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高中人教版必修一unit1friendship 听力课堂

高中人教版必修一unit1friendship 听力课堂
高中人教版必修一unit1friendship 听力课堂




I.Analysis of teaching material 0

II. Analysis of learners 0

III.Teaching aims and objectives (1)

IV.Important and difficult point of teaching (1)

V.Teaching aids (1)

VI.Teaching method (1)

VII.Teaching process (2)

VIII. 教学评价与反思 (3)

I.Analysis of teaching material

Friendship is the second unit in Book 1 of senior high school, the People’s Education Press.

It is a multi-purpose text which aims at developing students’ integrated skills. This unit’s grammar focus is modal verbs. Students of senior high school have learned some basic knowledge of model verbs. By learning this class, students will have a systemic understanding of model verbs. This unit is close to our real life and its materials are quite interesting, making students enjoy their learning.

II.Analysis of learners

The advantages of Ss’’:

1. They are pretty active about what they are interested in.

2. They are willing to share and demonstrate themselves in public.

The shortage of Ss:

1. Owing to the limited amounts of vocabularies, they always have difficulties in expressing thoughts and opinions in appropriate way.

2. Sometimes they devoted themselves to the hot topic which they were enthusiastic about so that they didn’t draw their attention on the knowledge we should learn but just focused on the topic.

III.Teaching aims and objectives

A. Knowledge

1. Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.

B. Ability

1. Train the students’ listening and speaking ability.

C. Feelings and Attitudes

1. Stimulate students’ sense of having a good friend.

2. Encourage students to learn more about current affairs and learn to deliver their ideas about things.

3. Strengthen students’ sense of group cooperation.

IV.Important and difficultpoint of teaching

Helping students to listen to the words what they have learnt.

Helping students to write down the main information what they have listened to.

V.Teaching aids

A computer, text books, note books, exercise paper, blackboard.

VI.Teaching method

TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching)

introductory mode of teaching (引导式教学) and project problem


VII.Teaching process


1.Ask students some questions to arouse students’interests and

make students easier to understand the listening passage.

Question as:

a.What do you think of the friendship between the opposite

sex in senior high school?

b.If you are Miss Wang, what’s your advice for Lisa?

2.Prepare some difficult words in thelistening passage and make

students easier to write down the words.

Have some trouble with sth, get along with sb, fall in love with sb,

gossip, grown-up.


1.Ask students read the letter and understand the letter.

2.Ask students to guess what’s the advice that Miss Wang would

give for Lisa.


1.Ask students to listen to the tape and fill in the blank.

2.Listen to the tape again and use the exercise above to help

students answer the questions.

3.Listen to the tape again and help students to understand the

passage and listen to the certain part in the passage where students

have difficulty in listening.

4.Ask students to retell the passage and do the presentation to class.

D.Group discussion

Students talks about the topic and the advice in the passage in group and share their ideas to the whole class.




这是我在上完课之后写的teaching plan。收获很多。

首先,我之前的ppt 讲得是两个听力,讲完之后发现课容量太大,对学生的听力要求太高,难以达到预期的效果,所以这次的teaching plan 讲了一个听力,只需要把这一个听力讲精。我上次用了25分钟讲两个听力,所以时间比较紧。



之前讲的在warming up部分没有词汇部分,所以这对学生的听力效果有影响,吸取陈老师和各位同学的意见加了一些词汇的instruction。




1.英国历史学家梅因说:“无论是为了罗马的利益或是为了罗马的安全,都不允许把外国人完全剥夺法律的保护……况且,在罗马史中从来未有一个时期忽略过对外贸易”。他在这里论述的是() A.《十二铜表法》制定的意义 B.罗马共和国向罗马帝国转变的原因 C.罗马万民法出现的原因 D.罗马“人生而平等”的自然法思想 2.《十二铜表法》第七表第一款规定:“建筑物的周围应留二尺半宽的查地,以便通行。”第二款规定:“凡在自己的土地和邻地之间筑篱笆的,不得越过自己土地的界限;筑围墙的应留空地一尺;挖沟的应留和沟深相同的空地;掘井的应留空地六尺;栽种橄榄树和无花果树的,应留空地九尺;其他树木留五尺。”这些条款体现的理念是() A.私有财产不可侵犯 B.注重维护公共利益 C.公共权力至高无上 D.法律面前人人平等 3.所谓“要式买卖”……是罗马法移转所有权最古老的方式。采用“要式买卖”时,当事人(主要是罗马市民)必须亲自到场,并由已达婚龄的市民五人出场作证,另由一已达婚龄的市民为司秤人。买卖时,由司秤人持秤,买受人一手持标的物或其象征物,一手持铜块说:“依照罗马法律,此物应归我所有,我是以此铜块和秤买来的。”说毕,以铜块击秤,随即交给出卖人,买卖就告成立,买受人立即取得所有权。材料表明,罗马法的特征是() A.保护私有财产 B.注重形式规则 C.最早的成文法 D.保护贵族利益 4.罗马法经历了一个复杂的发展过程,它从习惯法到成文法的转变从根本上说是适应了() A.维系帝国的需要 B.巩固贵族统治的需要 C.外来移民的需要 D.维护平民利益的需要 5.罗马帝国时期是古代西方文明的成熟时期,而同时期的中华文明也取得了重大发展,这里的“成熟”和“重大发展”分别指的是() A.罗马法律建设形成完备体系,中央集权制度的巩固 B.罗马法律建设形成完备体系,世袭制度被彻底废除 C.罗马开始颁行成文法,中央集权制度的巩固 D.罗马开始颁行《十二铜表法》,世袭制度被彻底废除 6.2010年央视大型纪录片《公司的力量》认为:“用法律保护个人权利,明确所有权归属,这些正是自由交易和市场形成的前提,也许正基于此,很多学者才把发明公司的荣耀归于罗马人。……但真正公司时代的到来,还要在人被进一步解放之后。”对此理解最确切的是()A.罗马法维护私有财产神圣不可侵犯B.罗马法影响公司组织的诞生


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学习讲义英语必修4听力训练二 Text 1 M:When does BBC news start? W:It starts at 6:30. M:Does it go for an hour? W:No. It lasts for only half an hour. Text 2 M:Mary,I don’t know what to buy for Kate’s birthday. How about a music CD or some flowers? W:Well,I’ ve alre ady bought her a music CD,so why not get her a bottle of wine? M:Yes,that’ s a good idea. Text 3 W:Good morning. May I help you,sir? M:Yes. Could I change these pounds for dollars,please? W:Do you want small bills or large ones? M:It doesn’t ma tter. Text 4 W:There was a storm warning on the radio this morning. M:Oh! I guess we’ ll have to change our sailing plan then. Would you rather go cycling? W:Good. I thought you wanted to go to see a film. Text 5 M:Does this bus go to the City Hall? W:Yes. But please wait for the next one. This bus is overcrowded. M:But I have already waited for about 20 minutes! I can’t wait any longer. Text 6 W:Hi,Eric. How are you? M:Hi,dear aunt. I’m well. And you? W:Fred and I are doing well. Are you enjoying your holidays in China? M:Yeah. I meet my friends,visit my relatives,watch TV,play computer games,or go to the movies. It’ s really enjoyable! How have you been? W:Well! I went back to my regular job at the elementary school last week,teaching the kids Mandarin,and Fred is also back at school. I’ ve also started my regular classes at the University of Washington. M:You must be very busy. W:Yes,it’ s been really busy. Anyway,we’ ll manage. M:Take good care of yourself and remember me to Fred. W:I will. And you too. Text 7 M:What do you want to have for supper tonight? W:Well,the refrigerator is empty,so we’ ll have to go to the supermarket. M:Well,how about going out to eat to save the trouble? But…let’ s not go to the French res taurant on Broadway. Maybe it’s the best in town but it’ s too expensive. W:There’ s a new Mexican place called Tortilla Flat. I don’t know about the prices,though. M:But we both love hot food. Why not take a chance? Where is the place?


外研版必修一第一模块听力测试 第一节听下面五段对话,每段对话只读一遍 1 How long does the woman have to work every day at the hospital? A 4 hours B 7 hours C 8 hours 2 What is the weather like now? A cold B cloudy C rainy 3 What will the woman do on Friday? A go on a tour with the man B take an exam C study at home 4 What will the speakers do after parking the car? A go to a park B eat something C go to a movie 5 What present will the girl give her teacher for Christmas? A a book B some flowers C some CDs 第二节听下面五段对话或独白,每段对话读两遍 6 What is the woman probably? A a student B a teacher C a headmaster 7 What are the students like? A active B shy C hardworking 8 Why does the woman have to go? A because of the headmaster B because of her classmates C because of her parents 9What happened to the man on the trip? A He had a car accident B He got lost on the way C The food made him sick 10 How did the man get back to the hotel? A He asked a friend to drive him back B He returned by taxi C He rent a car 11 What does the woman think of the man’s trip? A OK B Terrible C Unforgettable 12 What is the girl’s problem? A she forgot to bring her pictures B she has no idea about what to write C she missed visiting some places 13 What does the boy suggest the girl do? A take a voyage B fetch her pictures C write about her trip 14 Why does the boy have to leave? A to pack his bags for a trip B to write his own composition C to do something to relax himself 15 What does the girl want most as a Christmas gift? A some cookies B a Barbie radio C some dolls


第四单元 一、单选题 1.(2018·广东汕头一模·28)1846年,耆英等人在奏折中称:“各国运往内地通商货物每岁只有此数,赴广州者十之六七,赴上海者十之三四……彼有所丰则此有所歉,实为事理之必然。”这反映出当时() A.通商口岸数量已不能满足需要 B.统治阶层对世界大势缺乏认知 C.不平等条约并未得到全面落实 D.自给自足的小农经济逐步解体2.(2018·广东湛江高一第一学期期末考试题·12)1856年常住上海的外国人总数为200多人,但当年就有仅英国领事处理刑事案件就有503起,共有630名英国人涉案。此种情况出现的原因是() A.英国人的法律意识十分淡薄 B.领事裁判权使其为所欲为 C.中国人民反侵略斗争的高涨 D.上海的社会治安状况混乱3.(2018·江苏扬州学业水平模拟测试卷一·6)徐继畬曾说:“逆夷以商贩为生,以利为命,并无攻城掠地割据疆土之意,所欲得者,中国著名之马(码)头,以便售卖其货物耳。”他认为英国发动鸦片战争的目的是() A.掠夺工业原料 B.割占中国领土 C.进行资本输出 D.抢占商品市场4.(2018·江苏无锡学业水平第二次模拟考试·6)“(东印度)公司觉得,总是从中国买茶叶,而自己的商品却在中国打不开销路,长期下去与中国人做贸易就挺亏,而且由于硬通货不足,英国商人每每需要从墨西哥或南美等地运来鹰洋、白银才能跟中国人做生意,这样做太费事了。于是,他们希望用一种新的替代物来打破这种贸易结构的不平衡。”这种“替代物”是() A.鸦片 B.棉纱 C.枪炮 D.蒸汽机5.(2018·江苏宿迁高二学业水平第一学期期末考试·7)江苏镇江近日挖掘出一门大炮,新闻报道称“炮体印有清晰的王冠标志和英文字母”,大炮“在沉入江底100多年后重见天日”。该大炮沉入江底是在() A.鸦片战争期间 B.甲午战争期间 C.辛亥革命期间 D.渡江战役期间6.(2018·江苏南京师大附中学业水平期末测试·5)近代以来,清政府与列强签订了很多不平等条约。以下是前江苏巡抚梁章钜在看到某条约的内容后给友人写的信件:“江南(指江苏)、浙江、广东每省只准设一码头,而福建一省独必添一码头以媚之,此又何说以处之。”该条约是指() A.《南京条约》 B.《北京条约》 C.《马关条约》 D.《辛丑条约》7.(2017·山西学业水平·4)有西方学者在分析某次战争爆发的原因时说:“欧洲人渴望中国做出更大的让步以实现其贸易扩张”。这次战争是() A.鸦片战争 B.第二次鸦片战争 C.甲午中日战争 D.八国联军侵华战争 8.(2018·江苏徐州学业水平模拟测试卷二·7)近代美国传教士罗孝全说:“上帝的旨意真是奇妙!前次(中国)与外国开战的结果,是出人意外的使中国得以开放。如今,倘这次革命能推翻偶像崇拜而开放,将使基督教的福音传遍中国,其结果岂非同样的奇妙!” 罗孝全评论的“这次革命”() A.借助了西方宗教来发动民众 B.维护了西方列强的在华利益 C.提高了全体国民的民族意识 D.动摇了封建思想的统治地位9.(2018·江苏无锡学业水平第二次模拟考试·7)“(1864年)7月19日,湘军掘地道轰塌太平门城垣20余丈,蜂拥抢入……至21日,城内守军将士万余人,全部壮烈牺牲,无一


人教版高中英语必修1 第一单元测试卷1 (完卷时间:120分钟,满分100分) 第I卷(选择题) 第一部分:听力(共两节,共20分) 第一节(共5小题,每题1分,共5分) 1. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A shop. B. Body language. C. A picture. 2. What is the man doing? A.He is asking for information. B. He is having an interview. C. He is filling out a form. 3. What does the man mean? A. He has already visited the museum. B. he will go to the museum with the woman. C. H is too busy to go with the woman. 4. What did the man offer the woman? A. A raincoat. B. A ticket. C. A ride. 5. What do we learn from the conversation? A. The woman insists on going out. B. The woman doesn’t like going out. C. The man is too tired to go out. 第二节(共15小题,每题1分,共15分) 听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。 6. How much cheaper is the bus fare than the plane fare? A. $44. B. $14. C. $30. 7. What can we know about Aunt Edith from the conversation? A. She is middle-aged. B. Her figure is not good. C. Her hair is black. 8.When does the conversation take place? A. At 10:15. B. At 10:10. C. At 10:20. 听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。 9. What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Schoolmates. C. Father and daughter. 10. What does the woman’s mother expect her to do? A.W ork in France. B. Live in France. C. Go to university in France. 11. What is the man’s father? A.A teacher. B. A professional football player. C. A professional basketball player. 听第8段材料,回答第12-14题。 12. W hat’s wrong with the man? A.He has twisted his foot. B. He has broken his foot. C. He can’t move his foot up and down . 13. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Doctor and patient. C. Classmates.


高二历史必修一第二单元过关试题 1.(2013?湖北名校模拟)《左传?桓公二年》云:“天子建国,诸侯立家,卿置侧室,大夫有贰宗,士有隶子弟。”与材料中政治制度相关的人生理念是 A.“乐至则无怨,礼至则不争” B.“普天之下,莫非王土;率土之滨,莫非王臣” C.“修身齐家治国平天下” D.“为先祖主者,宗人之所尊也” 2.(2012·湖北重点中学联考)宋代有学者说,“管摄天下人心,收宗族,厚风俗,使人不忘本,须是明谱系、世族与立宗子法”,“宗子法坏,则人不自知来处,以至流转四方,往往亲未绝,不相识一”。他们的主张是基于 A.宗法制能够维系社会安定 B.宋朝时期人们的宗法观念淡薄 C.宋朝人具有迁徙的特点 D.宗法观念有利于理学的传播 3.(2013·惠州调研)汉高祖刘邦称帝后,尊旧礼,“五日一朝太公(刘邦父亲),如家人父子礼。”后来其父以尊礼待刘邦,口中还念念有词,“帝,人主也, 奈何以我乱天下法。”这里的“天下法”是指 A.分封制 B.宗法制 C.专制主义中央集权制 D.皇位世袭制 4. (2013?湖北稳派测试)《中国古代史》中指出:在西周分封制度下,同姓集 团授予封土,赐之以氏。当时,姓、氏是统治阶级的特权,“贵者有氏,贱者有名无氏”。到战国以后,姓氏的分野逐渐消失,平民逐渐获得姓氏。平民得姓一 事与下列哪个历史趋势的关系最直接 A.郡县制度的发展B.以“孝道”治天下 C.赋役制度的变化D.皇帝制度的形成 5.(2013·宜昌模拟)有学者在论及中国古代史时说:“民众的贫穷、愚昧既是 统治者造成的,又成为它得以长存的最好的社会条件。”这一论断A.强调了唐宋以来科举制的利弊B.揭示了分封制的实质 C.揭示了专制主义中央集权的双重影响D.阐明了郡县制的弊端6.(2013·广东六校联考)“淳化中,,太宗患中书权太重,且事众,宰相不能悉领理。向敏中时为谏官,上言请分中书吏房置审官院,刑房置审刑院。” 据此分析北宋强化君权的显著特点是() A.重用亲信B.频换丞相C.分化事权D.废除宰相


新版高中英语必修4单词听写 Unit 1 42. refer vi. __________ 43. 1. achievement n.__________ refer to__________ 44. audience n. __________ 2. △Joan of Arc__________ 45. Elizabeth Fry __________ by chance__________ 3. △46. △Quaker n. __________ come across __________ 4. 47. △5. welfare n. __________ career n. __________ 48. rate n. __________ 6. project n. __________ 49. sickness n. __________ institute n. __________ 7. 50. China Welfare Institute __________ intend vt. __________ 8. △51. specialist n. __________ emergency n. __________ 9. 52. △10. specialize vi. __________ generation n. __________ 53. Jane Goodall __________ △determination n. __________ 11. △54. 12. △chimp n. __________ kindness n. __________ 55. 13. connection n. __________ considerate adj. __________ 56. 14. human being __________ consideration n. __________ 57. Jody Williams__________ deliver vt. __________ 15. △58. 16. campaign n. __________ carry on __________ 59. landmine n. __________ modest adj. __________17. △Unit 2 organization n. __________ 18. 60. statistic n. (常用Gombe National Park __________ 19. △pl statisitcs)________ 61. behave vt. & vi. __________ 20. sunburnt adj. __________ 62. behaviour (=behavior) __________ struggle vt. & vi. __________ 21. 63. 22. shade n. decade n. __________ vt. __________ 64. super adj. __________ 23. move off __________ 65. △hybrid adj. 24. worthwhile adj. __________ n. __________ 66. nest n. __________ output n. __________ 25. 67. △bond n. __________ strain n. __________ 26. 68. crop n. __________ 27. observe vt. __________ 69. hunger n. 28. observation n. __________ vt. & vi. __________ 70. disturbing adj. __________ 29. childhood n. __________ 71. outspoken adj. __________ expand vt. & vi. __________ 30. 72. circulate vt. & vi. __________ 31. respect vt. & n. __________ 73. 32. argue vt. & vi. __________ Vietnam n. __________ 74. thanks to __________ 33. argument n. __________ 75. battle n. entertainment n. __________ 34. vt. & vi. __________ 76. rid vt. __________ 35. lead a …life __________77. rid…of __________vt. __________ crowd n. 36.


人教新课标高中历史必修一第1课《夏、商、西周的政治制度》同步试卷D卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共21题;共42分) 1. (2分) (2018高三上·黑龙江月考) 有学者认为,自中国古代进入文明社会,先后出现了“方国联盟”等三种政治统治模式。据此,与下图匹配的正确选项是() A . 郡县制度、封邦建国 B . 行省制度、封邦建国 C . 行省制度、郡县制度 D . 封邦建国、郡县制度 【考点】 2. (2分)西周时期为巩固政权采取的政治制度是 A . 禅让制 B . 王位世袭制 C . 中央集权制度 D . 分封制 【考点】 3. (2分) (2016高一上·太原月考) 春秋初期,郑庄公一度独揽王室大权。周郑双方互换太子为质,史称“周郑交质”。后来双方反目,郑军打败周军,周桓王中箭负伤,史称“射王中肩”。这段材料实质上反映了() A . 春秋争霸战争 B . 宗法分封制被破坏 C . 郑国变法效果显著 D . 统一条件已成熟 【考点】

4. (2分) (2019高二下·福清期中) 据《国语?鲁语上》记述,有虞氏和夏、商、周三族祭祀的时候,不仅上推到本族的先王、先公,还更进一步把本族来源与黄帝族系联系起来,都自认为是黄帝族的后裔。这反映了当时的中国() A . 已有民族认同的意识 B . 区域间的文化交流频繁 C . 政治制度具有连续性 D . 农耕经济成为各朝根本 【考点】 5. (2分) (2017高二上·黄陵期中) 公元前643年,齐桓公病逝,其诸子为争夺爵位而兵戎相见。按照当时的规定,最有资格继承齐桓公国君位置的是() A . 大儿子,齐桓公最宠爱的妾所生 B . 二儿子,齐桓公正妻所生 C . 三儿子,与大哥同母,手握兵权 D . 四儿子,为齐桓公最喜爱 【考点】 6. (2分) (2016高一上·遵义期中) 山东省被称为“齐鲁之邦”,起源于() A . 内外服制度 B . 古代地名 C . 西周分封 D . 汉初封国 【考点】 7. (2分) (2018高一上·齐齐哈尔期末) 国学大师钱穆认为,中国古代史“前一段落为秦以前的封建政治,后一段落为秦以后之郡县政治”。以下对这两大“政治”的理解正确的是() A . 都是地方制度,加强了中央集权 B . 都以血缘为纽带,实现了权力的高度集中 C . 前者是贵族政治,后者是官僚政治


Unit 1 听力材料及参考答案 (Text 1) M: Your son plays the violin beautifully. Does he want to become a musician? W: No, he wants to study law. Playing the violin is his hobby. (Text 2) W: Do you think we’ll be able to see the game clearly? M: Don’t worry. There’s a good view of the players from all of the seats. (Text 3) W: My hand still hurts from falling on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something. M: I’m not a doctor, but it’s not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days. (Text 4) W: I wonder if Jack will be here by 8:00 o’clock. He is supposed to be. M: His mother said he left at 7:30, so he should be here by 8:15 at the latest. (Text 5) M: I really enjoyed that TV program about whales last night. Did you get home in time to see it? W: Oh, yes. But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing. (Text 6) W: I will give up! I simply can’t learn Japanese! M: Why do you say that? I think you’re making a lot of progress. W: No, I’m not. I try and try, and I still can’t speak it very well. M: Learning any language takes a lot of effort. But don’t give up. Why don’t we practise those dialogues together? W: Good idea. That just might help. (Text 7) W: When I got home last night, I found a letter from students at the school I used to go to. They want me to go back and talk to them.


2014-2015学年度???学校8月月考卷 试卷副标题 考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 第I卷(选择题) 请点击修改第I卷的文字说明 一、选择题(题型注释) 1.《宋史》中记载:“宋初,循唐、五代之制,置枢密院,与中书对持文武二柄,号为‘二府’……中书、密院既称‘二府’,每朝奏事,与中书先后上殿。”从以上材料中可以看出: A.枢密院把持国家军事决策权B.中央权力机构发生重大变化 C.通过分散相权扩大统治基础D.君权与相权的矛盾得到解决 2.周代文献中,“中国”一词有各种不同含义。《史记·齐太公世家》载:“是时周室微,唯齐、楚、秦、晋为强。晋初与会,献公死,国内乱。秦穆公辟远,不与中国会盟。楚 成王初收荆蛮有之,夷狄自置。唯独齐为中国会盟,而桓公能宣其德,故诸候宾会。”材料 中“中国”指的是 A.内陆地区 B.周天子的直辖区 C.中原地区 D.华夏族的诸侯国 3.春秋战国时期,儒家学者认为“礼”是“国之干”,坚持以“礼”作为对历史人物的评判依据。这里的“礼”主要是指 A.风俗 B.贡赋 C.秩序D.礼仪 4.下列历代措施中,不能起到加强中央集权作用的有 A.秦朝全面实行郡县制 B.汉武帝颁布“推恩令” C.宋朝用分权办法加强地方控制D.明太祖设殿阁大学士 5.两位唐朝学者发表对“秦国统一天下,但享国十五年即亡”的看法。萧瑀认为“秦并六国后,罢诸侯置太守,故二世而亡”;柳宗元认为秦之亡是“失在于政,不在于制”。对萧、柳两人的看法,下列说法正确的是() A.两人的看法相同,都认为秦代因过于暴虐无道而导致速亡 B.两人的看法相同,都认为秦代因废除封建体制而导致速亡 C.两人的看法不同,萧否定秦行分封,柳则肯定秦实行分封 D.两人的看法不同,萧否定秦行郡县,而柳未否定秦行郡县 6.(2011广东梅州模拟)为加强君主专制,自秦汉直至明清,都采取集权于上而分权于下的方式,以内侍、贵戚监督和逐渐代替重臣,以近臣演变为重臣,以辅佐皇帝办事的部门发展为正式的国家机关,取消或削减原来国家机关的实权并逐渐架空之。以下机构的设置体现这种方式的是() A.御史府内阁军机处B.中朝内阁军机处 C.中朝中书门下军机处D.尚书台都察院内阁 7.我国古代人才选拔的标准从注重门第出身向注重真才实学的转变是古代政治文明的一大进步。实现这一转变的标志是


Text1. M: Look out of the window. It seems it’s going to rain soon. W: I quite agree. It’s been fine for two weeks. I’m so glad it’ll finally rain. Text2. W: Who is your best friend, Tim or David, Ted? M: Tim and David are just my roommates. My best friend is Sam. We’ve been friends for over ten years. Text3. M: It’s pretty hot today. What about going swimming tonight? W: I’d like to, but I can’t. I’ve an important exam tomorrow. I haven’t prepared well for it. Text4. W: Jim, you don’t look all right. What happened? M: I’ve been looking for my dog everywhere, but I cannot find her. Could you help me? Text5. M: Mr Brown will give a lecture this Friday. What about going to it? W: I’ve heard about it and that’s what I’m going to do the day after tomorrow. I am really interested in protecting the earth. Text6.


人教版高中英语必修四Unit4单元测试题及答案(含听力材 料) 蹇呬慨4绗?(鎬诲垎120鍒? よ妭锛屾弧鍒?0鍒嗭級?鍏? 1.5鍒?婊″垎7.5鍒? ?? 殑A,骞舵爣鍦ㄨ瘯鍗风殑鐩 ,浣犻兘鏈?0绉掗挓鐨勬椂闂存潵鍥炵瓟 ?1. What happened to the man this morning? A. He couldn鈥檛talk. B. His car broke down. C. He was knocked down by a car. 2. What time is it now? A. 5:30. B. 5:45. C. 6:30. 3. What are the two speakers talking about? A. The man鈥檚vacation. B. Koala. C. A funny man. 4. What is Simon like? A. He is friendly. B. He is funny. C. He is troublesome. 5. What does the woman mean? A. She is tired of training. B. She enjoys the teamwork. C. She likes the 10-minute show. ?鍏?5 1.5鍒?婊″垎2 2.5鍒? ? ,A銆丅銆丆涓変釜閫夐」 , 硅瘽鎴栫嫭鐧藉墠,?姣忓皬棰?绉掗挓锛涘惉瀹屽悗,姣忓皬棰樺皢缁欏嚭5 ?6娈垫潗鏂?鍥炵瓟绗?銆?棰樸€?6. What does the woman think of working in IT? A. The work is not good. B. The work is very hard. C. The work has two advantages. 7. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. The man shouldn鈥檛be in IT. B. The man should work hard. C. The man should take better care of himself. 7娈垫潗鏂?鍥炵瓟绗?鑷?0棰樸€?8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Colleagues. B. Teammates. C.


人教版高中英语必修一Unit1Friendship单元测试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the man advise the woman to do? A.Get some sleep.B.Prepare for the test.C.Have a cup of coffee.2.What?s the woman? A.A doctor.B.A teacher.C.A bank clerk. 3.How did the man get to the museum? A.By bus.B.On foot.C.By underground. 4.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.Books.B.Classes.C.School. 5.How much money will the man leave if he buys four 5.50-dollar tickets? A.$3 B.$5 C.$7 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第六段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.Why did the boy wake up late? A.He didn?t hear the clock. B.He forgot to set the clock. C.He studied late last night. 7.What will the boy have today? A.A test.B.A competition.C.An interview. 8.How does the boy feel now? A.Sick.B.Sleepy.C.Worried. 听第七段材料,回答第9至11题。 9.Where does the woman live now? A.In a city.B.In town.C.In the country. 10.What does the man think of living in the country? A.Dirty.B.Boring.C.Beautiful. 11.What will the man do this Sunday? A.Go hiking.B.Go camping.C.Go t o the woman?s home.听第八段材料,回答第12至14题。 12.W here is the Smithsonian Institute? A.In India.B.In Britain.C.In America. 13.Why is the Hope Diamond so famous? A.It?s big and beautiful. B.It has an interesting story. C.It brings good luck to its owner. 14.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a shop.B.In a museum.C.In a TV studio. 听第九段材料,回答第15至17题。 15.What event has the woman entered for? A.Broad jump.B.High jump.C.Running. 16.What event has the man taken part in? A.200-metre relay.B.400-metre relay.C.800-metre relay.17.Why does the man give up long-distance run? A.He doesn?t have enough energy. B.He is not confident about himself. C.There is number limitation of games. 听第十段材料,回答第18至20题。 18.What do we know about Pop world? A.It has been broadcast for a long time. B.It has been broadcast in several languages. C.It is the best programs in BCD International. 19.What do singers and songwriters mainly talk about in one of the series? A.Why they take up music. B.What their songs mean? C.How their songs were created. 20.What will be broadcast next? A.Pop music. B.History of pop music. C.Biographies of musicians. 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

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