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What is Mid-Autumn Festival?

To the Chinese, Mid-Autumn Festival means family reunion and peace. The festival is celebrated when the moon is believed to be the biggest and fullest. To the Chinese, a full moon is a symbol of prosperity, happiness, and family reunion.



How the Chinese Celebrate Mid-Autumn?

Many traditional and meaningful celebrations are held in most households in China, and China's neighboring countries. The main traditions and celebrations include eating mooncakes, having dinner with family, gazing at and worshipping the moon, and lighting lanterns. 大部分中国家庭以及中国的邻国都会举行许多传统的庆祝活动,主要庆祝方式包括吃月饼,吃团圆饭,赏月和点灯笼。


Why Mid-Autumn Festival is Celebrated and How it Started?

Mid-Autumn Festival has a history of over 3,000 years, dating back to moon worship in the Shang Dynasty (1600–1046 BC). It’s such an important festival that many poems were written about it, stories and legends about the festival are widespread, and its origins have been guessed at and explained by generations of Chinese.


The term "Mid-Autumn" first appeared in the book Rites of Zhou (周礼), written in the Warring States Period (475–221 BC). But the term>


In the Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD), it was popular to appreciate the moon. Many poets liked to create poems related to the moon when appreciating it. There is a legend that Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty visited the Moon Palace in his dream and heard a wonderful song.


In the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127 AD), the 15th day of the 8th lunar month was established as the "Mid-Autumn Festival". From then> 北宋时期,农历八月十五才被正式确立为中秋节,从那以后,为月亮献祭盛行,从那以后便成为风俗。


The Mid-Autumn Festival falls



The festival has a long history. In ancient China,emperors followed the rite of offering sacrifices to the sun in spring and to the moon in autumn. Historical books of the Zhou Dynasty had had the word "Mid-Autumn". Later aristocrats and literary figures helped expand the ceremony to common people. They enjoyed the full,bright moon>



The Mid-Autumn Festival probably began as a harvest festival. The festival was later given a mythological flavour with legends of Chang-E,the beautiful lady in the moon.




admire the full moon /

watch the full moon to celebrate the festival




light lanterns



play with lanterns / scaldfish



offering sacrifice to the moon



中国传统节日中英对照:中秋节 每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称 为中秋。 中秋节有悠久的历史,和其它传统节日一样,也是慢慢发展形成的,古代帝王有春天祭日,秋天祭月的礼制,早在《周礼》一书中,已有“中秋”一词的记载。后来贵族和文人学士也仿效起来,在中秋时节,对着天上又亮又圆一轮皓月,观赏祭拜,寄托情怀,这种习俗就这样传到民间,形成一个传统的活动,一直到了唐代,这种祭月的风俗更为人们重视,中秋节才成为固定的节日,《唐书·太宗记》记载有“八月十五中秋节”,这个节日盛行于宋朝,至明清时,已与元旦齐名,成为我国的主要节日之一。 相传,远古时候天上有十日同时出现,晒得庄稼枯死,民不聊生,一个名叫后羿 的英雄,力大无穷,他同情受苦的百姓,登上昆仑山顶,运足神力,拉开神弓,一气射下九个多太阳,并严令最后一个太阳按时起落,为民造福。后羿因此受到百姓的尊敬和爱戴,不少志士慕名前来投师学艺,心术不正的蓬蒙也混了进来。 后羿有一个美丽的妻子叫“嫦娥”。一天,后羿到昆仑山访友求道,巧遇由此 经过的王母娘娘,便向王母求得一包不死药。据说,服下此药,能即刻升天成仙。然而,后羿舍不得撇下妻子,只好暂时把不死药交给嫦娥珍藏。嫦娥将药藏进梳妆台的百宝匣里,不料被小人蓬蒙看见了。 一天,率众徒外出狩猎,蓬蒙手持宝剑闯入内宅后院,威逼嫦娥交出不死药。嫦娥知道自己不是蓬蒙的对手,危急之时她当机立断,转身打开百宝匣,拿出不死药一口吞了下去。嫦娥吞下药,身子立时飘离地面、冲出窗口,向天上飞去。蓬蒙便借机逃走了。 傍晚,后羿回到家,侍女们哭诉了白天发生的事。后羿气得捶胸顿足,悲痛欲绝,仰望着夜空呼唤爱妻的名字,这时他惊奇地发现,今天的月亮格外皎洁明亮,而且有


中秋节的来历的作文5篇 画意的节日,下面为大家带来了中秋节的来历的作文,欢迎大家阅读,希望能够帮助到大家。 中秋节的来历的作文1 农历八月十五日,是我国传统的中秋节,也是我国仅次于春节的第二大传统节日。八月十五恰在秋季的中间,故谓之中秋节。我国古历法把处在秋季中间的八月,称谓“仲秋”,所以中秋节又叫“仲秋节”。 中秋之夜,月色皎洁,古人把圆月视为团圆的象征,因此,又称八月十五为“团圆节”。古往今来,人们常用“月圆”、“月缺”来形容“悲欢离合”,客居他乡的游子,更是以月来寄托深情。唐代诗人李白的“举头望明月,低头思故乡”,杜甫的“露从今夜白,月是故乡明”,宋代王安石的“春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还”等诗句,都是千古绝唱。 中秋节是个古老的节日,祭月赏月是节日的重要习俗。古代帝王有春天祭日,秋天祭月的社制,民家也有中秋祭月之风,到了后来赏月重于祭月,严肃的祭祀变成了轻松的欢娱。中秋赏月的风俗在唐代极盛,许多诗人的名篇中都有咏月的诗句,宋代、

明代、清代宫廷和民间的拜月赏月活动更具规模。我国各地至今遗存着许多“拜月坛”、“拜月亭”、“望月楼”的古迹。北京的“月坛”就是明嘉靖年间为皇家祭月修造的。每当中秋月亮升起,于露天设案,将月饼、石榴、枣子等瓜果供于桌案上,拜月后,全家人围桌而坐,边吃边谈,共赏明月。现在,祭月拜月活动已被规模盛大、多彩多姿的群众赏月游乐活动所替代。 吃月饼是节日的另一习俗,月饼象征着团圆。月饼的制作从唐代以后越来越考究。苏东坡有诗写道:“小饼如嚼月,中有酥和饴”,清朝杨光辅写道:“月饼饱装桃肉馅,雪糕甜砌蔗糖霜”。看来当时的月饼和现在已颇为相近了。 根据史籍的记载,“中秋”一词最早出现在《周礼》一书中。到魏晋时,有“谕尚书镇牛淆,中秋夕与左右微服泛江”的记载。直到唐朝初年,中秋节才成为固定的节日。《唐书·太宗记》记载有“八月十五中秋节”。中秋节的盛行始于宋朝,至明清时,已与元旦齐名,成为我国的主要节日之一。这也是我国仅次于春节的第二大传统节日。 西湖游览志余》中说:“八月十五谓中秋,民间以月饼相送,取团圆之意”。《帝京景物略》中也说:“八月十五祭月,其饼必圆,分瓜必牙错,瓣刻如莲花。……其有妇归宁者,是日必返夫家,曰团圆节。中秋晚上,我国大部分地区还有烙“团圆”的习俗,即烙一种象征团圆、类似月饼的小饼子,饼内包糖、芝麻、桂花


10篇介绍中秋节的英语作文 中秋节,是流行于中国众多民族与汉字文化圈诸国的传统文化节日,本文将通过下面10篇英语作文从不同角度来介绍中秋节。 — 1 — Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China。It used to be as important as Spring Festival 。It is usually celebrated in September or October。 This festival is to celebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful moon light。To some extent, it is like Thanks Giving day in western countries。 On this day, people usually get together with their families and have a nice meal。 After that, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon。 The moon is always very round on that day, and makes people think of their relatives and friends。 It is a day of pleasure and happiness。 Hope you have a wonderful Mid Autumn festival! 中秋节是中国的传统节日,它曾经和春节一样重要。它通常在九月或十月庆祝。这个节日是为了庆祝收获和享受美丽的月光。在某种程度上,它是比如感谢在西方国家度过一天。在这一天,


《中秋节的起源》 阅读精选(1): 中秋节的由来 根据史籍的记载,中秋一词最早出此刻《周礼》一书中。到魏晋时,有谕尚书镇牛淆,中秋夕与左右微服泛江的记载。直到唐朝初年,中秋节才成为固定的节日。《唐书太宗记》记载有八月十五中秋节。中秋节的盛行始于宋朝,至明清时,已与元旦齐名,成为我国的主要节日之一。这也是我国仅次于春节的第二大传统节日。 中秋节起源的另一个说法是:农历八月十五这一天恰好是稻子成熟的时刻,各家都拜土地神。中秋可能就是秋报的遗俗。 中秋传说之一嫦娥奔月 相传,远古时候天上有十日同时出现,晒得庄稼枯死,民不聊生,一个名叫后羿的英雄,力大无穷,他同情受苦的百姓,登上昆仑山顶,运足神力,拉开神弓,一气射下九个多太阳,并严令最后一个太阳按时起落,为民造福。 后羿因此受到百姓的尊敬和爱戴,后羿娶了个美丽善良的妻子,名叫嫦娥。后羿除传艺狩猎外,终日和妻子在一齐,人们都羡慕这对郎才女貌的恩爱夫妻。 不少志士慕名前来投师学艺,心术不正的蓬蒙也混了进来。 一天,后羿到昆仑山访友求道,巧遇由此经过的王母娘娘,便向王母求得一包不死药。据说,服下此药,能即刻升天成仙。然而,后羿舍不得撇下妻子,只好暂时把不死药交给嫦娥珍藏。嫦娥将药藏进梳妆台的百宝匣里,不料被小人蓬蒙看见了,他想偷吃不死药自己成仙。 三天后,后羿率众徒外出狩猎,心怀鬼胎的蓬蒙假装生病,留了下来。待后羿率众人走后不久,蓬蒙手持宝剑闯入内宅后院,威逼嫦娥交出不死药。嫦娥明白自己不是蓬蒙的对手,危急之时她当机立断,转身打开百宝匣,拿出不死药一口吞了下去。嫦娥吞下药,身子立时飘离地面、冲出窗口,向天上飞去。由于嫦娥牵挂着丈夫,便飞落到离人间最近的月亮上成了仙。 傍晚,后羿回到家,侍女们哭诉了白天发生的事。后羿既惊又怒,抽剑去杀恶徒,蓬蒙早逃走了,后羿气得捶胸顿足,悲痛欲绝,仰望着夜空呼唤爱妻的名字,这时他惊奇地发现,这天的月亮格外皎洁明亮,而且有个晃动的身影酷似嫦娥。他拼命朝月亮追去,但是他追三步,月亮退三步,他退三步,月亮进三步,无论怎样也追不到跟前。 后羿无可奈何,又思念妻子,只好派人到嫦娥喜爱的后花园里,摆上香案,放上她平时最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里眷恋着自己的嫦娥。百姓们闻知嫦娥奔月成仙的消息后,纷纷在月下摆设香案,向善良的嫦娥祈求吉祥平安。 从此,中秋节拜月的风俗在民间传开了。 中秋传说之二吴刚折桂 关于中秋节还有一个传说:相传月亮上的广寒宫前的桂树生长繁茂,有五百多丈高,下边有一个人常在砍伐它,但是每次砍下去之后,被砍的地方又立即合拢了。几千年来,就这样随


The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival, the third and last festival for the living, was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox. Many referred to it simply as the "Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon". In the Western calendar, the day of the festival usually occurred sometime between the second week of September and the second week ofOctober. This day was also considered a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grain had been harvested by this time and food was abundant. With delinquent accounts settled prior to the festival , it was a time for relaxation and celebration. Food offerings were placed on an altar set up in the courtyard. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, pomegranates , melons, oranges and pomelos might be seen. Special foods for the festival included moon cakes, cooked taro, edible snails from the taro patches or rice paddies cooked with sweet basil, and water caltrope, a type of water chestnut resembling black buffalo horns. Some people insisted that cooked taro be included because at the time of creation, taro was the first food discovered at night in the moonlight. Of all these foods, it could not be omitted from the Mid-Autumn Festival. The round moon cakes, measuring about three inches in diameter and one and a half inches in thickness, resembled Western fruitcakes in taste and consistency. These cakes were made with melon seeds, lotus seeds, almonds, minced meats, bean paste, orange peels and lard. A golden yolk from a salted duck egg was placed at the center of each cake, and the golden brown crust was decorated with symbols of the festival. Traditionally, thirteen moon cakes were piled in a pyramid to symbolize the thirteen moons of a "complete year," that is, twelve moons plus one intercalary moon. Origin The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities. The custom of worshipping the moon (called xi yue in Chinese) can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties (2000 B.C.-1066 B.C.). In the Zhou Dynasty(1066 B.C.-221 B.C.), people hold ceremonies to greet winter and worship the moon whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival sets in. It becomes very prevalent in the Tang Dynasty(618-907 A.D.) that people enjoy and worship the full moon. In the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), however, people send round moon cakes to their relatives as gifts in expression of their best wishes of family reunion. When it becomes dark, they look up at the full silver moon or go sightseeing on lakes to celebrate the festival. Since the Ming (1368-1644 A.D. ) and Qing Dynasties (1644-1911A.D.), the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival celebration becomes unprecedented popular. Together with the celebration there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense, planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances. However, the custom of playing under the moon is not so popular as it used to be nowadays, but it is not less popular to enjoy the bright silver moon. Whenever the festival sets in, people will look up at the full silver moon, drinking wine to celebrate their happy life or thinking of their relatives and


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 中秋节来源 篇一:中秋节由来的教案 中秋节的由来 教学目标: 1、了解中秋节,知道他的时间是农历八月十五日,是中国的传统佳节。 2、通过故事和图片欣赏等途径,了解中秋节的来历。 3、知道中秋节是亲人相聚、团圆的日子。 教学准备: 故事课件 教学重难点: 通过故事和图片欣赏等途径,了解中秋节的来历。知道他的时间是农历八月十五日,是中国的传统佳节。 教学过程: 一、谈话引入主题。 你们见过什么样的月亮?它像什么? 二、出示故事课件,引起学生兴趣。

1、图片上有什么?这个月亮是什么样子的?你知道它 是哪天的月亮么? 2、教师小结:每个月的农历十五这一天都是月圆的日子,而到了农历的八月十五是全年中月亮最圆最亮的一天,这天叫做中秋节。 三、了解中秋节的来历。 1、你知道中秋节是一个怎样的节日吗? 2、教师讲述故事,引导学生了解中秋节的来历。 3、中秋节是每年农历的哪一天?八月十五的月亮是什 么样子的?中秋节还有个名字叫什么? 1 4、嫦娥是谁?后羿又是谁?嫦娥为什么会吃下神仙药?吞下之后,发生了什么事情?后羿怎么样了?我们经常听到的成语是什么?(嫦娥奔月) 5、请学生自由说一说听了故事后的感受。 四、讨论:自己对中秋节的感受。 1、从这个传说故事中,你感觉中秋节应该是一个怎样 的节日? 2、教师小结:中秋节是亲人相聚、团圆的日子。 2 篇二:简述中秋节的来历和习俗 简述中秋节的来历和习俗

中秋节的来历 每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。在中国的农历里,一年分为四季,每季又分为孟、仲、季三个部分,因而中秋也称仲秋,这就是中秋节的来历。 中秋节的由来之一:“嫦娥奔月”说,早在战国末年成书的《归藏》记载:“昔日嫦娥一西王母的不死药以服之,遂奔月为月精。人们对嫦娥寄以同情,说她登上了天帝的后庭,十分寂寞。所以在唐代开始将八月十五日夜的赏月改称为祭月,期盼嫦娥回归人间。 中秋节的由来之二:“时令节气”说,近人考证,“中秋”一词,始见于春秋末年《周礼》:“中春昼,鼓击士鼓吹幽雅以迎暑;中秋夜,迎寒亦如云。” 中秋节的习俗 中秋节秋高气爽,历来都有吃月饼与赏月的习俗,这一天人们都要吃月饼以示“团圆”。月饼,又叫胡饼、宫饼、月团、丰收饼、团圆饼等。许多诗人也有留下了许多的名篇,一至到宋朝,被正式定为中秋节。以下是一些关于中秋节的古诗及谚语、对联等,供大家欣赏。 篇三:中秋节的由来与传说 中秋节的由来与传说 中秋节有悠久的历史,和其它传统节日一样,也是慢慢


The Midautumn Festival is the traditional festival in China.In this day,people ,espically family members will have a happy get-together.So Chinese people vaule this festival for its important meaning of "reunion".And the mooncake is the symbolic food.It represents the "reunion" just like the full moon. 中秋节是中国的传统节日。在这一天,人们会和他们的家庭成员有一个快乐的聚会。这个节日对于中国人来说最重要的意义是“团圆”,月饼是象征性的食物,它代表着团圆就像满月一样。 The goddess of the moon, the extraordinary beauty, is the wife of Hou Yi, Hou Yi legend has it that Yao's marksman. Hou Yi to steal a deathless medicine from the queen mother, Chang ate a panacea, immortal, in spite of oneself to get to the moon, no boundary in the desolate moon moderate the lonely years. 嫦娥,美貌非凡,是后羿的妻子,相传后羿是尧帝手下的神射手。后羿从王母处盗来不死之药,嫦娥偷吃了这棵灵药,成仙了,身不由主飘飘然地飞往月宫之中,在那荒芜的月宫之中度着无边的寂寞岁月。


介绍中秋节的英语作文5篇 中秋节是中国人庆祝丰收的重要的农历节日,很受欢迎。下面是为大家收集关于介绍中秋节的英语作文,欢迎借鉴参考。 介绍中秋节的英语作文1 Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China. It used to be as important as Spring Festival .It is usually celebrated in September or October. This festival is to celebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful moon light. To some extent, it is like Thanks Giving day in western countries. On this day, people usually get together with their families and have a nice meal. After that, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon. The moon is always very round on that day, and makes people think of their relatives and friends. It is a day of pleasure and happiness. Hope you have a wonderful Mid Autumn festival! 介绍中秋节的英语作文2 The mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well. the people were


中秋节的来历故事介绍 导读:农历八月十五日,是我国传统的中秋节,也是我国仅次于春节的第二大传统节日。也称仲秋节、团圆节、八月节等,是我国汉族和大部分少数民族的传统节日,也流行于朝鲜、日本和越南等邻国。因为秋季的七、八、九三个月(指农历),八月居中,而八月的三十天中,又是十五居中,所以称之为中秋节。又因此夜浩月当空,民间多于此夜合家团聚,故又称团圆节。 中秋节起源于我国古代秋祀、拜月之俗。《礼记》中载有"天子春朝日,秋夕月。朝日以朝,夕月以夕。"这里的"夕月"就是拜月的意思。两汉时已具雏形,唐时,中秋赏月之俗始盛行,并定为中秋节。欧阳詹(公元785~约827年)于《长安玩月诗序》云:"八月于秋。季始孟终;十五于夜,又月云中。稽于天道,则寒暑均,取于月数,则蟾魂圆,故曰中秋。" 中秋之夜,月色皎洁,古人把圆月视为团圆的象征,因此,又称八月十五为"团圆节"。古往今来,人们常用"月圆"、"月缺"来形容"悲欢离合",客居他乡的游子,更是以月来寄托深情。唐代诗人李白的"举头望明月,低头思故乡",杜甫的"露从今夜白,月是故乡明",宋代王安石的"春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还"等诗句,都是千古绝唱。 中秋节与元宵节和端午节并称为我国三大传统佳节。究中秋节之来源,与"嫦娥奔月"、"吴刚伐桂"、"玉兔捣药"等神话传说有着密切

的关系。故中秋节的民间习俗多与月亮有关。赏月、拜月、吃团圆月饼等,均源于此。古代帝王有春天祭日,秋天祭月的社制,民家也有中秋祭月之风,到了后来赏月重于祭月,严肃的祭祀变成了轻松的欢娱。中秋赏月的风俗在唐代极盛,许多诗人的名篇中都有咏月的诗句,宋代、明代、清代宫廷和民间的拜月赏月活动更具规模。我国各地至今遗存着许多"拜月坛"、"拜月亭"、"望月楼"的古迹。北京的"月坛"就是明嘉靖年间为皇家祭月修造的。每当中秋月亮升起,于露天设案,将月饼、石榴、枣子等瓜果供于桌案上,拜月后,全家人围桌而坐,边吃边谈,共赏明月。现在,祭月拜月活动已被规模盛大、多彩多姿的群众赏月游乐活动所替代。 吃月饼是节日的另一习俗,月饼象征着团圆。月饼的制作从唐代以后越来越考究。苏东坡有诗写道:"小饼如嚼月,中有酥和饴",清朝杨光辅写道:"月饼饱装桃肉馅,雪糕甜砌蔗糖霜"。看来当时的月饼和现在已颇为相近了。 通常有许多人讲,中秋节源自嫦娥奔月的故事。据史书记载:"昔嫦娥以西王母不死之药服之,遂奔月为月精。"嫦娥此举所付出的代价是罚作苦役,并终生不能返回人间。李白为此颇为伤感,写有诗句:"白兔捣药秋复春,女亘娥孤栖与谁邻?"嫦娥自已虽觉月宫之好,但也耐不住寂寞,在每年八月十五月圆夜清之时,返回到人间与夫君团聚,但在天明之前必须回到月宫。后世人每逢中秋,既想登月与嫦娥一聚,又盼望嫦娥下凡一睹芳容。因此,许多人在焚香拜月之时,


有关于中秋节,有哪些英文介绍呢,一起来看看为大家整理的:有关中秋节的英文介绍有哪些,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多内容请关注。 Mid-Autumn?Day?中秋节 Mid-Autumn?Day?is?a?traditional?festival?in?China.?Almost?everyone?likes?to?eat? mooncakes?on?that?day.?Most?families?have?a?dinner?together?to?celebrate?the?fes tival.?A?saying?goes,?"The?moon?in?your?hometown?is?almost?always?the?brightest?and?roundest".?Many?pe ople?who?live?far?away?from?homes?want?to?go?back?to?have?a?family?reunion.?How? happy?it?is?to?enjoy?the?moon?cakes?while?watching?the?full?moon?with?your?famil y?members. 中秋节英语介绍 "Zhong?Qiu?Jie",?which?is?also?known?as?the?Mid-Autumn?Festival,?is? celebrated?on?the?15th?day?of?the?8th?month?of?the?lunar?calendar.?It?is?a?time? for?family?members?and?loved?ones?to?congregate?and?enjoy?the?full?moon?-?an?aus picious?symbol?of?abundance,?harmony?and?luck.?Adults?will?usually?indulge?in?f ragrant?mooncakes?of?many?varieties?with?a?good?cup?of?piping?hot?Chinese?tea,? while?the?little?ones?run?around?with?their?brightly-lit?lanterns. 农历八月十五日是中国的传统节日——中秋节。在这天,每个家庭都团聚在一起,一家人共同观赏象征丰裕、和谐和幸运的圆月。此时,大人们吃着美味的月饼,品着热腾腾的香茗,而孩子们则在一旁拉着兔子灯尽情玩耍。 "Zhong?Qiu?Jie"?probably?began?as?a?harvest?festival.?The?festival?was?later?giv en?a?mythological?flavour?with?legends?of?Chang-E,?the?beautiful?lady?in?the?mo on. 中秋节最早可能是一个庆祝丰收的节日。后来,月宫里美丽的仙女嫦娥的神话故事赋予了它神话色彩。 According?to?Chinese?mythology,?the?earth?once?had?10?suns?circling?over?it.?On e?day,?all?10?suns?appeared?together,?scorching?the?earth?with?their?heat.?The ?earth?was?saved?when?a?strong?archer,?Hou?Yi,?succeeded?in?shooting?down?9?of ?the?suns.?Yi?stole?the?elixir?of?life?to?save?the?people?from?his?tyrannical?ru le,?but?his?wife,?Chang-E?drank?it.?Thus?started?the?legend?of?the?lady?in?the ?moon?to?whom?young?Chinese?girls?would?pray?at?the?Mid-Autumn?Festival. 传说古时候,天空曾有10个太阳。一天,这10个太阳同时出现,酷热难挡。弓箭手后


中秋节知识英文介绍 (英文版)

The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival, the third and last festival for the living, was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox. Many referred to it simply as the "Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon". In the Western calendar, the day of the festival usually occurred sometime between the second week of September and the second week ofOctober. This day was also considered a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grain had been harvested by this time and food was abundant. With delinquent accounts settled prior to the festival , it was a time for relaxation and celebration. Food offerings were placed on an altar set up in the courtyard. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, pomegranates , melons, oranges and pomelos might be seen. Special foods for the festival included moon cakes, cooked taro, edible snails from the taro patches or rice paddies cooked with sweet basil, and water caltrope, a type of water chestnut resembling black buffalo horns. Some people insisted that cooked taro be included because at the time of creation, taro was the first food discovered at night in the moonlight. Of all these foods, it could not be omitted from the Mid-Autumn Festival. The round moon cakes, measuring about three inches in diameter and one and a half inches in thickness, resembled Western fruitcakes in taste and consistency. These cakes were made with melon seeds, lotus seeds, almonds, minced meats, bean paste, orange peels and lard. A golden yolk from a salted duck egg was placed at the center of each cake, and the golden brown crust was decorated with symbols of the festival. Traditionally, thirteen moon cakes were piled in a pyramid to symbolize the thirteen moons of a "complete year," that is, twelve moons plus one intercalary moon. Origin The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities. The custom of worshipping the moon (called xi yue in Chinese) can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties (2000 B.C.-1066 B.C.). In the Zhou Dynasty(1066 B.C.-221 B.C.), people hold ceremonies to greet winter and worship the moon whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival sets in. It becomes very prevalent in the Tang Dynasty(618-907 A.D.) that people enjoy and worship the full moon. In the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), however, people send round moon cakes to their relatives as gifts in expression of their best wishes of family reunion. When it becomes dark, they look up at the full silver moon or go sightseeing on lakes to celebrate the festival. Since the Ming (1368-1644 A.D. ) and Qing Dynasties (1644-1911A.D.), the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival celebration becomes unprecedented popular. Together with the celebration there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense, planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances. However, the


关于中秋节来源的资料 每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。在中国的农历里,一年分为四季,每季又分 为孟、仲、季三个部分,因而中秋也称仲秋。八月十五的月亮比其 他几个月的满月更圆,更明亮,所以又叫做“月夕”,“八月节”。此夜,人们仰望天空如玉如盘的朗朗明月,自然会期盼家人团聚。 远在他乡的游子,也借此寄托自己对故乡和亲人的思念之情。所以,中秋又称“团圆节”。 赏月 在中秋节,我国自古就有赏月的习俗,《礼记》中就记载有“秋暮夕月”,即祭拜月神。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、李子、葡萄等时令水果, 其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。西瓜还要切成莲花状。 在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行。在宋代,中秋赏月之风更盛,据《东京梦华录》记载:“中秋夜,贵家结饰台榭,民间争占酒楼 玩月”。每逢这一日,京城的所有店家、酒楼都要重新装饰门面, 牌楼上扎绸挂彩,出售新鲜佳果和精制食品,夜市热闹非凡,百姓 们多登上楼台,一些富户人家在自己的楼台亭阁上赏月,并摆上食 品或安排家宴,团圆子女,共同赏月叙谈。 明清以后,中秋节赏月风俗依旧,许多地方形成了烧斗香、树中秋、点塔灯、放天灯、走月亮、舞火龙等特殊风俗。 吃月饼 我国城乡群众过中秋都有吃月饼的习俗,俗话中有:“八月十五月正圆,中秋月饼香又甜”。月饼最初是用来祭奉月神的祭品, “月饼”一词,最早见于南宋吴自牧的《梦梁录》中,那时,它也

只是象菱花饼一样的饼形食品。后来人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼结合在一起,寓意家人团圆的象征。 月饼最初是在家庭制作的,清袁枚在《隋园食单》中就记载有月饼的做法。到了近代,有了专门制作月饼的作坊,月饼的制作越越来越精细,馅料考究,外型美观,在月饼的外面还印有各种精美的图案,如“嫦娥奔月”、“银河夜月”、“三潭印月”等。以月之圆兆人之团圆,以饼之圆兆人之常生,用月饼寄托思念故乡,思念亲人之情,祈盼丰收、幸福,都成为天下人们的心愿,月饼还被用来当做礼品送亲赠友,联络感情。 1、了解别人的品位。要知道送礼不是使自己高兴,而是要让别人开心。任何实验别人口味的物品都不可作为送礼之选。 2、不可包含动机。应当尽量避免一些有影射性和含义的礼物。中秋送礼更多的是为了关系的维护,而不能带有很强的目的性,这样会造成收礼人的尴尬。 3、禁忌还是不要选购二手的礼品外送,尽管礼物可能很高档或者稀有,二手给人的感觉终究不太好。 4、精心挑选包装。礼品不同于自用,好的内容重要,好的形式更添彩。送礼原则是尽可能地选漂亮包装。 猜你喜欢:


关于中秋节的英语简介 The 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is China’s Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) - it is so named because it falls in the middle of autumn. This year, that’s today. The moon is roundest and brightest at this time, and one look at the round, full moon on Mid Autumn Festival and people across all of China immediately want to sit down and eat with their closest family and friends, miss their hometowns, and get deluged by memories. Because of the tendency to sit around a round table with family and friends, Mid Autumn Festival is also called 团圆节 (Roughly ‘Gathering Holiday’). And there is no denying that Mid Autumn festival is one of the most important traditional Chinese holidays.


中秋节起源时间 中秋节起源时间关于中秋节的起源,说法较多。中秋一词,最早见于《周礼》,《礼记·月令》上说:“仲秋之月养衰老,行糜粥饮食。” 一说它起源于古代帝王的祭祀活动。《礼记》上记载:“天子春朝日,秋夕月”,夕月就是祭月亮,说明早在春秋时代,帝王就已开始祭月、拜月了。后来贵族官吏和文人学士也相继仿效,逐步传到民间。 二是中秋节的起源和农业生产有关。秋天是收获的季节。“秋”字的解释是:“庄稼成熟曰秋”。八月中秋,农作物和各种果品陆续成熟,农民为了庆祝丰收,表达喜悦的心情,就以“中秋”这天作为节日。“中秋”就是秋天中间的意思,农历的八月是秋季中间的一个月,十五日又是这个月中间的一天,所以中秋节可能是古人“秋报”遗传下来的习俗。 也有历史学家研究指出,中秋节起源应为隋末唐军于大业十三年八月十五日,唐军裴寂以圆月作为构思,成功发明月饼,并广发军中作为军饷,成功解决因大量吸收反隋义军而衍生之军粮问题。 中秋习俗一赏月(玩月):文人月下吟诗对诗,赏月,喝酒,聊天。民间月下踏歌,月下歌舞。 二荡秋千,喝酒,月下男男或女女结伴出走,又叫“踏月(采

月,滨江采月)”在月下踏歌吴地有走月亮、走三桥之俗,就是在月光下出游,走过至少三座桥(见顾禄《清嘉录卷八》)。上海也有此俗(见玉鱿生《海陬冶游录》)。“中秋节前,诸店皆卖新酒,贵家结饰台榭,民家争占酒楼玩月,笙歌远闻千里,嬉戏连坐至晓”(《东京梦华录》)。宋代的中秋夜是不眠之夜,夜市通宵营业,玩月游人,达旦不绝。喝酒在月下吟诗 三赏桂:桂树下赏月,吟诗,喝酒 四拜月:妇女拜月。少女拜月,愿“貌似嫦娥,面如皓月”。《拜月亭》设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、红枣、李子、葡萄等祭品,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。拜月全家拜还是只有妇女拜。《新编醉翁谈录》记述拜月之俗:“倾城人家子女不以贫富能自行至十二三,皆以成人之眼眼饰之,登楼或中庭焚香拜月,各有所朝;男则愿早步蟾宫,高攀仙桂。…女则愿貌似嫦娥,圆如皓月。” 陆启泓《北京岁华记》载:“中秋夜,人家各置月宫符象,符上免如人立;陈瓜果于庭,饼面绘月宫蟾免;男女肃拜烧香,旦而焚之。 五拜月老:求爱情,求偶,爱情如月满 中秋节别称根据中国的历法,农历八月在秋季中间,为秋季的第二个月,称为“仲秋”,而八月十五又在“仲秋”之中,所以称“中秋”。 中秋节有许多别称:因节期在八月十五,所以称“八月节”、“八月半”;因中秋节的主要活动都是围绕“月”进行的,所以又俗称“月节”“月夕”;中秋节月亮圆满,象征团圆,因而又叫“团

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