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操作一建交函: 上海杰依工贸有限公司 SHANGHAI JIEYI INDUSTRIAL TRADING COMPANY 地址:中国上海浦北路906号 ADD: 906 PUBEI ROAD,SHANGHAI 电话:0086-21- TEL:0086-21- 传真:0086-21- FAX:0086-21- Date:March 02end, 2003 Dear KHASHOGGI: company from our manager. I know we have trade relations before. But there were something wrong with our products. I am very sorry to hear that and I want to tell you about our sincere apology. I think it’s a pity for our trade relations. Because our company is different from last y ear. We can promise that our products won’t have I am the new operator of SHANGHAI JIEYI INDUSTRIAL TRADING COMPANY. I learned your any qualitative problems. I know your company is very prestigious between trade companies. We wish to express our desire to enter into business relationship with you again. As you know, we are a leading company with many year ’experience in spinning and weaving export business. We have our principle as ”Clients” needs come first. A credible sales network has been set up and we have our regular clients from over 100 countries and regions worldwide. Located in SHANGHAI, we take the advantage to set up our solidified production basis in coastal and inland areas. Different from one year before, our company have more new technology. We strict with our product’s quality, and any one of our product will have 3 times check up at least. We have collect many information about the blanket. And we make the new production: TENDER BRAND BABY BLANKET. TENDER BRAND BABY BLANKET is very useful. You can put it on your bed, sofa, room ground, table and so on. It’s very soft and warm. When you touch it ,you won’t fell coarse. The new technology send the blanket very firm! We have many different colures and style to choose. Babies will very glad to have a blanket like this! To give you a general idea of our products, we are enclosing our catalogue for your reference. Your comments on our products or any information on your market demand will be really appreciated. We will wait for your write in reply. Sincerely yours, Manager of Sales Department 操作二报价核算: 已知:运费=2700元 单价:SY001=34.9元BS007=36.7元WP101=40.20元AF022=44.5元 货号:SY001 成本核算: 实际成本=购货成本-退税收益=购货成本-购货成本×退税率×(1+升值税率) =34.90-34.90×9%/(1+17%)=32.2154元/条 运费核算: 包装尺码为:102×52.5×31cm


椿本链条贸易上海有限公司销售信息化管理的分析 21世纪的今天,企业全球化的高速发展正在改变传统的市场竞争法则,一个企业的成败不仅取决于它是否能有效地发挥组织机能,更需要在这个全球化的信息社会里不断地借鉴先进的企业管理模式、不断地寻找自身缺陷及时改进自身的管理方法,以求得企业在弱肉强食、劣者出局的严酷竞争中存活下来。在我国数量最多、特点最突出、优势最独特的中小型企业也纷纷主动或被动的进入了世界市场,如何在这样一种竞争激烈的经济环境中胜出并不断地强化自身竞争力,成为许许多多中小型企业急需解决的难题。利用信息技术来提高企业的管理水平和效率已是现代企业管理发展的一种趋势。因为成功的企业不仅能使企业充分地利用资源、提高效率、规范管理以及节约成本,而且还对企业的组织结构以及管理理念和文化都有积极的影响。 一、信息化管理的概述 (一)信息化管理的定义 信息化管理是将现代信息技术与先进的管理理念相融合,转变企业生产方式、经营方式、业务流程,串通管理方式和组织方式,重新整合企业的内外部资源,提高企业效率和效益、增强企业竞争力的过程。 信息化管理不是信息技术与经营管理技术的简单结合,而是相互融合和创新。信息化管理不是简单的用信息技术工具来实现已经陈旧的管理逻辑,不要期望将某种解决方案套用在传统的管理模式之上就会产生某种神奇的功效,当信息系统与现行的管理制度、组织行为发生剧烈冲击和碰撞的时候,信息系统往往无法提供更多的帮助,而需要的是通过信息化带动企业管理的创新,站在企业战略发展的高度,重新审视过去积淀的企业文化、企业理念、管理制度、组织结构,将信息技术融入到企业新的管理模式和方法中去。 信息化管理是一个动态的系统和一个动态的管理过程,企业的信息化并不能一蹴而就,而是渐渐积累的。企业内外部环境是一个动态的系统,企业管理的信息化系统软件也要与之相适应,管理信息系统的选型、采购、实施、应用是一个循环的动态过程。这一动态过程是与企业的战略目标和业务流程紧密联系在一起的。 (二)信息化管理的作用 企业的管理离不开信息系统的支持,信息化建设要在企业的管理框架下进行。企业的经营战略决定了企业信息化的战略。这就像企业的各个部门都要根据企业的经营战略来制定本部门的发展规划一样。反过来,信息化对企业管理的支持作用也是显而易见的,就像企业的财务、研发、人力等部门对企业的管理支持一样。 在企业总的管理框架下实施的信息化建设对企业的管理支持主要表现在以下几个方面: 1、信息化管理可以使企业的组织架构更合理 信息化能够使企业各部门之间便于实现连结,使企业的组织架构与部门设置、各部门的职能定位等更加容易,工作范围更加清晰,权责明确。在实施企业信息化的过程中,结合先进的管理思想,根据企业自身情况对组织架构重新定义和职能划分,使企业的组织架构能够与信息系统有机的结合,实现业务流程的改造和重组,从而优化企业的组织结构和管理手段。信息化可能对有的企业来说,组织架构不一定要变动,但对于大多数企业来说,部门的职能定位是需要重新定义的。 2、信息化管理可以使企业管理流程更加优化 企业在不同的时期,为了管理的需要出台许多流程。不仅公司出流程,各部门内部也可能出流程。在没有一个大的、统一的框架(明晰的组织架构和明确的职能定位)之下,流程与流程之间有可能存在重复、冲突,或者盲区,难免会出现混乱。比如在公司的催款方面,财务向欠款方催款,销售部门也向欠款方催款。有时相互之间会交流沟通,款项是否回收。

国际贸易TMT 建立业务关系

金海贸易公司 GOLDEN SEA TRADING CORPORATION TEL: 86-21-64331255 277 WU XING ROAD, FAX: 86-21-64331256 SHANGHAI, CHINA ADD.: 8TH FLOOR, JIN DU BUILDING , F.L.SMIDTH & CO. A/S FAX: (01)20 11 90 DATE: MARCH 2, 2003 TO: F.L.SMIDTH & CO. A/S Dear Sir/Madame, We have your name and address from the 2003.3Asian Source and are gla d to learn your interest in Chinese bicycles.From our establishment of the company,We have been in the light industrial field and have grown to bec ome one of the leading Imp. & Exp. companies in China, dealing with a wide range of commodities like bicycles, traditional Chinese handicrafts, and so on. We are exporting bicycles of various brands among which "For ever" and " Giant" Brand are the most famous ones. we have won a very good reputa tion from all of our customers. We are quite sure that our products will meet the requirements of your cu stomers.Through our study of European market, bicycle, because of its ch eap-price, convenience, non-air-pollution, and a good means of keeping fi t, has received a warmer welcome in recent years. We hope to extend our business relationship with you and our illustrated c


出口业务模拟实习报告 实习报告 实习名称: 上海杰依出口业务模拟 专业: 国际经济与贸易班级: 11-2 学院: 经济管理学院 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 2013年1月 04日

目录 一、专业实习简介 (4) 包括实习时间、实习地点、实习方式、实习目的等。 二、实习过程 (4) 建立业务关系 报价核算 发盘 还价核算 还盘 成交核算 合同签订 信用证理解 信用证分析审核 信用证修改 履约安排 托运 报检 投保 原产地认证 报关

装运通知 单据审核 单据缮制 交单结汇 业务善后 三、实习心得 (12) 四、实习总结 (14) 五、实习建议 (14)

一、专业实习简介 (一)实习时间 本次实习时间从2013年12月23日至2014年1月6日。 (二)实习地点 本次实习的地点采用集中的方式,安排至学院机房1号机房和3号机房。 (三)实习方式 在机房演习出口货物报关单的进出口业务流程。 (四)实习目的 根据相关的国际贸易法律与惯例,结合我国的实际情况与国际贸易实践,以出口贸易的基本过程为主线,以模拟设定的具体出口商品交易作背景,针对出口贸易中业务函电的草拟、商品价格的核算、交易条件的磋商、买卖合同的签订、出口货物的托运订舱、报验通关、信用证的审核与修改以及贸易文件制作和审核等主要业务操作技能。 二、实习过程 (一)建立业务关系 Hassan Al Kamar For General Trading Dar Al-Jeama Al-Kabeer, P.O Box 819, Sana'a, Yemen September12,2010 Dear Mr. Nasser, We have your name and address from our old friend Mr. George El Asmar of Abdullah Iezadi General Trading. We wish to inform you that we specialize in baby blanket, and shall be pleased to enter into trade relations with you. W e are a leading company with many year ’experience in spinning and weaving export business. We have our principle as ”Clients” needs come first. A credible sales network has been set up and we have our regular clients from over 100 countries and regions worldwide. Located in SHANGHAI, we take the advantage to set up our solidified production basis in coastal and inland areas. We strict with our product’s quality, and any one of our product will have 3 times check up at least. We have collect many information about the blanket. Baby blanket is very useful. You can put it on your bed, sofa, room ground, table and so on. It’s very soft and warm. When you touch it ,you won’t fell coarse. The new technology send the blanket very firm! We have many different colures and style to choose. Babies will very glad to have a blanket like this! To give you a general idea of our products, we are enclosing our catalogue for your reference.


上海杰依工贸有限公司 货号:SY001 1)实际成本=采购成本-退税收入 =34.90-34.90×9%/(1+17%)=32.2154元/条 2) 20英尺集装箱装箱量: 25/(1.02×0.525×0.31)=150.5979,取整,150箱 报价数量:150×20=3000 打 3)国内费用:5+(500+1000+350+50+1000+500+2000+1000)/3000=7.1333元/条 4)出口运费=(2700×8.25)/3000=7.425元/条 5)出口报价: FOBC3=(实际成本+国内费用)/(1-佣金率-预期利润率) =(32.2154+7.1333)/(1-3%-15%)/8.25 = 5.82美元/条 CFRC3=(实际成本+国内费用+出口运费)/(1-佣金率-预期利润率) =(32.2154+7.1333+7.425)/(1-3%-15%)/8.25 =6.91美元/条 CIFC3=(实际成本+国内费用+出口运费)/(1-佣金率-预期利润率-(1+加成率)×保费率)=(32.2154+7.1333+7.425)/(1-3%-15%-110%×(0.6%+0.3%))/8.25 =7.00美元/条 货号:BS007 1)实际成本=采购成本-退税收入 =36.70-36.70×9%/(1+17%)=33.8769元/条 2) 20英尺集装箱装箱量: 25/(1.02×0.525×0.31)=150.5979,取整,150箱 报价数量:150×20=3000 打 3)国内费用:5+(500+1000+350+50+1000+500+2000+1000)/3000=7.1333元/条 4)出口运费=(2700×8.25)/3000=7.425元/条 5)出口报价: FOBC3=(实际成本+国内费用)/(1-佣金率-预期利润率) =(33.8769+7.1333)/(1-3%-15%)/8.25 =6.06美元/条 CFRC3=(实际成本+国内费用+出口运费)/(1-佣金率-预期利润率) =(33.8769+7.1333+7.425)/ /(1-3%-15%)/8.25 =7.16美元/条 CIFC3=(实际成本+国内费用+出口运费)/(1-佣金率-预期利润率-(1+加成率)×保费率)=(33.8769+7.1333+7.425)/(1-3%-15%-110%×(0.6%+0.3%))/8.25 =57.25美元/条 货号:WP101 1)实际成本=采购成本-退税收入 =40.20-40.20×9%/(1+17%)=37.1077元/条 2) 20英尺集装箱装箱量: 25/(1.05×0.54×0.33)=133.6112,取整,133箱 报价数量:133×20=2660 打 3) 国内费用:5+(500+1000+350+50+1000+500+2000+1000)/2660=7.4060元/条

TMT国际贸易实训_上海金海贸易公司 实验九 修改信用证

实验九修改信用证 根据你的审证结果草拟改证函 金海贸易公司 GOLDEN SEA TRADING CORPORATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD: 8TH FLOOR, JIN DU BUILDING, TEL: 0086-21-64331255 277 WU XING ROAD, FAX: 0086-21-64331256 SHANGHAI, CHINA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO: F.L.SMIDTH & CO. A/S FAX: (01)20 11 90 DATE: APRIL 25, 2003 Dear Sirs your L/C No. FLS-JHLC06 to hand, but we are quite sorry to find that it contains some discrepancies with the S/C. Please instruct your bank to amend the L/C as quickly as possible. The L/C is to be amended as follows: ●The place of expiry shall be "In China", in stead of "at our counter". ●The address of applicant is 77, Vigerslev, Alle, DK-2500 Valley, and Copenhagen, Denmark, in stead of ‘DK-2600……' ●The name of the goods is YE803 26' and TE600 24', instead of YE803 24' and TE600 26'. * Delete the clause "1/3 original B/L……".And it shall be "3/3 original clean shipped on board marine bill of lading ..."instead of "2/3 original clean shipped on board marine bill of lading..." ●The S/C No. should be JH-FLSSC06, instead of FLS9711. ●The transshipment is allowed anywhere, not 'transshipment is allowed only in Hong Kong'. * Documents to be presented within 15 days after the date of issuanceOf the transport documents instead of within 5 days. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, GOLDEN SEA TRADING CORP. Manager MARY SHENG


国贸答案 操作一:建交参考 上海杰依工贸有限公司 SHANGHAI JIEYI INDUSTRIAL TRADING COMPANY 地址:中国上海浦北路906号 ADD: 906 PUBEI ROAD,SHANGHAI 电话:0086-21-64759723 TEL:0086-21-64759723 传真:0086-21-64759800 FAX:0086-21-64759800 Hassan Al Kamar For General Trading P.O. Box 20242 Taiz Street Sana'a - Republic of Y emen Date: March 2nd 2003 Dear Ms Lamia Khashoggi, How are you? It is almost a year since we concluded our last transaction. During this long period, we believe you have been going smoothly in a profitable way, while our company has been developing fast as well. Now we have set up more factories and the capacity of our manufacturers has been doubled, so we can do business more flexibly. Looking back on the past cooperation between us, we appreciate the sound friendship and joint efforts though some shipments were not to your satisfaction. Y ou may be interested to know that we have established a comprehensive monitoring system to ensure the quality and improve our after-sales service programs all-round. We assure you if we receive your new inquiry we would give the best price for the high-quality goods in strict conformity with the delivery date. In particular, we'd like to recommend our latest product: TENDER BRAND BABY BLANKET, which enjoys a high reputation in other western Asian countries because of its fashionable designing, elaborated craftsmanship and excellent material. We have sent to you separately our updated catalogue with illustrations. We will be appreciated if you would inform us of your comments on these items as well as the market situation in your region. It is obviously to our mutual benefit if we can meet the demand of your country.


操作一:建立业务关系 上海金海贸易公司 2003年3月的《亚洲杂志》(Asia Source)上刊登,丹麦F.L.SMIDTH公司欲求购中国产的自行车。公司全称和详细地址为: F.L.SMIDTH & CO. A/S 77, VIGERSLEV ALLE, DK-2500 VALBY COPENHAGEN, DENMARK FAX: (01)20 11 90 请给丹麦客户发一封建立业务关系的信函,要求格式完整、正确,主要内容包括公司介绍、可提供的产品介绍(永久牌、凤凰牌等),说明另邮航寄商品目录,并表达期待尽快与对方达成具体交易的热切愿望等。 信函日期:2003年3月2日 操作二:出口报价核算 商品:永久牌山地自行车 货号:YE803 / TE600 颜色:蓝、绿、红、紫、白(其他商品资料可在TMT信息查询系统中查询) 已知出口退税为9%, 国内费用:出口包装费每辆10元; 整批货物(两个货号1200辆)共需仓储费500元; 国内运杂费1000元;商检费650元;报关费50元; 港口费800元;业务费2000元;其它1000元。 保险:发票金额加10%投保一切险和战争险, 费率分别为0.6%和0.3%; 公司要求的预期利润率为成交价格的10%并以即期信用证作为付款方式。 核算要求:请根据上述条件,以美元为报价单位进行出口报价核算,列出详尽的计算过程 (分步计算,结果保留4位小数,最后报价取2位小数)。 操作三:草拟发盘函 请根据客户来函要求,写一封发盘信,详细回答客户提出的问题,告知对方交易的基本条件,并敦促对方尽快做出决定,发盘有效期为七天。 交易的基本条件:

1. 保险:按发票金额加成10%投保一切险及战争险。 2. 支付方式:即期信用证。 3. 装运:五月底装运。 信函日期:2003年3月12日 操作四:出口还价核算 根据F.L.SMDTH公司的还价,请计算:(计算过程小数请保留至4位,小于1时保留至5位,计算结果取小数后2位) 1) 各货号经还价后的总利润额分别为多少元人民币? 2) 若接受对方价格,而我公司的利润率又不得少于6%,那么,在其它条件不变的情况下,公司应掌握的国内采购价分别为多少元人民币? 再次报价: 重新报出公司利润为6%的CIFC5价格


SHANGHAI JIEYI INDUSTRIAL TRADING COMPANY 报价核算表 填表日期:2018年3月23 填表人:严晶莹 为保证报价的精确性,计算过程一律保留4位小数,数值小于1 商品:天乐牌童毯 货号:SY001 1、实际成本=34.90-34.90x0.09/1.17=32.2154元 2、国内费用:一个20'集装箱可装纸箱数=25/(1.02x0.525x0.31)=150箱 国内费用=5+(500+1000+350+50+1000+500+2000+1000)/(150x20)=7.1333元 3、出口运费=(2700×8.25)/3000=7.425元 4、报价FOBC3=(32.2154+7.1333)/(1-0.03-0.15)=47.9862元=USD5.82 CFRC3=(32.2154+7.425+7.1333)/(1-0.03-0.15)=57.0411元=USD6.91 CIFC3=(32.2154+7.425+7.1333)/(1-0.03-0.15-1.1X0.009)=57.7382元 =USD7.00 货号:BS007 1、实际成本=36.70-36.70x0.09/1.17=33.8769元 2、国内费用:一个20'集装箱可装纸箱数=25/(1.02x0.525x0.31)=150箱

国内费用=5+(500+1000+350+50+1000+500+2000+1000)/(150x20)=7.1333元 3、出口运费=(2700×8.25)/3000=7.425元 4、报价:FOBC3=(33.8769+7.1333)/(1-0.03-0.15)=50.0124元=USD6.06 CFRC3=(33.8769+7.425+7.1333)/(1-0.03-0.15)=59.0673元=USD7.16 CIFC3=(33.8769+7.425+7.1333)/(1-0.03-0.15-1.1X0.009)=59.7892元=USD7.25 货号:WP101 1、实际成本=40.20-40.20x0.09/1.17=37.1077元 2、国内费用:一个20'集装箱可装纸箱数=25/(1.05x0.54x0.33)=133箱 国内费用=5+(500+1000+350+50+1000+500+2000+1000)/(133x20)=7.4060元 3、出口运费=(2700×8.25)/2660=8.3741元 4、报价:FOBC3=(37.1077+7.4060)/(1-0.03-0.15)=54.285元=USD6.58 CFRC3=(37.1077+8.3741+7.4060)/(1-0.03-0.15)=64.4973元=USD7.82 CIFC3=(37.1077+8.3741+7.4060)/(1-0.03-0.15-1.1X0.009)=65.2855元=USD7.91 货号: AF022 1、实际成本=44.50-44.50x0.09/1.17=41.0769元


一、撰写建交函 上海爱迪贸易有限公司为一主营文具及办公用品的国有公司,产品以其质优价廉享誉国内外。从中国银行新加坡分行得知,新加坡BRIGHT STATIONERY CO.是该国一主要文具进口商,公司地址为: BRIGHT STATIONERY CO. 125 SUNFLOWER PLAZA SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE FAX: 065-7890023 请你作为上海爱迪贸易有限公司的业务人员,向对方推荐光明牌绘图机(Bright Brand drawing machines),并随附最新商品目录。请根据上述基本要求,给对方发一份建立商务关系的E-Mail,要求格式正确、内容完整、语气诚恳热切。 信函日期:2013年3月2日 二、出口报价核算 你收到对方的回复如下: BRIGHT STATIONERY CO. 125 SUNFLOWER PLAZA SINGAPORE FAX: 065-7890023 SHANGHAI AIDI TRADING CO. LTD 548 YANPING ROAD Shanghai, China FAX: 0086-021-******** DATE: 07-MAR-13 Dear Sales Manager, Thank you for your fax and your catalogue. We have concluded several successful transactions of similar products with other traders in your region. Recently we have received several inquiries from our customers and find that the Art. No. 7003 is closest to their requirements except that they require packing in wooden cases instead of in cartons. Therefore we wonder whether you can comply with the requirement or not. Meanwhile, please note that your after-sale service must be well in the position to meet our customers' demand for free replacement of spare parts. For your reference, we would like to state some of our general terms and conditions as follows: 1) Our usual term of payment is by D/P at 30 days' sight. 2) If the transaction is concluded on the CIF or CFR Singapore basis, the buyer must have the right to appoint the forwarding company. 3) The goods, before being loaded at the port of shipment, must be inspected by an inspection institution agreeable to the buyer in the presence of the buyer's representative. We hope the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you and may become the basis of our future business. By return E-mail, please inform us of your banker and quote us your best prices for Art. No.SBT-121,


1)利润核算 货号YE803 26' 总利润额=销售收入-客户佣金-出口保费-实际成本-国内费用-出口运费=62.00*8.25*600*(1-5%-110%*0.9%)-210*600*(1+17%-9%)/(1+17%) -(100+80+70+200+50+1200+100)*10/2-3935*10*8.25/2 =890.2477元 货号TE600 24' 总利润额=销售收入-客户佣金-出口保费-实际成本-国内费用-出口运费=68.00*8.25*600*(1-5%-110%*0.9%)-250*600*(1+17%-9%)/(1+17%) -(100+80+70+200+50+1200+100)*10/2-3935*10*8.25/2 =6657.3715元 2)成本核算: 设含税国内采购价格为x 货号YE803: 62×(1-6%-5%-110%×0.9%)×8.25-3935/120×8.25-1800/120 =[x-x/(1+17%)×9%] 62×0.8801 ×8.25-270.5312-15=0.9231x x=164.64/0.9231 =178.36(元)/辆 货号TE600: [68×(1-5%-6%-110%×0.9%)-32.7917-1.8182] ×8.25 =[x-x/(1+17%)×9%] 25.2369×8.25=0.9231x 208.2344=0.9231x x=225.55(元)/辆 3)再次报价: 货号YE803: =[(210-16.1538+15)/8.25+32.7917]/(1-110×0.9%-5%-6%) =[25.3147+32.7917]/0.8801 =66.02 取整报价为YE803:US$ 66.00 per set; 货号TE600: [(250-19.2308+15)/8.25+32.7917]/ (1-110×0.9%-5%-6%) =[29.7902+32.7917]/0.8801 =71.11 取整报价为TE600: US$ 71.00 per set.

杰依国贸实习 山科

实习报告 实习名称: 上海杰依出口业务模拟 专业: 国际经济与贸易班级: 学院: 经济管理学院 姓名: 学号: 0901061627 指导教师: 2011年12月 29日

目录 一、专业实习简介 (1) 包括实习时间、实习地点、实习方式、实习目的等。 二、实习过程 (2) (一)注册公司 (2) (二)… 三、实习心得 (7) (一)提高了动手能力 (7) (二)… 四、实习总结 (10) 五、实习建议

一、专业实习简介 (一)实习时间 本次实习时间从2011年12月19日至2011年12月28日。 (二)实习地点 本次实习的地点采用集中的方式,安排至学院机房2号机房。 (三)实习方式 在机房演习出口货物报关单的进出口业务流程。 (四)实习目的 根据相关的国际贸易法律与惯例,结合我国的实际情况与国际贸易实践,以出口贸易的基本过程为主线,以模拟设定的具体出口商品交易作背景,针对出口贸易中业务函电的草拟、商品价格的核算、交易条件的磋商、买卖合同的签订、出口货物的托运订舱、报验通关、信用证的审核与修改以及贸易文件制作和审核等主要业务操作技能。 二、实习过程 (一)建立业务关系 Hassan Al Kamar For General Trading Dar Al-Jeama Al-Kabeer, P.O Box 819, Sana'a, Yemen September12,2010 Dear Mr. Nasser, We have your name and address from our old friend Mr. George El Asmar of Abdullah Iezadi General Trading. We wish to inform you that we specialize in baby blanket, and shall be pleased to enter into trade relations with you. W e are a leading company with many year ’experience in spinning and weaving export business. We have our principle as ”Clients” needs come first. A credible sales network has been set up and we have our regular clients from over 100 countries and regions worldwide. Located in SHANGHAI, we take the advantage to set up our solidified production basis in coastal and inland areas. We strict with our product’s quality, and any one of our product will have 3 times check up at least. We have collect many information about the blanket. Baby blanket is very useful. You can put it on your bed, sofa, room ground, table and so on. It’s very soft and warm. When you touch it ,you won’t fell coarse. The new technology send the blanket very firm! We


上海金海贸易公司 GOLDEN SEA TRADING CORPORA TION ----------------------------------------------------------- ADD.: 8TH FLOOR, JIN DU BUILDING , TEL: 86-21-64331255 277 WU XING ROAD, FAX: 86-21-64331256 SHANGHAI, CHINA ----------------------------------------------------------- TO: F.L.SMIDTH & CO. A/S FAX: ( 01

20 11 90 DA TE: MARCH 2, 2001 Dear Sir or Madam , Nice to contact you! We have your name and address from the Asian Source. According the report, we know you are interested in Chinese bicycles. Here writing you with expectation of establishing business relationship. Now we take this opportunity to introduce our company. Our company was founded in 1978. We are a large comprehensive import & export company with many years' experience in trade.We are mainly produce all kinds

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