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我和春天有个约定高中高一作文600字|我和春天有个约定高中高 一作文 仿佛可以听见花开的声音。静静的,伴随着一抹温柔的阳光。 他又走得近了一些,彼时的我呼吸都有些困难了,我不敢抬头,不敢看他那会让我连 心跳都会停止的脸颊。我只是低着头,摆弄着衣角。脚步声越来越近,我的呼吸越来越浅。突然,脚步声停在了耳畔,我惊异的抬头,却对上他深邃的眸,我鼓足勇气看着他,只见 他把一个粉蓝色的信封塞到我的手中,然后便一声不响的转身离开。我拆开信封,里面有 一张精致的信纸,散发着纯净的香味,我的脸颊发烫,因为我看到上面用帅气的笔迹写道:“我喜欢你,放学后在教室等我” 此时的我,心中已经不知道是什么滋味了。我喜欢他已经很久了。但是他也喜欢我? 让我有些不知所措。而他的表白,是不是太突然了呢?突然得让我无法释怀。看向窗外, 他又在操场上打篮球,高大的身影却没有了往日的轻松灵便。 突然,我听到不知是谁那里传来一阵清爽的歌声:“我和春天有个约定,不把她变成 曾经,现在的年轻,还无法承受提前的爱情”。我的心忽然为之一颤,随后,一种释然的 轻松弥漫心头,我微微一笑,心中的包袱轻了一半。 放学了,我背上书包往外走。路过他时,他用一种绝望的眼神望着我。我只是嫣然一笑,用最轻的声音,说:“语文书里~”我看了一眼他迷茫的眼神,随后神秘的笑笑,走 了出去。 那天晚上,我睡得很安稳。下午,我在珍藏已经得信纸上面写满了心里话,夹到了他 的语文书《春》的那一课。信很长,内容我记得不是很全了,但是有一段话,我却还记得 格外清楚:“现在我们的年龄,只是春天的开始,所以我们又何必去提前享受秋天的果实?其实我很喜欢你。但我和春天有个约定:‘我要经过春天的磨练再到达未来的彼岸’,我 们可以用友谊并肩迎接一切挑战。我们是很好的朋友,对吧” 第二天清晨,我哼着欢快的歌儿走在上学的小路上,忽然发现一夜之间,昨天还含苞 待放的迎春已经勾勒出一抹明黄,枯老的柳树枝丫也长出精致的嫩芽。穿过一切美丽的事物,我坐在座位上,突然看到桌子上有一张纸条: “我和春天有个约定”。 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


2018年高考英语作文全总结及满分作文范例 1.2018年新课标全国卷I 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1.到达时间; 2.合适的礼物; 3.餐桌礼仪。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ 【试题分析】 书面表达具有很强的开放性和选择性,给予考生畅所欲言的空间,摆脱单一方法,唯一答案的思维模式,在展示多彩思维活动的同时,真正考查了考生语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,让考生感受英语学习的趣味与魅力,突出英语学科的独有特征。 2018年全国卷I书面表达体裁为应用文电子邮件,内容为回复外国朋友Terry的邮件,向其介绍在中国家庭做客方面的相关习俗。要求文中涵盖试题给出的三方面内容要点,即到达时间、合适的礼物和餐桌礼仪。该题型和内容设计紧密联系考生实际,但是,餐桌礼仪这个普通得再普通不过的日常小节反而在生活中被很多中学生忽略了。如果没有跨文化对比凝练出的思维品格和文化素养的意识,学生很难在短时间内写出中国老百姓的餐桌礼仪文化。例如受邀赴宴客人可以准时到达但切忌过早到达。外地客人所带礼物常见为能体现客人当地特色的物品。但注意,传统的中国人收到礼物后一般不会当着客人的面打开。中国餐桌为圆桌,正对门的位置为上座,一般为长者位置。中国人特别尊敬


高一英语经典句子 导读:本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、理想是人生价值的动力,拼搏是人生价值的目标,进取是人生价值的体现。我们要以平凡的人生,创造出不平凡的事迹,让光芒永存,让光辉伴随着岁月而绽放。 Ideal is the motive force of life value, struggle is the goal of life value, and enterprising is the embodiment of life value. We should create extraordinary deeds with ordinary life, let the light last forever, let the glory blossom with the years. 2、没有谁的一生是一帆风顺的,在人生中难免会走一些弯路,它是人生的一部分,如果没有它,我们就无法体会到人生的意义,就不会懂得珍惜人生。只有经历了,才会悟出人生的真理,才会懂得珍惜。 No one's life is smooth sailing, in life will inevitably take some detours, it is a part of life, without it, we can not understand the meaning of life, will not know how to cherish life. Only through experience can we realize the truth of life and appreciate it. 3、挫折是成功的驿站,而承受就是走向下一站的脚步和力量。只要你肯努力走下去,一定会阳光灿烂。


英语满分作文高一大全1 In high school, Chinese students study very hard to fight for the future college, while in western countries, students are spending time in taking all kinds of activities. Though students from different countries have different ways to spend high school time, they make the decision and take charge of their life. This is the best age to learn knowledge, their brain can remember words and numbers quickly. For making friends, they will probably meet their lifetime friends. During three years, besides gaining knowledge and making friends, they grow so fast, not only in body, but also in mind. Being independent is the main feature. They can make a lot of decisions without asking parents for help. When they are equipped themselves with basic skill, then they can better get used to the new environment, which is important for future life. 英语满分作文高一大全2 According to the research, in the western countries, people can't figure out Asian faces, so in their eyes, all the Asian people look the same. But the situation is different in Asia, people can figure out most of western faces. It is not because foreigners are easy to be recognize, but we have access to the western culture and get familiar with their features. Western people can't recognize the Asian faces because most of them know little about Asian culture. Hollywood culture is popular around the world. It is the mainstream, while it is not hard to find that people barely can find the Asian image in the screen. Because of the lack of Asian culture export, western people don't know the features and they are easily to treat all the Asian people look as the same. 英语满分作文高一大全3 Recently, as the coming of non-staff supermarket, people were so surprised by the advance of technology. At the same time, some people started to worry about the loss of jobs, because technology probably takes place of labor. In my opinion, some traditional labor job will face the challenge, but people will not be kicked out. The world is developing all the time. Many years ago, when the Industrial Revolution happened, many people thought that human being would be replaced by the


1.Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2.Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3.Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4.Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5.In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6.The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7.It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning. 简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。 8.With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。 9.The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken. 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。 10.The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。 11.Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red. 酸是一种化合物,它在溶于水时具有强烈的气味和对金属的腐蚀性,并且能够使某些蓝色植物染料变红。 12.Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs. Billie Holiday’s作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。 13.Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality. 理论在本质上是对认识了的现实的一种抽象和符号化的表达。 14.Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises. 儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前,很久就会通过面部表情和靠发出噪声来与人交流了。15.Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live.


2016高考英语满分作文汇总(背诵佳选) 新课标卷1 假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Mr Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。 满分范文: Dear Ms Jenkins, I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor. In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital company. I have already finished my job application and personal resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and personal resume, so I don’t even know if there is something to pay attention to. So, I’m writing you the letter, hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grateful if you can help me. Looking forward to your reply. And I’d be really thankful. Yours, Li Hua 译文: 我是李华,我写信告诉你即将到来的我的暑假计划,我也希望你帮我一个忙。 为了获得一些实际经验,我打算在一家外资公司做兼职工作。我已经写好工作申请和个人简历。但这是我第一次写申请和个人简历,我甚至不知道要注意什么。所以,我写信给你,希望你能给我一些帮助。如果你能帮助我,我将非常感激。 期待你的回复。我真的很感激。 新课标卷2 假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club) 将举办国际中学摄影展。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品。信的内容包括: 1. 主题:环境保护; 2. 展览时间; 3. 投稿邮箱:intlphotoshow@https://www.doczj.com/doc/d114287346.html,. 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 满分范文: Dear Peter, Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School student Photography Show. The theme of the show is environmental protection. It will start from June 15th and last three weeks. Any students who is interested in welcome to participate. I know you take good pictures and you’ve always wanted to do something for environmental protection. I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school. This is surely a good chance for more people to see them. If you want to join, you can send your photos to intlphotoshow@https://www.doczj.com/doc/d114287346.html,. Hope to hear from you soon. Yours Lihua 译文: 我们学校摄影俱乐部将举办国际高中学生摄影展。展览的主题是环境保护。它将从6月15日开始,持续三周。凡是感兴趣的学生都可以参加。我知道你拍的照片不错,而且你总是想为环保做一些事。我记得上次你来我们学校时给我看过该主题的一些照片。这次无疑是一个很好的机会让更多的人看到这些照片。如果你想参加,你可以把你的照片发送至intlphotoshow@https://www.doczj.com/doc/d114287346.html,.。 希望很快收到你的来信。


一、句子成分 组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。英语中句子成分有主语,谓语,表语,宾语, 宾语补足语,定语,状语等。在句子中的顺序一般是主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,而表语,定语,状语的位置要根据情况而定。 1.主语 主语是句子主要说明的人或事物,一般由名词,代词,数词,不定式等充当。 Tom is good at playing football. 汤姆擅长踢足球。 2.谓语 谓语主要说明主语的动作,状态或特征。由动词(或短语动词)构成,可以有不同的时态,语态和语气。 We are studying English now. 我们现在正在学英语。 3.表语 表语是谓语的一部分,它位于系动词be之后,说明主语的身份,特征,属性或状态。一般由名词,代词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词短语等充当。 We are Chinese. 我们是中国人。 4.宾语 宾语表示动作或行为的对象,跟在及物动词之后。能作宾语的有:名词,代词,数词,动词不定式等。 另外,有些及物动词可以带两个宾语,往往一个指人,一个指物,指人的叫间接宾语,指物的叫直接宾语。 He gave me a book. 他给我一本书。 有些及物动词的宾语后面还需要有一个补足语,意思才完整,宾语和它的补足语构成 复合宾语。

We elected him monitor. 我们选他做班长。 5.定语 在句中修饰名词或代词的成分叫定语。用作定语的主要是形容词,代词,数词,名词,副词,动词不定式,介词短语等。形容词,代词,数词,名词等作定语时,通常放在 被修饰词的前面。 He is a new student. 他是个新生。 但副词,动词不定式,介词短语等作定语时,则通常放在被修饰词之后。 The bike in the room is mine. 房间里的自行车是我的。 6.状语 修饰动词,形容词,副词以及全句的句子成分,叫做状语。用作状语的通常是副词, 介词短语,不定式和从句等。状语一般放在被修饰的词之后或放在句尾。副词作状语 时可放在被修饰的词前或句首。 We will have the meeting in the big hall. 我们将在那个大厅里开会。 7. 同位语 用于说明前面某一个名词或代词的内容的成分就叫同位语。通常由名词、名词词组、 反身代词、同位语从句充当。 Tom, monitor of our class, is always doing well in the exam. 汤姆,我们班的班长,考试总是考得很好。 二、句子种类 从句子的结构来讲,句子分为简单句,并列句和复合句三类。 (一)简单句 由一个主语(或者并列主语)和一个谓语(或者并列谓语)所构成的句子叫简单句。 简单句分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句四种。


我和春天有个约会的作文 导读:篇一:我和春天有个约会 四月的微风洋溢着热情与欢笑。徜徉于春日那柔媚的阳光,看鲜花初放,听鸟儿鸣唱。走进如诗如画的美丽长卷,去约会春天。 路边,绿是春的诗篇。萌动的新绿,悄悄探出泥土,攀上枝头,在缠绵的春径里尽情蔓延。偶尔几点小花,几只蝴蝶,让这绿色也多变,新鲜...... 街头,姑娘是春的信息。褪去冗赘的长衫、厚靴,着上各色衣衫长裙。少女们,或腮边的一抹红,或眼眸的一瞥绿,或颈间的一丝蓝,无一不传递着春的讯息。 田间,春是老农的期盼。一张黝黑的脸庞,挂着憨憨的笑容,头戴草帽,半遮着脸,举起锄头,一下一下,在田间绘出春的芬芳。远处传来一声低沉的闷响,是老牛在为春天歌唱。田埂上孩子们赤裸着双脚,如勤劳的小蜜蜂一趟趟往返与肥料堆和地头,用手提,用肩扛,用铲掀,一桶桶,一堆堆,散发着刺鼻的农生肥味,一点点变小,洒遍泥土的每一个角落。 广场,孩子是春的使者。奔跑,喧闹,风筝在我们手中飞扬,天空让我们放飞梦想。轻盈的步伐,口中的笑,一一讲述着春的故事。弟弟妹妹们迎着春日的朝阳,抬头,那目光好像丝丝春风拂入我们的心间,眼神之中还略带点焦急,它似乎渲染着每个人的心情也跟着活跃起来。出发的时刻,而老师也一反往常的严肃,像孩子一样无忧无虑地玩了起来。广场上笑声穿梭,飞向天际。春摇曳着葱绿的裙裾,

一步三回头,微笑着频频向我招手,留下一路落英缤纷。我感觉到,那春日梦般的气息! 篇二:我和春天有个约会 春天,这南方总是乍暖还寒,料料峭峭,诗人说她是一位多情的江南女子独自多愁善感,这让多情的我难免也心潮荡漾了。 惊蛰一过,我失望的的发现,季节并未从冬天的尾巴上掉落下来,干燥的土地上仍是布满了枯草荒枝;也不知是在默等谁的赴约,柳絮黯然低垂,长日慢慢里已是神色憔悴。为了盛迎阳春的来临,一道强烈的阳光顷然洒下;户外的人们好像刚从寒冬的被窝里钻出来,来不及适应这突然变亮的白昼,个个脸色醺醺然眯起了惺忪般的眼缝;面对世人的倦色,艳阳似乎察觉到了自己的冒昧造访不合时宜,竟也拘谨似的泛起微凉。高空被白亮的阳光一染如洗,不见一点云迹,好像一张微蓝的白纸被无尽的铺张,正中裸露着一圈给太阳灼烧得惨白的疤痕。这就是楚天吗?这就是江南的春天吗?我总觉得它少了点什么,就好像明明是一壶酒,却被暗中兑成了水。也许今年的春天变得矜持了吧,故意放缓了脚步,我只得心中如此自慰。 日子过去了一日又是一日,时间像流水一样自顾地前行着;在日历上细算着天数,我目视着清明的临近,内心蛰伏的情愫再一次蠢蠢欲动。不知是谁凌驾东君而来,未见其面却闻玉鸣清啼,阵阵珑璁空绝如唱;杨柳“碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦”,好似专门来引诱东君的主人现身竟也舞弄起了身姿,莺莺燕燕也赶热闹似的伴其左右上下欢跃,“淑气催黄鸟,晴光转绿萍,”也许是被这愉悦的气氛


衡水中学满分英语作文模板大汇总(全) 第一部分:如何引出话题 1)对立法:先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,适用于有争议性的主题。 *1+ When asked about..., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that …. But I think/view a bit differently. 当被问及道......的话题,大多数人认为,但是我却持有一点反对意见。 *2+ When it comes to ...., some people believe that…. Others argue/ claim that the opposite/reverse is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but I tend to the former/latter. 一提到....一些人相信....然后另一部分人却不这么认为。这两种观点都有相对正确的地方,但我更倾向于前者(后者)

*3+Now,it iscommonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that..... They claim/ believe/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt whether..... 现在,普遍的观点认为...他们坚信....但我对此却表示怀疑... 2)现象法:引出要剖析的现象或者问题,然后评论。 [1] Recently the rise in the problem/phenomenon of ... has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern. 近来有个现象(问题)不断发生...并且已经受到公众广泛关注。 [2] Recently the issue of the problem/phenomenon of ... has been brought into focus/into public attention. 最近关于....的现象(问题)已经进入了公众的视线。 [3] Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.


经典句子 1. We were having a meeting when he broke in. 我们正在开会,这时他闯了进来。 2. I was about to go to bed when there was a knock on the door. 我刚要去睡觉,这时有人敲门。 3. I had just got home when it began to rain. 我刚到家天就下起雨来。 4. To our great surprise, we got twice as many people to attend the meeting as we expected. 使我们非常惊奇的是,参加会议的人数是我们预想中的人数的两倍。 5. The road is four times longer than that one. 这条路比那条路长四倍。 6. Our school is three times the size of that in the past. 我们学校是过去的三倍大 7. Go straight ahead and you'll see the post office. 一直往前走,你就会看见邮局。 8. Listen carefully or you'll miss something important. 认真听,否则你会漏掉一些重要内容。 9. One more hour and I will finish it. 再给我一个小时,我就能做完了 10. They love having lots of friends; so do I. 他们喜欢交很多朋友,我也是如此。 11. He said he would come to see me the next day and so he did. 他说第二天要来看我,他确实来了。 12. It won't do them any good, but it won't do them any harm either. 这对他们没好处,但也没什么害处。 13. He hasn't been abroad. Neither have I. 他没有出过国,我也没有。 14.—Mary likes playing the piano, but she can't play it well. 玛丽喜欢弹钢琴,但是她弹得不好。 —So it is with/It's the same with her brother. 她的哥哥也是这样。 15. As soon as she arrives, I'll tell her. 她一到,我就告诉她。 16. I left immediately the clock struck 5. 钟刚敲了五下我就离开了。 17. The moment I heard the voice, I knew my father was coming. 我一听到那个声音,就知道父亲来了。 18. No sooner (Hardly) had he arrived home than (when) he was asked to start on another journey. 他一到家就被要求再次出发。 19. On/Upon arriving at the airport, the film star was warmly welcomed. 一到机场,这位影星就受到热烈欢迎。 20. On their arrival at the village, they found themselves surrounded by the enemy. 一到达村庄,他们就发现被敌人包围了。 21. Although I had much difficulty in raising money, I didn't lose heart. 尽管我筹集资金遇到了困难,但我没失去信心。 22. While I agree with you, I don't believe your way is best. 尽管我同意你的看法,但我不认为你的方法是最好的。 23. Much as he likes the bike, he doesn't want to buy it. 尽管他很喜欢那辆自行车,但不想买它。 24. In spite of/Despite many difficulties, we managed to finish the project on time.


以与春天约会为中考作文800字5篇风轻花落定,时光踏下轻盈的足迹,卷起昔日的美丽悠然长去,下面是橙子为大家带来的有关与春天约会为中考作文800字5篇。 与春天约会 星期天,我早早的起来,带上小记者装备,同妈妈一起出发啦。 路上的小鸟儿叽叽喳喳喳,路两旁的月季花有的含苞待放,有的裂开嘴巴,还有的笑弯了腰……它们有红的;有粉的;有白的;有黄的;还有一些两种颜色交叉的。在我沉浸在花的海洋里不知不觉到达目的地——李宁体育园。 一个个兴奋的小记者等待着教官讲活动规则。教官迈着大步来了,详细的讲本次活动的规则。他把我们分成几个小队,每个小队跟一个教官。游戏设有不同的关卡,每个关卡的规则各不相同。“九阳神功”,“熊出没”“铁头功”,“海底捞月”。教官把每小队排成四排,每排有队长。游戏的规则是在游戏过程中有人受伤,游戏就失败。游戏有许多种类,“九阳神功”,“熊出没”,“铁头功”,“海底捞月”。给我印象最深的是第二个游戏——熊出没,游戏的规则是一棵树上,有两只熊,一个熊大,一个熊二,如果有猎人发现哪只熊没有回家,没回家的熊就被猎人捉到了。游戏开始前,扮作熊的各个队员十分紧张,心都提到嗓子眼上,等待着教练发口令。教练说:“叫熊要搬家。”我们异口同声的说:“那只小熊要搬家?”另一队说:“熊大和熊二。”。熊大和熊二们都快速地跑去抱树,谁跑得慢?谁就被猎人抓到。熊大和熊儿们笑着,跑着去抱树。每次抱树总有几个小笨熊被猎人捉到。其他的

小熊们都幸灾乐祸。几个游戏全部通过的那一小队就是胜利队。 这次活动虽然累,但明白了一个道理,团结一心最重要。 与春天约会 现在是三月份,春姑娘已经到来了。我在一个阳光明媚的周六,和爸爸妈妈一起到老街旁的桃园去玩。 一踏入桃园,一朵朵盛开的桃花和含苞待放的花苞映入眼帘,这可谓“万紫千红总是春”。远观一株株桃树,有如一个个粉色的大圆球,色彩鲜艳,美不胜收。见到这一番景色,我们一家三口迫不及待快步走向近前。细看桃花,一个大大的花朵上有着无数瓣粉色的花瓣,让嫩黄色的花蕊格外显眼,每一根花蕊上都有一个紫红色的小圆球。那一片片细长的绿叶衬托整个花朵。 那一个个含苞待放的花苞儿如一个又一个紧实的小/粉球儿,十分可爱,惹人怜。这么多小粉球儿点缀在枝头,细细的枝儿都被压弯了。在桃园里,最显眼的还当属白色的桃花,白色的花儿与周围的一切唱了个“反调”,反倒使人更觉赏心悦目。而有些桃花既生白花,又生粉红色的花,让我也搞不清是怎么一回事,难道是科学课上学的“基因变异”?爸爸却告诉我,这应该是白色桃花和粉色桃花进行了嫁接,到底是什么原因,我会有一定要弄个水落石出。 不知不觉中,半天的光阴悄悄地溜走了,留下的,是那一株株在我脑海里盛开的桃花。 哦,别忘了,我与春天有个约定! 与春天约会


高中英语满分作文(13) (2021最新版) 作者:______ 编写日期:2021年__月__日 【导语】小编整理《高中英语满分作文(13)》,供高考考生参考,希望对考生有所帮助。【试题回放】加拿大高中生David在互联网Internet上登出启事notice,希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国的语言,文化culture。假设你是李华,请在看到这则启事后,用英文给David发一封电子邮件,主要内容包括:你怎样得知David的愿望你愿意成为他的朋友你打算如何帮助他你盼望他的回复注意:1、电子邮件的格式已为你写好2、字数:100词左右3、在答题卡上作答Dear David, I’m a student from China and have noticed your

requirement on line. You would like to search for a Chinese friend to help you get to know China and its culture. Maybe I’m your good choice. China is a country that has a long history of 5,000 years. Not only our history ,but also our culture is the access to understand us better. There are so much that I want to know, if you are interested. I’ll be looking forward to your reply. I’ll show you around our great China if you come to China. Yours sincerely , Li hua 【名师点评】本文的语言非常流畅,我们可以看到,本文虽没有华丽的辞藻,但是语言的组织和层次感很强。同时连词的使用,如not only, but also ,让文章的重点突出,同时也起到了强调和吸引注意的目的。


高考高中英语经典句子精编 A. 1.宁静的乡村生活从来对我没有任何的吸引力。(Never, appeal ----Never has the quite life of the countrypealed to me. (句型 2.他很快适应了新的工作环境,并着手开始保护濒危动物的工作。(adapt ----He soon adapted himself to the new working condi tions and set out to protect the animals in danger. 3.他承认他对解决资金短缺问题的关键一无所知。(admi t ----He admitted that he knew nothing about the key to the problem of the shortage of fund. 4.该鼓励学生将课堂上所学的知识运用到实践中去。(ap ply ----Students should be encouraged to apply what we h ave learned in class to practice.

5.几乎人人能享用电脑,这给我们的生活带来了方便。(a ccess ----Now almost everybody has access to computers,and this brings convenience to our lives. 6.这些广告旨在吸引消费者购买商品。(appeal ----These advertisements aim at appealing to customers to buy goods. 7.各色阳伞给夏日的街头平添了活泼的气氛。(add to ----Colourful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in t he summer streets. 8.他网球比赛输了,因为他不习惯与左撇子打球。(accust om ----She was beaten in the tennis match for she was no t accustomed to playing with the left-handers. 9.彩灯与彩旗增添了节日的气氛。(add ----The colourful lights and flags added to(=increased t he atmosphere of the festival. 10.我们必须意识中国正在国际事务中起着越来越重要的作用。(aware ----We must be aware that China is playing a more an d more important role/part in the international affairs.

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