当前位置:文档之家› (英语)高三英语翻译专项训练100(附答案)及解析





1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


2.将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to)


4.家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear)



1.I’m accustomed to listening to some light music before sleep.

2.It’s up to you what kind of life will lead in the future.

3.There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel programme. 4.Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen. 5.While modern society, rich in material resources,has given consumers more choice, it turns many of them into crazy shoppers.


1.翻译这句话的时候,注意词组:be accustomed to doing“习惯于做……”。

2.这句话使用了句型:It’s up to you +从句,“做….由某人决定”。这里what kind of life will lead in the future.是主语从句,it是形式主语。

3.这句话使用了There be句型, nothing 后面是形容词做定语,因为是比较的含义用形容词的比较级more exciting,还有词组“被允许做”be allowed to ,以及词组“参加”:take part in 。

4.这句话使用了for fear that 引导目的状语从句,和词组“让某人不要做……”ask sb. not to do.

5.这句话使用了连词While 表示“尽管,虽然”。词组“富含”be rich in ,主句中使用了词组turn…. into …..“将…变成…”。


2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.



2.等他明年回来,这个体育馆就建好了。(by the time)







1.Staying up late affects one’s health greatly.

2.By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up.

3.In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems at work.

4.It is believed that spoiling children too much may unconsciously cause their bad temper, even the lack of ability to take care of themselves.




1.考查非谓语动词。affect表示“影响”,是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,stay up表示“熬夜”,本句使用动名词作主语,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,注意动名词作主语时谓语动词用第三人称单数,故翻译为:Staying up late affects one’s health greatly.

2.考查时态语态。by the time引导的时间状语从句,表示将来的时间时,从句用一般现在时,主句用将来完成时,stadium与set up之间是被动关系,所以用将来完成时的被动语态,故翻译为:By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up.

3.考查固定句式。be capable of表示“能够”,根据句意可知本句使用“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,表示“越……,就越……”,陈述的是客观事实。用一般现在时,故翻译为:In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems at work.

4.考查形式主语和非谓语动词。ability后用不定式作后置定语,ability to do表示“做……的能力”,根据提示词可知本句使用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为:It is believed that spoiling children too much may unconsciously cause their bad temper, even the lack of ability to take care of themselves.

3.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.







4.当前有一个非常令人费解的现象:一些年轻父母们宁愿把很多钱投资在早教上,也不愿意带娃旅行开阔眼界。(would rather)



1. The accident caused by ignoring the rules deserves/is worth our deep thinking/ careful consideration/reflection.

2.We still need to dream/have a dream, but it can’t be realized unless we work hard (on it). 3. It was this experience that enabled/helped me to realize (that) I shouldn't be too busy to miss the gifts/blessings that life brings to me.

4. There is a confusing phenomenon that many young parents would rather invest much money in/into early education than travel with kids to expand their horizons.


1.考查ignore的相关用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为The accident,用过去分词短语caused by ignoring the rules作The accident的后置定语。谓语为deserve/be worth后可直接接动名词,此时主动形式表达被动含义,也可直接接名词。故翻译为:The accident caused by ignoring the rules deserves/is worth our deep thinking/ careful consideration/reflection.

2.考查unless的相关用法。分析句子可知,本句为but连接的两个句子,且为一般现在时,还涉及unless引导的条件状语从句。重点动词及动词短语为work hard“努力”,realize“实现”。故翻译为:We still need to dream/have a dream, but it can’t be realized unless we work hard (on it).

3.考查强调句式。分析句子可知,本句为强调句式,强调句的时态为一般过去时,强调的是this experience,realize后接that引导的宾语从句,宾语从句中出现了too...to句式。错过生活的恩赐为“miss the gifts/blessings”其中gifts/blessings被后面的that引导的定语从句

所修饰,且在定语从句中作宾语。故翻译为:It was this experience that enabled/helped me to realize (that) I shouldn't be too busy to miss the gifts/blessings that life brings to me.

4.考查would rather相关用法。分析句子可知,phenomenon后接that引导的同位语从句,同位语从句中涉及到了would rather do sth than do sth的用法。其中两个动词短语为invest much money in/into early education(很多钱投资在早教上)expand their horizons(扩展视野)。故翻译为:There is a confusing phenomenon that many young parents would rather invest much money in/into early education than travel with kids to expand their horizons.

4.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




4.那天傍晚我一走出校门就遇到了一个多年不见的小学同班同学。(No sooner)



1.Where are you planning to celebrate the New Year’s Eve this year?

2.Roads in Shanghai always get/become more crowded /hold up more traffic than usual on rainy days.

3.It was a foreigner that/who saved the man trying/who tried to kill himself/ commit suicide without considering his own safety.

4.No sooner had I left the school that early evening than I met with/bumped into/came across/encountered a classmate of mine in primary school (whom) I hadn’t seen for ages/years. 5.Whoever wants to be successful should first understand the principle that success comes from hard effort/work and persistence/perseverance.


1.本题提示词为plan,除夕翻译为“New Year’s Eve”。

2.本题考查比较级,“比平时”翻译为“than usual”.

3.本题考查强调句、定语从句和非谓语的翻译。首先强调句结构“it is(was)…that/who” ;那个轻生的男子,需要处理为定语从句,翻译为“the man who tried to kill himself/ commit suicide”; 不顾“without considering”.

4.倒装句和定语从句的翻译。一…就“No sooner had sb.done sth.than sb.did sth.”; 多年不见的小学同学可以处理成定语从句,翻译为“(whom) I hadn’t seen for ages/years.”;5.本题考查主语从句和同位语的翻译,句子结构比较复杂。首先“无论谁想要成功”用主语从句“Whoever wants to be successful”。其次,“这个道理“成功来自艰苦的付出和坚持不懈”这半句话涉及使用同位语从句。理清关系后,本句也并没有想象中那么复杂。

5.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




4.他们从没想到年底大桥就要建成通车了,这将使他们的出行更为便利。(occur, make)


1.Don’t stay in the air-conditioned room all day even if it’s extremely hot.

2.Once a person has learned how to think in other people’s position, it indicates that he is getting mature.

3.It was not until he attended the lecture that he realized how little he knew about the field. 4.It never occurred to them that the bridge would be open to traffic/the public by the end of the year, which will make it easier for them to go out/and it will make it easier for them to go out.【解析】

1.考查祈使句和让步状语从句。根据句意可知本句为祈使句,同时用even if/even though 引导让步状语从句,表示“即使”,故翻译为:Don’t stay in the air-conditioned room all day even if it’s extremely hot.

2.考查条件状语从句和宾语从句。根据句意可知本句使用once引导条件状语从句,表示“一旦”,而且learn how to think in other people’s position发生在indicate之前,要用现在完成时,indicate用一般现在时,其后为宾语从句,从句成分完整,用that引导,故翻译

为:Once a person has learned how to think in other people’s position, it indicates that he is getting mature.

3.考查not until的强调句型。根据句意可知本句使用not until的强调句型,其基本结构为:It is not until+被强调部分+that+其余部分,事情发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,故翻译为:It was not until he attended the lecture that he realized how little he knew about the field. 4.考查固定句式和非限定性定语从句。It occurs to sb. that表示“某人突然想到……”,同时可以使用非限定性定语从句,用which指代整个主句内容并在从句中做主语,故翻译为:It never occurred to them that the bridge would be open to traffic/the public by the end of the year, which will make it easier for them to go out/and it will make it easier for them to go out.


1.只有你尊重了别人,你才有可能从别人那里得到同样的尊重。 (Only)

2.虽然遭到父母的强烈反对,当他绝不会放弃追求自己的梦想。 (despite)

3.迄今虽说屡屡采取严控措施,但绝大多数人仍然觉得难以承担目前的高房价。 (majority) 4.虽然妇女对社会的贡献有目共睹,但对妇女的歧视仍然存在,并可能持续很长的一段时间。 (obvious)


1.Only when you show respect for others will you be likely to receive the same respect from others.

2.Despite the fact that his parents strongly disagreed with him. he would never give up pursuing his dream.

3.Although it is said that serious measures have been taken for many times up till now a large majority of people still find it hard to afford the high housing price.

4.Although women’s contributio n to the society is obvious, the discrimination against women still exists and it will last for a long time.




1.考查倒装。根据提示词和句意可知本句使用倒装句,当only+状语位于句首时,其后要采用部分倒装,同时要遵循主将从现原则,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,故翻译为:Only when you show respect for others will you be likely to receive the same respect from others.

2.考查让步状语从句和同位语从句。根据提示词可知本句用despite引导让步状语从句,despite是介词,其后接名词而不能接句子,所以用that引导的同位语从句解释说明fact的具体内容,故翻译为:Despite the fact that his parents strongly disagreed with him, he would never give up pursuing his dream.

3.考查让步状语从句和固定句式。根据句意可知本句用although引导让步状语从句,it is said that…表示“据说”,“采取严控措施”发生在过去并对现在产生影响,用现在完成时,同

时“find it+hard+to do”表示“发现很难……”,故翻译为:Although it is said that serious measures have been taken for many times up till now a large majority of people still find it hard to afford the high housing price.

4.考查让步状语从句。根据句意可知本句用although引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为:Although women’s contribution to the society is obvious, the discrimination against women still exists and it will last for a long time.


1.按照惯例,参与批改考卷的老师不能使用任何电子设备。 (access)

2.每天仅准许两百名游客进入博物馆参观,因为里面陈列的物品极其珍贵。 (admit) 3.直到获悉儿子被心仪的私立小学录取时,这个多愁善感的妈妈才松了一口气。(It …) 4.忠言逆耳利于行,这个道理尽人皆知,但是这个固执的老头是否有可能会听从你的建议呢? (possibility)


1.According to practices, the teachers who are involved in correcting have no access to any electronic devices.

2.Every day, only 200 visitors can be admitted to the museum, because the items displayed inside are extremely precious.

3.It was not until she learned her son had been admitted to the elementary school she favored that the sentimental mother breathed a relief.

4.The truth that faithful advice is unpleasant to the ear but benefits one’s behavior is widely acknowledged, but is there any possibility that the stubborn old men will follow your advice?【解析】



1.考查定语从句。根据句意可知本句使用who引导的定语从句,关系代词who指代先行词the teachers,并在从句中作主语,本句使用的三个关键短语为:according to表示“按照”,be involved in表示“参与”,have no access to表示“不能使用”,陈述的是客观事实,应该用一般现在时,故翻译为:According to practices, the teachers who are involved in correcting have no access to any electronic devices.

2.考查非谓语动词和原因状语从句。根据句意可知本句用because引导原因状语从句,the items 与display之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作后置定语,be admitted to表示“准许进入”,陈述的是客观事实,应该用一般现在时,故翻译为:Every day, only 200 visitors can be admitted to the museum, because the items displayed inside are extremely precious.

3.考查not until的强调句型和宾语从句。根据句意可知本句使用not until的强调句型,其基本结构为:it is not until+被强调部分+that+其余部分,be admitted to表示“准许进入、被……录取”,陈述的是过去的事情,应该用一般过去时,learned后为宾语从句,从句成分完整,所以用that引导,而且admitted to发生在learned之前,也就是过去的过去,所以

宾语从句用过去完成时,故翻译为:It was not until she learned her son had been admitted to the elementary school she favored that the sentimental mother breathed a relief.

4.考查同位语从句。根据句意可知本句的前后两个分句均使用同位语从句,从句成分完整,用that 仅起连接作用,无实义,解释说明truth和possibility的内容,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为:The truth that faithful advice is unpleasant to the ear but benefits one’s behavior is widely acknowledged, but is there any possibility that the stubborn old men will follow your advice?


1.这些保存完好的历史建筑让游客们流连忘返。 (reluctant)

2.教师对学生所产生的影响对于学生的未来发展来说可能意味着成与败的区别。 (impact) 3.中国政治和经济实力的提升如此之快,学中文的外国人越来越多。 (So)



1.The well-preserved historical buildings make the tourists reluctant to leave.

2.The impact that the teachers have on future development of students may mean the difference between success and failure.

3.So fast has China's political and economic strength risen that an increasing number foreigners begin to learn Chinese.

4.Good love is that you see the whole world through one person, while bad love is that you abandon the world for one person.




1.考查“make+宾语+宾补”结构。be reluctant to表示“不愿……”,根据句意可知本句使用“make+宾语+宾补”结构,陈述的是客观事实,应该用一般现在时,故翻译为:The well-preserved historical buildings make the tourists reluctant to leave.

2.考查定语从句。have impact on表示“对……有影响”,difference between A and B表示“A 和B间的不同”,根据句意可知本句使用定语从句,关系代词指代先行词impact并在从句中作have的宾语,陈述的是客观事实用一般现在时,故翻译为:The impact that the teachers have on future development of students may mean the difference between success and failure.

3.考查so…that引出的倒装。在so…that…结构中,当so+副词位于句首时,要采用部分倒装,故翻译为:So fast has China's political and economic strength risen that an increasing number foreigners begin to learn Chinese.

4.考查表语从句和while的用法。根据句意可知本句使用while表示两种情况的对比,同时使用表语从句,从句成分完整,用that仅起连接作用,无实义,故翻译为:Good love is that you see the whole world through one person, while bad love is that you abandon the world

for one person.





4.他的言论使得一件之前无人问津的小事变成了所有人现在都不得不关注的国际事件。(to which)


1.Reading a translation of a poem is like wearing a raincoat in the rain, you can never feel the collision of water droplets.

2.In order to wipe the painful memories, she decided to set all his letters on fire.

3.He stands out in liberal arts, so he has a good chance of getting admitted to the university he wants.

4.His comments turned a small matter that no one had cared about before into an international event to which everyone now has to pay attention.


1.“阅读诗歌译本”用动名词作主语,like意为“像”,是介词,后面接名词或动名词作宾语。故翻译为:Reading a translation of a poem is like wearing a raincoat in the rain, you can never feel the collision of water droplets.

2.表示“为了”,可用“in order to do”或“to do”结构,“抹去”是wipe,“决定做某事”是decide to do。故翻译为:In order to wipe the painful memories, she decided to set all his letters on fire.

3.表示“很棒”,可用“stand out”。“被……录取”可用“be admitted to”表示。定语从句用he wants表示。故翻译为:He stands out in liberal arts, so he has a good chance of getting admitted to the university he wants.

4.表示“使……转变成……”,可用turn…into…。表示“关注”,可用pay attention to。用定语从句来修饰a small matter 和an international event。故答案为His comments turned a small matter that no one had cared about before into an international event to which everyone now has to pay attention.

10.高中英语翻译题:Translate tho following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets






1.It was reported that the forest fire had killed 42 people and destroyed over 7000 buildings. 2.Our country is going all but to promote economic and structural adjustments.

3.Only when we keep the mission in mind can the Chinese dream be realized as soon as possible.

4.Many Chinese airlines allow passengers to use their smart phones during the flight, which means we can play our favorite games in the air.


1.考查形式主语。It was reported that据报道,该句型是固定句型,其中it是形式主语,that引导的主语从句中,使用过去完成时,故翻译为It was reported that the forest fire had killed 42 people and destroyed over 7000 buildings.

2.考查时态和动词。表示正在进行的动作,用现在进行时,promote是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,故翻译为Our country is going all but to promote economic and structural adjustments.

3.考查部分倒装。以“only+它所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句”位于句首时,常使用部分倒装,故翻译为Only when we keep the mission in mind can the Chinese dream be realized as soon as possible.

4.考查固定句型和非限制性定语从句。allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,该句型是固定句型。这里含有一个非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句内容,故翻译为Many Chinese airlines allow passengers to use their smart phones during the flight, which means we can play our favorite games in the air.


多媒体技术教程》(第三版)习题解答 第1章绪论 1.多媒体信息系统和多媒体计算机有什么不同?在概念上应如何看待两者之间的关系?多媒体信息系统是新一代高度集成的、功能强大的、智能化的计算机信息系统,它是提供多媒体信息、辅助人们对环境进行控制和决策的系统,是基于计算机、通信网络等现代化的工具和手段,服务于管理领域的信息处理系统。而多媒体计算机指的是硬件设施,多媒体计算机是多媒体信息系统得以应用的平台。 2.试归纳叙述多媒体关键特性以及这些特性之间的关系。 多媒体的关键特性主要包括信息载体的多样性、交互性和集成性这三个方面,这既是多媒体的主要特征,也是在多媒体研究中必须解决的主要问题。 信息载体的多样性是相对于计算机而言的,指的就是信息媒体的多样化,有人称之为信息多维化;多媒体的第二个关键特性是交互性,多媒体系统将向用户提供交互式使用、加工和控制信息的手段,为应用开辟更加广阔的领域,也为用户提供更加自然的信息存取手段;多媒体的集成性主要表现在两个方面,一是多媒体信息媒体的集成,二是处理这些媒体的设备与设施的集成。 信息载体的多样性是集成性的基础,没有多种信息媒体,也就无法进行多媒体信息的集成化处理;而处理多媒体的设备与设施的集成性是实现交互性的前提,没有系统、网络、软硬件设施的集成,就无法为用户交互式使用、加工和控制信息提供平台。 3.为什么说多媒体缩短了人类信息交流的路径?人类与计算机进行信息交流的目的是什么? 与以往的方法相比,计算机在数据处理方面有了很大的改善。计算机所提供的功能强大的数据组织和构造技术,如传统数据结构中的数组、向量、队列、堆栈、树和堆等,为动态地加工和处理数据提供了基础。高效的算法和高速的网络通信,大大地加强了用文字和数据表示概念的能力并加速了它的传递过程。但人类并不是仅仅依赖文本这一类单一的数据形式来传递所有的信息和接受概念的,图像、声音等多媒体信息都是人类获取和传递信息极为重要的渠道。图像的信息量最大,一幅画胜过千言万语,最直观、最能一目了然。而动态的影像视频和动画则更生动、更逼真、更接近客观世界的原型、更能反映事物的本质和内涵。声音和文字也是信息的重要媒体,综合应用不仅有利于接受,也有利于存储(记忆)和保留。这就意味着必须同时启动大脑的形象思维和逻辑思维,才能更好地获得更多更有用的信息。因此,通过多种感觉器官用多种信息媒体形式向人提供信息才算是更好的表达方法,它不仅加速和改善了理解,并且提高了信息接受的兴趣和注意力。多媒体正是利用各种信息媒体形式,集成地用声、图、文等来承载信息,也就是缩短信息传递的路径。 人类与计算机进行信息交流的目的是为了高效的获取、传递以及使用信息。计算机的发展使得人类的信息处理手段得到加强,高速的计算能力扩展了对数据进行重复计算的能力,大规模的存储扩展了记忆信息的范围,高速通信网使得我们可以同远在异地他乡的同事、朋友、亲人甚至陌生人进行快速的信息交换。这些机器成为我们与他人进行交流的中介。 第2章媒体及媒体技术 1.为什么说媒体具有不同的抽象层次?对媒体的抽象层次和性质进行小结。 在获得媒体语义的过程中,抽象起着十分重要的作用,这种抽象是复杂的,而且与任务有关。通常包括若干抽象层,每一个抽象层都包含着与具体的任务和问题域有关的模型。从接近具体感官的信息表示层到接近符号的信息表示层,信息的抽象程度递增,而数据量则递减。语义就是在从感官数据到符号数据的抽象过程中逐步形成的。对不同媒体来说,媒体的语义是处于不同层次上的。抽象的程度不同,语义的重点也就不同。


【英语】高考英语翻译专题训练答案及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brakes. 1.网球运动在上海越来越流行了。(popular) 2.我认为你们的建议和他们的一样有价值。(as…as) 3.只喝一杯咖啡就会使我整晚睡不着。(keep) 4.为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。(memory) 5.过了三天她才想起把雨衣忘在语言实验室了。(remember) 6.尽管山高林密,医护人员还是迅速地赶到出事地点,试试救援。(despite) 【答案】 1.Tennis is getting more and more popular in Shanghai. 2.I think your suggestion is as valuable as theirs. 3.Drinking only a cup of coffee will keep me awake all night. 4.A film will be made/ shot in memory of those brave fire fighters. 5.It was three days later that she remembered leaving/having left her raincoat in the language lab. 6.Despite the high mountains and thick forests, the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue/to carry out the rescue. 【解析】 【分析】 翻译题要力争做到译文的正确、准确、地道三个要求。正确就是译文没有明显的语言错误,准确是指考生能运用合适的词汇和句式完整的表述原意,地道是指译文不但无语言错误,而且用此选句符合英语习惯,意义表达生动灵活。所以,做翻译题时要综合运用词句知识,注意词汇的习惯搭配和句子时态、语态、人称和句式的选择。 1.表示“越来越……”,英语的表达方式为“比较级+and+比较级用于进行时里中。 2.表示“与……一样……”应该用“as+ adj./adv原级+as…”结构。 3.本句要注意两点:1. 动名词用作主语的用法;2. keep + sb./sth. + adj (做宾补)使……保持某种状态。 4.“为了纪念……”应选用“in the memory of”固定短语来表达。 5.解答本题要注意两点:1. 强调句型的运用;2. remember doing sth.记住做过某事。6.本句较为复杂,除了掌握despite作为介词可以接名词构成介词短语作状语外,还要注意句中谓语动词的准确选择和时态的确定,最后还要注意“实施援救”这一目的状语的表达。 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.熬夜大大影响健康。(affect)


2017考研英语翻译重难点解析:反译法 一个问题有时可以从不同的角度来解释说明。有些句子英语是从正面说的,汉语可以从反面来解释。 1)否定译成肯定。 Eg: I never passed the theatre but I thought of his last performance.每一次经过那家剧院,我都会想起他的最后一次演出。 Eg: Hardly a month goes by without word of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.美国公民科盲日益严重,这种调查报告几乎月月都有。(双重否定) 2)肯定译成否定。 Eg: Everyone has the right to be free from hunger.人人有不挨饿的权利。 Eg: This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.这种困境将是确定无疑的,因为能源的匮乏使农业无法以高能量消耗、投入少数农民就可能获得高产的美国耕种方式继续下去了。 Eg: The target is wrong,for in attacking the tests,critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users.把标准化测试作为抨击目标是错误的,因为在抨击这类测试时,批评者不考虑其弊病来自人们对测试不甚了解或使用不当。 定语从句翻译法 1)合译法:把定语从句放在被修饰的词语之前,从而将英语复合句翻译成汉语单句。 Eg: Congress made public a survey of human rights in 105 countries that receive U.S. aid.国会公布了关于接受美国援助的105个国家的****情况调查报告。 2)分译法:根据定语从句的不同情况,我们可以将其翻译成并列分句、其它从句或独立句等。 Eg: Anyone who stops absorbing new knowledge is certain to lag behind.任何人如果停止吸取新知识,就肯定会落后。(译为条件状语从句) The strike would prevent the docking of ocean steamships which require assistance of tugboats.罢工会使远洋航船不能靠岸,因为他们需要拖船的帮助。(译成原因状语从句) A geological prospecting engineer who had made a spectral analysis of ores discovered a new open-cut coalmine.一位地质勘探工程师对光谱进行了分析之后,发现了新的露天煤矿。(译为时间状语结构) The delivery of public services has tended to be an area where we decorate an obsolete process with technology.公共服务的提供方式已趋陈旧,这正是我们必须采用技术加以装备的领域。(译为并列分句)


Part 1 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1、格林先生本周日要去拜访一位朋友,此人精通理财之道。(who) 2、人们是否会推迟退休还有待于讨论(remain)。 3、无论任务多么艰巨,我们都要不遗余力地完成。(However) 4、许多公司在雇佣员工时,相对于能力而言,更看重个性。(emphasis) 5、如果双方在这些事务上能达成共识,就有可能在新的领域进一步合作。(If...) 1、Mr. Green is going to visit\see a friend this Sunday, who knows a lot about money matters. 2 、It remains to be discussed whether people will delay retiring. /Whether people will delay retiring remains to be discussed. 3、However hard the task is, we should spare no efforts to accomplish it. 4 、Many companies put more emphasis on personality than on capability when they employ staff members. 5 、If both the parties can agree on these issues, they are likely to further cooperate(have further cooperation)in the new field. Part 2 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.每年圣诞期间百货店里的商品都减价出售。(sale) 2.如今人们非常关注的是食品安全和空气质量。(concern) 3.无论多么艰难,交给咱们的任务都必须按时完成。(however) 4.专家们一入座外语节的演讲比赛就在王校长的主持下开始了。(Hardly) 5.遍布城市每个角落的星巴克(Starbucks) 满足了人们适应快节奏生活的需要。(adapt) 1.The goods in the department stores are all on sale at Christmas every year. 2.Nowadays what people are (very) much concerned about is food safety and air quality. Food safety and air quality are people’s major concerns nowadays. 3.However hard/ difficult it is, the task given to us must/ should be completed/ fulfilled on time. 4.Hardly had the experts sat down/ got seated/ seated themselves/ taken (their) seats when the speech contest of the Foreign Language Festival (that was) hosted by Principal Wang s tarted. 5.The Starbucks in every corner of the city have met/ satisfied/ meet/ satisfy people’s needs/ demands to adapt to a/ the fast-paced life. Part 3 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1、孩子们总是对周边的一切都非常好奇。(curious) 2、她在比赛中表现出色,给评委留下了深刻的印象。(which) 3、一进学校,她就意外得知有一所名校录取她了。(No sooner…) 4、奇怪的是,这些年轻人对这些我们都耳熟能详的歌曲却一无所知。(know)

药学英语第五版原文翻译 (2)(2020年7月整理).pdf

Introduction to Physiology Introduction Physiology is the study of the functions of living matter. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities: how it feeds, how it moves, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns new generations. The subject is vast and embraces the whole of life. The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily tasks is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite machines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry. Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology—the replication of the genetic code for or example—many are specific to particular groups of organisms. For this reason it is necessary to divide the subject into various parts such as bacterial physiology, plant physiology, and animal physiology. To study how an animal works it is first necessary to know how it is built. A full appreciation of the physiology of an organism must therefore be based on a sound knowledge of its anatomy. Experiments can then be carried out to establish how particular parts perform their functions. Although there have been many important physiological investigations on human volunteers, the need for precise control over the experimental conditions has meant that much of our present physiological knowledge has been derived from studies on other animals such as frogs, rabbits, cats, and dogs. When it is clear that a specific physiological process has a common basis in a wide variety of animal species, it is reasonable to assume that the same principles will apply to humans. The knowledge gained from this approach has given us a great insight into human physiology and endowed us with a solid foundation for the effective treatment of many diseases. The building blocks of the body are the cells, which are grouped together to form tissues. The principal types of tissue are epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscular, each with its own characteristics. Many connective tissues have relatively few cells but have an extensive extracellular matrix. In contrast, smooth muscle consists of densely packed layers of muscle cells linked together via specific cell junctions. Organs such as the brain, the heart, the lungs, the intestines, and the liver are formed by the aggregation of different kinds of tissues. The organs are themselves parts of distinct physiological systems. The heart and blood vessels form the cardiovascular system; the lungs, trachea, and bronchi together with the chest wall and diaphragm form the respiratory system; the skeleton and skeletal muscles form the musculoskeletal system; the brain, spinal cord, autonomic nerves and ganglia, and peripheral somatic nerves form the nervous system, and so on. Cells differ widely in form and function but they all have certain 生理学简介 介绍 生理学是研究生物体功能的科学。它研究生物体如何进行各种活动,如何饮食,如何运动,如何适应不断改变的环境,如何繁殖后代。这门学科包罗万象,涵盖了生物体整个生命过程。生理学成功地解释了生物体如何进行日常活动,基于的观点是生物体好比是结构复杂而灵巧的机器,其操作受物理和化学规律控制。 尽管从生物学整个范畴看,生物体某些活动过程是相似的——如基因编码的复制——但许多过程还是某些生物体群组特有的。鉴于此有必要将这门学科分成不同部分研究,如细菌生理学、植物生理学和动物生理学。 要研究一种动物如何活动,首先需要了解它的构成。要充分了解一个生物体的生理学活动就必须掌握全面的解剖学知识。一个生物体的各部分起着什么作用可通过实验观察得知。尽管我们对志愿者进行了许多重要的生理调查,但是实验条件需要精确控制,所以我们当前大多生理知识还是源于对其它动物如青蛙,兔子,猫和狗等的研究。当我们明确大多数动物物种的特定生理过程存在共同之处时,相同的生理原理适用于人类也是合理的。通过这种方法,我们获得了大量的知识,从而让我们对人类生理学有了更深入的了解,为我们有效治疗许多疾病提供了一个坚实的基础。 机体的基本组成物质是细胞,细胞结合在一起形成组织。组织的基本类型有上皮组织,结缔组织,神经组织和肌组织,每类组织都有各自的特征。许多结缔组织中细胞量相对较少,但是有大量的细胞外基质。相比而言,光滑的肌组织由大量密密麻麻的肌细胞通过特定的细胞连接组成。各种器官如脑,心脏,肺,小肠和肝等由不同种类的组织聚集而成。这些器官是不同生理系统的组成部分。心脏和血管组成心血管系统;肺,器官,支气管,胸壁和膈肌组成呼吸系统;骨骼和骨骼肌组成骨骼肌系统;大脑,脊髓,自主神经和神经中枢以及


高三英语翻译专项训练及答案 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.美食是人们造访上海的乐趣之一。(visit) 2.街头艺术家运用创意将鲜艳明亮的色彩带进了老社区。(bring) 3.在你生命中,如果有一个人你需要对他说对不起,那么就去向他道歉吧。(apology)4.这个游戏的独特之处在于它让孩子学会如何应对现实生活中的问题。(what) 5.申请材料需要精心准备,这样你心仪的学校才会对你的能力有全面、准确地了解。(in order that) 【答案】 1.Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality 3.If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him. 4.What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【解析】 【分析】 1.本句重点考察两个知识点。一个是乐趣之一,说明此处的乐趣应该用复数,必须是可数名词,因此选择pleasure。另一个是题目中给出的visit,需要谨慎处理,是用做动词还是名词。此处我们给出一个时间状语从句when people visit Shanghai,同时还可使用其他从句进行处理。所以答案是Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.本题难度不大,重点是明亮的色彩的表达,可以使用bright colors, 也可以使用bright and vivid colors. 所以答案是Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality 3.本题考查there be + 定语从句从而构成条件状语从句。另外考察“道歉”用“make apology to sb.”。所以答案是If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him. 4.本题考察what引导的主语从句,以及“be peculiar to”的用法。所以答案是What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.本题主要考固定词组的掌握,为了使用in order that引导出的目的状语从句。另外也考查 preferred school,have…knowledge/ understanding of…,overall,accurate等。所以答案是The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【考点定位】翻译句子


学习好资料欢迎下载 英语四级翻译难点及解题技巧 一、四级核心词组: 例如have difficulty/trouble (in) doing something(做某事有困难)已经考过三次,需要注意的是,in可以省略,后面要使用动词的动名词形式。 1)2006年6月87题:Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble (找到去历史博物馆的路). 解析:答案为(in) finding the way to the Museum of History,“历史博物馆”最好译为“the Museum of History”,专有名词注意大小写。 2)2009年6月87题:Soon after he transferred to the new school, Ali found that he had (很难跟上班里的同学)in math and English. 解析:答案为difficulty in catching up with his classmates,此题也考察了catch up with(跟上)这一四级核心词组。

Because of noise outside, Nancy had great 题:87月6年3)2010 学习好资料欢迎下载 difficulty (集中注意力在实验上). 解析:答案为(in) focusing/concentrating on her experiment,此题亦考察focus/concentrate on(集中注意力)这一四级核心词组。 二、倒装句:考过三次,需要注意的前半句与后半句时态应前后呼应。 1)大纲样题88题:Not only (他向我收费过高), but he didn't do a good repair jo b either. 解析:答案为did he charge me too much/overcharge me,本句后半句使用了一般过去时,前半句也应使用一般过去时,not only放在句首引导倒装句。“收费过多”可译为overcharge me或charge me too much.。 2)2008年6月91题:(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill. 解析:答案为Not until he had accomplished his mission,此题


Unit 1 Green pharmacy-herbal medicine 1) Plant kingdom once was mere pharmacy of the human race, but now when you get into the modern pharmacy, plant-derived drugs have been hardly found. 2) Although today the number of plant-based drugs has been decreased, the effective chemicals in many tables, capsule and bottle-contained drugs are originated from plant kingdom. 3) Among chemical substances contained in plants, some must be toxic, but some must be drugs available to us. 4) During the millions of years since man came to the earth, he has been doing experiments on a variety of plants about him. 5) There exist mistrust, suspicion and hostility between the orthodox medicine and herbal practitioners for many years, which are threatening the possibility of establishing good working relationship. 6) When we think of the effectiveness of quinine, the great contributions made by herbal medicine to medical science are quite evident. 7) However, in the past few decades, the number of newly-introduced drugs has obviously decreased. 8) The medical legacy of our motherland is an inexhaustible new-drug treasure, which remains us to tap with new methods. 9) If pharmacological method had not been introduced to the study of vinca rosea, the discovery of vincaleukoblastine would have been postponed by many years. 10) Western medicine hardly believes that someone who knows nothing of a disease mechanism could be capable of curing it. Unit 2 How does human body fight disease? People tend to believe that antibiotics were invented by human being, but in fact, they are purely natural products. Since Alexander Fleming, a British biologist discovered anti-microbial substance released by the Penicillium fungi in 1928, it has been learned that this substance can produce powerful antibiotic effect. In fact, antibiotics, are exactly manufactured by organisms, namely, bacteria and fungi, which people aim to destroy. After Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, Selma Walksman in 1943 isolated Streptomycin from a soil bacterium, Streptomycus griseus. Scientists have not made it clear completely why organisms can produce antibiotics. This question has become the topic for discussion. Why antibiotics are useful in medicine is that they can not only kill microbes, but also not kill the body cells as they do to the microbes, body cells are entirely different from those of bacteria cells, so that they can avoid being destroyed at the same time. Thus, antibiotics are called “magic bullet”because they may be particularly used to aim at certain microbes. This feature of antibiotics also makes them essentially different from anti-microbial agents: the latter tends to have poison to a majority of cells, whether the cells of bacteria or the body cells. Unit 3 Drug dependence Studies indicate that drug dependencies both a health problem and a social concern. The drug dependence affects not only individual’s health but also the public health at the same time. The drug use has obviously and severely negative effects on the human brain and physical health. But drug abuse and addiction have huge and potential threat, because whether the drug is used directly


【英语】高考英语翻译专题训练答案 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我习惯睡前听点轻音乐。(accustomed) 2.将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to) 3.没有什么比获准参加太空旅行项目更令人兴奋的了。(than) 4.家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear) 5.虽然现代社会物资丰富,给予消费者更多的选择,但也使不少人变成购物狂。(turn) 【答案】 1.I’m accustomed to listening to some light music before sleep. 2.It’s up to you what kind of life will lead in the future. 3.There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel programme. 4.Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen. 5.While modern society, rich in material resources,has given consumers more choice, it turns many of them into crazy shoppers. 【解析】试题分析: 1.翻译这句话的时候,注意词组:be acc ustomed to doing“习惯于做……”。 2.这句话使用了句型:It’s up to you +从句,“做….由某人决定”。这里what kind of life will lead in the future.是主语从句,it是形式主语。 3.这句话使用了There be句型, nothing 后面是形容词做定语,因为是比较的含义用形容词的比较级more exciting,还有词组“被允许做”be allowed to ,以及词组“参加”:take part in 。 4.这句话使用了for fear that 引导目的状语从句,和词组“让某人不要做……”ask sb. not to do. 5.这句话使用了连词While 表示“尽管,虽然”。词组“富含”be rich in ,主句中使用了词组turn…. into …..“将…变成…”。 考点:考查翻译句子 2.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.任何人都不可能轻而易举获得成功。(ease) ________________________ 2.遇到紧急情况一定要冷静,否则可能会造成严重后果。(or) ________________________ 3.我们只有学会尊重人际间的差异,才能避免误会,与他人建立和谐的关系。(Only) ________________________ 4.令教练欣慰的是,整个辩论队齐心协力,克服了遇到的各种困难,最终所有的努力都得

高三英语翻译练习150及参考 答案

高三英语暑期翻译练习150句 1. 这次演出使得他想成为影星的梦想得以实现。(make it possible) The performance made it possible for him to realize his dream of being a film star. 2. 在详细地研究这个问题后,我们终于找到了解决它的方法。 (solution to ) Having studied it carefully, we finally found out a solution to the problem. 3. 你能不能告诉我,你们中有多少人将参加运动会?(take part in) Can you tell me how many of you are going to take part in the sports meet? 4. 我第一次来上海就喜欢这个美丽的城市。(the first time) I began to love Shanghai the first time I came to this beautiful city. 5. 越来越多的医生赞成使用心理疗法治疗生理疾病。(in favor of) More and more doctors are in favor of using psychological therapy to cure physical diseases. 6. 我们祝贺他被共青团所接受。(congratulate) We congratulated him on his being admitted into the Young League. 7. 我们现在所学的东西,无论校内校外的,都将对我们的将来产 生很大的影响。(effect) What we are learning in or out of school will have a great effect on our future. 8. 地球为人类提供了各种生存的条件。(provide) The earth provides man with all kinds of living conditions. 9. 如果你现在放弃的话,很可能你再也不会有机会了。(the chances are that) If you give up now, the chances are that you will have no more chances. 10. 他一看见地上躺着一个伤得很重的男子,就立刻打电话叫救护 车。(right off) He called an ambulance right off when he saw a badly injured man lying on the ground. 11. 你打电话来时如果我不在,可叫我兄弟代接。(available) If I am not available when you call me, ask for my brother. 12. 由于他对公众的杰出服务,她奖到了一枚金牌。(award) She was awarded a gold medal due to her outstanding service to the

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