当前位置:文档之家› 高级英语期末复习资料整理


1.nobody in our group ___ out much hope of making people regard

custom as a subject of any great importance.

A. holds;

B. puts;

C. finds;

D. keeps

2.catherine was greatly taken ___ by joan's caprice.

A.A. aback;

B. aside;

C. about;

D. apart

3.you can't ___ ignorance as your excuse; you should have known

what was happening all along. A. plead;

B. refer to;

C. defend;

D. persist in

4.the river DROPPED some 34 feet overnight. A.drooped; B. rose; C.


5.VENDERS must have a license in shanghai.

A.A. Everyone employed in food service;

B. Anyone who is

employed in hotels; C. Everyone engaged in selling; D. Anyone who works in a canteen.

6.CURRENT deographic trends, such as the fall in the birth rate, should

favourably accelerate economic growth in the long run.

A.A. modern;

B. rapid;

C. contemporary;

D. nowadays

7.the artifacts displayed in the museum will ___ the imagination of

succeeding generations of artists

A. fire;

B. heat;

C. burn;

D. raise

8.one of the problems our government has to deal with is the ___ of the

growing number of plastic containers.

A. dissolution;

B. disposal;

C. disappearance;

D. disposition

9.my daughter was so ___ in the tv programme that she forgot to turn

the microwave oven off

A.A. distracted;

B. attracted;

C. enchanted;

D. engrossed

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f215132290.html,, if properly used, can ___ a child's imagination

A. stimulate;

B. arouse;

C. incite;

D. arise

11.Do you know the saying:"none but the BRAVE deserve the fair?”

A. cautious;

B. cowardly;

C. plucky

12.every machine CONSUMES more energy than it creates.

A. uses up;

B. fulfills;

C. replaces;

D. executes

13.Some cells, such as epithelia, PROLIFERATE more rapidly when the

body is asleep than when it is awake.

A. nurture;

B. infect;

C. nourish;

D. multiply

14.the roof of the house was PRACTICALLY falling in and the front

steps were rotting away.

A. virtually;

B. essentially;

C. always;

D. basically

15.there were so many people ___ him in the crowd that he could not

hold the camera steady while trying to take a picture of martin luther king, jr, the foremost leader of the civil rights movement

A. jostling;

B. agitating;

C. obstructing;

D. jerking

16.at last we found the tramps lying there, ___.

A.a. sick and exhausted; b. to be sick and exhausted; c. to be

sickening and exhausting; d. in exhausted sickness

17.the weather forecast for today predicted ___ weather with sunshine,

rain, snow and wind and that is just what londoners have had.

A. variable;

B. various;

C. variant;

D. varied

18.there is no evidence that any member of the ministry of education is

___ in the affair.

A. aggravated;

B. complicated;

C. connected;

D. insinuated

19.as the medicine took ___, the nervous patient became quieter.

A.A. action;

B. force;

C. effect;

D. influence

20."peter is so worried about the test that he plans to study all night."

"tell him he should QUIT worrying and get some sleep.”

A. stop;

B. relinquish;

C. keep on

21.biologists have ASCERTAINED that specialized cells convert

chemical energy into mechanical energy.

A.A. investigated;

B. hypothesized;

C. considered;

D. verified

22.beautiful as it is, synthetic silk will not SUPPLANT cotton apparel.

A. replace;

B. remove;

C. misplace;

D. take away

23.the doorway of the eskimo igloo was so low that we had to ___

down to enter.

A.A. incline;

B. bend;

C. drop;

D. bow

24.on national day we will march in ___ through the people's square.

A.A. process;

B. processing;

C. procession;

D. progression

25.tourists are ___ to beware of pickpockets in the bus

A. commanded;

B. notified;

C. informed;

D. advised

26.the original building was erected in 1710 but this structure has been

largely transformed and ___.

A. increased;

B. extended;

C. augmented;

D. stretched

27.his new plan is IDEALISTIC but not practical.

A.A. romantic;

B. fantastic;

C. realistic

28.the congregation at last sunday's sermon showed no PROPRIETY

when they giggled at the sight of a person in an outlandish dress.

A. politeness;

B. courage;

C. decency;

D. capability

29.After an unhappy love affair, emily dickinson was said to have lived

like a HERMIT, shut away in her family home in amherst, Massachusetts.

A. heroine;

B. recluse;

C. invalid;

D. lunatic

30.after his famous speech against racial discrimination and

segregation, he was prosecuted for ___ driving.

A. rash;

B. reckless;

C. heedless;

D. irresponsible

31.there was a nobility about this simple-minded person which was ___

A.A. most engaged;

B. the most engaging;

C. to be most engaging;


most engaging

32.when they heard how well the new corporation was doing in the

computer business, they took a calculated ___ and invested most of

their capital in it.

A.A. venture;

B. opportunity;

C. risk;

D. chance

33.that car model has become OBSOLETE.

A. outmoded;

B. out of stock;

C. popular;

D. modern

34.from the forest a winding path ___ down to the village.

A. meandered;

B. coiled;

C. rolled;

D. wavered

35.the snobbish shop-assistant made a grimace upon seeing my SEEDY


A. smart;

B. unkempt;

C. shabby

36.the civil war which began in 1861 CUT the united states into two

nations --- a southern confederacy and a northern union

A. integrated;

B. alienated;

C. segmented;

D. severed

37.life is not a bed of roses, but is full of bitterness and SORROWS.

A. bemoaning;

B. lament;

C. rejoicing

38.students can't be absent from school without the teacher's ___.

A. admission;

B. allowance;

C. permit;

D. permission

39.we could have provided that manual labourer with almost any object

of his desire upon his retirement, but he ___ asked for an oil painting by winston Churchill.

A. mainly;

B. solely;

C. specifically;

D. decidedly

40.before you start a business, you have to raise the necessary ___.

A.A. asset;

B. investment;

C. capital;

D. income

41.so long as we have jim, a man with exceptional ability in management,

things will be working well even if we come ___ unexpected difficulties.

A. up with;

B. up against;

C. round to;

D. in on

42.accuracy is ___ to the programming of computers.

A. elemental;

B. elementary;

C. fundamental;

D. foundational

43.the COLD-BLOODED assassination of the duke was the sensational

news in today's papers.

A. warm;

B. humane;

C. callous

44.i detest those who like to POKE into other people's private affairs.

A. pry;

B. push;

C. chat;

D. gossip

45.The film "on golden pond" portrays to a certain extent

the MENTALITY of the old people.

A. activities;

B. ideas;

C. opinions;

D. attitude of mind

46.Owing to the efforts of conservationists and environmentalists, few

people are UNAWARE OF the problems of endangered species.

A. indifferent to;

B. ignorant of;

C. opposed to;

D. contrary to

47.when the wind died down, the sailboat DRIFTED toword the beach.

A. headed;

B. floated;

C. hurried;

D. returned

48.the black boys and girls need not have felt ___ for their dark skin

in the summer camp.




D. self-evident

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f215132290.html,mercial banks make most of their ___ from interest-earning

loans and investments in stocks and bonds.

A. means;

B. dividends;

C. earnings;

D. compound interest

50.the newcomer would be more popular in the office if he didn't try so

hard to ___ himself with the boss.

A. regard;

B. ingratiate;

C. shape;

D. identify



答案: 参照TEXT 1, UNIT11(P135)

2. 根据一位仅知其名为马菲的学者所归纳的法则,“任何东西如果会出毛病的话,它迟早要出毛病的。”据此得出的推论可以有助于解释次品问题:会出故障的终归要出故障;会停止运转的终归要停止运转。虽然马菲的理论不能被完全推翻,但是效应通常可以推迟发生。人类在其生存中花费大量的时间和精力,力图保证其生产的物品能在尽可能长时间里不发生故障,不破碎或者不停止运转。马菲的法则也适用于我们的产品,没有适度的智慧,技能和责任感是无法推翻它的。

答案: 参照TEXT 1, UNIT 8(P97)

3. 我认为有天才的孩子是那些具有某种特长和天生能力的孩子。这些特长和能力已为各种




答案: 参照TEXT I, UNIT 7(P86)

4. 如果教师真正力图促进个性发展,鼓励自尊,我认为,他们没有理由担心任何形式的分类教学。决定学生对个体差异的态度的因素,不是一个班的组织方式,而是教师。但是在向学生灌输正确的态度之前,教师首先需要批判性的分析自己对这些个体差异的态度。


许多教师对于把有天分的孩子另行编班持反对意见,因为他们相信这样做没有明显的成效。他们举了一些实验性研究为例,这些研究表明当孩子们被分成快慢班时在学业上并没有产生明显的变化。答案: 参照TEXT 1, UNIT 7(P87)

5. 于是我回到工人阶级之中,这是我出生的地方,所也是我的归属之处。我再也没有兴趣

向上爬。我头顶上的那座社会大厦对我失去了魅力,倒是它的基础引起了我的兴趣。我在社会的基层,手握撬棍,愉快地与知识分子,理想主义者和有阶级觉悟的劳动人民一起,肩并肩地辛勤劳动,不时用力一撬,使整个大厦摇摇欲坠。总会有那么一天,当我们再增加一些人手和撬棍的时候,我们将把这座大厦彻底推倒,让它那腐朽的生活和那些行尸走肉们,以及其特有的万恶的自私心理与愚蠢之极的物欲主义跟它一起见鬼去吧!然后,我们将把社会的底层清洗干净,把它建成一个人类的新居所;那里将没有上层社会,所有的房间将会是明亮而通风,人们呼吸的空气将会是纯洁、高尚和充满活力的。答案: 参照TEXT 1, UNIT 14(P177)

6.相比之下,人们很难去关心陌生人或陌生人所使用的产品。在我们这个大生产大市场的工业时代,产品质量始终是个难题,因为一度使我们要对对方或自己的产品负责的亲密感情和个人交情已被金钱关系取而代之。不仅生产者和消费者现在是陌生人,就连那些涉及到生产和分配各个阶段的男人和女人们也彼此陌生,他们包括管理人员、生产第一线的工人、办公室勤杂人员以及销售人员。在较大的公司里,也许有成千上万的人在为同一产品工作,而这些人都有可能从未碰过面,或从不知其他人的名字。公司越大,劳动力分工越复杂,互不关心的人际关系也越是占上风,马菲的法则效果也就越明显。答案: 参照TEXT 1, UNIT 8(P98)

7. 《时代》杂志一篇文章的作者写道“维持家庭和睦意味着要协调孩子与大人的需要。”但可以肯定的是,大人的需要比孩子的需要得到了更好的满足。孩子们被有效地甩开一边,不再制造麻烦;他们的父母则过着像那些没有孩子的夫妇一样的悠闲生活。事实上,正是孩子们对家庭的这些需要促使他们成长,正是通过家长满足这些需要所做的一切建立起家庭的未来所赖以生存的关系。如果一个家庭不积累家庭成员共同生活的点滴经历,不积累他们周而复始、不断发生变化和发展的日常生活的共同活动,那么,这个家庭最多只能算得上是一个福利院。参照TEXT 1, UNIT 5(P 61)

8.电视经过若干年的发展,随着孩子们花费在这种新媒介的时间不断增加,家长们也越来越关心观看如此之多的电视可能会产生的影响。但是有一种认为电视的影响并非威力无比的论调反复重弹,却减轻了家长的忧虑。在一项早期的,颇有影响力的关于电视对孩子的影响的研究中,作者们这样写道:“电视每时每刻都进入一种早已存在的影响模式,其中包括家庭、同伴、学校、教堂以及整个文化。”换句话说,如果孩子们的家庭生活是正常的,家长就不必为看电视所产生的影响而担心。参照TEXT 1, UNIT 5(P 59)



然而这其中有点区别,是本质的区别。鞋子、忠诚和尊严能够自动更新其库存,它们取之不绝,用之不尽。而体力却不会自动更新其库存。当鞋商出售鞋子的时候,他不断地补充其库存。可是劳动者却无法补充其体力的库存。体力出卖的越多,剩下的就越少。这是他唯一可以出售的商品,其储存量逐日减少。即使他不提早离开人世,也倾其所有,然后关门大吉,他成为破产的体力销售者,他一无所有,只能走到社会的最底层,悲惨地死去。参照TEXT 1, UNIT 13(P 161)


在使用一次性产品的过程中,我们形成一种与其相应的用完就扔的思维习惯。这一思维习惯产生了有别于其他事务的一整套全新的财产价值观。但是一次性消费在社会中的发展,同时暗示着人与物的联系周期已经缩短,我们已不再与某一物品保持一段相对长时间的联系。相反,我们与一个接一个不断取而代之的物品发生短暂的关系。参照TEXT 1, UNIT 10(P123)



1.It may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.

It is reasonably necessary for ____________________________________________________. 答案: It is reasonably necessary for those whose work is their pleasure to cultivate the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.

2. The slums are no longer visible to the middle class, so much of the idealistic urge to fight for those who need help is gone.

The middle class no longer desires __________________________________________

答案: The middle class no longer desires to fight for those who need help, because it becomes blind to the slums.

3.The individual student will mature and grow successfully along with the lines of his interests and abilities.

The cultivating of the individual student?s interests and abilities will ____________________.答案: The cultivating of the individual student’s interests and abilities will help him to mature and grow successfully .

4. The teacher, not the manner in which a class is organized, determines st udents? attitudes towards individual differences.

Students may have proper or improper attitudes toward individual differences, _____________. 答案: Students may have proper or improper attitudes toward individual differences, which is determined by the teacher, not the manner in which a class is organized.

5. In reality, it is those very demands that young children made upon a family that leads to growth. The growth of young children results_____________________________________________. 答案: The growth of young children results from their very demands upon a family.

6.With the numbers of holidaymakers expected to double in the next 20 years, it is hard for even the best treatment plants to cope.

Even the best treatment plants cannot easily cope with the problem because ________

答案: Even the best treatment plants cannot easily cope with the problem because the numbers of holiday-makers are expected to double in the next 20 years.

7. In unskilled or uncaring hands a handmade basket or boat can fall apart as quickly as baskets or boats made by machines.

If a handmade basket or boat is made in unskilled or uncaring hands it cannot ______________. 答案: If a handmade basket or boat is made in unskilled or uncaring hands it cannot last longer than machine-made ones.

8. This one rung was the height I climbed up the business ladder.

I climbed up the business ladder____________________.

答案: I climbed up the business ladder to the height of this one rung.

9. I wrote verses, but only to learn the technique and so feel poetry more perfectly.

By writing ___________________________________________________

答案: By writing verses, I only learned the technique which made me feel poetry more perfectly.

10. Man made things enter into and color his consciousness.

The individual comes to accept man-made things that are ____________________.

答案: The individual comes to accept man-made things that are beginning to shape his mentality.

11. They could exist peacefully side by side, provided we gave up cherished beliefs about the

nature of time.

As long as _________________________________________________________

答案: As long as we gave up cherished beliefs about the nature of time, they could exist peacefully side by side.

12. In the first place any scientific study requires that there be no preferential weighting of one or another of the items it selects for its consideration.

No preferential weighting is allowed in the first place ______________________.

答案: No preferential weighting is allowed in the first place in any scientific study in terms of its selected items for consideration.

13. That man-thing relationships are growing more and more temporary may be illustrated by examining the culture surrounding the girl who trades in her doll.

The man-thing relationships are growing more and more temporary, ____________.

答案: The man-thing relationships are growing more and more temporary, which may be illustrated by examining the culture surrounding the girl who trades in her doll.

14. An even great danger lurks in the seductive seafood dishes that add so much interest to holiday menus.

Holidaymakers are so much interested in the seductive seafood dishes ___________.

答案: Holidaymakers are so much interested in the seductive seafood dishes as to ignore the great danger lurking in them.

15. But gadgets and sampling alone will never do the trick since these items are also subject to Murphy?s Law.

Since gadgets and sampling are also subject to Murphy?s Law, it becomes _______.

答案: Since gadgets and sampling are also subject to Murphy’s Law, it becomes impossible for these items alone to do the trick.

16.If I had to convey the essence of Albert Einstein in a single word, I would choose simplicity.

Simplicity would be ____________________________________________

答案: Simplicity would be the right choice if I had to convey the essence of Albert Einstein in

a single word.

17. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.

One hundred years later, the Negro is still found ____________________.

答案: One hundred years later, the Negro is still found languished in the corners of American society and to be an exile in his own land.

18. But the life that was in me demanded more than a meagre existence of scraping and scrimping.

But a meagre existence of scraping and scrimping ____________________

答案: But a meagre existence of scraping and scrimping was not the life I desired for.

19. What they knew was amazing to me, and how they knew it, but what they did not know struck me harder still.

My interest in ________________________________________________

答案: My interest in what they didn't know was aroused more greatly than in what they knew and how they knew it.

20. The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community.

Any individual in his lifetime has to adapt himself, above all else,


答案: Any individual in his lifetime has to adapt himself, above all else, to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community.

22.It is hard work choosing the right words, but we shall be rewarded by the satisfaction that finding them brings.

We shall be rewarded for ________________________________________.

答案: We shall be rewarded for our hard work in choosing right words when we feel satisfied after finding them.

23.regard gifted children as those who possess some quality or innate ability which has been recognized and identified by any number of testing and observation devices and who manifest interest and success in either physical, intellectual, or artistic pursuits.

The gifted children, in my opinion, ____________________

答案: The gifted children, in my opinion, are those who possess some quality or innate ability which has been recognized and identified by any number of testing and observation devices and who manifest interest and success in either physical, intellectual, or artistic pursuit.

24.But Fortune?s favored children belong to the s econd class.

But those who belong to____________________.

答案: But those who belong to the second class are the most fortunate.

25.I rather think that the reason we honor the label …handmade? is because it evokes not a technological relationship between the producer and product but a social relationship between producer and consumer.

It is the relationship between producer and consumer rather than ______________. 答案: It is the relationship between producer and consumer rather than the relationship between producer and producer that makes us honor the label


26. It is one of the cruelest ironies of social life in advanced countries that the

dispossessed at the bottom of society are unable to speak for themselves.

The dispossessed ____________________________________.

答案: The dispossessed at the bottom of society are deprived of their right to speak for themselves, which is one of the cruelest ironies of social life.

27. Where children have certain …gifts? in common, they should be allowed to work and study together.

Children should be allowed to work and study together, no matter in ___________.

答案: Children should be allowed to work and study together, no matter in what aspects they have certain ‘gifts’ in common.


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