当前位置:文档之家› 美国口语教程31-40



Lesson Thirty-one Making plan

What do you plan to do tomorrow?明天你计划做什么?

What do you plan to do on the weekend?周末你计划做什么?

work out a plan 制定计划

=make a plan

building plan图纸


Nice to meet you见面时用语

Nice meeting you离开时用语

You too。

How are you doing ?见过面不太熟用语

Doing well.还好。

W hat’s up?熟人见面用语

Not much.。没什么。

I’m planning to go to the English corner. 我计划去英语角。

I’m planning to learn English.我计划学英语

I’m planning to take a trip.我计划去旅行。

I’m hoping to spend a few day in the mountains.我希望去山里面待几天。

I’m hoping to spend a few day at the seaside.我希望去海边待几天。

I’m hoping to spend a few days in Shanghai.我希望去上海待几天。

I think I’ll do some work instead of going to the movies.我想我会工作而不是去看电影。

go to the movies去看电影

film 胶卷



I think I’ll learn english instead of staying home.我想我会学英语而不是待在家里。

I think I’ll go shopping instead of going to the movies.

I think I’ll do sth. instead of doing another thing.

T here’s nothing to do because tomorrow is a holiday.没什么可做的,因为明天是假期。holiday 法定假期,传统节假日


winter vacation寒假

summer vacation暑假

T here’s nothing to do today.今天没什么可做的。

T here’s nothing to do because tomorrow is weekend.

T here’s nothing to do because tomorrow is my off-day. 没什么可做的,应为明天是我的休息日。National Day 国庆节

Labor Day劳动节

Spring Festival春节

I doubt I’ll do anything tomorrow.我不认为我明天会做任何事情。

Do you have a position for a secretary?你们有秘书的空缺吗?

I doubt it.=I don’t think so.我不认为…

Without doubt 毫无疑问

Without doubt Zoe is my best friend.毫无疑问,Zoe是我最好的朋友。

Without doubt,this book is great.毫无疑问,这本书很好。

H e can’t decide what to do.他决定不了做什么。

W e can’t de cide what to do.

T hey can’t decide what to do.

Would you consider going north this summer?你考虑今年夏天去北方吗?

Would you consider buying a house?

Would you consider moving to beijing?

T hat’s a good idea.这主意不错。

I’d love to.but I’m tired.

I’d love to,but I have no time.

T hat’s a good ,but i’ll ill lately.很好,但最近我生病了。

Please excuse me for a little while ,I want to do something.失陪一会儿,我有点事。

Excuse me意思:失陪;劳驾、借光;请再说一遍=I beg you pardon

a little while 片刻稍等反义词a long time

restroom 洗手间=bathroom

toilet 抽水马桶

lavatory 盥洗室(飞机或船上的)

Lesson Thirty-Two Making decisions

What have you decided?Can you tell me?你做了决定没有?可以告诉我吗?

decide v.决定

decision n. 决定

I’ve definitely decided to go to California.我的确已经决定去加州。

I’ve decided to learn English.

I’ve decided to change my jobs.

I’ve decide d to stop smoking.

She has decided against buying a new car.他已经决定不买一辆新车了。

I’ve decided against staying up late.我已经决定不再熬夜太晚了。

night person 夜猫子

early bird 起得早的人

The early bird catches the worm.

I’ve decided against dying my hair.

skin head光头


I can’t m ake up my mind right now.我无法立刻作出一个决定。

make up one’s mind做决定

I’m sure you’re made the right choice .我肯定你已经做出正确的选择。

make a choice 做出选择

After you think it over,please let me know what you decide.等你考虑过后,请把你的决定告诉我。

think over 考虑清楚

We are all determined to succeed.我们决心一定要取得成功。

We are all determined to go abroad.

be determined to do sth.决心做某事

She is trying to talk me into changing my mind.她正试图说服我改变主意。

chang one’s mind.改变主意

I changed my mind later.

It took us a long time to make up our mind.做决定花了我们很长的时间。

It takes sb. some time to do sth.

It took me two days to read this book.

It took me one week to write this report.

make a good choice.

make a bad choice.

Lesson Thirty-Three Telephone English

telephone=phone 电话

make a call 打电话

call sb. 给某人打电话

mobile phone/cell phone 手机

cordless phone 无绳电话

pay phone 公用电话

walkie-talkie 对讲机

Hello ,T his is john here.who’s speaking?

H ello,this is john ,who’s that please.?

H ello ,this is will speaking,who’s that please.?

May I speak to Mr. Smith

Sorry, he is tied up at the moment. 对不起,他这时正忙。

Wait a minute,please.

One moment please.

Sorry ,she is out.

S orry ,she isn’t in.

Sorry,she is tied up.对不起,他抽不开身。

Would you like to leave a message or call back later? 你愿意留话还是过后再打过来。Please tell him his mother is here.

Please tell her her brother is ill.

Would you mind calling back later?

Would you mind calling back this afternoon?

Thank you,I’ll call back later.

short message=SMS 短信

Ok,I’ll call his mobile phone/cell phone.

What number should I dial to get the manager?you get him at 672-5588. 要找经理应该拨哪个号码?你拨672-5588能找到他。

6083 six 0 eight three

long distance 长途电话

I want to make a long distance call. 我要打一个长途电话。

international call 国际电话

make an international call 打国际电话

toll free call 免费电话

local call 市话

collect call 对方付费电话

Michael ,you are wanted on the telephone. Michael,有人给你打电话。

Pick up ,the receiver and drop a coin into the slot. 拿起电话筒,然后投一枚硬币到投币孔里去。

The telephone is ringing ,would you answer it please. 电话铃响了,你去接一下好吗?

I tried to call Miss dole,but the line was busy.我试着给dole女士打电话,但是占线。

I dialed the right number ,but nobady answered. 我拨对号码了,但没人接。

How can I reach you? 我怎么能联系到你?

I am going out for a few days. 我将出去几天。

Can I call you back later?以后再联系你好吗?

Lesson Thirty-Four Eating Out


vanilla 香草


restraurent 饭店

dessert 甜食


potato 土豆

tomato 西红柿

soup 汤

soap 香皂

Jame,let’s go to dinner!I t’s on time.Jame,一起去吃饭吧,我请客。L et’s go eat.

I t’s my treat.

I’m buying.

L et’s split.AA制


Go Dutch. AA 制

They serve good food in this restaurant. 这家餐馆饭菜很不错。



I t’s very delicious. = I t’s very tasty.很好吃。

What do you recommend? 您能推荐一些特色菜吗?

W hat’s good here?有什么好菜?

W hat’s the daily special?今天的特价菜品是什么?

Mr. Rice ,what would you like to eat?

What do you want?

I’d like beijing roast duck and some vegetable.我要北京烤鸭和一些蔬菜。Peking duck/Beijing roast duck 北京烤鸭

hot pot 热狗

instant boiled mutton 涮羊肉

instant coffee 速溶咖啡

instant noddles 方便面

cold dish 冷盘

spring roll 春卷

Which would you rather have steak or fish? 你要吃什么?牛排还是鱼?pork 猪肉

beef 牛肉

muton 羊肉

dog’s meat狗肉


You eat like a horse. 你真能吃啊。

You eat like a bird. 你吃得真少啊。

You drink like fish.你真能喝。

You sleep like a log.你真能睡。

gut 内脏

jelly fish 海蜇(美国人不吃)

chicken feet 凤爪

pork blood 猪血(美国人不吃)

What kind of vegetables do you have? 你要什么蔬菜?celery 芹菜

spinach 菠菜

cabbage 卷心菜

chinese cabbage 大白菜

eggplant 茄子

lettuce 生菜

cauliflower 西兰花

cucumber 黄瓜

peanut 花生

water spinach 空心菜

drink 饮料

soft drink 软饮料

beer 啤酒

juice 果汁

wine 葡萄酒

red wine 红葡萄酒(配肉)

white wine 白葡萄酒(配鱼)

Cheers 干杯!

To your health 为你的健康干杯!

To our friendship 为我们的友谊干杯!

To our cooperation。为我们的合作干杯!


Le t’s eat up!开吃吧。(女主人说)

Help yourself. 你自己来。

Bottoms up. 干了吧。

I’m (very) full.我饱了。

Check please.我来结帐。

Tip 小费15%左右

I tip the waiter. 我给男服务生小费

I tip the waitress. 我给女服务生小费。


You are so stingy. 你真吝啬。

Do you enjoy the meal? 吃得怎么样?

Y es ,it’s very del icious. 非常好吃。

Thank you very much! 谢谢你。


hot dog 热狗

burge / cheese burger 汉堡包

sandwich 三明治

pizza 匹萨饼

dried chicken 炸鸡

french fries/fries 薯条



breakfast 早饭lunch午饭super 晚饭dinner 正餐,宴会brunch 早中饭

mid-night snack 夜宵banguet 宴会(大型,正式)

buffet 自助餐

bar B Q 烤肉

soup 汤

appetizer 开胃品

main course 主菜

dessert 甜点

tea and coffee 茶和咖啡

Lesson Thirty-Five Going Shopping

I enjoy going to department stores on the weekends. 我喜欢在周末逛百货商场。

shoping mall 步行街

department store 百货商店

supermarket 超市

flea market 旧货市场跳蚤市场

store 商店

bookstore 书店

chain store 连锁店

KFC is a chain store KFC 是一家连锁店。

drugstore 药店,街边杂货铺,小卖部

stand 路边摊

newsstand 报摊

fruit stand 水果摊

snack stand 小吃摊

vend 出售

vending machine 自动售货机

I’d like to look at one of these watches.

What can I do for you?

May I help you?

I am looking for sth.

I am looking for a tie.

I’d like to look at sth.

I’d like to look at the clothes.

I am going to shoping bacause I need to buy some clothes. 我去逛街,因为我需要买些衣服。do some shopping逛街

I am going shopping because I need to buy some drinks.

Can I try this jacket? 我可以试穿这件甲克吗?

try on 试穿

Can I try on this sweater?

Can I try on this shirt?

I f this shirt doesn’t fit,may I return it later? 如果簿合身,我能拿来退换吗?return 退换

refund 退款

exchange 换货

W hat’s the price of this wallet?这个钱夹多少钱?

How much is...=W hat’s the price of...

W hat’s the price of this TVset?

How much do I owe you?

IOU 借条,欠条

ABC:american born chinese

ABC:basic knowledge and skills 基础知识和技能

I just know some ABC about English.我对英语只知道一点点。


I read this textbook from AtoZ.我把这本教材从头到尾读了一遍。

That’s a good camera,but it costs too much.这个照相机不错,可是它太贵。

I t’s so expensive.

I t’s costs too much.

I t’s cheap and expensive.又俗气又贵

I t’s a baigain.很便宜

I t’s a good deal.这是幢好买卖。

T he orange juice is on sale today,it’s a good deal.橙汁今天减价出售,很划算的。Any discount? 有折扣吗?

Can you give me any discount? 能给我一点折扣吗?

on sale 减价出售

This book is on sale.

This suit is on sale.

for sale 待售

This house is for sale.

promotion 促销

ten percent off 九折

twenty percent off 八折

twenty-five percent off 75折

two for one 买一送一

I’ll take it.我买下了。

buy 买

purchase 采购

get=take 得到,买到

pick up sth. 顺便捎带

pick up sb. 接某人

The checkout counters are extremely busy at the moment. 现在收款机十分忙。checkout counter 付款台

cashier 收银员

E xcuse me ,where’s the checkout counter?

Would you like to pay with cash or a credit card? 你愿意用现金还是信用卡?cash or charge 现金还是记帐

card 信用卡

check 支票

cash cow 核心业务部门,盈利最高的部门

Do you have change for a fifty-dollar bill? 50元一张你找得开吗?

Do you have change for a 100 dollar bill?

That will be eighteen dollars and severty-five cents.

dollar=buck 元(口语化)

This T-shirt is made of cotton , isn’t it?这件T恤是全棉的,对吗?

be made of 由…制成

be made from 由…制成(看不出原材料)

This sofa is beautiful,where did you get it? 这个沙发很漂亮,你在哪儿买的?

Lesson Thirty-Six Going places

Are you going to go any place this year? 你今年准备去什么地方?

this year

last year

next year

vacation 公休假,寒暑假

Are you gioing to go to any place in winter vacation? 如果我有足够钱,我想出趟国。

If I have enough money,I am going to take a trip abroad.

take a trip to somewhere 去某地一趟

I’m taking a trip to Hongkong.

I’m t aking a trip to America.

I’m taking a trip to Taiwan by a way of Hongkong. 我要去趟台湾经由香港中转。

I’m taking a trip to San Francisco via Shanghai. 我要去趟旧金山经由上海中转。

Will you go with a tour group? 你会随旅行团一起去吗?

Personality,I prefer to go by myself. 就个人而言,我更偏好自己旅行。

tour group 旅行团

How are you going ? Are you going by boat? 你怎么去?是坐船去吗?

by train

by plane

by air

by bus

on foot

I’m going by air, I like flying. 我坐飞机去,我喜欢坐飞机。


fly to somewhere 飞到什么地方

I like flying a lot. 我非常喜欢坐飞机。

I like spicy food. 我喜欢吃辣的。

I’ll fly to shangh ai.

How long does the flight take?I t’s a six-hour flight. 飞行时间多长?这是六小时的飞机航程。flght 飞机航程

train ride 火车航程

I t’s a 48-hour train ride.

bus ride 公共汽车行程

voyage 船的航程

I t’s a 16-hour voyage。坐船16小时的航程。

I t’s a 2-hour drive. 开车需2个小时。

I t’s a 1-hour walk. 要走1个小时。

At to gether,it’ll take ten days to make the trip.这次旅行需十天时间。

make a trip 完成一次旅行

I hope you have a good time on your trip. 我希望你旅途愉快。

good time=have fun=have a gread time-enjoy yourself

have a great trip旅途愉快。

have a safe trip 旅途安全

bon voyage=good trip 旅途愉快


thank you

thanks a lot

thank you very much

thanks a million

I appreciate it.

Thank you

No problem

My pleasure

You are welcome

Forget it。不用谢!忘了吧!

D on’t mention it.不用注意这些。别记住它。

souvenir 纪念品

How was your trip?

How was your exam?

How was your paper? 这篇论文怎么样?

I t’s cool.很棒!

I t’s great.

I t’s amazing.

I t’s sucks.很糟糕。

My friend was injured in an airplane crash. 我的朋友在一次飞行坠毁事件中受了伤。

How many passenges were on this plane?这架飞机上有多少乘客?

There are over eight hundred passengers on the train. 这列火车上载有超过800名乘客。

L et’s go out to the airport. the plane will land in an hour. 我们去机场吧,飞机还有一个小时就要降落了。

airport 飞机场

train station 火车站

harbor 港口

bus stop 公共汽车站

take a walk 散步

Would you like to take a walk? 你想出去散散步?

I’d love to take a walk?

I’d love to, but I am pretty busy now. 我很愿意,但我现在很忙。

Lesson Thirty-Seven Health

Health is better than wealth.健康胜过财富。

We work out regularly to keep fit. 我坚持锻炼以保持健康。

I am quiet fit. 我很健康。

I don’t feel well today.我今天不太舒服。

I am sick.=I am ill.=I feel terrble. 我生病了。

I am very ill. 我病入膏肓。

W hat’s bothering you? 你怎么了?

I’ve got a bad cold.

see the doctor 看医生

go to hospital 住院

cold 感冒

bad cold 重感冒

flu 流感

fever 发烧

cough 咳嗽

headache 头疼

SARS=severe acute respiration syndrome

WHO=world health organization

public health 公共卫生

I went to see my doctor for a medical check-up. 昨天我去医生那里做了一次体检。


have a check-up 做体检

I had a check-up last week.

What did the doctor say?

The doctor said I am a little over weight. 医生说我有点超重。



over weight 超重

under weight 体重不足

lose some weight 减肥

put on some weight 增加体重

You look pale these days.you should take your health more seriously. 最近你的面色不太好,你应当重视一下身体健康了。

You look pale. 你看起来气色不好。

You look great today. 今天气色很好。

You look tried. 你看上去很累。

You look happy.

You look excited. 很激动。

I’ve got a fever,so I take sick leave today. 我发烧了,所以今天请了病假。

sick leave 病假

home leave 探亲假

I have watery eyes and a running nose. 我的眼睛流泪,鼻子流鼻涕。


physiciam 内科医生

surgeon 外科医生

dentist 牙医

nurse 护士

handyman 勤杂工人

patient 病人

hospital 医院


I have an appointment with my doctor tommrrow morning. 明天早上我和我的医生有个预约。

If you want to be healthy,you have to stop smoking cigarettes. 如果你想健康,你就得戒烟。If you want to be healthy,you have to do some exercise.

If you want to improve your spoken english,you have to open your mouth and practice again and again.如果你想提高口语,你就得张开口反复练习。

think loudly自言自语

She gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure. 她给我做了胸部X光透视,还给我测了血压。

X-ray X光射线

chest X-ray 胸透

I t’s bleeding在流血。

blood pressure 血压

blood type 血型

blood test 验血

blood donation 献血

blood transfusion 输血

temperature 体温

ta ke one’s temperature量体温

feel the pulse号脉

The doctor wrote out a prescription for me. 医生给我开了处方。

write a prescription 开处方

I have to take these pills every six hours. 我得每6小时服一次这种药丸。

pill 药丸


capsule 胶囊

lotion 药液

cream 药膏

painkiller 止疼药


traditional chinese medicine 中药

shot 打针

infusion 打点滴

be hospitalized 送到医院治疗

first aid 急救

operation 手术

major operation 大手术

minor operation 小手术

I t’s just a mosquito bite,nothing to worry about.只不过是蚊子咬罢了,没什么好担心的。mosquito蚊子

fly 苍蝇

L et’s have a bite .让我们随便吃点东西。

nothing to worry about=take it easy 不用担心

headache 头痛

stomachache 胃痛

earache 耳痛

backache 背痛

Frank is in hospital ,we hope he will get better soon. Frank住院了,我们希望他能早日康复。sb. be hospitalized. 某人被住院治疗

Lesson Thirty-Eight Clothing

What are you going to wear today?你今天穿什么衣服?


ware 器具

software 软件

hardware 硬件

chinaware 瓷器

fit 合身

match 搭配

sportwear 运动装

footwear 鞋类

clothing 衣着

cloth 布

clothes 衣服(布可数)

a piece of clothes 一件衣服

formal clothes 正装

casual clothes 休闲装

wear a hat

I am wearing my classes

wear a make-up

wear a necklace 戴项链

wear a ring 戴戒指

wear a gold ring 戴金戒指

wear a earing戴耳环

wear a bracelet 戴手镯

put on 穿上

When I get up, I put on my clothes

wear 穿着

Today,I wear my overcoat.

I wear my blue shirt.

I just put on my downcoat.我刚穿上羽绒服。

take off 脱掉

I take off my jacket.

I’m going to wear my blue suit,is that all right.


blue suit 蓝色套装

dark blue suit 深蓝色西装

dark green 深绿色

light yellow 浅黄色


pink 粉红




greenish blue 青

purple 紫

blue 沮丧

I feel blue today。今天我感到沮丧。

I t’s a blue movie.这是部黄色电影。

grey 灰色

brown 棕色

black and white 花白色

black and blue 青一块紫一块

mao suit 中山装

I’m going to wear my mao suit.

Is that all right? 合不合适?

All my clothes are dirty,I don’t have anything to wear.我所有的衣服都脏了,没什么可穿的。dirty 脏

I have nothing to do .没什么可做的。(eat 吃;wear 穿;say说)

T his dress doesn’t fit me any more.这件衣服不合身。

fit sb. well 合身

This shirt fits me well.

This pair of shoes fits me well.

don’t fit sb.

T his coat doesn’t fit me.

dress 女士套装

downcoat 羽绒服

overcoat 大衣

furcoat 皮衣

sweater 毛衣

shirt 衬衫

blouse 女衬衫

pants 裤子

a pair of pants 一条裤子

T-shirt T恤衫

shorts 短裤

skirt 裙子

sandals 凉鞋

sunglasses 墨镜

underwear 内衣

windbreaker 风衣

casual clothes 休闲装

jeans 牛仔服

cleaners laundry 洗衣店

I have two suits to send to laundry. 我有二套西服要送洗衣店。

Your shirt are wrinkled,you ought to have them cleaned and pressed. 你的衬衫皱了,应该送去洗并烫一下。

clean or wash 洗

press or iron 烫

W hy don’t you get dressed now?put on your work clothes.你怎么现在还不穿衣服,穿上你的工作服吧?

Please dress up. 请着正装

put on work clothes.穿上工作服

put on uniform. 穿上制服

army uniform. 军服

police uniform 警察服

nurse uniform 护士服

school uniform 校服

Y ou’d better wear a light jacket,it’s chilly today.你最好穿件薄甲克,今天有点凉。

light 轻便的

heavy 厚重的

chilly=a little cold/unpleasantly cold

I t’s very cold.

Y ou’d better do sth.

Y ou’d better wear a rain coat,it is raining today.

stylish 流行,湿毛

I t’s ve ry stylish this year. 这是今年最湿毛的款式。

Your pants and shoes match perfectly. 你的裤子和鞋子搭配得很好。

match 搭配

Your tie and shirt match very well.

Y our suit and shirt don’t match.

tie 领带

cap 帽子

overcoat 大衣

sunglasses 墨镜

gloves 手套

cotton 棉

silk 丝

nylon 尼龙

wool 羊毛

cash mere羊绒


This coat looks very good on you.那件外套你穿着很好看。

D on’t forget to fasten the collar button.不要忘记扣紧这个纽扣。

These shoes are worn-out,they’re lasted a longtime.这些鞋破了,它们已经穿了很长时间了。

In the west,white is the traditional color for wedding dresses.在西方,白色是婚纱的传统颜色。Lesson Thirty-nine making appointment

appointment n.预约(公务预约)

make an appointment做预约

date 私人约会

appointment book预约本

I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr Steward.我想预约与Steward.先生见面。

I’d like to make an appointment to see sb.

I’d like to make appoint ment to see your chairman.

Will you be free this Thursday? 这个周四你有空吗?

How (what) about this thursday?

How about next monday?

Your appointment will be next Tuesday at 10 o’clock,is that all right?您的约会是下周二的十点钟,可以吗?

Could you make it some other time?I can come any day except Thursday.您能安排其它时间吗?除了周四那天都能来。

I can come any day except Tuesday.

I can come any day except Wednesday.

No problem。没问题。


That’s it.就这么定了。

Something’s come up,i have to change my appointment from Monday to Wednesday。事情有了变化,我不得不把会面从周一换到周三。

Something has come up. 事情有了变化。

I have to change my appointment from this week to next week.

I want to change my appointment from this Friday to next Monday.

I can’t keep the appointment because i’m sick.我无法如约见面,因为我生病。

I couldn’t keep the appointment b ecause I met a traffic-nam.

traffic-light 红绿灯

rush hour 高峰时

I couldn’t keep the appointment because my family came.我不能遵守预约,因为我的家人来了。Ann failed to call the office to cancel her appointment

make an appointment 做预约

change the appointment 更改预约

keep the appointment 遵守预约

cancel the appontment 取消预约

fail to do sth. 没有去做什么事

sb. fail the exam 某人考试没有及格

failure 失败

Let’s make a date to go to the movies tonight.让我们预约今晚去吃饭。

Let’s make a date to eat out.让我们预约出去吃饭。

Let’s make a date to go shopping.让我们预约去购物。

Let’s make a date to go boating. 让我们预约去划船。

What’s the date today?今天几号?

blid date 初次见面

date 大枣,日期,私人约会

I called the employment agency for a job.我打电话给职业介绍所谋一份工作。

call somewhere 打电话预约

agency 机构

news agency 新闻通讯社

Xinhua News Agency 新华通讯社

travel agency 旅行社

AD agency 广告公司


Please fill out this appointment form. 请填写这份申请表。

application form 申请表

fill in/fill out 填(表格)

I’m going to call in a plumber this afternoon.今天下午我会打电话叫一个管道工。

Please call before you came,otherwise we might not be home. 你来之前打个电话,否则我们可能不在家。

I can give you one hour tjis afternoon.我今天下午能给你1小时。

I can give you half an hour this afternoon.

I can give you 40 minutes tomorrow morning.

Lesson Forty School and Education

fundmental education 基础教育

higher education 高等教育

life-long education 终生教育

never too old to learn 活到老学到老


Chicago University 芝加哥大学

college 学院

C hildren enter school at the age of seven , don’t they?


enter the class room

entered this company

enter school入学

I enter this company at 23.

I entered college at 19.

Children enter school at seven.

In elementary school,the child learns read and write.

reas and write.识字

you and me 你和我

again and again 反复

In secondary school ,students get more advanced knowledge.在中学里,儿童们可以学到更高级的知识。

Knowledge is power。知识就是力量。

know-how 实践技能

Sarah went to grade school in new york city and high school in Washing D.C. Sarah在纽约上的小学,在华盛顿上的中学。

grade school 小学

high school中学

In this university ,young people train to became doctors and nurses.在这所大学,学生被培养成为医学和护士。

normal university 师范大学

key university 重点大学

college 学院

foreign affairs college 外交学院

institute 学院

Beijing broad casting institute 北京广播学院

MIT= massachusetts institute of technology 麻省理工大学。

Harverd university 哈佛大学

Yale 耶鲁


Cambridge 剑桥

PKV=Peking University 北京大学

Tsinghua University 清华大学

In this university ,young people train to become policemen and lawers.

In this high school ,young people train to become teachers.

David was admitted to Harvard university. David被哈佛大学录取了。

be admitted to 被…录取

In college,I majored in science,what was your major?在大学,我主修理科,你主修什么?major v/n. 主修


arts 文科


medicine 医科

agriculture 农科

I major in economics。我主修经济。

I major in diplomacy.我主修外交。

minor 选修,辅修

I minored in French. 我选修了法语。

I minored in English.我选修了英语。

required course 必修课

optional course 选修课

credit 学分

During your first year of college ,did you make straight As. 你在大学一年级的成绩是全A 吗?

W hat’s your GPA in colllege?你大学期间的平均成绩分数是多少?

GPA=general point average 总平均成绩

I am a graduate of yale university,I have a bachelor of arts degree.我是耶鲁大学毕业生,我拥有文学学士学位。

BA degree 文学学士学位

BS degree 理学学士学位

BE degree 工学学士学位

master 硕士

MA Degree 工科硕士

MS Degree 理科硕士

Ph.D 博士

MAB= master of business aderministration 工商管理硕士

MPA=master of public aderministration 公共管理硕士

ME=master of education教育学硕士

My sister just graduated from high school . graduation was held last night.我妹妹中学毕业了,昨晚举行了毕业典礼。

graduation 毕业典礼

graduate from where 从…毕业

My brother graduated from university。我哥哥从大学毕业了。

Graduation was yesterday evening.毕业典礼在昨晚举行。

Graduate students/postgraduate students 研究生

Ph.D. candidate 博士研究生

GRE=graduate record examination 美国研究生入学考试

international student 留学生

Mr Smith is a high school principal. Smith先生是一位中学校长。

principal 中学校长


If you expect to enter this prestigious university ,you should apply now. 如果你期望进入这所著名学府,你现在就应该申请了。

If you expect to learn English well,you should work hard.

If you expect to find a good job,you should learn English well.

My brother is a member of the faculty.he is an economics.我哥哥是教师中的一员,他是经济学教授。

student 学生

teacher 老师

professor 教授

tenure professor 终身教授

associate professor 副教授


TA=teaching assistant 助教

RA=research assistant研究助理


sophomore 大二


senior 大四

I have a lot of extracurricular activities,I’m on the school football team.我有很多课外活动,我参加了学校的足球队。


on 参加社团

I am on the school volleyball team.

I am on the school tennis team. 我参加了学校的乒乓球队。


1. I see .我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too .我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on .来吧( 赶快) 8. Hold on .等一等。 9. I agree 。我同意。 10. Not bad .还不错。 11. Not yet .还没。 12. See you .再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long .再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! ( 为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me .让我来。 17. Be quiet! 安静点! 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 21. How much? 多少钱? 22. I'm full .我饱了。 23. I'm home .我回来了。 24. I'm lost .我迷路了。 25. My treat .我请客。 26. So do I .我也一样。 27. This way 。这边请。 28. After you .您先。 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me .跟我来。 31. Forget it! 休想! ( 算了!) 32. Good luck! 祝好运! 33. I decline! 我拒绝! 34. I promise .我保证。 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! 38. They hurt .( 伤口) 疼。 39. Try again .再试试。 40. Watch out! 当心。 41. What's up? 有什么事吗? 42. Be careful! 注意! 43. Bottoms up! 干杯( 见底)! 44. Don't move! 不许动! 45. Guess what? 猜猜看?


1. No problem! 在国内学到的是: -Could you help me with xxx? -No problem! 而在这边听到的往往是: -Thank you! -No problem. 有时甚至: -Oh sorry! -No problem! 2. Go by 在课堂自我介绍时,有时会说中文名,然后英文名。Instead of saying "My Chinese name is xxx, and my English name is xxx.", 你可以这样说: -My name is xxx(你的原名), and I go by xxx(你的英文名). 一些美国学生不乐意用自己的原名,而偏好昵称,也可以用go by来表达: -My name is Catherine, and I go by Cat. 3. Appreciate it! 每次从校车上下来时,大家都会礼貌地对司机表示感谢,有次看到四个小哥鱼贯而出,每个人表达感谢的语句都不同。除了常见的"Thank you very much!","Thanks a lot!"以外,我觉得最好听的就是“Appreciate it!" 4. Have a good one! 美国人很喜欢互相道好,无论认识不认识。每次和人再见的时候(可能是下班,结完账离开超市,下课等等),往往会对同事/收银员/老师/...说声"Have a good day/night"之类的。有时下午5,6点,天还没黑,我总会把”Have a good night!"说成"Have a good day!",后来发现,还有种更简易的表达,日夜均可使用,即"Have a good one!" 简单顺口,客套必备。 5. 宾语前置(知友@Scrummble指出应该是状语前置) 这是种B格很高的表达方式,在每张美元背面都有一句话 "In God We Trust" (如下图) 此外有次等红灯时,看见前面一辆车的车牌上的 Motto写的是"United We Stand",当时瞬间感受到这种句式的力量与B格,于是脑补出一句“ A Sandwich I Had" 。 ( @Scrummble 还说我的例子语法错误…我去角落捂脸了) 6. Without further ado 这句在YouTube视频里经常听到,那些YouTubers在视频开头往往先介绍这个视频是干什么的,再顺便扯几句近期生活,然后在切入正题之前,有时会用这么一句"Without further ado, let's get started."这句话的意思就类似于“废话少说,让我们开始吧。” 每次听到这句,我都会联想另一个四字常用词汇“原来如此”,真希望它在英文里


去美国旅游,或出国旅游,英语不精没关系, 词汇量不多也没关系,但有一些实用的口语 定要学会哟 ~ 酒店住宿常用英文 I would like to have a morning Call at8:00 in the morning. 我要早上 8: 00 设定电话 叫醒。 I'd like to order room service, please. 我要食物送到房间的服务。 I'd like a room of one. 我要单人房。 I'd like a room for two with separate beds. 我要两张床的房间。 I'd like as extra bed for room 702. 我要在 702 房多加一张床。 When is check out time 退房的适合时间? I am interested in booking a room. 我想订房。 Could I book a double room for 3 days from ...( 日期 )..to ( 日期 ). 我要订一间双人房 从 .. How much is a double room for 1 night 双人床一晚多少呢? Your booking is confirmed. 你的订房已经生效了。 Do you have a bus service from the airport 有饭店的 bus 在机场接送吗? Could you fax me a map of how to get to the hotel 请你传真路线图给我,我想知道如 何到你们饭店。 Could you show me my room 你可以带我到我的房间吗? What time does the dining room open 餐厅几点开始营业? What time can I have breakfast 早餐几点开始供应? Could you keep my valuables 是否可代为保管贵重物品? I'd like to check out. My bill, please. 我要退房。请给我帐单。 Please bring me some ice cubes and water. 请送给我一些冰块和水。 The air-conditioner (T.V. set 、 light ) doesn't work. 冷气 (电视、灯 ) 无法开启。 餐厅用餐常用英文 Hi, we n eed a table for two, please. 你好,我们有两位。 May we have a table by the win dow, please 请给我们一个靠窗的桌子好吗? We prefer to sit by the window, please. 我们想坐在靠窗的位子。 Can I take this seat 我可以坐这个位子吗? This table would be great. Thank you. 这个位子很好,谢谢。 May I have a menu, please 请给我菜单。 Do you have a menu in chinese 是否有中文菜单? What's your special today 你们今天有什么特餐? What kind of dish is most popular here 这里最受欢迎的餐点是什么呢? I'd like to have some local food. 我想尝试一下当地食物。 I cannot tolerate spicy food, could your chef make my dishes mild 我受不了辣的菜 Where is the emergency exit and staircase Please send another blanket to my room. The sheets are dirty. 床单很脏。 There's no running hot water in my room. I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 房间。 I'd like a room with a nice view (abalcony ). 紧急出口和楼梯在那里? 请再送一条毯子到我房间。 我房间没有热水。 我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的 我想要一间视野好 (有阳台 )的房间。


生活日常英语口语大全 1、I won’t let her go without a fight!我不会轻易放过她的 2、It could happen to anyone./It happens to anybody./That happens.谁都可能会遇到这种情况 3、I’m a laundry virgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活) 4、I hear you.我知道你要说什么。/我懂你的意思了 5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看! 6、Hello?Were we at the same table?有没有搞错?(注意hello的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”) 7、You are so sweet/that’s so sweet.你真好。 8、I think it works for me.(work为口语中极其重要的小词) 9、Rachel,you are out of my league(等级,范畴).你跟我不是同一类人 10、You are so cute.你真好/真可爱 11、Given your situation,the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy.(given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用) 12、Let’s get the exam rolling.现在开始考试了(get……rolling的用法) 13、Why don’t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢 14、Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思) 15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵) 16、I planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配) 17、That’s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在 18、(If)he shows up,we stick with him.他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略) 19、My life flashes before my eyes.我的过往在我眼前浮现。 20、I have no idea what you have said不知道你在说什么(I don’t have the slightest idea……)“我不知道”不要总说I don’t know,太土了,可以说I have no idea或者I don’t have a clue…… 21、Just follow my lead.听我指挥好了。 22、Good for you!你真不错/好!(老友记中极其常见的赞扬、表扬句型) 23、Let me put it this way,we’re having sex whether you’re here or not.(主要是前半句中put的用法,这里put等于say;极其标准的口语说法) 24、The more I worried about it,the more I couldn’t sleep.(the more……the more……越什么……就什么……;多学点这样的句型举一反三不论对口语还是写作都有帮助) 25、We’re more than happy to give you recommendations. (more han happy等于非常高兴) 26、Rachel,Can you pass me the TV guide?能把电视报递给我吗?(非常实用的口语句型,


[英语口语] 学美式口语:20句美国人最常用口头禅 1、You bet. 为什么当老美说,"You bet." 的时候,就代表你说的一点也没错的意思呢?因为bet 是下赌注的意思,所以"You bet." 就是指,"You can bet money on that." (你可以把钱下注在上面),言下之意,就是说这件事百分之百正确。例如别人问你,"Is this is the way to High Tower Museum?" (这是往High Tower 博物馆的路吗?) 你就可以回答说,"You bet." (一点也没错) 有时候为了加强语气,连小屁屁(ass) 都可以拿来当赌注喔!用来表示这件事是百分之两百地正确。例如电视影集"Friends" 里面,Monica 有一次就说了一句让我至今都印象深刻的话,"You bet your ass I'm going to fire you." (你完完全全正确,我非把你开除不可。) 当然如果不是在跟人家吵架时我们最好还是不要拿小屁屁来当赌注吧! 2. There you go. 就这样了。 "There you go." 是老美希望结束一段对话时,很自然会脱口而出的一句话,特别是在完成某项交易的时候。像是你去买一样东西,当你付完钱之后店员会说,"There you go." 或"That's it." 就表示交易已经完成,你可以滚了。另外像是电台的点歌节目DJ 在播放音乐之前都会说,"There you go." 表示你要的音乐我找到了,现在要开始播放你所点的歌曲了。 有时候你提醒别人讲话别讲太久也是用"There you go." 例如有一次班上同学交报告给教授,结果教授还跟他讲东讲西的,那老美也不客气,就说,"Well, I just came by to give you my report, so, there you go!" 这时教授就知道他不想再讲下去了,如果再讲下去自己就太不识相了。 "There you go." 也常常用来鼓励别人有好的表现,例如你的小宝宝开始会说话了,(先假设他听得懂英文好了) 你就可以说,"There you go." 来鼓励他,或是常在球场上听到教练对表现不错的球员大叫,"There you go." 3. Here you go. 干的好。 "Here you go." 和"There you go." 听起来只有一字之差,所以很多人都会乱用,这二者倒底有什么区别呢?仔细来分,"Here you go." 指的是一件事情还在进行之中,而"There you go." 则是事情已经结束,例如店员正把你买的东西交付给你,他会说,"Here you go." 而不是"There you go." 反之,如果东西己经到了你手上,则他会说的是,"There you go." 此外,"Here you go." 和"There you go." 一样,也有鼓励别人的意思在里面,像我本身蛮喜欢跟老美打棒球的,每次有人大棒一挥,老美就会兴奋地大叫"Here you go." 问题是他们为什么不说,"There you go." 呢? 因为球在飞行当中算是一个过程,你还不知道结果,所以要用,"Here you go." 会比较正确,而事实上老美也正是这样子用的喔! 4. Oh! My God! 喔!我的老天! 老美在惊讶时很喜欢说,"Oh! My godness!" 或是"Oh! My God!",相信这二句话各位都不陌生,不过这都是跟宗教信仰有点关系的,如果你是无神论者,你可以学另一句,"Oh! My!" 或是加强的用法,"Oh! My! My!",都是非常惊讶的意思。记得有一次参加一个老美的聚会,有一对男女朋友在斗嘴,那个男生说了一句话,"You should go back to kitchen where you belong" (你应该回到属于的厨房里去) 结果那女生二话不说,甩头摔了门就走,留下一脸错愕的男朋友,他说了,"Oh! My! Did she slam the door?" (我的老天,她有摔门吗?) 5. Oh! Boy! 天啊! 这句话是不是对男生说的呢?其实不是,你不论跟男生或女生都可以说,"Oh! Boy!" 甚至你自己自言自语的时候也可以说,"Oh! Boy!" 例如你一出门,却发现钥匙忘在里面,这时候你最想说的话就是,"Oh! Boy!" (天啊!) 我在想一定会有人问我,那有没有,"Oh! Girl!" 答案是没有的,老美只会说,"Oh! Boy!" 或是"Oh! Man!" 大家可不要自己发明一些新词啊。


美国人常用口语(经典) 在这篇文章里,我要向大家介绍一些美国人最常用的,而你又不见得听得懂的口语用法。大家如果有什么更好的建议或是补充,要写信告诉我啊! 1 Somebody/Something sucks!--- 某人,某事真差劲,糟透了! 在美国,你动不动就会听到人说:“You suck! She sucks! It sucks!”。suck 在英文里的本意是吸,吮,而在这里即表示某人,或是某事一点也不好,让你很失望。有很多情况下可以用到这个词: a. 昨天晚上你看了一场电影,如果朋友问你:“How was the movie? (电影怎么样?)”,你觉得那部片子真是拍得不怎么地,你可以说:“It sucked!”,而且可以特别使劲地,强调一下“sucked”,强烈表示你的不满。 b. 你有朋友今晚要向他心爱的女生表白,如果明天你问起他事情进行得如何,他告诉你他最终还是临阵打了退堂鼓,你可以笑他真是没出息,然后赶紧加一句:“You totally sucked!”(你可真没用) 反正,如果你不喜欢某人或是某事,或是表示很失望,说他/她/它“suck”就对了!但是要注意时态的用法啊! 2 Awesome! “Awesome”的本意是“令人敬畏的”,美国人经常用来当感叹词,大大地抒发内心的喜悦与赞美,表示“太棒了”!我想大家一定不会对“wonderful, great, fabulous, terrific”等词感到陌生。其实美国人说话就像中国人说话一样,每个人都有自己的口头语。有的人会用“beautiful”来形容满意,意思是“干得漂亮”,有的人甚至会用“cute(可爱)”来表示同样的意思。我想大家也可以开始建立自己的英语口头禅,这样感觉会很酷。 这里还要介绍一个新词“neat”。我想有一点英文常识的人都会直到“neat”是“整洁”的意思。但是如果你听到老美大叫“That's so Neat!”,别以为他在对周边环境的干净情节程度表示满意。美国人经常会说“That's neat!”,表示“很好的,美妙极了”,和上面介绍的词语是“异”词同“意”。 3 ass (屁股) 的用法 这次回国我看了焦点访谈对钢琴家朗朗专访,节目中,朗朗经常提到一个词“舔屁”,这让和我在一起看节目的爸爸妈妈笑开了花:这东北的男孩儿真是实诚!大家都明白他想说什么,他想说“拍马屁”,但是这个朗朗想必在美国生活了太久,将英语里“拍马屁”的说法“kiss ass”直译成“添屁”。“kiss”是“亲,吻”,而“ass”是“屁


quit it! 别闹! Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。 Who knows! 天晓得! It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起! How come…怎么回事,怎么搞的。 Don't push me. 别逼我。 Come on! 快点,振作起来!(come on的含义很多,主要体现在语气上,使用时请注意语气)Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。 It is urgent. 有急事。 What is the fuss?吵什么? Still up?还没睡呀? It doesn't make any differences. 没关系。 Don't let me down. 别让我失望。 God works. 上帝的安排。 Hope so. 希望如此。 get to the point言归正传。(go down to business我感觉没有get to the point常用,所以换掉) None of my business. 不关我事。 It doesn't work. 不管用。 I'm not going. 我不去了。 Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗? I don't care. 我不在乎。 Not so bad. 不错。 No way! 不可能! Don't flatter me. 过奖了。 Your are welcome. 你太客气了。 It is a long story. 一言难尽。 Between us. 你知,我知。 Big mouth! 多嘴驴! Sure thin! 当然!(我觉得Sure更加popular! I like to use SURE...) I''m going to go. 我这就去。 Never mind. 不要紧。 Can-do. 能人。 Close-up. 特写镜头。 Drop it! 停止! Bottle it! 闭嘴!(Shut up用的更多) Don''t play possum! 别装蒜! There is nobody by that name working here.这里没有这个人。 He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽烟。 Break the rules. ?违反规则。 How big of you! 你真棒! Poor thing! 真可怜! Nuts! 呸;胡说;混蛋 Make it up! 不记前嫌! Watch you mouth. 注意言辞。


日常生活英语口语汇总200句 1.Hello.你好! 2.Good morning.早晨好! 3.I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。 4.Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗? 5.Yes,I am.是的,我是。 6.How are you?你好吗? 7.Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。 8.How is Helen?海伦好吗? 9.She’s very well,thank you.她很好,谢谢您。 10.Good afternoon,Mr.Green.午安,格林先生。 11.Good evening,Mrs.Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。 12.How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗? 13.Good night,John.晚安,约翰。 14.Good-bye,Bill.再见,比尔。 15.See you tomorrow.明天见。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d71477691.html,e in,please.请进! 17.Sit down.坐下! 18.Stand up,please.请站起来。 19.Open your book,please.请把书打开。 20.Close your book,please.请把书合上。 21.Don’t open your book.别打开书。 22.Do you understand?你明白了吗? 23.Yes,I understand.是的,我明白了。 24.No,I don’t understand.不,我不明白。 25.Listen and repeat.先听,然后再重复一遍。 26.Now read,please.现在请大家读。 27.That’s fine.好得很。 28.It’s time to begin.到开始的时候了。 29.Let’s begin now.现在让我们开始。 30.This is Lesson One.这是第一课。 31.What’s this?这是什么? 32.That’s a book.那是一本书。 33.Is this your book?这是你的书吗? 34.No,that’s not my book.不,那不是我的书。 35.Whose book is this?这是谁的书? 36.That’s your book.那是你的书。 37.And what’s that?还有那是什么? 38.Is that a book?那是一本书吗?



What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么)? Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。)? How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度)? Just because.(没有别的原因。)? It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。)? You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。)? No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。)? I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。) Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。)? I am not available.(我正忙着)? Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要)? Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。? Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。? I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。? You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵 家常事。? Don't bury your head in the sand.不 要逃避现实。? I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。? You are coming alone well.你做得挺 顺利。? She is well-build.她的身材真棒。? You look neat and fresh.你看起来很 清纯。? You have a beautiful personality.你 的气质很好 You flatter me immensely.你过奖啦。? You should be slow to judge others. 你不应该随意评论别人。? I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅?


英语口语句子——拒绝 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不 应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10. I don’t want to see your face!我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。 27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 英语口语句子——赞美 1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】


1、You bet. 为什么当老美说,"You bet." 的时候,就代表你说的一点也没错的意思呢?因为bet 是下赌注的意思,所以"You bet." 就是指,"You can bet money on that." (你可以把钱下注在上面),言下之意,就是说这件事百分之百正确。例如别人问你,"Is this is the way to High Tower Museum?" (这是往High Tower 博物馆的路吗?) 你就可以回答说,"You bet." (一点也没错) 有时候为了加强语气,连小屁屁(ass) 都可以拿来当赌注喔!用来表示这件事是百分之两百地正确。例如电视影集"Friends" 里面,Monica 有一次就说了一句让我至今都印象深刻的话,"You bet your ass I'm going to fire you." (你完完全全正确,我非把你开除不可。) 当然如果不是在跟人家吵架时我们最好还是不要拿小 屁屁来当赌注吧! 2. There you go. 就这样了。 "There you go." 是老美希望结束一段对话时,很自然会脱口而出的一句话,特别是在完成某项交易的时候。像是你去买一样东西,当你付完钱之后店员会说,"There you go." 或"That's it." 就表示交易已经完成,你可以滚了。另外像是电台的点歌节目DJ 在播放音乐之前都会说,"There you go." 表示你要的音乐我找到了,现在要开始播放你所点的歌曲了。

有时候你提醒别人讲话别讲太久也是用"There you go." 例如有一次班上同学交报告给教授,结果教授还跟他讲东讲西的,那老美也不客气,就说,"Well, I just came by to give you my report, so, there you go!" 这时教授就知道他不想再讲下去了,如果再讲下去自己就太不识相了。 "There you go." 也常常用来鼓励别人有好的表现,例如你的小宝宝开始会说话了,(先假设他听得懂英文好了) 你就可以说,"There you go." 来鼓励他,或是常在球场上听到教练对表现不错的球员大叫,"There you go." 3. Here you go. 干的好。 "Here you go." 和"There you go." 听起来只有一字之差,所以很多人都会乱用,这二者倒底有什么区别呢?仔细来分,"Here you go." 指的是一件事情还在进行之中,而"There you go." 则是事情已经结束,例如店员正把你买的东西交付给你,他会说,"Here you go." 而不是"There you go." 反之,如果东西己经到了你手上,则他会说的是,"There you go." 此外,"Here you go." 和"There you go." 一样,也有鼓励别人的意思在里面,像我本身蛮喜欢跟老美打棒球的,每次有人大棒一挥,老美就会兴奋地大叫"Here you go." 问题是他们为什么不说,"There you go." 呢? 因为球在飞行当中算是一个过程,


大家知道KET和PET都是要考察口语的,这些句型不仅可以用到考察口语的时候也可以用到阅读理解的题中。 案例: 一,打招呼/回应打招呼; 二,自我介绍,介绍他人; 三,询问和给出个人信息:姓名,年龄,地址,职业等。 说到打招呼,不少小朋友在这个问题上似乎摸不到门,说白了就是基本不会打招 呼。想想我们中国人日常生活中打招呼的情形,一句简单的“吃了吗您” ,就够了。所 以,重要的是打招呼以后讲什么,而不是怎么样去打这个招呼。 一般小朋友在见到任何人都会说:“How are you?”, 而另外一个孩子则规规矩 矩地回答:“I’m fine, thank you, and you?” 随之而来的回答肯定是也只能是“I’m fine, too.” 。招呼打到这个份上,被问候的人除了再来一句“and you” ,还有什么话好说吗?应该没有了吧。这样像打乒乓球一样推来挡去,还有个完吗? 那么为什么会出现这个情况呢?因为打招呼的目的不明确。 熟人之间打招呼,是习惯;初次见面,打招呼的目的除了礼貌之外,还有相互了解。 具体到KET考试中,打招呼的最主要目的除了礼貌,就是了解对方。跟考官打招呼,是礼貌;跟抽到签在一组的小朋友打招呼,就是相互了解了。 这个招呼打好了,也是展示自己的一个过程。如果在打招呼的过程中,显得比较简洁、老练,那么一定可以占得先机,给考官留下良好的印象。所以无论是面对考官,还是面对跟自己协作的考生来说,先打招呼,肯定比等到他们来问你要好。 例如首先,面对考官时,先来一句“Good morning. I’m Jack. How are you doing?”这不仅免去了被动地等考官来问自己“How are you today?”以及“What’s your name?”, 甚至“What’s your surname?”这样的问题,来得效果好,而且脱离了以前“How are you?”那样的老路子,考官一定会对你刮目相看。因为“How are you doing”这样的打招呼方式,才是比较地道的英语国家的人打招呼的方式,类似于我们中国人常用的“吃了吗您” 。回答起来也比较方便,可以便于立即进入下一话题。下面我们来看看,怎么样去回答“How are you?” ,“How are you doing?”, 以及其他一些打招呼的方式吧。 一.打招呼/回应打招呼; 1. ----How are you doing? /How are you? 答语可以有: ----I’m doing fine. / I’m fine. 很好。 ----I’m doing great. / I’m great. 好极了。

购物常用 英语口语

1.Charge or debit? (Credit or debit?) 使用信用卡或是电子钱包? Charge (Credit) 指的就是一般我们说的信用卡, 信用卡使用上很方便, 但若是没有收入又没有社会安全卡, 是很难申请到信用卡的. 而我们的提款卡(ATM 卡) 就是 debit, 它会从你的支票户头直接扣钱. 一般而言, 只要去有刷卡的地方都会被问这一句, 刚来美国的人常常对这句话感到莫名奇妙, 不知道这句话到底在问什么, 其实只要了解什么是 charge 什么是 debit, 这句话就不难了解, 视你是使用信用卡还是 ATM 卡而回答. 使用信用卡就说 charge, 使用 ATM 卡就答 debit. 2. Cash back? 是否要找回现金? 在美国跨行提款的手续费是 $1.5, 够吓人的吧? 可是偏偏美国那么大, 你要找到跟发卡银行同一家银行的提款机谈何容易? 那这是不是意谓著每次去提领现金都要负担高额的手续费? 其实只要你善用 cash back 这个功能, 那情况就完全不一样了, cash back 就是说假设你买 10 块的东西, 但刷卡时你可以刷 30 元, 剩下的 20元他会 拿现金 20 块找你, 如此出门就不必带著大笔的现金, 又不必负担高额的提款手续费. 唯一缺点是有金额限制, 有些店最多可 cash back $50, 有些店只能cash back $20. 一般的情形是只有 ATM 卡才能 cash back 的, 一般的信用卡是不行的, 但是有些特别的信用卡, 如 Discover, 也有提供 cash back 的功能. 他的优点在于不受发卡银行提款机的限制, 我在亚特兰大拿的 ATM 卡到波士顿一样可以 cash back, 而且完全不收手续费, 请大家多加利用. 3. How are you going to pay? 你要怎么付款? 不住在美国的人, 或是刚来美国的人听到这句话一定觉得丈二金刚摸不著头脑. 其实这句话跟 Charge or debit 这句话很像, 问的就是你要用什么方式付款如信用卡(credit card) 提款卡 (debit card) 或是现金 (cash) 来付帐. 这句话在"电子情书"这部电影中曾出现过, 在男主角去女主角的书店买东西时, 店员就问男主角这句, 汤姆汉克就答: cash. 就是付现的意思了. 4. Double coupon. 双重折价卷.


美国口语最常用句子 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-

You flatter me immensely.你过奖 啦。You should be slow to judge others.你不应该随意评论别人。I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅It was most careless ofme.我太粗心了。It was quite by accident.真是 始料不及。I wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted,so i could waste it all over again.我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。I like you the way you were.我喜欢你以前的样子。You two go ahead to the movie without me,i don't want to be a third wheel.你 们两个自己去看电影吧,我不想当电灯泡。Do you have anyone in mind你有心上人吗How long have you known her你认识她多久了It was love at frist sight.一见钟情I'd bettle hit the books.我要复习功课啦。a piece of one's mind .直言不讳He gave me a piece of mind,"Don't shift responsibility onto others."他责备道:“不要把责任推卸到别人身 上。”a cat and dog life水火不容的生活The husband and his wife are always quarrelling,and they are leading a cat and dog life.这对夫 妇老是吵架,相互之间水火不容。a dog's life 潦倒的生活The man lived a dog's life.这个人生活潦 倒。 A to Z 从头至尾I know that from A to Z. 我很了解这件事。above somebody 深奥Well,this sort of talk is above me.我不懂你们在讲什么。all ears 全神贯注地倾听着When you tell Mary some gossip,she is all ears.跟Mary讲一些小道消息,她会听地仔仔细细。 all the more 更加,益发You'll be all the better for a holiday.度一 次假,对你会更有好处。all dressed up 打扮得整整齐齐She is all


1. Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快 2. So far, so good. 目前为止一切都好 3. Take it or leave it. 要就要,不要就拉倒 4. Keep it up! 继续努力,继续加油 5. Good for you. 好啊!做得好! 6. Time flies!时光如梭 7. Time is money. 时间就是金钱 8. That's life. 这就是人生 9. Now you're talking. 这才对嘛 10. have butterflies in one's stomach 紧张 11. You asked for it. 你自找的 12. read between the lines 字里行间的言外之意 13. The rest is history. 众所皆知 14. A little bird told me. 我听说的 15. It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行 16. Mind your own business. 不关你的事儿 17. Hang in there. 坚持下去 18. could be worse 可能更糟 19. Money talks. 金钱万能 20. count me out 不要算我 21. Over my dead body! 想都别想(除非我死了) 22. go fifty-fifty on sth. 平分 23. You can say that again! You said it! 你说的没错;你说对了 24. Look who's talking! 看看你自己吧! 25. It's Greek to me. 这我完全不懂 26. take my word for it 相信我的话 27. not one's cup of tea 不感兴趣;不合胃口 28. Get real ! 别闹了;别开玩笑了 29. head over heels 深陷;完全地 30. Suit yourself. 随你高兴 31. What's the catch? 有什么意图? 32. let the cat out of bag 泄漏秘密 33. sth. is touch and go 危险的情况;惊险的;一触即发的 34. beat a dead horse 白费劲 35. The sky's the limit. 没有限制 36. once in a blue moon 千载难逢;难得一次 37. Be prepared. 准备好 38. It's easier said than done. 说的比做的简单 39. have second thoughts 考虑一下;犹豫 40. behind someone's back 在某人背后;背着某人 41. Better luck next time. 下次运气更好 42. come in handy 派得上用场 43. rains cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 44. First come, first served. 先来先招待;捷足先登

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