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新GRE填空题型练习 DAY2

新GRE填空题型练习 DAY2
新GRE填空题型练习 DAY2

新GRE填空题型练习 DAY2


1. The paradoxical aspect of the myths about Demeter, when we consider the predominant

image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess, is her

________ search for her daughter.

A. extended

B. agitated

C. comprehensive

D. motiveless

E. heartless

2. Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of

________ can boost sales of video clips very nicely.

A. self-deprecation

B. congeniality

C. cynicism

D. embarrassment

E. self-doubt

3. Given the evidence of Egyptian and Babylonian ________ later Greek civilization, it would

be incorrect to view the work of Greek scientists as an entirely independent creation.

A. disdain for

B. imitation of

C. ambivalence about

D. deference to

E. inuence on

4. The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpower us and drive us to

________ accounts for an easily and readily digestible portion of news.

A. insular

B. investigative

C. synoptic

D. subjective

E. sensational

5. Current data suggest that, although ________ states between fear and aggression exist,

fear and aggression are as distinct physiologically as they are psychologically.

A. simultaneous

B. serious

C. exceptional

D. partial

E. transitional

6. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is ________ other forms.

A. segregated from

B. parallel to

C. dependent on

D. overshadowed by

E. mimicked by

7.Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientic

skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a ________ between


A. generality

B. fusion

C. congruity

D. dichotomy

E. reciprocity

8. A common argument claims that in folk art, the

artist's subordination of technical mastery

to intense feeling ________ the direct communication of emotion to the viewer.

A. facilitates

B. averts

C. neutralizes

D. implies

E. represses

9. While not completely nonplussed by the usually caustic responses from members

of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly

________ by their lively


A. humiliated

B. discomted

C. deluded

D. disgraced

E. tantalized

10. By divesting himself of all regalities, the former king ________ the consideration that

customarily protects monarchs.

A. merited

B. forfeited

C. debased

D. concealed

E. extended


GRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案(1) The brain has become, for many people, _____ the biological machinations of the self, and the self-knowledge promised by neuroscience has ignited a hunger to understand how new findings weigh in on age-old questions. A:tantamount to B:synonymous with C:implicated in D:divorced from E:detached from F:subservient to 答案:AB If you follow your intuition, you will more often than not err by misclassi fying a random event as (i)_____. We are far too willing to (ii)_____ the belie f that much of what we see in life is random. Blank (I)Blank (II) A:uncharacteristic D:countenance B:systematic E:reject C:arbitrary F:champion 答案:BE Within the culture as a whole, the natural sciences have been so successful that the word “scientific” is often used in (i)_____ manner: it is often ass


2014年新GRE填空习题及答案(1) 下面为大家整理了一些新GRE填空考试练习题,并附有GRE填空习题答案解析,一起来练习一下吧。 1. The villagers fortified the town hall, hoping this improvised ________ could ________ them from the guerrilla raids. 答案:B E 解析:分词伴随并列结构。This指代。 翻译:村民巩固了市政厅,希望这个临时的(城堡)能够(保护)他们免收游击队的袭击。 2. Inbreeding can promote the expression of ______ genes, those that make an animal subject to disease to impair reproductive efficiency. A. ineffable B. articulated C. consummate D. presumptive E. deleterious 答案:E 解析:逗号解释/指代 翻译:近亲繁殖可以刺激(有害)基因的表达,这是一种可以让动物更加容易生病或是损害繁殖效率的基因。 A 妙不可言的 B 清楚说明的 C 圆满的 D 假定的 E 有害的 3. The reviewer characterized Madonna Swan-Abdalla's autobiography as a portrait of an ______ person, one who prevailed against great odds.


GRE填空单选题练习题1 GRE填空单选题练习题1 1. Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on Earth because of the possibility of______resulting from the carbon atom’s ability to form an unending series of different molecules. (A) diversity (B) deviation (C) variety (D) reproduction (E) stability 2. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is______other forms. (A) segregated from (B) parallel to (C) dependent on (D) overshadowed by (E) mimicked by 2. Heavily perfumed white flowers, such as gardenias, were favorites with collectors in the eighteenth century, when______was valued much more highly than it is today. (A) scent (B) beauty (C) elegance (D) color


新GRE考前填空练习题及答案(4) 1. Although she gives badly__________ titles to her musical compositions, they _________ unusual combinations of materials including Gregorian chant, Asian scale patterns and rhythms, electronic sounds, and bird songs. A. exotic … belie B. eccentric … deploy C. traditional … exclude D. imaginative … disguise E. conventional … incorporate 2. Even though the folktales Perroult collected and retold were not solely French in origin, his versions of them were so decidedly French in style that later anthologizes of French folktales have never__________them. A. excluded B. admired C. collected D. promoted E. comprehended 3. In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent, her book does not ridicule all predictions of doom but rather claims that the risks of harm have in many cases been__________ .


2019年GRE考试练习试题 The slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the period of recovery from a recession, but the conditions that conspired to cause the recession were also (i)_______. The stock market declined sharply, and rampant business investment slumped. Then an ensuing spate of scandals (ii)__________ public trust in the way companies were run. And yet, despite these powerful (iii)________ to growth, the recession proved surprisingly mild. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. heartening D. weakened G. counterforces B. atypical E. illuminated H. stimulants C. ambiguous F. consolidated I. concomitants 大家看到这样的题可能就要晕了,不是说好的填空题考的是单句吗?怎么出现了5行4个句子呢?这就说明三空题是鉴于传统填空(单句话)和阅读(段落)之间的状态。那么对于这样的题目该如何处理呢?三空题一共9个选项,每个空选对的概率是1/3,所以整道题做对的概率就是1/27。因为三空题所占比例不高,坊间很多老师就直接建议学生放弃三空题。


新GRE填空双空选择练习题整理 1. Although skeptics say financial problems will probably ______ our establishing a base on the Moon; supporters of the project remain______, saying that human curiosity should overcome such pragmatic constraints. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A disabuse D pessimistic B hasten E enthusiastic C prevent F unconvinced 2. Changes of fashion and public taste are often ___ and resistant to analysis, and yet they are among the most ______ gauges of the state of the public’s collective conscious ness. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A transparent D underutilized B ephemeral E problematic C permanent F sensitive 3. Speakers and listeners are often at odds: language that is easy for the receiver to understand is often difficult to______, and that which is easily formulated can be hard to______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A produce D confirm B transmit E defend


2019年GRE填空练习题1 There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is______other forms. (A) segregated from (B) parallel to (C) dependent on (D) overshadowed by (E) mimicked by 翻译:不存有单独的,自由生活的生物;每一种生命形式总是依赖于其他生命形式。 (A)从……中隔离 (B)和……并行 (C)依赖…… (D)被……遮蔽/超过 (E)被……模仿 As for the alleged value of expert opinion, one need only______ government records to see______evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields. (A) inspect … questionable (B) retain … circumstantial

(C) distribute … possible (D) consult … strong (E) evaluate … problematic 翻译:谈到所谓专家意见的价值时,人们仅仅需要查询政府的档案就能发现这些观点在很多领域失败的强有力的证据。 (A)检查……可疑的 (B)保持……依据情况的 (C)分布……可能的 (D)参考,考虑……有力的 (E)评价……有问题的 Noting that few employees showed any______ for complying with the corporation's new safety regulations, Peterson was forced to conclude that acceptance of the regulations would be----______, at best. (A) aptitude … unavoidable (B) regard … indeterminate (C) respect … negotiable (D) patience … imminent (E) enthusiasm … grudging 翻译:注意到几乎没有员工对执行公司新的安全制度表现出一点热情,Peterson不得不得出结论:大家对于这个制度最多仅仅勉强接受


GRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案整合5篇 该如何备考GRE考试填空题呢?整理了一些GRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案,一起来学习学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 GRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案 The inconspicuous location and lack of striking vistas that characterize the villa reflect the_____ aspect of its creator’s personality. A:volatile B:grandiose C:gregarious D:self-effacing E:imperious 答案:D The chairman, faced with the need to forge a consensus on a number of proposals,acknowledged that it would be difficult to reconcile the push for a radical overhaul with the stance of those who want _____change. A:deliberate B:indiscriminate C:genuine D:immediate

E:wholesale 答案:A Recently released statistics on the prevalence of heart disease in the United States, while (i)_____ , nevertheless reflect a decline from heights reached in the 1960s, before health officials began publicly (ii)_____ people to guard against heart disease. Blank (I)Blank (II) A:definite D:entreating B:sobering E:defying C:implausible F:absolving 答案:BD The humor in this play derives from its (i)_____ . The new production, however, inexplicably goes in the opposite direction; it is so (ii)_____ that the audience does not even seem to realize that the play is supposed to be a comedy. Blank (I)Blank (II) A:verbal nimbleness D:accessible B:political allusions E:plodding


练习40 1、The fact that a theory is _________ does not necessarily_________ its scientific truth,which must be established by unbiased controlled studies. (A) plausible...ensure (B) popular...limit (C) venerable...override (D) cohesive...undermine (E) cumbersome...alleviate 2 3、Although strong legal remedies for nonpayment of child support are ________, the delay and expense associated with these remedies make it _________ to develop other options. (A) https://www.doczj.com/doc/c58407746.html,eful

(B) required...impossible (C) available...imperative (D) unavailing...impractical (E) nonexistent...ridiculous 4 5、Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy possessed by the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have _________ achievements like the sophisticated carved calendar sticks of the Winnebago people. (A) described (B) acknowledged (C) overlooked (D) defended (E) authenticated


gre填空练习题 下面为大家整理的几道gre填空三空题的练习题,多多练习,总结做题方法,更好的备考gre。 1. In Democracies and its Critics, Robert Dahl defends both democratic value and pluralist democracies, or polyarchies. Dahl argues convincingly that the idea of democracy rests on political equality—the equality capacity of all citizens to determine or (i)___ collective decisions. Of course, as Dahl recognizes, if hierarchical ordering is (ii)___ in any structure of government, and if no society can guarantee perfect equality in the resources that may give rise to political influence, the democratic principle of political equality is (iii)___ of full realization. So actual systems can be deemed democratic only as approximations to the ideal. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3 A differ profoundly D reverse G distinction B convergent E conventionality H equilibrium C slightly differentiate F similarity I dissemination 2. Although the legal systems of England and the United States are superficially similar, they (i)___in their approaches to and uses of legal reasons: substantive reasons in the United States, whereas in England the (ii) ___ is true. This (iii)___ reflects a difference in the visions of law that prevail in the two counties. In England the law has traditionally been viewed as a system of rules; the United States favors a vision of law as an outward expression of the community’s sense of right and justice. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3 A hamper D circumstantial G incapable B influence E inevitable H determined C incorporate F neutral I possible 3. Although some censure became (i)___ during the 1980s, Dahl himself seems to support some of such earlier criticism. Although he (ii)___ that some Western intellectuals demand more democracy from polyarchies than is possible, he nevertheless ends his book by asking what changes in structures and consciousness might make political life more (iii)___ in present polyarchies. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3 A a fixed number of D revolution H reproduction of older ones


官方网站:https://www.doczj.com/doc/c58407746.html, 新GRE填空多空多选练习题下载 新GRE填空不仅测试的是考生对词汇的精确理解和辨析能力,更重要的是要考察考生对句子结构的把握和对逻辑关系的推断。 (1) 多空多组选:这类题目是在现行句子填空中的双空题基础上改编而来的,但是和现行考试的题目相比,多空多组选题目的句子更长,所给的提示信息更多,逻辑关系更加容易判断。但是,由于选项被独立分组设置,空格之间的组合情况变得更多,所以考生在选择答案的时候难度显然增大了。 例1:There has been much hand-writing about how unprepared American students are for college. Graff reverses this perspective, suggesting that colleges are unprepared for students. In his analysis, the university culture is largely (i)______ entering students because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp. Understandably, many students view academic life as (ii)______ ritual. 以上就是小编为大家整理的“新GRE填空多空多选练习题下载”部分内容,更多资料请点击GRE 资料下载频道!


2019年GRE考试填空练习试题及答案解析20 58、 Once a duckling has identified a parent, the instinctive bond becomes a powerful _________ for additional learning since, by _________ the parent, the duckling can acquire further information that is not genetically transmitted. (A) impulse...surpassing (B) referent...recognizing (C) force...acknowledging (D) inspiration...emulating (E) channel...mimicking 分析:空格 1 填入一个名词,表示"本能的纽带(instinctive bound)"和"进一步学习(additional learning)"之间的关系;空格 2 填入一个现在分词,表示小鸭子对它们的"父母(parent)"做的动作,by 表示手段,所以空格 2 应该和目的以及结果一致,所以空格 2 要表现"能够获得更多不是靠遗传获得的信息(can acquirefurther information that is not genetically transmitted)"。A 推动""超越;B 所指事物""认出,辨认;C 力量""承认;D 启发,灵感""通过模仿竞争;E 渠道""模仿。 E 选项为准确答案。 翻译:一旦小鸭子确认了其父母,本能的纽带就成为进一步学习的强有力的渠道,因为通过模仿父母,小鸭子能获得更多的不是由遗传得到的信息。 扩展:本题能够扩展关于动物在后天学习机制的研究问题。 59、 The architects of New York's early skyscrapers, hinting here at a twelfth-century cathedral, there at a


GRE填空单选题练习题3 1. After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile homes have been gaining favor as______to increasingly expensive conventional housing. (A) reaction (B) an addition (C) an introduction (D) an alternative (E) a challenge 2. Hydrogen is the ______element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced. (A) steadiest (B) expendable (C) lightest (D) final (E) fundamental 3. Psychology has slowly evolved into an______scientific discipline that now functions autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciences. (A) independent (B) unusual (C) outmoded (D) uncontrolled (E) inactive...



2019 年 GRE 考试填空练习试题及答案解析 20 58 、 Once a duckling has identified a parent, the instinctive bond becomes a powerful for additional learning since, by the parent, the duckling can acquire further information that is not genetically transmitted. (A)impulse...surpassing (B)referent...recognizing (C)force...acknowledging (D)inspiration...emulating (E)channel...mimicking 分析:空格 1 填入一个名词,表示"本能的纽带(instinctive bound)"和"进一步学习(additional learning)"之间的关系;空格 2 填入一个现在分词,表示小鸭子对它们的"父母(parent)"做的动作,by 表示手段,所以空格 2 应该和目的以及结果一致,所以空格 2 要表现"能够获得更多不是靠遗传获得的信息(can acquirefurther information that is not genetically transmitted)"。A 推动""超越;B 所指事物""认出,辨认;C 力量""承认;D 启发,灵感""通过模仿竞争;E 渠道""模仿。 E 选项为准确答案。 翻译:一旦小鸭子确认了其父母,本能的纽带就成为进一步学习的强有力的渠道,因为通过模仿父母,小鸭子能获得更多的不是由遗传得到的信息。 扩展:本题能够扩展关于动物在后天学习机制的研究问题。 59、 The architects of New York's early skyscrapers, hinting here at a twelfth-century cathedral, there at a


2017年GRE考试填空练习试题及答案解 析20 58、Once a duckling has identified a parent, the instinctive bond becomes a powerful _________ for additional learning since, by _________ the parent, the duckling can acquire further information that is not genetically transmitted. (A) impulse...surpassing (B) referent...recognizing (C) force...acknowledging (D) inspiration...emulating (E) channel...mimicking 分析:空格1 填入一个名词,表示"本能的纽带(instinctive bound)"和"进一步学习(additional learning)"之间的关系;空格2 填入一个现在分词,表示小鸭子对它们的"父母(parent)"做的动作,by 表示手段,所以空格2 应该和目的以及结果一致,所以空格2 要表现"能够获得更多不是靠遗传获得的信息(can acquirefurther

information that is not genetically transmitted)"。A 推动""超越;B 所指事物""认出,辨认;C 力量""承认;D 启发,灵感""通过模仿竞争;E 渠道""模仿。E 选项为正确答案。 翻译:一旦小鸭子确认了其父母,本能的纽带就成为进一步学习的强有力的渠道,因为通过模仿父母,小鸭子能获得更多的不是由遗传得到的信息。 扩展:本题可以扩展关于动物在后天学习机制的研究问题。 59、The architects of New York's early skyscrapers, hinting here at a twelfth-century cathedral, there at a fifteenth-century palace, sought to legitimize the city's social strivings by _______ a history the city did not truly_______. (A) revealing...deserve (B) displaying...desire (C) evoking...possess (D) preserving...experience (E) flouting...believe 分析:空格1 要填入一个现在分词,表示"纽约早期摩天大楼的建筑师(architects of New York's earlyskyscrapers)"对于"历史(a history)"做的动作。By 表示的手段和"暗示""(hinting"")"这部分内容是语义对应的。而纽约在十二世纪和十五世纪根本就不存在,所以空格1 要对历史作的动作一定是正动作,表示"有历史"。而空格2 要填入一个动词,表示"这个城市(the city)",也就是纽约对于这段历


精选的一些GRE填空练习题 下面是GRE填空模拟练习题,参加GRE考试的考生可以好好的练习一下这些GRE模拟题。 OG 三空题目 GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions SET 3 Discrete Question: Medium 【1】4 Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nation’s growth since the Second World War had (i)_________ invention. He said, (ii)_________ research, the government’s GREatest r ole in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office. “Unless we can (iii)_________ original ideas, we will not have invention.” Mr. Russell said. Speculating on the state of innovation over the next century, several inventors aGREed that the future lay in giving children the tools to think creatively and the motivation to invent. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3 A been at the expense of D in addition to restricting G evaluate B no bearing on E aside from supporting H protect C come through F far from exaggerating I disseminate 【2】5 Statements presented as fact in a patent application are (i)_________ unless a good reason for doubt is found. The invention has only to be deemed “more likely than not” to work in order to receive initial approval. And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort (ii)_________ the science of an erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of (iii)_________ devices will continue to yield occasional patent. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3 A presumed verifiable D corroborating G novel B carefully scrutinized E advancing H bogus C considered capricious F debunking I obsolete SET 5 Discrete Question: Hard 【3】4 No other contempor ary poet’s work has such a well-earned reputation for (i)_________ , and there are few whose moral vision is so imperiously unsparing. Of late, however, the almost belligerent demands of his severe and densely forbidding poetry have taken an improbable tur n. This new collection is the poet’s fourth book in six years-an ample output even for poets of sunny disposition, let alone for one of such (ii)_________ over the previous 50 years. Yet for all his newfound (iii)_________ , his poetry is as thorny as ever. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3 A patent accessibility D penitential austerity G taciturnity


GRE补充填空题 1. “The show must go on” is the oldest ________ of show business; every true performer lives by that creed. (A) euphemism (B) allegory (C) precursor (D) tenet (E) corroboration 2. ________ James Baldwin, who wrote of black Americans as being in a perpetual state of rage, Mr. Cose remarks that few human beings could ________ the psychic toll of uninterrupted anger. (A) Corroborating...endure (B) Refuting...enhance (C) Dismissing...refine (D) Challenging...survive (E) Upholding...weather 3. ________ by life’s ________ , the last emperor of China worked as a lowly gardener in the palace over which he had once ruled. (A) Fortified...generosity (B) Deluded...coincidences (C) Humbled...vicissitudes (D) Venerated...survivors (E) Recognized...impostors 4. ________ his broker had told him that the stock was a___ investment, he insisted on buying 100 shares. (A) Because...speculative (B) Although...precarious (C) Since...negligible (D) Although...formidable (E) Because...dwindling 5. A ________ glance pays ________ attention to details. (A) furtive...meticulous (B) cursory...little (C) cryptic...close (D) keen...scanty (E) fleeting...vigilant 6. A ________ person is one who will ________ something on the slightest of evidence. (A) restive...forget

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