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Case 1 Girl-ness

As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to

give a lecture to a group of American students. He talked about university

students in China. During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one

female student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua.“ When you talked about female students, you referred to them as girls. Why?”

“ Because they are girls. That’ s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the tentin of the question.“ I

don’ t quite understand your question, I’ m afraid.”

“ In the States, we call ourselves‘ women’ if we’ re old enough to go to the university. Calling us‘ girls’ is insulting.”

Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women?

Case 2

Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American

visitors. Out of courtesy, they all said,” She is very beautiful.” Also out of courtesy, the man replied with what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where! ” Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a

moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors, taking another look at

the photo, said,“ Oh, everywhere!”

What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with“ Where! Where!”?

Case 1 Girl-ness

As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a

lecture to a group of American students. He talked about university students in China.

During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked a

question that surprised Zhang Hua.“ When you talked about female students, you referred

to them as girls. Why?”

“ Because they are girls. That’ s what they are called,”Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the intent of the question.“I don’ t quite understand your question, I’ m afraid.”

“ In the States, we call ourselves‘women’ if we’ reold enough to go to the university.

Calling us‘ girls’ is insulting.”

Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women?

Case 2

Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American visitors. Out of

courtesy, they all said, ”She is very beautiful.” Alsoout of courtesy, the man replied with

what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where!”Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors,

taking another look at the photo, said,“ Oh, everywhere!”

What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with“ Where! Where!”?

Case 3“I Just Wanted to Talk” .

Wu tong was a graduate student in a Chinese university. Like many students these days,

he was very keen on learning English. He would talk with English speakers as often as he


One day, he saw a new foreigner on campus, Leonard Ramsay, and overheard him

speaking English. When Mr. Ramsay finished speaking with the other person, he turned to

go, but Wu Tong stopped him. He went up and said,“ You speak English, is that right?”

“ Yes, why?”

“ I’ d like to practise my English withyou, if you don’ t mind.”

Mr. Ramsay looked a little annoyed.“ I prefer not to, if you don’ t mind.”

Case 4 An Unwanted Food Service

During a lunch buffet at a conference in China, Wu Fa, the interpreter of the conference,

sat with four foreign participants. They were having a good time talking. When Wu Fa stood

up for more food, she asked whether she could bring anything back for them.

Everyone thanked her and said“ no” . A while later, Wu Fa came back with a plate full of food, and asked whether the others would like to have something from her plate.

Again, the four others said ,“ No”.

“Oh, please take something, I can’ t eat this much food myself.”

The foreigners shrugged and one or two of them even frowned a little.

Case 5 Simple Can Be Special

Wen Hong had an American professor in her economics class in China. She had given the professor a lot of help during the course. At the end of the semester , the professor and his

wife invited her to their home for dinner. They said they were going to cook her an American meal.

Wen Hong felt very flattered and excited,since McDonald, KFC and Pizza

Hut had been her only exposure to Western cooking.

They had salad to start with,then steak with potatoes,followed by ice cream. Wen Hong had expected more courses but the meal came to an end. She

knew the professor and his wife were being kind to her,but somehow she

was a little disappointed. She wondered whether Americans do eat like that at home. Case 6 Chinese Coffee Customs

While studying in the United States, Lin Jun made a few American friends.

One day he invited two of them to his apartment and cooked them a meal.

When his friends said they would like some coffee, he started boiling some

water. Without asking them any questions, he made three cups of 3-in-1 coffee,

the way he usually took it.

Both friends tasted the coffee and frowned. One said she always took coffee

black, the other said he preferred to have less sugar in his coffee. They also told

him that the spoon is for stirring the coffee, not to drink from like he did. Lin

Jun was embarrassed. He had thought that everyone drank coffee the same

way as he did.

Case 7 Noise from Noodles

Jane and Peter were Chen Dong’ s landlord and landlady when he was in the States. They had become good friends by the end of his one-year stay. They

kept in touch with each other after Chen Dong returned to China. Jane and Peter decided to visit China soon after Chen Dong left the States.

They made a special stop in Guangzhou where Chen Dong lives. Chen Dong

had promised to show them around the city and let them try some authentic

Cantonese food. One thing,in particular ,he wanted them to try was noodles.

He knew several restaurants that served good noodles and took the couple to

one of them for lunch one day.

Noodles typically come in soup in Cantonese cooking. Chen Dongstarted eating the noodles with chopsticks,while Jane and Peter exchanged a look at the noise that came with his eating. After a little hesitation,they asked for forks. A waitress told them that they did not have forks, and Chen Dong explained that noodle restaurants do not usually keep forks because no one would think of

using forks for noodles.

In the next half an hour, Jane and Peter had a hard time trying to roll the

long noodles onto their chopsticks. Chen Dong said,“ that ’ s not the way we eat noodles. You put the noodles directly tooury mouth with your chopsticks.”

“ But that ’ s not the way we eat noodles,”Jane and Peter said, frowning. Case 8 Dinner in a Chinese Home

Besides taking Peter and Jane to restaurants, Dong Chen also invited them

to his home for dinner once. Dong henC ‘ s mother is a nice wife, and made

eight courses for four of them.

“ I'm sorry there isn’ t much for dinner, she said.”

“ God this is much more than enough food,” Jane said. Peter was too overwhelmed to even respond to Dong Chen‘ mother

Dong Chen was a little embarrassed.“ This is whatusuallywe say to guests,

even though there’ s plenty of foodheexplained”.

What bewildered Jane and Peter most was that thoughDong Chen’ s mother

kept saying that the food was not good,she constantly served helpings to Jane

and Peter.Peter did not like two of the courses very much,and felt bad that his

plate was full with whatever he would not be able to eat. At seeing Dong Chen's

mother’ s next move to serve him food,he said in a begging voice,“ Please don ’ t

give me any more food.Let me do it myself.

Case 9A Not-sociable Drink

Martin was sent by an American company to work in a special economic

development zone in China for a year. He became very friendly with a few Chinese colleagues. Soon, he started to go out with them. He noticed that Chinese like to

have something , such as peanuts, when they have beer, instead of just drinking

beer without anything to eat as many North Americans do.

One day he was invited to a dinner party to celebrate a colleague

’ s birthday. They ordered alcoholic beverages and toasted the guest of honor frequently.

Soon Martin realized that the plan was to get their friend drunk. Each colleague

would offer a toast, concluding with a cheery“ gan bei!”and tried to get Martin to join in, even though he was unwilling to do it. Martin didn’ t think it a good idea, and tried to talk them out of the game. However, he was accused of

not being a good friend for not co-operating.

Martin remained an outsider during the rest of the dinner. He was

getting increasingly worried as he watched the poor guest become

increasingly inebriated.

Case 10 A Misunderstanding at a Dinner Table

Roger was a student majoring in East Asia Studies in an American

university. He started an e-mail correspondence with Zhang Li, a sociology

major in China, who was introduced to him through a mutual friend.

Upon graduation, Roger got a big gift from his grandfather. Grandpa would

pay for a round-trip ticket to China. He told Zhang Li the good news, and the

two decided to meet.

Zhang Li decided to give Roger a very special welcome: she and the three

women students in her dormitory would cook him an authentic Chinese meal,

as Roger had told her that he loved Chinese food.

However, when Roger was presented the dinner, he was almost terrified by some

of the food: pork stomach soup, pig liver with ginger and spring onion, chicken

with mushrooms in which the chicken had been cut to pieces with bones

attached to the meal.

Fortunately , there were courses like tofu, stirred fried beef, steamed fish and

vegetables that Roger loved. He tried to stick to them but Zhang Li kept putting

food he did not like on his plate. When she asked how he liked the liver, Roger

said, “ It ’ s very unusual?and interesting.“ This seemed to make Zhang Li happy. And she gave him more liver. Roger tried to stop her, but she would not

be stopped. Roger was so frustrated that he told her that he did not really like it

that much.“ But you said it was unusual and interesting!” Zhang Li said.“ We

they both mean something less than positive,”Roger said carefully, trying not to hurt their feelings.

Zhang Li and her friends became concerned at this.”“ So you don’ t like the food?” I ’ m not used to eating liver, that’ s all. But I do like the chicken, the beef, the tofu, and the vegetables. I have had more than enough to eat. I never make

this much food at home,” Roger was eager to let them know how much he

appreciated their effort.“ Trust me, I’ m enjoying the food. I know what I like.

Having said that, he found a piece of chicken that was less bony, held it in

his hand to eat it, and then licked his fingers. Zhang Li and her friends looked at

each other in shock.

It was not a perfect first meeting for either Zhang Li or Roger.

Case 11 Over-dressed Tourists

As a van stopped in front of Niagara Falls, a group of Chinese officials streamed

out. They were dressed in suits and ties, wearing leather shoes. Many

of the men also had left the manufacture’ s tag on the sleeve of their suit jacket.

As they wandered around Niagara Falls, some of them started to smoke. Their

attire drew the stares of North American tourists, some of whom quietly laughed

with their friends and pointed at the Chinese visitors. Others frowned at

seeing the smoking and shook their heads in disapproval. Case 12 Tie Culture

Jane was a tourist and spent some time staying with a Chinese friend at her

home. They watched a children’ s porgram while having breakfast one morning.

A young man, the host of the program, gave instructions of a game to a

few children, and then joined them running in a circle.

“ My, he ’ s wearing a tie and running crazy with the children!”Jane exclaimed.

The Chinese friend shrugged,” Is this very unusual?”

Case 13 An American in China

Professor Smith and his assistant, Chen Ming,were doing fieldwork in a

small city in China. It was hot and humid, and both were casually dressed. One

evening as they were leaving for dinner, a local administrator told them that the mayor of the city, who was interested in the type of research they were doing,

would like to say hello to Professor Smith. As luck would have,itthe Mayor

was dining in the same restaurant as Smith and Chen Ming.

Professor Smith said he had to go back to his room to change.

“ You look fine,Come on,the mayor is waiting,” the administrator said.

“ No, I can’ t meet the mayor in my shorts”

Case 14 The Generosity of a Chinese Student

Matt was invited to a Chinese university to give a few lectures. During

his short stay there, a graduate student volunteered to show him around the

city. Matt accepted the offer gratefully. It was summer and soon both Matt

and the graduate student began to get quite hot. While Matt took some

pictures, the graduate student went to buy some drinks.

“ Thank you. How much do I owe you? ” Matt asked.

“ Nothing. ” The student smiled.

“ Are you sure? ”

“ Yes. ”

At lunchtime, Matt suggested they have a quick meal. They stopped by

a McDonald. Again, the graduate student tried to pay for Matt.

“ No, this is my treat. You’ re a student, I’ m a professor. You’ ve given me t time to show me around. You already paid for my drink. Ican’ t let you pay for

my lunch again.”

Case 15 A Gift from a Chinese Student

Xie Dong did his graduate study in an American university. He came

back to China for summer vacation. When he went back to his program, he

paid his supervisor a visit and presented him a gift.

The professor opened the gift. It was a ginseng with its many tiny roots

spreading out in a very artistic pattern. It clearly was an expensive gift.

The professor ’ s eyes shone at the ginseng, but he then began to feel uneasy.

“ Xie Dong, I appreciate your kindness, but I can’ t take this as a gift.”

“ Why? Don’ t you like it?” It was Xie Dong’ s turn to be uneasy now.

“ Oh, sure, I love it. But I can’ t accept it.”

“ Why?”

“ Because I didn’ t do anything to deserve such a gift.

Case 16 Telephone Courtesy

Kathy and David, a couple from the US, signed a one-year contract to

work in China. Both were extroverted and soon made some Chinese friends.

Before long, people started calling them at home. David was sometimes

away on business trips for a few days, and if someone looked for him, Kathy

often would find the conversation awkward.

“ Where did he go?” The caller typically would ask.

“ Can I pass on any message?” Kathy asked politely, trying to avoid the


“ Is he out of town?”callerThe was usually very persistent.

“ Yes, can I help you in any way?” Kathy tried to be polite, but she could not help feeling uncomfortable.

Case 17 “ Not So Close, Please ”

He Jia had lived in the United States for 7 years before she came back to

work in China. She found that she had become accustomed to social habits in

North America and that some Chinese behaviours now caused her some

discomfort. For example, one day, back in China, she was in a queue to use an

ATM. She had noticed that people were standing very close to each other. In fact,

the person behind her could, if she or he wanted, to see her enter the PIN of her

ATM card. He Jia wanted to make people aware of the discomfort of the user by

keeping her distance from the person in front of her. However, the people behind

her pushed her to move forward.

Case 18 The Privacy of the Page

Simon and Cheng Feng often studied together to prepare for exams. One

day, in the middle of a study session, Simon said he wanted to get a coffee. He

asked Cheng Feng ifhe wanted any, but he said,“ No” . When he came back, he

’ t say found Cheng Feng reading his notes. He was upset and, although he didn

anything at the time, he never studied with Cheng Feng again. Cheng

Feng noticed the change and wondered what had happened.

Case19The Privacy of Photographs

Rose invited Lili to her home one day. While they were having coffee, Rose

showed Lili a few pictures of her boyfriend in a photo album. Lili

casually turned to other pages after that.

Rose stopped her,“ I’ d rather you not look at other pictures.”

Lili was embarrassed, and apologized,“ I’ m sorry.”

Case 20 The Privacy of Price

After living in the States for some time, Ping Li observed that Americans

like to comment on each other ’ s looks and clothesn. sheSowhesaw a fellow

graduate student wearing a nice dress at a party, she complimented her by

saying.“ This is a very beautiful dress.” “ Oh thank you , I bought it last year before Christmas ,” the student very pleased.“ How much was it?”Ping Li asked.

“ Well I don ’ t quite remember, ” the student seemed unprepared for the

question, and answered a little hesitatingly.

Case 21 The Privacy of the Person

Zou Qing and Nancy became friends after they met in a course they

both took.Nancy had had gray hair much earlier than people of the same

age,and had been dyeing her hair for several years.

While they were having a break one day in between two classes, and Zou

Qing noticed that Nancy had some invisible gray hair on her. She told her so,

but Nancy changed the topic right away.

When everyone else left,Nancy said to Zou Qing,“ Please don ’ t mention my gray

hair while there were men around.

Case 22 Unacceptable Curiosity

Mr and Mrs Peterson came to China with a tour group. One evening, they

decided to take a walk outside their hotel. They soon noticed that quite a few

people stared at them. One man even quickly walked past them and then

turned back to look at them several times. Both Mr and Mrs Peterson felt

uncomfortable about the staring and went back to the hotel sooner than they

had planned.

Case 23 Confusion in Communicating Love

Le, a Chinese woman, and Bill, an American man, were very much in love. Their relationship started with their shared interest in photography. As time went on, however, Le became dependent on Bill whenever she wanted to take a picture,

because she felt that Bill was a much better photographer than she was.

Whenever she noticed a scene that would make a good image, she would ask

Bill to take the picture for her.

Bill was not very pleased but did not say anything for a while. However, Le

soon got to a point where she began to ask Bill to load and unload the film. Bill

decided that it was too much for him to bear. He exploded,“ What’ s the matter with you? Don ’ t you know how to load and unload a film? Can’ t you take a picture any more?”

Le was so shocked that she burst into tears.“ I ask you to do things only because

’ s wrong with that?”

you do it better than me. What

Case24 Unwanted Attention

Teresa is a Chinese American teaching English temporarily at a Chinese

university. She is very easy going, and soon the students got to know her

well enough to invite her out regularly.

Crossing the very busy and wide streets in the city was a scary experience

for Teresa, and she complained of it repeatedly. As a result, the female

students began to try to help her by taking her hand or grasping her arm while

the male students seemed to be shy about protecting her.

Teresa was uncomfortable with her female students touching her, and told

the women they did not need to do it. Her female students thought she was being

polite and continued to take care of her the same way. Teresa became so

uncomfortable that she tried to move away from her female students

whenever they had to cross the road.

Case 25 Holding Hands

Chris was a visiting professor in China. On one day, one of his students,

Sun Hui, showed him around the city. Sun Hui soon noticed that Chris was

interested in taking pictures of men that were walking arm-in-arm or touching

each other when they talked.

“ I don’ t see anything special about those men,”Sun Hui said curiously.

“ Well, we don’ t see much of that in men in the States,” Chris said,“Th gay, aren’ t they?”

Case 26 Friendship Misunderstood

Yan Hong was a Chinese painter who immigrated to the United States. She

met Jenny, an American physician in a club one day. They soon became friends,

and sometimes went out for coffee and lunch together.

One day, Jenny gave Yan Hong a very beautiful vase. Yan Hong loved the

vase very much, and felt she should give Jenny something in return. So she

gave Jenny a painting she brought from China. Jenny was very pleased.

A few days later, Jenny invited Yan Hong to her home for the first time.

They made dinner together and enjoyed the meal a lot. Then they sat down to

watch TV. When Jenny tentatively held Yan Hong ’ s hand, Yan Hong was not

aware of anything unusual. However, when Jenny sat closer to her and kissed

her, Yan Hong was terrified. She pushed Jenny away and cried,“I’ m not a lesbian!”

Jenny was in shock, and asked accusingly,“ Then why didn’ t you tell me earlier?”

Case 27 Learning about Flirting

Chen Qing was a visiting scholar in an American university. He had made

some friends with professors and students there. One day he went to a party

where the atmosphere became less and less inhibited. Chen Qing noticed that

men and women touched each other a lot more than he was used to. At the end

of the party, most people hugged each other good-bye. One woman came to hug

Chen Qing, but he stiffened as she attempted to give him a hug. He had never

hugged any women except his wife in his life. Other women noticed this, and no

one else tried to hug him.

However, Chen Qing felt left out when people hugged each other but not

him. He found himself in a very awkward situation: he didn’ t want to be hugged, neither did he want to be left out. He did not know what he wanted or how to

resolve his conflicting emotions.

Case28 Lost in Love

Li Ying fell in love with an American man in her second year in the United

States. They spent a lot of time together. After they had been to all the places of

interest in the city, they had to decide where to go or what to do for the next date.

John typically would ask Li Ying,“ What do you want to do today?” , or

“ Where shall we go?” Li Ying would sometimes tell what she wanted, but more

often than not, she would say“ It’ s up to you” , or“ Whatever you want to do “ Wherever you want to go.”

John frowned at such responses several times until one day when Li Ying said

“ up to you” again.“ For God’ s sake, tell me what you want to do!”He cried o loud.

Li Ying was shocked at his reaction.“Isn’ t it clear to you? I’ ll do what want to do.”

“ No, it isn’ t clear at all. I want to know what you want to do!” John wa almost angry.“ Don’ t you realize that sometimes I want to do what you want to

do, too? ”

Case 29 Lovers Become Strangers

Xiao Xin and Peter are newly-weds. Though they spent a lot of time with

each other before getting married, they never really lived together. Not

surprisingly, their marriage was followed by a series of minor problems while

they tried to adjust to each other’ s ways of life. One difficult issue came up about

two months after their new life, when Peter came home from work

looking unhappy.

“ What happened?” Xiao Xin asked.

“ Nothing much, I’ m just very tired,” Peter said.

“ I can tell that it’ s more than that.”

Peter gave Xiao Xin a quiet look, went into the bedroom, and threw

himself to bed.

Xiao Xin followed him in.“ Don’ t you want to talk about it?”

“ No, I don’ t.”

“ Perhaps I can help?” Xiao Xin suggested.

“ Xiao Xin, sometimes you just have to give me some space. All I need now is

some privacy! ” Peter yelled.

Xiao Xin was in shock.“ Don’ t you trust me?”

“ Geez, it’ s not a matter of trust! Can’ t you accept the fact that talking to you

” Peter was becoming frustrated

isn ’ t the solution to every one of my problems?

and impatient.

Xiao Xin was in tears. Her husband seemed to have become a stranger to her.

Case 30 A Gift of Self

Zhang Ge and Simon were head over heels in love with each other. They

decided to go away to spend a major holiday somewhere. It was winter time,

so they flew south in search of sunshine and warm water.

However, Simon developed diarrhea soon after they settled in a hotel. He felt

weak and had to lie down for a rest. Zhang Ge was worried and stayed him in

the room. Outside the window, the sun was shining, and they could hear the surf.

The sun and beach is what they had dreamed about for months during the

winter back home.

“ Go and have some fun,” Simon said to Zhang Ge.

“ How can I go and have fun while you’ re sick in bed?”

“ Why not, it’ s not your fault that I’ m sick. Besides, there’ s nothing you can here.”

“ Nonsense! I can keep your company, and you’ ll feel better with me around

you. ”

“ Are you sure you want to do this instead of going out?”

“ Yes, I’ m sure. I won’ t go without you.”

“ Oh, you’ re so special. I love you so much!”Simon drew Zhang Ge near and kissed her.

Case 31 A Close Girlfriend

Liu Hong and Wu Xin have been good friends since they were young girls.

Both eventually had the opportunity to study in the United States, although they

ended up in two different cities. After their first year of hard work, they decided to

do some traveling together. Liu Hong went to stay with Wu Xin for two days

before they set off. Then they visited three cities over the next 10 days.

Liu Hong came back from the trip and told her American friends about

the trip. She casually mentioned that they had to share one bed in one

particular motel.

“ Oh, did you?” , said one of the friends in a tone that made Liu Hong feel uncomfortable.

Case 32 Interpreting a Smile

. Peter is the general manager of an American company in China. Recently,

Chen Jun, one of the Chinese managers made a mistake at work that caused

some difficulties that required a lot of effort to fix. Chen Jun was very upset

about what had happened, and came to Peter’ s office to make a formal apology.

Chen Jun went into Peter’ s office after being told to, smiling before he spoke.

“ Peter, I’ ve been feeling very upset about the trouble I’ ve caused for the company. I’ m here to apologize for the mistake. I’ m terribly sorry about it and I want you to know that it will never happen again.” Chen Jun said, looking at

Peter with the smile he had been wearing since he walked into the office. Peter

found it hard to accept the apology. He looked at Chen Jun, and asked,

“ are you sure?”

“ Yes, I’ m very sorry and I promise this won’ t happen again,”Chen Jun said with a smile even broader than before.

“ I ’ m sorry I just can’ t take your apology. You don’ t look sorry at all!”Pet angrily.

Chen Jun’ s face turned very red. He did not in the least expect Peter to take

it negatively. He was desperate to make himself understood.“ Peter,” he managed to smile again,“ trust me, no one can feel any more sorry than I do

about it.”

Peter was almost furious by now,“ if you’ re that sorry, how can you still smile? ”

Case33 Interpreting a Laugh

Huihua, a Chinese student, and Mary , an American student studying

Chinese in China, were on their way to a bookstore. As they got to the bookstore,

they saw a young man walking down a flight of stairs. In his hurry, he missed the

last two steps, and fell on the ground. He struggled to get back to his feet while

people around him laughed. Fortunately, he seemed to be O.K.

Mary was worried. She found Huihua smiling a little and was not

comfortable about it. Tell me, Huihua, how could people laugh when someone

fell like that? Do they care at all? Shouldn’ t they go up and ask the young man whether he was hurt?”

Huihua said,“ they knew he wasn’ t hurt too much.”

“ But I still don ’ t understand. A fall is a fall. In my culture, peopledo would

anything but laugh! ”

Case 34 Different Lunch Boxes

Peter was one of the American technicians who came to China to help set up

a coffee plant. He was in China for six months.Before leaving for home,one

of his Chinese colleagues took him out to dinner. Peter decided to ask him a

question that had puzzled him for as long as he worked in the plant.

Why is it that the Chinese workers have stainless boxes for their lunch,while us foreigners have lunch put in the disposable plastic boxes?”

The Chinese colleague smiled,“ It ’ s because the plastic boxes are more convenient;they are disposable.With the stainless boxes, you have to wash them after every meal.”

But Peter was not convinced.“ I don ’ t think.soStainless boxes are much

better than plastic boxes.They look more professional, they are more durable, and they protect your lunch better.

跨文化交际案例 英语专业

Cases 33-36 Case 33 The prblem that Li Li has encountered during her stay in the United States are typical of those that people may face when they enter a new culture. Obviously Li Li has gone through distinct stages in the process her adaptation to the American cultural environment: honeymoon period (Letter 1), when she was fascinated and excited by almost everything in the United States and felt elated to be in the new culture; culture shock (Letter 2), when she was flooded with many problems that she had not been prepared for and became extremely homesick; initial adjustment (Letter 3), when she learned more about American culture and cultural adaptation and began to feel much better; mental isolation (Letter 4), when she felt frustrated and became even hostile towards Americans; and acceptance period (Letter 5), when she began to tralize the positive and negative aspects of the country and have a more balanced perspective about her experiences there. What she means by “I think I have finally arrived in America” in her fifth letter is that she has finally learned


《跨文化交际》 课程教学大纲 课程名称:英语教学论 课程类别:专业必修课 考核类别:考试 适用对象:本科 适用专业:英语 总学时、学分:36学时2学分 一、课程教学目的 该课程旨在扩大学生的知识面,对西方文化的不同层面有所了解,以提高学生的交际能力。在传统的外语教学中, 人们往往忽视文化的重要作用, 只注重语言能力的培养而未能顾及交际能力的提高。近年来国内学者认识到外语教学必须引进文化知识的对比,训练学生灵活运用语言知识, 更好地与外国人沟通, 减少和避免误解。 1

二、课程教学要求 该课程教学要求学生提高对文化差异的敏感性, 更有效地与外国人进行交际,为英语专业课程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高奠定基础。 三、先修课程 跨文化交际是英语专业的必修课, 是在完成了精读、泛读、综合英语、写作等基本技能训练后开设的,旨在增强文化差异的敏感性,增强跨文化交际意识,有助于英语专业课程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高。因此,学生先期完成英语听说读写等技能训练基本课程,如《基础英语》、《英国文学选读》等课程。 四、课程教学重、难点 该课程教学重点在于培养学生对英语国家文化的 2

了解及跨文化交际意识, 提高驾驭英语语言的能力, 从而使其能得体地运用语言与操英语的外国人士进行交流。教师的讲授重点是帮助学生认识中西文化的异同,分析文化差异的根源, 帮助学生深化对西方文化的理解。中西文化的差异在表层上很容易识别,但对造成差异的原因却需追根溯源。东西方在历史,思维方式以及哲学等方面的差异则是造成中国学生对西方文化不解的主要原因,也是该课程的难点。 五、课程教学方法(或手段) 教学方法:以课堂讲授为主,适当组织课堂讨论,鼓励学生充分利用课外资源进行探索性、研究性学习。 六、课程教学内容 Unit 1 Communication Across Cultures(4学时) 3


Cross –cultural communication Thesis statement: This paper is mainly talking about the culture differences between several countries. Outline: Chapter 1: Language and culture in communication Chapter2: Culture shock Chapter3: What’s in a name? Chapter4: Social interaction Chapter 5: Roles and relations Chapter6: Non-verbal communication Chapter 7: In other words. Chapter 8: From a primitive Tribe to a Global Village Conclusion Chapter 1: Language and culture in communication There is no denying the fact that out daily lives depend largely on communication, without it we can’t know each other. So, we should come to realize that communication is of great importance. What is communication? In total, communication can be divided into two parts; they are verbal communication and non-verbal communication. However, different people hold different opinions about communication. In general, if there is communication, there must have 4 cases: there are at least two or more people, some contact between communicators, a language shared by communicators, an exchange of information has taken place. I just take the fist one for example. Suppose there is one person, there can’t be communication. Otherwise, he may talk to himself. Communication not just exist in human-beings There are five kinds of communications they are human communication, animal communication, human-animal communication, human machine communication, machine communication. So, Animals and machines can also communicate with each other. For human beings, how can we communicate with each other? Experts say that there are various kinds of communication. Nowadays, there are different kinds of tools for us to communicate .For people we can use telephone and computer to communicate with each other. By them, finally we can receive message. What is social situation? When there are two or more people gather to do a job or an activity, then it creates a social situation. That is to say, an individual working alone can not constitute a social s A social situation may have two definitions. One is given by the community, and the other by the participants. Finally, we should notice that being polite plays a crucial role in


跨文化交际案例分析 LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】

Case Study 1 Age and Status 两位同事的矛盾使一家数据处理公司的总经理遇到了麻烦。一方是一位踌躇满志的法裔加拿大小伙子,另一方是一位有特许签证的年长的中国女性,而此前两人确实很好的合作伙伴….. Case description: A manager in a data-processing company was having difficulty dealing with a conflict between a young, ambitious French Canadian male and his co-worker, an older Chinese woman who was on a special visa from China. She had recently become uncooperative and had made it clear to the manager that she would not be willing to travel to the capital with her co-worker to hold discussion with legislators about a new product with great enthusiasm. When the manager asked her what the problem was, he received no clear explanation. When he asked her co-worker, the young man had no insights to offer. The young French Canadian was clearly annoyed, however, that the Chinese woman was refusing to share her data with him. That meant he couldn’t make the presentation to the legislators because she had all the key data on her computer disks. The manager repeated questions to her but her “problem” got nowhere. So he changed his approach. He began explaining his concerns, as manger and as spokesperson for the company, about the upcoming meeting with legislators. His explanation about his position was unemotional. In that climate she then felt she could explain her position. She revealed she felt that that as an older, and to her mind, more senior person, she should not be sent to the capitol with a younger employee who would do the presentation of material she had worked hard to develop. That would diminish her status, she felt. The general manger knew the root of his headache. Questions: 1.What do you think caused the conflict? 2. What would you do to resolve the conflict if you were the general manager? 矛盾冲突 这位年长的中国女士投入极大的热情和精力开发产品.却在最后的关键时刻拒绝与年轻的同事一同去向议员做推介:当经理和同事问其原因.她并未做任何明确的回答:而当经理改变策略,不再直接询问原因,而是迂回地讲起自己的困境时,她才道出自己的顾虑。在这位资深年长的中国女士看来,同一位比她年轻的同事一同去国会,并且由对方来做推介会影响到她的地位和威信,因此她无法同意: 原因分析 造成这一矛盾的文化因素有两方面.对地位、年龄的不同态度以及这种不同的表达方式。人对权力的认识因文化背景的不同而不同。根据霍夫斯特的调查研


大学英语跨文化交际案例分析 Case 2 (P8) White Dress 女王的白色长裙:Case analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they see the western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. 案例分析:印度女人可能觉得婚礼是一个葬礼,如果他们看到西方的新娘的白色礼服。这个案例反映了明喻和隐喻在文本。 Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why . 文化是 像冰山:我们可以辨认颜色衣服的妇女所穿不同的文化,但我们不知道下面的值。文化是像水鱼游 在: 人们穿不同颜色的衣服为不同的上下文, 但他们通常是理所当然的,从不问为什么。 Case 4 (P18) Coconut-skating 椰子-溜冰:Case analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We Can tell from the CaSe that CUItUre is PerVaSiVe and it 案例分析Ie 这个e事件反映了文化 的特点。我们可以告诉从案件,文化是普遍的,这是学习。 People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor moping. The Philippine woman must have learned this way of mopping from her own culture. 人们可能发明东西 甚至不同的方式为这样简单的问题的地板闷闷不乐。菲律宾女人必须学习这种方式从她自己的文化的拖地。 Case 7 (P30) Clean UP the Bathroom! 清理浴室!:CaSe analySiS: CUltUral differenCeS deCide the two StUdentS are going to CommUniCate in different wayS. 案例分析:文化差异决定这两个学生要沟通的方式不同。 The Chinese student wants the American student to understand the underlying means of his words, but the American student is used to the direct style of communication. This is decided by culture. In Chinese culture, people want to save face of both themselves and others, so they would not express their ideas directly. However, in the United States, unless you express yourself clearly and directly, the OtherS CannOt Understand you.中国学生想要美国学生理解底层的手段,他的话,但是美国学生用来 直接的交流方式。这是由文化决定的。在中国文化中,人们想要挽回面子的两个自己和他人,所以 他们不会直接表达自己的想法。然而,在美国,除非你清楚地表达自己,别人不能直接理解你。 Case 8 (P34) She HaS Three HandS 她有三个指针:ThiS CaSe Can refleCt the different CommUniCation StyleS between ChineSe and CanadianS. In weStern CUltUreS, CommUniCation iS the meanS of tranSmitting ideaS. WeStern PeoPle USUally CommUniCate direCtly with eaCh other. 这种情况下可以反映出不同的沟通方式在中国和加拿大人。在西方文化中,沟通是传播方式的想法。西方的人们通常直接彼此通信。 That is why the Canadian in this Case says what is in his mind direCtly in frOnt Of the Chinese wOman withOut hiding anything. While Chinese Culture stresses harmOny and emphasizes the relatiOnships between the COmmuniCatOrs. Chinese peOple view COmmuniCatiOn as a prOCess where all parties are searChing tO develOp and maintain a sOCial relatiOnship. SO the Chinese wOman in this Case tries nOt tO argue With the Can adia n face to face to keep the “ harm OnioUS relati On Sh这就是为什betwee n them. 么加拿大在这种情况下说什么是在他的脑海里的正前方的中国女人没有隐瞒任何事。虽然中国 文化强调和谐,强调了沟通者之间的关系。中国人民视图通信作为一个过程,各方正在寻求开发和维护一个社会关系。所以中国女人在这种情况下努力不认为与加拿大面对面保持“和谐关系”他们。 Case 12 (P57) Why Don‘ tYou Eat the Pizza? 你为什么不吃比萨饼?: This case can reflect the problems appearing during intercultural communication and how ignoring cultural differences can affect communication. 种情况下可以反映


期末考试范围 ? 1. 阅读理解2篇(20%) ? 2. 选词填空:15个句子(15个备选项,课后的key concepts,概念的词为主。(15%) ?eg: ———the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue. ? 3. 简答题:课后comprehension questions和case study( 课内或者稍微改动的)。(25%) 4. 实用写作:一封信什么的(格式)(10%) 5. 写作:给出某个文化现象观点,运用所学文化差异进行评论 (comment)。(30%) 如: 说给一个关于教育的话题(文化现象),我们要用所学的中 美教育差异进行评论,议论文形式。 价值观,家庭观,社会关系朋友观,饮食观,教育观,时间观等 篇目:Unit1: A B C Unit2 A Unit3 A B Unit5A Unit6A Unit7 A Unit10 B Unit1 A Key concepts reservation: 谦逊的coldness: 冷静的 modesty:谦虚的 humor:幽默的 sportsmanship:运动员精神 Q1、what is a reserved person like? Answer: A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited. Q2、what is the character of the Englishmen? Answer: reserved 、humor、modesty、cold、sportsmanship. Q3、what is sportsmanship? Answer: sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. Case study Q、What made the British feel quite unhappy in this situation?


Case 1 Girl-ness As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a lecture to a group of American students. He talked about university students in China. During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua. “When you talked about female students, you referred to them as girls. Why?” “Because they are girls. That’s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the intent of the question. “ I don’t quite understand your question, I’m afraid.” “In the States, we call ourselves ‘ women’ if we’re old enough to go to the university. Calling us ‘girls’ is insulting.” Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women? Case 2 Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American visitors. Out of courtesy, they all said,” She is very beautiful.” Also out of courtesy, the man replied with what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where!” Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors, taking another look at the photo, said, “Oh, everywhere!” What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with “ Where! Where!”? Case 1 Girl-ness As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a


《跨文化交际学概论》第七章社会交往五、宴请招待p132 Case One: Setting Rules for a Guest – American Hospitality 案例: When Zhang Tao traveled in America, he lived in the home of his American friend, Bill. Once after he had traveled back, he found Bill was in a bad mood. When he asked what the problem was, Bill told Zhang Tao that his son Adam got furious about the noise Zhang made when walking upstairs and also because he was using too much water in the solar powered shower and Adam had to have his shower in cold water. Bill told Zhang Tao that he should walk more softly in future, and have a fast shower to save water. Zhang Tao felt uneasy. How could the host set such rules for his guest! Question: Why did Zhang Tao feel uneasy? 分析: 1) In China, when people host someone, they put the guest in the place of honor to show hospitality. They try to take care of the guest,and try to make the guest feel comfortable and at ease. 2) In America, people tend to give the guest great freedom and treat a guest more casually, naturally and truthfully. 3) Zhang Tao knew he was a guest, and thought in terms of Chinese expectations of hospitality. He thought Bill should treat him courteously instead of setting rules for him. 4) Since Zhang Tao lived in American surroundings, he should have known about the customs there sooner. Case Two: 案例: Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York. He needed a good meal. His American friend, Mike, met him. But Mike only offered him a plate of roasted chicken and a glass of orange juice. Lin was used to having a main course, and asked Mike if he had any rice. Mike said he only had fried noodles, and Lin had to make do with it. Though Lin knew Americans didn’t care very much about what food they ate, he still felt surprised because he had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing -- Quanjude -- when he arrived in Beijing. Question: Why did Lin feel surprised? Offer some advice to him about adjusting to his new environment in America.


1.Three international developments have made intercultural contact more pervasive (无处不在), they are .(D ) A. new technology and information system B. changes in the world’s population C. a shift in the world’s economic arena D. A, B and C 2.___C___ has evolved that lets societies share cultural experiences with one another as films are produced and shown around the world. A. Show business B. I.T. C. international film industry D. Mass media 3.__A____ in the United States, because they have been profoundly affected by population and immigration increases, are a primary setting for domestic intercultural contact. A. Schools B. Community C. Workplace D. club 4. It is difficult to find a single definition of human communication because__D____. A. the complex nature of communication B. the issue of intentionality C. the issue of unintentionality D. A, B and C 5. To Reusch and Bateson, communication often takes place __A___. A. without awareness B. consciously C. intentionally D. deliberately 6. Which of the statements of communication is not true? D A. Communication is dynamic https://www.doczj.com/doc/cb10374865.html,munication is symbolic https://www.doczj.com/doc/cb10374865.html,munication is Interpretive D. Communication is static 7. Communication has a consequence means that ___D___. A. Communication is irreversible B.Our response to message does not have to be immediate C. The nature of our responses to messages is rooted in our culture D. A, B and C 8. Which of the item is not the basic component of culture? C A. Values B. Emotions C. Personality D. Attitudes 9. We learn our culture not through __D______. A. proverbs B. art C. mass media D. self-taught 10.Although many aspects of culture are subject to change, the _B______ of a culture resists major alterations. A. history B. the deep structure C. background D. tradition 11. ___C___ is at the core of intercultural communication. A. sender B. receiver C. culture D. language 12. Although cultures change through several mechanisms, which of the following item is not the three most common ones.C A. Diffusion B. Acculturation C. Invention D. Innovation 13. One of the most difficult tasks for foreigners in learning a new language is learning the _____A____ and ________ in which they are used. A. different styles, the contexts B. grammar, accent C. different styles, the speech acts D. vocabulary, the pronunciation 14. Language is accompanied by a continuous flow of nonverbal communication, which involves not only ____ but also ____ and _____.B A. the tone, gaze, posture B. the voice, the face, the body C. the pitch, gaze, gesture D. the pace, the distance, touch 15. ___B__ is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our physical and social world. A. Interpretation B. Perception C. Analysis D. Understanding


跨文化交际案例题(1,2) Case Studies Case One Phil is my foreign teacher. He is very nice and friendly to me and he often asks us to have free talk in his apartment. One day, I decided to give Phil a gift to express my appreciation of his help in my oral English. I called him but the line was busy. So I went to Phil’s apartment directly. He opened the door looking surprised, but didn’t let me in. I stood in the corridor and said a few words of thanks, and gave my gift to him and left quietly with great disappointment and puzzlement.. How could he be so cold to me? All my gratitude and fondness of Phil seemed to have gone. .. Case Two I could never forget my experience of an oral exam with our American teacher Mary. After reading the passage I


汉硕案例分析答题技巧 最近很多人问关于汉语国际教育考试中的案例分析题该怎样答,我根据自己的粗浅经验,现总结如下: 1.答题思路:按照发现问题-- 分析问题-- 解决问题的思路。具体如下:(1)发现问题:也就是提出问题。在所给的案例中,某个出国教汉语的志愿者教师或来中国教外语的外教等,遇到了什么样的困难。遇到的困难可能是课堂教学时的,比如学生上课都不积极回答问题,不愿意参与老师精心设计的课堂活动,或者问老师一些可能涉及到“隐私”的问题;也可以是这位老师在生活上遇到的问题,比如无法与当地人沟通或交流(语言障碍,文化障碍),无法适应当地人的生活,或不理解当地人做某事时为什么会采取那样的方式,等等。注意:遇到的问题可能是多方面的,要从多角度分析,一般情况下,也不只是一个问题,所以,要按条来答。 (2)分析问题:要求你具体分析一下这位老师或某人遇到这种困难是什么原因引起的,主要是文化方面的原因,可能还涉及到一些他所采用的文化策略等。比如,他由于对对方国家文化不了解,对方国家可能很注重“隐私”,而在我们国家这不被看做是“隐私”。同时要求你分析出我们的母语文化具有什么样的特点,最主要的是和对方国家有什么不一样,哪里不一样,因此造成了他在文化方面的不适应,以至于教学和生活中都出现了问题或遇到了困难。关于他所使用的文化策略,主要就是他自身有没有做到尊重当地的文化,有没有试着去融入这种文化,接受这种文化,还是一味的采取排斥策略,认为自己的一切都好,别人的一切都不好。这就是分析问题了。 (3)解决问题:这是最关键的部分了。怎么解决他遇到的问题或困难?你自己提出个对策就行了,当然,要根据一些你所知道的文化常识和应对策略。比如首先尊重当地文化,多和当地人交流,努力让自己适应当地人的文化和生活方式,做到求同存异,等等。这里需要注意的就是,有些文化的知识是很灵活的,比如中国人的谦虚、中庸的思想等等,都是我们日常生活就知道的,就是稍微总结一下,理顺一下,就能答题了。关于这个,如果时间还来得及,就看一下程裕祯的《中国文化要略》,看一下中国文化的特点等,很多东西是很细致的,自己要稍加总结。如果时间不是很充分了,就把刘珣的《对外汉语教育学引论》上的关于“跨文化交际”的那个章节仔细看一下,我觉得应对这道题应该够用了。 2.答题方法:其实思路清晰了就很好弄了,老师会看你的逻辑分析能力。强烈建议大家一定要分条论述,千万别想到哪说到哪,写出一大片,阅卷老师还得自己去给你找点,这样,老师会很疲劳的,老师最不喜欢的就是这种思维混乱的。所以说,大家答题时我觉得可以按两种方法来写: 第一种:按发现问题---分析问题---解决问题来写,一共三条,然后在每条的下边分几个小点,因为发现的问题肯定不止一个,相应的分析问题和解决问题也会不止一条。 第二种:按一共出现了几个问题分条,第一条,问题1:发现问题--分析问题--解决问题;问题2:发现问题--分析问题--解决问题;问题3--以此类推。 总结一下,以上两种方法都各有利弊,因为有时不同的问题是由同一个原因产生的,或者需要同一种解决策略。所以,大家可以根据自己的喜好来选择其中一种。按以上的问题全部分析完以后,最好再来个综述,大致总结一下,字数不用太多,就是有个小结尾。 最后,要跟大家说的是,字数和字迹的问题。这个案例分析要求是1000字以上

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