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学号 2013134234









Xi Yang

Supervisor:Lv Shan

A thesis

submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the school year

to Department of Foreign Studies

Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University

June , 2015

Misunderstandings And Countermeasures Of English

Vocabulary Learning

Abstract:V ocabulary is the "bricks" of language "building",and it plays a very important role in English learning. Left the vocabulary, language is empty. Therefore, vocabulary is the foundation of language learning. One's vocabulary directly affects his listening,saying,reading,writing,translating and other language skills development. Visible, vocabulary has an important position in language teaching.






Thesis Statement:This paper gives a brief introduction of the misunderstandings and the countermeasures of English V ocabulary learning and analyses the results of

it,showing the effective ways to learn English words well.


English vocabulary in learning English is a very important part of English vocabulary is large, rich in content, and more difficult to remember. Nowadays people to learn English more and more, everyone has their different learning methods, some easily to learn, but for some people, English is like a rugged mountain, and it is more and more difficult.For those who are not master in the method of memorizing vocabulary is a challenge.

Today, as the English position in the world is getting more and more stable, we need English urgently in order to go into the world. Like any other language, English consists of speech sound, grammatical structure and vocabulary. To learn English well, the very essential is to enlarge his/her vocabulary. English linguist Wilskin (1972) said, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. ”It demonstrate that English vocabulary learning plays an important role in our life,however, so many people are still find id hard to learn the vocabulary well.Why is this?Generally speaking,the reason is very simple.Many people fail to master the correct way to learn English words,and what is more,many of them has a lot of misunderstandings in their learning.These misunderstandings will have the bad effect on their English study,so in this paper,it gives a brief introduction of the misunderstandings and countermeasures in English vocabulary learning.


English lexicology is based on modern linguistic theory as the instruction, vocabulary as the research object of the class in English.


A:Remember the words only remember one meaning, one part of speech and usage

B:Only remember the words meaning itself, were unable to identify the similar words C:can not utilize the words

Ⅴ: The influence of those errors in English learning

A:Can't remember the words

B: Lose patience

C: Be agitated, give up study


A:From less to more, repeat memory

B: According to the root, affix to memory

C:To sentence, forming stylistic awareness to help memory


The ultimate goal of vocabulary learning is to enable us to learn effectively.It is not enough to have mastered these strategies. Learning English vocabulary, we need to spend a lot of time and energy to accumulate it.


Tracy,the advocate of natural teaching,he said: vocabulary learning is very important to understanding language and speaking output. If we have enough vocabulary, even if our understanding of the grammar structure is almost zero, we also can understand and speak a lot of second language. Second language acquisition theory also thinks that a lot of recognition vocabulary is the basis of training language skills.For starters, the vocabulary is far more important than accuracy structure. Linguists Maurice Wilkins(1972) was brilliantly points out that language is composed of two parts:one part is comprehensive, it is the memory chunk. The other part is to analyze the rules of grammar. No grammar can't express us very well, and without vocabulary, nothing can be expressed. Study of listening teaching scholars all know the importance of English vocabulary knowledge in listening training. They think that the size of the vocabulary from one side to determine the degree of the listening comprehension.

It is no exaggeration to say, the vocabulary is the most important factors of restricting foreign language learning. In English teaching practice, there are quite a few teachers and students of vocabulary teaching understanding is one-sided, and so many students will only be mechanically recite English textbook after each English word in the vocabulary and the corresponding Chinese explanation. When they want to use these English words into writing and speaking, turned out to be mistakes. The reason is that students make the mistake of thinking that: vocabulary is the sum of the stillness of the individual words, as long as the master of a single English word is enough. Actually this kind of understanding is limited, not is a true master.

V ocabulary is, in fact, there is life, activities, are not isolated.

Misunderstanding A:

In the beginning,I find that the first problem is only knowing one meaning of the word.When we began to learn English, we usually remember a meaning of a word and a usage,but the examinations and other level tests as the higher degree of English exam,they requires the full understanding of the meaning of the word, that is what we

called “polysemy” and one word is multi-purpose. Because some students doesn't have the understanding on this change in thinking, remembering words still stays in one meaning. If you were take an examination of further use the word,and you only knew the word “regard” has the meaning of “put ...as...” but did not know it also has the meaning of “respect”,you will find it is difficult to solve the easy question.For example,the word “company”,you must know it means the “firm”,but do you know the other meaning of it?It also means “friend”.And you must be familiar wit h the word “further”,but do you know that "further" except for adjectives and adverbs can also be used as a verb ,means “promote ", “improve”.That is why we thought we have already knew one word but can not choose the right answer.

Misunderstanding B:

The second problem is that we always knows a word roughly,but do not know the specific about it. Because most English exam questions using multiple choice form, the students in the learning process is easy to form this problem. Such as “raise”, “rise”, “arise” three words,we should understand the differences between these words before the exam,but some students didn’t,so they meet them are still ambiguous, and feel confused about them.Students lose points is not because the less vocabulary memory, but they can not stored enough detailed and accurate.

Misunderstanding C:

The third problem is that we only recognize words,but do not know how to differentiate and analyze words. That is the most basic request of vocabulary. Just know the meaning of a word is not enough, we must also know the word and the other word, especially the difference of synonyms and near synonyms. For example,we can see the sentence: “With our own car, we don 't have to cost a lot of time waiting for a bus.” The word "cost" should be replaced With "spend", what went wrong is obviously ,the author did not make clear the difference between the two words.Although all of them have the meaning of "cost",”cost” commonly used “something” as the subject, and “spend” often used” somebody” as the subject. In this sentence,the subject

is”somebody”,so we need to use “spend” as the verb. Another classic example: “carry” and “shoulder” both can mean "bear", and used with nouns” responsibility”,but because of the “shoulder” is one part of the human body, so it should be used when people send out the verb "to"

action, if the words in the subject is a “position”, choose the “shoulder” is not appropriate, then we should choose “carry” as the right answer.

English learning is a long way,and it has many difficulties,if we do not have the effective measures,we will often waste our effort. Many students want to find a way to get rid of this predicament. I think,students English learners should have some basic strategies: set up the confidence, the difference of thinking, cultural concepts, compared against, the relationship between the style consciousness and word group.I hope through the interpretation of below can give some inspiration to the students when they are in trouble in learning English.

Countermeasure A:

We must repeat the memory and remember the words from one to more,step by step.Learning English words like learning Chinese characters,we should learn the words one by one, then a phrase, a sentence, the last to speak slowly.English as a second language, it certainly won't be as easy as mother tongue. So we should be patient more,and learning a few new words every day, then read them repeated for strengthen memory.This will help us to remember the words. We should better write them in a notebook, it won't be too tired but conveniently to carry and look.It is a effective way for us to strengthen our memory. In the process of learning English, we always pay attention to the learning memory effect at that moment, but we do not know if we want to store a good learning memory, just pay attention to the moment of the memory effect, and ignore the persistence is useless.

Countermeasure B:

Less V ocabulary is also become a problem to English learners.Actually,there is a way to help us widen our vocabulary.Learn some commonly prefix, suffix and various kinds of t he structure of the compound methods.The effect we enlarge the vocabulary, enhance vocabulary recognition is very large.We can see some examples as follows:”anti-” is a prefix means”against”,and the word “antiwar”means against the war.The word “antipathy” consisted of “anti” and “pathy”,and “pathy”means emotion,so add these two word,the meaning of “antipathy” is disgust.The word “divide” means separate,it also used as a prefix.The word”divorce”,”di” and “vorce” me ans break a marriage.There are so many words like this.Now I will give you some lists.

○1”popul” means “people”,and then these words like “population”,”populous”,and ”populate” all have

the similar meaning with it.


a.abnormal 反常的(ab+normal正常的)

b.abuse 滥用(ab+use用→用坏→滥用)

c.absorb 吸收(ab+sorb吸收→吸收掉)

d.absent 缺席的(ab+sent出现→没有出现→缺席的)

e.abduct 诱拐(ab+duct引导→引走→诱拐)

f.abject 可怜的(ab+ject抛→抛掉→可怜的)

g.abstract 抽象的;心不在焉的(abs+tract拉→被拉开→心不在焉)

h.abstain 戒绝(abs+tain拿住→不再拿住→戒绝)

i.abscond 潜逃(abs+cond藏→藏起来→潜逃)

j.abscind 废除(abs+cind剪切→切掉→废除)

k.abscise 切除(abs+cise剪→剪掉→切除)

l.abstinence 节制;禁欲(abs+tin拿住+ense→不在拿住→戒除,禁欲)○3ad-加在在单词或词根前,表示"做…,加强…"











Countermeasure C:

In terms of English vocabulary learning, many experts agree "Word and carrots, group and carrots, sentences and carrots." This sentence ensure the role of context in memorizing words is very important. Otherwise, the memory is only the shallow but not enough to deepen our memory. No context even we had memorize a lot of words we still can not use them.Therefore,we should begin from the following two aspects to stop internalized learning vocabulary.

The main argument of meaning is a words in context. People can be observed from the meaning of the context, we also can attribute significance to the context. Then we should know the context can be divided into two types: linguistic context and situational context. (2004 Wang Wenbin.) Creating context should based on these two points. Due to the influence of Chinese traditional education, historical culture, the Chinese developed a certain mind-set,they like speaking the truth and persuading people with some concept which has less intensive cultivation. In the study, we should create some context for the new words.When we learn new words,we should learn to make a sentence with this word, these all have great help for us to remember the new words.For example,if I learn a new word “pretend”,I will use it in some sentence like”He pretended it was a casual meeting”,in this sentence,the word means “the enactment of a pretense”,but in this sentence “He pretended to the throne”,the word means”covet”.Look at this sentence,”Do not pretend to be an expert.”This word means “camouflage”.From this example,i believe that you can learn a good method.


“Without grammar very little can be conveyed,without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.(Wilkins,1972:111)”This statement shows clearly the importance of vocabulary in a language.People can not speak,understand,read or write in a foreign language without knowing a large number of words of that language.However,despite the importance of vocabulary in learning a language,much less work has been done about second language lea rners’ lexicon compared to work in grammar,phonology and discourse studies.

Works Cited


[1] 白人立,马秋武.英语词汇学习指导与实践[M .上海:复旦大学出版社,2001.

[2] 汪家杨,李俊峰,王春生[M].大学英语词汇讲座与练习.北京:航空工业出版社,1991


英语词汇学教程期末总结 1、 what is lexicology? Lexicology is the study of the vocabulary or lexicon of a given language. It deals not only with simple words, but also with complex and compound words. 2、 morphology is the study of the forms of words and their components. In morphology, morpheme is a basic concept. Morphemes are considered as the smallest meaningful units which may constitute words or parts of words. Semantics is often defined as the study of meaning. Semantics is usually approached from one of two perspectives: philosophical or linguistic. Etymology is the study of the whole history of words. First…second…third P2 3、 lexicography is closely related to the words in a given language. It involves the writing and compilation of dictionaries, especially dealing with the principles that underlie the process of compiling and editing dictionaries. 4、 Major features of words: 背


《英语词汇学教程》(2004 年版)练习答案 Chapter 1 7. Choose the standard meaning from the list on the right to match each of the slang words on the left. a. tart: loose woman b. bloke: fellow c. gat: pistol d. swell: great e. chicken: coward f. blue: fight g. smoky: police h. full: drunk i. dame: woman j. beaver: girl 8. Give the modern equivalents for the following archaic words. haply = perhaps albeit = although methinks = it seems to me eke = also sooth = truth morn = morning troth = pledge ere = before quoth = said hallowed = holy billow = wave / the sea bade = bid 12. Categorize the following borrowed words into denizens, aliens, translation loans, and semantic loans. Denizens: kettle, die, wall, skirt, husband Aliens: confrere, pro patria, Wunderkind, mikado, parvenu Translation loans: chopstick, typhoon, black humour, long time no see Semantic loans: dream Chapter 2 1. Why should students of English lexicology study the Indo-European Language Family? The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. Knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately. 2. Make a tree diagram to show the family relations of the modern languages given below.

2012 英语词汇学论文 英文版

成绩 Root and Affixation of Lexicology Abstract: It’s important and permanent to master the vocabulary in the English learning. Everyone who has ever set foot on English realizes that it’s somewhat incredible for us to reciting numerous and difficult words. Nevertheless, there are some skills we should acquire to make word-recitation easier and more effective. This paper mainly discusses the using of vocabulary root and affix. Only by having a good knowledge of the roots and affixes, can we prosper our English vocabulary and further our English study. Key words: root; affixation; detailed analysis; difficult words 1Introduction: Blindly reciting numerous and difficult words is a total waste of time and energy. Especially, situation becomes worse for the college students with little words storage and non-interest. However, most of the English words are comprised with roots and affixes, which are limited, stable and short. If we acquire them, it will be much simpler and rapider for us to recognize the unfamiliar and difficult words through the analysis on roots and affixes. If we can master and know how to use them properly, it will be a big step for the further study of this foreign language. A road of a thousand miles begins with each single step, so does the English words. Now we are going to learn the root and affixation respectively. Definition is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity and it carries the main component of meaning in a word. By learning the roots, we will find it not complicated for us to understand the long and difficult words which we often encounter in the tough reading test. However long and tough the word is, we can divide it into several parts, the fundamental part is the root and then we can understand what it means and fluently blurt it out without repeating it. Here are some detail analyses of the examples: Internationalist: nation is the root which means country or state, inter- is prefix meaning between or interactive, -al is the suffix and the –ist is the suffix meaning the person. So you will quite simply find its meaning. Invigorate: the root is vigor similar to power and energy, in- means making sth have the function of verb, here is make sth vigor, -ate is the verb suffix. So invigorate is to make sth vigorous. Antecedent: -ced- is the root referring to motion or going forward, ante- is before, and –ent means somebody. So antecedent is somebody who moves ahead of us, the same as forefather or ancestor. Protract: -tract is the root like pulling sth or extending sth make it wider or longer, pro- is the prefix meaning “ahead”. After analyzing this word, we know that “protract” is similar to prolong meaning make sth longer or longer to live. A lot of words contain this root, such as detract, extract, subtract, attract, tractable, intractable, etc. Arbitrariness: arbitrary is the root indicating to randomness or out of order, -ness is the noun suffix. The profound meaning of learning roots is that you will find it much easy to memorize words because there are so many word share the same root. No matter how long and hoe difficult the word is, the basic meaning of the word is stable and unchangeable. If we recite words according the


现代英语词汇学概论最强版复习资料c h a p t e r 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

Chapter 9 Changes in Word Meaning 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning 9.2 Four Tendencies in Semantic Change 9.3 Semantic Development or Change Resulting from the Figurative Use of Words Definition: Change of meaning refers to the alteration of the meaning of existing words, as well as the addition of new meaning to established words. 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning A.Historical cause 历史原因 It often happens that though a word retains its original form ,its meaning has changed because the object which it denotes has changed . *Changes of meaning because of increased knowledge of the object described are common in the history of science. Eg. pencil ==is from a Latin word meaning “a little tail” or “a fine brush”, like our Chinese “pen”毛笔.Later, when it was made of wood and graphite ,it was still called a “pencil”. atom ==It was borrowed though Latin and French from Greek arouos,invisible. Thus atom meant originally “an particle too small to be divided”. This meaning is now out-of-date, because scientist have found out that atom can be split.


英语词汇学 第一部分选择题 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers .Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket(30%) 1. Degradation can be illustrated by the following example[ ] A. lewd → ignorant B. silly → foolish C. last → pleasure D. knave → boy 2. Homophones are often employed to create puns for desired effects of: [ ] A. humour B. sarcasm C. ridicule D. all the above 3. The four major modes of semantic change are _____. [ ] A. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradation B. extension, generalization, elevation and degradation C. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradation D. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation 4. The use of one name for that of another associated with it is rhetorically called _____. [ ] A. synecdoche B. metonymy C. substitution D. metaphor 5. Idioms adjectival in nature function as _____. [ ] A. adjectives B. attributes C. modifiers D. words 6. Grammatical context refers to _____ in which a word is used. [ ] A. vocabulary B. grammar C. semantic pattern D. syntactic structure 7. In the idiom 'in good feather', we change 'good' into 'high, full' without changing meaning. This change of constituent is known as _____ . [ ] A. addition B. replacement C. position-shifting D. variation 8. The word "laconic" is _____. [ ] A. onomatopoeically motivated B. morphologically motivated C. semantically motivated D. etymologically motivated 9. CCELD is distinctive for its _____. [ ] A. clear grammar codes B. language notes


张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析 第一部分Chapter Ⅰ 英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary) Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。然而这个定义不够全面,存在着缺陷。首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。另外,Bloomfield的定义侧重在于语法(syntax)却没有涉及到词的意义。随着词汇学的发展跟完善。人们给词下了较为完整的定义。“词,今指语言组织中的基础单位,能独立运用,具有声音、意义和语法功能。”(《辞海》1984(上)375页,上海辞书出版社) 一种语言中所有的单词汇集起来便构成了该语言的词库。纵观英语的发展历史,我们可以知道,大多数的英语词汇都是外来词,它从拉丁语,法语和希腊语等语言中汲取词汇,不断的扩充自己,为己所用。特别是第二次世界大战之后,英语词汇得到了空前的发展。现代英语词汇快速发展的原因主要有四方面。一是科学技术的快速发展,二是社会经济的全球化,三是英语国家的政治和文化变化,最后是其他文化和语言对英语的强烈影响。 英语词汇是由各种不同类型的单词组成,而这些单词有着不同的分类标准。根据词的起源可以分为本族语和外来语;根据使用水平可以分为普通词汇,文学词汇。口头词汇,俚语以及科学术语。基础语库的基本特征是具有民族特征,稳定性,构词的能力和搭配能力。 第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ 英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation ) (一) 词素(Morphemes) 单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。词素即英语语言中有意义的最小单位,同时具有声音和意义。单词可以有一个或一个以上的词素组成。如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。词素跟音素(phoneme)不同,词素必须同时具备声音和意义两方面,而音素只需要发出声音即可。如k 和u 只是音素,因为它们没有什么具体含义。而a 和i 分别存在于单词tame 和time 中是音素,但当a是定冠词和i表示第一人称时它们则是词素。词素并不等同于音节(syllable ),因为音节并没有什么具体含义。如单词dis·a·gree·a·ble有五个音节却只有三个语素(dis + agree + able )。词素有不同的形式,同一语素的不同形式即语素变体。 词素可以分为自由词素(free morphemes)和黏着词素(bound morphemes)。自由词素可以单独成为单词,而黏着词素则必须要依附于其他的词素,如-ly , -ness。 词素又可以分为词根和词缀。词根是单词中表示含义的成分,可以是自由或者黏着词素。词缀只能是黏着词素,它又可以分为屈折词缀(inflectional affixes)和派生词缀(derivational affixes )。屈折词缀跟语法有关,派生词缀又可以分为前缀跟后缀,这都是构成新单词的重要元素。从词素的层面来说,词可以分类为简单词,复杂词以及合成词。词素在词的构成中取到非常重要的作用,因为构词的二大过程----合成和附加都涉及到了词素,前者是词素的联合,后者是黏着词素附加到自由词素上。 (二) 词的构成(word-formation) 1/5页 有很多种途径可以构成词汇,大的方面主要有合成法(compounding),派生法(derivation)和转换法(conversion)三种,小的方面主要有八个过程,分别是首字母法(acronym),混合法(blending),截短法(clipping),专有名词(word from proper names),逆构法(back-formation),复制法(reduplication),新古典法(neo-classical famation)以及混杂法(miscellaneous)。


试题三 第一部分选择题 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%) 1.According to the degree of similarity, homonyms can be classified into ( ) A. perfect homonyms B. homonyms C. homophones D. all the above 2.Transfer as a mode of semantic change can be illustrated by the example ( ) A. ad for “advertisement” B. dish for “food" C. fond for “affectionate” D. an editorial for “an editorial article" 3.It is a general belief that the meaning does not exist in the word itself, but it rather spreads over ( ) A. the reader’s interpretation B. the neighbouring words C. the writer's intention D. the etymology of the word 4.Which of the following is a prefix of time and order? A. extra- B. pro- C. re- D. semi- 5.Which of the following dictionaries is not a specialized dictionary? A. The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology B. Chamber's Encyclopedic English Dictionary C. Longmont Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs D. Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms 6.Which of the following statements is Not true? A. Reference is the relationship between language and the world. B. The relationship between a word and its referent is arbitrary. C. Concept is universal to all men alike. D. Sense denotes the relationships outside the language. 7.The words which occur before or after a word and may affect its meaning form ( ) A. physical context B. grammatical context C. lexical context D. linguistic context 8."Smith is an architect. He designed World Trade Center. "The clue provided in the context is ( ) A. definition B. explanation C. example D. hyponym 9.The term "vocabulary" is used in different ways because of all the following reasons EXCEPT that ( ) A. it can refer to the common core of a language B. it can refer to the total number of the words in a language C. it can represent all the words used in a certain historical period D. it can stand for words in given dialect or field 10.The idiom "a dark horse" is a ( ) A. simile B. metaphor


英语词汇学期末论文 题目:浅析英语词汇巧记法 专业:英语 班级:13级3班 学号:201313010309 姓名:黄旷静 完成时间:2015年1月14号

浅析英语词汇巧记法 摘要:词汇是英语学习的基础,没有足够的词汇量就不可能高水平的掌握英语这门外语,而浩瀚的词汇海洋让很多人望而生畏。尽管花费了大量时间精力去背,记忆的效果却差强人意,原因就在于没有使用科学的方法记忆词汇。其实,世间万物都是有规律性的,英语单词的组词与构词方法也有规律,了解了它的规律有利于我们有效甚至高效学习英语单词。为了提高单词记忆的效率,本文从不同方面介绍几种记忆方法。 关键词:词汇科学记忆规律效率 一.读音记忆法 1.拼读法 英语是拼音文字,英语中的单词的读音大多是有规律的,熟悉字母及字母组合的发音规则,掌握正确的拼法与读音之间的关系,可以根据单词的读音,降低记忆难度,正确地拼写单词。 例如ay读[ei]。带有ay字母组合的词,如say,day,way,pay,may,play,spray,不仅发音容易,而且拼写也没有任何困难。Sh ch tion ture 等也都有固定读音,ee发音为i: culture 文化pasture牧场mature 成熟的architecture 建筑学带有true的单词也都能很方便的记忆下来

2.谐音法 尽管有些人认为用这种谐音记忆法记忆单词不科学,不利于正确掌握发音,但实践证明,对尚未掌握外语的构词特点和记词规律的初学者来说,采用谐音法记单词确实能有效地记住一部分难记的单词。但是,在用谐音法记单词时需要特别注意,绝不可将其作为模仿发音的依据,只能作为记忆单词时的谐音联想手段,以加强记忆,而必须按照单词的标准发音去读记,以避免这种记词法干扰正确发音。用谐音法记单词是,根据外语单词的读音到中文中寻找与其读音相似的谐音,寻找到谐音与单词的联系。用这种方法甚至可能达到终身不忘,这也正是谐音记忆法的绝妙之处。 例如:mouth嘴[联想:说话“冒失”的就是嘴] think想[联想:想时要“深刻”] 二.联想法 1.拆分联想 科学研究表明:联想是记忆的基础。世界著名的生理学家巴甫洛夫指出:"记忆要依靠联想,而联想则是新旧知识建立联系的产物。”联想法是联想记忆的进一步运用和发展。它是指学习者展开积极丰富的想象力,使所要记忆的知识生动、形象化,通过联想在新旧知识(如英语熟词词义与生词词义)之间建立起一种联系,从而达到以旧带新、快速记忆的目的。


《英语词汇学教程》(2004年版)练习答案 【Chapter 1】 7.tart: loose woman bloke: fellow gat: pistol swell: great chicken: coward blue: fight smoky: police full: drunk dame: woman beaver: girl 8. haply = perhaps albeit = although methinks = it seems to me eke = also sooth = truth morn = morning troth = pledge ere = before quoth = said hallowed = holy billow = wave/ the sea bade = bid 【Chapter 2】 Ex.1 The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately. 2. Indo-European Language Family Balto-Slavic Indo-Iranian Celtic Italian Hellenic Germanic




英语词汇学论文(中文版) 单词记忆法细谈 一,读音规则记忆法 它就是按照元音字母、元音字母组合、辅音字母及辅音字母组合在开音节和闭音节的读音规律记忆。例如:ea,ee,er,ir,ur,or分别能发[i:][:][:]等。还有些固定的字母组合,例如:ing发[i],ly发[li],ty发[ti]和各种前缀、后缀,例如:a-,re-,un-,dis-,im-;-ed,-ing,-ly,-er,-or,-ful,-y等都有其比较固定的发音。掌握了这些规则,记单 词时就不必一个字母一个字母地记忆了。 二.字母变化记忆法 英语单词中以某个单词为基础,加、减、换、调一个字母就成了另一个新单词。具体方法 如下: 1.前面加字母。例如:is/his,ear/near/hear,read/bread 2.后面加字母。例如:hear/heart,you/your,plane/planet 3.中间加字母。例如:though/through,tree/three,for/four 4.减字母。例如:she/he,close/lose,star/tstar 5.换字母。例如:book/look/cook,cake/lake/wake/make/take 6.调字母(即改变字母顺序)。例如:blow/bowl,sing/sign, from/form 三.联想记忆法

在日常生活中可以根据所处的环境,所见到、所摸到的事物,联想相关的英语单词。例如: 打球时联想到:ball,(play)basketball,(play)football,(play)volleyball,playground等等;吃饭时联想到:dining-room,(have)breakfast,(have)lunch,(have)supper等等;睡觉 时联想到:bed,bedroom,gotobed,sleep,gotosleep,fallasleep等等。如果长期坚持下支,效果就会很好。 四.归类记忆法 众所周知,单词本身、单词与单词之间都存在着或多或少的联系,英语词汇中 有许多单词有着其近义词、反义词、一词多义、一词多音、同音词或形音形似词等内 在或外在的联系。因此,记忆单词的主要方法是把单词之间存在的这种联系挖掘归纳 出来,通过对比、对照的方式把学过的单词从各个方面进行归类 1.按词的构造归类 按词跟、前缀、后缀、合成词归类,找出词与词最本质 的联系。这种联系不仅使新词记得快、记得牢、记得久,而 且也同时复习了大量的旧词。合成词,如: schoolbag,school-boy,classroom,football,blackboard,etc. 前缀后缀词,如:unhappy,unhealthy,unfriendly,unlucky,worker,writer,visitor,us


英语词汇学论文构词法 新精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

Abstract 词汇是我们在英语学习过程中最大的障碍。然而,英语构词法能够帮助我们很好的辨别并正确理解英语,同时也可以在短时间内增加我们的词汇量,英语构词法是学习英语的有效途径和强有力的“武器”,在所有的英语构词法中,词缀法能够生成的新单词是最多的也是最广泛,它被认为英语学习的最佳途径之一。除了词缀发以外,复合法、转类法、混成法、截短法、首字母拼音法、逆向构词法也都是英语学习的有效途径 Vocabulary is one of the main obstacles of English study. However English word formation can help us recognize English words, understand them correctly, and enlarge our vocabulary quickly. It is an efficient way and powerful weapon for English study. Among them,affixation is the strongest one to form a great range of vocabulary, and it is claimed to be one of the best ways of learning English. Besides, compounding, conversion, blending, clipping, acronyms, back-formation are also efficient ways of learning English. In the paper the ways and characteristics of word formation is analyzed form these aspects: affixation, compounding, conversion, blending. Key words: English, lexicology, word formation, affixation (关键字:英语、词汇学,构词法,词缀法) Introduction The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word formation. There is a variety of means being at work now. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion. Talking about word formation patterns means dealing with rules. But not all words which are produced by applying the rule are acceptable. The acceptability is gained only when the word have gained an institutional currency in the language. Therefore rules only provide a constant set of models from which new word are created from day to day. Rules themselves are not fixed but undergo changes to a certain extent. For instance, affixes and compounding processes may become productive at one time or lose their productivity. By word formation processes, we concentrate on productive or on productive rules. While applying the rules, we should keep in mind that there are always exceptions. In my opinion, the most important principle for all these rules of word formation is economy. Chapter 1 the function of English word formation Word formation is an effective way to enlarge our English vocabulary. Nowadays, more and more people have taken notice of learning English. The number of the people who begin to learn English has increased at a high speed. How can we improve our English effectively is undoubtedly

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