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English Literature

Geoffrey Chaucer: the Father of English Poetry

the Founder of English Realism

the Master of modern English language

The pioneer of the English Renaissance

Beowulf: National epic of the Anglo-Saxons

The story of Beowulf is a folk legend which reflects the feature of the tribal


John Milton: Blank verse 双韵体、革命诗人

John Donne: peculiar conceits奇喻metaphysical school形而上学派

John Bunyan: The pilgrim’s progress 天路历程

Daniel Defoe: Father of English novels 英国现代小说之父

Jonathan Swift: Father of English stylistics

Henry Fielding: The founder of English realistic novel 小说艺术之父Alexander Pope: 英语诗歌艺术之父

Robert Burns: The poet of peasants 农民作家

Lyrical Ballads:The beginning of romantic revival

Walter Scott: The father of historical novel 历史小说之父

Old English Literature(mid 5th-mid 11th)

Background: Roman conquest A.D 78 Anglo-Saxon settled in English

Old English

From tribal to feudalism

Medieval English Literature (1066-14th末)

Background: Norman conquest in 1066

French and Latin prevail

Division into class


Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales

--the rising the bourgeoisie of Britain

--praise man’s energy, intellect, wit and love of life

--satirize the evil of and degeneration of the noble and

corruption of the church

--French rhymed stanza: heroic couplet<英雄双韵体>


--create the famous terza rima 三行诗run on line跳行

--show a true life picture, the first smooth English

--the foreshadow of the coming the English Renaissance

Troilus and Criseyde1383 <8000lines>

William Langland:Piers the Plowman

The English Renaissance(14th-17th)

Background: politically--Henry VIII--Tudor dynasty

--break with Rome

--new religious dogma protestantism

--Queen Mary--反新教,互相妥协

Economically--the closure movement <生产与土地需求,农民被剥削>

--Commercial expansion

--exploration and travel



Military--with Spain William Caxton: the first English printer

< translate Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Criseyde>

Thomas More:Utopia

William Shakespeare:----Comedy: A mid summer Night’s Dream

The Merchant of Venice

As you like it

Twelfth Night

----Tragedy: Hamlet、Othello、King Lear、Macbeth

<早期>Romeo and Juliet

Main features: realistic writing

Imitation and adaptation

Language master

Diversified writing skills and methods:song, sonnet, couplet, blank verse Sonnets 十四行诗a-b-a-b-c-d-c-d-e-f-e-f-g-g

^-^-^-^-^- five feet

One foot 一个重音和一个或一个以上的非重音

Iambic Pentameter抑扬格

Edmund Spenser: The Shepherd Calendar

The Faerie Queene

Achievement: the Spenserian stanza

9-line stanza--a b a b b c b c c

Iambic pentameter五步格, iambic hexameter六步格Christopher Marlowe: Tamburlaine、The Jews of Malta、Doctor Faustus

Ben Jonson(the successor of Shakespeare)---comedy: Every man in His Humour


Bartholomew Fair


The Alchemist

---tragedy: Sejanus


Francis Bacon: Advancement of Learning

New instrument

The essays “knowledge is power”

Translational period

John Milton: Paradise Lost

Paradise Regained

Samson Agonistes

John Donne: Songs and Sonnets

John Bunyan: The Pilgrim’s progress

18th English Literature (end of 17th-18th <1789>)

Background: The Glorious Revolution in 1688 ended in a compromise between the aristocracy and bourgeois.

English became constitutional monarchy and power passed from the

King to the Parliament and the cabinet minister.

The Industrial Revolution

The Enlightenment marked the beginning of an intellectual movement

in Europe. An expression struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. Daniel Defoe:Robinson Crusoe

Jonathan Swift:Gulliver’s Travels

Henry Fielding: Joseph Andrews

Jonathan Wild

Tome Jones

Samuel Richardson: Pamela

Alexander Pope:An Essay on Man

Sentimentalism and Pre-romanticism

Sentimental novel: The vicar of Wakefield

Sentimental poetry: Elegy written in a country churchyard Features: 1. emphasize too much emotion rather than reason

2. optimistic attitude toward the goodness of humanity

Pre-romanticism representatives

William Blake: Songs of Innocence

Songs of Experience

Robert burns:My love is like a Red Red rose

Style: emphasis on natural sentiment and individual originality, showing revolutionary passion against classical tradition, followed by Shelley.

19th En Historical Background:

Background: Industrial Revolution

French revolution, Independence of The United States

Scholars and writers are dissatisfactory with the development of

bourgeois, against the reason of enlightenment. Philosophers in Europe

and America are active emotion ,imagination, independence,

individuality and intuition of humankind prevail. Romantic Movement

William Wordsworth:Written in March

Wordsworth、Samuel T(aylor) Coleridge------Lyrical Ballads

Percy Shelley: Ode to the West Wind

Queen Mab

The revolt of Islam

George Byron: Don Juan

“She walks in Beauty”

John Keats: When I have fears

Ode to a nightmare

Ode to a Grecian Urn

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty”

Jane Austin:Sense and sensibility

Pride and prejudice

Mansfield Park


Northanger Abbey


Walter Scott: Waverley


Rob Roy

Features: vivifying the past, closely pay attention to the fates of individuals, All kinds of people are described, both romantic imagination and realistic investigation, conservative in politics

Realistic movement (Victorian Period 1836)

Historical Backgrounds: Critical realism, Victorian literature, Chartist literature Main features--the struggling of the proletariat for its rights

--critical ideas occupied great place

--women writers stood on the stage of literature

Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist

Dombey and son

David Copperfield

Bleak House

Hard Times

A tale of two cities

Our Mutual Friends

William Thackeray: Vanity Fair 名利场

Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre

Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights

George Eliot : Middlemarch

Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell: Mary Barton

End of 19th century

Naturalism---George Gissing: New Grub Street

Neo-romanticism---Robert Louis Stevenson:Treasure Island

Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Aestheticism---Oscar Wilder:The picture of Dorian Gray

Prose writers---Thomas Carlyle:Sartor Resartus

History of French Revolution


Past and present

---John Ruskin: Modern Painters

Seven Lamps of Architecture

The stones of Venice

Unto this last

Poetry writers---Alfred Tennyson: In Memoriam: “Break, Break, Break”1842 ---Robert Browning: Pippa Passes

The Ring and the Book

My last Duchess

20th English Literature

Background--At home: decline of the military and political power of the English

Empire, frequent strikes of the workers. Monopoly capitalism

played a decisive role in economy.

--Abroad: conflicts between Britain and the colonists, conflicts between

the colonists, development of the other countries, the

influence of the World War I, the influence of Russian Oct.

Revolution, preparations of the war by Hitler and Mussolini

and inevitable World War II.

--Cultural Background: the development of the science and technology, “the decline

of the west” caused the skepticism and disillusionment, the

influence of the theory of socialism, the influence of the

theory of evolution, the influence of psychology, the influence

of Oriental culture.

Poetry---W.B. Yeats: 1923 he was awarded the Nobel prize for literature ---T.S.Eliot : the love song of J. Alfred Prufrock

The waste land

The Hollow men

Ash Wednesday

Four Quarters

1947 he was awarded the Nobel prize for literature Novel---Joseph Conrad: Almayer’s Folly

---Rudyard Kipling: Kim

The Jungle Book

The second Jungle book

---James Joyce: A portrait of the artist as a young man


Finneganns Wake

---Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway 1925

To the lighthouse 1927

Orlando 1928

A room of one’s own 1929

The waves 1931

The Years 1938

Between the Acts 1941

American Literature

Washington Irving 美国小说之父

Ralph Waldo Emerson--Father of American literature

--dominant spirit of the age

--proponent of “the American newness”

--the leading spokesman for Transcendentalism

Nathaniel Hawthorne--Marginal transcendentalist

Ezra Pound--leader of imagist poetry

Puritan literature

Puritan beliefs--First covenant: God and Adam, “original sin”;

--Second covenant: God and Abraham, “grace”

“original sin”and “grace”are two most important premises in


--Puritan beliefs helped shape the colonial life.

--Puritanism helped shape the colonial literature.Benjamin

Franklin---the autobiography

American romanticism(1815-1865)

Early romanticism--Washington Irving: Rip Van winkle

The sketch book

The legend of sleepy Hollow

--James Fenimore Cooper: The pioneers

The last of the Mobicans

The Prairie

The pathfinder

The Deerslayer Transcendentalism--Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature

The American scholar

“history”“self-reliance”“The over-soul”

“the poet”“experience”“women”“Thoreau”

--Henry David Thoreau:Civil Disobedience


--Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter

The House of seven Gables

The Blithedale Romance

The Marble Faun

Late 19th poets--Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass-song of myself (1855-1892)

--Emily Dickinson

Age of Realism

Political and Social Background--1861-1865 Civil War

--Scepticism of Transcendentalism

--Increasing industrialization and mechanization

--admiration for driving ambition and a lust for

money and power

--frontier spirit closed ended the idealized romantic

imagination of the New World

--"Gilded" age coming

--ending of romanticism and Transcendentalism

--Impact of philosophy (Schopenhauer, Nietzsche,

Bergson, Freud, James)

Localism--Mark Twain(1843-1910): The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Roughing it

--Henry James(1843-1916): The wings of Dove

The Ambassador

The Golden Bowl

Daisy Miller

The Turn of the screw

--William Dean Howells(1837-1920)


1.concern for the world of experience, of commonplace and for the familiar and the


2. verisimilitude of detail derived from observation;

3. a reliance on the representative in plot, setting and character;

4. an objective rather than an idealized view of human nature and experience.

5. Local color and regional writings constitudes the early realism in American literature. Naturalism is a very important variety.

Naturalism--Hamilton Garland: Grumbling Idols

--Stephen Crane: Maggie: A girl of streets

The red badge of courage

--Frank Norris: McTeague

The Octopus

--Jack London:the Call of the Wild

--Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie

Background of naturalism: the influence of European writers as Emile Zola, Thomas

Hardy and George Eliot; the influence of Darwinism,

influence of European and American philosophy; situation

at home.

Modernism of 20th century

Poetry--Ezra Pound: The Cathay 1915

Hugh Selwyn Mauberley

The Cantos (1925-1955)

--Gertrude Stein: Three lives

The making of Americans (1906)

Tender Button (1914)

--T.S.Eliot: The waste land 1922

The love song of J.Alfred Prufrock

--Wallace Stevens: Harmonium 1923

--Amy Lowell


--William Carlos William: Defamilarization断章

--e.e cummings

Fiction--William Faulkner:Soldier Pay 1926

Mosquitoes 1927

The sound and the Fury 1929

As I Lay Dying 1930

Light in August 1932

--Ernest Hemingway:the Sun also Rises

For Whom the Bell Tolls

A Farewell to Arms

The Old Man and the Sea

In 1954, he got the Nobel Prize

--F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby

Tender is the Night


英国文学源远流长,经历了长期、复杂的发展演变过程。在这个过程中,文学本体以外的各种现实的、历史的、政治的、文化的力量对文学发生着影响,文学内部遵循自身规律,历经盎格鲁-撒克逊、文艺复兴、新古典主义、浪漫主义、现实主义、现代主义等不同历史阶段。下面对英国文学的发展过程作一概述。 一、中世纪文学(约5世纪-1485) 英国最初的文学同其他国家最初的文学一样,不是书面的,而是口头的。故事与传说口头流传,并在讲述中不断得到加工、扩展,最后才有写本。公元5世纪中叶,盎格鲁、撒克逊、朱特三个日耳曼部落开始从丹麦以及现在的荷兰一带地区迁入不列颠。盎格鲁-撒克逊时代给我们留下的古英语文学作品中,最重要的一部是《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf),它被认为是英国的民族史诗。《贝奥武甫》讲述主人公贝尔武甫斩妖除魔、与火龙搏斗的故事,具有神话传奇色彩。这部作品取材于日耳曼民间传说,随盎格鲁-撒克逊人入侵传入今天的英国,现在我们所看到的诗是8世纪初由英格兰诗人写定的,当时,不列颠正处于从中世纪异教社会向以基督教文化为主导的新型社会过渡的时期。因此,《贝奥武甫》也反映了7、8世纪不列颠的生活风貌,呈现出新旧生活方式的混合,兼有氏族时期的英雄主义和封建时期的理想,体现了非基督教日耳曼文化和基督教文化两种不同的传统。 公元1066年,居住在法国北部的诺曼底人在威廉公爵率领下越过英吉利海峡,征服英格兰。诺曼底人占领英格兰后,封建等级制度得以加强和完备,法国文化占据主导地位,法语成为宫廷和上层贵族社会的语言。这一时期风行一时的文学形式是浪漫传奇,流传最广的是关于亚瑟王和圆桌骑士的故事。《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,1375-1400)以亚瑟王和他的骑士为题材,歌颂勇敢、忠贞、美德,是中古英语传奇最精美的作品之一。传奇文学专门描写高贵的骑士所经历的冒险生活和浪漫爱情,是英国封建社会发展到成熟阶段一种社会理想的体现。 14世纪以后,英国资本主义工商业发展较快,市民阶级兴起,英语逐渐恢复了它的声誉,社会各阶层普遍使用英语,为优秀英语文学作品的产生提供了条件。杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer, 1343-1400)的出现标志着以本土文学为主流的英国书面文学历史的开始。《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales)以一群香客从伦敦出发去坎特伯雷朝圣为线索,通过对香客的生动描绘和他们沿途讲述的故事,勾勒出一幅中世纪英国社会千姿百态生活风貌的图画。乔叟首创英雄诗行,即五步抑扬格双韵体,对英诗韵律作出了很大贡献,被誉为"英国诗歌之父".乔叟的文笔精练优美,流畅自然,他的创作实践将英语提升到一个较高的文学水平,推动了英语作为英国统一的民族语言的进程。 二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期-17世纪初) 相对于欧洲其他国家来说,英国的文艺复兴起始较晚,通常认为是在15世纪末。文艺复兴时期形成的思想体系被称为人文主义,它主张以人为本,反对中世纪以神为中心的世界观,提倡积极进取、享受现世欢乐的生活理想。托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More, 1478-1535)是英国最主要的早期人文主义者,他的《乌托邦》(Utopia)批评了当时的英国和欧洲社会,设计了一个社会平等、财产公有、人们和谐相处的理想国。Utopia现已成为空想主义的代名词,但乌托邦是作者对当时社会状况进行严肃思考的结果。《乌托邦》开创了英国哲理幻想小说传统的先河,这一传统从培根的《新大西岛》(The New Atlantis)、斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》(Gulliver's Travels)、勃特勒的《埃瑞璜》(Erewhon)一直延续到20世纪


英美文学主要作家作品 《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)是英国盎格鲁?撒克逊时期的一首英雄史诗,古英语文学的最高成就,同时标志着英国文学的开始。史诗的第一部分讲述瑞典青年王子贝奥武甫来到丹麦,帮助丹麦国王赫罗斯加杀死了12年来常来进行夜袭的巨妖格伦德尔及他的母亲;第二部分简述了贝奥武甫继承王位,平安统治50年。后来,他的国土被一条喷火巨龙蹂躏,老当益壮的贝奥武甫与火龙交战,杀死火龙,自己也受了致命伤。 杰弗里?乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer ,1340-1400)是英国文学之父亲和前最杰出的作家。主要作品有《坎特伯雷故事集》等。作品的主要特点是主题、题材、风格、笔调的多样性及描写人对生活的追求的复杂性。他的代表作品是《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)不仅描绘了31位朝圣者的各个社会阶层,而且也反映了他们各自叙述故事的不同风格,读者广泛,对后世影响很大。 威廉?莎士比亚(William Shakespeare ,1564-1616)是文艺复兴时期英国著名的剧作家和诗人。他创作了大量的作品,其中包括喜剧、悲剧和历史剧。他的剧本至今仍在许多国家上演,并为人们所普遍阅读。莎上比亚的作品文才横溢,创造的喜、怒、哀、乐场面使人印象深刻,历久难忘。主要作品有四大悲剧:《奥赛罗》(Othello)、《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)、《麦克白》(Macbeth),《李尔王》(King Lear);四大喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)、《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)、《无事生非》(Much Ado about Nothing)和《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It)等。此外,历史剧《亨利六世》(Henry VI)三部曲,爱情悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)也都很受欢迎。《哈姆雷特》叙述了丹麦王子哈姆雷特替父报仇,杀死篡夺王位的叔父的故事。《哈姆雷特》里“to be or not to be, that is the question”的成为经典台词。《罗密欧与朱丽叶》描写了一对青年男女因家族间的世仇而不能联姻结果自杀的故事,揭露了封建制度的残酷无情,同时,歌颂了青年男女纯洁坚贞的爱情。 济慈(Keats, 1795一1821)是英国浪漫主义诗人。他出身贫苦,作过医生的学徒,后来才以写诗为业。他对当时英国社会的现实不满,希望在一个“永恒的美的世界”中寻找安身立命之处。他的诗歌以文辞声调之美著称,在艺术上对后代的英国诗人影响很大。主要作品有《伊沙贝拉》(Isabella)、《夜莺颂》(Ode to a Nightingale)和《秋颂》(To Autumn)等。 雪莱(Shelley ,1792一 1822)是英国浪漫主义的重要诗人。他生于


一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066) 1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒) 2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》( national epic 民族史诗) 采用了隐喻手法 3、Alliteration 押头韵(写作手法) 例子:of man was the mildest and most beloved, To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise. 二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350) Canto 诗章 1、romance 传奇文学 2、代表作:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (高文爵士和绿衣骑士) 是一首押头韵的长诗 三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) 杰弗里.乔叟时期 1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父 2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵) lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格) 3、代表作:the Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事(英国文学史的开端) 大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups. 朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体 小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character. 这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事,无形中表明了各自的观点,展示了各自的性格。 小说观点:he believes in the right of man to earthly happiness. He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions(迷信) and a blind belief in fate(盲目地相信命运). 他希望人们能从迷信和对命运的盲从中解脱出来。 4、Popular Ballads 大众民谣:a story hold in 4-line stanzas with second and fourth line rhymed(笔记) Ballads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission(书上). 歌谣是匿名叙事歌曲,一直保存着口头传播的方式


PART ONE: ENGLISH LITERATURE 英国文学 An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature Chapter 1 The Renaissance Period 文艺复兴时期 I. Edmund Spenser 埃蒙德.斯宾塞 牧人日记《The ShepheardesCalender》 仙后《The Faerie Queene》 婚曲《Epithalamion》 II. Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托夫.马洛 帖木儿-----Tamburlaine 浮士德博士的悲剧----Dr. Faustus 爱德华二世----Edward II 激情的牧人致心爱的姑娘---- The Passionate Shepherd to His Love III. William Shakespeare 威廉.莎士比亚 哈姆莱特---Hamlet 奥塞罗---Othello 李尔王—King Lear 麦克白--Macbeth 终成眷属---All’s Well That Ends Well 仲夏夜之梦—A Midsummer Night’s Dream 威尼斯商人---The Merchant of Venice 无事生非---Much Ado about Nothing 皆大欢喜---As You Like It 罗密欧和朱丽叶---Romeo and Juliet IV. Francis Bacon 弗兰西斯.培根 培根散文集---Essays 学术的进展---The Advancement of Learning 新工具----NovumOrganum 法律原理---Maxims of Law


必读英美文学经典作品20本 American Literature 1、The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Howthorne《红字》霍桑著 小说惯用象征手法,人物、情节和语言都颇具主观想象色彩,在描写中又常把人的心理活

动和直觉放在首位。因此,它不仅是美利坚合众国浪漫主义小说的代表作,同时也被称作 是美利坚合众国心理分析小说的开创篇。 2、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 《哈克贝利.芬历险记》 简称《赫克》是美国文学中的珍品,也是美国文化中的珍品。十六年前【1984】 ,美国文坛为《赫克》出版一百周年举行了广泛的庆祝活动和学术讨论,也出版了一些研究马克吐温,特别是他的《赫克》的专著。专门为一位大作家的一本名著而举行如此广泛的纪念和专门的研究,这在世界文坛上也是少有的盛事。这是因为《赫克》的意义不一般. 美国著名作家海明威说, "一切现代美国文学来自一本书, 即马克吐温的《赫克尔贝里芬历险记》……这是我们所有书中最好的。一切美国文学都来自这本书,在它之前,或在它之后,都不曾有

过能与之媲美的作品。 3、The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James 《贵妇画像》 亨利.詹姆斯著】 美国小说家亨利·詹姆斯的《贵妇画像》自问世以来一直受到文学评论界的关注,专家学者已从各个不同角度对女主人伊莎贝尔·阿切尔作了深入细致的研究。本文试图从一个全新的视角,即跨文化交际角度,剖析伊莎贝尔在婚姻方面所作的选择。文章指出她是该小说中跨文化交际的最大失败者,并对其失败原因作了分析。希望在跨文化交际日益频繁的今天我们都能从伊莎贝尔的生活经历中得到某种启发。

自考(英语专业) 英美文学选读——作家作品

C.威廉莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》《哈姆雷特》 《暴风雨》 十四行诗 F.约翰弥尔顿 《利西达斯》 《失乐园》 《复乐园》 《力士参孙》 C.丹尼尔笛福 《鲁滨逊漂流记》D.乔纳森斯威夫特《格列佛游记》 E.亨利菲尔丁 《汤姆琼斯》 A.威廉布莱克 B.威廉华兹华斯 E.珀比雪莱 G.简奥斯汀 《傲慢与偏见》 A.查尔斯狄更斯《雾都孤儿》 B.布朗蒂姐妹 《简爱》 《呼啸山庄》 F.托马斯哈代 《德伯家的苔丝》A.萧伯纳 《华伦夫人的职业》D.T.S.艾略特 《荒原》 E.戴维赫伯特劳伦斯《儿子与情人》 C.纳撒尼尔霍桑《红字》 《小伙子布朗》 D.华尔特惠特曼《草叶集》 E.赫尔曼麦尔维尔《白鲸》 A.马克吐温 《哈克贝里费恩》B.亨利詹姆斯

《黛西米勒》 C.艾米莉狄金森 D.西奥多德莱塞 《嘉丽妹妹》 B.罗伯特弗洛斯特 《摘苹果后》 《未选择的路》 《雪夜停马在林边》 D.司各特菲兹杰拉德 《了不起的盖茨比》 E.欧内斯特海明威 《在我们的时代里》 网格本下载地址《外国文学名著丛书》上海译文出版社 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d08329051.html,/topics/2749655/ 目录: 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】亨利四世(上册)[德]亨利希·曼董问樵.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】亨利四世(下册)[德]亨利希·曼董问樵.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】亨利四世(中册)[德]亨利希·曼董问樵.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】呼啸山庄[英]艾米莉·勃朗特方平.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】红与黑[法]司汤达郝运.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】红字[美]霍桑侍桁等.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】斯巴达克思.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】死魂灵[俄]果戈理满涛等.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】谁在俄罗斯能过好日子[俄]涅克拉索夫飞白.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】鲵鱼之乱[捷克]卡·恰佩克贝京.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】唐璜[英]拜伦查良铮.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】堂吉诃德[西]塞万提斯杨绛译上.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】堂吉诃德[西]塞万提斯杨绛译下.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】汤姆大伯的小屋[美]斯陀夫人黄继忠.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】特利斯当与伊瑟[法]贝迪耶罗新璋.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】变形记[古罗马]奥维德杨周翰.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】悲剧二种[古希腊]埃斯库罗斯罗念生.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】悲剧二种[古希腊]欧里庇得斯罗念生.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】悲剧二种[古希腊]索福克勒斯罗念生.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】沙恭达罗[印度]迦梨陀娑季羡林.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】社会毒瘤[菲律宾]何塞·黎萨尔陈尧光.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】神曲地狱篇[意大利]但丁朱维基.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】神曲地狱篇[意大利]但丁田德望.pdf

英美文学 作家作品

Beowalf:the only organic whole poem to come out of the period. the first major English poem and the greatest work of literature of the period; the first long epic poem in Europe written in the vernacular language. (probably) the greatest epic left by the ancient Germanic tribes; The most ancient epic since the demise of the Greek and Roman literatures. Definition:A Ballad is a narrative poem that tells a story.(The Robin Hood Ballads) Chaucer:the founder of English poetry. Chaucer’s contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanzas of various types, especially rhymed couplet of iambic pentametre to English poetry, instead of the old Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse. He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language. His production of so much excellent poetry was an important factor in establishing English as the literary language of the country. The significance of the The Canterbury T ales:1.it gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time2.the dramatic structure of the poem has been highly commended by critics .stories are cleverly woven together by links between the stories .stories are related to the personalities of the tellers3.Chaucer’s humour .Chaucer “the smyler with the knyf under the cloke”4.Chaucer’s contribution to the English language .He wrote in the London dialect to prove that English language is a beautiful language and can be handled to express different moods .Thus increased the prestige of eh English language. T omas More:Utopia. Edmund Spencer:The Shepherds Calendar/The Fairy Queen. Christopher Marlowe:The most prominent of the university wits. (Tamburlaine the Great/The tragic history of doctor Faustus) Francis Bacon:founder of English materialist philosophy. (Conciseness、Brevity、clearness、precision、Forcefulness) John Donne:the founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry.(The Flea). Comments on John Donne:1)In his life time, he exerted a measure of influence that none of his contemporaries ever dreamt of having.2)He was to Ben Johnson “the first poet f the world in some things”3)His poems are uneven in quality. John Milton:(Paradise Lost/Paradise Regained/Samson Agonistes.) God: somewhat ruthless and tynnical.Satan: The real hero of the poem. Satan represented the spirit of rebellion against unjust authority. Adam and Eve: embodying Milton’s belief in the powers of man.The Importance of John Milton:1) He was the third greatest English poet after Chaucer and Shakespeare, and the greatest to come out of the 17th century. He made a strong influence on the later English poetry. Every progressive English poet since Milton has drawn inspiration from him.2) He wrote the greatest epic in English literature.3) He was a master of the blank verse, first used blank verse in non-dramatic works. 4) H e was a great stylist, and famous for his grand style. John Bunyan: Puritan writer of prose.(The Pilgrim’s Progress(Allegory)) Jonathan Swift:(Gulliver’s Travels).Comments on Jonathan Swift:1)Swift is one of the realist writers. His realism is quite different from Defoe's. Defoe's stories are based upon the reality of human life, while Swift's come from imagination.2)Swift is a great satirist. His satire is apparent and powerful.3)Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose. His language is simple, clear and vigorous. Daniel Defoe:The forerunner of English realistic novel.(Robinson Crusoe/Moll Flanders)


英美文学选读作家作 品列表

The Renaissance Period 1. Edmund Spenser ①The shepheardes Calender 牧人日记 ②The Faerie Queene 仙后 ③Epithalamion 新婚喜歌 2.Christopher Marlowe Tamburlaine 帖木儿 Dr. Faustus 浮士德博士的悲剧 The Jew of Malta 马耳他的犹太人 Edward Ⅱ爱德华2世 Hero and Leander 海洛与勒安德耳 The passionate shepherd to his love 激情的牧人致心爱的姑娘 A verse translation of Ovid’s Amores 翻译了奥维德的爱的艺术 3.William Shakespeare Period1: He wrote 5 history plays HenryⅥ亨利6世 RichardⅢ理查三世 Titus Andronicus 泰托斯。安东尼 4 comedies: The comedy of errors 错误的喜剧.The two Gentlemen of Verona维洛那2绅士. The Taming of the shrew 驯悍记. Love’s Lost 爱的徒劳 Period2: 5 histories: RichardⅡ理查二世 .King john约翰王 HenryⅣ。 HenryⅤ 6 comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦 The Merchant of Venice Much ado About nothing 无事生非 As You Like It 皆大欢喜 Twelfth Night 第12夜The Merry Wives of Windsor 温沙的风流娘们 2 tragedies: Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar Period3: includes his greatest tragedies and his so-called dark comedies Tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear李尔王 Macbeth麦克白 ,Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克里奥佩特拉,Troilus and Cressida 特络绎勒斯与克里西达,and Coriolanus克里奥拉那斯. 2 comedies: All’s Well That Ends Well 终成眷属 and Measure for Measure一报还一报 Period4: romantic tragicomedies: Pericles伯里克里, Cymbeline 辛白林,The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest暴风雨, 2 final plays: Henry Ⅷ,The Two Noble Kinsmen 2位贵族亲戚 4.Francis Bacon


英语文学史分时期总结作家作品 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons Epic:long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. e.g. Homer?s Iliad and Odyssey Artistic features: 1. Using alliteration Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵) Some examples on P5 2. Using metaphor and understatement Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里?乔叟1340(?)~1400 (首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。) The father of English poetry. writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity. ①坎特伯雷故事集: first time to use …heroic couplet?(双韵体) by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ③声誉之宫 Medieval Ages’ popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事) Famous three:King Arthur Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Beowulf The Renaissance Period A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival: 1. new discoveries in geography and astrology 2. the religious reformation and economic expansion 3. rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture The most famous dramatists: Christopher Marlowe William Shakespeare Ben Johnson. 1. Edmund Spenser埃德蒙?斯宾塞1552~1599 (后人称之为“诗人的诗人”。)The poets?poet.Th e first to be buried in the Poet?s corner of Westerminster Abbey


English Literature Geoffrey Chaucer: the Father of English Poetry the Founder of English Realism the Master of modern English language The pioneer of the English Renaissance Beowulf: National epic of the Anglo-Saxons The story of Beowulf is a folk legend which reflects the feature of the tribal world. John Milton: Blank verse 双韵体、革命诗人 John Donne: peculiar conceits奇喻metaphysical school形而上学派 John Bunyan: The pilgrim’s progress 天路历程 Daniel Defoe: Father of English novels 英国现代小说之父 Jonathan Swift: Father of English stylistics Henry Fielding: The founder of English realistic novel 小说艺术之父Alexander Pope: 英语诗歌艺术之父 Robert Burns: The poet of peasants 农民作家 Lyrical Ballads:The beginning of romantic revival Walter Scott: The father of historical novel 历史小说之父 Old English Literature(mid 5th-mid 11th) Background: Roman conquest A.D 78 Anglo-Saxon settled in English Old English From tribal to feudalism Medieval English Literature (1066-14th末) Background: Norman conquest in 1066 French and Latin prevail Division into class conflicts Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales --the rising the bourgeoisie of Britain --praise man’s energy, intellect, wit and love of life --satirize the evil of and degeneration of the noble and corruption of the church --French rhymed stanza: heroic couplet<英雄双韵体> 两行一韵:a-a-b-b-c-c-d-d-e-e-f-f-g-g --create the famous terza rima 三行诗run on line跳行 --show a true life picture, the first smooth English --the foreshadow of the coming the English Renaissance Troilus and Criseyde1383 <8000lines> William Langland:Piers the Plowman The English Renaissance(14th-17th)


英国文学 ①上古及中世纪 民族史诗(The National epic):[Beowulf] 乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer): [The Canterbury Tales] [The Romaunt of the Rose] [The Legend of Good Women] [Troilus and Criseyde] ②文艺复兴时期 斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser):[The Faerie Queene] 马洛(Christopher Marlowe): [Dr Faustus] [Tamburlaine] 莎士比亚(William Shakespeare): [HenryⅣ] [The Merchant of Venice] [Hamlet] [Othello] [King Lear] [Macbeth] [Romeo and Juliet] 培根(Francis Bacon):

[Novum Organum] [Of Studies] 邓恩(John Donne): [The Songs and Sonnets] [The Sun Rising] [Death, Be Not Proud] 弥尔顿(John Milton): [Paradise Lost] [Paradise Regained] [Samson Agonistes] ③新古典主义时期 班扬(John Bunyan):[The Pilgrim’s Progress] 蒲柏(Alexander Pope): [An Essay on Criticism] [The Dunciad] [The Rape of the Lock] [An Essay on Man] 笛福(Daniel Defoe):[Robinson Crusoe] 斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift): [A Tale of a Tub] [The Battle of the Books] [The Drapier’s Letters]

英美文学作家作品汇总 精品

英国文学作家作品British Writers and Works I. The Late Medieval Ages Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里?乔叟1340(?)~1400 ① The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集 Troilus and Criseyde特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ② The House of Fame声誉之宫 The Books of the Duchess悼公爵夫人 II The Renaissance 1. Edmund Spenser埃德蒙?斯宾塞1552~1599 ①The Faerie Queene仙后 The Shepherds Calendar牧人日历 ② Amoretti爱情小唱 Epithalamion婚后曲 Colin Clouts Come Home Againe柯林?克劳特回来了 Foure Hymnes四首赞美歌 2. Thomas More托马斯?莫尔1478~1535 Utopia乌托邦 3. Francis Bacon弗兰西斯?培根1561~1626 Advancement of Learning学术的推进 Novum Organum新工具 Essays随笔 4. ben jonson Volpone, or the fox 5.Christopher Marlowe柯里斯托弗?马洛1564~1595 The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus浮士德博士的悲剧 Tamburlaine帖木耳大帝 The Jew of Malta马耳他的犹太人 6. William Shakespeare威廉?莎士比亚1564~1616 ⑴ the first period Henry IV Richard III The Comedy Of Errors Titus Andronicus The Taming Of The Shrew The Two Gentlemen Of The Verona Love’S Labour’S Lost Romeo And Juliet罗密欧与朱利叶 ⑵ the second period Richard II A Midsummer Night’S Dream King John Merchant Of Venice威尼斯商人 Henry IV亨利四世 Much Ado About Nothing Julius Caesar尤利乌斯?凯撒 As You Like It皆大欢喜 Twelfth Night ⑶ The Third Period Hamlet哈姆莱特 Othello奥赛罗 King Lear李尔王 Macbeth麦克白 Antony And Cleopatra安东尼与克里奥佩特拉 Troilus And Cressida Timon Of Athens ⑷ The Fourth Period Pericles Cymbeline


The Renaissance Period 1、 Edmund Spenser ①The shepheardes Calender 牧人日记 ②The Faerie Queene 仙后 ③Epithalamion 新婚喜歌 2.Christopher Marlowe Tamburlaine 帖木儿 Dr、Faustus 浮士德博士的悲剧 The Jew of Malta 马耳她的犹太人 Edward Ⅱ爱德华2世 Hero and Leander 海洛与勒安德耳 The passionate shepherd to his love 激情的牧人致心爱的姑娘 A verse translation of Ovid’s Amores 翻译了奥维德的爱的艺术 3.William Shakespeare Period1: He wrote 5 history plays HenryⅥ亨利6世 RichardⅢ理查三世 Titus Andronicus 泰托斯。安东尼 4 comedies: The comedy of errors 错误的喜剧、The two Gentlemen of Verona维洛那2绅士、The Taming of the shrew 驯悍记、Love’s Lost 爱的徒劳 Period2: 5 histories: RichardⅡ理查二世、King john约翰王HenryⅣ。HenryⅤ 6 comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦The Merchant of Venice Much ado About nothing 无事生非As You Like It 皆大欢喜Twelfth Night 第12夜The Merry Wives of Windsor 温沙的风流娘们 2 tragedies: Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar Period3: includes his greatest tragedies and his so-called dark comedies Tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear李尔王Macbeth麦克白,Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克里奥佩特拉,Troilus and Cressida 特络绎勒斯与克里西达,and Coriolanus克里奥拉那斯、 2 comedies: All’s Well That Ends Well 终成眷属and Measure for Measure一报还一报 Period4: romantic tragicomedies: Pericles伯里克里, Cymbeline 辛白林,The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest暴风雨, 2 final plays: Henry Ⅷ,The Two Noble Kinsmen 2位贵族亲戚 4.Francis Bacon

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