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课题Reading (A) 8A Unit 6 Natural Disasters


知识目标 1. To develop students’reading skills (skimming and scanning).

2. To get the useful information of the text.

3. To guess the meaning of words and expressions in the text.

能力目标: To gain better understanding through the framework of the material.

情感目标: To guide the students to experience the pleasure of reading and how to protect themselves when are in danger..

教学重点: 1. To develop students’reading skills (skimming and scanning).

2. To gain better understanding through the framework of the material.

教学难点: To get the useful information of the text

教学资源: A tape recorder and some pictures

课前预习: Pre-view the new words and phrases about this text


Step 1. Presentation

1. Show some pictures of natural disasters to present the topic of this unit – natural disasters

2 Present the topic of reading – earthquake

3 Teach some new words:

The teacher ask the students: What happened during the earthquake?

shake, bomb, fear, scream, direction, wildly, glass, bricks

Translate some phrases






6.a slight shaking _______________________________

7.run in all directing ____________________________

8.clam down __________________________________

9.shout for help ________________________________

10. stay here for a long time __________________________

Step2 Reading

1. Get the students to skim the article and find the answer to the question:

Did Timmy give up or try his best to survive when he was in danger during the earthquake?

2 .Read the article for detailed information

1) When the earthquake came, what did Timmy feel/ hear/see/do?

2) How did Timmy save himself after he was trapped?

3) How did other people save Timmy?

3.Read the article for further understanding

1) Listen to the tape and finish Exercises C, textbook Page 97

2) Read with feelings and finish Exercises D, textbook Page 97

Step 3. Practice

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Then get the students to read the article loudly.

Ask the students to discuss : How to save yourselves when you are in danger? Step 4. Sum up

1.We know about Timmy’s whole story.

2.We learn some important phrases and sentences.

3.We know how to save ourselves when we are in danger.

Step5. Exercises & Homework

Think of ways of saving yourself during other natural disasters, write them down . Do the exercises in Part B, Page 96.

Try to say something about the main idea of the article.


Discuss the topic in pairs

Read and remember the new words

Answer the questions

Read after the tape

高中英语 Unit1 Living with technology Reading1教学设计 牛津译林版选修7

Unit1 Living with technology Reading1教学设计 单元:Unit1 Living with technology 板块:Reading 1 Thoughts on design: 这是Reading 板块第一课时。第一课时侧重阅读理解,主要关注提升学生的阅读理解能力和思维能力。涉及到的阅读技能有:把握文体风格,理解中心思想,按照时间线索查找细节信息,了解行文结构和信息组织方式, 通过阅读标题了解特定信息,对长句和难句的理解等等。涉及到的思维能力是:进行信息重组再加工,学习运用所学知识和技能进行创造等。 Teaching aims: 1.students will be able to read an article from a book about the evolution of video and sound devices; 2.students will be able to know the reading strategy—understanding headings; Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Where is this piece of writing taken from? What is it about? (Explan ation) 在阅读导入环节,提出两个问题,提示学生关注本文的文体特点,目标读者和中心内容,对提高他们的阅读理解能力和思维能力都会有所帮助。从应试的角度来看,这些也是常见题型,平时可以因地制宜地进行这种训练。 Step 2 Checking preview 1. P2 A John Logie Baird. Two minutesThomas Edison. The Portable cassette players. 2. New words. P4 D 1e, 2d, 3h, 4c, 5f, 6a, 7b Step 3 Reading strategies 1 What do you think is the best way to get the most important information in such a long passage? Follow the chronological order. P4 C2 ?1887—Emile Berliner invented a record player that used discs to record on.

牛津译林版8A Unit5 Reading1 教案

8A Unit 5 Reading 1 【Learning aims】 By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. grasp the main idea of the whole text and each paragraph; 2. understand the structure of the text; 3. get specific information by using the indicating words; 4. understand the importance of protecting wild animals. 【Learning process】 I. Free presentation II. Pre-reading Task 1 Enjoy the video about Kungfu PandaⅢ Task 2 Brainstorming and understanding some useful expressions What do you know about giant pandas? III.While-reading Task 1 Fast reading 一、Answer the following questions. 1.What does Xi Wang mean? 2.How many pandas are there in the wild now? 3.What will happen to giant pandas 二、Find out the main idea Part 1(Para1-3): Part 2(Para4): Part 3 (5-6): Task 2 Careful reading 一、Read Part 1 and complete the table. The growth of Xiwang


关于优质公开课大班数学教案随笔 使幼儿在玩中学、乐中悟,感受生活中处处有数学,这样设计使本节课的教学效果很好。接下来在这里给大家带来最新优质公开课大班数学教案随笔,希望对你有所帮助! 优质公开课大班数学教案随笔1 大班数学活动铺垫子(面积守恒)教案反思主要包含了活动目标,活动准备,活动过程,活动延伸,活动反思等内容,通过数方格的方法,比较面积的大小,初步体验面积的守恒,在操作过程中能积极尝试,主动学习,适合幼儿园老师们上大班数学活动课,快来看看铺垫子(面积守恒)教案吧。 活动目标: 1、通过数方格的方法,比较面积的大小,初步体验面积的守恒。 2、在操作过程中能积极尝试,主动学习。 3、培养幼儿比较和判断的能力。 4、引导幼儿积极与材料互动,体验数学活动的乐趣。 5、发展幼儿逻辑思维能力。

活动准备: 小长方形每人5个三角形若干记录纸笔 活动过程: 一、设疑(教师出示两个形状不同,但面积相同的纸) 师:小朋友,老师这儿有两张纸,你们觉得它们一样大吗?为什么?你能有什么办法证明谁大,谁小? 小结:这两张纸到底谁大?谁小?这问题可好难?怎么办?如果我给你们一些小长方形,你们能利用小长方形来解决谁大,谁小的问题吗? 二、利用小长方形,形成初步的面积守恒概念 师:谁来用小长方形试一下?这张纸你用几个小长方形铺满的?再试一下另外一张纸,需要几个小长方形? 小结:这两张纸都用了5个小长方形,说明它们是一样大的。 三、幼儿操作,巩固概念。 师:请小朋友每人拿5块小长方形,拼出一个图案,并把你的图案的形状记录下来。

小结:我们一起来看看小朋友们都拼出了那些图案。你们拼出的图形都用了几块小长方形。我们都用了5块,说明这些图形都是一样大的。 四、幼儿操作,提出问题,解决问题。 师“现在,你们看,老师手中有什么?这三角形有多大吗?请你们看一下,这两个图形是不是一样大?为什么? 现在,也请你们用三角形和小长方形拼出一个图形,并把图形的形状和你使用了几块长方形几块三角形记录下来。 小结:我们一起来看一下这些图形,你觉得哪些图形是一样大小的? 活动延伸: 师:在小朋友的操作纸上,有一些图形,请你们看一看,哪些图形是一样大小的。请你用一定的标记把它标出来。 活动反思: 数学****与现实,存在于现实,并且应用与现实,数学过程应该是帮助幼儿把现实问题转化为数学问题的过程。教育活动的内容选择应既贴近幼儿的生活来选择幼儿感兴趣的事物和问题,有助于拓展幼儿的经验和视野。 优质公开课大班数学教案随笔2


外研版高一英语必修一 Module 2 My New Teachers教案 Teaching Aims: Train the students' reading ability. Learn some useful words and expressions:amusing, energetic, intelligent, nervous, make progress keep doing sth and so on. Teaching Important Points. Help the students to understand the passage better. Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period. Teaching Difficult Points: How to help the students improve their reading and understand the passage better. Teaching Methods: Fast reading to get the general idea of the text. Careful reading to understand the passage better. Discussion to help the students understand what they've learned better. Teaching procedure. Step 1 Lead --in 基础梳理:选词填空 amusing patient serious strict impression avoid immediately appreciate admit scientific 1 Although her father loved her deeply, he was _____ with her. 2.You must be ______about your job. 3.If the shop is untidy, it makes a bad _____on the customers. 4.The microscope is a ______ instrument. 5.The ______story made them laugh. 6.A healthy diet will help you _______heart disease. 7.John ______making mistakes. 8.The children went out to play ______after they had eaten. 9.Try to be _____with your daughter. 10.I would ________it if you would like to help me. Step 2 Reading comprehension. Fast reading: Read the passage quickly and answer the question. 1) Which teacher do students like a lot?

译林牛津版八上英语 Unit 5 Wild animals reading 1教案(1)

Unit 5 Wild animals reading 1 设计的基本理念: 根据新课标和学校“121”课堂模式,突出学生自主学习的主体地位原则,培养学生自主、合作、探究精神、突出语言运用能力培养的理念而设计。《英语课程标准》是以学生“能做某事”的描述方式来设定各级目标要求的。这就决定了我们在教学中要尽量采用“任务型”的教学途径。在这一教学环节中,教师的任务就是根据单元和课堂教学内容和目标,给学生设计一个阶段、一个单元和每一课的学习任务、目标,并锁定任务,吸引和组织他们积极参与,通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。 课型:阅读课 一、教材分析 1、单元背景分析: 野生动物是我们人类的朋友,我们有责任和义务去保护它们,但随着现代工业的发展而导致的环境污染,人类对森林资源的乱砍乱伐,一些野生动物濒临着危及,它们生存的环境遭遇了破坏,有些野生动物甚至到了灭绝的地步. 大熊猫是中国的国宝,目前,它们也处于困境中,全世界大概还幸存2000多只大熊猫,所以保护野生动物,保护大熊猫是全世界的呼声,还野生动物一个自然生存的环境,给大熊猫一个安静、舒适的家刻不容缓。 2、教材内容分析 这篇文章主要介绍了大熊猫幼仔的早期生活以及它的成长过程,由于人类对大自然环境的破坏导致了它濒临危及的困境,教育人类要保护自然生态环境,不要捕杀野生动物,并要采取一些保护大熊猫的措施,结合课文,让学生意识到生态环境对动物的重要性,联系实际,分析我们目前当地生态坏境,一些环境污染影响着我们的生活质量,让学生明白保护我们的生存环境的重要性,让学生在实际中能够自觉保护我们的生存环境。 3、教材重点、难点 教材重点: ( 1)重点词组: be born, look like, at four months old, not…at all, in the beginning, look after herself, face serious problems, live on, as a result, in danger, take action, right away, at birth. (2)重点句型: When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams and looked like a white mouse. Eight months later, she was not a small baby ant more. Giant pandas live mainly on a special kind of bamboo. As a result, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat. If we do nothing, soon there may be none left! (3)重点语法:动词不定式的正确使用。 教材难点: (1)如何在课堂上提高阅读能力。 (2)讨论如何采取措施保护我们的生态环境。 (3)制作一个海报,描述人类与野生动物的关系,呼吁全社会保护自然生态环境,爱护野生动物。 4. 教学目标: (1)知识与技能:


Pre-reading: When we talk about ‘Great books’, what words will come to your mind? Confucius (about 551-479BC) was a Chinese _______ (教育家), ________ (思想家) and philosopher (哲学家) of the ________________________ (春秋时代) of Chinese history. He is ___________ (著名的) in many countries. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) He was an _______ (英国的) poet, playwright (剧作家) and actor. And he was widely regarded as the _________ (最伟大的) writer in the English language. His works are still _____ (阅读) by many people today. Mark Twain (l835~1910) America's short story writer, novelist Humorist (幽默作家) America's _________ (著名的) literary figure Literary giant While-reading: Task 1: 见课本P57 ③ Task 2: True or false. 1. Both Betty and Mr Jackson think that Confucius and Shakespeare are great. 2. Confucius and Shakespeare lived long long ago, so people are influenced little by them now. 3. Mr Jackson dislikes the book, The adventures of Tom Sawyer. 4. Betty wants Mr Jackson to join the Internet group to discuss great books. Task 3: 见课本P57 ④ Post-reading: Quiz I. 根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。 1. — Tom Cruise is a(n) __________ (众所周知的) actor, isn’t he? — Yes, he is.


xx优秀数学教案模板 在日常教学工作中,撰写活动设计是备课的重要环节。教案写得好,目标明确、条理清晰、层次分明,那么在教案的实施过程即上课时就能得心应手、有条不紊、中心明确。下面就是我给大家带来的幼儿园优秀数学教案模板,希望能帮助到大家! xx数学教案一:梯形在哪里 设计意图 中班的幼儿已经学习了关于图形的有关知识,并且也非常的喜欢图形,梯形是只有一组对边平行的四边形,是幼儿所要认识的平面图形中最难理解的一种,尤其是梯形的概念。因此,中班幼儿认识梯形,只要理解梯形的特征,能找出相应的图形即可,不必要求幼儿用语言描述梯形的特征。《认识梯形》这个活动有一定的挑战性;既符合幼儿的现实需要,又有利于其长远发展;既贴近幼儿生活来选择幼儿感兴趣的事物和问题,又有助于拓展幼儿的经验和视野。 活动目标 1、感知梯形的基本特征,发现环境中与梯形相似的物体。 2、具有初步的观察力、想象力。 3、能按活动规则独立进行操作,愿意讲述操作结果。 活动准备 1、经验准备: 幼儿已认识长方形,知道长方形的基本特征。 2、物质准备 教具:房子图一张;生活中含有梯形元素的图片若干。

学具:给图形宝宝涂色一组、正方形、长方形白纸若干、剪刀若干、蜡笔一盒、不同形状的卡片若干、铅笔若干,印尼2份、操作单若干、夹子每人一个。 重点:初步了解梯形的特征。 难点:认识不同的梯形。 活动过程 1.有趣的房子。 (1)巩固认识长方形。 教师出示房子图:这是什么?房子的墙是什么形状的? (2)认识梯形。 ①教师:房顶是什么形状的?这个图形和长方形一样吗? 引导幼儿观察、比较后回答。 ②引导幼儿比较梯形和长方形的外形特征,说出两个图形的异同:它们都有四条边、四个角,都有两条边是平平的;长方形相对的两条边是一样长的,梯形的四条边事不一样长的。 ③教师出示多种图形,引导幼儿找出梯形。 教师:这些图形里哪些是梯形?你从哪里看出来的? 幼儿尝试找出梯形并说出其基本特征。 2.梯形在哪里。 (1)教师:“想一想、找一找生活中哪些东西像梯形?” 引导幼儿根据生活经验回答,教师出示相应的图片。 (2)教师:“仔细看看这些东西像不像梯形?”


U n i t3A h e a l t h y l i f e Ⅰ.教材分析 本节课的教学任务是人教版选修六Unit 3 A healthy life 中的Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending 部分。Warming up部分主要围绕健康问题展开讨论,并提供了几个有关健康的话题(cigarette smoking/Drinking alcohol/Drug taking/Physical fitness/Sexual health/Stress),同时展示了几张图片,使学生能联想现实中的健康话题,更好引入阅读。Pre-reading部分通过看标题预测文章大意的方式,激发了学生的阅读兴趣。Reading部分分为两部分,首先是爷爷写给孙子的一封信,信中82岁的爷爷以亲身体会向孙子介绍了上瘾的原因、抽烟的危害和戒烟的方法,告诫孙子把烟戒掉。第二部分是有关戒烟的网页,详细列举了戒烟的六种方法:l.制订计划;2.下定决心;3.破除旧习;4.学习自我放松;5.必要时请求帮助;6.坚持不懈。Comprehending 部分设计了三个练习,讨论部分可以激活学生在读前部分学过的内容,以便对抽烟这一话题作深入讨论。表格填空主要帮助学生加深对课文内容的理解和巩固,并通过角色扮演让学生们学会运用本节课所学短语,句型,是一种很好的复习方式。 II. 教学设计思路 本课设计以“A healthy life”为课堂教学材料,以学生现实生活为出发点和归宿点,旨在培养学生阅读能力及其发展学生的语言实际运用能力。本设计以学生为中心,运用了图片展示,采用了学生预测文章内容、复述、讨论、学生自读及教师指导阅读等形式,使学生由浅入深,理解课文,同时又提高了学生各方面的能力。 III. 学习任务分析 本单元的中心话题时“健康生活”,在阅读这部分,主要谈到了爷爷通过自己抽烟及戒烟的亲身经历对孙子提出很多建议。讨论部分:我们在日常生活中能做些什么去保护非抽烟者免受二手烟的侵害,尤其是妇女和儿童,又会遇到什么困难,也是学生较为感兴趣并且很想了解的东西,而文章正式给我们解释了这一问题,而且阅读的难易程度适中,学生有一定的学习热情。 IV. 学习者分析 教学对象为高中二年级学生,他们已经完成了高二2个多个模块的学习,部分学生渐渐适应了本套教材的学习,也习惯了我的教法。且智力发展趋于成熟,基本能用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题。但由于课外语言活动环境不够丰富,对阅读的重视也不够,学习中还存在一定的问题。 V.Teaching goals 1.Target language目标语言


人教版高中英语必修一unit1reading教案 Teachingcontents:ThelessonisapassageaboutAnne'sBest Friend Teachingobjectives: noledgeobjectives: Studentsareabletofindouttheainideaandthedetailsofth epassage. Studentscanlearnsoebacgroundaboutouldarll Abilityobjective: Byreadingthepassage,students'readingabilityofsiinga ndscanningcanbeiproved. Eotionalobjective: Aftertheclass,studentscancherishpeace. TeachingeyandDifficultPoints: Teachingeypoint:Studentscanfindtheainaboutthepassag eandlistsoedetails.

Teachingdifficultpoint:Studentscantraintheirreading sillandtheycanusethistopicintheirdailylife. Step1:Pre-reading TheteacherillgiveaVcRaboutthetragiclifeofthejesduri ngouldarll Step2:hile-reading Siing TheteacherillasStudentstoreadtheholepassagequiclyto gettheainidea,thenassoeonetoshareitiththeholeclass. Scanning TheteacherillasStudenttoreadthepassageagainfinishth eblan: Anneeptadiarybecause Shefeltverylonelybecause Theyhadtohidebecause Annenaedherdiaryittybecause Afterthat,asthetodiscussthefolloingquestions: question1:AboutholonghadAnneandherfailybeeninthehid


数学优秀教案课程 WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-

《分数的初步认识》 教学内容:青岛版小学数学三年级上册72页信息窗1第1课时 教学目标 1.结合具体情境初步认识分数,知道把一个物体或一个图形平均分成若干份,其中的一份可以用几分之一来表示,其中的几份可以用几分之几来表示。能用实际操作的结果表示相应的分数,能正确地读、写分数,知道分数各部分的名称。 2.通过观察、操作、比较等数学活动,培养学生的动手操作能力和语言表达能力。体会分数在生活中的应用价值,密切数学与生活之间的联系。 3.培养自主探究的学习习惯,学会和同伴交流数学思考的结果,感受主动参与、合作交流的乐趣,获得积极的情感体验。 教学重难点 教学重点:初步理解分数的含义,会读、写分数,知道分数各部分名称。 教学难点:初步理解分数的含义。 教具、学具 教师准备:多媒体课件,两个苹果(一个平均分、一个不平均分)、1号学具袋(不同形状大小的纸片、吹塑纸、橡皮泥)和2号学具袋(纸条、纸片、软铁丝)等。 学生准备:彩笔、尺子等。 教学过程 一、创设情境,提出问题 1.教师提问: 同学们,老师有一个奇妙的问题想请教大家,你们知道我们是怎样来到这个美好世界的吗?学生自由回答。

妈妈十月怀胎,含辛茹苦,我们呱呱坠地,便来到了这个美好的世界。想不想来看看咱们在妈妈肚子里是什么样?(设计意图:数学源于生活,学生对于自己如何来到这个世界感觉很惊奇,激发了学生兴趣,引起学生的探究欲望。) 2.观察胎儿图,发现一半。 课件出示胎儿图,瞧!这就是八周大小的胎儿,看到我们好玩、可爱的样子,你想说什么?引导学生发现胎儿时期头长占整个身长的一半,其它部分也占整个身长的一半。教师追问:一半是什么意思? 二、自主学习,小组探究 1.操作学具,理解一半(回顾平均分)。 学生解释。(师拿一个苹果,从中间切开。)问其中的一份是整个苹果的一半吗(是)为什么像这种分法,在数学上我们叫——平均分。(板书:平均分——一半)(师拿一个苹果,故意切出一半大一半小)这一份是整个苹果的一半吗(不是)为什么只有怎样分才可以说是“一半”我们把一个苹果平均分成两份,每份都是它的一半。 (设计意图:通过线段来理解分数对于三年级的学生来说比较抽象,所以借助了身边的实物苹果来理解“一半”,自然引出“平均分”,使学生明确“平均分成两份,一份就是一半”。沟通新旧知识的联系,为新知的学习做铺垫。) 2.创造符号,表示一半。 我们知道一个物体可以用数字“1”来表示,2个物体可以用数字“2”表示,那这“一半”该怎样表示呢?课件出示:让我们展开想象的翅膀,去表示一半吧!(可以用图形、符号、数字或实物等。) 学生自由想象,创造符号,教师巡视。


小班数学优质公开课教案:神奇的魔术师(圆形方形三角形) 活动目标:复习巩固对三角形、圆形、正方形的认识。 活动准备:魔术师的衣服、帽子各一件,三种图形卡片各一张,头饰各一个,不同表情的三种图形卡通挂饰每人一个,三种图形的彩色卡片若干(粘在“图形妈妈”身上),三种图形的标志牌各一个,户外布置好“小商场”,三种不同形状的实物若干。 活动过程: (一)以变魔术的游戏形式导入,激发幼儿兴趣。 1、老师打扮成魔术师的样子对孩子们说:“我是神奇的魔术师,我能变出很多很多的东西,看我变变变”。(边说边转一圈,从袖子里拿出三角形)。 提问:(1)我变出了什么? (2)三角形有几条边?(伸出手点数) (3)你见过什么东西是三角形形状的? 2、用同样方法,从左兜里变出正方形,提问相似问题。 3、用同样方法,从右兜里变出圆形,提问相似问题。 (二)进行游戏:图形娃娃找家 1、以魔术师的身份变出图形娃娃,送给孩子们。 师:我的本领可大了,还能把你们变成图形娃娃,看我变变变(从隐蔽的地方拿出卡通图形娃娃挂饰,让幼儿辨认形状),你喜欢哪一个,就自取一个挂在脖子上,自己摸一摸,看一看你是什么形状的娃娃? 2、变出“图形妈妈” (1)师:图形娃娃也有自己的妈妈,你们愿意和自己的妈妈一起做游戏吗?妈妈在哪呢?看我变变变(从屏风后面拉出头戴三角形头饰,身上粘有三角形标志的“妈妈”) 图形妈妈:我是三角形娃娃的妈妈,我的孩子们,你们在哪呢?(三角形宝宝跑到妈妈这,大声地说:我在这里) (2)用同样方法变出“正方形妈妈”,引导幼儿找自己的妈妈。 (3)用同样方法变出“圆形妈妈”,引导幼儿找自己的妈妈。 3、“图形妈妈”带幼儿找自己的家,介绍游戏规则。 “图形妈妈”:今天咱们一起玩一个“图形娃娃找家”的游戏,先来看看咱们的家在哪呢?(带幼儿找和自己形状相同的标志牌) 介绍规则:孩子们听音乐跳舞,自己随意表现,音乐一停,就去找自己的家,看哪个宝贝


Reading Appreciating literature Step1: Lead-in Let’s enjoy a section of film. Is it wonderful? Do you know something about the film? It’s based on Dickens’s famous novel“Oliver Twist”.It’s an example of classics. Classics are the antiques of the literary world. In this unit, we’ll have the chance to get more information about classic literature. Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page 2. Just focus on and identify the information needed to

1. Some people think that classics are old-fashioned because of the following statements except __________. A. they were written a long time ago. B. the language used in them is quite different from the language used today. C. they are difficult for people to understand. D. They can only be found in bookshops and libraries. 2. Which of the following statements is wrong? A. Clueless, the award-wining film is based on Charles Dickens’s novel. B. The film based on Great Expectations was released in 1998. C. At first, Charles Dickens published many novels in newspaper. D. Good classics are examples of great writing and wisdom. 3. When and where is Great Expectations set in? A. In the USA in the 1800s. B. In England in the early 1800s. 1. Pair work: Pay attention to the Reading strategy of the article, focusing on the way the author tries to convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view. Point out these places in


牛津高中英语教学设计 单元:Unit1 School life 板块:Reading 教学内容浅析: 第一模块第一单元的主题为“School Life”, 整个单元内容的设计围绕高中生活这一主题展开,本节课的教学内容为“Reading School life in the UK”课文理解。在这一部分,学生将学会skimming &scanning阅读策略,并对英国学生的在校生活有所了解。 Teaching aims: 1. to read a magazine article about school life in the UK; 2.to learn to apply two basic reading skills: skimming and scanning; 3.to learn some expressions about school life; 4. to get some information about what school life in the UK is really like. Teaching procedures: Step1 Lead-in Play the song of ‘High School Life’ and show students’ photos. Can you guess the name of the song? What can you think of when we talk about school life? Now we are going to read a magazine article which is written by Wei Hua, an exchange student. She has been studying in the UK for one year. She will give us a brief introduction of her school life there. Let’s first preview the words that will be used in the article, the definition of the word is given, please match the meaning with the word. Step2 reading Before we read the article, we are going to learn the reading strategies: skimming and scanning. 1. Reading strategy-scanning We scan the text when we want to find certain information in a text quickly. Apply scanning to finish PartC1.C2. 2. Reading strategy-Skimming We skim a text when we want to get a general idea of what it is about. Apply skimming to find the key sentences of the paragraph. Find out the main idea of each paragraph and answer questions concerning the content of each paragraph. Part1: School hours: 1. Was she happy with the school hours? ______________ 2. School in Britain _______ around 9 am and __________ about 3:30 pm, while schools in China begins before 8a.m. We believe that ___________早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 Part2: Attending assembly: 1. Who was the girl sitting next to her on the first day?_____ 2. The headmaster told them about ______ during assembly. 3. The best way to earn respect from the school was to _________and ___________. Because____________________(知识就是力量)


牛津高中英语教学设计 单元:Unit 3 The world online 板块:Reading 1 Thoughts on the design 本节课是阅读教学,主要目的是指导学生有效地阅读辩论类的文章,并通过对文章的阅读获取必要的信息,帮助学生更好地评价因特网的影响,理解如何去适当地使用因特网的资源。教学过程中,通过对课文内容相关练习的设计,帮助学生逐步加深对课文的理解以及对辩论类文章结构的掌握。最后辩论部分的设计是要帮助学生进一步巩固课文的内容,并且让学生学会使用文章中所出现的结构及形式进行辩论,达到学以致用的目的。 Teaching aims: After learning this period, the students will be able to: 1.understand the argument about the positive and negative effects of the Internet on people’s lives; 2.learn about the strategy of “reading an argument”; 3.retell the effects of the Internet and debate about a certain subject. Step 1 Lead-in 1. Begin the class by discussing some problems about the Internet … (PPT 4-9) (1)What do you usually use the Internet for?(Gather different answers to the questions and show some pictures about the functions of the Internet: to search for information, to help with study, to play game and download some music and video, for amusement and shopping) (2)What do you think the most important benefit of the Internet is?(It has brought us much convenience; it help us to save much time, energy as well as money.) (3)Do you think there are any negative things about the Internet?(Give the students a few minutes to discuss with their classmates and then ask some to list their opinions) 2. From your answers, we can find that some students think it has good effects; some others think it’s bad.That’s what we will mainly learn today.Now please turn to page 34 and let’s learn the passage about the Internet. [Explanation] 第一步的设置主要为激发学生对于本节课的兴趣,由于因特网是学生生活中很熟悉的话题,所有绝大多数学生有话可说,并由此话题自然地引入课文,从而充分调动学生的学习热情和兴趣。 Step 2 Skimming and scanning for general idea (PPT 10) Allow the students two or three minutes to go through the text quickly to find the answers to the following questions. (1) The text presents the __________ two students gave at a _______________ about the _____________of Internet use. (2) Who are the two debaters? Answers: (1) speeches, debate, advantages and disadvantages (2) Zhu zhenfei, in favour of the Internet;Lin Lei, against the Internet. [Explanation]

幼儿园优质公开课 中班数学课件教案《数鸭子》

数小鸭--幼儿园中班数学教案 (本教案有配套视频,教学PPT) 结合了主题《在农场里》,为了提高中班孩子数数能力,尝试对呈封闭状排列的物体进行数数,结合"在农场里"的主题,针对幼儿的年龄特点,通过提供不同层次的操作材料,从而积累封闭式数数的不同经验,同时创设了有趣的情景,在情境中开展数学活动。 活动难点:学习呈封闭状排列的物体的数数 活动重点:提高幼儿数数能力 活动目标: 1、在数小鸭的情境中,运用已有数数的经验数数,并尝试运用呈封闭状排列的物体的数数方法,提高数数能力。 2、体验帮助鸭妈妈数小鸭的快乐。 活动准备: 1、小鸭若干,(直线排列、曲线排列、呈封闭状排列)。 2、辅助材料:夹子、笔、数字等。 活动过程: 一、鸭宝宝排队游泳(价值分析:运用已有数数的经验数数) 情境导入:暖和的春天来了,小河里的水变暖了,我的鸭宝宝排好了队来游泳了。 1、数数鸭宝宝(出示若干只小鸭呈一字式排列、曲线排列) 提问:数一数有几只鸭宝宝呀? 小结:嗯,你们的办法真灵,数的真快! 二、鸭宝宝花样游泳(价值分析:尝试运用呈封闭状排列的物体的数数方法,提高数数能力) 情境导入:我的鸭宝宝说他们要和运动员一样来一次花样游泳了呢。

刚刚它们排好队的时候,我一遍就数清楚是几只了。可他们一摆了个花样游泳的造型,我数来数去好几遍还没有数清楚,这可怎么办呀? 1、数花样游泳的鸭宝宝 提问:(1)小朋友,你们来帮帮我,有什么办法能让我数清楚我的鸭宝宝到底有几只呢?(幼儿相互讨论商量。) 提问:(2)你是怎么数的?你从哪里开始数的?数到哪里结束? 2、数丢了帽子的鸭宝宝 提问:(1)可是我的鸭宝宝太顽皮了,把帽子也给丢了,现在小鸭一摸一样了,又该怎么数呢? 小结:你们的办法真灵,用各种办法记住了从哪只小鸭数起,就能知道数到哪只停下来。这样不会多数也不会少数,今天多亏了你们教了我这个本领,谢谢小朋友! 3、幼儿帮忙数小鸭 情景导入:可是你们看呀,还有那么多调皮的鸭宝宝还在河里摆造型,他们长的都一模一样,我数也数不清,请你们用刚刚的好办法快来帮助我吧! 提要求:鸭妈妈还提供一些工具可以帮助你们数数,如果你需要它就用,不需要它也可以不用。 4、幼儿交流 提问(1):你数了怎么样的鸭子宝宝?你是怎么数的?(2)碰到一摸一样的鸭子你怎么记住的,从哪里开始的? 小结:今天你们既帮助了鸭妈妈,又让自己学到了许多数数的本领。以后当我们碰到要数的图案像圈儿排队的时候,我们可以用这些方法试一试,数一数,这样我们数数的本领会更大。 三、鸭妈妈感谢小朋友(价值分析:体验帮助鸭妈妈的快乐。) 1、今天鸭妈妈要谢谢你们小朋友,所以要请你们去我家里做客,要感谢你们,我们一起出发吧!

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