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Flag of Japan

Japan is a country marked by contrast between old and new. The country values its complex and ancient cultural tradition. Yet life in modern Japan is increasingly focused on cities and modern technology. In the second half of the 1900s, Japan emerged as one of the world's most economically and technologically advanced societies.

Japan is located off the east coast of Asia. The country consists of a string of

four large islands and more than 3,900 smaller islands. From north to south, the main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. The largest is Honshu, which is regarded as the Japanese mainland. The Ryukyu Islands, including Okinawa, arc to the south and west of Kyushu. Tokyo, on Honshu, is the capital and one of the world's largest cities.


The islands of Japan form an arc that stretches about 2,400 kilometres (1,500 miles) from north-east to south-west. Japan has no land border with any other country. The open waters of the Pacific Ocean border Japan's eastern and

south-eastern shores. China is to the south-west, across the East China Sea.

North and South Korea are to the west, across the Sea of Japan. Russia lies across the Sea of Japan to the north-west and the Sea of Okhotsk to the north. Japan has a total land area of 377,835 kilometres (145,883 square miles). Mountains cover more than 80 per cent of Japan's land surface. They divide the islands into hundreds of smaller sections. The largest and highest mountain mass lies in central Honshu. Part of the range is known as the Japanese Alps. Many

short river valleys and small lowland plains interrupt the mountain ranges. Most

of the plains lie along the coast.

Japan experiences hundreds of earthquakes every year. Most of them are minor, but a few are devastating. Undersea earthquakes sometimes stir up tsunamis, or huge sea waves. The country also has many volcanoes, both active and inactive. Mount Fuji, in central Honshu, has been inactive since 1707. With a height of

3,776 metres (12,388 feet), it is Japan's highest mountain.

Plants and Animals

Much of Japan's original vegetation has been replaced by farming or by plant species brought in from other countries. Forests cover a large part of the land. Pine, cypress, hemlock, cedar, fir and spruce are commercially valuable evergreens. The numerous broad-leaved trees include oak, maple, ash, birch, beech and poplar. Bamboo and palms grow in southern and central Japan.

The cherry tree is planted throughout the country and occurs naturally in parts

of the mountains. It is celebrated for its beautiful spring blossoms. The cherry

tree has long been one of the symbols of Japan.

Many animals live in the country's remote, forested mountain regions. The mammals include bears, foxes, deer, wild boars, antelope, hares and wild monkeys. The seas are home to whales, dolphins, porpoises and a wide variety of commercially valuable fish. The raising of goldfish and colourful carp for decorative purposes is a Japanese speciality.


The great majority of the Japanese people share the same ethnic and cultural background. They are closely related to the other peoples of eastern Asia. There are, however, several minority groups. Koreans form the largest minority group. Many of them were born in Japan. The burakumin (‘people of the village') are ethnically the same as the majority of Japanese. However, their ancestors were members of the former outcast class. The burakumin are often treated unfairly.

In addition, there are small numbers of Ainu, a native people of northern Japan. The relatively tiny foreign community in Japan is composed largely of Chinese.

Buddhists visit the Kiyomizu temple, in Kyoto, Japan.

The country's official language is Japanese. Shinto and Buddhism are the main religions. Shinto is based on the worship of local spirits in nature. It

originated in Japan. A small proportion of the population is Christian. On Honshu are most of Japan's largest cities, including Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, Kyoto, Kawasaki and Hiroshima. About 80 per cent of the country's people live on Honshu.


Japan has a rich and complex culture. Native Japanese traditions have been mixed with cultural styles adapted from China and, later, from the West. Japanese

culture and art emphasise understated simplicity, elegance and grace. For example, the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, flower arranging and garden

design are highly stylised and refined. On the other hand, contemporary Japanese society fully embraces Western-style popular culture – influenced by television,

films and advertising.


Japan has a long and vibrant literary tradition. The Tale of Genji is considered

the world's first important novel. It was written in the early 1000s by Shikibu Murasaki, a lady of the Kyoto court. Renowned modern Japanese writers include Soseki Natsume, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Osamu Dazai, Jun'ichiro Tanizaki and Yukio Mishima. Japanese novelist Yasunari Kawabata won the Nobel Prize for Literature

in 1968.

Poetry plays a central role in Japanese culture. Occasions of many kinds are celebrated with poems. The most common forms are haiku and tanka – short, unrhymed poems with a certain number of syllables in each line.

Visual Arts

In classical Japanese painting, black ink and watercolours were used on

tissue-thin silk. The carefully composed paintings used few brush strokes to

suggest a scene in nature. Ukiyo-e, or ‘pictures of the floating world',

depicted the life of common people. Japanese woodcuts of the 1600s and 1700s

were among the finest examples of ukiyo-e.

Performing Arts

Traditional Japanese theatre combines music, dance and drama. In puppet plays called Bunraku, nearly life-sized dolls are used to act out a chanted story.

Japanese No plays are generally short, stylised and heroic. The actors and

chorus chant fine poetry. While No theatre was originally restricted to the

upper classes, Kabuki was the theatre of the townspeople and farmers. Kabuki

plays are colourful spectacles of singing, dancing, mime and melodrama.

Martial Arts

The martial arts in Japan originated with medieval warriors, the samurai, who

used them in battle. Today the martial arts are more important as competitive

sports and as aids to physical and mental fitness. The most popular forms are

sumo wrestling, judo, aikido, karate and kendo.


Japan was defeated in World War II (1939–45), with great loss of life and property. Yet after the war it emerged as one of the most advanced economic

powers in the world. The Japanese economy grew remarkably throughout the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Manufacturing developed especially rapidly. However, the economy slowed greatly in the early 1990s and suffered a major downturn at the

end of the decade. Nevertheless, Japan remained an economic superpower.

Japan's economy has revolved primarily around manufacturing and trade. The

Japanese are the leading makers of ships, cars and advanced electronics and equipment – especially television sets, DVD players, computers, cameras, microwave ovens, watches, photocopiers and robots. The country has some of the world's largest and most advanced industrial plants. It is a major producer of

crude steel, synthetic rubber, aluminium, chemicals, plastics, cement and pulp

and paper.

Farming and fishing contribute only about two per cent of the national income.

Rice is the most important food and the main crop. Other leading crops include wheat, barley, potatoes, sugar beets, fruit, vegetables and tea. A small number

of cattle and hogs are raised. Japan relies heavily on the sea as a source of

food. It has one of the largest fish catches of any nation in the world.


Ancient Japan

People were living in Japan at least 10,000 years ago. According to legend, the Japanese state was founded in 660 BC by the emperor Jimmu. Historical records, however, show that Japan was not united as one state until the late AD 300s or

400s. It was ruled by the Yamato dynasty.

During the Yamato period, Buddhism arrived in Japan from Korea. In addition, for many centuries the Japanese borrowed heavily from Chinese culture. The Japanese adopted Chinese characters to write the Japanese language. Imperial courts based

on Chinese models appeared in Japan in the 700s.

From the 800s to the 1100s the Fujiwara family dominated Japan. This period was

a classic age of art and literature. Japan's culture no longer borrowed from

China but became distinctively Japanese.

Military Government

During the 1100s a class of warriors called samurai rose to power. However, the emperor continued to hold some authority. The samurai had sophisticated military skills. They developed a disciplined way of living, which followed a code of

conduct based on loyalty and sacrifice.

In the late 1100s Yoritomo Minamoto established Japan's first military

government at Kamakura. Minamoto was named shogun, or chief military commander, and his government was called a shogunate. Except for periods of internal

warfare, this form of government persisted until 1868.

Meanwhile, Japan was developing trade contacts with the outside world. Official trade missions to China began in 1404. In 1543, Portuguese traders arrived,

followed by the Spanish, English and Dutch. Some of the Japanese converted to Christianity.


The government's division and disorder ended in the late 1500s. By 1590 Toyotomi Hideyoshi had brought the region under his control. After Hideyoshi's death in 1598, his supporter Ieyasu Tokugawa took over. Under Tokugawa, the country was again united under a strong shogunate.

For the next two centuries, Japan enjoyed great peace and stability. A national

market developed, and the economy flourished. Advances were made in farming techniques. Osaka and Edo (now named Tokyo) became great commercial and cultural centres.

The period was also marked by isolation. The Tokugawa government feared that Japan was being prepared for foreign conquest. The Tokugawa banned Christianity and expelled almost all foreigners. Japan cut back on foreign trade. In

addition, the Japanese were forbidden to leave the country.

By the mid-1800s the Tokugawa shogunate was unable to keep European and United States traders away. The Tokugawa's support among the Japanese people collapsed.

In 1868 the Tokugawa shogun was forced to step down.

The Meiji Emperor

A new government was established under the young emperor Mutsuhito, who took the name of Meiji, meaning ‘enlightened government'. This transfer of power from the Tokugawa shogunate to the Meiji emperor is known as the Meiji Restoration. It is regarded as the beginning of Japan's modern era.


Japan soon sought to build an empire. It successfully fought a war with China (1894–95) and with Russia (1904–05). As a result, Japan took over some of the

two countries' possessions in East Asia. It made Korea into a Japanese colony in 1910.

During World War I (1914–18), Japan fought on the side of the Allied powers (mainly Britain, France and Russia). The Allied powers won the war. Japan's involvement was limited, but it seized additional territory in East Asia from Germany.

World War II

By 1930 Japan faced a financial crisis. The Japanese government believed that expansion through military conquest would help the economy. In 1931 Japan seized Manchuria from China. Japan moved troops into China in 1937 and into French Indochina in 1940. The Japanese signed the Tripartite Pact, forming an alliance

with Germany and Italy. The three countries formed the Axis powers. They fought against the Allied powers, mainly Britain, France, Russia and China during World War II.

The United States tried to stop Japan's aggression in East Asia by banning shipments of oil to Japan. In December 1941 Japan attacked the United States

forces at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which pulled the United States into war. After experiencing early successes on every front, the Japanese forces were gradually pushed back by the United States and other Allied troops. In August 1945 the

United States dropped atom bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The cities were largely destroyed. Shortly thereafter the Japanese surrendered. (See also World War II.)

Post-war Japan

Under the terms of surrender, Japan had to give up all the territory it had


『日本文化概論』の試験問題 一、次の_の部分にもっとも適切なものを入れてくだい。 (毎_は2点、全部30点) 1、日本文化の基本的な特徴は_と_。 2、_が『十七条憲法』を発布した。 3、日本は_年に始まる大化の改新をした。 4、平安初期の『三筆』の_、_、_が日本書道史上代表的な人物である。 5、日本は710年に遷都した_も794年に遷都した_も、長安をモデルにして作った都である。 6、_のルソーの『社会契約論』を翻訳、解説した『民約訳解』が広く読まれ、東洋のルソーと呼 ばれた。 7、804年、_が入唐して天台宗を学び、翌年帰国して_を拠点に天台宗を説き広めた。 8、日本陽明学は反体制と_の特色がある。 9、普通、_、伊藤仁斎、_は日本古学派の三人の代表者と見なされている。 二、次のセンテンスを判断し正しいものに○、違っている ものに×をつけなさい。(10点) 1、中国との交流の中で大規模に系統的に中国文化を吸収したのは、推古天皇の時期であった。()

2、日本は隋唐文化を吸収するとき、中国の科挙制も取り入れた。() 3、飛脚は江戸時代信書、金銀、貨物などの送達を業と押してひろめした者。() 4、最澄が天台宗を、空海が真言宗を中国大陸から学び新しい日本的な仏教として広めている。 () 5、江戸幕府が1612年に禁教令を出したけど、明治政府が1873年に禁教令を解いた。()三、次に問題を答えなさい。(30点) 1、日本文化がよく外来文化を吸収し得た理由としていくつかの要因が挙げてください。 2、日本家族内で兄弟の間『本家』と『分家』は中国の兄弟関係と同じですか。 3、日本の年功序列制について自分の考えを書きなさい。 四、論述(30点) 1、日本企業の特色の一つの終身雇用の利弊を述べてください。 2、日本の儒学、中国の儒学とは異なる。認識論の面と論理面から述べてください。


Japan was deeply influenced by our culture as our neighboring country, but Japan left indelible scar to our country. We can't forget the history, but i still like Japanese people and their local customs and practices, beside the country have so many famous scenery spot and very beautiful girls. I think war is only politician's track, the Japanese citizen is still our friends, We should put aside prejudices and communicate more with them. So if I had to choose a country to go to living in a year, I would choose Japan for a deeper understanding of the culture and customs of the country. One of my high school classmates work in Japan now and one of my university teacher studied abroad in Japan ever. They give me some suggestion that Japan have various delavicacy, comfortable environment and beautiful sakura, those make me to expect the Japan travel. I’ve done a lot of preparation for this journey, I taught myself Japanese, I also brought many Japan novel, for example 《Thousand Origami Cranes》, 《Grief grocery store》and《1Q84》. I very like to read those book because they can help me to raise my Japanese writing and communication ability. I very like Japanese literature and art, because lacquer painting is most special and beautiful in there, and Japan has the world's largest animation industry and best cartoon. beside they have two winner of the Nobel Prize of literature, I like many author in Japan. Of course, Japanese adult vedio is also ‘popular in the world’ Although Japan is island country and little land area, but it has a population of more than 100 million, therefore Japan’s population density is greater than in china, maybe human is not only consumer but also creator about resource because Japan is most advanced state in Asia, maybe we should change our traditional thought through the instance. Above all, Japan have many experience is worthy of us to reference include protection of environment, reduce the poverty population, development of economic and culture and so on. If one day I’m going to Japan, I will experience all the thing but not writing on paper.


日本文化概述 日本独特的地理条件和悠久的历史,孕育了别具一格的日本文化。樱花、和服、俳句与武士、清酒、神道教构成了传统日本的两个方面——菊与刀。在日本有著名的"三道",即日本民间的茶道、花道、书道。 中国传入日本的格斗运动。空手道不使用任何武器、仅使用拳和脚,与其它格斗运动相比,是一种相 当具有实战意义的运动形式。 合气道原来只是一种用于练习“形式”的运动,其基本理念是对于力量不采用力量进行对抗。与柔道和空手道等运动相比,没有粗野感的合气道作为一种精神锻炼和健身运动,很受老年人和女性的欢迎。 书道,提起书法,相信不少人会认为它是中国独有的一门艺术。其实,书法在日本不仅盛行,更是人们修行养性的方式之一。古代日本人称书法叫「入木道」或「笔道」,直到江户时代(十七世纪),才出现「书道」这个名词。在日本,用毛笔写汉字而盛行书法,应当是在佛教传入之后。僧侣和佛教徒模仿中国,用 毛笔抄录经 能剧是日本的传统戏剧,也是世界上现存的最古老的戏剧之一。能剧源于古代舞蹈戏剧形式和12世纪或13世纪在日本的神社和寺院举行的各种节庆戏剧。“能”具有才能或技能的意义。演员通过面部表情和形体动作暗示故事的本质,而不是把它表现出来。现在这一剧种在日本仍具有顽强的生命力。 寿司是以生鱼片【刺身(さしみ)】、生虾、生鱼粉等为原料,配以精白米饭、醋、海鲜、辣根等,捏成饭团后食用的一种食物。寿司的种类很多,不下数百种,各地区的寿司也有不同的特点。大多数是先用米饭加醋调制,再包卷鱼、肉、蛋类,加以紫菜或豆皮。吃生鱼寿司时,饮日本绿茶或清酒,别有一番风 味。 日本文化史 日本文化有无自己的根?回答是肯定的。尽管日本文化在其形成和发展中,始终以到如得的外来文化为媒介,但它毕竟尽有自己的根。日本文化如同一棵树,它的根深扎于日本国的风土上。若究其缘起,则可上溯到公元前数千年的绳纹时代。“绳纹文化与后来的弥生文化、古坟文化,是日本原出文化的三个时期。” 日本历史始于石器的出现,绳纹时代即是日本的石器时代。考古发掘出的那个时期的陶器表面带有丰富多彩的草绳模样,史称绳纹陶器。绳纹陶器历史久远,外观渐趋复杂,花纹日益丰富多彩,说明其时陶器工艺的成熟以及石器加工的发达。尽管当时日本已经处于新石器时代,但因岛国的地理位置,致使当时欧亚大陆的先进文化未能进入日本。绳纹人群居坚穴,仍以捕鱼、狩猎、采集为生,不知农耕。生产力的滞后,亦使其当时社会滞留在母系氏族公社阶段。巫术支配人们的原始社会生活,也支配着人们的精神生 活。 大约在公元前2世纪至公元3世纪,日本历史进入弥生时代。考古学家在东京都文京区弥生町发掘出不同绳纹陶器的新式陶器,史称弥生陶器,史称弥生文化。弥生陶器器形简单,花纹也不繁杂,与绳纹陶器迥然不同,反映出一种新的审美情趣。一般认为,弥生陶器是从海外输入的,即可能是从大陆迁入的民族带去了新的弥生文化。新的文化虽然战胜原有的绳纹文化而成为日本文化的主流,但外来人终被原住居民所同化,日本民族并未因之而断续。弥生时代的生产力有了很大的提高,这是因为先进的大陆文明经由朝鲜半岛传到了日本,促经日本很快进入以稻作农耕经济为主的农耕社会,石器时代进入了铁器时代。弥生人从事农耕,种植粮食,共同劳动逐渐形成大的村落,父系社会制度取代了母系制度,阶级差别、政治支配关系也逐渐形成。当时,自然崇拜和巫术迷信依然支配着人们的精神生活,特别是农耕祭祀活动盛行, 成为弥生文化的一大特征。 从公元三四世纪到六七世纪,以畿内为中心,全国各地建造了许多以前方后圆坟为代表的高冢古坟,标志着日本由弥生文化进入古坟文化的时代。古坟的建筑需要征集大批劳动力,坟内陪葬有镜、剑、勾玉等精致工艺品,象征着死者生前拥有强大权力。这与一般民众死后的简易安葬形成鲜明对照,说明强大的专制集权已经形成,即以畿内为中心的大和国终于在5世纪初统一了日本。这个时期,日本从大陆不仅源源不断地输入物质文明,而且开始导入大陆的精神文明。一方面,移居日本的汉人和朝鲜人即所谓“归化人”


日本文化概况复习资料 一、日本的地理 1.日本位为亚洲大陆东边,被太平洋所包围。和大陆之间由浅的大陆架连接。主要由北海道,本州,四国,九州组成。 2.★日本所处的位置不会卷入大陆的政治变动中,相反具有吸收大陆文化的有利地形。因此日本建国以来即保持固有的文化,又吸收外来文化融合成自己独有的文化。 3.日本国土面积:38万平方公里。人口:1亿2628万人。人口多分布在太平洋沿海平原。人口在100万人以上的城市有11个。 4.东京总人口:1158万人,位居世界第5位。东京位于日本中部。平均气温:1 5.3摄氏度。 5.★日本列岛位于环太平洋上,火山活动也很活跃。所以经常发生地震。 6.日本两大地震:1923年关东大地震。1995年阪神大地震。 7.★日本气候温暖,各地域温差很大,四季变化明显。由于这种气候特征造成夏秋季雨和台风都很大。 8.日本阿尔卑斯山位于本州的中部,高3000米(最高的山是富士山3776米)。日本有60个活火山。 9.日本人喜欢的话是樱花。樱花季节从冲绳开始北上。因此如果北上旅行的话三个月都可以观赏到樱花。 10.日本的主要道路分为:国道,都道府县道,高速汽车道,市町村道。 11.日本的国土按照地方分为:北海道,东北,关东,中部,近畿,中国,四国,九州,冲绳。 日本按照行政分为:1都,1道,2府,43个县。 二,日本历史 12. 日本历史时代可以划分为古代、中世、近世、近代 古代:(一万年前—纪元后11世纪):绳文时代,弥生时代,古坟时代,奈良时代,平安时代。 中世:(12世纪—16世纪):镰仓时代,室町时代, 近世:(16世纪—-19世纪):安土/桃山时代,江户时代 近代:(19世纪后半—1945年) 13.绳文时代,人们居住在竖穴中,大多以捕猎,打鱼,采集为生。 14.三世纪开始种稻子。中稻技术对农耕社会产生了生产增长,产生贫富差距,农村共同体变为政治集团,划时代的社会变化。 15. 弥生时代使用种稻和金属器使用技术。 16. 在4世纪中期左右产生了大和政权。 17. 日本历史上4世纪中期左右第一次发动了对外侵略。 18. 前方后圆坟:古坟的一种。后面是圆形前方是方形。后面圆中是埋葬遗


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日本文化概览课程感想 我在大三第一学期幸运地选上了日本文化概览这门课程,三年来上了许多的人文通识课程,像这样内容新颖、形式多样、气氛愉悦的课却不多。在今年能够选到这门课,我感到非常幸运和期待。 日本中心给人感觉是一幢很古朴幽静的小楼,进门需要换鞋,室内布置干净,就像日本文化给人的感觉简单也富有内涵,追求返朴归真。一学期的课程包含了日本文化的各个方面,包括日本大学、和食、旅游、产业等,都富有鲜明的日本民族特色。并且文化课程的每个授课老师都非常地尽职尽责,有自己独特的风格,比如茶道课的老师优雅从容端庄有礼,福岛旅游业宣传的老师风趣幽默充满热情。茶道体验和包装文化都让我们亲身实践学习,感觉特别新颖有趣。每节课的内容都很丰富且富有日本特色,而最让我印象深刻的还是茶道体验课。 日本茶道是在日本一种仪式化的、为客人奉茶之事,原称为“茶汤”。茶道规矩用具都非常的繁琐,在日本茶道中,客人和主人都按照特定的步骤和规矩办事,茶具、动作、火候、衣着要求都十分严格,日本茶道的精神还延伸囊括到茶室内外的布置,书画品鉴及饮茶的陶器,都是茶道的重点。老师演示时身着日本传统和服,在茶室中为我们做示范。待我们入座后,老师煮开水、取茶粉、冲茶,依次为我们奉上茶点。而学生必须按规定女生跪坐,男生盘腿,恭敬接茶后轻品慢饮,茶味清香、微苦,一饮而尽,唇齿

留香。整个过程中,无论是老师还是茶道志愿者,她们的每一个动作,每一道程序都是端庄而不失亲切,有条不紊十分优雅有礼,并热情地让我们免费品尝了和果子。我觉得日本茶道这种从容的气质很值得我们欣赏学习。在如今的快节奏生活状态下,更要培养一种从容的气质,不管在何种场合,如果能够保持从容不迫、顺应自然的态度,那面任何事情都能应付自如。我觉得老师教给我们的不仅日本的文化知识,更加用自身行动为我们展示了日本传统人文素养。 日本产业对于细节的讲究在产品包装课上让我深有体会,日本企业文化是一种精神,是他们在长期的经营活动中形成的。无论是纸质的优良,毛边的处理还是丝带的系法都精确到毫厘,老师们也都耐心的为我们解释、示范,一对一地教学。每一步都注重细节处理,让人感觉他们是真正的为顾客考虑,处处讲究细致却又节俭,不会浪费用料。反观现在我们周围的一些铺张浪费、偷工减料现象,他们真的是有值得我们学习的地方。 通过这次日本文化概览课的学习,获得了许多有意义的收获,多了解一下各个国家的风土人情,拓宽一些知识面,也对提高自身素养有所帮助。我想此次的学习知识初步触及了日本文化的冰山一角,也让我对日本文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,希望以后能有机会去到日本旅游,进一步亲身感受日本文化。


日本礼仪文化介绍 日本的礼仪文化和中国有什么不同呢?跟着来看看吧!欢迎阅读。 日本礼仪文化介绍 作为我国近邻的日本,格外注重传统的礼仪文化,本文集从日本礼仪文化历史传承的角度,讲一下礼仪的重要性。 日本几乎全是大和民族。居民主要信奉神道教和佛教,少数信奉基督教和天主教。日本至今还保留浓厚的我国唐代的礼仪和风俗。 ◆服饰礼仪 日本人在交际应酬之中对打扮十分介意,在商务交往、政务活动以及对外场合中多穿西服,在民间活动时,他们有时会穿国服——和服。穿和服时,一定要穿木屐和草鞋,并配以布袜,妇女穿和服时,还必须腰系彩带,要后加上一个小软托,并且手中打伞。根据年龄、婚姻状况以及身份地位的差别,和服的色彩、图案、款式、面料乃至穿着方法也不尽相同,需要准确区分。 在与日本人打交道时,衣着上必须注意四点:1、日本人认为衣着不整齐便意味着没有教养,或是不尊重交往对象。所以,在与日本人会面时,一般不宜穿着过分随便,特别是不要光脚或穿背心;2、到日本人家里做客时,进入「玄関」(げんかん)后要先脱下大衣、风衣和鞋子,同时鞋子要朝外摆放整齐;3、拜访日本人时,切勿未经主人许可,而自行脱去外衣;4、参加庆典或仪式

时,不论天气多么热,都要穿套装或套裙。 ◆餐饮礼仪 在饮食方面。日本可以说是自成一体,世人一般称之「和食」(わしょく),即日本料理。日本人用餐时,要摆上一长矮桌,男子盘腿而坐,女要要跪坐而食。日本在使用筷子上是很讲究,筷子都放在筷托上。还有“忌八筷”的习俗,就是不能舔筷、迷筷、移筷、扭筷、剔筷、插筷、跨筷、掏筷。同时,还忌用同一双筷子让大家依次夹取食物,也不能把筷子垂直插在米饭里。 宴请客人时,大都忌讳将饭盛得过满,并且不允许一勺盛一碗饭。作为客人,则不能仅吃一碗饭,那怕是象征性的,也要在添一次。否则,就会被视为宾主无缘。 ◆茶道礼仪 茶道是日本的传统艺术形式,源于中国的唐宋时期。茶原本不是日本的所固有产物,是由遣唐使与留学生从中国将茶带到日本,而逐渐发展成日本的茶道。唐朝的茶主要是以「团茶」为主,将茶叶固定成一块,然后再煎煮饮用,日本现今的抹茶就跟「团茶」比较接近。日本茶道有“四归茶道”的说法,即“和、敬、清、寂”。“和”指和平、祥和;“敬”指尊敬、互敬;“清”指清洁、清爽;“寂”指幽寂、苦寂。这种茶道精神一直是日本茶人追求的目标。 在饮茶时,主人会用左手掌托碗,右手五指持碗边。跪起后举起茶碗(须举案齐眉),恭送至正客前。正客接过茶碗也须举案齐眉,以示对主人致谢。然后再放下碗后重新举起才能饮茶,因为日本人注重茶具文化,因此如果茶碗上有图案,需要将茶碗转


Golden Pavilion (Japanese: きんかくじ) official name is actually deer temple (Japanese: ろくおんじ), because the building is coated with gold foil, therefore, also known as Golden Pavilion.It is a temple in Kyoto, originally completed in 1397 (should ever four years) of Japan monastery, besides, the renowned tourist attractions, is the Japanese government designated as a national treasure, and in 1994 was designated as a UNESCO world cultural heritage an important historical building. Golden Pavilion is one of the world cultural heritage, officially named deer temple . Fujisan (Japanese Fuji / ふじさん), is Japan's highest peak, one of the important national symbol of Japan. Active across the yamanashi and shizuoka prefecture, near the Pacific coast, 80 kilometers southwest of Tokyo. Senso-ji Temple is located in Taitouku District of Tokyo. It is an Edo-styled public amusement place currently remained in Japan. Senso-ji Temple is the most ancient temple in Tokyo. Tokugawa Leyasu in Edo period appointed the place as a praying place for his Shogun.



本期我有幸选择了日语与日本文化这门课,通过它我掌握了一些常用日语、了解了许多日本风俗文化,可谓获益匪浅;与此同时,我对日语的学习兴趣更加浓厚,对日本文化的好奇愈为强烈,有了更加深入学习探索的决心和动力。下面,我的论文将围绕着这学期所了解到的日本文化展开。 日语文化习俗 公元4世纪中叶,日本出现统一的国家——大和国。5世纪初,大和国发展到鼎盛时期。公元645年发生大化革新,建立天皇为绝对君主的中央集权国家体制。公元12世纪末进入由武士阶层掌握实权的军事封建国家,史称“幕府”时期。1868年“明治维新”,废除封建割据的幕藩体制,建立统一中央集权国家。1947年实施新宪法,由绝对天皇制国家变为以天皇为国家象征的议会内阁制国家。 一、富士山、刀、樱花 (一)日本名胜 富士山位于本州岛中南部,海拔3376米,使日本最高峰,日本人奉之为“圣山”,是日本民族的象征。富士山位于距东京约80公里,跨静冈、山梨两县,面积为90.76平方公里。富士山山体呈圆锥状,山顶终年积雪。四周有剑锋、白山岳、久须志岳、大日岳、伊豆岳、成就岳、驹岳和三岳等“富士八峰”。 东京塔位于东京市内,建成于1958年,塔高333米,是日本最高的独立铁塔。铁塔上部装有东京都7个电视台、21个电视中转台和广播台等的无线电发射天线。铁塔下部为铁塔大楼,有休息厅,商城,蜡像馆等。 唐招提寺是著名古寺院,位于日本奈良市西京五条街,公元759年中国唐朝高僧鉴真所建。有金堂、讲堂、经藏、宝藏以及礼堂、鼓楼筹建筑物。其中金堂最大,以建筑精美著称。有鉴真大师坐像。金堂、经藏、鼓楼、鉴真像等被誉为国宝。国内外旅游者众多。 (二)武士道精神 武士道:起源于日本镰仓幕府,后经江户时代吸收儒家和佛家的思想而形成。最初,它还是倡导忠诚、信义、廉耻、尚武、名誉的。但武士道作为封建幕府时代政治的产物,它吸收的是儒教和佛教的某些表面的东西而不是它的真谛,


Japan (English: Japan) is the island in the eastern part of Asia, from Hokkaido, honshu, shikoku, and kyushu, four large islands and more than 6900 islands. Japan's name means "sunrise". Japan's population of 120 million, the nation, and family as gm in Japanese language. Japan is a very pay attention to the etiquette of country, Say "hello" is basically a bow. because the economy developed, where the environment after many years of hard work is very good。 Japan is one of the famous tourist destinations in the world,such as: Mount Fuji, the highest peak in Japan.Tokyo tower: Tokyo tower is the tallest of the Japanese tower, located in the city, built in 1958. It is a replica of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, 333 meters high, the tower as the pyramid, with yellow, white, red three colors. Japanese people are more serious, serious.the people there quality is high。Japan's festival mainly include national holiday and traditional folk festivals. Compare distinctive episodes and cherry https://www.doczj.com/doc/d414303985.html,ing-of-age day - the second Monday of January 。On this day all young age are dressed up to go to the adult ceremony.Sakura offering - on March 15, march cherry blossoms in full bloom, the Japanese people think cherry


1.日本位为亚洲大陆东边,被太平洋所包围。和大陆之间由浅的大陆架连接。主要由北海道,本州,四国,九州组成。 2.★日本所处的位置不会卷入大陆的政治变动中,相反具有吸收大陆文化的有利地形。因此日本建国以来即保持固有的文化,又吸收外来文化融合成自己独有的文化。 3.日本国土面积:38万平方公里。人口:1亿2628万人。人口多分布在太平洋沿海平原。人口在100万人以上的城市有11个。 4.东京总人口:1158万人,位居世界第5位。东京位于日本中部。平均气温:摄氏度。 5. ★日本列岛位于环太平洋上,火山活动也很活跃。所以经常发生地震。 6.日本两大地震:1923年关东大地震。1995年阪神大地震。 7.★日本气候温暖,各地域温差很大,四季变化明显。由于这种气候特征造成夏秋季雨和台风都很大。 8.日本阿尔卑斯山位于本州的中部,高3000米(最高的山是富士山3776米)。日本有60个活火山。 9.日本人喜欢的话是樱花。樱花季节从冲绳开始北上。因此如果北上旅行的话三个月都可以观赏到樱花。 10.日本的主要道路分为:国道,都道府县道,高速汽车道,市町村道。 11.日本的国土按照地方分为:北海道,东北,关东,中部,近畿,中国,四国,九州,冲绳。 日本按照行政分为:1都,1道,2府,43个县。 二,日本历史 12. 日本历史时代可以划分为古代、中世、近世、近代 古代:(一万年前—纪元后11世纪):绳文时代,弥生时代,古坟时代,奈良时代,平安时代。 中世:(12世纪—16世纪):镰仓时代,室町时代, 近世:(16世纪—-19世纪):安土/桃山时代,江户时代 近代:(19世纪后半—1945年) 13.绳文时代,人们居住在竖穴中,大多以捕猎,打鱼,采集为生。 14. 三世纪开始种稻子。中稻技术对农耕社会产生了生产增长,产生贫富差距,农村共同体变为政治集团,划时代的社会变化。 15. 弥生时代使用种稻和金属器使用技术。 16. 在4世纪中期左右产生了大和政权。 17. 日本历史上4世纪中期左右第一次发动了对外侵略。 18. 前方后圆坟:古坟的一种。后面是圆形前方是方形。后面圆中是埋葬遗体的地方,前面用作祭祀。 19. 渡来人:从国外来的人,在古代指的是从朝鲜,中国去日本定居的人。


花道。在四季分明的日本,开放着各种四季不同的鲜花,人们不仅仅把鲜花简单地摘下装饰一番,而且要设法表现一种艺术观念,由此而产生了插花艺术,这种艺术再现了自然风貌,或者将鲜花的素材结构与天、地、人的形态相结合,持这种花道观念的流派很多。 有2000-3000种,最大的流派要数池坊,据说弟子有100万人。其次是小原流、草月流等。今天仍然保持生命力的有:立花、生花、投入插花、盛花。 相扑,古称素舞,起源于中国,唐朝时传入日本,来源于日本神道教的宗教仪式,人们在神殿为丰收之神举行比赛,盼望能带来好的收成。相扑由两名大力士裸露上身,互相角力。相扑运动员不仅要有气力,而且还要有熟练的技巧,技巧是决定比赛胜负的关键。技术大致分为推、摔、捉、拉、闪、按、使绊等。运动员主要用颈、肩、手、臂、胸、腹、腰、膝、腿、脚等部位, 灵活运用各种技术相互进攻。运动员(日本称为力士)按运动成绩分为10级:序之口、序二段、三段、幕下、十两、前头、小结、关胁、大关及横纲。横纲是运动员的最高级称号,也是终身荣誉称号。裁判用以指挥的扇子称为“军配”,扇子指向的一方胜。 茶道是在日本一种仪式化的、为客人奉茶之事。原称为“茶汤”。日本茶道和其他东亚茶仪式一样,都是一种以品茶为主而发展出来的特殊文化,但内容和形式则有别。它要求茶人必须做到“四规七则”,四规即“和、敬、清、寂”,这是贯穿整个茶道礼仪的宗旨和精神,由茶道高僧千利休确立。茶道的基本特色是恬静朴素,在百忙中挤出片刻闲暇,以达到“和敬清寂”的精神追求。 茶道。最初是僧侣用茶来集中自己的思想,从谂禅师曾经以“吃茶去”来接引学人;后来才成为分享茶食的仪式。现在的日本茶道分为抹茶道与煎茶道两种,但茶道一词所指的是较早发展出来的抹茶道。 茶道的精神还延伸到茶室内外的布置;品鉴茶室的书画布置、庭园的园艺及饮茶的陶器都是茶道的重点。 和服是日本人的传统民族服装,也是日本人最值得向世界夸耀的文化资产。和服的穿著巧技,乃是随著时代的风俗背景,琢磨考验,蕴育而生.高雅而优美的图案,源自於日本民族对於山水的欣赏及对於风土的眷恋,乃至於对人本精神与情境的细腻感受。 和服不仅融合了优雅气度与深层内敛之本质,更反应了穿著之人的「心」与「动」。每一套优美的和服,都经精心裁制,讲究穿著时的每一个细节及步骤。因此,不论是坐姿或站姿,都需经由完整的学习训练,而成为内外在兼具的完美礼仪.和服又有另外一个名称叫「赏花幕」,因为和服的图案与色彩,反映了大自然的具体意象,当人们穿著和服走动时,会因为晃动而使得和服如同一块动态的画布。 节日有12个: 1、元旦:1月1日。民间历来就有庆新年之风俗,但确定为国家节日是在1948年。按传统习俗,“大晦日”(除夕)进行大扫除。门前摆上松、竹、梅(“松门”)(现多已改为画片代替),以示吉祥如意。除夕完餐,全家吃过年面(荞麦面条),饭后一面看专为新年播送的电视节目,一面等待新年钟声,称“守岁”。元旦早餐吃杂煮(年糕汤),喝屠苏酒,吃“御节料理“(各种美味及节日菜肴)。元旦一般休假5~7天。 2、成人节:1月15日。1948年定为国家节日。按日本法律规定:20岁为成年。这一天凡年满20岁的青年都身着盛装去参加成人庆祝仪式。并以这一天为人生的新起点,开始具备履行法律的权利和义务。 3、建国纪念日:2月11日。日本神话传说,公元前660年2月11日神武天皇统一日本后建立日本国,并作了日本第一代天皇。旧时(二战结束前)称为“纪元节“,1945年被废除,1966年恢复后改称为现名。 武士道源于日本,是以为主君不怕死、不要命的觉悟为根本,强调“毫不留念的死,毫不顾忌的死,毫不犹豫的死”,为主君毫无保留的舍命献身的精神。“武士道”一词在江户时代才出现,武士道的思想借用了儒家的“忠”和“勇”,禅宗的“生死一如”等思想,并在神道思想的天皇信仰中杂糅重造而成。



日本文化概览课程感想 我在大三第一学期幸运地选上了日本文化概览这门课程,三年来上了许多的人文通识课程,像这样内容新颖、形式多样、气氛愉悦的课却不多。在今年能够选到这门课,我感到非常幸运和期待。 日本中心给人感觉是一幢很古朴幽静的小楼,进门需要换鞋,室内布置干净,就像日本文化给人的感觉简单也富有内涵,追求返朴归真。一学期的课程包含了日本文化的各个方面,包括日本大学、和食、旅游、产业等,都富有鲜明的日本民族特色。并且文化课程的每个授课老师都非常地尽职尽责,有自己独特的风格,比如茶道课的老师优雅从容端庄有礼,福岛旅游业宣传的老师风趣幽默充满热情。茶道体验和包装文化都让我们亲身实践学习,感觉特别新颖有趣。每节课的内容都很丰富且富有日本特色,而最让我印象深刻的还是茶道体验课。 日本茶道是在日本一种仪式化的、为客人奉茶之事,原称为“茶汤”。茶道规矩用具都非常的繁琐,在日本茶道中,客人和主人都按照特定的步骤和规矩办事,茶具、动作、火候、衣着要求都十分严格,日本茶道的精神还延伸囊括到茶室内外的布置,书画品鉴及饮茶的陶器,都是茶道的重点。老师演示时身着日本传统和服,在茶室中为我们做示范。待我们入座后,老师煮开水、取茶粉、冲茶,依次为我们奉上茶点。而学生必须按规定女生跪坐,男生盘腿,恭敬接茶后轻品慢饮,茶味清香、微苦,一饮而尽,唇齿留香。整个过程中,无论是老师还是茶道志愿者,她们的每一个动作,每一道程序都是端庄而不失亲切,有条

不紊十分优雅有礼,并热情地让我们免费品尝了和果子。我觉得日本茶道这种从容的气质很值得我们欣赏学习。在如今的快节奏生活状态下,更要培养一种从容的气质,不管在何种场合,如果能够保持从容不迫、顺应自然的态度,那面任何事情都能应付自如。我觉得老师教给我们的不仅日本的文化知识,更加用自身行动为我们展示了日本传统人文素养。 日本产业对于细节的讲究在产品包装课上让我深有体会,日本企业文化是一种精神,是他们在长期的经营活动中形成的。无论是纸质的优良,毛边的处理还是丝带的系法都精确到毫厘,老师们也都耐心的为我们解释、示范,一对一地教学。每一步都注重细节处理,让人感觉他们是真正的为顾客考虑,处处讲究细致却又节俭,不会浪费用料。反观现在我们周围的一些铺张浪费、偷工减料现象,他们真的是有值得我们学习的地方。 通过这次日本文化概览课的学习,获得了许多有意义的收获,多了解一下各个国家的风土人情,拓宽一些知识面,也对提高自身素养有所帮助。我想此次的学习知识初步触及了日本文化的冰山一角,也让我对日本文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,希望以后能有机会去到日本旅游,进一步亲身感受日本文化。

日本 英文介绍

JapanJapanAdd To WorkspaceBritannica Elementary Article Online Search World Data View Table of Contents Notes Viewer Minimize ToolbarMaximize Toolbar Find Print Save Bookmark Preferences Take a Note Show Notes Hide Notes Introduction Flag of Japan Japan is a country marked by contrast between old and new. The country values its complex and ancient cultural tradition. Yet life in modern Japan is increasingly focused on cities and modern technology. In the second half of the 1900s, Japan emerged as one of the world's most economically and technologically advanced societies. Japan is located off the east coast of Asia. The country consists of a string of four large islands and more than 3,900 smaller islands. From north to south, the main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. The largest is Honshu, which is regarded as the Japanese mainland. The Ryukyu Islands, including Okinawa, arc to the south and west of Kyushu. Tokyo, on Honshu, is the capital and one of the world's largest cities. Geography The islands of Japan form an arc that stretches about 2,400 kilometres (1,500 miles) from north-east to south-west. Japan has no land border with any other country. The open waters of the Pacific Ocean border Japan's eastern and south-eastern shores. China is to the south-west, across the East China Sea. North and South Korea are to the west, across the Sea of Japan. Russia lies across the Sea of Japan to the north-west and the Sea of Okhotsk to the north. Japan has a total land area of 377,835 kilometres (145,883 square miles). Mountains cover more than 80 per cent of Japan's land surface. They divide the islands into hundreds of smaller sections. The largest and highest mountain mass lies in central Honshu. Part of the range is known as the Japanese Alps. Many



日本文化概览课程感想 我在大三第一学期幸运地选上了日本文化概览这门课程,三年来上了许多的人文通识课程,像这样内容新颖、形式多样、气氛愉悦的课却不多。在今年能够选到这门课,我感到非常幸运和期待。 日本中心给人感觉是一幢很古朴幽静的小楼,进门需要换鞋,室内布置干净,就像日本文化给人的感觉简单也富有内涵,追求返朴归真。一学期的课程包含了日本文化的各个方面,包括日本大学、和食、旅游、产业等,都富有鲜明的日本民族特色。并且文化课程的每个授课老师都非常地尽职尽责,有自己独特的风格,比如茶道课的老师优雅从容端庄有礼,福岛旅游业宣传的老师风趣幽默充满热情。茶道体验和包装文化都让我们亲身实践学习,感觉特别新颖有趣。每节课的内容都很丰富且富有日本特色,而最让我印象深刻的还是茶道体验课。 日本茶道是在日本一种仪式化的、为客人奉茶之事,原称为“茶汤”。茶道规矩用具都非常的繁琐,在日本茶道中,客人和主人都按照特定的步骤和规矩办事,茶具、动作、火候、衣着要求都十分严格,日本茶道的精神还延伸囊括到茶室内外的布置,书画品鉴及饮茶的陶器,都是茶道的重点。老师演示时身着日本传统和服,在茶室中为我们做示范。待我们入座后,老师煮开水、取茶粉、冲茶,依次为我们奉上茶点。而学生必须按规定女生跪坐,男生盘腿,恭敬接茶后轻品慢饮,茶味清香、微苦,一饮而尽,唇齿

留香。整个过程中,无论是老师还是茶道志愿者,她们的每一个动作,每一道程序都是端庄而不失亲切,有条不紊十分优雅有礼,并热情地让我们免费品尝了和果子。我觉得日本茶道这种从容的气质很值得我们欣赏学习。在如今的快节奏生活状态下,更要培养一种从容的气质,不管在何种场合,如果能够保持从容不迫、顺应自然的态度,那面任何事情都能应付自如。我觉得老师教给我们的不仅日本的文化知识,更加用自身行动为我们展示了日本传统人文素养。 日本产业对于细节的讲究在产品包装课上让我深有体会,日本企业文化是一种精神,是他们在长期的经营活动中形成的。无论是纸质的优良,毛边的处理还是丝带的系法都精确到毫厘,老师们也都耐心的为我们解释、示范,一对一地教学。每一步都注重细节处理,让人感觉他们是真正的为顾客考虑,处处讲究细致却又节俭,不会浪费用料。反观现在我们周围的一些铺张浪费、偷工减料现象,他们真的是有值得我们学习的地方。 通过这次日本文化概览课的学习,获得了许多有意义的收获,多了解一下各个国家的风土人情,拓宽一些知识面,也对提高自身素养有所帮助。我想此次的学习知识初步触及了日本文化的冰山一角,也让我对日本文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,希望以后能有机会去到日本旅游,进一步亲身感受日本文化。


日本文化概况论文 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

文明开化中日本服饰的变化 1008016 侯佳敏 【摘要】在"文明开化"时期,日本积极学习西方文化和风俗,引进西方服饰,通过政府示范和出台鼓励政策,在社会上掀起了“断发易服”的风潮。日本在“文明开化”时期的服饰变革,打上了时代变革的烙印,体现了日本传统文化与西方文化在接触碰撞中逐渐融合的时代特征。 【关键字】日本;文明开化;服饰变化 1868年明治维新至19世纪80年代中期约20年的时间,被称为日本的“文明开化期”。在这段时间内,日本在“脱亚入欧”思想的指导下,积极学习西方文化,不仅在在衣食住行上全盘西化,而且在意识形态、价值观念、艺术文化上也开始向西方观念靠拢。而在文明开化中,日本人服饰的变化,很直观地反映了这一时期崇洋西化的社会风潮和改革中日本传统文化与西方文明的冲击融合,透过文明开化时期日本服饰的变化这一扇小窗,我们可以看到的却是明治维新这一个大时代。 日本的传统服装,是大约在600多年前定型的和服。正如日本近代民俗柳田国男所说:“服装是最能直接表现那个国家国民气质的东西。”尽管和服基本上由直线构成,穿上身呈直筒形,缺乏对人体曲线的显示,但它能显示出庄重、安稳、宁静。而日本传统的和服只有两种尺码:男物和女物。这体现高度统一的族群认同:除了最重要的男女差别之外,日本人皆“同质”。不仅如此,由于和服比较宽松,衣服上的“透气孔”有八个之多,袖、襟、裾均能自由开合,所以十分适应日本绝大部分地区温暖湿润的自然气候。不过,和服虽适应日本的自然气候,却并非始终适应社会政治气候。随着明治维新“文明开化,世相一新”的要求,日本人的服装产生了划时代的变革。 1872年太政官发布废止幕府时代服饰的布告,自天皇以下,达官贵人纷纷在正式场合身穿西洋大礼服,废除了大化改新以来复杂的传统和式服装,军方为通过征兵建立的新军队配备了西式制服,军服和官服成了日本服装“洋服化”的先驱。1871年,天皇和皇后分别模仿西方的君主和贵妇,着军装式西服和礼服亮相。在天皇和政府的示范效应下,洋服一时成为了时髦衣着。但由于是改革时期,人们对西方文化还没有完全了解,所以出现了很多古怪的混合穿法,比如在长裤外穿和服,男士上装是英国式的,长裤是美国式的,脚穿木屐,肩披和式披风,发型却是长及颈部的披发或是像

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