当前位置:文档之家› 全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试外贸英语写作试题00097













1.Nobody what will happen to the meeting.





2.The contract will be awarded to submits the lowest bid.





3.Ineffective management resulted poor profits.





4.The bookstore has not ordered text books for all the students in the course.

A.enough of


C.plenty of

D.as many

5.He said that he forgot both of the .

A.rooms number


C.room numbers

D.room number

6.In the stillness of the night,the noises very .

A.heard loud

B.heard loudly

C.sounded loudly

D.sounded loud

7.I’m not as to tell him the secret.

A.so stupid

B.such stupid

C.as stupid

D.stupid so

8.The photos of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the earth.


B.the clearest

C.more clearer

D.much clearer

9.Venus approaches the earth more closely than does.

A.any planet

B.any other planet

C.any planets

D.any others

10.The attorney told his client they had little chance of winning the case.





11. relatively more expensive,this kind of engine is highly efficient.





12.The machine at full speed turns out5,000pieces an hour.


B.to run



13.Dr.Bell went to New York,bought some books,and .

A.visiting his daughter

B.to visit his daughter

C.visited his daughter

D.visits his daughter

14.Filing the correspondence, .

A.Andy found the lost document

B.and Andy found the lost document

C.the lost document was found

D.and the lost document was found

15.The duties of the job include answering the phone,making appointments,and .

A.data be collected

B.data collected

C.collecting data

D.to collect data

16.With her do this,she will have no difficulty in finishing the job.

A.my helping

B.I help

C.me helping

D.I helping

17.When I met Sue, .

A.Sue was a student of Stanford University

B.she was a student of Stanford University

C.Sue is a student of Stanford University

D.she is a student of Stanford University

18.Mr.Carpenter has done business in the Caribbean.

A.a number of


C.a lot of


19. you cannot attend the meeting,please let us know as soon as possible.





20.I have to finish a paper this weekend.









下列每句各有一个错误,找出错误并改正三请将错误及改正写在答题卡(纸)上三Example:Who’s taking care the dog while you’re away?

taking care→taking care of

21.The children ate the birthday cake so fastly that there was hardly enough left.

22.Every man and woman are eligible to vote.

23.Few is strong enough to finish the race.

24.It was I whom called you last night.

25.He speaks Spanish much frequently than I.

26.The numbers in the key do not correspond with those in the lessons.

27.Both industry or agriculture are making great strides in the country.

28.Disappointing,the workers left the general manager’s office.

29.If the caller is he,please get him telephone number.

30.We will like to remind you that the latest date of shipment is approaching.



31.that/I trust/the goods/in time/for/will reach you/the winter selling season

32.the machine/we/bought/because of/reputation/your company’s/for quality and service

33.from/many/in China/companies/benefit a lot/international trade

34.economics/a true fact/it is/that/an important and vital role/in our lives/play

35.discuss the matter/we/be ready to/will/with you/in our next meeting

36.we have/very reliable/business relationship/for nine years/with them/and find them

37.is to/our company’s/consistent aim/provide/to customers/excellent service

38.Mr.Jim Green/an assistant manager/in/is/a medium?sized/garment company

39.is preparing/the president/to solve/of the company/financial problems/a meeting

40.I/to the dinner party/am/to accept/very delighted/in honor of Mr.King/your invitation 四二标点改错:本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分三


Example:A.What a nice present you gave me.me!

B.You think you are right don’t you?right,

41.Send your questions to Mary Adams,who is director of Public Relations for a quick reply.

42.As you know I attended the annual marketing conference last week.

43.The goods were in perfect condition when loaded on board,consequently,we find no ground to compensate for the loss you claimed for.

44.The accountant stated, Our taxable income is at an all?time high”.

45.This turned out to be a win win negotiation.

46.Don’t you think it would be a good idea to call Mr.Taylor.

47.I consider,our trip to Iceland early this year a very precious experience.

48.Mr.Anderson from Keyway Co Ltd.will visit our company next Wednesday.

49.They feel they could do the managers job as well,or even better.

50.Note.All visitors must register with the receptionist.



51.You are a sales manager and you want to arrange a meeting with your team members at the end of the month.

Write a memo to your sales team:

四explaining the purpose of the sales meeting is to discuss the sales plan,

四asking them to prepare a detailed plan for the region they are responsible for,

四telling them to give you a phone call in advance if they cannot attend the meeting.









A012·00097(通卡) 绝密★启用前 2019年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 外贸英语写作 (课程代码00097) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为两部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题。 2.应考者必须按试题顺序在答题卡(纸)指定位置上作答,答在试卷上无效。 3.涂写部分、画图部分必须使用2B铅笔,书写部分必须使用黑色字迹签字笔。 第一部分选择题 一、单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。 1.He is more talented and active than in our department. A.anyone B.anyone else C.else anyone D.anybody 2.Most people considerto be responsible citizens. A.themselves B.himself C.they D.their 3.If you write checks,your service charges will decline. A.less B.least C.fewest D.fewer 4.Because of air pollution being greatly reduced,this city is still . A.lived in as a good place B.lived as a good place C.a good place to live in D.a good place which to live 5.Of all the books mentioned in the booklist,none available ecently. A.is B.has heen C.are D.have


2018年国考行测真题(省级以上) 注意事项 1.这项测验共有五个部分,总时限为120分钟。 2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将姓名与准考证号在指定位置上填写清楚。 3.当监考人员宣布考试正式开始时,你才可以答题。 4.当监考老师宣布考试结束时,你应立即停止作答。待监考人员允许离开后,方可离开考场。 5.在这项测验中,可能有一些试题较难,因此你不要在某一道题上思考太长时间,遇到不会答的题目,可先跳过去。否则,你可能没有时间完成后面的题目。 第一部分常识判断 (共20题参考时限15分钟) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1.我国宪法对非公有制经济的规定进行了几次修改,按时间先后排序正确的是() ①允许发展私营经济,采取“引导、监督、管理”的方针 ②在法律规定范围内的个体经济、私营经济等非公有制经济,是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分 ③鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济的发展,并对非公有制经济依法实行监督和管理 ④非公有制经济仅限于个体经济,不包括私营经济,且个体经济处于补充地位 A.①②④③ B.①③②④ C.④①③② D.④①②③ 2.下列关于“三农”问题的说法错误的是() A.民政部门是农民专业合作社登记机关 B.征地补偿费的使用、分配方案,经村民会议讨论决定方可办理 C.深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革是当前和今后一个时期农业农村工作的主线 D.村民委员会作出的决定侵害村民合法权益的,受侵害的村民可以申请人民法院予以撤销 3.关于2015年中央军委改革工作会议召开以来进行的改革,下列说法错误的是() A.全面停止军队有偿服务活动 B.组建中央军委联勤保障部队 C.军委机关由多部门制改为总部制 D.成立陆军领导机构和战略支援部队 4.下列金融机构与其可以从事的金融业务对应正确的是() A.商业银行——股票承销业务 B.人寿保险公司——医疗责任保险业务 C.小额贷款公司——城乡居民储蓄存款业务 D.中国出口信用保险公司——海外投资保险业务


2019年中考英语专题练习试卷 (名师精选全国真题+答案,值得下载练习) 一、阅读理解。 A (2019中考教育类选练) A jaywalker is a person who usually walks across the road without paying attention to the traffic. “I don’t like to be a taxi driver,not only because of its hard work,but also for the reason of too many jaywalkers on the road,and that may cause dangerous accidents.”Drivers always compla (抱怨)like that.These day,a new way is used to solve the problem in Shijiazhuang,and the jaywalkers are now facing another danger of having their pictures shown on screen. A new system(系统)using two cameras and a 30 cm-by -20 cm screen is put next to some crossings in the city.People who cross the road on a red light will be caught by the camera,and their pictures will be shown on the screen.At the same time,the system will make a warning sound for people not to continue. A primary school students was caught by the camera.He stopped back onto the pavement(人 行道)after hearing the sound.”I was in a rush to get to school and saw myself smiling shyly on the screen,”he said. The system has been in use for about two weeks.Many people think it’s a good way to stop jaywalking.But there are also different voices.Some think that walkers are now given less time than drivers to cross the road,and time should be adjusted(调整). Anyway,it is a good way to solve the problem on the road.And maybe it will spread to more cities soon. ( )1.Jaywalkers often______. A.drive a car carefully B.solve the traffic problems C.follow the traffic rules D.run the red light


2019年考研英语(二)真题及答案解析 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 . As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was had to my overall fitness goats. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals. I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7 altering your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost. For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to 11 my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12 any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13 my training program. I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I’m constantly 15 and dropping weight, this is a 16 that I need to increase my daily caloric intake. The 17 to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being. I’m experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 18 morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals, 19 I’m training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale. Rather than 20 over the scale, turn your focus to how you look, feel how your clothes fit and your overall energy level. 1.[A]Besides [B]Therefore [C]Otherwise [D]However 【答案】[C] However 【解析】此处考察逻辑关系。首段提出文章中心:定期称量自己是一种解任何显著的的体重波动的好方法。空格所在句指出:____,如果太频繁,这种习惯有时会造成损害。前文wonderful way(好方法)与后文hurt(损害)形成转折关系,故填入however(然而)。另外,however也是考研完形填空中的高频词。其他选项:therefore(因此),otherwise (否则)和besides(此外)此处不符合语境,故正确答案为[C] However。 2.[A]helps [B]cares [C]warns [D]reduces 【答案】[D] helps


2019年国家公务员考试申论真题(地市级文字版) 一、如何做好基层文化建设工作,直接关系到中华民族传统文化 的继承和弘扬,结合“给定材料1—3”,谈谈做好基层文化建设的启示。 要求:紧扣给定材料,条理清晰,不超过300字。 【解析——米彦泽】 本题是一道启示题,通常就是对策,且多注重于未来的对策,所 以需要实行推理分析。其实也就是从材料1—3中抽象出其做法。题目 要求,紧扣材料,条理清晰,所以,作答要严格依照材料,分点分条 作答。启示题,需要仔细材料中的成功做法是什么,基层文化建设面 临什么问题等,再提出相对应的启示,如材料3提到了文化站利用率低,我们就应该想到要健全制度,提升其利用率。 【参考答案——米彦泽】 1、因地制宜,充分尊重少数民族的风俗习惯,建设符合其民族文 化的相关硬件设施,保护其民族文化及信仰; 2、完善社区数字管理系统,倡导建设民族文化街,保护民族文化 传承; 3、重视基层文化建设,对于具备条件的项目申报非物质文化遗产,增强民族自信心和自豪感; 4、提升基层文化工作者的思想文化水平和专业素质,鼓励文化水 平高的大学生到基层参与文化的普及和建设工作,多方式传递农业科技,满足群众需求; 5、调动资源,大力建设“农家书屋”、文化站等基础文化设施, 提升群众文化素质;

6、建立健全制度,提升文化站、书屋等的利用率,展开群众喜闻 乐见的文化活动。 【参考答案——刘姮】 1、政府应高度重视民族地区的基层文化建设。在充分利用现有条 件和历史文物资源的基础上,增大投入,拓宽融资渠道,启动专项危 改工程。 2、坚持街区改造与非物质文化遗产保护有机结合。街区改造应尊 重民族风俗,听取民众心声,使历史性、传承性、民族性和民生性有 机统一。 3、制定文化站管理制度,完善社区数字化管理系统,设立专门机构,聘用工作人员管理,按时开放,按章管理,提升利用率。 4、增大培训力度。定期展开农业科技培训,聘请专家、技术人员,采取群众喜闻乐见的形式实行培训,提升群众文化情趣、就业素质和 专业技能。 5、增强传统文化宣传。利用宣传栏、张贴标语等方式在群众集中 地段展示传播传统文化,提升群众积极性和参与度。 二、给定材料4—6,概括当前汉语生态环境面临的主要问题。 要求:紧扣给定材料,条理清晰,不超过200字。 【解析——米彦泽】 本题要求考生概括当前汉语生态环境面临的问题,大家很容易就 知道是在材料中找“问题”,考生必须严格依据材料作答,那就要求 带着问题阅读给定材料。题目要求“紧扣材料,条理清晰”,所以要 尽量核心问题从材料4—6中一一都搜集、提炼出来,还要分点作答。 本题我们只需要从材料中摘取概括即可,比如给定材料4中提到只注 重学习英语,忽视了汉语的学习,导致汉语写作水平低,不利于当前


2019年中考英语模拟试题及答案 一、选择填空。(共15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. —Have you seen wolf warriors II (《战狼II》)? —Yes. This is _______ educational film and it has become one of _______ most popular films in the world. A. a; / B. a; the C. an; the D. /; the 2. —Hi, Cathy! I saw Miss Zhang in the meeting room just now. ―No, it ______ be her. She went to Nanjing two days ago. A. must B. may C. can’t D. needn’t 3. —Did you watch 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Evening Gala in Taian? —Certainly. That night the sky over Taian was as _______ as that in the day with th e light. A. bright B. brightly C. brighter D. more brightly 4. —What about going to the cinema on foot with me, Wei Ming? —I prefer _______ a bike to _______ there. A. ride; walk B. riding; walk C. ride; walking D. riding; walking 5. China’s first home-built aircraft carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian _______ the morning of April 26, 2017. A. in B. on C. at D. to 6. When we see any waste lying on the ground, we should _______. A. pick it out B. point at it C. pick it up D. kick it out said that the TV program Readers was quite popular. 7. —It’s —Yes. _______ my parents _______ my little sister likes watching it very much. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 8. —Do you know China’s famous scientist Pan Jianwei? —You mean “the father of quantum”( 量子之父)? Yes, he is the _______ of our coun try. A. pride B. prize C. proud D. heart 9. —We’ll study in different schools next term. I hope you’ll enjoy your time in the new school! —_______ . B. The same to you. A. I’ll take your advice C. Congratulations! D. Me, too.


全国2007年7月高等教育自学考试 外贸英语写作试题 课程代码:00097 请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 Part One: Questions 1-20 Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (在下列各题中选择一个最佳答案填空。)20% 1. Customers are understandably angry ______ the delay. A. with B. for C. at D. toward 2. Unless data can be assembled ______, we will lose business to our competitors. A. quicker B. more quickly C. more quick D. much quickly 3. ______ first class was questioned by the auditor. A. His traveling B. He traveling C. His travel D. He travel 4. Y esterday the manager, along with the office secretary and accountant, ______ invited to the conference . A. was B. were C. is D. are 5. Our staff agreed that ______ stand must be unified. A. their B. our C. it’s D. its 6. A serious disagreement between the management and ______ caused ______ dismissal. A. he...him B. he (i) C. him...he D. him (i) 7. Members debated the ______ of decentralization. A. pro and con B. pro’s and con’s C. pros and cons D. pro-and-con 8. ______ you have probably seen in our advertisements in fashion magazines, our products appeal to a wide age group. A. As B. Like C. Since D. Because 9. Send this form to ______ requests it. A. whomever B. whoever C. whom D. who 10. This agreement is applicable to transactions in ______ direction between the two parties.


2019年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题答案详解 Section I Use of English 1、【答案】C.Few【试题考点】词义辨析和上下文语境 【解析】此题词义辨析和上下文语境。首句为主题句:今天,我们生活在一个GPS系统,数字地图和其他导航应用程序都在我们的智能手机上唾手可得的世界。空格所在句指出:我们中_____在没有电话,个人GPS或其他导航工具的情况下直接走进树林。本句有without 与few构成双重否定表肯定,根据语义应该填入few(几乎没有人),符合文意。 2、【答案】C.run【试题考点】词组搭配 【解析】此题考查词组搭配。run on battery表示手机用电池发动,运行。其他选项:Put on(穿上;使运转);take on(承担;呈现);come on(快点;开始),语义不通顺。故正确答案为[C] run。 3、【答案】B.If【试题考点】逻辑关系 【解析】此题考查逻辑关系。空格所在句译文:____你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,____找不到北方,我们有一些技巧可以帮助你导航____文明。此处为假设的情况,故填入if(如果)符合上下文的表达。其余选项:Since(因为;自从),though(虽然),until(直到)带入后,语义不通顺。故正确答案为[B]If。 4、【答案】D.literally【试题考点】词义辨析 【解析】空格所在句译文:____你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,____找不到北方,我们有一些技巧可以帮助你导航____文明。此处literally表示确实地,真正地,带入原文语义通顺:你的确找不到北方。其余选项:Formally(正式地),relatively(相对地),gradually(逐渐地)带入后,语义不通顺。故正确答案为[D]literally. 5、【答案】A.back【试题考点】词义辨析和上下文语境 【解析】空格所在句译文:____你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,____找不到北方,我们有一些技巧可以帮助你导航____文明。前文讲lost(迷路),此处填入back(回到)文明之地相互呼应,故正确答案为[A]back。 6、【答案】[B]off【试题考点】词义辨析和词组搭配 【解析】此处考察词义辨析和词组搭配。空格所在句的句意为:当你____路径,但不是完全______的区域,你需要回答两个问题:在这个特殊区域,哪儿条路是下坡?哪儿里有最


2019 年国家公务员考试面试真题(海事局2月 25日) 1、你有没有遇到过一个时间非常紧急的事件,需要你去协调处理,请具体谈谈你是如何 做的。 2、领导交由你负责搜集单位各项数据,整合汇总进行汇报,之前的准备工作开展的很 顺利,临到讲解时,你突然发现其中的部分数据有问题,但数据修改需要 1 天的时间才能完成,对比你怎么办。 3、海事中心准备开展开放日活动,计划邀请辖区内学校,航运单位等部门一起参加。 如果选择工作日举办活动担心前来参与的人会很少,但选择周末又担心接待人数过多,你认为此项工作的重点是什么,你会怎么开展工作。 4、受天气因素影响,你单位辖区内的航道进行了封禁,但是旅客们很是焦急,不明 情况,现在要求直播连线予以解释,领导将任务交给了你,请现场模拟如何与群众沟通。 5、观点反驳题。 总观点:纸质图书的优点多于电子书,且前景更好。 理由一:纸质书籍好做笔记,备注方便。 理由二:可以避开使用电子屏幕,保护眼睛。 2019 年国家公务员考试面试真题(海关2 月 25 日) 1、为了促进地方外贸工作,[ 政达教育整理] 领导派你到地方挂职锻炼,但在地方工作一 段时间后,你发现他们只让你参与开会调研,并不安排重要的工作给你,这次,又让你和小 王去做一项调研工作,小王戏称你是来镀金的,不重视你的建议,领导也很生气,认为你没起到什么作用,你怎么办? 2、你单位每年都会在年终对优抚对象的身份进行审核查验,保证优抚对象依然健在, 防止冒领优抚金,但是很多优抚对象居住分散,年龄大腿脚不方便,而且年终时间紧任务重,参与审核的人手也短缺,对比你怎么办? 3、现在 95 后一般在职时间为七个月,远远低于80.90 后,被称为离职闪电军,对比你 怎么看? 4、你单位要组织一次全省执法资格考试,由于各单位距离较为分散,只有几个单位能 采用机考,其他单位需要运送纸质试卷,但是天气预报报道考试前后会有大雪,高速公路可能要封路,参与组织考试的人手也不足,可能会导致试卷运送不到,你会怎么办? 2019 年国家公务员考试面试真题(铁路公安2月25日) 1、在铁路沿线上有一个塔,经专业人员检修坚定此塔有倾斜倒塌的危险 , 你是该铁路线路民警 , 领导让你处理此事 , 你会怎么处理? 2、目前快递行业大学生从业比例较高,甚至都是本科学历,请问你如何看待这种现象。


2018年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 外贸英语写作试卷 (课程代码00097) 一、单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题l分。共20分。在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出. 1.Proposals submitted by were considered. A.her and me B.her and I C.she and I D.she and me 2.Mr.Steward is the one we have selected as supervisor. A.whoever B.which C.whom D.who 3.The training section of this company consists ten staff. A.of B.in C.for D.with 4.The news I heard from my family quite good. A.being B.was C.were D.are 5.Did you go on many ski trips this year? No, . A.not much B.quite less C.very little D.very few 6.Around the world, there may be a million earthquakes in a single year. A.as many as B.so many as C.as much as D.so much as 7. the car seems to be his main hobby. A.Wash B.Washing C.Washed D.To wash 8.Andrew does the work than Paul. A.more slowly B.more slow C.slower D.much slow 9. you take your medicine. you will feel. A.The sooner...better B.Sooner...the better C.Sooner...better D.The sooner...the better 10.George knew he could improve the way of marketing. A.how that B.which C.how D.how to 11.All the report should be complete, concise, and . A.accurate B.accuracy C.writing accurately D.written accurate 12.You can get the loan you offer good security. A.unless B.if C.but D.and 13.Mr.Baron is anxious the big project. A.of winning B.winning C.win D.to win 14.I know he spends as much time reading books as . A.exercises B.doing exercises C.do exercises D.does exercises 15.You were supposed to stay in your seats, keep your eyes on your work, to


2019年考研已经结束,为方便考生备考,特整理2019年全国硕士研究生考试真题,供各位考生复习使用,以下是2019年英语(一)考研真题及答案解析。 Section ⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smart phones. 1 of us just walk straight into the woods without a phone. But phones 2 on batteries, and batteries can die faster than we realize. 3 you get lost without a phone or a compass, and you 4 can’t find north, a few tricks to help you navigate 5 to civilization, one of which is to follow the land... When you find yourself well 6 a trail, but not in a completely 7 area, you have to answer two questions: Which 8 is downhill, in this particular area And where is the nearest water source Humans overwhelmingly live in valleys, and on supplies of fresh water. 9 , if you head downhill, and follow any H2O you find, you should 10 see signs of people. If you’ve explored the area before, keep an eye out for familiar sights—you may be 11 how quickly identifying a distinctive rock or tree can restore your bearings. Another 12 : Climb high and look for signs of human habitation. 13 , even in dense forest, you should be able to 14 gaps in the tree line due to roads, train tracks, and other paths people carve 15 the woods. Head toward these 16 to find a way out. At night, scan the horizon for 17 light sources, such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution. 18 , assuming you’re lost in an area humans tend to frequent, look for the 19 we leave on


洛阳市2019年中考英语试题及答案 注意事项: 1.本试卷共10页,七个大题,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2.本试卷上不要答题,请按答题卡上注意事项的要求直接把答案填写在答题卡上。答在试卷上的答案 无效。 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 1.What food does the boy like? A.Indian food. B. Chinese food . C. French food. 2.Who plays football well? A.Roger. B. Jonny. C. Lucy. 3.Where are the speakers now? A.In the bedroom. B. In the library. C. In the classroom. 4.When will the speakers meet A.At 5 pm. B. At 6 pm. C. At 8 pm. 5.What’s the weather like today? A. Windy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny. 第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面-?段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。 6.When will the speakers go running? A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow morning. C. Tomorrow afternoon. 7.What will the man do next? A. Play basketball. B. Visit friends. C. Go shopping 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。 8.What did the man buy for his father? A.Ties. B. Shirts. C. Coats. 9.How much did the man pay? A. $25. B. $40. C. $65. 听下面一段独白,回答第10至第12三个小题。 10.Why are they arriving late? A.Because of an accident. B.Because of the bad weather. C.Because of the heavy traffic. 11.How are they getting to the hotel?


绝密★考试结束前 全国2020年10月高等教育自学考试 外贸英语写作试题 课程代码:00097 1.请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂二写在答题纸上三 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称二姓名二准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上三 选择题部分 注意事项: 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑三如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号三不能答在试题卷上三 一二单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分三在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出三 1. I had a very good weekend at my uncle’s.” Oh,really? ” A.That will do. B.Cheer up! C.It’s a pleasure. D.Glad to hear that. 2.We can give you a lift to the post office.We are going that way . A.nearly B.either C.anyway D.however 3.Bob made a mistake but I don’t hold against him.We all make mistakes. A.one B.it C.this D.that 4.Put your seat belt on.The plane will be in a few minutes. A.taking off B.taking away C.taking up D.taking down 5.John thought I was blaming him, in fact,I was blaming myself. A.as B.whether C.unless D.while 6. Do you hear someone knocking at the door?” Yes,I did.I heard him three times.” A.knocking B.knocked C.being knocking D.knock 7.Peter,John and Tom each . A.say they came first B.says they came first C.says he came first D.say came first


2019年英语(一)考研真题 Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smart phones. 1 of us just walk straight into the woods without a phone. But phones 2 on batteries, and batteries can die faster than we realize. 3 you get lost without a phone or a compass, and you 4 can’t find north, a few tr icks to help you navigate 5 to civilization, one of which is to follow the land... When you find yourself well 6 a trail, but not in a completely 7 area, you have to answer two questions: Which 8 is downhill, in this particular area? And where is the nearest water source? Humans overwhelmingly live in valleys, and on supplies of fresh water. 9 , if you head downhill, and follow any H2O you find, you should 10 see signs of people. If you’ve explored the area before, keep an eye out for familiar sights—you may be 11 how quickly identifying a distinctive rock or tree can restore your bearings. Another 12 : Climb high and look for signs of human habitation. 13 , even in dense forest, you should be able to 14 gaps in the tree line due to roads, train tracks, and other paths people carve 15 the woods. Head toward these 16 to find a way out. At night, scan the horizon for 17 light sources, such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution. 18 , assuming you’re lost in an area humans tend t o frequent, look for the 19 we leave on the landscape. Trail blazes, tire tracks, and other features can 20 you to civilization. 1. [A]Some [B]Most [C]Few [D]All 2. [A]put[B]take[C]run [D]come 3. [A]Since [B] If [C] Though [D]Until 4. [A]formally [B] relatively [C] gradually [D] literally 5. [A] back [B] next [C] around [D] away 6. [A]onto [B]off[C]across [D]alone

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