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外文出处: Java Developer’s Guide


to Servlets and JSP

附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。



JSP Debugging Problems

In the Tomcat implementation, JSP pages are handled by a servlet that has its own log file,called “jasper.log” by default. However, because the JSP servlet is run by the normal servlet engine, errors during compilation presently end up in the main “tomcat.log” file. If you are using another servlet and JSP engine, it will probably have different logfile conventions.

Therefore, the most important advice I can give on JSP debugging is that you should become very familiar with all the logging capabilities of your chosen platform.

JSP Syntax Errors

A JSP page has to go through both translation to a Java servlet and compilation of the servlet before you even get to make runtime errors. You are probably going to be chasing a lot of simple syntax problems. An example that seems to occur a lot has to do with escaping quotation marks in JSP expression statements. The JSP code in Listing 5.13, an example from Chapter 3, gets translated into a single Java out.write statement that writes part of a

tag in HTML. Because the tag requires quoted values, a mind-boggling number of escaped quotation marks is required; missing any one of these could cause a translation error,a compilation error, or an error in the resulting HTML page.

Importing Classes

Due to the way JSP pages mix HTML and Java, it is easy to forget to import required classes.The JSP translator creates the necessary import statements based on the code it writes, but you have to provide your own for the code you write. When writing the memory.jsp code used later in this chapter, I got the compilation error shown in Listing 5.14. Note that the error message is formulated in XML, a design decision by Sun that will make creation of more advanced tools for JSP much easier.

If you wade through the verbiage, you can see that the compiler error is reported as an inability to find the Date class in the Java class with the astonishingly long name that Tomcat makes up when translating JSP pages.

Design for Debugging

An alternate name for this section would be “Design for Testing,”because the basic idea is that if you plan your Java classes so they can be tested in a controlled environment, there will be fewer bugs when the classes are used in a Web server environment. This principle is one reason Sun emphasizes the use of JavaBeans in JSP and servlet applications.

Tools for Beans

As we discussed in Chapter 2, a JavaBean is simply a Java class that meets the following criteria:

●The class must be public.

●The class must have a no-arguments constructor.

●The class must provide set and get methods to access variables.

The JavaBean component architecture has been around for several years, and many vendors of IDEs and toolkits have adapted their products to work with JavaBeans. Although most of these tools emphasize JavaBeans as GUI components, they also work with beans used in servlets.The central Sun home Web page for JavaBeans and related technology is at:


One of the tools available at that site is the “BeanBox,” a tool that is mainly intended for use with GUI components but could be used with any bean. If the JavaBean class is serializable,the JSP programmer has the option of either creating a new object from the class file or reading in a serialized object with variables already set.

Catch That Exception!

When working with JSP, remember that you can designate your own custom error page by specifying it in the page directive tag as in this example from Chapter 2.

<%@ page language="java" errorPage="/JSPbook/Chapt02/whoops.jsp" %> Any JSP page that is designated as the error page must include a tag similar to the following:

<%@ page language="java" isErrorPage="true" %>

which sets the isErrorPage parameter. This ensures that the page will have a default variable named exception that will refer to the actual error or exception.

When working with a servlet, it frequently makes sense to enclose most of the statements in the doPost or doGet method with a try - catch block structure. However, remember that your variable declarations should be made before the try block starts; otherwise, they will be out of scope in the catch block. Listing 5.16 shows a skeleton of a doGet method. Note that it takes advantage of the fact that when the JVM is trying to find a handler for an exception, it will use the first catch statement that fits the hierarchy. This allows us to provide special handling for IOException and MyCustomException exceptions while ensuring that every exception is caught.

Custom Exceptions

Writing your own extension of a standard library Exception class to fit your particular application is an excellent way to get more information than the normal exception provides. Your custom exception class can have several different constructors reflecting different possible problems. If you don’t want the compiler to force you to write exception handling code, your custom class should descend from RuntimeException.

Using Assertions

Although Java does not have assertion capability built in, it is easy to add. The purpose of an assertion statement is to verify that certain conditions are true before the program is allowed to proceed. It serves as a single statement shorthand for logic that would otherwise be expressed with an if statement. For example, if a program required a non-null reference named userName, you could code it like this:

if( userName == null ){

throw new IllegalArgumentException(“bad user name”);


Or using the Assertion class, you could code it like this:

Assertion.assert( userName != null, “bad user name”);

Note that with the assertion, the logic test is expected to yield a value of true under normal conditions. If the test yields false, an AssertionException is thrown. Listing 5.17 shows the Assertion class source code, and Listing 5.18 shows the code for the AssertionException class.

You may reasonably ask, why use a special class when the same logic could be accomplished with an if statement? One answer is that using assertions makes the purpose of the logic very clear. You can tell at a glance that the program would be interrupted at that point if the condition is not met, whereas an if statement could be used for any purpose.

If you use assertions correctly, so that the program does not depend on a result caused by an assertion statement, then you can confidently remove the assertion statements when you are sure that the program is running correctly. Personally, I prefer to comment out the assertion statements so that they stay in the source code as a reminder of what was checked during program development.


Well, you got your application running in your localhost test system. It gives the right results and doesn’t throw exceptions, so you must be finished with debugging, right? Wrong,there are still plenty of bugs that can become apparent only after it has been running a while.

For example, you might have a memory leak due if objects are being put into a Vector or Hashtable and are never removed. If each object is only a hundred bytes, it will take many requests to finally kill the server with a memory error. Your first inkling of a problem may come when you notice that the server is getting slower and slower due to excessive paging of


A Thread leak might occur if every request creates a Thread to carry out some task but you have neglected to provide a way for the Thread to exit the run method and die normally.After a few thousand Thread objects have accumulated, the application may get very odd.

What you need for this kind of debugging is a way to remotely monitor memory and Thread usage in a running server. That way you can look in from time to time and watch for trends that might indicate a bug. Listing 5.19 shows memory.jsp, a simple JSP that can display the current servlet engine Threads and Java Virtual Machine memory usage.

This page uses the fact that all Thread objects created in a servlet engine typically belong to the same ThreadGroup. The toString method displays the name of the Thread, its priority,and the name of the ThreadGroup it belongs to. Example output from the Tomcat Web server using this JSP is shown in Figure 5.5.

Note that some of the Thread objects shown in Figure 5.5 are named “StandardManager”and some are named “Thread-n” where n is a sequence number. The sequence number naming style is the default for Thread objects created without a programmer-supplied name. If your application creates any Thread objects, you should name them so that they will stand out in this listing.

Custom Logging

The main thing to remember when writing a custom logging facility is that there may be many Threads executing the same servlet, so log writing methods must be synchronized on the stream object used to write the log. For example, suppose you wanted to add logging to the ChatRoom class created in Chapter 3. The code in Listing 5.20 can be added to the init-ChatRooms static method to open the log file in the append mode.

At a minimum, a custom log should provide for logging a simple message and for logging an exception with a message as shown in Listing 5.21. Note

that a call to the flush method is needed because PrintWriter streams do not flush output by default.

Miscellaneous Notes

This section contains some debugging hints that I could not figure out

a way to categorize.Therefore, I list them here:

●Note that log buffering by the servlet engine means that if you look

at the log while the engine is still running, you may not see the

latest messages.

● A frequent source of mysterious runtime errors in servlets occurs

when the programmer forgets to include a call to super.init() in an

init() method.

●As a precaution, if your servlet does all its work in a doPost method,

have your doGet call doPost. That way, if the servlet is ever

addressed directly, you will at least get something back instead of

seeing a “page not found” error.

●If a program works right the first (n) times but crashes on subsequent

tries, look for a resource such as a database connection that has

not been released.

●If a JSP or servlet works fine every time you try it, but certain

users can never get it to work, the first thing to ask is “does your

browser have cookies turned on?”

●When building a Web page with a JSP or servlet, you can avoid

confusion about the location of static resources such as image files

by using a tag in the tag area of the HTML document.

This establishes a base URL for the location of resource files.

Web Server Errors

At the Web server/servlet/JSP engine level of organization, a number of things can go wrong.Hopefully, by the time you read this, Tomcat—the official “reference” implementation of servlets and JSP—will have a detailed set of installation instructions and an online FAQ system for

installation problems. Here are some of the reasons people have not been able to get Tomcat running (commercial systems have similar problems): Out of Date JDK Installation There have been reports of problems with JDK 1.2.0 and 1.2.1, so make sure you have the most recent compiler and standard library files.

Leftover Jar or Class Files If you have been working with the earlier Sun JSDK version,make sure you remove all traces of the previous jar or class files.

Out of Date Linking Software If you are using a servlet engine as an add-on to a commercial server such as IIS, be sure you have the latest DLL or other software that links the Web server to the servlet engine.

Log Files

It is good debugging practice to have a servlet record progress messages to a log file. Unfortunately,there does not appear to be any standardization among servlet engines as to where log files are stored. For example, the JRun 2.3 servlet engine has the rather complex directory structure summarized in Listing 5.10. There are eight different directories named logs within this structure. Fortunately, if you are using this engine, you will usually be concerned with only two of these log directories.

Whichever servlet engine you choose, use your early testing of the installation to get familiar with the location and use of log files. Don’t jump into doing your own projects until the examples provided by the vendor work as expected and you understand where the log files are written.

Application Locations and Alias Settings

There is no particular uniformity about the installation and setup of the current generation of Web servers and Java servlet/JSP engines. However, the Servlet 2.2 API documentation makes some clear statements about this subject, so the commercial products might become more uniform.

Sun has whole-heartedly adopted XML for the purpose of configuring applications in the J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) and the Servlet 2.2

API. This makes for configuration files that are bulky but very easy to read and parse. Still, many users have problems in the configuration area.

Applications have two effective locations: the location as seen by the Web server and the location as seen by the native file system. The Web server converts between request URLs and real files by means of aliases that you, the operator, have to set up. If you get the dreaded“404 - File Not Found”error when trying to access your JSP file, this is the place to start looking. Because different commercial servers have different conventions, I am going to concentrate on the Tomcat server.

Locating HTML and JSP Pages

The Tomcat server uses the TOMCAT_HOME environment variable plus context information from the server.xml file to locate HTML and JSP files. Listing 5.11 shows the xml-coded text that sets up three separate contexts for URLs, and Table 5.1 shows how the Tomcat server converts URLs using this information plus the TOMCAT_HOME value of “c:\tomcat”to create an absolute path. Note that file paths in configuration files use forward slashes—even if your server is running under Windows—to ensure that the files are portable. Java automatically handles path separator differences between platforms.

In Table 5.1, note that when the server does not have a specific context for a path (as with the“JSPbook/Chap04” URL), the ROOT value is used as a starting point. When the context specifies a complete path (as with the “training” context), the server uses that instead of building one based on TOMCAT_HOME.

The other parameters in each context shown in Listing 5.11 are also significant for debugging.The debug value of “0” minimizes the amount of information the server writes for applications in this path, whereas values up to “9” are more prolific. When you are debugging a new application, if you put it in a separate server context, you can set the level of debugging messages high for this application alone. That way you won’t have to wade

through debugging messages from other applications.

The reloadable attribute should be set “true” if you want Tomcat to check the timestamp on servlet classes and reload them if a new class file has appeared. This is the normal setting for debugging, but it does take extra time for the engine to check the timestamp with every use.


理工学院 毕业设计外文资料翻译 专业:计算机科学与技术 姓名:马艳丽 学号: 12L0752218 外文出处:The Design and Implementation of 3D Electronic Map of Campus Based on WEBGIS 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 基于WebGIS的校园三维电子地图的设计与实现 一.导言 如今,数字化和信息化是当今时代的主题。随着信息革命和计算机科学的发展,计算机技术已经渗透到科学的各个领域,并引起了许多革命性的变化,在这些科目,古代制图学也不例外。随着技术和文化的不断进步,地图变化的形式和内容也随之更新。在计算机图形学中,地理信息系统(GIS)不断应用到Web,制作和演示的传统方式经历了巨大的变化,由于先进的信息技术的发展,地图的应用已经大大延长。在这些情况下,绘图将面临广阔的发展前景。电子地图是随之应运而生的产品之一。随着计算机技术,计算机图形学理论,遥感技术,航空摄影测量技术和其他相关技术的飞速发展。用户需要的三维可视化,动态的交互性和展示自己的各种地理相关的数据处理和分析,如此多的关注应支付的研究三维地图。东北石油大学及其周边地区的基础上本文设计并建立三维电子地图。 二.系统设计 基于WebGIS的校园三维电子地图系统的具有普通地图的一般特性。通过按键盘上的箭头键(上,下,左,右),可以使地图向相应的方向移动。通过拖动鼠标,可以查看感兴趣的任何一个地方。使用鼠标滚轮,可以控制地图的大小,根据用户的需求来查看不同缩放级别的地图。在地图的左下角会显示当前鼠标的坐标。在一个div层,我们描绘了一个新建筑物的热点,这层可以根据不同的地图图层的显示,它也可以自动调整。通过点击热点,它可以显示热点的具体信息。也可以输入到查询的信息,根据自己的需要,并得到一些相关的信息。此外,通过点击鼠标,人们可以选择检查的三维地图和卫星地图。 主要功能包括: ?用户信息管理:检查用户名和密码,根据权限设置级别的认证,允许不同权限的用户通过互联网登录系统。 ?位置信息查询:系统可以为用户提供模糊查询和快速定位。


Talking about security loopholes Richard S. Kraus reference to the core network security business objective is to protect the sustainability of the system and data security, This two of the main threats come from the worm outbreaks, hacking attacks, denial of service attacks, Trojan horse. Worms, hacker attacks problems and loopholes closely linked to, if there is major security loopholes have emerged, the entire Internet will be faced with a major challenge. While traditional Trojan and little security loopholes, but recently many Trojan are clever use of the IE loophole let you browse the website at unknowingly were on the move. Security loopholes in the definition of a lot, I have here is a popular saying: can be used to stem the "thought" can not do, and are safety-related deficiencies. This shortcoming can be a matter of design, code realization of the problem. Different perspective of security loo phole s In the classification of a specific procedure is safe from the many loopholes in classification. 1. Classification from the user groups: ● Public loopholes in the software category. If the loopholes in Windows, IE loophole, and so on. ● specialized software loophole. If Oracle loopholes, Apach e,


微软Visual Studio 1微软Visual Studio Visual Studio 是微软公司推出的开发环境,Visual Studio可以用来创建Windows平台下的Windows应用程序和网络应用程序,也可以用来创建网络服务、智能设备应用程序和Office 插件。Visual Studio是一个来自微软的集成开发环境IDE,它可以用来开发由微软视窗,视窗手机,Windows CE、.NET框架、.NET精简框架和微软的Silverlight支持的控制台和图形用户界面的应用程序以及Windows窗体应用程序,网站,Web应用程序和网络服务中的本地代码连同托管代码。 Visual Studio包含一个由智能感知和代码重构支持的代码编辑器。集成的调试工作既作为一个源代码级调试器又可以作为一台机器级调试器。其他内置工具包括一个窗体设计的GUI应用程序,网页设计师,类设计师,数据库架构设计师。它有几乎各个层面的插件增强功能,包括增加对支持源代码控制系统(如Subversion和Visual SourceSafe)并添加新的工具集设计和可视化编辑器,如特定于域的语言或用于其他方面的软件开发生命周期的工具(例如Team Foundation Server的客户端:团队资源管理器)。 Visual Studio支持不同的编程语言的服务方式的语言,它允许代码编辑器和调试器(在不同程度上)支持几乎所有的编程语言,提供了一个语言特定服务的存在。内置的语言中包括C/C + +中(通过Visual C++),https://www.doczj.com/doc/c2179608.html,(通过Visual https://www.doczj.com/doc/c2179608.html,),C#中(通过Visual C#)和F#(作为Visual Studio 2010),为支持其他语言,如M,Python,和Ruby等,可通过安装单独的语言服务。它也支持的 XML/XSLT,HTML/XHTML ,JavaScript和CSS.为特定用户提供服务的Visual Studio也是存在的:微软Visual Basic,Visual J#、Visual C#和Visual C++。 微软提供了“直通车”的Visual Studio 2010组件的Visual Basic和Visual C#和Visual C + +,和Visual Web Developer版本,不需任何费用。Visual Studio 2010、2008年和2005专业版,以及Visual Studio 2005的特定语言版本(Visual Basic、C++、C#、J#),通过微软的下载DreamSpark计划,对学生免费。 2架构 Visual Studio不支持任何编程语言,解决方案或工具本质。相反,它允许插入各种功能。特定的功能是作为一个VS压缩包的代码。安装时,这个功能可以从服务器得到。IDE提供三项服务:SVsSolution,它提供了能够列举的项目和解决方案; SVsUIShell,它提供了窗口和用户界面功能(包括标签,工具栏和工具窗口)和SVsShell,它处理VS压缩包的注册。此外,IDE还可以负责协调和服务之间实现通信。所有的编辑器,设计器,项目类型和其他工具都是VS压缩包存在。Visual Studio 使用COM访问VSPackage。在Visual Studio SDK中还包括了管理软件包框架(MPF),这是一套管理的允许在写的CLI兼容的语言的任何围绕COM的接口。然而,MPF并不提供所有的Visual Studio COM 功能。


数据库管理系统的介绍 Raghu Ramakrishnan1 数据库(database,有时拼作data base)又称为电子数据库,是专门组织起来的一组数据或信息,其目的是为了便于计算机快速查询及检索。数据库的结构是专门设计的,在各种数据处理操作命令的支持下,可以简化数据的存储,检索,修改和删除。数据库可以存储在磁盘,磁带,光盘或其他辅助存储设备上。 数据库由一个或一套文件组成,其中的信息可以分解为记录,每一记录又包含一个或多个字段(或称为域)。字段是数据存取的基本单位。数据库用于描述实体,其中的一个字段通常表示与实体的某一属性相关的信息。通过关键字以及各种分类(排序)命令,用户可以对多条记录的字段进行查询,重新整理,分组或选择,以实体对某一类数据的检索,也可以生成报表。 所有数据库(最简单的除外)中都有复杂的数据关系及其链接。处理与创建,访问以及维护数据库记录有关的复杂任务的系统软件包叫做数据库管理系统(DBMS)。DBMS软件包中的程序在数据库与其用户间建立接口。(这些用户可以是应用程序员,管理员及其他需要信息的人员和各种操作系统程序)。 DBMS可组织,处理和表示从数据库中选出的数据元。该功能使决策者能搜索,探查和查询数据库的内容,从而对在正规报告中没有的,不再出现的且无法预料的问题做出回答。这些问题最初可能是模糊的并且(或者)是定义不恰当的,但是人们可以浏览数据库直到获得所需的信息。简言之,DBMS将“管理”存储的数据项,并从公共数据库中汇集所需的数据项以回答非程序员的询问。 DBMS由3个主要部分组成:(1)存储子系统,用来存储和检索文件中的数据;(2)建模和操作子系统,提供组织数据以及添加,删除,维护,更新数据的方法;(3)用户和DBMS之间的接口。在提高数据库管理系统的价值和有效性方面正在展现以下一些重要发展趋势; 1.管理人员需要最新的信息以做出有效的决策。 2.客户需要越来越复杂的信息服务以及更多的有关其订单,发票和账号的当前信息。 3.用户发现他们可以使用传统的程序设计语言,在很短的一段时间内用数据1Database Management Systems( 3th Edition ),Wiley ,2004, 5-12


外文文献翻译(译成中文2000字左右): As research laboratories become more automated,new problems are arising for laboratory managers.Rarely does a laboratory purchase all of its automation from a single equipment vendor. As a result,managers are forced to spend money training their users on numerous different software packages while purchasing support contracts for each. This suggests a problem of scalability. In the ideal world,managers could use the same software package to control systems of any size; from single instruments such as pipettors or readers to large robotic systems with up to hundreds of instruments. If such a software package existed, managers would only have to train users on one platform and would be able to source software support from a single vendor. If automation software is written to be scalable, it must also be flexible. Having a platform that can control systems of any size is far less valuable if the end user cannot control every device type they need to use. Similarly, if the software cannot connect to the customer’s Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) database,it is of limited usefulness. The ideal automation software platform must therefore have an open architecture to provide such connectivity. Two strong reasons to automate a laboratory are increased throughput and improved robustness. It does not make sense to purchase high-speed automation if the controlling software does not maximize throughput of the system. The ideal automation software, therefore, would make use of redundant devices in the system to increase throughput. For example, let us assume that a plate-reading step is the slowest task in a given method. It would make that if the system operator connected another identical reader into the system, the controller software should be able to use both readers, cutting the total throughput time of the reading step in half. While resource pooling provides a clear throughput advantage, it can also be used to make the system more robust. For example, if one of the two readers were to experience some sort of error, the controlling software should be smart enough to route all samples to the working reader without taking the entire system offline. Now that one embodiment of an ideal automation control platform has been described let us see how the use of C++ helps achieving this ideal possible. DISCUSSION C++: An Object-Oriented Language Developed in 1983 by BjarneStroustrup of Bell Labs,C++ helped propel the concept of object-oriented programming into the mainstream.The term ‘‘object-oriented programming language’’ is a familiar phrase that has been in use for decades. But what does it mean? And why is it relevant for automation software? Essentially, a language that is object-oriented provides three important programming mechanisms:


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系:信息工程学院 专业:计算机科学与技术 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Chris Haseman. Android-essential (用外文写) s[M].London:Spring--Verlag,2008 .8-13. 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年月日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 无线局域网 一、为何使用无线局域网络 对于局域网络管理主要工作之一,对于铺设电缆或是检查电缆是否断线这种耗时的工作,很容易令人烦躁,也不容易在短时间内找出断线所在。再者,由于配合企业及应用环境不断的更新与发展,原有的企业网络必须配合重新布局,需要重新安装网络线路,虽然电缆本身并不贵,可是请技术人员来配线的成本很高,尤其是老旧的大楼,配线工程费用就更高了。因此,架设无线局域网络就成为最佳解决方案。 二、什么情形需要无线局域网络 无线局域网络绝不是用来替代有限局域网络,而是用来弥补有线局域网络之不足,以达到网络延伸之目的,下列情形可能须要无线局域网络。 ●无固定工作场所的使用者 ●有线局域网络架设受环境限制 ●作为有线局域网络的备用系统 三、无线局域网络存取技术 目前厂商在设计无线局域网络产品时,有相当多种存取设计方式,大致可分为三大类:窄频微波技术、展频(Spread Spectrum)技术、及红外线(Infrared)技术,每种技术皆有其优缺点、限制及比较,接下来是这些技术方法的详细探讨。 1.技术要求 由于无线局域网需要支持高速、突发的数据业务,在室内使用还需要解决多径衰落以及各子网间串扰等问题。具体来说,无线局域网必须实现以下技术要求: 1)可靠性:无线局域网的系统分组丢失率应该低于10-5,误码率应该低 于10-8。


毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 题目西安市水源工程中的 水电站设计 专业水利水电工程 班级 学生 指导教师 2016年

研究钢弧形闸门的动态稳定性 牛志国 河海大学水利水电工程学院,中国南京,邮编210098 nzg_197901@https://www.doczj.com/doc/c2179608.html,,niuzhiguo@https://www.doczj.com/doc/c2179608.html, 李同春 河海大学水利水电工程学院,中国南京,邮编210098 ltchhu@https://www.doczj.com/doc/c2179608.html, 摘要 由于钢弧形闸门的结构特征和弹力,调查对参数共振的弧形闸门的臂一直是研究领域的热点话题弧形弧形闸门的动力稳定性。在这个论文中,简化空间框架作为分析模型,根据弹性体薄壁结构的扰动方程和梁单元模型和薄壁结构的梁单元模型,动态不稳定区域的弧形闸门可以通过有限元的方法,应用有限元的方法计算动态不稳定性的主要区域的弧形弧形闸门工作。此外,结合物理和数值模型,对识别新方法的参数共振钢弧形闸门提出了调查,本文不仅是重要的改进弧形闸门的参数振动的计算方法,但也为进一步研究弧形弧形闸门结构的动态稳定性打下了坚实的基础。 简介 低举升力,没有门槽,好流型,和操作方便等优点,使钢弧形闸门已经广泛应用于水工建筑物。弧形闸门的结构特点是液压完全作用于弧形闸门,通过门叶和主大梁,所以弧形闸门臂是主要的组件确保弧形闸门安全操作。如果周期性轴向载荷作用于手臂,手臂的不稳定是在一定条件下可能发生。调查指出:在弧形闸门的20次事故中,除了极特殊的破坏情况下,弧形闸门的破坏的原因是弧形闸门臂的不稳定;此外,明显的动态作用下发生破坏。例如:张山闸,位于中国的江苏省,包括36个弧形闸门。当一个弧形闸门打开放水时,门被破坏了,而其他弧形闸门则关闭,受到静态静水压力仍然是一样的,很明显,一个动态的加载是造成的弧形闸门破坏一个主要因素。因此弧形闸门臂的动态不稳定是造成弧形闸门(特别是低水头的弧形闸门)破坏的主要原是毫无疑问。


专业外文翻译 题目JSP Technology Conspectus and Specialties 系(院)计算机系 专业计算机科学与技术 班级 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称讲师 二〇一三年五月十六日

JSP Technology Conspectus and Specialties The JSP (Java Server Pages) technology is used by the Sun micro-system issued by the company to develop dynamic Web application technology. With its easy, cross-platform, in many dynamic Web application programming languages, in a short span of a few years, has formed a complete set of standards, and widely used in electronic commerce, etc. In China, the JSP now also got more extensive attention; get a good development, more and more dynamic website to JSP technology. The related technologies of JSP are briefly introduced. The JSP a simple technology can quickly and with the method of generating Web pages. Use the JSP technology Web page can be easily display dynamic content. The JSP technology are designed to make the construction based on Web applications easier and efficient, and these applications and various Web server, application server, the browser and development tools work together. The JSP technology isn't the only dynamic web technology, also not the first one, in the JSP technology existed before the emergence of several excellent dynamic web technologies, such as CGI, ASP, etc. With the introduction of these technologies under dynamic web technology, the development and the JSP. Technical JSP the development background and development history In web brief history, from a world wide web that most of the network information static on stock transactions evolution to acquisition of an operation and infrastructure. In a variety of applications, may be used for based on Web client, look no restrictions. Based on the browser client applications than traditional based on client/server applications has several advantages. These benefits include almost no limit client access and extremely simplified application deployment and management (to update an application, management personnel only need to change the program on a server, not thousands of installation in client applications). So, the software industry is rapidly to build on the client browser multilayer application. The rapid growth of exquisite based Web application requirements development of

房地产信息管理系统的设计与实现 外文翻译

本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 译文: ASP ASP介绍 你是否对静态HTML网页感到厌倦呢?你是否想要创建动态网页呢?你是否想 要你的网页能够数据库存储呢?如果你回答:“是”,ASP可能会帮你解决。在2002年5月,微软预计世界上的ASP开发者将超过80万。你可能会有一个疑问什么是ASP。不用着急,等你读完这些,你讲会知道ASP是什么,ASP如何工作以及它能为我们做 什么。你准备好了吗?让我们一起去了解ASP。 什么是ASP? ASP为动态服务器网页。微软在1996年12月推出动态服务器网页,版本是3.0。微软公司的正式定义为:“动态服务器网页是一个开放的、编辑自由的应用环境,你可以将HTML、脚本、可重用的元件来创建动态的以及强大的网络基础业务方案。动态服务器网页服务器端脚本,IIS能够以支持Jscript和VBScript。”(2)。换句话说,ASP是微软技术开发的,能使您可以通过脚本如VBScript Jscript的帮助创建动态网站。微软的网站服务器都支持ASP技术并且是免费的。如果你有Window NT4.0服务器安装,你可以下载IIS(互联网信息服务器)3.0或4.0。如果你正在使用的Windows2000,IIS 5.0是它的一个免费的组件。如果你是Windows95/98,你可以下载(个人网络服务器(PWS),这是比IIS小的一个版本,可以从Windows95/98CD中安装,你也可以从微软的网站上免费下载这些产品。 好了,您已经学会了什么是ASP技术,接下来,您将学习ASP文件。它和HTML文 件相同吗?让我们开始研究它吧。 什么是ASP文件? 一个ASP文件和一个HTML文件非常相似,它包含文本,HTML标签以及脚本,这些都在服务器中,广泛用在ASP网页上的脚本语言有2种,分别是VBScript和Jscript,VBScript与Visual Basic非常相似,而Jscript是微软JavaScript的版本。尽管如此,VBScript是ASP默认的脚本语言。另外,这两种脚本语言,只要你安装了ActiveX脚本引擎,你可以使用任意一个,例如PerlScript。 HTML文件和ASP文件的不同点是ASP文件有“.Asp”扩展名。此外,HTML标签和ASP代码的脚本分隔符也不同。一个脚本分隔符,标志着一个单位的开始和结束。HTML标签以小于号(<)开始(>)结束,而ASP以<%开始,%>结束,两者之间是服务端脚本。


xxxxxxxxx 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 (本科学生用) 题目:Poduct Line Engineering: The State of the Practice 生产线工程:实践的形态 学生姓名:学号: 学部(系): 专业年级: 指导教师:职称或学位: 2011年3月10日

外文文献翻译(译成中文1000字左右): 【主要阅读文献不少于5篇,译文后附注文献信息,包括:作者、书名(或论文题目)、出版社(或刊物名称)、出版时间(或刊号)、页码。提供所译外文资料附件(印刷类含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分的复印件等,网站类的请附网址及原文】 Requirements engineering practices A precise requirements engineering process— a main driver for successful software development —is even more important for product line engineering. Usually, the product line’s scope addresses various domains simultaneously. This makes requirements engineering more complex. Furthermore, SPL development involves more tasks than single-product development. Many product line requirements are complex, interlinked, and divided into common and product-specific requirements. So, several requirements engineering practices are important specifically in SPL development: ? Domain identification and modeling, as well as commonalities and variations across product instances Separate specification and verification for platform and product requirements ? Management of integrating future requirements into the platform and products ? Identification, modeling, and management of requirement dependencies The first two practices are specific to SPL engineering. The latter two are common to software development but have much higher importance for SPLs. Issues with performing these additional activities can severely affect the product line’s long-term success. During the investigation, we found that most organizations today apply organizational and procedural measures to master these challenges. The applicability of more formal requirements engineering techniques and tools appeared rather limited, partly because such techniques are not yet designed to cope with product line evelopment’s inherent complexities. The investigation determined that the following three SPL requirements engineering practices were most important to SPL success. Domain analysis and domain description. Before starting SPL development, organizations should perform a thorough domain analysis. A well-understood domain is a prerequisite for defining a suitable scope for the product line. It’s the foundation for efficiently identifying and distinguishing platform and product requirements. Among the five participants in our investigation, three explicitly modeled the product line requirements. The others used experienced architects and domain experts to develop the SPL core assets without extensive requirements elicitation. Two organizations from the first group established a continuous requirements management that maintained links between product line and product instance requirements. The three other organizations managed their core assets’ evolution using change management procedures and versioning concepts. Their business did not force them to maintain more detailed links between the requirements on core assets and product instances. The impact of architectural decisions on requirements negotiations. A stable but flexible architecture is important for SPL development. However, focusing SPL evolution too much on architectural issues will lead to shallow or even incorrect specifications. It can cause core assets to ignore important SPL requirements so that the core assets lose relevance for SPL development. Organizations can avoid this problem by establishing clear responsibilities for requirements management in addition to architectural roles. The work group participants reported that a suitable organizational tool for balancing requirements and architecture is roundtable meetings in which requirements engineers,


计算机专业外文文献及翻译 微软Visual Studio 1微软Visual Studio 是微软公司推出的软软软境~可以用软建来平台下的 Visual Studio Visual StudioWindows 软用程序和软软用程序~也可以用软建软服软、智能软软软用程序和网来网 插件。WindowsOffice Visual 是一自微软的个来集成软软软境;,~可以用软软由它来微StudioIDEinteqrated development environment软软窗~软手机窗~、框架、精软架框和微软的支持的控制台和软Windows https://www.doczj.com/doc/c2179608.html,Silverlight 形用软界面的软用程序以及窗体软用程序~站网~软用程序和软服软网中的本地代软软同托管WindowsWeb 代软。 包含一由个智能感知和代软重构支持的代软软软器。集成的软软工作作软一源代软软软既个Visual Studio 软器又可以作软一台机器软软软器。其他置工具包括一软软内个窗体的软用程序~软软软软~软软软软~网数据软架GUI 构软软软。有乎各软面的件增强功能~包括增加软支持它几个插源代软控制系软;如和SubversionVisual ,添加新的工具集软软和可软化软软器~如并特定于域的软言或用于其他方面的软件软软生命周期SourceSafe 的工具;例如的客软端,软软软源管理器,。Team Foundation Server

支持不同的软程软言的服软方式的软言~允软代软软软器和软软器;在不同程 度上,支持它Visual Studio 几乎所有的软程软言~提供了一软言特定服软的存在。置的软言中包括个内中;通软C/C + +Visual C+,;通软,~,中;通软,,和,;作软+,https://www.doczj.com/doc/c2179608.html,Visual https://www.doczj.com/doc/c2179608.html,CVisual CFVisual Studio ,~软支持其他软言~如和等~可通软安软的软言服软。软也支持装独它的2010M,Python,Ruby 和软特定用软提供服软的也是存在的,微 XML/XSLT,HTML/XHTML ,JavaScriptCSS.Visual Studio软~,、,和。Visual BasicVisual JVisual CVisual C++ 微软提供了“直通软”的软件的和,和~Visual Studio 2010Visual BasicVisual CVisual C + +和版本~不需任何软用。、年和软软版~以及Visual Web DeveloperVisual Studio 201020082005 的特定软言版本;、、,、,,~通软微软的下软Visual Studio 2005Visual BasicC++CJ 软~软生免软。划学DreamSpark 2架构 不支持任何软程软言~解方案或工具本软。相反~允软入各软功能。特定的功决它插Visual Studio 能是作软一个软软包的代软。安软~软功能可以服软器得到。装个从提供三软服软,~VSIDESVsSolution它决提供了能软列软的软目和解方案~提供了口和用软界面功能;包括软软~工具软和工它窗; SVsUIShell 具口,和窗~软理它软软包的注。此外~册软可以软软软软和服软之软软软通信。所有的软软器~SVsShellVSIDE



英文文献翻译 二〇年月日

科技文章摘译 Definition of a Management Information System There is no consensus of the definition of the term "management information system". Some writers prefer alternative terminology such as "information processing system", "information and decision system", "organizational information system", or simply "information system" to refer to the computer-based information processing system which supports the operations, management, and decision-making functions of an organization. This text uses “MIS” because it is descriptive and generally understood; it also frequently uses “information system” instead of “MIS” to refer to an organizational information system. A definition of a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software; manual procedures; models for analysis planning, control and decision making; and a database. The fact that it is an integrated system does not mean that it is a single, monolithic structure; rather, it means that the parts fit into an overall design. The elements of the definition are highlighted below. 1 Computer-based user-machine system Conceptually, management information can exist without computer, but it is the power of the computer which makes MIS feasible. The question is not whether computers should be used in management information system, but the extent to which information use should be computerized. The concept of a user-machine system implies that some tasks are best performed by humans, while others are best done by machine. The user of an MIS is any person responsible for entering input data, instructing the system, or utilizing the information output of the system. For many problems, the user and the computer form a combined system with results obtained through a set of interactions between the computer and the user. User-machine interaction is facilitated by operation in which the user’s input-output device (usually a visual display terminal) is connected to the computer. The computer can be a personal computer serving only one user or a large computer that

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