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外文原文出处:(译文前列出外文原文出处、作者、国籍,译文后附上外文原文)《ASHRAE Handbook—Refrigeration》.CHAPTER3 .SYSTEM Practices for ammonia

3.1 System Selection

3.2 Equipment

3.10 Reciprocating Compressors


3.1 系统选择



基本的单级压缩系统由蒸发器、压缩机、冷凝器、储液器(假如用的话)和制冷剂控制装置(膨胀阀、浮球阀等)。1997 ASHRAE手册——“原理篇”中的第一章讨论






P. Fanning. Nonlinear Models of Reinforced and Post-tensioned Concrete Beams. Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University College Dublin. Received 16 Jul 2001.





2 测试梁




小,直到梁破坏为止。通过梁的压坏实验,根据英国标准查出的混凝土轴心抗拉强度和轴心抗压强度标准值(f t= 5.1N/mm2,f c= 69.0N/mm2),与混凝土的杨氏模量(39,200 N/mm2)等数据算出理论模型。通过拉伸试验保证样品梁的非线性的塑性反应能在理论模型上准确模仿,梁的配筋应能保证梁的整体稳定性。

受压钢筋为2 根直径为12mm,

f y=460N/mm2的钢筋

箍筋为直径6mm ,f y=250N/mm2



f y=460N/mm2的钢筋



9.0米预应力混凝土梁的测试是在斯洛文尼亚首都卢布尔雅那的土木工程研究所完成的,详图示于图2 。T型梁的翼缘宽1.1米、厚0.08米,其有效腹板I型梁的翼缘宽0.29米、厚0.6米。除了普通的配筋外,在浇筑好混凝土构件上预留7×5.08毫米网格的孔道,将预应力筋穿入孔道后,在孔道内灌浆使钢筋和混凝土构成一个整体。通过对梁进行拉伸实验、钢筋的强度和刚度试验,混凝土的有关材料性能,线性与非线性等





6 结论

3.0米普通钢筋混凝土梁和9.0米后张法预应力混凝土梁,建立在ANSYS V5.5的有限元模型已经准确记录了梁非线性弯曲直到破坏的应变反应。




Nonlinear Models of Reinforced and Post-tensioned

Concrete Beams

P. Fanning

Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Email: paul.fanning@ucd.ie

Received 16 Jul 2001; revised 8 Sep 2001; accepted 12 Sep 2001. ABSTRACT

Commercial finite element software generally includes dedicated numerical models for the nonlinear response of concrete under loading. These models usually include a smeared crack analogy to account for the relatively poor tensile strength of concrete, a plasticity algorithm to facilitate concrete crushing in compression regions and a method of specifying the amount, the distribution and the orientation of any internal reinforcement. The numerical model adopted by ANSYS is discussed in this paper. Appropriate numerical modelling strategies are recommended and comparisons with experimental load-deflection responses are discussed for ordinary reinforced concrete beams and post-tensioned concrete T-beams.


Concrete; post-tensioning; finite element modelling.

2. Test case beams

Results of ultimate load tests on ordinarily reinforced and post-tensioned concrete beams were used to assess the suitability of the reinforced concrete model implemented in ANSYS in predicting the ultimate response of reinforced concrete beams.

? 3.0m long Ordinarily Reinforced Concrete Beams

A cross section through the 3.0m long beams, Figure 1, illustrates the internal reinforcement. Three 12mm diameter steel bars were included in the tension zone with two 12mm steel bars as compression steel. Ten shear links, formed from 6mm mild steel bars, were provided at 125mm centres for shear reinforcement in the shear spans. Two beams were tested each of which were simply supported with a clear span of 2.8m and loaded symmetrically and monotonically, under displacement control, in four point bending, with point loads 0.3m either side of the mid-span location, to failure. Cylinder splitting and crushing tests on cored samples of the beams, in accordance with the British Standards, were undertaken to identify the uni-axial tensile and compressive strengths of the concrete, (f t = 5.1N/mm2 and f c = 69.0N/mm2 respectively), and the Young’s Modulus of the concrete , (39,200 N/mm2), for inclusion in the numerical models. T ensile tests on samples of the reinforcing bars and shear links were also undertaken such that their nonlinear plastic response could be accurately simulated in the numerical models.


华北电力大学科技学院 毕业设计(论文)附件 外文文献翻译 学号:121912020115姓名:彭钰钊 所在系别:动力工程系专业班级:测控技术与仪器12K1指导教师:李冰 原文标题:Infrared Remote Control System Abstract 2016 年 4 月 19 日

红外遥控系统 摘要 红外数据通信技术是目前在世界范围内被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术,被众多的硬件和软件平台所支持。红外收发器产品具有成本低,小型化,传输速率快,点对点安全传输,不受电磁干扰等特点,可以实现信息在不同产品之间快速、方便、安全地交换与传送,在短距离无线传输方面拥有十分明显的优势。红外遥控收发系统的设计在具有很高的实用价值,目前红外收发器产品在可携式产品中的应用潜力很大。全世界约有1亿5千万台设备采用红外技术,在电子产品和工业设备、医疗设备等领域广泛使用。绝大多数笔记本电脑和手机都配置红外收发器接口。随着红外数据传输技术更加成熟、成本下降,红外收发器在短距离通讯领域必将得到更广泛的应用。 本系统的设计目的是用红外线作为传输媒质来传输用户的操作信息并由接收电路解调出原始信号,主要用到编码芯片和解码芯片对信号进行调制与解调,其中编码芯片用的是台湾生产的PT2262,解码芯片是PT2272。主要工作原理是:利用编码键盘可以为PT2262提供的输入信息,PT2262对输入的信息进行编码并加载到38KHZ的载波上并调制红外发射二极管并辐射到空间,然后再由接收系统接收到发射的信号并解调出原始信息,由PT2272对原信号进行解码以驱动相应的电路完成用户的操作要求。 关键字:红外线;编码;解码;LM386;红外收发器。 1 绪论


广东工业大学华立学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文 系部经济学部 专业经济学 年级 2007级 班级名称 07经济学6班 学号 16020706001 学生姓名张瑜琴 指导教师陈锶 2011 年05月

目录 1挑战:小额贷款中的进入和商业银行的长期承诺 (1) 2什么商业银行带给小额贷款和什么把他们留在外 (2) 3 商业银行的四个模型进入小额贷款之内 (4) 3.1内在的单位 (4) 3.2财务子公司 (5) 3.3策略的同盟 (5) 3.4服务公司模型 (6) 4 合法的形式和操作的结构比较 (8) 5 服务的个案研究公司模型:厄瓜多尔和Haiti5 (9)

1 挑战:小额贷款中的进入和商业银行的长期承诺 商业银行已经是逐渐重要的运动员在拉丁美洲中的小额贷款服务的发展2到小额贷款市场是小额贷款的好消息客户因为银行能提供他们一完整类型的财务的服务,包括信用,储蓄和以费用为基础的服务。整体而言,它也对小额贷款重要,因为与他们广泛的身体、财务的和人类。如果商业银行变成重的运动员在小额贷款,他们能提供非常强烈的竞争到传统的小额贷款机构。资源,银行能廉宜地发射而且扩张小额贷款服务rela tively。如果商业广告银行在小额贷款中成为严重的运动员,他们能提出非常强烈的竞争给传统的小额贷款机构。然而,小额贷款社区里面有知觉哪一商业银行进入进入小额贷款将会是短命或浅的。举例来说,有知觉哪一商业银行首先可能不搬进小额贷款因为时候建立小额贷款操作到一个有利润的水平超过银行的标准投资时间地平线。或,在进入小额贷款,银行之后可能移动在-上面藉由增加贷款数量销售取利润最大值-或者更坏的事,退出如果他们是不满意与小额贷款的收益性的水平。这些知觉已经被特性加燃料商业银行的情形进入小额贷款和后来的出口之内。在最极端的,一些开业者已经甚至宣布,”降低尺度死!”而且抛弃了与主意合作的商业银行。 在最 signific 看得到的地方,蚂蚁利益商业银行可能带给小额贷款,国际的ACCION 发展发射而且扩张的和一些商业银行的关系小额贷款操作。在这些情形的大部分方面, ACCION 和它的合伙人正在使用方法,已知的当做服务公司模型,表演早答应当做一个能工作的方法克服真正的。 商业银行的障碍进入和穿越建立长命的小额贷款操作一个商业银行 这论文描述如何服务公司模型、住址商业银行中的主要议题进入进小额贷款,监定成功建立的因素动作井小额贷款服务公司,和礼物结果和小额贷款的课servic e 公司用最长的经验,在海地和审判官席 del 的 SOGEBANK│ SOGESOL 初期结果指出那这服务公司模型表现一重要的突破在促成商业银行进入和留在小额贷款。在厄瓜多尔的 Pichincha│ CREDIFE。初期结果指出服务公司模型在促成商业广告中表现一次重要的突破银行进入而且留在小额贷款。


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外文出处: 《Exploiting Software How to Break Code》By Greg Hoglund, Gary McGraw Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : February 17, 2004 ISBN : 0-201-78695-8 译文标题: JDBC接口技术 译文: JDBC是一种可用于执行SQL语句的JavaAPI(ApplicationProgrammingInterface应用程序设计接口)。它由一些Java语言编写的类和界面组成。JDBC为数据库应用开发人员、数据库前台工具开发人员提供了一种标准的应用程序设计接口,使开发人员可以用纯Java语言编写完整的数据库应用程序。 一、ODBC到JDBC的发展历程 说到JDBC,很容易让人联想到另一个十分熟悉的字眼“ODBC”。它们之间有没有联系呢?如果有,那么它们之间又是怎样的关系呢? ODBC是OpenDatabaseConnectivity的英文简写。它是一种用来在相关或不相关的数据库管理系统(DBMS)中存取数据的,用C语言实现的,标准应用程序数据接口。通过ODBCAPI,应用程序可以存取保存在多种不同数据库管理系统(DBMS)中的数据,而不论每个DBMS使用了何种数据存储格式和编程接口。 1.ODBC的结构模型 ODBC的结构包括四个主要部分:应用程序接口、驱动器管理器、数据库驱动器和数据源。应用程序接口:屏蔽不同的ODBC数据库驱动器之间函数调用的差别,为用户提供统一的SQL编程接口。 驱动器管理器:为应用程序装载数据库驱动器。 数据库驱动器:实现ODBC的函数调用,提供对特定数据源的SQL请求。如果需要,数据库驱动器将修改应用程序的请求,使得请求符合相关的DBMS所支持的文法。 数据源:由用户想要存取的数据以及与它相关的操作系统、DBMS和用于访问DBMS的网络平台组成。 虽然ODBC驱动器管理器的主要目的是加载数据库驱动器,以便ODBC函数调用,但是数据库驱动器本身也执行ODBC函数调用,并与数据库相互配合。因此当应用系统发出调用与数据源进行连接时,数据库驱动器能管理通信协议。当建立起与数据源的连接时,数据库驱动器便能处理应用系统向DBMS发出的请求,对分析或发自数据源的设计进行必要的翻译,并将结果返回给应用系统。 2.JDBC的诞生 自从Java语言于1995年5月正式公布以来,Java风靡全球。出现大量的用java语言编写的程序,其中也包括数据库应用程序。由于没有一个Java语言的API,编程人员不得不在Java程序中加入C语言的ODBC函数调用。这就使很多Java的优秀特性无法充分发挥,比如平台无关性、面向对象特性等。随着越来越多的编程人员对Java语言的日益喜爱,越来越多的公司在Java程序开发上投入的精力日益增加,对java语言接口的访问数据库的API 的要求越来越强烈。也由于ODBC的有其不足之处,比如它并不容易使用,没有面向对象的特性等等,SUN公司决定开发一Java语言为接口的数据库应用程序开发接口。在JDK1.x 版本中,JDBC只是一个可选部件,到了JDK1.1公布时,SQL类包(也就是JDBCAPI)


A convection-conduction model for analysis of the freeze-thaw conditions in the surrounding rock wall of a tunnel in permafrost regions Abstract Based on the analyses of fundamental meteorological and hydrogeological conditions at the site of a tunnel in the cold regions, a combined convection-conduction model for air flow in the tunnel and temperature field in the surrounding has been constructed. Using the model, the air temperature distribution in the Xiluoqi No. 2 Tunnel has been simulated numerically. The simulated results are in agreement with the data observed. Then, based on the in situ conditions of sir temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind force, hydrogeology and engineering geology, the air-temperature relationship between the temperature on the surface of the tunnel wall and the air temperature at the entry and exit of the tunnel has been obtained, and the freeze-thaw conditions at the Dabanshan Tunnel which is now under construction is predicted. Keywords: tunnel in cold regions, convective heat exchange and conduction, freeze-thaw. A number of highway and railway tunnels have been constructed in the permafrost regions and their neighboring areas in China. Since the hydrological and thermal conditions changed after a tunnel was excavated,the surrounding wall rock materials often froze, the frost heaving caused damage to the liner layers and seeping water froze into ice diamonds,which seriously interfered with the communication and transportation. Similar problems of the freezing damage in the tunnels also appeared in other countries like Russia, Norway and Japan .Hence it is urgent to predict the freeze-thaw conditions in the surrounding rock materials and provide a basis for the design,construction and


外文翻译 专业机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名刘链柱 班级机制111 学号1110101102 指导教师葛友华

外文资料名称: Design and performance evaluation of vacuum cleaners using cyclone technology 外文资料出处:Korean J. Chem. Eng., 23(6), (用外文写) 925-930 (2006) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文 2.外文原文

应用旋风技术真空吸尘器的设计和性能介绍 吉尔泰金,洪城铱昌,宰瑾李, 刘链柱译 摘要:旋风型分离器技术用于真空吸尘器 - 轴向进流旋风和切向进气道流旋风有效地收集粉尘和降低压力降已被实验研究。优化设计等因素作为集尘效率,压降,并切成尺寸被粒度对应于分级收集的50%的效率进行了研究。颗粒切成大小降低入口面积,体直径,减小涡取景器直径的旋风。切向入口的双流量气旋具有良好的性能考虑的350毫米汞柱的低压降和为1.5μm的质量中位直径在1米3的流量的截止尺寸。一使用切向入口的双流量旋风吸尘器示出了势是一种有效的方法,用于收集在家庭中产生的粉尘。 摘要及关键词:吸尘器; 粉尘; 旋风分离器 引言 我们这个时代的很大一部分都花在了房子,工作场所,或其他建筑,因此,室内空间应该是既舒适情绪和卫生。但室内空气中含有超过室外空气因气密性的二次污染物,毒物,食品气味。这是通过使用产生在建筑中的新材料和设备。真空吸尘器为代表的家电去除有害物质从地板到地毯所用的商用真空吸尘器房子由纸过滤,预过滤器和排气过滤器通过洁净的空气排放到大气中。虽然真空吸尘器是方便在使用中,吸入压力下降说唱空转成比例地清洗的时间,以及纸过滤器也应定期更换,由于压力下降,气味和细菌通过纸过滤器内的残留粉尘。 图1示出了大气气溶胶的粒度分布通常是双峰形,在粗颗粒(>2.0微米)模式为主要的外部来源,如风吹尘,海盐喷雾,火山,从工厂直接排放和车辆废气排放,以及那些在细颗粒模式包括燃烧或光化学反应。表1显示模式,典型的大气航空的直径和质量浓度溶胶被许多研究者测量。精细模式在0.18?0.36 在5.7到25微米尺寸范围微米尺寸范围。质量浓度为2?205微克,可直接在大气气溶胶和 3.85至36.3μg/m3柴油气溶胶。


大数据外文翻译参考文献综述 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Data Mining and Data Publishing Data mining is the extraction of vast interesting patterns or knowledge from huge amount of data. The initial idea of privacy-preserving data mining PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. Privacy-preserving data mining considers the problem of running data mining algorithms on confidential data that is not supposed to be revealed even to the party

running the algorithm. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily be tied to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task may be unknown at the time of data publishing. PPDP studies how to transform raw data into a version that is immunized against privacy attacks but that still supports effective data mining tasks. Privacy-preserving for both data mining (PPDM) and data publishing (PPDP) has become increasingly popular because it allows sharing of privacy sensitive data for analysis purposes. One well studied approach is the k-anonymity model [1] which in turn led to other models such as confidence bounding, l-diversity, t-closeness, (α,k)-anonymity, etc. In particular, all known mechanisms try to minimize information loss and such an attempt provides a loophole for attacks. The aim of this paper is to present a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explain their effects on Data Privacy. Although data mining is potentially useful, many data holders are reluctant to provide their data for data mining for the fear of violating individual privacy. In recent years, study has been made to ensure that the sensitive information of individuals cannot be identified easily. Anonymity Models, k-anonymization techniques have been the focus of intense research in the last few years. In order to ensure anonymization of data while at the same time minimizing the information


Optimum blank design of an automobile sub-frame Jong-Yop Kim a ,Naksoo Kim a,*,Man-Sung Huh b a Department of Mechanical Engineering,Sogang University,Shinsu-dong 1,Mapo-ku,Seoul 121-742,South Korea b Hwa-shin Corporation,Young-chun,Kyung-buk,770-140,South Korea Received 17July 1998 Abstract A roll-back method is proposed to predict the optimum initial blank shape in the sheet metal forming process.The method takes the difference between the ?nal deformed shape and the target contour shape into account.Based on the method,a computer program composed of a blank design module,an FE-analysis program and a mesh generation module is developed.The roll-back method is applied to the drawing of a square cup with the ˉange of uniform size around its periphery,to con?rm its validity.Good agreement is recognized between the numerical results and the published results for initial blank shape and thickness strain distribution.The optimum blank shapes for two parts of an automobile sub-frame are designed.Both the thickness distribution and the level of punch load are improved with the designed blank.Also,the method is applied to design the weld line in a tailor-welded blank.It is concluded that the roll-back method is an effective and convenient method for an optimum blank shape design.#2000Elsevier Science S.A.All rights reserved. Keywords:Blank design;Sheet metal forming;Finite element method;Roll-back method


文献出处:Thronson P. Toward Comprehensive Reform of America’s Emergency Law Regime [J]. University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, 2013, 46(2). 原文 TOWARD COMPREHENSIVE REFORM OF AMERICA’S EMERGENCY LAW REGIME Patrick A. Thronson Unbenownst to most Americans, the United States is presently under thirty presidentially declared states of emergency. They confer vast powers on the Executive Branch, including the ability to financially incapacitate any person or organization in the United States, seize control of the nation’s communications infrastructure, mobilize military forces, expand the permissible size of the military without congressional authorization, and extend tours of duty without consent from service personnel. Declared states of emergency may also activate Presidential Emergency Action Documents and other continuity-of-government procedures, which confer powers on the President—such as the unilateral suspension of habeas corpus—that appear fundamentally opposed to the American constitutional order.


南京理工大学 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 教学点:南京信息职业技术学院 专业:电子信息工程 姓名:陈洁 学号: 014910253034 外文出处:《 Pci System Architecture 》 (用外文写) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 该生外文翻译没有基本的语法错误,用词准确,没 有重要误译,忠实原文;译文通顺,条理清楚,数量与 质量上达到了本科水平。 签名: 年月日 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 64位PCI扩展 1.64位数据传送和64位寻址:独立的能力 PCI规范给出了允许64位总线主设备与64位目标实现64位数据传送的机理。在传送的开始,如果回应目标是一个64位或32位设备,64位总线设备会自动识别。如果它是64位设备,达到8个字节(一个4字)可以在每个数据段中传送。假定是一串0等待状态数据段。在33MHz总线速率上可以每秒264兆字节获取(8字节/传送*33百万传送字/秒),在66MHz总线上可以528M字节/秒获取。如果回应目标是32位设备,总线主设备会自动识别并且在下部4位数据通道上(AD[31::00])引导,所以数据指向或来自目标。 规范也定义了64位存储器寻址功能。此功能只用于寻址驻留在4GB地址边界以上的存储器目标。32位和64位总线主设备都可以实现64位寻址。此外,对64位寻址反映的存储器目标(驻留在4GB地址边界上)可以看作32位或64位目标来实现。 注意64位寻址和64位数据传送功能是两种特性,各自独立并且严格区分开来是非常重要的。一个设备可以支持一种、另一种、都支持或都不支持。 2.64位扩展信号 为了支持64位数据传送功能,PCI总线另有39个引脚。 ●REQ64#被64位总线主设备有效表明它想执行64位数据传送操作。REQ64#与FRAME#信号具有相同的时序和间隔。REQ64#信号必须由系统主板上的上拉电阻来支持。当32位总线主设备进行传送时,REQ64#不能又漂移。 ●ACK64#被目标有效以回应被主设备有效的REQ64#(如果目标支持64位数据传送),ACK64#与DEVSEL#具有相同的时序和间隔(但是直到REQ64#被主设备有效,ACK64#才可被有效)。像REQ64#一样,ACK64#信号线也必须由系统主板上的上拉电阻来支持。当32位设备是传送目标时,ACK64#不能漂移。 ●AD[64::32]包含上部4位地址/数据通道。 ●C/BE#[7::4]包含高4位命令/字节使能信号。 ●PAR64是为上部4个AD通道和上部4位C/BE信号线提供偶校验的奇偶校验位。 以下是几小结详细讨论64位数据传送和寻址功能。 3.在32位插入式连接器上的64位卡


翻译文献:INVESTIGATION ON DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE OF SLIDE UNIT IN MODULAR MACHINE TOOL (对组合机床滑台动态性能的调查报告) 文献作者:Peter Dransfield, 出处:Peter Dransfield, Hydraulic Control System-Design and Analysis of TheirDynamics, Springer-Verlag, 1981 翻译页数:p139—144 英文译文: 对组合机床滑台动态性能的调查报告 【摘要】这一张纸处理调查利用有束缚力的曲线图和状态空间分析法对组合机床滑台的滑动影响和运动平稳性问题进行分析与研究,从而建立了滑台的液压驱动系统一自调背压调速系统的动态数学模型。通过计算机数字仿真系统,分析了滑台产生滑动影响和运动不平稳的原因及主要影响因素。从那些中可以得出那样的结论,如果能合理地设计液压缸和自调背压调压阀的结构尺寸. 本文中所使用的符号如下: s1-流源,即调速阀出口流量; S el—滑台滑动摩擦力 R一滑台等效粘性摩擦系数: I1—滑台与油缸的质量 12—自调背压阀阀心质量 C1、c2—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔的液容; C2—自调背压阀弹簧柔度; R1, R2自调背压阀阻尼孔液阻, R9—自调背压阀阀口液阻 S e2—自调背压阀弹簧的初始预紧力; I4, I5—管路的等效液感 C5、C6—管路的等效液容: R5, R7-管路的等效液阻; V3, V4—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔内容积; P3, P4—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔的压力 F—滑台承受负载, V—滑台运动速度。本文采用功率键合图和状态空间分折法建立系统的运动数学模型,滑台的动态特性可以能得到显著改善。


毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 题目西安市水源工程中的 水电站设计 专业水利水电工程 班级 学生 指导教师 2016年

研究钢弧形闸门的动态稳定性 牛志国 河海大学水利水电工程学院,中国南京,邮编210098 nzg_197901@https://www.doczj.com/doc/cb16424305.html,,niuzhiguo@https://www.doczj.com/doc/cb16424305.html, 李同春 河海大学水利水电工程学院,中国南京,邮编210098 ltchhu@https://www.doczj.com/doc/cb16424305.html, 摘要 由于钢弧形闸门的结构特征和弹力,调查对参数共振的弧形闸门的臂一直是研究领域的热点话题弧形弧形闸门的动力稳定性。在这个论文中,简化空间框架作为分析模型,根据弹性体薄壁结构的扰动方程和梁单元模型和薄壁结构的梁单元模型,动态不稳定区域的弧形闸门可以通过有限元的方法,应用有限元的方法计算动态不稳定性的主要区域的弧形弧形闸门工作。此外,结合物理和数值模型,对识别新方法的参数共振钢弧形闸门提出了调查,本文不仅是重要的改进弧形闸门的参数振动的计算方法,但也为进一步研究弧形弧形闸门结构的动态稳定性打下了坚实的基础。 简介 低举升力,没有门槽,好流型,和操作方便等优点,使钢弧形闸门已经广泛应用于水工建筑物。弧形闸门的结构特点是液压完全作用于弧形闸门,通过门叶和主大梁,所以弧形闸门臂是主要的组件确保弧形闸门安全操作。如果周期性轴向载荷作用于手臂,手臂的不稳定是在一定条件下可能发生。调查指出:在弧形闸门的20次事故中,除了极特殊的破坏情况下,弧形闸门的破坏的原因是弧形闸门臂的不稳定;此外,明显的动态作用下发生破坏。例如:张山闸,位于中国的江苏省,包括36个弧形闸门。当一个弧形闸门打开放水时,门被破坏了,而其他弧形闸门则关闭,受到静态静水压力仍然是一样的,很明显,一个动态的加载是造成的弧形闸门破坏一个主要因素。因此弧形闸门臂的动态不稳定是造成弧形闸门(特别是低水头的弧形闸门)破坏的主要原是毫无疑问。


预测高速公路建设项目最终的预算和时间 摘要 目的——本文的目的是开发模型来预测公路建设项目施工阶段最后的预算和持续的时间。 设计——测算收集告诉公路建设项目,在发展预测模型之前找出影响项目最终的预算和时间,研究内容是基于人工神经网络(ANN)的原理。与预测结果提出的方法进行比较,其精度从当前方法基于挣值。 结果——根据影响因素最后提出了预算和时间,基于人工神经网络的应用原理方法获得的预测结果比当前基于挣值法得到的结果更准确和稳定。 研究局限性/意义——因素影响最终的预算和时间可能不同,如果应用于其他国家,由于该项目数据收集的都是泰国的预测模型,因此,必须重新考虑更好的结果。 实际意义——这项研究为用于高速公路建设项目经理来预测项目最终的预算和时间提供了一个有用的工具,可为结果提供早期预算和进度延误的警告。 创意/价值——用ANN模型来预测最后的预算和时间的高速公路建设项目,开发利用项目数据反映出持续的和季节性周期数据, 在施工阶段可以提供更好的预测结果。 关键词:神经网、建筑业、预测、道路、泰国 文章类型:案例研究 前言 一个建设工程项普遍的目的是为了在时间和在预算内满足既定的质量要求和其他规格。为了实现这个目标,大量的工作在施工过程的管理必须提供且不能没有计划地做成本控制系统。一个控制系统定期收集实际成本和进度数据,然后对比与计划的时间表来衡量工作进展是否提前或落后时间表和强调潜在的问题(泰克兹,1993)。成本和时间是两个关键参数,在建设项目管理和相关参数的研究中扮演着重要的角色,不断提供适当的方法和

工具,使施工经理有效处理一个项目,以实现其在前期建设和在施工阶段的目标。在施工阶段,一个常见的问题要求各方参与一个项目,尤其是一个所有者,最终项目的预算到底是多少?或什么时候该项目能被完成? 在跟踪和控制一个建设项目时,预测项目的性能是非常必要的。目前已经提出了几种方法,如基于挣值技术、模糊逻辑、社会判断理论和神经网络。将挣值法视为一个确定的方法,其一般假设,无论是性能效率可达至报告日期保持不变,或整个项目其余部分将计划超出申报日期(克里斯坦森,1992;弗莱明和坎普曼,2000 ;阿萨班尼,1999;维卡尔等人,2000)。然而,挣值法的基本概念在研究确定潜在的进度延误、成本和进度的差异成本超支的地区。吉布利(1985)利用平均每个成本帐户执行工作的实际成本,也称作单位收入的成本,其标准差来预测项目完工成本。各成本帐户每月的进度是一个平均平稳过程标准偏差,显示预测模型的可靠性,然而,接受的单位成本收益在每个报告期在变化。埃尔丁和休斯(1992)和阿萨班尼(1999)利用分解组成成本的结构来提高预测精度。迪克曼和Al-Tabtabai(1992)基于社会判断理论提出了一个方法,该方法在预测未来的基础上的一组线索,源于人的判断而不是从纯粹的数学算法。有经验的项目经理要求基于社会判断理论方法的使用得到满意的结果。Moselhi等人(2006)应用“模糊逻辑”来预测潜在的成本超支和对建设工程项目的进度延迟。该方法的结果在评估特定时间状态的项目和评价该项目的利润效率有作用。这有助于工程人员所完成的项目时间限制和监控项目预算。Kaastra和博伊德(1996)开发的“人工神经网络”,此网络作为一种有效的预测工具,可以利用过去“模式识别”工作和显示各种影响因素的关系,然后预测未来的发展趋势。罗威等人(2006)开发的成本回归模型能在项目的早期阶段估计建筑成本。总共有41个潜在的独立变量被确定,但只有四个变量:总建筑面积,持续时间,机械设备,和打桩,是线性成本的关键驱动因素,因为它们出现在所有的模型中。模型提出了进一步的洞察了施工成本和预测变量的各种关系。从模型得到的估计结果可以提供早期阶段的造价咨询(威廉姆斯(2003))——最终竞标利用回归模型预测的建设项目成本。 人工神经网络已被广泛用在不同的施工功能中,如估价、计划和产能预测。神经网络建设是Moselhi等人(1991)指出,由Hegazy(1998)开发了一个模型,该模型考虑了项目的外在特征,估计加拿大的公路建设成本: ·项目类型 ·项目范围



JOURNAL OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING /AUGUST 1999/205 ends.The stress state in each cylindrical strip was determined from the total potential energy of a nonlinear arch model using the Rayleigh-Ritz method. It was emphasized that the membrane stresses in the com-pression region of the curved models were less than those predicted by linear theory and that there was an accompanying increase in ?ange resultant force.The maximum web bending stress was shown to occur at 0.20h from the compression ?ange for the simple support stiffness condition and 0.24h for the ?xed condition,where h is the height of the analytical panel.It was noted that 0.20h would be the optimum position for longitudinal stiffeners in curved girders,which is the same as for straight girders based on stability requirements.From the ?xed condition cases it was determined that there was no signi?cant change in the membrane stresses (from free to ?xed)but that there was a signi?cant effect on the web bend-ing stresses.Numerical results were generated for the reduc-tion in effective moment required to produce initial yield in the ?anges based on curvature and web slenderness for a panel aspect ratio of 1.0and a web-to-?ange area ratio of 2.0.From the results,a maximum reduction of about 13%was noted for a /R =0.167and about 8%for a /R =0.10(h /t w =150),both of which would correspond to extreme curvature,where a is the length of the analytical panel (modeling the distance be-tween transverse stiffeners)and R is the radius of curvature.To apply the parametric results to developing design criteria for practical curved girders,the de?ections and web bending stresses that would occur for girders with a curvature corre-sponding to the initial imperfection out-of-?atness limit of D /120was used.It was noted that,for a panel with an aspect ratio of 1.0,this would correspond to a curvature of a /R =0.067.The values of moment reduction using this approach were compared with those presented by Basler (Basler and Thurlimann 1961;Vincent 1969).Numerical results based on this limit were generated,and the following web-slenderness requirement was derived: 2 D 36,500a a =1?8.6?34 (1) ? ??? t R R F w ?y where D =unsupported distance between ?anges;and F y =yield stress in psi. An extension of this work was published a year later,when Culver et al.(1973)checked the accuracy of the isolated elas-tically supported cylindrical strips by treating the panel as a unit two-way shell rather than as individual strips.The ?ange/web boundaries were modeled as ?xed,and the boundaries at the transverse stiffeners were modeled as ?xed and simple.Longitudinal stiffeners were modeled with moments of inertias as multiples of the AASHO (Standard 1969)values for straight https://www.doczj.com/doc/cb16424305.html,ing analytical results obtained for the slenderness required to limit the plate bending stresses in the curved panel to those of a ?at panel with the maximum allowed out-of-?atness (a /R =0.067)and with D /t w =330,the following equa-tion was developed for curved plate girder web slenderness with one longitudinal stiffener: D 46,000a a =1?2.9 ?2.2 (2) ? ? ? t R f R w ?b where the calculated bending stress,f b ,is in psi.It was further concluded that if longitudinal stiffeners are located in both the tension and compression regions,the reduction in D /t w will not be required.For the case of two stiffeners,web bending in both regions is reduced and the web slenderness could be de-signed as a straight girder panel.Eq.(1)is currently used in the ‘‘Load Factor Design’’portion of the Guide Speci?cations ,and (2)is used in the ‘‘Allowable Stress Design’’portion for girders stiffened with one longitudinal stiffener.This work was continued by Mariani et al.(1973),where the optimum trans-verse stiffener rigidity was determined analytically. During almost the same time,Abdel-Sayed (1973)studied the prebuckling and elastic buckling behavior of curved web panels and proposed approximate conservative equations for estimating the critical load under pure normal loading (stress),pure shear,and combined normal and shear loading.The linear theory of shells was used.The panel was simply supported along all four edges with no torsional rigidity of the ?anges provided.The transverse stiffeners were therefore assumed to be rigid in their directions (no strains could be developed along the edges of the panels).The Galerkin method was used to solve the governing differential equations,and minimum eigenvalues of the critical load were calculated and presented for a wide range of loading conditions (bedding,shear,and combined),aspect ratios,and curvatures.For all cases,it was demonstrated that the critical load is higher for curved panels over the comparable ?at panel and increases with an increase in curvature. In 1980,Daniels et al.summarized the Lehigh University ?ve-year experimental research program on the fatigue behav-ior of horizontally curved bridges and concluded that the slen-derness limits suggested by Culver were too severe.Equations for ‘‘Load Factor Design’’and for ‘‘Allowable Stress Design’’were developed (respectively)as D 36,500a =1?4?192(3)? ?t R F w ?y D 23,000a =1?4 ?170 (4) ? ? t R f w ?b The latter equation is currently used in the ‘‘Allowable Stress Design’’portion of the Guide Speci?cations for girders not stiffened longitudinally. Numerous analytical and experimental works on the subject have also been published by Japanese researchers since the end of the CURT project.Mikami and colleagues presented work in Japanese journals (Mikami et al.1980;Mikami and Furunishi 1981)and later in the ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics (Mikami and Furunishi 1984)on the nonlinear be-havior of cylindrical web panels under bending and combined bending and shear.They analyzed the cylindrical panels based on Washizu’s (1975)nonlinear theory of shells.The governing nonlinear differential equations were solved numerically by the ?nite-difference method.Simple support boundary condi-tions were assumed along the curved boundaries (top and bot-tom at the ?ange locations)and both simple and ?xed support conditions were used at the straight (vertical)boundaries.The large displacement behavior was demonstrated by Mi-kami and Furunishi for a range of geometric properties.Nu-merical values of the load,de?ection,membrane stress,bend-ing stress,and torsional stress were obtained,but no equations for design use were presented.Signi?cant conclusions include that:(1)the compressive membrane stress in the circumfer-ential direction decreases with an increase in curvature;(2)the panel under combined bending and shear exhibits a lower level of the circumferential membrane stress as compared with the panel under pure bending,and as a result,the bending moment carried by the web panel is reduced;and (3)the plate bending stress under combined bending and shear is larger than that under pure bending.No formulations or recommendations for direct design use were made. Kuranishi and Hiwatashi (1981,1983)used the ?nite-ele-ment method to demonstrate the elastic ?nite displacement be-havior of curved I-girder webs under bending using models with and without ?ange rigidities.Rotation was not allowed (?xed condition)about the vertical axis at the ends of the panel (transverse stiffener locations).Again,the nonlinear distribu-

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