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2019年雅思考试阅读理解模拟练习试题及答案A. When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004,the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia,but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining.One exception was France,where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots.His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti- globalisers’favourite enemy operates. B. So far Mr Hennequin is doing https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb10790089.html,st year European sales increased by 5.8%and the number of customers by 3.4%, the best annual results in nearly 15 years.Europe accounted for 36%of the group’s profits and for 28%of its sales.December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain,and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly. C Mr Hennequin’s recipe for revival is to be more open about his company’s operations,to be“locally relevant”,and to improve the experience of visiting his 6,400 restaurants.McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat,exploiting workers,treating animals cruelly,polluting the environment and simply for being American.Mr Hennequin says


环球雅思老师为你解读雅思阅读八大题型之判断题 雅思阅读主要有以下八大题型:判断题(TURE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN),填空题(SUMMARY),段落标题配对题(LIST OF HEADINGS),配对题(MA TCHING),选择题(MUTILPCHIOCE),填空题(COMPLETION),简答题(SHORT ANSWER)和图表题(TABLE)。其中前四类题型是雅思阅读的必考题型。本文主要分析填空题(SUMMARY)的读题和解题技巧。 一、填空题的读题与解题 ⑴填空题主要分为两类:目前归纳题有两种趋势,一种是题目贯穿在整篇文章,另一种是只隐藏在其中一二个段落。前者下文称为“有备选项”,后者下文称为“无备选项”。 ①“有备选项”的填空题特征:题干内容分布在原文多个段落中,比较零散,找题难度较大;要求考生找出原文原词后,从备选项表格中找出跟原文原词同义置换的选项,解题难度较大。 ②“无备选项”的填空题特征:题干内容分布在原文2-3段中,因此要求考生准确定位题干在原文中的出处,然后主意要填写原文原词即可。 ⑵读题“四步走”。 ①第一步:精读填空题题干的首段首句。 无论有备选项还是无备选项,首句一般不设空,因此通过划找首句的关键词,能够帮助考生会原文准确定位出题方位,避免时间的浪费。通常,可以作为关键词回原文定位的包括:人名、地名、机构、时间、年代、数字、专有名词。 ②第二步:处理第一个空格 如果首句模糊或首句设有空格,就要按照以下2步来处理第一个空格:第一,根据空格前后内容初步判断空格词性。一般填空题的题干词性都是名词、动词、形容词和副词,以前三者为主。第二,划找“空前空后词”,这里所谓的“空前空后词”不是实际意义上的空前空后词,而是那些能够提示空格内容的词组和结构。 ③第三步:继续处理其余空格 填空题的出题顺序也是按照原文行文顺序来的,考生按照处理第一个空格的方式继续处理其余空格即可。即便有逆向出题或是乱序,也是少数,而且也只会是两个近似空格的乱序。④第四步:密切注意同义置换 填空题百分百考察同义置换——包括题干关键词的同义置换(无备选项)和空格内容的同义置换(有备选项)。同义置换有以下几种类型:a近义词置换——原文用develop,题干里却变化为evolve;b词性变化——原文用名词,题干里变成相应动词或动词词组;c语态变化——原文和题干常常出现主动和被动的互换;d数字和文字互换——原文用50%,题干变化为half。 二、以下是真题解析版 Paper Recycling Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource: trees. Unlike the minerals and oil used to make plastics and metals, trees are replaceable. Paper is also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded. While 45 out of every 100 tonnes of wood fibre used to make paper in Australia comes from waste paper, the rest comes directly from virgin fibre from forests and plantations. By world standards, this is a

雅思阅读表格填空题讲解--Alternative Medicine in Australia

【点课台课堂】雅思阅读表格填空题讲解--Alternative Medicine in Australia 点课台独家,雅思阅读机经真题解析。一切患有雅思阅读刷题强迫症的烤鸭,请看这里。点课台精心整理了一批雅思阅读机经真题。如果你的剑桥雅思阅读已是烂熟于心,那么这一系列的雅思阅读机经真题真的很适合你,搭配上绝对原创的讲解,还有全文的中文翻译,这等阅读大餐,还等什么! Alternative Medicine in Australia The first students to study alternative medicine at university level in Australia began their four-year, full-time course at the University of Technology Sydney, in early 1994. Their course covered, among other therapies, acupuncture. The theory they learnt is based on the traditional Chinese explanation of this ancient healing art that it can regulate the flow of ‘Qi’or energy through pathways in the body. This course reflects how far some alternative therapies have come in their struggle for acceptance by the medical establishment. Australia has been unusual in the Western world in having a very conservative attitude to natural or alternative therapies, according to Dr Paul Laver, a lecturer in Public Health at the University of Sydney. ‘We’ve had a tradition of doctors being fairly powerful and I guess they are pretty loath to allow any pretenders to their position to come into it.’ In many other industrialized countries, orthodox and alternative medicine have worked ‘hand in glove’ for years. In Europe, only orthodox doctors can prescribe herbal medicine. In Germany, plant remedies account for 10% of the national turnover of


学为贵整理雅思阅读考点词雅思阅读考点词,可以留作备用。 resemble similar adjust modify shift alter approach method fundamental rudimentary preliminary basic rely on depend on domestic local national measure calculate assess evaluate trait characteristic feature property coin invent artificial synthetic man-made prompt initiate immediately exchange share apply underline based on ground root

ignore neglect overlook underestimate fertilizer chemical toxic unnatural recognize perceive acknowledge realize appreciate admit identify comprehend addition besides whereas nonetheless nevertheless notwithstanding although though instead stem derive owing due according account result therefore hence ————————————————————————————diversity variety difference detect find look for seek search isolate inaccessible avoid escape evitable budget fund financial adapt fit suit alternative substitute compensate make up offset component proportion


雅思阅读归纳填空题解题技巧及实例 朗阁雅思培训中心 归纳填空题是雅思考试阅读理解部分的高频题型,几乎每场考试必有。在阅读理解的诸多题型中,此类题型可以应用的方法技巧较多,若能掌握好这些技巧方法,并将其组合起来,视情况灵活运用的话,归纳填空应该会成为得分的一块宝地。朗阁专家在此总结了此类题型解题的一些方法,供考生们参考。 归纳填空题的答题要求分为两类:1. 用原文中的原词填空,有字数的限制,例如不超过二或三个词;2. 从所提供的单词表中选词填空。那么,下文在介绍解题方法时,对这两类答题要求分别简称为1和2。 一.短文全文大意的帮助 首先把短文的全文迅速通读一遍,掌握大意。不要在没有掌握全文大意的情况下立即做题,看一句填一句。虽然短文的词数不多,但作为一篇文章,总有一定的主体思想,句与句之间意思上是相连的,整篇短文就是一个有机的整体。通读全文,有利于掌握文章的逻辑思维,顺着思路选词来填,就比较容易做对了。许多考生往往不先通读短文全文,上来就匆忙去找词填空。看似快,实际上选词时看来看去,思前想后,犹豫不决,不知选哪个才对,反而大大减慢了速度。 二.利用信号词来定位和定词 归纳填空题的形式为一篇短文,文中有若干个空,要求考生在其中填词。空格前后往往会有信号词,我们可以借助之在原文中定位,再在所定位部位的附近范围内找出该采用的原文原词(对于1)或断定该填的单词表中的同义词(对于2)。不少情况下,在空格前和后的信号词,相对应地也是出现在原文中正确的词的前和后的,前后信号词的“夹击”下,更方便我们选对词了。所以信号词技巧也仍然是这种题的重要技巧。

三.空格前后的上下文的帮助 空格肯定是处于句子中的,亦即所谓空格无非是一个句子抽掉了其中的某个词(语)所形成的。因此,在整篇短文大意的大背景下,再考虑空格前后的上下文意思,然后将在1或2中备选的数个词(语)进行比对,就不难确定该填入哪个了。空格前后上下文的意义与全篇短文主体思想的结合分析,在决定选词上尤为重要,注意运用这点,能使我们做题快许多。 四.语法知识的帮助 一些基本的语法知识对于我们确定词性范围甚或选定具体的词都有直截了当的决定作用,又简单又快。空格前后的词往往都提示了空格中的词是何种词性,是否比较级,谓语或非谓语,单数还是复数,及物动词或不及物动词,等等。例如,空格之前是a的话,表明空格该填的是个可数名词的单数形式,而且该名词的发音是以辅音音标开头的(否则,空格前的a 就该是an了)。 上面的几种方法技巧若能够熟练掌握,并能在做题时灵活机动地运用,一般都可以收到满意的效果。尤其是对于2,往往就用一、三、四的方法,而不用去看原文,都能填对相当数量的空格,甚至全部空格。因为2是题目提供了一个单词表让你从中选,表中的单词范围毕竟比原文的小多了,加上一、三两法篇章和句子意义逻辑上的筛选,以及方法四语法逻辑上的筛选,三重过滤之下,很容易就能断定某些空格该有的词。试看下面的例子: Summary Homeopathy differs from conventional medicine in a number of ways. Conventional medicine views symptoms as an indication of something wrong in the body, whereas homeopathy sees them as signs that the body is attempting to (1) ______________. The uses of medication differ also. Many types of conventional medication (2) ______________ but if the medicine is taken away, the illness returns. The intention of homeopathy is to bring about a complete cure. Homeopathic remedies are (3) ___________ than conventional medicine


雅思阅读图表题实例分析 雅思阅读图表题一般难度不大,但是想要轻松拿到满分却也不容易。希望下面的这篇雅思阅读图表题实例分析可以帮助大家更好地备考雅思阅读图表题。 一、图表题简介 图表题主要考察生快速寻读定位,并理解细节信息的阅读能力。一般来说,图表题常见的有三种形式: 统计表(Table)——文章中会有很明显的时间标志,主要以表格的形式出现;原理图(Diagram)——在文章的某段或者某几段之间,会有一个详细地对于该物体的结构的介绍;流程图(Flow Chart)——一个物体的制作过程或者一种动植物的生长周期过程,需要你填写其中的某几个过程。 二、图表题的做题方法 1. 注意题目要求 因为这类填空题中一般都会出现“…NO MORE THAN * WORDS…”, 大家要注意具体不超过几个字。 2. 浏览图表,找到关键词 大家一看到图表题,就会将目光自动聚焦到图表上,希望能尽快找到有用信息帮助定位。举个例子吧:

这是剑8 Test 4 Passage 3的最后一个题型。我们可以看到,除了空格之外,有用的信息就只有one method of collecting ants 和funnel。因为这是最后一道题,通过前面的做题过程我们可以迅速排除前两种采集蚂蚁的办法,然后根据funnel可以定位到第三种采集方法,也就是原文第四段: ……One of the most successful ways to collect them is to gather the leaf litter in which they are foraging and extract the ants from it. This is most commonly done by placing leaf litter on a screen over a large funnel, often under some heat. As the leaf litter dries from above, ants (and other animals) move downward and eventually fall out the bottom and are collected in alcohol placed below the funnel. This method works especially well in rain forests and marshy areas…… 3. 将原文和题目仔细比较,找到答案


1月9日雅思阅读真题 一、考试概述:本次新年的第一场考试又是AB卷。A卷第一篇话题讲了生物的生存不确定性,第二篇介绍了音乐的力量,第三篇讲了课堂大小对于学习效果的影响。的话题是两新一旧,第一篇内容为古生物化石,第二篇是情绪影响人的行为,第三篇是儿童文学 二、具体题目分析 A卷Passage 1:题目:Living with uncertainty 题型:判断7+简答6 题号:新题 答案:1-7 判断题1 FALSE2 TRUE3 NOT GIVEN4 TRUE5 NOT GIVEN6 FALSE7 TRUE 8-13简答题 8 lit fires9 saltbush10 European farming11 wheat12 pear13 Tellers (目前无明确回忆,答案仅供参考) Passage 2: 题目:The power of music 题型:段落信息匹配5+Summary 4+人名配理论4 文章大意:待补充 答案:14-18信息配段落14. D15. I16. C17. F18. E 19-22 Summary without word list 19 physical health20 disabled21 brain scans

22 walking 23-26人名配理论23 C24 B25 A26 A (答案仅供参考) Passage 3: 题名:Does class size matter? 题型:段落信息匹配5+分类配对9 文章大意:待补充 答案:27-31 段落信息匹配27 D28 E29 A30 C 31 B 32-40 Classification32 A33 C34 B35 C36 A37 C38 A39 B40 A (目前无明确回忆,答案仅供参考) B卷Passage 1: 题目:The History of building telegraph lines 题型:判断6+简答7 文章大意:电报的发展史 相似文章: A The idea of electrical communication seems to have begun as long ago as 1746, when about 200 monks at monastery in Paris arranged themselves in a line over a mile long, each holding ends of 25 ft iron wires. The abbot, also a scientist, discharged a primitive electrical battery into the wire, giving all the monks a simultaneous electrical shock. “This


雅思阅读提高填空题正确率的5个技 巧 很多雅思考试都觉得雅思阅读考试的填空题有难度,不知道用什么技巧才行,今天给大家带来了提高填空题正确率的5个技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下。 【雅思阅读高分技巧】提高填空题正确率的5个技巧 雅思阅读考试的填空题怎么做 1、首先我们要仔细阅读第一句话,找出它在*中的位置在哪里,通常是和原文某段话的第一句相对应.如果题目要求中已经指出了摘要的出处,则此步可以略去不做。同时,特别注意一下空格前后的词,然后到原文中寻找对应的。 2、特别注意题目要求中是否有字数限制。若要求从原文选词或自己写词,会有字数要求,如Use ONE OR TWO WORDS等,答案必须满足这个要求。 3、若从原文选词,只能选原文中连续的几个词,不能改变它们的顺序,切忌。

4、从选项中选词,要注意看题目要求是写答案本身,还是写选项前的代表字母。选项前有代表字母的,肯定是要求答代表字母。最近的考试中,选项前大部分都有代表字母。 5、一般有字数限制,选原文中的词不能改变他们的顺序,越是生词越可能是答案。 雅思阅读的做题顺序也有技巧 具体方法如下: 一、首先决定要以什么样的顺序做题。真正的雅思考试并不是想象中的由易到难,很有可能一开始的*就很难。设想,如果用30分钟先解决一道难题,再用剩下的30分钟去完成两道简单的题目,效果注定不好!试举剑桥4中TEST 2 为例,三篇*分别“lost for words”, “alternative medicine in Australia”, “play is a serious business”.乍一看第三篇*题目是最简单的,实际上它反而是最难的。 二、题型决定做题顺序,而不是题目。“lost for words”题型分别是:summary, 人名理论matching, yes/no/not given. “alternative medicine in Australia”题型分别是:multiple choices, yes/no/not given, 填空题. “play is a serious business”题型分别是:信息段落配对,多选多,人名理论配对。初步分析题型后还可以细化,理清做题思路。第一篇*难度适中,summary 属主旨类型


雅思图表题常用句型 雅思图表题数字对比是很多考生都很头痛的事情,一旦没有掌握好顺序,就有可能是整个描写都混乱起来,所以大家掌握一些关于数字对比的雅思图表题常用套句是非常必要的,也是非常有好处的。 下面哥为大家整理了雅思图表题数字对比常用套句,供童鞋们参考,以下是详细内容。There was a (very) sudden/rapid/dramatic/significant/sharp/steep/steady/gradual/slow/slight+increase/jump/ri se/decrease/drop/fall/fluctuation 注意:上述很多词不可用于修饰fluctuation+in the number of XXX from 第一时间to 第二时间/ between 第一时间and 第二时间 描述稳定的data The number of XXX remained steady/stable from (第一时间) to (第二时间) / between (第一时间) and (第二时间) The number of XXX stayed the same from (第一时间) to (第二时间) / between (第一时间) and (第二时间) There was little change / hardly any change / no change in the number of XXX from from (第一时间) to (第二时间) / between (第一时间) and (第二时间) 描述不同状态的data Noun form: steady drop / sharp rise peak / dramatic fall / sharp drop Verbal form: (to) bottom out / (to) reach the bottom / (to) increase gradually / (to) reach a plateau / (to) remain steady 描述the highest point以及the lowest point 高点极值 The monthly prof it / The figures / The situation ... +peaked in (月份/年) <准确时间点用at XXX> at XXX% / XXX(极点data)或者reached a peak / a high point at XXX% / XXX(极点data) 低点极值 XXX bottomed out / reached+rock / the bottom / a low point或者hit a trough 此外,在描述过程中还有很多的conjunctional words/sentences,最常用的固定搭配如下: 并列:as well as(句首/中), also, as well(句尾), either, neither, too, moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, besides, what’s more, apart from ..


智课网 IELTS 备考资料 雅思写作图表题解题思路 摘要:雅思写作图表题的解题思路有哪些 ? 无论什么样的考试,事先了解考试的范围内容,以及解题思路就会给考生带来很大的帮助,这也是取得好成绩的重要条件,下面小马过河就帮帮助大家进行详细的讲解雅思写作图表题的解题思路。 第一步:雅思写作改写题目 在考场上,时间是最宝贵的,当考生拿到作文题目,首先通过改写题目完成作文的第一段, “ 同义转换” 是其核心方法,包括两个步骤,第一同义词置换,第二句式变换,也就是说用不同的词、不同的句式表达相同的意思。 第二步:分析时态 1. 图表小作文大部分时候使用过去时态,因为出现的数据一般都是以往的统计数据,过去的情形和现在的情形很有可能完全不一样,因此用过去时态比较恰当。 2. 如果图表里没有出现明显的时间标志,那么用一般现在时态就可以了。 3. 某些情况下,图表作文也会出现将来时间,这个时候用将来时态。 第三步:分析图中数字的含义以及单位 很多同学由于急于完成文章,所以忽略了对图中数据的分析,比如说,有些题目中会在角落里标明百分号和单位,很多同学没有注意到,就认为图中的数字是表示个数或者弄错单位,这样整篇文章的分数就会受到很大的影响。因此先不要急于动笔写,先分析好了,再动笔也不迟。更加值得注意的是,小作文也会走题。 第四步:分析图表

一个图表包含的数据非常多,不能够把每一个数据都列出来,而要描述关键的数据,题目中要求总结,因此作文中必须包含概括性,总结性的语句,除了 specific information,更加需要加入 general information. 通过这四个雅思写作图表题解题步骤,考生可以轻松地在 20分钟内完成小作文,也可以避免出现时态、走题等重大错误。从容的面对小作文,顺利地在 20分钟内完成高质量的小作文是取得雅思写作高分的关键。 相关字搜索:雅思写作

雅思阅读考点词汇 刘洪波 解析+同义替换

雅思阅读考点词汇刘洪波解析+同义替换 考点核心词 abandon abstract accelerate * access * Acknowledge =Admit =recognize express gratitude for; =notice =accept as legally binding and valid =accept (sb) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority -----The crown prince was ackownledged as the heir TO the throne * adapt to * addictive adjust * admit adversity =hardship misfortune affliction /hard knocks / Disaster tragedy grief evil = a stroke of ill fortune; a calamitous events -adverse=harmful inauspicious untoward contrary counter aggression=hostility violence invasion infringement -hostile=unfriendly agreeable

Aid Allergic =Hypersensitive hypersensitized hypersensitised Sensitized sensitised supersensitized alter * alternative altitude analyse * ancient * application apply to * appreciate * approach * approve array =series of/ranging =clothes/thread/garment an array of troops/books/emotions/fruit and vegetables artificial * Assess 对人judgment对物calculate estimate =evaluate valuate value measure =tax * assign -assignment =任命职务,任务sb to a post=delegate designate depute *assign a task to children =give out/allot sth


雅思英语阅读练习题及答案:第一篇 内容摘要:The failure of a high-profile cholesterol drug has thrown a spotlight on the complicated machinery that regulates cholesterol levels. ★Why did a promising heart drug fail? Doomed drug highlights complications of meddling with cholesterol. 1. The failure of a high-profile cholesterol drug has thrown a spotlight on the complicated machinery that regulates cholesterol levels. But many researchers remain confident that drugs to boost levels of 'good' cholesterol are still one of the most promising means to combat spiralling heart disease. 2. Drug company Pfizer announced on 2 December that it was cancelling all clinical trials of torcetrapib, a drug designed to raise heart-protective high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). In a trial of 15000 patients, a safety board found that more people died or suffered cardiovascular problems after taking the drug plus a cholesterol-lowering statin than those in a control group who took the statin alone. 3. The news came as a kick in the teeth to many cardiologists because earlier tests in animals and people suggested it would lower rates of cardiovascular disease. "There have been no red flags to my knowledge," says John Chapman, a specialist in lipoproteins and atherosclerosis at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) in Paris who has also studied torcetrapib. "This cancellation came as a complete shock." 4. Torcetrapib is one of the most advanced of a new breed of drugs designed to raise levels of HDLs, which ferry cholesterol out of artery-clogging plaques to the liver for removal from the body. Specifically, torcetrapib blocks a protein called cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP), which normally transfers the cholesterol from high-density lipoproteins to low density, plaque-promoting ones. Statins, in contrast, mainly work by lowering the 'bad' low-density lipoproteins. Under pressure 5. Researchers are now trying to work out why and how the drug backfired, something that will not become clear until the clinical details are released by Pfizer. One hint lies in evidence from earlier trials that it slightly raises blood pressure in some patients. It was thought that this mild problem would be offset by the heart benefits of the drug. But it is possible that it actually proved fatal in some patients who already suffered high blood pressure. If blood pressure is the explanation, it would actually be good news for drug developers because it suggests that the problems are specific to this compound. Other prototype drugs that are being developed to block CETP work in a slightly different way and might not suffer the same downfall. 6. But it is also possible that the whole idea of blocking CETP is flawed, says Moti Kashyap, who directs atherosclerosis research at the VA Medical Center in Long Beach, California. When HDLs excrete cholesterol in the liver, they actually rely on LDLs for part of this process. So inhibiting CETP, which prevents the transfer of cholesterol from HDL to LDL, might actually cause an abnormal and irreversible


【整个时段最高】...were the highest throughout the period./ over the period/during this 25-year period 【起点】In 1940 the proportion of XX stood at ...XX in XX, approximately XX in XX and XX in XX 【最高点后回落】After peaking at ...,XX had fallen back o XX by 2002 【最后两年增长放缓】though the growth slowed over the last two years 【由X剧烈增长到X】There was a dramatic increase in XX from(number) to (number) 【明显缩小】the gap between the three categories narrowed considerably 【相等】was equal at 【尽管有波动】Despite some initial fluctuation, 【尽管有波动】In spite of some fluctuation in the ... 【预计】is expected to/ is predicted to 【分别始于】From XX and XX respectively in 1980 【分别是】..while the impact of this on Oceania and North America was minimal, with only 1.7% and 0.2% of land affected respectively. 【保持稳定】will remain stable at 【相对不重要】relatively insignificant 【经历下降】saw a fall 【时间段末尾】by the end of the period 【时间点对应数字】..but rose dramatically in 2011 when it represented 23% of the school budget 【相应的下降】corresponding drops 【不那么明显的下降到】...also declined, but much less significantly to just below... 【表现出下降趋势】showed an upward trend 【急剧下降】plummet/ plunge 【由xx组成】be made up of /consist of/ be composed of 【维持在某一水平】remain stable at 、level off at/ hover at (高) 【最高点】peak at、reach its peak at /reach the highest level at


People often ask which is the most difficult language to learn, and it is not easy to answer because there are many factors to take into consideration. Firstly, in a first language the differences are (66) as people learn their mother tongue naturally, so the question of how hard a language is to learn is only (67 ) when learning a second language. A native speaker of Spanish, (68) , will find Portuguese much easier to learn than a native speaker of Chinese, because Portuguese is very similar to Spanish, (69) Chinese is very different. So first language can (70) learning a second language. The greater the differences between the second language and our first are, the (71) it will be for most people to learn. Many people answer that Chinese is the hardest language to learn, possibly (72) by the thought of learning the Chinese writing system, and the pronunciation of Chinese does appear to be very difficult for many foreign learners. (73) , for Japanese speakers, who already use Chinese characters in their own language, learning (74) will be less difficult than for speakers of languages using the Roman alphabet. Some people seem to learn languages (75) , while others find it very difficult. Teachers and the (76) in which the language is learned also play an important role, as well as each learner's motivation for learning. If people learn a language because they need to use it (77) , they often learn it faster than people studying a language that has no direct use in their day to day life. (78) from different cultures will find different languages more difficult. No language is easy to learn well, (79) languages which are related to our first language are easier. Learning a completely different writing system is a huge (80) , but that does not necessarily make a language more difficult than another. 66. A. apparent B. extensive C. decline D. unimportant 67. A. relevant B. permanent C. essential D. progressive 68. A. by contrast B. in addition C. for example D. after all 69. A. when B. while C. where D. whether 70. A. affect B. achieve C. attach D. assemble 71. A. easier B. harder C. faster D. slower 72. A. inherited B. overtaken C. influenced D. restricted 73. A. However B. Moreover C. Therefore D. Anyhow 74. A. speaking B. listening C. reading D. writing 75. A. gradually B. steadily C. readily D.subconsciously 76. A. learners B. materials C. tutors D.circumstances 77. A. occasionally B. professionally C. properly D. informally 78. A. societies B. characters C. individuals D. visitors 79. A. as B. though C. because D. since 80. A. success B. surprise C. opportunity D. challenge 66—70 DACBA 71—75 BCADC 76—80 DBCBD

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