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刘意青《简明英国文学史》课后习题详解(18世纪英国文学 古典主义时期)【圣才出品】

刘意青《简明英国文学史》课后习题详解(18世纪英国文学 古典主义时期)【圣才出品】
刘意青《简明英国文学史》课后习题详解(18世纪英国文学 古典主义时期)【圣才出品】


1.What are the essential features of Neoclassicism in the18th-century England? Key:(1)Glorious Revolution happened at the end of17th Century.With the firmly established political power of the middle class,capitalism flourished rapidly in England,especially after1769in which year James Watt(1736-1819)invented the steam engine.(2)To match the rapid development of economy,there emerged in Britain a number of great thinkers of social sciences.(3)London and many other cities soon became big metropolises and a working class was also being formed during the process.(4)People of the18th-century England attached great importance to Reason and joined in the great Enlightenment Movement.

(5)However,when science and reason were promoted,religion felt threatened.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc2466126.html, the major Neoclassic representative writers of this period and introduce their major achievements.

Key:The Age of Classicism,or rather of Neoclassicism,in English Literary History refers to the literary trend in the first half of the18th century.The new literature reached its peak with strong concentration and vigour,of which Alexander Pope was its central figure.Besides Pope,Swift was also its outstanding representative. The two writers are great masters of satire and poetry in heroic couplet,which are the most prominent achievements of English Neoclassicism.

Pope’s major achievements lie in his representative works such as The Rape

of the Lock,On Literary Criticism,The Dunciad,An Essay on Man and Translations of Homer,etc.

Jonathan Swift’s major works include The Battle of the Books(1704),A Tale of a Tub(1704),Bickerstaff Almanac(1708),Gulliver’s Travels(1726),The Drapier’s Letters(1726)and A Modest Proposal(1729),etc.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc2466126.html,ment on Pope’s literary contributions.

Key:When Pope died in1744the Neoclassicism as a literary trend to represent the Enlightenment Movement in England had ebbed toward its end.But,as a great satirist and master of language and an ingenious poet who had brought the heroic couplet to its perfection,Alexander Pope has acquired an immortal place in the history of English literature.

4.Analyse Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.

Key:Gulliver’s Travels is the work that has made Swift known all over the world, which is not a real novel in the modern sense,but rather a satirical allegory that tells improbable and fantastic events with the purpose of criticising his contemporary reality.The novel consists of Lemuel Gulliver’s four travels, arranged in4books.Gulliver was a physician,but could not earn enough money in London to support his family.Therefore,he found a doctor’s position on a ship to sail overseas.The first two travels,that is Gulliver’s adventures in Lilliput, the country of tiny men and Brobdingnag,the country of the giants,are the most

widely-read parts of the book,and they are often adapted into reading material or cartoons for children and young readers.The third and fourth adventures are more philosophical and demanding and,as a result,they are less known to the general reading public,but are dearly liked by serious and mature readers.

Gulliver’s Lilliput experience is aimed at criticising the English government and exposing the political and religious problems of England.In Book II,he introduces England proudly to the king of Brobdingnag,boasting about its law system,and the wars fought in the English history,and recommends weapons of all kinds to be very effective reigning tools to the Brobdingnag king,who is surprised by the cruelty and meanness of races like Gulliver’s.In both Books I and II,Swift displays to the full his rich imagination,by playing with the smallness of the Lilliputians and the giant figures of the Brobdingnag people against Gulliver and achieves many fantastically humourous and satirical effects.

In the third and fourth books,Gulliver experiences even more unbelievable adventures.In the third one,that is Gulliver’s adventure in the country of the Flying Island,Swift fulfills the task set to him by the Scriblerus Club to expose and ridicule false learning,and he did so to a burlesque degree.For instance,people on the Flying Island do not know how to live a good and normal life.They are solely interested in mathematics and music.In consequence,they wear ill-fitting clothes decorated with music notes and geometry shapes.On land below,the scientists in the Academy of Lagado,a colony of the Flying Island,are all engaged in the most impossible experiments,such as to extract sunshine from cucumbers,

to restore food from human excrement,and to build houses from top to the bottom.Through such bitter attacks on modern science Swift intended to ridicule all the false learning of his time.But,here we must notice that as a staunch Christian of the Church of England,Swift was also worried about the encroaching of science into the spiritual scope of human beings.He was trying at the same time to give warnings to those who are overly enthusiastic about the omnipotence of science at the expense of human love and humanistic spirit.In this book,he also criticises early imperialist ventures of England.

The fourth book has been generally regarded as the most shocking of the four,because in it Swift describes men as so low and depraved that they are made to serve the horses.His last adventure brings Gulliver to the country of horses,or of the Houyhnhnms,and here he sees an animal of human shape called yahoo.The yahoos are filthy beasts of strong passion with hair covering a human body.Their masters are horses with good manners,clean living habits and absolute reason.They live in wood houses and eat hay,fruits,and vegetables.In contrast to the horse masters,yahoos are chained in a dirty yard when they are not doing any work of the beasts of burden.They eat rotten meat,dead mice and frog,sleep wallowing in the mud and often fall to fighting each other over the most trivial things.What is more,the yahoos are all fond of colored stones,which, if found by a yahoo,will be hidden like treasures,and yahoos all the time fight each other over the possession of them.Here,Swift is referring to those European imperialists who go overseas to plunder wealth of other countries.The

gray horse that Gulliver stays with points out the similarities of his guest to his yahoos,but because Gulliver is dressed,the horse master finally believes him to be different.Here,Swift makes Gulliver number to the horse master all the wars, cheatings,the dissipation of the life of the rich and the dire poverty of the poor, and tell all other sorts of ill maneuvers of the Europeans to the horse master.He boasts of his fellow human beings’crimes of plunder and killing,which shocks the horses to the extreme.By portraying human beings as depraved and disgusting yahoos and setting them against the noble horses that are guided by reason,Swift is launching the most severe attack on humanity and the European reality.But on the other hand,he is also criticising absolute reason represented by the cool-headed horses,who never have problems caused by love or passion.

In the fourth book,Swift’s attack is,first of all,aimed at his fellow men who have fallen so low that Swift wants to use yahoos to shock them into realising their depravity.Because of this,for a long time,he is criticised as a misanthropist who hates human race to the point of eulogising the horses as their betters. However,on the other hand,by presenting Gulliver’s crazy worship of reason in the form of the horse in the most burlesque way,Swift is also criticising absolute reason.What he advocates is,man of Christian faith and benevolence.Such people can guide their own behaviour with Christian morals,and be free from selfish desires and passion on the one hand,but on the other hand they are by no means as cold and indifferent as absolute reason advocates.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc2466126.html, two important newspapers of the period and tell what you know about them.

Key:The Tatler(1709-1711)and The Spectator(1711-1712)were two important newspapers of the period.

At first,it was Steele who started The Tatler,coming out three issues a week to carry the domestic and foreign news,poetry and drama,and there were some special columns like“From My Own Apartment”,to which Swift made frequent contributions.Pretending to be a Mr.Isaac Bickerstaff whose comments on restoration plays were sharp literary criticism.There was also a main persona Mr. Tatler who discussed all kinds of social,political and literary topics with his readers.It was a newspaper very much in the satirical style of Swift and focused on the didactic aim of educating the populace.Due to Steele’s lack of subtlety, The Tatler on the whole was short of literary flavor and sometimes offended people,and thus its popularity gradually dwindled.In January1711,The Tatler had to terminate its publication.

Two months later with Addison joining Steele The Spectator was born.It was a daily newspaper with only one essay per issue,all of which were almost totally written by Addison and Steele themselves,and Addison,rather than Steele, influenced both its style and the content.The main character Mr.Spectator discussed,for instance,what he had seen when traveling on the Continent, commenting on issues of a broad scale.Many of the articles were of an enlightening nature and thus met with the eager popular demand for knowledge


.. ;.. 一.中古英语时期 Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly a dventures or other heroic deeds. Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance Renaissance r efers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth r eigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance i s the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance E ngland are Christopher Marlowe and W illiam Shakespeare. The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe. Francis Bacon was the best known essayist of this period. “Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. Thomas More ——Utopia Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene C. Beowulf D. Hamlet 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare “All t he world 's a stage, a nd all the men and women merely p layers.”——William Shakespeare William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have


考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷 考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX 考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班 I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. 1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. A.The Canterbury Tales B.The Ballad of Robin Hood C.The Song of Beowulf D.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght 2._____is the most common foot in English poetry. A.The anapest B.The trochee C.The iamb D.The dactyl 3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event? A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture. B.England’s domestic rest C.New discovery in geography and astrology D.The religious reformation and the economic expansion 4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. A.The Pilgrims Progress B.Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners C.The Life and Death of Mr.Badman D.The Holy War 5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____. A.science B.philosophy C.arts D.humanism 6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ? A.Lover. B.Time. C.Summer. D.Poetry. 7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’ embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Paradise Los t, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct. A.God’s B.Satan’s C.Adam’s D.Eve’s


浅谈浪漫主义时期的建筑与音乐【摘要】本文主要阐述了浪漫主义时期建筑和音乐的艺术特色,文化背 景,思想根源及其和相互影响 关键字:起源,发展,艺术,联系 一、浪漫主义的由来及其思想文化 浪漫主义(英语romantic)一词源出南欧一些古罗马省府的语言和文学。这些地区的不同方言原系拉丁语和当地方言混杂而成,后来发展成罗曼系语言(the Romance languages)。浪漫主义作为欧洲文学中的一种文艺思潮,产生于十八世纪末到十九世纪初的资产阶级革命和民族解放运动高涨的年代。它在政治上反对封建专制,在艺术上与古典主义相对立,属于资本主义上升时期的一种意识形态。 法国著名浪漫主义女作家乔治·桑曾对批判现实主义大师巴尔扎克说:“你既有能力而也愿意描绘人类如你所眼见的。好的!反之,我,总觉得必要按照我希望于人类的,按照我相信人类所应当有的来描绘它。”乔治·桑的这段话表明她在创作上所遵循的是与现实主义不同的创作方法,这就是浪漫主义。浪漫主义的基本特征是理想主义,就是按照作家认为生活应当有的样式来反映生活,因而总是理想地描写对象或者描写理想化的对象。 浪漫主义由于理想性质的不同,分为积极浪漫主义和消极浪漫主义两种。积极浪漫主义的理想,是与社会发展的趋向,与人民群众的愿望和要求相一致的,因而能够激励人们改造现实,增强人们的斗争意志。高尔基说:应用浪漫主义的方法,可以美化人性,克服兽性,提高人的自尊心。屈原的《离骚》,李白的诗歌,吴承恩的《西游记》,郭沫若的《女神》,就是我国这类浪漫主义的代表作。消极浪漫主义的理想,反映的是没落阶级对现实变革与社会进步的敌视。消极浪漫主义作家总是美化和怀恋已经消逝了的社会生活与制度,妄想历史能够按照他们的愿望倒退,因而思想悲观,情绪悲哀,作品内容表现为怀旧,逃避现实,或者陷入神秘主义。在艺术上则是格调低沉,色彩灰暗,往往蒙上一层迷离恍惚、虚无缥缈的纱幕。十九世纪英国的湖畔派诗人的作品就属于这一类。 浪漫主义作为欧洲文学中的一种文艺思潮,产生于十八世纪末到十九世纪初的资产阶级革命和民族解放运动高涨的年代。它在政治上反对封建专制,在艺术上与古典主义相对立,属于资本主义上升时期的一种意识形态。 浪漫主义思潮的兴盛衰落,是由各国历史条件的特点所决定的。作为一种成型的文艺思潮,它首先产生在德国。由于当时德国容克贵族势力猖獗,资产阶级软弱无力,因而消极浪漫主义得势,积极浪漫主义发展迟缓。只有海涅登上文坛之后,积极浪漫主义在德国才有所起色。 法国的浪漫主义思潮,犹如大海的波涛,气势磅礴,蔚为壮观,来势迅猛,激烈异常。它的产生与发展是与封建贵族的复辟和资产阶级的反复辟斗争分不开的。浪漫主义首先从古典主义设置的种种障碍中冲杀出来,历经短兵相接的搏斗,一举获胜。继而在漫浪主义内部角返相争,积极浪漫主义者组织了包括批判现实主义作家在内的广泛的统一战线,打败了消极浪漫主义。在十九世纪二十年代以前,消极浪漫主义称王称霸,二十年代末到三十年代初,由于资产阶级在政治上的胜利,积极浪漫主义骤然兴起.并取得了主导的地位。 在俄国,浪漫主义的发展是较迟的。它在十九世纪初期才形成为一种流派。其中积极浪漫主义与俄国十二月党人运动紧密联系在一起,在贵族革命中起过显著的进步作用。代表作家


一.中古英语时期 ?Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. ?The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. ?Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. ?Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance ?Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. ?It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. ?Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. ?This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth reigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England ? ?“Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. ?Thomas More ——Utopia ?Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 ? 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? ? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene ? C. Beowulf D. Hamlet ? 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. ? A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare ? C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer ? 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. ? A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer ? C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare ?“All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”——William Shakespeare ?William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have


2018年自学《英国文学选读》试题及答案 1. What are Shakespeare ’s achievements? a. Shakespeare represented the trend of history in giving voice to de desires and aspirations of the people. b. Shakespeare’s humanism: more important than his historical sense of his time, Shakespeare in his plays reflects the spirit of his age. c. Shakespeare’s characterization: Shakespeare was most successful in his characterization. In his plays he described a great number of characters. d. Shakespeare’s originality: Shakespeare drew most of his materials from sources that were known to his audienc e. But his plays are original because he instilled into the old materials a new spirit that gives new life to his plays. e. Shakespeare as a great poet: Shakespeare was not only a great dramatist, but also a great poet. Apart from his sonnets and long poems, his dramas are poetry. f. Shakespeare as master of the English language. 2. What are the basic characteristics of ballads? a. The beginning is often abrupt. b. There are strong dramatic elements. c. The story is often told through dialogue and action. d. The theme is often tragic, though there are a number of comic

英国文学史及选读 复习要点总结

《英国文学史及选读》第一册复习要点 1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题) 2. Romance (名词解释) 3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story 4. Ballad(名词解释) 5. Character of Robin Hood 6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet) 7. Heroic couplet (名词解释)8. Renaissance(名词解释)9.Thomas More——Utopia 10. Sonnet(名词解释)11. Blank verse(名词解释)12. Edmund Spenser “The Faerie Queene” 13. Francis Bacon “essays” esp. “Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读) 14. William Shakespeare四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的是Hamlet这是肯定的。他的sonnet也很重要,最重要属sonnet18。(其戏剧中著名对白和几首有名的十四行诗可能会出选读) 15. John Milton 三大史诗非常重要,特别是Paradise Lost和Samson Agonistes。对于Paradise Lost需要知道它是blank verse写成的,故事情节来自Old Testament,另外要知道此书theme和Satan的形象。 16. John Bunyan——The Pilgrim’s Progress 17. Founder of the Metaphysical school——John Donne; features of the school: philosophical poems, complex rhythms and strange images. 18. Enlightenment(名词解释) 19. Neoclassicism(名词解释) 20. Richard Steele——“The Tatler” 21. Joseph Addison——“The Spectator”这个比上面那个要重要,注意这个报纸和我们今天的报纸不一样,它虚构了一系列的人物,以这些人物的口气来写报纸上刊登的散文,这一部分要仔细读。 22. Steel’s and Addison’s styles and their contributions 23. Alexander Pope: “Essay on Criticism”, “Essay on Man”, “The Rape of Lock”, “The Dunciad”; his workmanship (features) and limitations 24. Jonathan Swift: “Gulliver’s Travels”此书非常重要,要知道具体内容,就是Gulliver游历过的四个地方的英文名称,和每个部分具体的讽刺对象; (我们主要讲了三个地方)“A Modest Proposal”比较重要,要注意作者用的irony 也就是反讽手法。 25. The rise and growth of the realistic novel is the most prominent achievement of 18th century English literature. 26. Daniel Defoe: “Robinson Crusoe”, “Moll Flanders”, 当然是Robinson Crusoe比较重要,剧情要清楚,Robinson Crusoe的形象和故事中蕴涵的早期黑奴的原形,以及殖民主义的萌芽。另外注意Defoe的style和feature,另外Defoe是forerunner of English realistic novel。 27. Samuel Richardson——“Pamela” (first epistolary novel), “Clarissa Harlowe”, “Sir Charles Grandison” 28. Henry Fielding: “Joseph Andrews”, “Jonathan Wild”, “Tom Jones”第一个和第三个比较重要,需要仔细看。他是一个比较重要的作家,另外Fielding也被称为father of the English novel. 29. Laurence Sterne——“Tristram Shandy”项狄传 30. Richard Sheridan——“The School for Scandal” 31. Oliver Goldsmith——“The Traveller”(poem), “The Deserted V illage” (poem) (both two poems were written by heroic couplet), “The Vicar of Wakefield” (novel), “The Good-Natured Man” (comedy), “She stoops to Conquer” (comedy),


英国浪漫主义诗人 威廉·布莱克(William Blake,1757---1827),英国第一位重要的浪漫主义诗人、版画家。主要诗作有诗集《天真之歌》、《经验之歌》等。早期作品简洁明快,中后期作品趋向玄妙晦涩,充满神秘色彩。 威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850)与柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)、骚塞(Robert Southey)同被称为“湖畔派”诗人(Lake Poets)。他们也是英国文学中最早出现的浪漫主义作家。他们喜爱大自然,描写宗法制农村生活,厌恶资本主义的城市文明和冷酷的金钱关系,他们远离城市,隐居在昆布兰湖区和格拉斯米尔湖区,由此得名“湖畔派”。华兹华斯的主要作品有《抒情歌谣集》《丁登寺旁》《序曲》《革命与独立》《不朽颂》《远足》。 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(1772年10月21日-1834年7月25日),英国诗人、文评家,英国浪漫主义文学的奠基人之一。以〈古舟子咏〉(亦可称作〈古舟子之歌〉)(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)一诗成为名家,其文评集《文学传记》(Biographia Literaria)以博大精深见称,书中对想像(imagination)与幻想(fancy)的区别尤其著名。一生作诗不缀,但中年时自称弃诗从哲,精研以康德、谢林为首的德国唯心论。 罗伯特·骚塞(1774—1843)是“湖畔派”三诗人中才气较差的一位。年青时代思想激进,饱读伏尔泰、卢梭的著作,在威斯敏斯特学校学习时曾因撰文反对校方体罚学生而被开除学籍。进牛津大学后,他更醉心法国大革命,写史诗《圣女贞德》歌颂革命,后来还与柯尔律治计划在美洲的森林里建立乌托邦社会。但中年后骚塞的政治态度却变得十分保守,还热衷于趋附权贵,成了统治者的御用文人,并因此获得“桂冠诗人”的称号。1821年他以桂冠诗人身份作颂诗《审判的幻景》颂扬去世不久的英王乔治三世,攻击拜伦、雪莱等进步诗人,称他们是“恶魔派”(撒旦派)。拜伦作同名讽刺长诗一首,对乔治三世和骚塞作了尽情的揶揄奚落。 乔治·戈登·拜伦(1788—1824),是英国19世纪初期伟大的浪漫主义诗人。其代表作品有《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》、《唐璜》等。在他的诗歌里塑造了一批“拜伦式英雄”。拜伦不仅是一位伟大的诗人,还是一个为理想战斗一生的勇士;他积极而勇敢地投身革命,参加了希腊民族解放运动,并成为领导人之一。拜伦是多产诗人。拜伦著名的诗还有《当初我们两分别》《给一位淑女》《雅典的女郎》《希腊战歌》《她走在美丽的光彩里》《我见过你哭》《我给你的项链》《写给奥古斯塔》《普罗米修斯》《锡雍的囚徒》《给托马斯·穆尔》


Instructions: This examination consists of 5 parts, and the total time for the examination is 2 hours. All the answers should be entered onto the Answer Sheet. Part I:Multiple Choices (10%) Choose the best answer to the following sentences. 1.Which of the following is NOT a feature of Beowulf? A. Alliteration B. Anglo-Saxons’ early life in England C. Germanic language D. The national epic of Anglo-Saxon people 2.English Renaissance Period was an age of. A. prose and novel B. poetry and drama C. essays and journals D. ballads and songs 3.The main literary form of the early 17th century was poetry. John Milton was acknowledged as the greatest. Besides him, there were two groups of poets. They were the Cavalier poets and. A. the lake poets B. the university wits C. the Metaphysical poets D. the Romantic poets 4. Pamela is widely considered to be the first novel and was written by ___________. A. Thomas Hardy B. James Joyce C. Samuel Richardson D. Henry Fielding 5.The publication of, which was the joint work of William Wordsworth and Samuel T. Coleridge, marked the beginning of the Romantic Age in England. A. Don Juan B. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner C. Lyrical Ballads D. Queen Mab 6.Among the most famous realistic novelists of the Victorian age are, W. M. Thackeray, Bronte sisters, etc. A. Joseph Conrad B. Henry Fielding C. Charles Dickens D. D. H. Lawrence 7.In James Joyce’s ____________ the story “Eveline” paints a portrait of a young woman from Dublin deciding whether or not to leave her hometown. A. Ulysses B. Orlando C. Dubliners D. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 8.In the 18th century England, satire was much used in writing. Literature of this age produced some excellent satirists, such as Jonathan Swift, Henry Fielding and.


英国文学选读样题答案 一、选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,总计15分) 1---5 ABCCC 6---10 ABBAB 11---15 BBAAC 二、填空(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,总计20分) 1.Heroic 2 comedies 3. couplet 4. metaphysical poetry 5. Eve 6. My Luve’s Like a Red, Red, Rose 7.Houyhnynms 8. Coleridge 9. Odes 10. Emily Bronte 三、诗歌分析(本大题共4个小题,每小题分值见各小题,共20分) 1.William Wordsworth; I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 2.Iambic tetrameter; ababcc ababcc 3. The waves beside them danced; but they _ / _ / _ / - / Out-did | the spark|ling waves | in glee: _ / _ / _ _ _ / A po|et could |not but |be gay, _ / _/ _ / _ _ In such | a jo|cund com|pany: _ / _ / _ / _ / I gazed--|and gazed-|-but lit|tle thought _ / _ / _ / _ / What wealth |the show |to me |had brought: 4. 水波在边上欢舞,但水仙 比闪亮的水波舞得更乐; 有这样快活的朋友做伴, 诗人的心儿被欢愉充塞; 我看了又看,却没领悟 这景象给了我什么财富。(黄杲炘) 四、小说分析(本大题共5个小题,每小题分值见每小题,共20分) 1.Jane Eyre; Sharlotte Bronte 2.He had a mad wife who set the building on fire and climbed to the roof of the building. He tried to save her. But the staircase broke and he fell down He was wounded and became blind. 3.When Jane knew that Mr. Rochester had a wife. She was surprised and fled from Thornfield. Mr. Rochester was very sad at it.


①Beowulf: The national heroic epic of the English people. It has over 3,000 lines. It describes the battles between the two monsters and Beowulf, who won the battle finally and dead for the fatal wound. The poem ends with the funeral of the hero. The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use if alliteration. Other features of it are the use of metaphors(暗喻) and of understatements(含蓄). ②Alliteration: In alliterative verse, certain accented(重音) words in a line begin with the same consonant sound(辅音). There are generally 4accents in a line, 3 of which show alliteration, as can be seen from the above quotation. ③Romance: The most prevailing(流行的) kind of literature in feudal England was the Romance. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse(诗篇), sometimes in prose(散文), describing the life and adventures of a noble hero, usually a knight, as riding forth to seek adventures, taking part in tournament(竞赛), or fighting for his lord in battle and the swearing of oaths. ④Epic: An epic is a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily concerning a serious subject containing details of heroic deeds and events significantly to a culture or nation. The first epics are known as primacy, or original epics. ⑤Ballad: The most important department of English folk literature is the ballad which is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas(诗节), with the second and fourth lines rhymed. The subjects of ballads are various in kind, as the struggle of young lovers against their feudal-minded families, the conflict between love and wealth, the cruelty of jealousy, the criticism of the civil war, and the matters and class struggle. The paramount(卓越的) important ballad is Robin Hood(《绿林好汉》). ⑥Geoffrey Chaucer杰弗里.乔叟: He was an English author, poet, philosopher and diplomat. He is the founder of English poetry. He obtained a good knowledge of Latin, French and Italian. His best remembered narrative is the Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》), which the Prologue(序言) supplies a miniature(缩影) of the English society of Chaucer’s time. That is why Chaucer has been called “the founder of English realism”. Chaucer affirms men and women’s right to pursue their happiness on earth and opposes(反对) the dogma of asceticism(禁欲主义) preached(鼓吹) by the church. As a forerunner of humanism, he praises man’s energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life. Chaucer’s contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic(抑扬格) meter(the “heroic couplet”) to English poetry, instead of the old Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse. ⑦【William Langland威廉.朗兰: Piers the Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》】


1.The national epic of the Anglo-Saxons is ____. A Robin Hood B Sir Gawain and the Green Knight C The Canterbury Tales D Beowulf 2. ____was the most outstanding single romance on the Arthurian legend written in alliterative verse. A The Canterbury Tales B Piers the Plowman C Sir Gawain and the Green Knight D Beowulf 3. ____was famous for The Canterbury Tales. A Geoffrey Chaucer B John Milton C William Shakespeare D Francis Bacon 4. Most of the ballads of the 15th century focused on the legend about ____ as a heroic figure. A Green Nights B Gawain C Robin Hood D Hamlet 5.In the 16th century, Thomas More’s work ____became immediately popular after its publication. A Paradise Lost B A Pleasant Satire of the Three Estates C Of Studies D Utopia 6. ____was Edmund Spencer’s masterpiece which has been regarded as one of the grea t poems in the English language. A Amoretti B The Shepherd’s Calendar C The Faerie Queene D Four Hymns 7. ____ is from Shakespeare’s sonnet No.18. A “Let me not to the marriage of true minds” B “To be or not to be: that is the question” C “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” D “No longer mourn for me when I am dead” 8. _____, the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London about 1340. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Sir Gawain C. Francis Bacon D. John Dryden 9.The four great tragedies written by Shakespeare are Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello and ___ _. A. Antony and Cleopatra B. Julius Caesar C Twelfth Night D King Lear 10. Which of the following does not belong to Shakespeare’s romantic love comedies? A Twelfth Night B The Tempest C As You Like It D The Merchant of Venice D C A C D C C A D B 1. All of the following are the most eminent dramatists in the Renaissance England except______.

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