind of ballpoint pen.


52.写出文中划线部分(B)和(D)的近义词或同义词:________________; ______________


54.将文中画线部分(E)改写为several ___________ people use it__________ in the world every day.

55.从文中找出圆珠笔的两种表达法:_____________; _________________



51. the invention/his invention.

【解析】考查代词的指代,根据上文“Maybe you do not, but you probably use his invention every day”或许你不知道拉斯洛·拜罗,但是你可能每天使用他的发明”可推知下文“甚至现在你的手里就有它”中的“它”指代的就是上文中拉斯洛·拜罗的发明。

52. nearly; small/little


53. wanted a better pen

54. million;everywhere

55. ballpoint pen; biro.

【解析】根据文章第二段最后一句“They call it the “ballpoint”pen.”及文章的最后一句“people still use the word “biro”to refer to any kind of ballpoint pen.”可知圆珠笔有两种表达法。


California is one of the richest states in America. It has a large amount of land. And it also has more people than any other states. It has plenty of natural resources(资源), too. But everything (A) _________ not perfect there. California has two major problems:earthquakes and forest fires.

The San Andreas Fault runs through California. (B) As a result of it, the state gets many earthquakes. (C)其中一些地震非常强烈For example, there was a strong earthquake in San Francisco in 1906. It destroyed many buildings. And it started a large number of fires. (D) More than 3000 people died after it. There have also been many other strong earthquakes. Some people fear that the “big (E) one” will hit someday. They think an earthquake will cause a huge amount of damage(破坏).

During summer and autumn, much of California is dry. So forest fires, or wildfires, often start. Those fires can spread (F) rapidly. They burn many forest. But they can also burn people’s homes and buildings.

They often kill people (G)___________ firefighters can put them out.

56. 在文中(A)和(G)的空白处填入合适的单词:____________; _______________

57. 写出文中划线部分(B)和(F)的同义词语或近义词语

58. 将文中划线部分(C)译成英语:____________________

59.将文中划线部分(D)改写为:___________________ 3000 people ____________ their lives after it.




56.is; before


57.Because of;quickly

【解析】(B)处As a result of,翻译为“因此”,因为其后面是一个单词,所以可以替换成because of;(F)处考查副词。rapidly意思是“急促地,快速地”,可以替换为quickly。

58. Some of the earthquakes are very strong.

59. Over;lost【解析】more than译为“多于”,可以替换成over,因放在句首,因此首字母要大写;they died等于lost their lives。固定搭配lose one’s life失去某人的生命。

60. earthquake


(2017?辽宁沈阳) 六、阅读与表达(共2节,A节5分,B节20分;满分25分)


Students at New Point School enjoyed their breakfast today, for it broke a 24-hour fast(禁食) for charity.

During the fast, they could not eat any food l , and they could only drink water, tea and clear fruit juice. The students all volunteered to go without food for one day to raise money for UN projects to help the poor 2 .

Mr. James Wood, their English teacher, said, “The students 3 the idea themselves after seeing photos of hungry children. They organized the whole thing. I’m very proud of them.”

“Twenty-four hours did not feel like a very long time. Next year, I might even double 4 I spend fasting. Then I can raise twice as much money!” said Jane Austin, a student. “I t’s so wrong for us to have lots of food while many people in the world are going hungry. We need to give to those in need.”

The students collected about $2,400 from the fast. They were 5 the total amount. “It’s amazing!

People are so kind, and they want to help others,” said Alan Long, another student.


【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了在New Point School的学生为了慈善活动而进行的一次24小时的禁食活动。禁食期间他们不吃任何食物,他们仅仅喝水、茶和新鲜的果汁。学生们都自愿参加这一活动来为联合国项目筹款,帮助非洲的穷人。

1.at all

【解析】句意:在禁食期,他们一点食物也不能吃。not…_at all是固定搭配,译为“一点也不”。

2.in Africa

【解析】空白处所填词in Africa在句中作定语,修饰前面的名词the poor(穷人)。句意:学生们自愿一天不吃饭来为联合国项目筹集资金,帮助非洲贫困人民。

3.came up with。

【解析】句意:学生们在看到饥肠辘辘孩子们的照片后,自己提出了这个想法。come up with是固定搭配,译为“提出;想出”。因为文中运用的是一般过去时态,故填came up with。

4.the amount of time。


年,我甚至可能会将用于禁食的时间翻倍。the amount of time时间量。

5.happy with。

【解析】根据上文我们可以知道学生们通过禁食筹集到了2400美元,所以我们可以得知学生们对于这个金额是感到很开心的。be happy with是固定搭配,译为“对……感到开心”。

B) (2017?辽宁沈阳)为迎接国际慈善日(the International Day of Charity)的到来,某英文报刊将要举办有

奖征文活动,请你以1 would like to _________ for charity 为题写篇短文(词数80-100),为本次活动投稿。步骤与要点如下:

1. 确定主题,并在文中说明原因;

2. 围绕主题,进行叙述;

3. 写出具体计划,也可以讲述一段与主题有关的故事或经历。


1. 补全题目(参考词汇:sell old things, hold a book fair, pick up rubbish, organize an activity等);

2. 字迹工整,内容完整连贯,语言准确规范;

3. 鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。短文的开头己给出,不计入





I would like to____ for charity

The International Day of Charity is coming. Many people will do something for it. What should l do?

Here are my ideas.

1 would li ke to… ____________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 范文:

I would like to sell old things for charity

The International Day of Charity is coming. Many people will do something for it. What should I do? Here are my ideas.

I would like to sell old things for charity. Why? Because in some parts of our country, more and more students can’t go to school because of the illness. They don’t have enough money to go to hospital. Every child should keep healt hy and they should have the right to receive education. Just as the saying goes, “many hands make light work”. We should try our best to help them.

I would like to collect old books and have a book sale at school after school. With the money, we can buy something useful for the children in the west areas, like toys, school things, clothes and so on. I believe they will be happy when they get these things. I hope they can return to school soon.


2017年广东省初中生毕业考试 英语 一、听力理解(本大题为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每题1分,共25分) A. 听单句话(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 根据所听句子的内容和所提问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑,每小题听一遍。 1. What time did jenny have breakfast this morning? A B C 2. How tall is Amy? A B C 3. Where is Jane going to meet her friend? A B C 4. Which is Mark’s favorite su bject? A B C 5. What is Sarah doing? A B C

B. 听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 根据所听内容,回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给出的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 6. What’s the problem with George’s homework? A. Spelling mistakes. B. Grammar mistakes. C. Awful handwriting. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 7. What is the boy going to do tomorrow afternoon? A. Play basketball B. play football. C. Play volleyball. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 8. How much is one tea set with eight cups? A. 40 yuan. B. 160 yuan. C. 200 yuan. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 9. How does the woman like the city? A. She is not used to the weather there. B. She thinks the traffic there is very good. C. She likes the shopping environment there. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 10. Why is the girl going to the bookstore tomorrow? A. She wants to spend time there reading. B. Some of the books there will be cheaper. C. Her father will be free and drive her there. 听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. Where does the conversation take place? A. At a dining hall B. At a restaurant. C. At a noodle factory 12. What place does the woman prefer? A. A table by the window. B. A table in the smoking area. C. A table near the non-smoking area. 听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题。 13. How did the man book the room? A. On the phone B. On the Internet C. From a tourist office. 14. For how many nights is the man going to stay? A. One night B. Three nights. C. Four nights. 15. What does the man ask for? A. His ID card. B. Another 150 yuan. C. A room facing the sea. C. 听独白(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑,独白听两遍。 16. ____________ was the first to arrive at the camp. A. Tony B. David C. the leader 17. The weather was ______________ on that day. A. cool B. warm C. hot 18. The campers went to the beach _____________. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C.in the evening 19. The skill Tony liked most was how to _____________. A. get away from snakes B. deal with wild dogs C. tell the time 20. Tony didn’t take the drumming lesson because _______________. A. he was sleepy B. he didn’t C. he had to make his bed D. 听填信息(本小题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 你将听到的是一篇关于将熊猫运送到荷兰(the Netherlands)的短文。请根据所听内容填写下面的


试卷类型 A 【人教版新目标】2015年初中英语中考模拟试题 (总分120分考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1、本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题,75分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,45分;共120分。 2、答题前务必认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项,试题答案必须填涂或填写在答题卡上相应位置。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共75分) 一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分;每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Don’t worry. B. I agree with you. C. Please help them. 2. A. Good idea. B. Sorry, I can’t. C. Yes, please. 3. A. Two hours. B. Once a week. C. Three times. 4. A. Sure. B. Not at all. C. Thank you. 5. A. Yes, I know. B. That’s great. C. I’m sorry to hear that. (二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 6. Where are they talking? A. At home. B. At a shop. C. At a restaurant. 7. What is the girl doing? A. Taking pictures. B. Choosing a gift. C. Talking with her father. 8. How is Jim going to spend his summer holiday? A. Reading. B. Seeing movies. C. Doing a part-time job. 9. How long does Tom usually stay in the library every day? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. 10. When will the concert start? A. At half past six. B. At half past seven. C. In thirty minutes. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有40秒钟的读题时间) 11. What’s the matter with Peter? A. He’s unhappy. B. He failed the test. C. His teacher can’t help him. 12. How does Peter like Chinese?


2015年沈阳中考英语试题 试题满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 【2015沈阳】一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分) 从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 【2015沈阳】1. Peter returned the wallet to the police. He was ______ honest boy. A. a B. an C. the D. (不填) B.【解析】考查冠词辨析。句意:“彼得把钱包还给警察。他是个诚实的男孩。”不定冠词a,an表示泛指,定冠词the表示特指。不定冠词a (an)与数词one 同源,是“一个”的意思。a 用于辅音音素前,而an则用于元音音素前,honest是元音发音开头,故选B。 【2015沈阳】2. — Hello, Joyce, you are busy. Can I give you a hand? —Thanks very much, ______ I can manage. A. and B. or C. so D. but D.【解析】考查情景交际。句意:“——你好,乔伊斯,你很忙。我可以帮你吗?”“——非常感谢,我自己能行”。如果不需要帮忙,习惯可以这么回答:Thanks very much, but I can manage.(非常感谢,但我自己可以应付。)如果需要帮忙,可以这么回答:Oh, that would be good. Thanks a lot.(哦,那太好了,太感谢了。)故选D。 【2015沈阳】3. — Has Mary ever visited Tower Bridge? —Yes. She ______ it two years ago. A. visits B. visited C. has visited D. was visiting B.【解析】考查动词时态辨析。句意:“——玛丽去过塔桥吗?”“——是的。两年前她去过。”two years ago是过去时间,一般与一般过去式连用,故选B。 【2015沈阳】4. Jane looked carefully at ______ in the mirror before going outside. A. her B. him C. herself D. himself C.【解析】考查代词辨析。句意:“外出之前,简在镜子前仔细地打量下她自己。”Jane是女的,所以反身代词永herself(她自己),而himself是(他自己),用故选C。 【2015沈阳】5. Bob has got good exam results. His parents are proud of his ______. A. success B. chance C. idea D. dream A.【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:“鲍勃考试成绩很好。他的父母因他的成功感到骄傲。” success 成功;chance机会;idea想法;dream梦想。根据语境,故选A。 【2015沈阳】6. — Whose home is ______ from school, Alice’s or Daisy’s? —Alice’s, I think. A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the farthest B.【解析】考查形容词比较级、最高级。句意:“——谁的家离学校更远些,爱丽丝的家还是黛西的家?”“——我觉得是爱丽丝的家。”因为只是两者之间的比较,所以用比较级,而最高级是三者或者三者以上的比较,故选B。 【2015沈阳】7. You must make sure your tea is not too hot ______ you drink it. A. before B. after C. since D. while A.【解析】考查连词辨析。句意:“在喝之前,你必须确保你的茶不太烫。” before之前;after 之后;since自从,既然,因为;while当,然而。根据语境,应该在喝之前判断茶是不是太烫,若是喝的时候判断舌头被烫着了,故选A。 【2015沈阳】8. —I think we should ask people to use public transport more often. —______. A. Never mind B. Not at all C. Sorry D. I agree

2020年中考英语试题(含解析答案) (1)

秘密★启用前 2020学年初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷共四大题,12页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项 1、答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语法选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The first astronauts Since the earliest times, people have looked up at the stars, the moon and the planets. Today people use modern machines 1 at the sky. This is very different from the situation 2 years ago when people could only use their eyes. Perhaps they dreamed of 3 the universe. When did humans first go into space? The story began not so very long ago, 4 the first astronauts were not people-they were animals. Scientists wanted to make travelling to space as 5 as possible for humans. So they decided to experiment with animals and test 6 in spaceflights. Insects, mice, frogs, dogs and monkeys were some of the animals 7 first went into space. Many of them 8 , but they helped to make space travel safer for humans. For their great service, we 9 forget these animals. Albert Ⅱwas the first monkey to go into space in 1949. Sadly he died 10 his spaceship landed back on Earth. 11 the result was different for Ham the Monkey. His story ended happily when he return to earth 12 very good health. Scientists wanted to know the answer to the important question: could 13 animal like Ham do the same things in space as he could do on Earth? The answer came when Ham 14 into space in 1961. Yes, he did everything well and lived for 15 16 years


2017年谷城县中考适应性考试 英语试题 (本试卷共8页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将考试号条形码粘贴在答题卡上指定位置。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号,答在试题卷上无效。 3.非选择题(主观题)用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上每题对应的答题区域内,答在试题卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 选择题(共70分) 一、听力测试(本大题满分25分,每小题1分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 下面你将听到8段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只读一遍。CACCABBA 1. Which city is the girl’s fa vourite? A. London. B. Paris. C. New York. 2. What’s the weather like now? A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. 3. What’s the date the day after tomorrow? A. June 1st. B. June 2nd. C. June 3rd. 4. How often does Lisa surf the internet now? A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Once a week. 5. Who wrote the interesting e-mail? A. Kate. B. Mike. C. Judy. 6. Where might the speakers be? A. In a bank. B. On a road. C. At a crossing. 7. What does the man mean? A. He’d like to go to the beach by car. 英语试题第1页(共8页)


辽宁省沈阳市2018年中考英语试题试题满分100分,考试时间100分钟。 一、单项填空(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Small cars are useful in cities with narrow __________. A. streets B. cinemas C. squares D. shop 2. There will be fewer workers in factories because most work _________ by robots in the future. A. is done B. was done C .will be done D. will do 3. He ______look at the stars every night, but now he does not. A. had better B. used to C. ought to D. had to 4. Luke's mother will be _____him if he wins the reading competition. A. proud of B. tired of C. worried about D. strict with 5.---_______do you brush your teeth? ---Twice or more a day. A. How soon B. How far C. How long D. How often 6. Bob dislikes coffee, so he almost _________ drinks it. A. often B. always C. never D. ever 7. Sarah _________many places of interest in Beijing already. A. visited B. has visited C. will visit D. visits 8. My grandparents wrote letters to keep in touch with others_________ they were young. A. when B. since C. after D. before 9. ---Tom, I went to the party yesterday evening. ---Oh, I want to know ______at the party. A. who do you meet B. who you meet C. who did you meet D. who you met 10. ----I don't like the short story “The gift” I think it’s out of date. ----I’m sorry, but__________. Although it may be old, I still think it's a moving story. A it doesn’t matter B. I don't agree C. you're welcome D. that’s all night


英语 (满分:120分时间:100分钟) 一、听力理解(略) 二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 21.Mr Smith is old man and he usually walks his dog after supper.? A.a;the B.an;a C.an;不填 D.the;不填 22.—Is this photo taken in Tibet? —Yes.You can see beautiful snow mountains in the of the photo.? A.form B.background C.shape D.introduction 23.Whenever Mary reads an interesting story,she can??t keep it to and wants to share it with her friends.? A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 24.I heard a new song on the radio.I high and low in the music store,but I can??t find the song.? A.search B.have searched C.am searching D.will search 25.—What a clear blue sky it is! —Yes.I have never seen sky.? A.a more beautiful B.a most beautiful C.the more beautiful D.the most beautiful 26.—What??s the matter with Tom?He has been absent for two days. —Oh!He be ill.Let??s go and ask Ms Brown.? A.can B.need C.may D.would 27.Soccer is a wonderful game for children.It great exercise,such as running and kicking.? A.provides B.remains C.practises D.receives 28.Wild animals are our friends.We shouldn??t kill them food or clothing.? A.in B.with C.about D.for 29.Jane is very busy these days,for she has a lot of problems to.? A.deal with B.keep up with C.agree with https://www.doczj.com/doc/ba2762289.html,e up with 30.we keep our hearts open,we can experience the happiness friendship brings us.? A.Since B.If C.Unless D.Though 31.—Did you watch the football match on TV last night? —I wanted to,but my mother her favourite TV programme.? A.watches B.watched C.was watching D.had watched 32.Now it??s much easier to shop online.When your order is ready,the things you want to buy to you soon.? A.send B.were sent C.are sending D.will be sent 33.—Why don??t you like fishing? —Fishing is a hobby needs much patience,but I??m not patient at all.? A.who B.that C.it D.what 34.kind and helpful to the people around us,and we will make the world a nicer place to live in.?


2017年烟台市初中学业水平考试 英语试题 一、听力洲试(20分) (一)听录音,从A,B,C三个选项中选择与函面一致的选项。录音内容读一遍。 1. ABC 2.ABC 3. ABC 4.ABC 5.ABC (二)听录音,选择适当的答语。录音内容读两遍。 6.A. A week ago. B. Once a week. C. In a week. 7.A.Good luck! B. What a pity! C. Congratulations! 8. A. It's Wang Lin’s. B. She is Miss Green. C. It's under the desk. 9. A. Yes. I do. B. Sorry, I wont. C. No,I haven’t. 10.A.A cup of coffee,please. B. A bowl of noodles,please. C.Two slices of breed. please (三)对话理解 你将听到两段对话,在每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话.回答11和12小题。 11. What sport does Frank like better? A. Baseball B. Badminton. C. Soccer 12. What club will Gina join? A. The swimming club. B. The dance club. C. The chess club. 听下西一段对话.回菩13至15小题。 13. Where is the science museum? A. At the end of New Star Road. B. Nest to the post office. C. Near the bus station. 14.How far is it to the science museum? A. About five kilometer B.About nine kilometers. C About three kilometers. 15. How will the girl go to the science museum? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi. (四)听短文,很据短文内容完成下列表格(每空不超过两个单词)。短文读两遍。


试卷类型 A 【人教版新目标】2015 年初中英语中考模拟试题 (总分120 分考试时间120 分钟) 注意事项: 1、本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题,75 分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,45 分;共120 分。 2、答题前务必认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项,试题答案必须填涂或填写在答题卡上相应位置。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共75 分) 一、听力选择(共15 小题,计15 分;每小题约有8 秒钟的答题时间) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1.A. Don’t worry. B. I agree with you. C. Please help them. 2.A. Good idea. B. Sorry, I can’t. C. Yes, please. 3.A. Two hours. B. Once a week. C. Three times. 4.A. Sure. B. Not at all. C. Thank you. 5.A. Yes, I know. B. That’s great. C. I’m sorry to hear that. (二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 6.Where are they talking? A.At home. B. At a shop. C. At a restaurant. 7.What is the girl doing? A.Taking pictures. B. Choosing a gift. C. Talking with her father. 8.How is Jim going to spend his summer holiday? A.Reading. B. Seeing movies. C. Doing a part-time job. 9.How long does Tom usually stay in the library every day? A.One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. 10.When will the concert start? A.At half past six. B. At half past seven. C. In thirty m inutes. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有40 秒钟的读题时间) 11.What’s the matter with Peter? A.He’s unhappy. B. He failed the test. C. His teacher can’t help him. 12.How does Peter like Chinese? A.It’s easy. B. It’s difficult. C. It’s interesting. 13.What subject is Peter good at? A.Math. B. Chinese. C. Science.


英语试卷 第1页(共10页) 英语试卷 第2页(共10页) 绝密★启用前 辽宁省沈阳市2019年初中学业水平考试 英 语 (满分:100分,考试时间:100分钟) 第一部分 选择题(三大题;共38分) 一、单项填空(共10小题,每小题0.5分;满分5分) 从A 、B 、C 、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. Paper is ________ useful invention. Cai Lun invented it around 2,000 years ago. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 2. — Why is Grace's Chinese so good? — Because she ________ China for ten years. A. has gone to B. has been to C. has come to D. has been in 3. People who always do sports are in ________ spirits than those who don't. A. high B. higher C. tall D. taller 4. You should walk ________ in snowy weather so that you will not fall over. A. happily B. slowly C. sadly D. quickly 5. Last week, some students ________ an English play at Rosie Bridge School. A. put out B. put away C. put on D. put up 6. When we succeeded in reaching the top of Mount Tai, we felt proud of ________. A. we B. us C. our D. ourselves 7. A hanfu show ________ in Museum of History next week. A. is held B. was held C. will be held D. has been held 8. You ________ always be careful with electricity for safety. A. must B. can C. mustn't D. can't 9. The book is excellent. Could you tell me ________? A. where did you buy it B. where you bought it C. where do you buy it D. where you buy it 10. —Hi, Joan! I won the men's 100-metre race yesterday! — ________ That's wonderful news. A. Never mind. B. You are welcome. C. Congratulations! D. That's all right. 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分) 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A 、B 、C 、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Ray had a wonderful family and lived very happily. He had four grandchildren, and they all came to see him 11 their holidays. One day, Ray was preparing to welcome them as usual: cleaning the house and cooking delicious food. 12 he was working, he lost his favorite watch which was a 13 from his deceased (已故的)wife. Ray loved the watch very much, and he was very sad. When his grandchildren arrived, they 14 him they would find the watch One granddaughter asked, "Grandpa, where did you see the watch last 15 it went missing?" Ray replied, "Maybe in the barn (谷仓)!"The children searched there for more than two hour 16 could not find it. One of his grandsons wanted to search the barn 17 , and Ray asked why he was going there. The little boy didn't explain but asked 18 not to follow him. A moment later, he rushed back to his grandfather, "I found it!" he shouted. Ray was 19 and asked how he made it. The little boy replied, "I stood in the barn 20 making any noise, and tried my best to keep silent. After a few 21 , I heard the sound of tick tick . At last, I 22 the watch from the hay (干草)."After hearing his words, Ray hugged. The little boy and 23 him very much. The story tells us if we 24 calm (冷静的),we can fired a solution. This shows the power of 25 . 11. A. between B. during C. among D. past 12. A. Unless B. Over C. While D. Still 13. A. report B. gift C. letter D. message 14. A. suggested B. doubted C. expected D. promised 15. A. after B. before C. until D. since 16. A. and B. so C. or D. but 17. A. ever B. again C. already D. always 18. A. other B. another C. the other D. the others 19. A. angry B. bored C. unhappy D. surprised 20. A. without B. by C. about D. except 21. A. weeks B. days C. hours D. minutes 22. A. looked up B. tuned up C. picked up D. made up 23. A. accepted B. thanked C. saved D. protected 24. A. stop B. send C. stay D. seem 25. A. habit B. decision C. silence D. sup0estion 三、阅读理解(共12小题,每小题1.5分;满分18分) 阅读短文,然后根据其内容从A 、B 、C 、D 中选出最佳选项。 A ------------- 在 --------------------此 -------------------- 卷--------------------上 -------------------- 答-------------------- 题--------------------无 -------------------- 效---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________


二○一六年初中毕业暨升学考试 第I卷(选择题共55分) 一、英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. My host family is taking me to ________ English film festival next weekend. A. an B. a C. the D. 不填 2. —What do you call your father’s sisters? —_______. A. Uncles B. Cousins C. Aunts D. Parents 3. A 100-year-old man ran a marathon in Toronto on Sunday. He became the ________ person to complete the long-distance running in the world. A. youngest B. best C. biggest D. oldest 4. —What does your new English teacher look like? —She is a pretty lady ________ long hair. A. at B. for C. with D. of 5. —Do you need a new dictionary, Susan? —No, Mum. My uncle bought me ________ yesterday. A. one B. it C. the one D. another 6. My friend Frank sings well, and he is _______ good at playing guitar. A. not B. also C. yet D. too 7. As one of the school rules, middle school students are not ________ to smoke. A. ordered B. refused C. allowed D. forbidden 8. —Have you ever seen the movie 2012? —Yes, but I don’t believe ________ the year 2012 will see the end of the world. A. that B. what C. how D. if 9. Some of the students are nearsighted _______ they spend too much time watching TV or playing online games. A. when B. though C. because D. unless 10. —Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the People’s Park? —Walk along this road and turn right, and the park is on your right. You _______miss it. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. won’t 11. Our foreign teacher Mr Green ________ us English since three years ago. A. has taught B. is teaching C. taught D. teaches 12. —Steve, ________do you play basketball after school? —Twice a week. It can keep me healthy.

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