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Executive-level position with responsibilities in Customer Relations and Technical Support.

Project Management, Leadership and Team Management.

Product Development (Software,Documentation,QA)

Process Improvement.

International Customer Services and Support Operations

Quality Management as well as Service Delivery Systems

Directed the technical support and customer service for a $150M software pany.

Devised a global strategy for improving international service.

Negotiated contracts in terms of service with Fortune 500 panies.

Managed the delivery of simultaneous products including the introduction of new innovative technologies.

ABC Corporation, Houston, TX

Director of Customer Relations, 1997 - Present

Provided strategic direction and operations management for the customer service division of a reputed multinational software pany.

XYZ Software, Houston, TX

Director of Customer Service, 1993 - 1997

Directed all aspects of client relations and technical support.

University of Texas, Austin, TX

B.A., Business Administration, 1993

Member - Texas Customer Service Association

Member - American Technical Society

Selected Publications & Presentations

Protecting Your Companys Server, presentation, New York, NY, 6/01

Customer Service in the New Century, presentation, Paris, France, 4/00

Technical Brainstorming, article, Houston Chronicle,


Understanding the Service Industry Concepts, article, Business Weekly, 8/02/98

Made available on request.



Email ID:

To further my career with a growth-oriented firm that

will allow me to utilize my experience and knowledge as a technology manager.

Perl, Linux, Apache, Mason, HTML, XML, XSL ,JavaScript, Java, MS C++, ASP, 8086 Assembly, Fortran, COBOL, work firewall and hack-proof server installation and configuration, and automatic mass website building.

XYZ Technologies, Dallas, TX

Manager, 1998 - Present

Organized and managed various puter-related projects. Supervised a research and development team of twelve employees. Designed and implemented fresh employee training programs.

ABC Systems, Dallas, TX

Lead Programmer, 1993 - 1998

Developed part of the core of the product TowerWorks: an administration platform for ASP (Application Service Provider). Developed hi-end tools for integration and customization with third party products. Programmed and designed the Unix provisioning system.

University of Richmond

B.S., Computer Science, 1993

Available upon request.



工程师的英文简历 xx年工程师的英文简历范文 求职者要将公司可能雇用自己理由,用自己过去的经历有条理地表达出来。个人基本资料、工作经历包括职责和业绩、教育与培训这三大块为重点内容,其次重要的是职业目标、核心技能、背景概论、语言与计算机能力、奖励和荣誉。 Male, 34, The people of hunan Education: bachelor degree Working fixed number of year: more than 10 years Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan Working location: chengdu - there is no limit

Objective: manufacturing engineer | the director/deputy director | | testing/inspection | electronic technology research and development engineers Work experience (nine years and eight months, did the 3 job) China huiyuan juice group Harbin branch Working time: in May xx to July xx in [1] 2 months Job title: QA Work content: collaborative quality manager to establish quality management system, daily monitor the process quality indicators, product formula, the issuance of the regulatory process execution, etc. Southwest cement ball brook in the Chinese building materials co., LTD


工艺技术员个人简历范文 以下是关于工艺技术员个人简历范文,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 **公司起止年月:2013-06 ~ 2013-10 公司性质:外商独资所属行业:通信/电信/网络设备 担任职位: PE组长 工作描述: 1.负责异常分析,提高产品的直行率; 2.新产品及量产品的导入; 3.制定相关产品的作业指导书; 4.产品工时、产能评估; 5.新设备的导入及相关操作指引; 6.客户审查的跟进; 7.合理分配组员工作及工作指引。 离职原因: **公司起止年月:2008-09 ~ 2013-05 公司性质:外商独资所属行业:电子技术/半导体/集成电路 担任职位:高级技术员 工作描述: 1.新产品(TFT/STN/TN/TP)的导入、量产体系 ·

的建立及维护、良率提升、失效成本的降低、原物料耗损的改善。 2.新型号产品及量产作业指导书的编写。 3.制程条件的合理化以及生产效率的提升。 4.推行专案改善生产中的重大问题、日常量产中异常分析对策及其改善、客诉问题点的快速对应及改善对策。 5.试作及量产物料、治工具设计及评估。 6.试作、量产问题的改善、异常的及时处理及预防、标准工时的评估、各机台各站别人力配置标准化、治工具的改进、作业手法的完善及标准化、各线产能的评估﹔最终实现整体量产的标准化统一,以达到产能和品质的提升以及原物料耗损的减少 离职原因: 教育背景 毕业院校:广东松山职业技术学院 最高学历:大专获得学位: 毕业日期: 2008-06 专业一:机电一体化专业二: 起始年月终止年月学校(机构) 所学专业获得证书证书编号 2006-03 2006-05 广东松山职业技术学院计算机计算机一级 1206000610548 ·


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 人事职员英文简历范文 Name: XXX Sex: Female National: Han Political features: members Education: tertiary Profession: public relations secretary Graduate institution: Nankai University Department of Chinese The course: secretarial, clerical writing, public relations practices, school talks, interpersonal psychology, public relations, public relations language, application writing, political economy, philosophy, foreign culture, file management, such as China’s cultural history. Another: Xu Guozhang English self-study have been 1-4. Undergraduate education is the administration of academic qualifications and English II. And I have a driving license. I have in the international standard of the work of large-scale 1 / 13


英文简历(生产经理)PRODUCTION MANAGER 编辑:冰断 Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. CAREER OBJECTIVE Efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed company goals. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Extensive and diversified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.Particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.Demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.Able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.Successfuily motivate employees.Excellent interpersonal skills.Gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust. SUMMARY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.Trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals. Instructed Quality Development courses. Participated in upgrading assembly systems at Lennon and Epstein Systems. Consistently met and/or surpassed production goals.Supervised same day shipping of orders. Participated with Lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from St.Paui to Winona facility.Received cash achievement award for this project. Operated computerized warehouse management,inventory control and order processing systems. Researched requirements and supervised the development of a high-tech paint laboratory including procurement and staffing. Planned,arranged and supervised rework groups which traveled to on-site locations to perform engineering repairs and other problem-solving activities. Supervised development of new preassembled components of cabin cruisers at Howell Boat Company. Consistently built and maintained strong relationships with vendors and customers through close and effective communication. Supervised,scheduled and coordinated production of four departments in a metal fabrication operation. Notice:


技术工程师求职英文简历模板 英文简历能否吸引注意力,是决定你能否成功求职的非常重 要的一环。下面搜集了技术工程师求职英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 技术工程师求职英文简历模板 Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1998-Present TECHNICAL ENGINEER mERCER INE.,Albany,NY Plan,coordinate, and execute hardware,software and work installation,configuration,maintenance,troubleshooting and repair operations for service contract clients.Specialize in maintaining IBM and Mac PCs,and peripherals with emphasis on working environments. Develop and implement service schedules,systems and procedures to assure delivery of quality,cost-efficient technical services. Quickly diagnose causes of systems failures and malfunctions to ensure highest operating efficiencies,reliability,and quality performance standards.


Computer Engineer is involved in various tasks of computing like designing, programming related to software and also tasks with respect to hardware. So it is vital that they have proper blend of sound knowledge on both areas. Computer engineers take part in challenging and critical projects and must have the ability to work on a broad range of technologies in diversified critical project areas. For achieving a sound result on the above it is vital that the computer engineers must possess an in-depth knowledge on their subjects. It is also essential that they possess excellent communication and written skills to present their points precisely and clearly to clients and team mates. They should also be open minded and must have good interaction abilities to move in a team and get the work done efficiently. Resume - Computer Engineer Steve James 2230, 173, East Coast, NY 228978 Home: 111-111-1111 Cell: 222-222-2222 Email: (include Email Address) ________________________________________________________________________ Have excellent technical skills, communication skill, and goal-focused professional offering 9 years of experience in Computer industry. I am motivated and enthusiastic by new challenges and tasks and take excellent approach to achieve success in all projects. I like to work in a complex projects which have scope for learning and challenge. I have experience in working with different operating system and platforms namely Windows, UNIX, Linux and Dos. Have expertise various quality process and techniques by which I efficiently took care of quality deliverables of myself and my team which helped in gaining satisfied customers for the organization. Objective: To take a challenging and high performance oriented role in the field of Computer enginnering and implement the expertise and experience gained in this field to develop complex project with efficiency and quality. Education: ?BS, Computer engineering, University of Pheonix, NY,1996 ?MS, Computer engineering, University of Georgia,1998 Professional Certification: ?MCSE Certified,1998


设备科技术员个人简历范文 综合设备科技术员简历特点以及自身优势等来取一个个性化,但又不会太过分的标题,是让HR看到你的简历的前提要素。 个人信息 fwdq 性别:男 民族:汉族出生年月:1958年11月1日 婚姻状况:已婚 身高:167cm 体重:60kg 户籍:福建莆田现所在地:福建莆田城厢区 毕业学校:中共中央党校学历:专科 专业名称:管理类经济管理毕业年份:1999年 工作经验:三十年以上最高职称:中级职称 求职意向 职位性质:全职 职位类别: 职位名称:企业管理; 工作地区:福建-莆田市区,福建-莆田城厢区,福建-莆田涵江区,

福建-莆田荔城区,福建-莆田秀屿区; 待遇要求:(面谈)元/月可面议; 不需要提供住房 到职时间:一个月内 教育培训 教育背景: 时间所在学校学历 1978年1月- 1980年1月化工学校中专 1996年9月- 1999年6月党校函授学院专科 工作经历 所在公司:县化工厂 时间范围:1980年2月- 1985年2月 公司性质:国有企业 所属行业:石油、化工业 担任职位:设备科技术员 工作描述:负责全厂机械设备维护与管理技术工作。 离职原因:调动 所在公司:国有银行 时间范围:1985年3月- 2011年12月

公司性质:股份制企业 所属行业:金融业(投资、保险、证券、银行、基金) 担任职位:管理类 工作描述:信贷员、个金服务中心主任、网点负责人、办公室主任、分行业务营销部副经理。 离职原因:退二线 所在公司:闽南某公司 时间范围:2013年3月- 2015年12月 公司性质:民营/私营公司 所属行业:农、林、牧、副、渔业 担任职位:高级管理-总裁助理/总经理助理 工作描述:接受总经理指令,协调、处理公司的一切事务。 离职原因:离家太远 其他信息 自我评价:诚信、认真、勤奋.恪守职业道德。 综合设备科技术员简历特点以及自身优势等来取一个个性化,但又不会太过分的标题,是让HR看到你的简历的前提要素。 个人信息


后勤工作人员英文简历范文 sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing. work experience 1987 to present human service relief worker:temporary resources,columbus,in work as a temporary substitute in a variety of human service programs including specializing clients in hospital,direct care of developmentally delayed clients,counseling and supervising adolescents in group homes and substitute teaching at institutions such as the stafford school for the deaf. 1984 to 1986 residential manager:allied group homes,columbus,in worked in several residential programs for all levels of development delayed clients.taught skills in daily living,cooking,hygiene,and community awareness.provided emotional support to clients.interacted with clients families.implemented behavioral programs. 1982 to 1983 residential counselor:harrison house,mooresville,in staffed community residence for five developmentally delayed clients.implemented behavioral programs.taught activities of daily living skills directed toward independent living and community integration.后勤工作人员英文简历范文


英文简历(技术工程师)TECHNICAL ENGINEER Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEiJING. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1998-Present TECHNICAL ENGINEER mERCER INE.,Albany,NY Plan,coordinate, and execute hardware,software and network installation,configuration,maintenance,troubleshooting and repair operations for service contract clients.Specialize in maintaining IBM and Mac PCs,and peripherals with emphasis on networking environments. Develop and implement service schedules,systems and procedures to assure delivery of quality,cost-efficient technical services. Quickly diagnose causes of systems failures and malfunctions to ensure highest operating efficiencies,reliability,and quality performance standards. Respond immediately to emergency situations with sensitivity to deadlines and customer needs. Assist network engieers woth installation and trobleshooting of Appleshare and Novell systems. Analyze client equipment and operations to determine servicing and supply needs.


技术工程师英文简历集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]

技术工程师英文简历模板 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1998-Present TECHNICAL ENGINEER mERCER INE.,Albany,NY Plan,coordinate, and execute hardware,software and network installation,configuration,maintenance,troubleshooting and repair operations for service contract in maintaining IBM and Mac PCs,and peripherals with emphasis on networking environments. Develop and implement service schedules,systems and procedures to assure delivery of quality,cost-efficient technical services. Quickly diagnose causes of systems failures and malfunctions to ensure highest operating efficiencies,reliability,and quality performance standards. Respond immediately to emergency situations with sensitivity to deadlines and customer needs. Assist network engieers woth installation and trobleshooting of Appleshare and Novell systems. Analyze client equipment and operations to determine servicing and supply needs.


高级技术员英文简历模板_简历模板 equipment management, mechanical and electrical industry expected salary: 3000-4000 Expect work areas: xinluo district expectations nature of work: full-time Arrive time: the fastest interview must provide housing: don’t ne ed Education/training Education background:

School name: power (January 2014 - January 2014) A.s.in engineering or professional title: high-voltage electrician degree: School name: special survey institute (may, 2007-2007, may) A.s.in engineering or professional title: driving education: School name: self-study (August 2009 - September 2009)

A.s.in engineering or professional title: maintenance electrician degree: The first school name: technical school (July 1994 - July 1997) Name: mechanical processing and maintenance degree: he wowed Trained experience: The first technical training institutions: (July 1994 - July 1997)


英文简历范文:技术人员个人简历(一) Robert T. Smith 195 Braxton Street Mendota, IL 61342 Phone: 815-539-9083 Email ID: robert_smith@https://www.doczj.com/doc/d410093098.html, OBJECTIVE To further my career with a growth-oriented firm that will allow me to utilize my experience and knowledge as a technology manager. KEYWORDS Perl, Linux, Apache, Mason, HTML, XML, XSL ,JavaScript, Java, MS C++, ASP, 8086 Assembly, Fortran, COBOL, network firewall and hack-proof server installation and configuration, and automatic mass website building. EXPERIENCE XYZ Technologies, Dallas, TX Manager, 1998 - Present Organized and managed various computer-related projects. Supervised a research and development team of twelve employees. Designed and implemented fresh employee training programs. ABC Systems, Dallas, TX Lead Programmer, 1993 - 1998


人力资源管理英文简历模板 human resource development:articulate and effective municator and trainer.inspire a team mitment to pany goals,management objectives and high quality performance standards. puter systems:skilled in use and development of data collection,and spreadsheet programs for accounting,statistical analysis and reporting functions.assisted in puter systems installations and full training of employees. troubleshooter:analytical with and established track record for identifying plex problems;resourceful and inventive in developing and implementing creative solutions with enhanced sensitivity to cost,efficiency and deadlines. experience 1993-present silver guard insurance agency training coordinator develop training curriculum,aids and materials to instruct staff in division operations,corporate policy and procedure,and to maintain on-going personnel


英文简历(技术工程师)TECHNICALENGINEER 英文简历(技术工程师)TECHNICALENGINEER mERCERINE.,Albany,NY Plan,coordinate,andexecutehardware,softwareandnetworkitallation,confi guration,maintenance,troubleshootingandrepairoperatioforservicecontra ctclients.ecializeinmaintainingIBMandMacPCs,andperipheralswithemphasi sonnetworkingenvironments. Developandimplementserviceschedules,systemsandprocedurestoauredeliver yofquality,cost-efficienttechnicalservices. Quicklydiagnosecausesofsystemsfailuresandmalfunctiotoeurehighestopera tingefficiencies,reliability,andqualityperformancestandards. Reondimmediatelytoemergencysituatiowithseitivitytodeadlinesandcustome rneeds. AistnetworkengieerswothitallationandtrobleshootingofAleshareandNovell systems. Analyzeclientequipmentandoperatiotodetermineservicingandsulyneeds. Monitorandmaintaincost-effectiveinventoriesofsulies,toolsandmaterials. Investigate,test,andimplementimprovementstoexistingprocedures. Coistentlymanagetimeandmultipletaskstomeetdeadline,establishedobjecti ves,andqualityperformancestandards. Fosterclearcommunicatioandmaintainexcellentstaffandclientworkingrelat io. 1982-1988Managerofinformationsystems KRITELAOCIATES,INC.,Schnectady,NY


工程师的英文简历模板 ELECTRONICS ENGINEER(Experienced) Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience.Versed in both digital and analog electronics withspecific emphasis on computer hardware/software.Special expertise in system and component https://www.doczj.com/doc/d410093098.html,work supervisor responsible for installing/maintaining Arcnet LAN system.Proficient in assembly and C programming languages.Excelent communication skills including written,verbal and interpersonal. PROFESSIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Stevenson Data Systems,Los Angeles,CA 1981-1993 Components Evaluation Engineer 1992-1993 Responsible for the characterization and evaluation of, and approved vendors list for:Power supplies, oscillators, crystals,and programmable logic used in desktop and laptop computers.Evaluated and recommended quality components that increased product profitability.Created adn developed power supply test plan used for evqluating third party power supplies.Interacted with vendors to resolve problems associated with components qualification.Technical advisor for Purchasing.Promoted to engineer II. Design Evaluation Engineer 1990-1992 Evaluated new computer product designs ,solving environmental problems on prototype computers.Conducted systems analysis on new computer profucts to ensure hardware,software and mechanical design integrity.Designed hardware and software for PC,ISA bus programmable load board used for


售后技术员个人英文简历范文 Name: Current residence: Guangzhou, China: Han Domicile: Guangzhou stature: 175 cm 62 kg Marital status: Single Age: 21 Company Name: Great Wall Broadband Network Service Co., beginning and ending date :xx-07 ~ Company nature: joint-stock enterprises Industry: Communications / tele operators, value-added services Positions: Broadband Installation Talent Type: Position: pre / post-sales technical support - Manager / Supervisor / Engineer, tele switching / Network Engineer:

Work Experience: 1 Job Title: No Title Job type: Full-time Date Available: Anytime Salary requirements :2000 - 3500 hope Working Area: Guangzhou Graduated: Guangdong Polytechnic Vocational Technical School Highest Level of Education: college graduation date :xx -07-01 By Major: Computer I have strong analytical ability to understand and be able to practice diligent hands and innovation. Hard, there is a strong team spirit. Has a strong self-learning ability, the ability to adapt to the new environment, serious and responsible, energetic, outgoing face the customer, can quickly adapt to the new environment.


医疗人员英文简历模板 医疗人员英文简历该怎么写?下面小编为大家搜集医疗人员英文简历模板,很希望能帮到你! 医疗人员英文简历模板一 Name: Sex: Female Age: Address: Suite , No. , Lane , East Hanyang Road, Shanghai Phone: Mobile: E-mail: Educational Background: 2020 - 2020 Had studied at Pharmaceutical Research Institute of Kobe Gakuin University, Japan. Had obtained a master’s degree. 2020 - 2020 Had studied Japanese language at Japanese Language School. Career Experience: June 2020 - Now Has acted as a senior manager of Medicine Manufacturing Division of a big-sized group enterprise the “;China XX Group Corp.”; - a subsidiary company directly owned by the Chinese central government. Had mainly handled the following related jobs of project investment in establishing a big-sized liquid medicament manufacture base owned by the group company l Selection of transfusion product, conduct of marketing research and handling project scheming etc. (the Marketing Division) matters with partners at home and abroad such as project initialization, equipment bidding invitation and technology importation; (the Outsourcing Affairs Division) l Promotion and co-ordination of new product in the stages from their research and development to launching them onto the market; (the New Business Development Division)

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