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教学内容(Teaching materials):






1. New IOC Head Has Impeccable Records

2. HP Acquiring Compaq Turns Out a Success

3. The Rise of the Asian CIO


4. Choose Optimism

5. Glories of the Storm

6. Family

7. Management Excellence Around the World

8. How Should One Read a Book


13. TheLiving?Sea

14. The Difference Between a Brain and a Computer 第五章文学文体的翻译

15. The Song of the River



16. Barriers in World Trade

17. Counter trade

18. International Joint Ventures

19. The Changed World Economy

20. The International Monetary Fund

Chapter One: Introduction to the Course

I.Teaching objectives(教学目的):The objectives of this lesson are for the students to learn about 1) the history of translation both in China and in the West, 2) some basic concepts of translation and 3) qualifications of a translator.

II. Time Allocation(课时分配): 150 minutes for the whole lesson, with50 mfor the history of translation,50 mfor basic concepts, and50 mfor explanation of qualifications as a translator.

III.Types of Class(授课类型): Theory plus practice

IV. Mode of Teaching(教学方式): Explanation with the help of examples V.Teaching process(授课过程)

1.History of Translation: (p. 1-7)

1) Translation in the West:

①First Period (mid-300 BC)

Two Most famous achievements in translation:

Old Testament in Greek(《希腊文旧约圣经》)

Odyssey (《奥德赛》, an epic(史诗)written by Homer(荷马), a poet of ancient Greece)②Second Period (400-600 AD)

There appeared various versions of the Bible.

The Vulgate (《圣经通用本/通行本圣经/拉丁文本圣经》)

③Third Period (11-12 AD)

Many books were translated from Arabic into Latin, or from Greek into Syriac (古叙利亚语). The city of Toledo (托莱多) in Spain became the Academic center in Europe.

④Fourth Period (14-16 AD / the Renaissance文艺复兴时期)

King James Version(《圣经钦定本》)

New / Old Testament in German(《德文圣经》)


Iliad (《伊利亚特》,another Greek epic written by Homer》) / Odyssey

⑤Fifth Period (from the Second World War up till the present)

Three features:

2) Translation in theChina:

①First Period (Han-Tang (Song) Dynasties )

Three famous translators in Buddhist translation:

鸠摩罗什(344-413 AD)



②Second Period (Ming-Qing Dynasties)

A turning point ofChina's translation:


③Third Period (Opium War-May 4th Movement)

Translation of Western Learning(西学):

林纾(1852-1924):《巴黎茶花女遗事》(La Dame aux Camelias),《黑奴吁天录》(Uncle Tom's Cabin),《块肉余生述》(David Copperfield),《王子复仇记》(Hamlet)

严复(1853-1921):《天演论》(Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays),《原富》(Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations),《法意》(L'esprit des Lois),《社会通诠》(A History of Politics),《群学肆言》(Study of Sociology)and 《群己权界论》(On Liberty)

陈望道:(1890-1977)《共产党宣言》(Communist Manifesto)

李达(1860-1966)《政治经济学批判》(Critique of Political Economy)


④Fourth Period (Founding of New China-Cultural Revolution)

The translation of works by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Mao Tsetung

傅雷(1908-1966, famous translation work《高老头》)

钱钟书(1910-1998,a translation theorist, famous for his“化境”论)

朱生豪(1912-1944,famous for his《莎士比亚全集》)

王佐良(1916-1995,famous for his translation of English poems and his translation theory).

⑤Fifth Period (1976 up till the present)

Three features of translation in this period / one tendency

3) Question to consider:

What are the similarities between the translation history in the West and that inChina

①Both have a history of more than 2000 years.

②Both started for religious purposes.

③Both have 5 climaxes (high tides). / Both can be divided into 5 periods.

2. Some Basic Concepts of Translation:

1) Different Definitions of Translation(翻译的不同定义)(p. 7)

Xiao Shi: "Translation implies the rendering from one language into another of something written or spoken. In nine cases out of ten, a translation is intended to serve as a substitute for the original(原文)so as to make it available to people who cannot read the language in which it was written, or to constitute a medium for an exchange of ideas by those who do not know each other's tongue."

Zhang Peiji:“翻译就是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。”

Eugene A. Nida: "Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and second in terms of style." Its Chinese version is“翻译就是用译入语复制出原语信息最接近的自然等值体――首先就意义而言,其次就风格而言。”

2) Different Categorizations of Translation(翻译的不同分类方法)

American linguist Roman Jakobson (1896-1982):

①intralingual translation / rewording(语内翻译)

②Interlingual translation(语际翻译)

③intersemiotic Translation(符际翻译)/ transmutation(跨类翻译)

The second way of categorization: interpretation(口译)and translation(笔译). The third way of categorization: complete translation(全译)and variety in translation (变译), the latter including摘译,编译,译述,缩译,综述,述评,译评,改译,阐译,译写and参译.

3) Different Ways or Methods of Translation(翻译的不同方法)

literal translation(直译)/ liberal (free) translation(意译).

Domestication / Assimilation(归化)and Alienation / Dissimilation / Foreignization(异化)

literal translation(直译), liberal (free) translation(意译), transliteration(音译)and transplant(移植)

4) Different Criteria of Translation(翻译的标准)(p 8-9)

Criteria Made by Famous Chinese translators:



③鲁迅:“宁信而不顺”/ Zhao Jingshen(赵景深):“宁顺而不信”

④傅雷:“神似论”(alike in spirit/ spiritual similarity)

⑤钱钟书:“化境论”(reach the acme of perfection)

⑥刘重德(湖南大学):“信达切”(faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness)

⑦许渊冲(北京大学):“三美”(意美、音美、形美beautiful in sense, in sound, and in form)

Western Theories about the Criteria of Translation:

①Alexander Fraser Tytler (泰特勒,1747-1814): Three principles of Translation

②Herbert Rotheinstein (赫伯特·罗森斯坦): tri-ness principles: faithfulness, expressiveness and gracefulness

③Eugene A. Nida(奈达): natural equivalent(自然对等)―dynamic equivalent(动态对等)

④Sperber & Wilson : relevance theory(关联理论)

How to understand Yan Fu's three-character criterion of translation

The contemporary understanding is:

信――Being faithful to the original(忠实于原文)

达――Being explicit and smooth(明白晓畅)

雅――Being elegant in words(用词优雅)

Can the sequence of "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance" be exchanged

Can all this three-character criterion be achieved in one piece of translation work

3. Qualifications for a translator (p. 19-21)

Eugene A. Nida puts forward five necessary qualifications for a successful translator:

1) A translator must be well acquainted with the source language.

2) A translator must be well acquainted with the target language.

3) A translator must be armed with professional knowledge needed.

4) A translator must be armed with the ability to live his part(移情).

5) A translator must be armed with the excellent ability of expressiveness and imagination.


Translate the following passage into Chinese:The First American Women to Be a Media Mogul

Chapter Two: Translation of the News

Lesson One

New IOC Head Has Impeccable Record

I.Teaching objectives(教学目的):The objectives of this lesson are for the students 1) to learn about features of the English used in news reports and methods used in its translation; 2) to learn about the Diversities Between English and Chinese Words(英汉语词汇之间的差异); and 3) to analyze the translated version of the text for translation techniques used in it.

II. Time Allocation(课时分配): 150 minutes for the whole lesson, with100 mfor the translation techniques,50 mfor the analysis of the text.

III.Types of Class(授课类型): Theory plus practice

IV. Mode of Teaching(教学方式): Explanation with the help of examples V.Teaching process(授课过程)

1.Diversities of word meanings in semantic scopes between English and Chinese(英汉语词汇语义范围的差异)

1) The semantic scope of some proper nouns or terms in science may be the same as

their corresponding Chinese words.

George Washington =乔治·华盛顿/ the United Nations =联合国/ Marxism =马克思主义/ carbon dioxide =二氧化碳/ the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国

2) The semantic scope of an English word may be smaller (narrower) than its corresponding Chinese word.

pen <笔/ say <说/ ten thousand <万/ university<大学

万般all the different kinds /万恶absolutely vicious /万分extremely /万古through the ages /思绪万千myriads(无数)of thoughts welling up in one's mind /万全之策a complete safe plan /万人空巷The whole town turns out. /万事大吉Everything is just fine. /万寿无疆a long, long life /万无一失no danger of anything going wrong /万众一心millions of people all of one mind /万紫千红Flowers of all sorts are blooming in a riot of colour.

说干就干act without delay /说公道话be fair to sb. /说话不算go back on one's words /说明来意make clear what one has come for /说走了嘴make a slip of the tongue /说来话长It's a long story.

3) The semantic scope of an English word may be larger (broader) than its corresponding Chinese word.

president >总统/ queen >皇后/ straight >笔直/ kill >杀死

the queen of beauty绝代佳人/ a queen of hearts美女/ queen size次特大号/ Venice, the queen of the Adriatic威尼斯――亚得里亚海岸的一颗明珠

Put your room straight.把你的房间整理好。/ He is a straight thinker.他的思路很有条理。/ They gave us a straight answer.他们坦率地回答了我们。/ She keeps straight.她品行端正。/ to see the record straight打开天窗说亮话/ to vote the straight tickets投清一色的选票/ The accounts are straight.账目清楚。

The Japanese army killed millions of innocent people during the war.在那场战争中,日本军队屠杀了成百上千万无辜的平民。/ Three men were killed in the accident.有三名男子在事故中丧生(遇难)。/ The engine was killed by the flood.汽车发动机因大水而熄火。/ Your joke nearly killed me.你的笑话真是逗死人。/ I'm reading this book just to kill time.我读这本书只是为了消磨时间。

4) The semantic scope of an English word may be either larger or smaller than its corresponding Chinese word.

State and Revolution《国家与革命》/ state capitalism国家资本主义/ police state警察国家

State of the Union Message国情咨文/ to lie in state(遗体)供瞻仰/ the state of war 战争状态/ the largest state in the US美国最大的州/ be in a state 1)凌乱,不整洁2)焦急,紧张不安/国将不国,何以为家。When our fatherland is in great danger, there is

no use to talk about sweet home.

the Book圣经/ a book maker登记赌注的人/ a book of matches一盒火柴/ the visitors book来客登记簿/ to keep books记账/ be at one's books埋头功课/ in sb.'s good book 受宠于某人/ Economics is a good book to me.我对经济学一窍不通。/ Her face was an open book.她心里有什么事都会在脸上表现出来。/ They threw the books at him.他们把罪名往他身上推。/ They tries every trick in the book to win the election.他们施展了浑身解数来夺取选举的胜利。/尽信书不如无书Better not to read at all than to believe all one reads.

to beat a new path开辟新路/ to beat about the bush说话不直截了当/ That beats me.真把我难住了。/ He was cursing to beat the hand.他骂了个痛快淋漓。/ The old man's heart missed a beat when he saw the pearl.那位老人看到这颗珍珠高兴得心里怦怦乱跳。to play a joke开玩笑/ to play basketball打篮球/ to play cards打牌/ to play chess 下棋/ to play football踢足球/ to play Hamlet扮演哈姆雷特/ to play the piano弹钢琴/ to play the violin拉小提琴

开汽车to drive a car /开会to hold a meeting /开火to open fire /开价to offer a price /开灯to turn on the light /开门to open the door /开(门)锁to unlock a door /开收音机to turn on a radio /开船to start a boat /开机器to run a machine.

5) Synonyms with different shades of meanings(近义词含义的差别)

anger愤怒,指一般的愤慨、不满或怨恨情绪/ indignation义愤,指遇到不公、欺侮时所表示的愤慨情绪/ rage大怒,气愤到了几乎不能自制的程度/ fury狂怒,气得发疯/ wrath盛怒,愤怒到了要报复的程度

laugh大笑,笑得合不拢嘴/ smile微笑,面带喜色/ beam微笑,喜形于色地笑/ chuckle 轻声地笑,窃窃自笑/ giggle咯咯笑,傻笑

brave勇敢,指不怕困难,不怕危险的行为/ courageous勇敢,有胆量,具有一往无前的大无畏精神/ fearless不惧怕,心里没有害怕的感觉/ bold大胆,有勇气,带有莽撞的含义/ audacious大胆,具有冒险精神,也有莽撞、放肆的含义/ valiant英勇,体现出英雄本色

He is no scholar.他根本不是学者。/ He is not a scholar.他不是学者。她绝对不傻。/ She is not a fool.她不是傻子。

6) Analyze the following sentences and try to improve them:

①John Foster Dulles was an internationalist.约翰·福斯特·杜勒斯是个国际主义者。(美国人的internationalist表示“国际派”,指反对孤立主义的人,与汉语中的“国际主义者”是两回事)

②They have a general policy against public attribution.他们有一个总政策反对公开来源。(汉语中“政策”两字是很严肃的,而英语中policy却用得很随便,应改为“他们的一般做法是不允许人们公开引用消息来源”)

③It must be a terrific ego trip. He can't help but think people are for him.这一定是一次

可怕的自我陶醉的旅行。他必然认为人们都是支持他的。(terrific应译作“地道的,极好的”;ego trip意为“追逐名利,自我表现”,应改为“那一定是一次极好的自我表现的机会,他禁不住想人们是会支持他的。”)

④She put five dollars in my hand, "You have been a great man today."她把五美元放在我的手里,并说:“你今天是个伟大的人。”(她把五美元放在我手里,说:“你今天表现得很好(真棒)。”)

⑤He told his hearers that if the people were attacked by the policemen, the consequences must fall on the heads of the aggressors.他对听众说,如果人民受到警察的袭击,其后果一定会落到侵略者的头上。(“侵略者”应改为“挑衅者”)

⑥Every president, I am sure, leaves the White House poorer than he was when he went in.我相信,每一位总统在离开白宫时总要比他刚进白宫时贫穷。(“贫穷”应改为“他的财产总是比刚进白宫时少了”)

⑦You are lucky to have got off with a caution; most policemen would have brought you to book.你很幸运,只是挨了警告,要是换了别的警察,准会把你给记下来。(bring sb to book表示“对某人进行申斥”)

⑧These constant changes in the weather beats me.天气的这些不断变化击败了我。(这儿的天气变化无常,我真受不了。)

⑨Walt Whitman, too, scored the materialism of the age.华尔特·惠特曼也讽刺了当时的唯物主义。(华尔特·惠特曼也谴责了当时的贪图物质利益的风气。)

⑩The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England.由于把关国家不同意她


2.Diversities of word forms between English and Chinese(英汉语词汇语形的差异)1) Symmetry of Chinese words and unsymmetry of English words(汉语词汇的对称性与英语词汇的非对称性)

2) Chinese tends to use more idioms or four-character words(汉语倾向于多用成语或四字词)

magnificent (scenery)(景色)美不胜收/ cloudless (weather)(天气)万里无云/ towering (mountain)(山峰)高耸入云/ boundless (sea)(大海)浩瀚无垠/ very rich (merchant)(商人)腰缠万贯/ interesting (story)(故事)引人入胜/ extremely hard (condition)(条件)艰苦卓绝,etc.

extend in all directions四通八达/ fall apart四分五裂/ in the prime of life年富力强/ as timid as a hare胆小如鼠/ to take a load off one's mind如释重负/ at the end of one's rope山穷水尽/ ass in the lion's skin狐假虎威/ to fish in the air水中捞月/ in the twinkle of an eye瞬息之间/ with various patterns款式繁多/ to reduce losses and increase profits扭亏为盈/ to be widely known家喻户晓/ to be deep in thought陷入沉

思/ to work hard with a pioneering spirit开拓进取,etc.

3) Try to use four-character words in translating the following sentences:

①She is eighteen and beautiful.她年方十八,天生丽质。/

②China is a vast country with rich natural resources and a large population.中国地大物博,人口众多。(中国幅员辽阔,资源丰富,人口众多。)/

③Make hay while the sun shines.趁着晴天晒干草,勿失良机。/

④From each according to his ability and to each according to his needs.各尽所能,按需分配。

⑤The game is not worth the candle.得不偿失。

⑥After that the special missions became frequent occurrences.从此以后,特殊任务就司空见惯,习以为常了。

⑦In such a dangerous and uncertain world, the strengthening of national defense is the best guarantee of a nation's vital interests.在这样一个危机四伏、动荡不安的世界里,巩固国防是一个国家根本利益的最好保证。

⑧Seeing no further than their noses, some are running away from the problem and the result has been a boon for opportunists.有些人鼠目寸光,对问题采取回避态度,结果给投机分子提供了有利之机。

3. Analysis of the text and appreciation of the Translated Version

1) Questions for discussion:

(1) What difference do you find in the English title and its Chinese translation

(2) How are the words "new", "is" and "with" translated

(3) What's the difference between the English and the Chinese version

(4) Consider how is the word "climb" translated.

(5) How are "powerful", "assigned" and "point-man" translated

(6) Consider how this long sentence is translated and how the sequence of information is changed.

(7) Consider the change of word order and sentence structure here.

(8) Consider how the word "taught" is translated.

(9) Try to correctly understand the prepositional phrase "at three" and use proper Chinese to express it.

(10) Consider the change of word order in the Chinese version.

(11) Consider the structure of this sentence and see how it can be turned into Chinese.

(12) Why "ignoring" is turned into“不顾”Can you find an equivalent word in the original for“毅然”

(13) What's the function of "that clause" in this sentence

(14) Do you know anything about the historical background of this matter

(15) Analyze the function of "to campaign" and "to downsize" and the meaning of "human face".

(16) Analyze the sentence structure and see how the words "review" and "determine" are translated.

(17) What's the meaning of "restatement" and "reexamine" in this sentence

(18) Do you understand the structure of this sentence

(19) What's the meaning of "seek a second four-year mandate"

2) Notes to the text:

By reading the original text and the translated version respectively and analyzing the two, try to find out what techniques are used in the translated version. (Refer to textbook P 52-74)

(1)本文是一篇有关人物介绍(Personal Profiles)的新闻报道,选自2001年11月《英语沙龙》。文中介绍了罗格先生的简历和性格特点,使我们对这位新当选的国际奥委会主席有一个概括的认识和了解。原文英语语言属于General English的范畴,而且内容又是大家所熟悉的奥运换届选举问题,所以理解和表达的难度都不大。

(2) The new president of the International Olympic Committee is a mild-mannered orthopedic surgeon and former Olympic sailor with impeccable credentials.新当选的国际奥委会主席是一位性情温和的矫形外科医生,也是一位前奥运帆船选手,具有无可挑剔的资格证明。原句中只有一个动词,而汉语译句中却用了三个动词,但仍然是个简单句。注意介词with被转译成了动词“具有”。

(3) An IOC member since 1991, Jacques Rogge was the shortest-serving of the five candidates.雅克·罗格自1991年开始担任国际奥委会委员,是五位候选人中任职时间最短的一位。原句主语前An IOC member since 1991部分相当于一个省略了介词as的词组,在句中作状语。汉译时被改作句子的一个谓语部分,增译了动词“担任”,与原句中的谓语部分并列。

(4) Thanks to a strong power base as head of the European Olympic committees, however, his climb in the IOC was rapid.然而,凭借着作为欧洲奥委会主席强有力的权力基础,他在国际奥委会的职务阶梯上迅速攀升。原句中“however”一词作为插入语放在了句子中间,而汉语译文却将转折连词“然而”移至句子开头,是为了与上文衔接紧凑。句中his climb in the IOC was rapid直译应为:他在国际奥委会中爬升


(5) Unscathed by the scandal over lavish gifts, cash and other favors doled out by Salt Lake bidders in capturing the 2002 Winter Games that saw 10 members expelled or forced to resign, Rogge has maintained a clean image.在申办2002年冬季奥运会过程中,盐湖城的竞标人对国际奥委会委员们大肆送礼行贿,使得其中十名委员被开除或被迫辞职。只有罗格与该丑闻无关,始终保持着“清洁先生”的形象。该句汉译采用了拆句译法,将定语从句that saw 10 members expelled or forced to resign与其所修饰的名词译成一个独立句,定语从句在该独立句中作谓语。原句主句与过去分词短语译成另一独立句。

(6) Fluent in five languages, Rogge's native tongue is Dutch. He also speaks French, English, Spanish and German.罗格熟练掌握五种语言。除母语荷兰语外,他还会讲法语、英语、西班牙语和德语。此处汉译时采用了先拆译后合译的方法,将第一句中的形容词短语Fluent in five languages译成独立句,而将其句子主体Rogge's native tongue is Dutch改译成状语,与第二句合译在一起。

(7) Rogge says his surgical career has taught him about having a sense of responsibility, and remaining humble, calm and cool.罗格说,当外科医生的经历培养了他的责任感,同时也教会了他处事时保持谦虚、平和与冷静的态度。本句中宾语从句的谓语动词has taught分别译成了“培养”和“教会”,以便与后面的两个宾语部分搭配。“remaining humble, calm and cool”部分本是“系表”结果,汉译时增译了名词“态度”。(8) Rogge grew up in the medieval Flemish harbor city ofGhent, where he learned to sail.罗格在充满中世纪风情的佛兰芒港口城市根特长大成人。在这里他学会了航海。原句中where he learned to sail是非限制性定语从句,汉译时译成了独立句。

(9) He went on to compete in sailing's Finn class in three Olympics. He was sailing world champion and twice runner-up, as well as a 16-time Belgian champion.后来,他参加过三届奥运会芬兰人级别的帆船比赛,获得一个世界冠军、两个世界亚军,还16次获得比利时帆船比赛冠军。此句采用了合译的方法,把原文的两个独立句译成一句。

(10) At age 34, Rogge began his career in sports administration when he was asked to serve as an athlete's representative onBelgium's Olympic committee. 34岁时,罗格应邀担任比利时奥委会运动员代表,开始了他的体育管理生涯。此句中的定语从句when he was asked to serve as an athlete's representative on Belgium's Olympic committee汉译时译成了谓语的一部分,与原句中主句的谓语并列。

(11) Leader of theBelgiumteam at the 1980 Moscow Olympics, Rogge resisted pressure to join the boycott.在1980年莫斯科奥运会上,作为比利时代表队队长,罗格顶住了压力,没有加入以美国为首的对此次奥运会的抵制。此句采用了正反译的方法,把原句中的resisted pressure to join译成“顶住了压力,没有加入”,若直译则应为:“顶住了参加美国领导的抵制活动的压力”。

(12) Ignoring threats as well as government and public opposition, the Belgian delegation went toMoscow, competing under the Olympic flag.比利时代表队不顾种种威胁和政府及公众的反对,毅然决然前往莫斯科,在奥林匹克的旗帜下参加了比赛。

英语原句中Ignoring threats as well as government and public opposition部分为现在分词作状语,汉译时改译成了谓语的一部分。

(13) A strong believer that doping is the No. 1 enemy of sport, Rogge is also vice chairman of the IOC medical commission and a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency council.作为一个坚信兴奋剂是体育运动头号敌人的人,他还担任国际奥委会药检委员会副主席以及世界反兴奋剂委员会成员。原句句首的名词词组A strong believer that doping is the No. 1 enemy of sport可以理解为省略了介词as方式状语,汉译时增译了“作为”。另外,该短语中的定语从句译成了前置定语。

(14) A skillful troubleshooter, Rogge has been key in steeringAthensback on track after a disastrous start.作为一名处理棘手事件的老手,他在把雅典奥运会从灾难性的开端引导回正轨的过程中,起了关键的作用。原句句首的名词词组A skillful troubleshooter 可以理解为省略了介词as方式状语,汉译时增译了“作为”;has been key i n …意为“在…中起了至关重要的作用”;steer… back on track则意为“引导回正确轨道”。

(15) That experience has led Rogge to campaign to downsize the Olympics and restore their human face, arguing that the games have become so massive and costly that only the wealthiest cities and countries are capable of staging them.这一经历促使他开始为缩减奥运会的规模,恢复其全人类运动的面貌而努力。他认为奥运会已经变得规模过分庞大、耗资过于巨大,因此只有最富有的城市和国家才有能力承办。原句中arguing that…部分是一个表示“伴随情况”的现在分词短语,汉译时译成了独立句。

(16) Rogge believes that the reforms adopted following theSalt Lake Citybribery scandal should be reviewed to determine whether they are working.罗格认为,应该对盐湖城贿赂丑闻之后所进行的改革做出评估,看其是否有效。原句中that引导的宾语从句为被动结构,汉译时译成了无主句“应该对…改革做出评估”;过去分词短语adopted following the Salt Lake City bribery scandal是后置定语,限定前面的名词reform,汉译成了前置定语;句尾的不定式短语是目的状语,其中动词determine没有译成“确定”,而是按照汉语表达习惯译成了“看”。

(17) Rogge has also said the reinstatement of visits to the bid cities by IOC members should probably be re-examined.罗格还说,对于恢复奥委会委员考察竞标城市的做法,可能应该重新进行审视。原句中宾语从句的主语名词the reinstatement汉译成了动词“恢复”,而在后面增译了“做法”一词,作动词“审视”的宾语。(18) A high-profile figure in the official sessions at the 112th IOC general assembly, Rogge delivered reports on the hugely successful Sydney Olympics, efforts to turn the Athens Games around and from the medical commission.原句是个简单句,主语是Rogge,谓语动词是delivered,宾语则是reports;名词efforts与前面的the hugely successful Sydney Olympics并列,作介词on的宾语,而介词短语from the medical commission则与前面的不定式短语to turn the Athens Games around并列,作名词efforts的后置定语。所以原句译为:在第112届国际奥委会大会的正式会议上,引人注目的罗格作了工作报告,总结了悉尼奥运会的巨大成功、扭转雅典奥运会不利局面的努力以及药检委员会的工作。

(19) After that, he will be eligible to seek a second four-year mandate.期满后他将有资格竞选连任,但下次的任期将为4年。这个句子虽然很短,但a second four-year mandate部分若译成“第二个四年任期”就错了。汉译时将复合形容词four-year拆译成了并列分句。


Translate the following passage into Chinese:Britain's Leading Universities Exclude Students From Poor Backgrounds

Chapter Two: Translation of the News

Lesson Two

HP Acquiring Compaq Turns Out a Success

I.Teaching objectives(教学目的):The objectives of this lesson are for the students 1) to learn about features of the English used in news reports and methods used in its translation; 2) to learn about the accurate comprehension of word meanings(词义的准确理解); and 3) to analyze the translated version of the text for translation techniques used in it.

II. Time Allocation(课时分配): 150 minutes for the whole lesson, with50 mfor the translation techniques,50 mfor the analysis of the text and50 mfor the teacher's comment of the students' homework.

III.Types of Class(授课类型): Theory plus practice

IV. Mode of Teaching(教学方式): Explanation with the help of examples V.Teaching process(授课过程)

1.Accurate comprehension of word meanings(词义的准确理解)

(1) Nowadays we shop in a mall.现在我们在一家商场购物。

(2) I wouldn't want my children to overhear you.我不想让我的孩子偷听你们的谈话。

(3) The bomb, or its equivalent, had been detonated at the top of a pylon 100 feet high.


(4) Chou was a quiet and thoughtful man, even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors, urged them to be seated and tell how he could help them.周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,在招呼他们坐下,询问有何见教的时候,甚至还有点腼腆。

(5) The basic problem is t hat big cities are no longer functional… A handful of cities-New York, San Francisco, maybe Boston-are redefining their roles.根本的问题是,大城市不再起作用。少数几个城市――纽约、旧金山,可能还有波士顿――正在重新确定各自的作用。

1) The meaning of a word should be understood in a language field

from N to S, from E to W / Your Sex (M) (F)(性别)/ U-shaped iron(蹄形铁)/ T-shaped steel(丁字形钢)/ UN documents / USA soldiers / CPC members (Communist Party of China) / a VIP hotel(贵宾旅馆)/ GRE test (Graduate Record Examination) / TOEFL scores (Test of English as a foreign language) / VOA news / from A to Z / a course of P. R. (public relations公共关系课程) /China's GNP (gross national product国民生产总值) / GDP (gross domestic product国内生产总值) / DNA research (deoxyribonucleic acid脱


agree to disagree (differ)同意各自保留不同意见/ a blessing in disguise貌似灾祸而实

际上使人得福的事情或经历/ get the upper hand占上风/ cooking the books做假账,伪造账目/ cost an arm and a leg过高的代价/ bring down the house博得全场喝采(鼓掌)/ pay through the nose被敲竹杠,付出过高代价/ put a bug in her ear事先给某人暗示或警告/ fall asleep at the switch玩忽职守,错过机会/ carry a chip on one's shoulder寻衅的态度,恶劣的情绪/ bring home the bacon成功,赚钱糊口/ be hot under the collar发怒的,气恼的/ more bark than bite言语比行动吓人,雷声大雨点小/ feel like a million dollars精力充沛,喜气洋洋/ like a bear with a sore head脾气暴躁,情绪恶劣

Now let's analyze and try to translate the following sentences:

①He worked for the Apple.(苹果公司)

②She is the apple of her father's eye.(掌上明珠,心肝宝贝)

③The Apple is a noisy place.(纽约市)

④She ran into a wise apple.(他遇到一个傲慢的青年。)

⑤One apple a day keeps the doctor away.

⑥have someone's number看透某人的本质(或动机)

⑦make his blood boil使他怒火中烧

⑧have a bee in one's bonnet想得入了迷,胡思乱想

⑨keep a stiff upper lip坚定沉着,顽强不屈

⑩handle (treat) with kid gloves(小山羊皮手套)小心谨慎地对待

2) How to make a proper use of a dictionary

①Not that the parting speech caused Amelia to philosophize, or that it armed her in any way with a calmness, the result of argument; but it was intolerably dull, pompous, and tedious;…倒并不是平克顿小姐的临别赠言使她想得通丢得开,因此心平气和。镇静下来,却是因为她说的原是一派门面话,又长又闷,听得人难受。(from Vanity Fair by W. Thackeray, translated by Yang Bi)

②I feel that my existence in the world is completely mine, more than when I was a committed Nazi.我感到今天的我完完全全属于我自己,与当年一个死心塌地的纳粹分子的我相比,简直判若两人。

③If there are those who don't want to vote for me because I am a deeply committed Christian, I believe they should vote for someone else.如果有人因为我是一名十分虔诚的基督徒而不投我的票,那我认为他们就该去投他人的票。

2. Analysis of the text and appreciation of the Translated Version

1) Questions for discussion:

(1) What's the difference between the English title and the Chinese translation What translation technique is used

(2) How is the pre position phrase "in a stock swap worth about…" translated

(3) How is "would have total revenue" translated here How is the appositive "the largest computer company" translated

(4) What's the difference between the English and the Chinese in structure Notice the way in which "the industry" is translated.

(5) How is the expression "watching over its shoulder" translated

(6) Notice the difference in structure between the English and the Chinese

(7) What's the difference between the English and Chinese in structure

(8) How is the verb "receive" translated

(9) What technique is used in the translation of "64 percent" and "36 percent"

(10) What's the difference in structure between the English and Chinese sentences

(11) What's the difference in structure between the English and Chinese sentences

(12) What's the meaning of "top-line" and why is it dealt with this way in the translated version

(13) Notice the difference in structure between the English and Chinese sentence

(14) Notice here is a turning point of the text.

(15) What is added in the translated version

(16) Notice how the preposition "for" is translated here.

(17) How is the attributive clause "that will likely come up" translated

(18) Try to understand the meaning of "out-sources 100 percent of its manufacturing" and "a build-to-order manufacturing".

(19) What translation technique is used here

(20) Think over how "by gaining market share" can be translated in other ways

2) Notes to the text

(1)本文属于新闻专题报道(News Stories),选自2001年12月《英语文摘》。文章报道了惠普公司对康柏公司的收购方式以及人们对这件事情的不同看法。两家公司自己觉得这次并购很成功,可以为他们带来许多方面的利益。但有人认为此举是否成功尚待进一步观察。英语原文语言难度并不大,只是其中一些经贸方面的术语会给理解带来一定困难。

(2) Hewlett-Packard announced on September 4 that it would acquire Compaq Computer in a stock swap worth about $25 billion.九月四日,惠普公司宣布将通过一笔价值250亿美元的股票置换交易收购康柏计算机公司。该句汉译时将时间状语移至句首,将介词短语in a stock swap worth about $25 billion译成“通过一笔价值250亿美元的股票置换交易”作方式状语,并提至谓语动词之前。

(3) The deal would merge two of the biggest names in computers, printers and computer servers, and would have total revenue only slightly less than that of IBM, the largest computer company.这笔并购交易将使电脑、打印机和电脑服务器行业的两大巨头联起手来,其营业收入总额将仅次于最大的电脑公司IBM。英语原句结构为一个主语后跟两个谓语动词,因此是个简单句。汉译时译成了两个并列分句,其中第二个并列分句将原宾语total revenue改译成主语,将原宾语补足语only slightly less than that of IBM改译成谓语部分。

(4) The companies touted the complementary aspects of the union-on both the organizational and the product fronts-and predicted a shake-up for the industry.两家公司对这次联合在公司结构和产品两方面的互补性大为赞赏,预测此举将重整整个计算机行业的格局。原句中插入的介词短语汉译成了前置定语“在公司结构和产品两方面的”;名词the industry仅表示“工业”,汉译成“计算机行业”是采用了增译的方法,使译文更加清楚明了。

(5) In Fiorina's estimation, the company that should be watching over its shoulder most vigilantly is IBM.据菲奥利娜估计,对此最为警觉的公司应该是IBM。原句中that引导的定语从句改译成了前置定语“对此最为警觉的”,其中watching over its shoulder 结构含有“回头观望”的意思,用在这里带有一些幽默感。

(6) In a letter emailed to HP's employees and filed with the Securities and Exchange

Commission among the merger documents, she wrote: …她在给惠普员工的一封电子


(7) And, for the first time in a very long time, IBM will have a competitor that's strong enough, bold enough, and talented enough to take them head-on in the enterprise space. IBM公司长期以来将第一次在产业界正面遭遇一个拥有足够实力、胆识和才能的竞争对手。该句汉译时将that引导的定语从句译成前置定语“拥有足够实力、胆识和才能的”,将不定式状语to take them head-on改译成谓语动词“正面遭遇”。此句直译似应为:“IBM公司在产业界将第一次有了一个拥有足够实力、胆识和才能敢于与之正面对抗的竞争对手。”

(8) The deal was approved unanimously by both companies' boards of directors.两家公司的董事会一致批准了这笔交易。英语原句为被动结构,汉译成了主动句,将by

引出的行为主体both companies' boards of directors改译成主语,将被动结构的谓语改译成主动结构。

(9) Compaq shareholders will receive of newly issued HP shares for each share of Compaq.康柏公司的股东将以1康柏股置换股新惠普的股票。注意此句谓语动词receive汉译为“置换,对换”。

(10) The combined entity, which will take the Hewlett-Packard name, will be based in Palo Alto, Calif., HP's hometown, and retain a "significant presence" in Houston, where Compaq is headquartered.合并后的新公司将以“惠普”命名,其总部将设在惠普的故乡加利福尼亚的帕洛阿图市,并在康柏公司总部所在地休斯敦仍保持相当实力。该句汉译时将which引导的非限制性定语从句与主句主语合译成一个并列分句,而将原主句的两个谓语部分译成另外两个并列分句。

(11) The combined company will have operations in more than 160 countries, employ more than 145,000 workers, and have annual revenue of $ billion.合并后的公司将在160多个国家开展业务,员工总数将超过万人,年营业收入将达到874亿美元。原句结构为一个主语后跟三个谓语动词,是个简单句,汉译时改译成了三个并列分句。第二、三两个并列分句中将原宾语workers和annual revenue分别改译成主语“员工总数”和“年营业收入”。

(12) Revenue will likely decline by less than 5 percent in the next two years.在今后两年中营业收入有可能会下降,但下降幅度不会超过5%。该句汉译时将介词短语by less than 5 percent拆译成了含有转折关系的并列分句。

(13) It's not our intention to lose momentum, but it's possible there will be revenue loss.我们并不想丧失活力,但是收入下降确实有可能发生。原句第一个并列分句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语,汉译时作了结构调整,将定语our译成主语,将作表语的名词intention译成谓语。若直译则应为:丧失活力并不是我们的初衷,但收入下降确实是可能的。

(14) The combined company will be organized around four operating units合并后的新


(15) Roughly one-third of HP's revenue comes from PCs, notebooks and servers, while about half of Compaq's earnings come from the same sources.惠普大约有1/3的收入来自个人电脑、笔记本电脑和服务器业务,而康柏1/2左右的收入也来自这些业务。注意该句中notebooks,servers和PCs都属于计算机术语,分别表示“笔记本电脑”、“服务器”和“个人电脑”。

(16) Their Unix server businesses are similar.他们的Unix服务器业务也很相似。原句中Unix指美国AT&T公司研制的一种操作系统。

(17) The margins for the services business come to only 14 percent.服务部门的利润率


(18) Another issue that will likely come up is how to integrate the PC divisions.另一个潜在的问题是如何整合两家公司的个人电脑部。该句汉译时将that引导的定语从句译成前置定语“潜在的”。

(19) HP out-sources 100 percent of its manufacturing. Compaq has been trying to move to a build-to-order manufacturing model for several years.惠普个人电脑的生产全部实行外购组件的方法,而康柏几年来一直都在朝着定做的生产模式努力。此处汉译采用了合句译法,将原文的两个简单句合译成一个并列句,中间增译了转折连词“而”。原句中out-sources意为“外部采购,外购”,build-to-order manufacturing model


(20) Computers made by one company are generally similar to PCs from another.一家公司生产的个人电脑与另一家公司生产的一般没有什么两样。该句汉译时采用了正反译的方法,将原句中的are generally similar to译成“一般没有什么两样”。

(21) By purchasing a smaller PC company, a larger company is mostly acquiring only the customer base.大公司收购小公司,一般仅仅是为了得到它的客户基数。该句中base 一词应表示“基数”。

(22) By and large, the consolidation should happen the old-fashioned way: by gaining market share.总的说来,合并应该遵循过去的做法:只有在能够获得更大的市场份额时才实现合并。原句中the old-fashioned way部分为方式状语,其前面省略了介词in,汉译时改译成了宾语。原句谓语动词happen译成“遵循”,以便与宾语搭配。market share为商贸术语,表示“市场份额”。

3. Teacher's Comments on the students' homework


Translate the following passage into Chinese:Maya, Away From Crowds

Chapter Three: Translation of Argumentative essays

Lesson Five


I.Teaching objectives(教学目的):The objectives of this lesson are for the students 1) to learn about features of the English used in argumentative essays and methods used in their translation; 2) to learn about the translation of proper nouns: Transliteration and Transplanting(专有名词的音译和移植); and 3) to analyze the translated version of the text for translation techniques used in it.

II. Time Allocation(课时分配): 150 minutes for the whole lesson, with50 mfor the translation techniques,50 mfor the analysis of the text and50 mfor the teacher's comment of the students' homework.

III.Types of Class(授课类型): Theory plus practice

IV. Mode of Teaching(教学方式): Explanation with the help of examples V.Teaching process(授课过程)

1.Translation of proper nouns: Transliteration and Transplanting(专有名词的音译和移植)

heartbreaking令人心碎的/ eye-popping使人瞠目的/ a belt-tightening policy勒紧腰带的政策/ a wait-and-see attitude等着瞧的态度/ crack the case破案/ thirst to learn渴望学习(周方珠《英汉翻译原理》)/ Home Club家乐/ Home World家世界(超市)/ straw man稻草人/ paper tiger纸老虎/水晶宫大饭店Crystal Palace Hotel /天津商学院Tianjin University of Commerce /北京外国语大学Beijing Foreign Studies University /上海外国语大学Shanghai International Studies University

eat the leek吃韭菜(忍受耻辱)/ lie on one's back躺在背上(仰卧)/ kiss-me-quick 快来吻我吧(垂在前额上的一绺卷发/戴在脑勺上的小女帽)/ see with half an eye睁一只眼闭一只眼(一望而知,显而易见)/ Have a cigar请抽烟(你好)/ forget-me-not 不要忘记我(勿忘草)(周方珠《英汉翻译原理》)

1) Transplantation:

BP机(beeper携带式呼叫器,呼机)/ CD唱盘(compact disk激光唱盘)/卡拉OK 厅(karaoke)/ KTV包房(电视卡拉OK)/ X光片/发e-mail /加入WTO /攻读MBA (Master of Business Administration工商管理硕士)/使用Word文件/ Windows 2000


《汉英翻译教程》-作者不详,在此致谢! 第一章 词的选择 词义的正确选择首先取决于对原文的确切理解,而对原文词义的确切理解又取决于对原文上下文的推敲。有些词看起来很简单,翻译时一下子就会想到常用的对应词。但又是最常用的对应词却不能准确地表达原作的意思。例如: 还要努力读一点历史和小说。 We should also find time to read some history books and novels. 这里“努力”一词理解为“挤出时间”是对的,如译为make an effort,则会使人误解为我们文化水平低,读历史和小说很费力。 再比如“水平”一词译成英语,不一定都是level, 要根据句子的含义确定译法。 1.他的英语水平比我的高。 He knows more English than I. 这里,汉语“水平”一词虽未译出,但其以已含在句子中。若照汉语字面应译成:The level of his English is higher than that of mine.就不符合英语表达习惯。 2.要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到一个新的水平……。 We must work hard to r aise to a new height the military and political quality of our army……. 这里“水平”指高度,故译作height,和动词搭配也比较顺。 3.各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。 Cadres at all levels should improve their art of leadership. 这里的“领导水平”,实际上指领导能力、领导艺术、故译作art of leadership. 以上的例子说明一个词的具体含义往往要结合上下文才能确定,在翻译的时候也只有结合上下文来考虑怎样处理这个词,才能译得准确。因此在辨析词义和正确选词时可注意下列几种情况。 (一)注意词的广义与狭义 英语中有不少同义词的词义有广、狭之区别,运用范围也就各不相同。例如 1.农业是国民经济的基础。 Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. 原文“农业”一词是广义,指一切农业经济(农、牧、林、渔),古译作agriculture。但在“农林牧副渔结合的方针”中,农与林木副渔并立,是指耕作的农业,不是指整个农业经济,古译作farming。整个词组应译为the principle of combining farming, forestry, animal husbandry, side-occupations and fishery. 2.他从不喝酒。 He never touches wine. 原文“酒”是指一切酒类,故译作wine。但在“他不喝烈性酒”一句中,“酒”是狭义,是和淡性酒相对而言的,又需译作spirits。 (二)注意词义的强弱 3.反动派的暴行激起了人民的极大愤怒。 The atrocities of the reactionaries roused the people to great indignation. 这里的“愤怒”含义强烈,故在译文中选用了indignation,而不用anger. 4.孙中山是个好人。 Dr. Sun Y et-sen was a man of integrity. 如果译作a good man, 则与这位伟大的革命先行者的身份不相称。 (三)注意词义的褒贬


汉英翻译基础教程 第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 (2) 第二章词法翻译的一般技巧 (4) 第三章名词的抽象和具体译法 (9) 第四章动词的翻译 (11) 第五章数词和冠词的翻译 (12) 第六章成语的英译 (13) 第七章修辞格的翻译 (17) 笫八章文化词语的翻译 (19) 第九章汉英句子比较与翻译 (20) 第十章换序和转态译法 (23) 笫十一章断句合句译法 (25) 笫十二章长句的翻译 (27) 第十四章汉英语篇比较与翻译 (29) 第十五章风格与翻译 (30) 第十六章语用与翻译 (32)

第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 第一节翻译中的选义 一、结合语境选择较贴切的译文 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 二、译出下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配 1. a swarm of bees a brood of chickens a litter of pups 2. a bevy of beautiful ladies a pack of hounds a team of ducks a herd of antelopes 3. unfailing support proactive fiscal policy make effective use of overseas resources 4. make a phone call take a taxi knit a woolen sweater fetch water play basketball spray insecticide 5. basic wage capital construction essential commodity primary industry fundamental interest 三、翻译下列句子,注意画线词语的理解 1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern 2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public. 3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan. 4. Everyone complained against such a practice. 5. They had a dispute at the meeting. 6. You should follow the doctor's advice. 7. They reached a consensus on this issue. 8. There is still some unfinished business to settle. 9. We have consulted him about the matter. 10. Please go back. There is nothing of your concern now 第二节翻译中的选词 一、翻译下列各句,注意词的选择和搭配。 1. That depends upon circumstances.


1. Today the electronic computer is widely used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellites into orbit. 译文:今天, 电子计算机广泛地运用于解决一些数学问题, 这些问题与天气预报、把卫星送入轨道有关。 2. No reference books are to be taken out of the reading-room without permission 译文:本阅览室的任何参考书都不得擅自带出。 3. Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is the freshness of the deep springs of life. 译文:青春不是人生的一个阶段,而是一种心境。青春是生命深处的一泓清泉。 4. The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media. 译文:因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与外界隔绝的。这种隔绝状态由于通信工具不足,就变得更加严重了。 5. You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. 译文:骗人一夕一事易,欺众一生一世难。 6. Care should be taken at all times to protect these sophisticated instruments from dust and damp. 译文:应当始终注意保护这些精密仪器,不使其沾染灰尘,不让他们受潮。 7. The study found that non-smoking wives of men who smoke cigarettes face a much greater than normal danger of developing lung cancer.The more cigarettes smoked by the husband,the greater the threat faced by his non.smoking wife. 译文:这项研究表明,妻子不抽烟丈夫抽烟,妻子的肺癌的危险性比一般人大的多。丈夫抽的烟越多,妻子受到的威胁也就越大。 8. For the first time in the annals of space, a piloted ship had succeeded in launching an earth satellite. 译文:载人飞船成功地发射了一颗人造地球卫星,这在航天史上尚属首次。 9. The first point about chores is that they are repetitive. They come every day or thereabouts, and once done they require after a certain time to be done again. 译文:家务事的第一个特点,是反反复复。几乎天天都有,而且做完之后,过一段时间又要重做一番。 10. With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes.


第三章名词的抽象和具体译法第一节名词的抽象译法(p68) 粗枝大叶to be crude and careless (with big branches and large leaves) 海阔天空to talk with random( with a vast sea and boundless sky) 灯红酒绿dissipated and luxurious (with red lights and green wine) 纸醉金迷of life of luxury and dissipation (with drunken paper and bewitched gold) 单枪匹马to be single-handed in doing sth (with a solitary spear and a single horse) 赤胆忠心ardent loyalty (with red gut and heart) 无孔不入to take advantage of every weakness (to get into every hole) 扬眉吐气to feel proud and elated (to raise the eyebrows and let out a breath) 开门见山to come straight to the point (to open the door and see the mountain) 大张旗鼓on a large and spectacular scale (to make a great array of flags and drums) 风雨飘摇(of a situation) being unstable (the wind and rain are rocking) 二.翻译下列句子 (1)这是他们夫妻之间的事情,你去插一脚干吗? That’s a business of their own, between husband and wife. Why should you get involved in? (2)别人家里鸡零狗碎的事情你都知道得这么全,真是个顺风耳啊! You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other families. You are really well informed. (3)这消息让我出了一身冷汗。 I’m extremely terrified by the news. (4)她毛遂自荐来这所小学做老师。 She volunteered for the teaching post in this primary school. (5)我不敢班门弄斧,诚望您发表高见。 I dare not show off in the presence of(在……面前)an expert. I hope you would be kind enough to enlighten(启发,启蒙)us on this matter. (6)敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。 The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder. (7)敌军军官听说后路已被切断,吓得目瞪口呆。 The enemy officer was stunned by the news that the route of retreat had been cut off. (8)这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。 These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words.


A brief introduction of literal translation 10英师4班 郭菲 2012200992 摘要:本文主要探讨的是翻译方法中的直译。通过讨论直译的概念,特点以及如何正常地使用直译。直译是一个不错的选择,它保持了原文的形式,使原语言意思更直观、细腻,保留形式。但是直译并不是一字一字地翻译。有些句子不应该从字面上翻译。因为这些句子包含一些成语或不符合语言习惯。所以在翻译中能够直译就尽量直译。 关键词:直译意译逐字翻译源语言目标语言 Definition of literal translation Literal translation, as a notion at the heart of most translation controversies for many centuies,has been given different definitions.Defined by dictionary of translation studies, Literal translation id the direct transfer of a source language text(SLT) into a grammatically and idiomatically appropriate target language text(TLT) (shuttleworth & cowie 2004;95) according to Barkhudarov(1969;10),a literal translation can be defined in linguistic terms as a translation “made on a level lower than is sufficient to convey the content unchanged while observing TL norms”. Catford put literal translation between word-for-word translation and free translation. In China, translators and scholars also have various interpretation of this translation approach. As an advocator of literal translation, Lu Xun definedit as:literal translation means faithfulness and expressivness. It must contain two aspects: 1) being easy to understand 2)retaining the manner of the SLT(Zhang Jin&Zhang Ning,2005;322) Xu Chongxin explained literal translation from the perspective of sentence structure. He regarded sentences as the basic units. For example, if the original text consists of one sentence only, the target text should should be one sentence as well. Profeeor Liu Zhongde defines literal translation in a relatively complete way,”in the pross of translation, literal translation treats sentences as basic units and meanwhile takes the whole passage into consideration; a translator who attaches great importance to literal translation does his or her best to reproduce the ideas and writing style of original work, retaining in the version as many rhetorical devices and sentence structures of the original as possible”(Tan Weiguo,2005;15) Considering all these scholars’ definitions together, I’d like to define literal translation in a few sentences. Literal translation, as the most common and most important translation approach, treats sentences as basic units and meanwhile takes the whole text into consideration. Literal translation preserves in the version both the original form and content,including sentence structures, rhetorical devices, writing style and the basic tone, as well as implicit and explicit meaning of the source language text. 1.Significance of literal translation Literal translation preserves the original intent of the text; it keeps the original use of language, syntax and diction. However, it can confuse the reader sometimes because there are differences between languages, and it would seem silly if everything is translated literally. Literal translation can also denote a translation that represents the precise meaning of the original text but does not attempt to convey its style, beauty, or poetry. Charles Singleton's translation of The Divine Comedy (1975) is regarded as a literal translation. That is to say, it is necessary for translators to study and master interference elements of

汉英翻译基础教程 第1章 练习参考答案

第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 第一节翻译中的选义 一、结合语境选择较贴切的译文 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 二、译出下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配 1. a swarm of bees a brood of chickens a litter of pups 2. a bevy of beautiful ladies a pack of hounds a team of ducks a herd of antelopes 3. unfailing support proactive fiscal policy make effective use of overseas resources 4. make a phone call take a taxi knit a woolen sweater fetch water play basketball spray insecticide 5. basic wage capital construction essential commodity primary industry fundamental interest 三、翻译下列句子,注意画线词语的理解 1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern 2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public. 3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan. 4. Everyone complained against such a practice. 5. They had a dispute at the meeting. 6. You should follow the doctor's advice. 7. They reached a consensus on this issue. 8. There is still some unfinished business to settle. 9. We have consulted him about the matter. 10. Please go back. There is nothing of your concern now 第二节翻译中的选词 一、翻译下列各句,注意词的选择和搭配。 1. That depends upon circumstances. 2. This state of affairs must be changed. 3. How do matters stand with them?

《英汉翻译基础教程》 笔记及习题(篇章翻译)【圣才出品】

第7单元篇章翻译 7.1 复习笔记 语篇通常指一系列连续的语段或句子构成的语言整体。语篇包括“话语”(discourse)和“篇章”(text)。语篇特征为:连贯、衔接,且具有明确的论题结构。 一、衔接 根据Halliday和Hasan的著作《英语中的衔接》,衔接手段大致可分为两种:语法衔接手段(grammatical cohesion)和词汇衔接手段(lexical cohesion)。前者又可以包括指称(reference)、省略(ellipsis)、替代(substitution)和连词(conjunction)。 1. 指代 指代主要分为三类:人称指代、指示指代和比较指代。 英语中,为了实现衔接,一般尽量采用代词指代前面出现的名词。汉语倾向于重复前文出现的名词,或者采用“零式指称”,省略主语。例: My friend looked somewhat ill at ease when he told me this: At the time when he bought this big house, his children had all been at school. Now they had their own homes and jobs. 【译文】朋友有点不好意思地说,买这座房子时,孩子们还在上学,如今都成家立业了。 2. 省略

省略可以分为名词省略、动词省略和小句省略。例: I had many wonderful ideas, but I only put a few into practice. 【译文】我有很多美妙的想法,但是只把少数付诸实践了。 3. 替代 “替代”指用较简短的语言形式替代上文中的某些词语,使行文简练流畅。 (1)名词替代比较常见的是使用one代替前文出现的某个名词。例: Carrie picked out the new abode because of its newness and bright wood—work. It was one of the very new ones supplied with steam heat, which was a great advantage.(Sister Carrie, Dreiser, T) 【译文】嘉莉选中这套新居所,是因为它是新建的,而且房间的木质部分色泽鲜亮,屋里有暖气,这是当时最新的房子才有的。 【分析】原文中,ones替代了abode;译文中,“房子”与其前面的“居所”构成同义词。 (2)动词替代经常是用助动词do的几种形式来代替前文出现的某个动词或动作意义。例: And yet this John Openshaw seems to me to be walking amid even greater perils than did the Sholtos. 【译文】可是在我看来,这个约翰·奥彭肖似乎是正在面临着比舒尔托更大的危险。 【分析】原文中,did替代了walked amid peril;译文中,该处同样进行了省略处理。 (3)小句替代使用指示代词指代前文出现的某一小句或者某一概念。例: “Well, I’ve got twenty-two dollars, but there’s everything to be paid for this


英汉笔译期末试题 考试科目:英汉笔译考试时间:90分钟 使用班级:英语1121/1121 考试形式:■闭卷□开卷 加PARTI TRANSLATIONMPROVEMEND%) Directions: There maybe one or more errors or inappropriate treatment in eac h of the following TRANSLATEVERSIONSPIease underline it (or them) andthe n correct it (or them) in the corresponding space provided on the ANSWERHEE T. (4 points for each save as specified otherwise) 1. His retort was delivered with a strong note of vinegar. 原译:他的反驳是带着强烈的醋意发出的。 改译:__________________________________________________ 。 2. Lincoln was a good speaker and student of political philosophy. 原译:林肯是一个杰出的演说家,又是一个政治哲学系的学生。 改译:__________________________________________________ 。 3. Thenewfather wore a proud smile. 原译:那位新父亲面带得意笑容。 改译:__________________________________________________ 。 4. A translator has to know everything of something and something of everything. 原译:翻译人员对一些事情要什么都懂,对什么事情都要懂得一些。 改译:__________________________________________________ 5. Being in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. 原译:在公司里工作,即使是最好的公司,也会很快就让人厌倦和消耗精力。改译:。 PARTI SENTENCES TRANSLATION%)


《基础笔译》课程标准 一、基本信息 适用对象:商务英语专业、翻译专业制定时间:2011-05 课程代码: 040249 所属系部:工商外语系 学分:4.5 学时:60 制定人:谢盛良批准人: 二、课程的目标 1、专业能力目标: 1)熟练掌握英汉翻译的基本理论及相关知识等。 2)熟练掌握合格译员所必须具备的基本素质、职业准则等。 3)熟练掌握笔译的几种基本技巧和方法。 4)在正确理解英语原文的基础上,熟练而通顺地将英文翻译成汉语,忠实于原文,速度为 每小时250-300词。 5)熟练掌握数字、专有名词、成语熟语翻译的基本技巧和方法。 6)熟练掌握商务、科技等各类文体句子、段落、篇章的基本笔译技巧和方法,具备良好的 双语能力。 2、方法能力目标: 1)能正确识别笔译材料的体裁,运用相应的翻译策略和方法。 2)能掌握英汉两种语言及文化的基本差异,正确认识英汉语言的内容与结构逻辑次序的不 同,摆脱原文束缚,准确翻译。 3)善于参考利用各种词典、百科全书、网络等工具在翻译理论的正确指导下从事翻译活动。 4)具备广博的知识,能够自主学习,自觉关注译学理论发展的前沿和动态。 3、社会能力目标: 1)具备译员良好的思想素质、职业道德精神和文化修养。 2)具备译员敏锐的政治意识,强烈的责任感和爱国主义精神,和吃苦耐劳的精神。 3)通专结合的复合型人才。 三、整体教学设计思路

1、课程定位 《基础笔译》是一门理论与实践紧密结合,并以实践为主的技能性课程。是翻译专业或(商务)英语专业的重要课程,目标是培养学生的英汉笔译基本能力,初步胜任一般日常性笔译工作。它以《综合英语》、《英语语法》、《英语写作》《英汉表达技巧》《英语阅读》等课程的学习为基础,也是进一步关联学习《商务笔译》《科技翻译》《商务翻译资格证书》《商务翻译单证》等课程的基础,在专业课程体系中处于承前启后的重要位置。通过学习这些课程,学生具备较强的英语读写译等各种语言运用能力,熟悉商务、科技及外事翻译活动的各个环节和要求,掌握基本的笔译理论和方法,能给客户提供一般书面笔译服务。 本课程旨在系统地传授英汉笔译的基本理论和技巧,通过大量的课堂实践和学生的自主学习,通过有针对性的循序渐进的讲授和练习及各种文体翻译训练,使学生熟悉翻译理论的基本知识和翻译的基本技巧,熟悉英汉两种语言与文化的异同,熟练运用常用的翻译技巧,培养学生的学习能力和英汉翻译的实践能力,从而能在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中借助词典翻译有关英语业务资料,进行一般水平的书面翻译,胜任一般性的政治、经济、商务、文化、科技、应用文等笔译工作,并为进一步翻译学习做好准备,为毕业后从事商务涉外工作奠定基础。 2、课程开发思路 笔译是各类涉外书面交流活动中不可或缺的环节。笔译能力的培养是英语专业人才培养的目标之一。因此,《基础笔译》则是依据英语专业人才培养方案而设计的。其总体设计思路是围绕培养学生在实际应用中笔译方面的能力为中心,依托学校的翻译服务中心(可筹建),结合校企合作培养模式,重点培养学生的英汉书面翻译的基本技能,强化不同语境下不同语篇翻译策略的选择和运用能力,提高学生的实际笔译水平,突出高职院校工学结合的特点,以工作任务为中心组织课程内容,并让学生在完成具体项目的过程中学会完成相应工作任务,并构建相关理论知识,发展职业能力。 本课程内容突出对学生职业能力的训练,理论知识的选取紧紧围绕工作任务完成的需要来进行,同时又充分考虑了高等职业教育对理论知识学习的需要,并融合了翻译职业资格证书对知识、技能和态度的要求。项目设计以笔译过程基本技能训练为主线来进行。教学过程中,要通过校企合作,校内翻译实训基地建设等多种途径,进行生产实训,充分开发学习资源,给学生提供丰富的实践机会。教学效果评价采取过程评价与结果评价相结合的方式,通过理论与实践相结合,重点评价学生的职业能力。



第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 第一节翻译中的选义 一、结合语境选择较贴切的译文 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 二、译出下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配 1. a swarm of bees a brood of chickens a litter of pups 2. a bevy of beautiful ladies a pack of hounds a team of ducks a herd of antelopes 3. unfailing support proactive fiscal policy make effective use of overseas resources 4. make a phone call take a taxi knit a woolen sweater fetch water

play basketball spray insecticide 5. basic wage capital construction essential commodity primary industry fundamental interest 三、翻译下列句子,注意画线词语的理解 1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern 2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public. 3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan. 4. Everyone complained against such a practice. 5. They had a dispute at the meeting. 6. You should follow the doctor's advice. 7. They reached a consensus on this issue. 8. There is still some unfinished business to settle. 9. We have consulted him about the matter. 10. Please go back. There is nothing of your concern now


《汉英翻译教程》 练习1 1、翻译的任务是什么? 2、翻译有哪几种种类? 3、翻译的标准是什么? 4、如何正确理解和表达? 练习2 翻译下列各句,注意词的选择和搭配: 1、那个受惊的小孩紧紧抓住他母亲的手。 2、他把自己的一生献给为人民服务的事业。 3、新生儿需要细心护理。 4、该委员会由五人组成。 5、我借一下你的电话好吗? 练习3 翻译下列各句,根据需要增补适当的词语: 1、中国总是要前进的。 2、你想看这本书,就先看吧。 3、所有公民在法律面前一律平等。 4、他们一听说有新任务就坐不住了。 5、只要中国人民积极奋斗,这个宏伟的战略目标是能够达到的。练习4 翻译下列各句,注意省略: 1.新老干部要互相学习,互相帮助,取长补短。 2.他一开口总是三句话不离本行。 3.每条河流都有上游、中游和下游。 4.一五一十地都给父母讲了。 5.他们是亲密无间的朋友。 练习5 翻译下列各句,注意划线部分词类的转换: 1.中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。2.共产党员应该吃苦在前,享受在后。 3.我们觉得解决这个问题并不难。 4.我们科学研究发展的特点是理论联系实际。 5.社会主义革命的目的是为了解放生产力。 练习6 翻译下列各句,注意划线部分在句中的位置: 1.他们最近的成就表明他们所取得的巨大进步。 2.这是唯一可能的解决的办法。 3.不论晴雨,我们明天非去不可。 4.我们必须清楚了解所有牵涉到的问题。

5.我率领的部队南征北战,越战越强。 练习7 翻译下列各句,注意运用语态变换的方法:1.关于这个问题,已经说得很多了。 2.医院立即收下那个重伤的男孩。 3.认识落后,才能改变落后。 4.这篇文章需要再润色一下。 5.他的话使我感到莫名其妙。 练习8 翻译下列各句,注意恰当运用正说与反说的技巧:1.他的暗示没有引起我的注意。 2.你恐怕弄错了。 3.他不在,我感到很寂寞。 4.只要他没有病倒,他是不会不来的。 5.是重力使我们不致于从地球上抛出去。 练习9 采用适当的方式翻译下列无主句: 1.以其人之道,还治其人之身。 2.前头坐着一位老人。 3.没有矛盾,就没有世界。 4.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 5.忠诚党的教育事业。 练习10 将下列汉语省略句译成英语省略句: 1.妈妈买了一架电视机。 2.象是要下雨的样子。 3.多年来一直喝这种苦药,我真是喝够了。 4.他有自己的打算,但不愿向别人谈论。 5.这件事你不懂,就别再操心了。 练习11 翻译下列各句,注意“得”字句补语的译法:1.她伤心得大哭起来。 2.床收拾得很整齐。 3.他兴奋得说不出话来。 4.他累得走不动了。 5.她的头发长得几乎拖地了。 练习12 翻译下列各句,注意“把”字词组的译法:1.今天是什么风把你吹来了? 2.他们把我们看做自己家里人。 3.不要把你的衣服弄脏了。 4.母亲把孩子叫回来复习功课。 5.那意味着把工作交给他了。


Conversion (Part I) II. Into Nouns 1. V→N 1) A government report targets earning from tourism at 200 million US dollars by 2007. 政府的一份报告提出一个目标:到2007年旅游业收入要达到2亿美元。 2) What impressed me most was his courage in the face of the death. 给我留下最深刻印象的是他面对死亡时所表现出的勇气。 3) He was blacklisted for striking his boss. 他因殴打上司而上了黑名单。 4) A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, sat into the car. 一位穿着讲究的人坐进汽车里,他的外表和言谈像是美国人。 5) The Greek word ―atom‖ means―cannot be cut‖. 希腊语“原子”一词的意思是“不可分割”。 6) Mercury weighs about thirteen times as much as water. 水银的比重约为水的十三倍。 7) The earth on which we live is shaped like a ball. 我们居住的地球,形状就像一个球。 8) The electric current is defined as a stream of electrons flowing through a conductor. 电流的定义是流经一个导体的电子流。 9) The volume of trade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries. 贸易量有了很大的增加,给两国都带来了益处。 2. 受到……+n. 加以……+n. 1) His image as a good student was badly tarnished. 他作为一个好学生的形象,已遭受到很大的玷污。


No Giant Skyscrapers Chicago and New York are famous for their1 tall buildings2. California cannot be3. Its4 buildings have to be famous for their beauty or their historical importance5. California is earthquake country. The San Andreas Fault is a cause of earthquakes6. It7 is a long crack in the earth that stretches from Southern to Northern California. Rocks inside the earth8 move and the earth shakes. These earthquakes make the fault bigger9. The most famous earthquake in California happened in 1906. It10 destroyed most of the young city of San Francisco. People rebuilt the city11. They looked at the buildings that did not12 fall in the earthquake and they learned more about13 building in California. Tall buildings can be dangerous14 in earthquakes. Today California has codes that say15 how a building must be built and how tall it can be. Los Angeles has16 several earthquakes each year. The tall buildings move a little17 and everyone takes a deep breath18. Usually tourists and newcomers are the most frightened19. People who grew up20 in California say, “We're used to it21!” Earthquakes do not stop the building industry in California, but they do make architects work a little harder. The buildings they design have to look good and stand up in an earthquake22. These buildings are good examples of modern California architecture. The Nonaventure Hotel is a few city blocks from the old Mission church. The Century City Complex is near the Ocean. It stands on the site of the old Twentieth Century Fox movie studios. These buildings show that people are not afraid to build23 in California. (264 words) 苗族龙船节 苗族龙船节,与汉族的端午节不同。除时间不同外,一般不举行竞赛,主要活动是串寨子,走亲访友。清晨,龙船在江水中游动,所到之处,亲友们纷纷到岸边“接龙”。 龙船过寨,鸣放铁炮传告亲友,岸上以鞭炮声相呼应。亲友们上前,向船上的人各敬两杯米酒,并将礼品——鹅鸭、彩绸挂于龙头。如系女婿、姑舅等至亲,送上的礼物则是猪羊。 下午四时左右,龙船靠岸休息,水手们将糯米饭团和肉放置船帮上就餐,不用碗筷。岸上的妇女和小孩前来“讨路边饭”。传说,吃了龙船上的食品,能消灾免难,百事如愿。后来这就成为传统的风俗习惯。 岸上,还有苗家传统的赛马、斗牛、踩鼓等活动。姑娘们身着节日盛装应着木鼓鼓点翩翩起舞。飞歌往来,通宵达旦,青年男女得以相识,往往以后成为夫妻。(318字)

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