当前位置:文档之家› 【练习版】大学英语1复习资料(考试用)






About twenty of us schoolchildren had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a film-studio to take part in a crowd-scene. Although our “art” would only (1)for three minutes, we were given the opportunity to see quite a number of interesting things.

Soon after we arrived , bright lights were turned on. Since it was very hot in the studio, it came as a (2) to us to see one of the actors put on a overcoat. He (3) a hat down over his eyes , put his hands in his pockets, and started walking along a winding path. A big fan began (4) small white feathers down on him, and soon the bare trees were covered in “snow”. Two more fans were turned on, and a “strong wind”whistled through the trees. The first actor was dragging through the snow when the second, (5) as a beggar, began walking towards him trembling with cold.

The next (6) was a complete contrast. The way it was filmed was quite (7) .Pictures taken on an island in the Indian Ocean were shown on a glass screen. An actor and an actress stood in front of the (8) so that they looked as if they were at the water’s edge on an island.

Since it was our (9) next, we were left wondering what scene would be prepared for us .For a full three minutes in our lives we would be experiencing the

(10) of being film “stars”!

Instructions dressed image surprise excitement scence shaking pulled blowing sequence turn extraordinary severe last anticipate


When he got the call that his son was ill in California and not expected to live for long, Bill didn’t know (1) he was going to get the money for his wife and himself to make the trip. Bill had worked as a truck driver his entire life, but he never managed to have any (2).

So with (3) Bill walked the mile to the filling station and told the owner, ”My son is really sick and I’ve got no cash. Can you trust me for the phone call to California?”

“Pick up the (4) and talk as long as you need to,” was the answer. As

he started to dial, he was (5) by a stranger, jumping down from the cab of a truck and asking,” Aren’t you Bill Beasley? Your son was one of my best friends when we were growing up together. When went off to college, I lost (6) with him. Heard you say he’s sick?”

After the call Bill was told that that truck driver had paid for it and left him an ( 7). He opened it and pulled out two pieces of paper .One read,” You were the first truck driver my dad trust enough to let me go along with.” The second one was a (8) check with an attached (9):”Fill out the amount

(10) for you and your wife to make the trip. Merry Christmas!”

message interrupted operate envelope embarrassment signed touch

how communicated phone anxiety needed urged savings correspondence


The American Dream used to go something like this: arrive in this country for an unskilled job with small pay. Save and (1) until you can open a small business---in (2) years, a take-out restaurant or a dry cleaner. Buy a

(3) house in the suburbs. Send the children to college and hope they (4) up to be doctors. In the past decade, that (5) has changed. For many

(6) today, the new version of the dream goes more like this: arrive in America for a high-tech job with good pay, invest and invest until you can open your own

(7) .Buy a huge house in an exclusive suburb . And if you don’t have a(n) (8) degree? Work like crazy, get a tech-related job and (9) a large part of your wages into stocks until you -----don’t wait for your kids---are (10).

business modest convey dream grow urge save engineering immigrants carreer recent rich invest tough steady


(Jenny and Raymond had been lovers before World War II set them apart. Eight years later Raymond happened to learn that Jenny was still living alone in London…)

So Raymond found himself unpacking his bag in a London hotel before he had decided on his approach to Jenny. He (1) thought of the telephone, but he knew that wouldn’t do. Jenny believed that he was dead. He couldn’t just (2) up and say he wasn’t. (3) could he just ring her doorbell and be standing there on the mat. She would think she was seeing things.

A hot bath and a change of clothes did not bring any revelations, either. He sat

down at the writing desk and began a letter to her---tore it up and began

(4)--- and tore that up. He (5) down the pen and went out into the early October dusk of London, (6) avoiding the address where Jenny was living.

He was unaccustomed to dilemmas like this which could not be (7) out in a decent length of time, and he was getting angry with (8) . Moodily he turned into a cheerful-looking (9)and had a lonely meal, aware that he might have Jenny’s happy face across the table –he was wasting time –but after so many years, did a few more hours (10)?

restaurant first Nor deliberately reasoned Or permanently thrust another herself matter important himself ring threw


Dear Mom and Dad,

Everything is OK, well, almost everything,—you see, I have a terrible headache about every half hour. I’ve been having this headache ever since I jumped from my ( 1)during the fire. A fine-looking young man was (2)by my window when he saw the flames (3)from the window. He was kind enough to call the fire (4)and ambulance. Since my furniture was (5) up and my room (6),I have been staying at this young man’s apartment.

I thought (7)about marrying him but I know how you feel about mixed ( 8).

I’m writing this letter to tell you that I’ve just received my (9) card. I have three D’s and two F’s. I just thought, if I put this in a different (10),it would sound better!

Your Loving Daughter perspective destroyed passing marriages couples report view seriously burned office diligently leaping dormitory department injured



1)Alan was always in trouble with the police when he was young but he’s own

a married man.

2)The people who had been hurt in the car accident lay screaming in .

3)Because his condition’s not serious they’ve his name on the hospital waiting list.

4)The second part of the book describes the strange of events that lead to the King’s fall from power.

5)When I saw my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet dog, I could hardly my tears.

6)They are going to those clothes and blankets among the flood victims. 7)Linda managed to support herself by working as a waitress. 8)Parts of my childhood are so to me that they could be memories of yesterday.

9)People often the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they suffered.

10)Andrew decided, after much thought, to leave his job.

11)Jane’s worried she won’t be able to her paper on time.

12)The President came under attack from all sides for his inability to the country’s severe social problems.

Associate tackle agony put down vivid respectable sequence distribute Off an on finally extraordinary rigid reputation hold back tedious turn in


1)There was no wind and the oak tree behind the house was standing . 2)If you don’t want to buy a kite, you can make your own using directions

in books at your own library.

3)The girl walked steadily north, pausing to check her direction. 4)The trade unions employers to invest more money in staff training. 5)As a sailing ship has a , so we must have a definite goal in our life. 6)Before people knew how to make and use metals, engineering constructions were built of wood or stone.

7)You’ll probably find Dave at the school disco---he often there.

8)If your house has been broken into, don’t touch anything. Call the

police .

9)We had a family where I saw relatives I hadn’t seen for 20 years. 10)I guess Henry has been busy writing an article recently. That’s why he couldn’t accept the invitation.

11)Scientists that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average.

12)Although it is unlikely that everyone will be able to come, they are still

withthe plan to hold a class reunion.

Available go ahead keep in touch absolutely urge estimate reunion

hang out destination or something go by every now and then mostly

know by heart right away reference


1)It was already a when two weeks later the police found his stolen car and he had to buy a new one.

2)With great patience, the clerk showed the elderly lady how to check the

in her bank account on an ATM.

3)If you look out of the window on the left side of the bus, you’ll see that we’re now the Tower of London.

4)There’ll certainly be some problems, but nothing that you can’t . 5)People who litter in the streets should be fined heavily.

6)Successful businessman today are likely to be young, aggressive, and

well-educated. , they are willing to take risks to achieve success.

7)During those difficult years, the family lived almost entirely on a of cabbages.

8)What are we going to the food left over from the party?

9)We Tom’s age by getting his birth record.

10)We’ll go out as soon as I’ve the chicken.

11)For women lawyers in the United States, their earnings are on the average much less than those of male lawyers.

12)I won’t get involved in a deal like this--- it’s against all my .

work out approach balance clean up diet wreck do with principle

giant check on determination property handle weekly discard above all 第六单元

1)The former lake bed is now a plain producing good crops of wheat. 2)Aunt Pat’s rough, red hands a life of hard physical labor.

3)If you are living , you may not have to pay tax in your own country. 4)Helen is pretty, of build, with blue eyes.

5)We the boards down the middle to use them for the back of the shelves.

6)Only the hope that the rescuers were getting nearer the trapped miners.

7)The of the setting sun reddened the stream.

8)The kidnappers the boy into the car and drove off.

9)It is common knowledge that dogs have a sense of smell.

10)The unusually cold winter caused many plants to late this year. 11)Training is provided, so no experience is required for the job. 12)We can go to the seven o’clock performance or the eight---- suits you best.

thrust overseas fertile split keen sustain grip reflect identify margin previous hesitate bud whichever slim glow


1)The problem of air pollution in our city is very serious because ours is a big zone of both residential and buildings.

2)Average students who work hard usually do better than clever students who are .

3)When the camera properly, a green light comes on.

4)The fundamental issue in the current debate is whether environmental lead contamination causes impairment in children.

5)The girl, and trembling, stood in the doorway hiding from the man who had followed her.

6)It is reported that no more than a of U.S. companies have been successful in the Japanese market.

7)I’ve been doing the summer job for two months now. It would be a to be able to have a day off.

8)Clarence refused to comment on the state of his marriage, saying it is “a matter.”

9)William late and didn’t get to work until ten o’clock.

10)We agreed before we did the deal that we’d both take an equal of the profit.

11)When you look at the state of his car it’s a that he wasn’t killed! 12)A week before the Spring Festival the telephone exchange with people wanting to book train tickets.

Handful manual intellectual jam slice luxury wake up break down industrial scare upset miracle function idle private ignorant





inspire vivid scan face up to finally



a couple of keep in touch with come up neighborhood on one’s mind keep up correspondence



turn down call on amaze loan determination


make one’s way locate overseas hesitate previous to keen



accumulate idle drive ( sth.)home(to sb.) swear portable



Unit1:1、last 2、surprise 3、pulled 4、blowing 5、dressed 6、scene 7、extraordinary 8、image 9、turn 10、excitement

Unit2:1、how 2、savings 3、embarrassment 4、phone 5、interrupted




9、message 10、needed

Unit4:1、save 2、recent 3、modest 4、grow 5、dream 6、immigrants

7、business 8、engineering 9、invest 10、rich

Unit6:1、first 2、ring 3、Nor 4、another 5、threw 6、deliberately

7、reasoned 8、himself 9、restaurant 10、matter

Unit8:1、dormitory 2、passing 3、leaping 4、department 5、burned




9、report 10、perspective


Unit1:1、respectable 2、agony. 3、put down4、sequence 5、hold back


7、off and on


9、associate 10、finally

11、turn in 12、tackle

Unit2:1、absolutely 2、available 3、every now and then 4、urging 5、destination


7、hangs out

8、right away

9、reunion 10、or something

11、estimate 12、going ahead

Unit4:1、wreck 2、balance 3、approaching 4、handle 5、discard

6、Above all


8、do with

9、checked on 10、cleaned up

11、weekly 12、principles

Unit6:1、fertile 2、reflected 3、overseas 4、slim 5、split 6、sustained

7、grow 8、thrust 9、keen 10、bud 11、previous 12、whichever

Unit8:1、industrial 2、idle 3、is functioning 4、intellectual 5、scared




9、work up 10、slice 11、miracle

12、was jammed


Unit1:Susan lost her legs in/because of a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never walk again.

One day, while scanning some maganizes, she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspare, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life.

Unit2:It is not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away. This is certainly true in my case.

It has been a couple of years since I left my old neighborhood and all the friends I had there. I’ve been meaning to write to them but something or other comes up and I just don’t seem to find the time. They are always on my mind, however, and I think I will certainly make an effort to keep up correspondence with them in future.

Unit4:After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business. At the beginning, many a bank turned down his request for a loan. But he was not a bit discouraged, and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help. Impressed by his determination and optimism, one banker finally agreed to loan him the money. Now he has become a wealthy businessman. Talking about his amazing achievement, Tony says that it is important to create rather than wait for opportunities.

Unit6:Not rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitates to help others. Previous/Before his retirement, through Project Hope he located the address of two country kids who grow up in poor families but had a keen desire to study. From then on he sent them money regularly. Later the two made their way to college, and even got a chance to study overseas.

Unit8:This morning I heard an interesting piece of news over my portable radio: a man of 36 and his son of 10 attend the same class competing with each other for high marks. The story goes/It’s like this:

The man, Li Wei by name, was too idle to learn anything when young. With little education, with no useful skills, he could hardly earn an adequate living wage. His life experiences drove home to him the point that he had to acquire knowledge before he was able to accumulate wealth. So Li Wei swore that he would go to school with his son, determined to learn.


《大学英语1》课程综合复习资料 I. Use of English 1. — Write to me when you get home. — OK, I _______. A) must B) should C) will D) can 2. ― I hope I am not interrupting your work. ― ________________. A) Oh,that’s all right. B) O.K. Let’s start again. C) Please go on with your work. D) It’s hard to say. 3. —let me introduce myself. I am Tom. — _______. A) What a pleasure B) It's pleasure C) I'm very pleased D) Pleased to meet you 4. — Could you pass me the salt and pepper? — _______. A) Sorry, I didn't know what you mean. B) Ok, here you are. C) No, I won't. D) I don't know. 5. —Why haven’t you bought any butter? — I _________ to but I forgot about it.

A) liked B) wished C) meant D) expected 6. —“Where is Mary?” — “She ____ to school.” A) will go B) has been C) has gone D) went 7. — Have you finished your housework____? — Yes. I have____ finishe A) yet, already B) already, yet C) ever, never D) still, just 8. — How are you? — ________ A) I am quite good. B) I am very sorry. C) How are you? D) Fine, thank you. 9. — I usually go there by train. — Why not _______ by boat for a change? A) try to go B) try going C) try go D) go to try


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus V ocabulary Ⅰ. 1. 1. respectable 2. agony 3. put…down 4. sequence 5. hold back 6. distribute 7. off and on 8. vivid 9. associate 10. finally 11. turn in 12. tackle 2. 1. has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2. was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3. a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time. 4. gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5. buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.

3. 1. reputation, rigid, to inspire 2. and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas 3. compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. 1. composed 2. severe 3. agony 4. extraordinary 5. recall 6. command 7. was violating 8. anticipate Ⅲ. 1. at 2. for 3. of 4. with 5. as 6. about 7. to 8. in, in 9. from

大学英语 期末试卷题型

《大学英语3》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话7个、篇章理解2篇、复合式听写1篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% (1)、完型填空1篇,10题,每题1分 (2)、传统仔细阅读1篇,5题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:第三册第1、2、3、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation1中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语3》任课老师提醒学生自带耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。

《大学英语1》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话8个、长对话2篇、章理解3篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% 传统仔细阅读2篇,10题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:第一册第1、2、4、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语1》任课老师提醒大一新生购买耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。


大学英语(一) 将1-25题答案填写在如下表格中。 将26-30题答案填写在如下表格中。 将31-35题答案填写在如下表格中。 一、单选题从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Look! Here _____ the famous player. A.mes B.come C.had come D.com in~ 2.Do you know_______ in EnghSh? A.how say it B.how to say it

C.how saying it D.how tos aying it 3.The baby is hungry, but there’s ______ milk in the bottle. A.1ittle B.a little C.few D.a few 4.Although he did not know London well,he made his way_____ to the airport..A.easy enough B.enough C.easily enough D.enough easily 5.Nancy works in a shop and ______. A.so does Alan B. so Alan too does C.that does Alan too D.that Alan too does 6. The bicycle you saw isn’t ____. It belongs to ____. A. me, you B. mine, hers C. hers, his D. his, her 7. of the teachers in this school are in . A. Two-thirds; twenties B. Two-threes; twenty C. Two-thirds; their twenties C. Fourth-three; the twenties 8. There ______ a book and some magazines on the desk. A. is B. are C. have D. has 9. He helped me ______ my homework. A A.with B.to C.about D.of 10. Today’s weather is ______ worse than yesterday’s. A. very B. much C.very much D.much too 11. Tom ______ more than twenty pounds on the novel. A.spent B. paid C.cost D.took 12. Although he did not know London well,he made his way_____ to the airport. A.easy enough B.enough C.easily enough D.enough easily 13. Mr. Green live in the country than in the city. A. had better B. would like C. would rather D. would 14. It is believed that if a book is ______,it will surely ______the reader. A.interested;interest B.interesting;be interested C.interested;be interesting D.interesting;interest 15. She has two best friends. ______ of them is in the country. A.A11 B. Both C.No one D.Neither 二、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,请答案填写在“客观题答题纸”上。


《大学英语1》期末考试综合复习资料 I. Use of English(20%)—交际英语,共10道选择题,每题2分,共20 分。 II.Reading Comprehension (40%)—阅读理解,4篇文章,共20道选择题,每题2分,共40分。 III.Vocabulary and Structure(30%)—词汇与语法,共30道选择题,每题1分,共30分。 IV.Cloze Test (10%)—完形填空,共10道选择题,每题1分,共10分 I. Use of English (10×2) Directions:In this part there are 10 incomplete dialogues. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. —Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station? —____________ A. No, I couldn’t. B. Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. C. I couldn’t tell you. D. You can’t ask me. 2. — What day is today? — _____________. A. Today is March 24. B. Today is not bad. C. Today is sunny D. Today is Saturday 3. —How do you do? Glad to see you. — _________________________ A. How are you? Me too. B. How do you do? Glad to meet you. C. I am fine, thank you. And you? D. Nice, how are you? 4. —I’m sorry. Bob’s not in his office. — _________ A. Can you take a message for me? B. Are you sure for that? C. Would you like to leave a message? D. Can you phone me?

新视野大学英语 综合训练阅读。1到6章整理。

1.V alentine’s Day probably....ever since. (BCADA) 1.to trace back 2.they would’t concentrate 3.Refused to obey 4.496 AD 5.to show our 2.Having raised eight children....can provide. (BABCD) 1. How to show 2.may by a famous 3.he had a 4.material wealth does 5.to give them 3.In the 1990s...of their class (CABCD) 1.The devaluation 2.prove the trend 3.reducing in 4.people can’t 5.The Devaluation 4.We received your letter....such trip (BABCC) 1.To express the difficulties 2.they advertise 3.we can’t afford 4.may not 5.the sales agent 5.In the future....says Leon (BABDA) 1.people with the 2.they may lose money 3.Scientists want 4.To illustrate 5.What’s Best 6.Criticism has been....own games (BDDCA) 1.Parents of 2.Because they have seen 3.To promise 4.Fewer referees would 5.Abusing. 7.Only about 15....of obesity (ADCDA) 1.people do not 2.He is one 3.Stretching at work 4.Extreme fatness 5.Ten minutes to 8.Y ou may recall....J.J.Budd (BBCAD) 1.a company 2.he wants new 3.Raj Rammanvihal works 4.familiar with 5.a formal letter 9.Fifteen-year-old...learn now (DAABC) 1.kept so that 2.they fail to 3.A list of the result 4.academic achievement 5. a teacher in 10.Most Americans will....and responsible? (ADDCD) 1.Positive 2.admission 3.helps students both 4.To ensure that 5.School that offer 11.A study issued...shared responsibility (BCDBA) https://www.doczj.com/doc/de5824890.html,mitment to 2.enter school 3.60--80% 4.making young people 5.Social environment 12.When i was four....be impossible (CDCCB) 1.kept him away 2.attended classes 3.be different 4.to give a 5.knowledge from outside 13Bin Ben is one of....a guide (CBACD) 1.a light 2.Coins a 3.the old 4.1924 5.Undamaged 14.John Colter was....mud holes (DADBC) 1.Y ellowstone Park 2.Moran and 3.for more 4.was once not 5.The History 15.One day Walt ....the future” (CCBCB) 1.Building a 2.improved the 3.Its spot 4.Fantasyland 5.Disneyland 16.At sixteen Ron....the book (DACBC) 1.Ron was 2.he wanted 3.The job 4.four 5.he knew 17.When faced with.....international scale (BBCBB) 1.A good death means 2.Never say 3.Tube feeding 4.to adapt 5.Death is 18.On Mother’s Day....of dying (AACAD) 1.she wanted 2.to do something 3.Mom had 4.not busy 5.as the tablecloth 19.While caring for.... Their lives. (CDBBD) 1.Women provide 2.volunteer assistance 3.tain family 4.people who 5.to talk to 20.On the morning ....our grief. (CBADB) 1.someone bombed 2.angels in 3.There was 4.He was elbowed 5. We should 21.With so many scientists...the study (BCADD) 1.The possible 2.the former 3.focusing on 4.are the 5.Freed and Lin’s stress 22.Engineering design aims....so important. (BABCD) 1.Some factors 2.pulled down 3.Building ..reconstructed 4.effect of 5.rivers and

大学英语精读1 期末考试卷及参考答案

大学英语专业精读1 期末考试卷 I. Word formation (40%) A. Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs.给出下列动词的相应名词形式。(10%) 1. discover 2.depend 3.amaze 4.add 5.display 6.renew 7.suppose 8.treat 9.addict 10.accelerate B. Give the corresponding nouns for the following adjectives. (10%) 1.weak 2. angry 3. free 4. quick 5. clear 6. long 7.wide 8. sad 9.happy 10. moderate C. Give the corresponding verbs for the following nouns. (10%) 1. gardening 2. failure 3. fertilizer 4. enduring 5. mixture 6.liberation 7.alternative 8.result 9.satisfaction 10.requirement D. Give the corresponding synonyms for the following words and expressions. (10%) 1.barely 2. chilly 3. now and then 4. many 5. clever 6. turn up 7. keen 8. club 9.handsome 10.sensible II. Translate the Chinese into English. (30%) 1. We’ll stick by you___________________________________________(无论发生什么事). 2. Keep in touch with your cultural roots, ___________________(无论你在世界何地). 3.We’ll bring the hostage home,___________________________(无论有多困难). 4. I feel that you young people should understand____________________(生活中总是充满着机遇和挑战). 5. When she learned____________________(她已经被那所大学录取), she almost jumped for joy. 6.You must admit_________________________(所有这一切都表明我们的努力没有白费). 7.He was running a great risk when he insisted_________________________________(地球是绕着太阳转的). 8. The visitors were greatly impressed by________________________(这个村子过去30年所取得的成就). 9. First-year college students are generally not clear about______________________________(他们应该从大学获取什么). 10._____________________________(农民最想得到的东西)is just one thing. It is land. III. Translate the following sentences into English. (30%) 1. 我们现在缺少人手,你来得正好。 2. 已经有好几个同学在考虑竞选学生会主席。 3. 她警告我不要和那种追求个人名利的人交往。 4.多年来我们学校培养了很多学生,大多数都在各个部门重要岗位任职。 5. 她原以为哲学是非常枯燥的东西,可后来方发现它非常有意思。 6.他父亲刚过五十,可头发已经灰白了。不过,除此以外,他没事。 7.这里的老师和学生都认为学英语没有什么捷径。 8.我知道放弃这个机会十分愚蠢,但我别无选择。 9.有一天,那座新楼突然倒塌,楼里很多人都被埋了。 10.一种长久的友好关系要求双方都十分真诚。


μúò?ì×ìa Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1.Dennison was known to pay his men handsomely, but in return he expected complete loyalty, total ______{s/1}, and absolute respect. [A]judgment [B]statement [C]commitment [D]assignment 2.During the interview I was the first to ask him______{s/1}questions that put the Bonn government in an awkward position. [A]. instructing [B]. intimidating [C]. rewarding [D]. embarrassing 3.I didn't realize the food problem was so______{s/1} in this city; with winter coming, many people would starve to death without more help. [A]. essential [B]. critical [C]. explicit [D]. effective 4.Some see themselves as the provider of ideas,______{s/1}others view their role as essentially managerial. [A]. when [B]. therefore [C]. while [D]. otherwise 5.[B]y the side of the new teaching hall ______{s/1}a library built in the 1930s. [A]. collects [B]. stands [C]. creates [D]. belongs 6.I'd like to take ______{s/1} of this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts. [A]. profit [B]. benefit [C]. occasion [D]. advantage 7.We finally ______{s/1}an agreement after a lot of hard argument. [A]. reached [B]. did [C]. arrived [D]. drove 8.It is desirable that the airplane ______{s/1} as light as possible. [A]. is [B]. were [C]. be [D]. had been


A love marriage, however, does not necessarily result in much sharing of interests and responsibilities. A magnificent monument has been erected in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people ' s heroes. A racing car is an extraordinary feat of engineering. Accumulated en ergy un der the earth must be released in one form or ano ther, for example, an earthquake. Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to un dersta nd this point and her explanation only added to his confusion. Ano ther team of scie ntists has come up with con flict ing evide nee. Believing the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus could fall off the edge of the earth. But the other factor that we shouldn ' t forget is thealriek off U.S. immigration policy. Compared with wester ners, the Orie ntals use less butter. They prefer the very healthful pea nut oil. Con trary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite. Corin thia n colu mn is the most highly decorated of the five classical types. Do not toss the salad until you are ready to serve. Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet. During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the delicate silk from damage. Eati ng too much fat can con tribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure. Every one in the party can see Ed and Roger are competi ng for Alice ' s atte nti on. Figures showed customer complaints had soared to record levels and profits were falling. Having decided to rent a flat, we set about con tact ing all the accommodati on age ncies in the city. He admits that more work needs to be done to validate the strategy, and ensure that it ' s safe. He is a mathematical genius . He is optimistic about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. He might let someth ing slip in a mome nt of weak ness. He told the magaz ine in an exclusive in terview: "enas miepn&bim drink. ” He was jealous of no body ' s achieveme nts. he wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won prestige and a scholarship. His retail bus in ess in the city expa nded rapidly betwee n the wars. I caught a glimpse of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street. I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospect . I felt I couldn ' t cope with the situation and wacfeeisperate need of some reassuranee. I hate people who reveal the end of a film th at you haven ' t seen before. I have kept that portrait where I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London. I think it ' s tiimeeIsted in a new computer. I want to buy a new tie to go with this brow n suit. I will defer to Mr. Walters on this point I wish I could put the clock back and relive my schooldays; I regret not having tried harder and passed mere exams. If you hear such a rumor, in vestigate it thoroughly. If you say anything to Jane, she ' csilikeey tovith a bitter remark. In no country other than Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. In the wife ' s eyes,commitment to their marriage life is far from perfect. Intensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute. It did not take the police long time to bring out the truth. it is our consistent policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means It is predicted that heavy rains are threate ning to flood the area in a few days. It soon developed that what she loved was not my person but my wealth.


Unit 1 Ways of Learning Part I. Vocabulary & Structure 1. To use the machine, first__________the correct coins, then select the drink you want and press the button. A. inside B. insert C. concert D. insist 2. __________, it was the wrong time to open a new data processing center in his city. A. In retrospect B. In due course C. In service D. In need 3. The little girl did ______ seem to be ____________frightened of being left by herself in the house. A. not…at most B. not…at best C. not… in the least D. not…at worst 4. When the moon ________from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance. A. urged B. appear C. emerged D. encouraged 5. Make sure the label is firmly ____________ to the parcel before you mail it. A. enclosed B. matched C. made D. attached 6. My __________reaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry. A. only B. initial C. foremost D. beginning 7. I have had ____________problems with this computer ever since I borrowed it from a friend. A. continuous B. continual C. continue D. continued 8. Complaints from the students began arriving at the __________’s office. A. principle B. prince C. principal D. print 9. We have often made that mistake ____________. A. himself B. herself C. themselves D. ourselves 10. Did you fix the computer ______________? A. on her own B. on his own C. on your own D. on our own 11. My boyfriend bought me dinner to __________ being late the day before. A. make up for B. make of C. make from D. make it 12. The WTO is intended to ________trade among its member state. A. reduce B. promote C. decrease D. deduce 13. A full understanding of math is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural ________. A. scenes B. situations C. phenomena D. occasions 14. The committee __________ a decision from the head office before it takes any action. A. are waiting B. is waited C. are waited D. is waiting 15. Professor Smith translated not only from the English but also, __________, from the Chinese. A. on occasion B. on the rise C. one the increase D. on the


【练习版】大学英语1复习资料(考试用) 【阅读理解】 第一单元 About twenty of us schoolchildren had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a film-studio to take part in a crowd-scene. Although our “art” would only (1)for three minutes, we were given the opportunity to see quite a number of interesting things. Soon after we arrived , bright lights were turned on. Since it was very hot in the studio, it came as a (2) to us to see one of the actors put on a overcoat. He (3) a hat down over his eyes , put his hands in his pockets, and started walking along a winding path. A big fan began (4) small white feathers down on him, and soon the bare trees were covered in “snow”. Two more fans were turned on, and a “strong wind”whistled through the trees. The first actor was dragging through the snow when the second, (5) as a beggar, began walking towards him trembling with cold. The next (6) was a complete contrast. The way it was filmed was quite (7) .Pictures taken on an island in the Indian Ocean were shown on a glass screen. An actor and an actress stood in front of the (8) so that they looked as if they were at the water’s edge on an island. Since it was our (9) next, we were left wondering what scene would be prepared for us .For a full three minutes in our lives we would be experiencing the (10) of being film “stars”! Instructions dressed image surprise excitement scence shaking pulled blowing sequence turn extraordinary severe last anticipate 第二单元 When he got the call that his son was ill in California and not expected to live for long, Bill didn’t know (1) he was going to get the money for his wife and himself to make the trip. Bill had worked as a truck driver his entire life, but he never managed to have any (2). So with (3) Bill walked the mile to the filling station and told the owner, ”My son is really sick and I’ve got no cash. Can you trust me for the phone call to California?” “Pick up the (4) and talk as long as you need to,” was the answer. As

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