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英语  学习材料
英语  学习材料


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Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations.

Automobiles,trains,planes and buses need energy , too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. This burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air,causing air pollution.


B. 佳篇欣赏:抗击肺炎英文励志佳篇


We are facing a darktime right now.

Some of us are stuck at home.

Some of us are stuck far away from home.

Some of us have lost their jobs

And some have to shut down their businesses. Some of us are cutting down their expense. And some can’t even pay their rent and bills. Some can’t go back to school and some can’t go back to their jobs.And some of us are still working day and night, no matter how exhausted they are or how dangerous it is. Some of us have become infected and they were isolated from their families, their loved ones and have to be alone in the wards. Or even worse, it is their children, parents or loved ones that are infected. And they don’t even have a ch ance to say goodbye.

The virus is rampaging.

The numbers are increasing.

The rumors are spreading.

The fear is growing.

It seems that all of a sudden,the whole country lost its vitality and prosperity.

You are not the only one who is worrying.

You are not the only one who is fearing.

You are not the only one who is struggling.

We are facing a dark time right now.

Our country is facing a dark time right now.

This is a war. This is a war without guns, bombs or smoke but it’s a war with virus, doubt, fears,rumors and discriminations.but we shall be fighters. My dear fellows, not just the doctors, the nurses, the policemen and scientists who should fight. All of us should be the fighters in the war.

We shall fight against fear.

We shall fight against uncertainty.

We shall fight against doubts.

We shall fight against selfishness.

We shall fight against rumors.

We shall fight against discriminations.

This is going to be a fierce and cruel war. But don’t be afraid. We are gonna win this war together in the end. Our people may get sick. We city may get sick. But we as a brave nation will never ever get sick because we have the spirit, history and determination to win.

We’ve been on this planet for over 5,000 years. We’ve witnessed much darker moments. We’v e been through much crueller trials. No matter it’s the war,invasion, starvation, poverty or natural disasters, we’ve always survived. We’ve always stood up back on our feet. We’ve always won in the end. And we’ll definitely win this time. We don’tknow how long this will take or what cost we have to pay. There is one thing we are 100 percent sure that is we are going to win this war in the end because that’s what we have been doing for the past 5,000 years. And that’s what makes us the greatest nation ever. It is only by going through darkness that we can separate the greatest from the great. In each dark time, we’ve always fought together No matter how strong our enemy was or how impossible it seemed to win, we just keep fighting because we are all fighters.

When all of this is over, we’ll have another great and heroic story to tell our children, our grandchildren and they will tell the next generations. And that’s how we pass the greatspirit on and keep it alive forever.

1.exhaustsed /?ɡ?z??st?d/ adj.

If you are exhaustsed, it means you are so tired, either physically or mentally, that you have no energy left. 使精疲力竭

2.ramapage /r?m'pe?d?/v.

When people or animals rampage through a place, they rush around there in a wild or violent way, causing damage or destruction.横冲直撞

3.vitality /va??t?l?ti/ n.

/n./If you say that someone or something has vitality, you mean that they have great energy and liveliness. 活力

4.prosperity /pr??sper?ti/ n.

Prosperity is a condition in which a person or community is doing well financially. 繁荣

5.trial/?tra??l/ n.

If you refer to the trials of a situation, you mean the unpleasant things that you experience in it. 磨难

We Are All Fighters首支抗肺炎英文励志演讲 蓝光(1080P)-13-987.mp4
































Dawn is breaking and

we are seeing light coming through.


100 天突破高考3500 必备词汇

Day 32

根据提示完成下列句子(each --- electronic)

1.Everybody is _____________________ (渴望学) English well.

2.Why is he always __________________________ (置若罔闻) his teacher.

3.The group singers ____________________ (谋生) by singing in the underground passages.

4.What ___________________(究竟) are you doing in the classroom?

5.__________________________(别紧张). Tell me one by one.

6.What the teacher said _______________________________(对我产生很大的影响).

7.The new law will ________________________或________________(生效) on next month.

8.The old laws ______________________________(无效) since last month.

9.We should _____________________或______________(尽一切努力) to learn English well.

10.He went into the next round without _________________________(轻松地).

11.We should ____________________________(不遗余力地) to enter the key universities.

12.Of course, my ____________________(哥哥) is ______________(年纪大) than I.

13.I turned on the __________(电) light, and began to read some books on __________ (电的)

problems and__________(电子) computers.

Key to Day 32

1. eager to learn;

2. turning a deaf ear to;

3. earn their living;

4. on earth;

5. Take it easy;

6. had a great effect on me;

7. come into effect; take effect; 8. have been of no effect;

9. make an effort; make efforts; 10. effort;

11. spare no effort; 12. elder brother; older;

13. electric; electrical; electronic


Module 6 (reading)



▲ 2019年

全国 I 卷

In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut 65 (report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a belief that populations are increasing.

Of the nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six 70 (be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data.

全国 II 卷

Picking up her “Lifetime Achievement” award, proud Irene 64 (declare) she had no plans to retire from her 36-year-old business.

I love coming here and seeing my family and all the friends I 66 (make) over the years.

全国 III 卷

Our hosts shared many of their experiences and 65 (recommend) wonderful places to eat, shop, and visit.

On the last day of our week-long stay, we 69 (invite) to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, listening to musicians and meeting interesting locals.


One study in America found that students’ grades 62 (improve) a little after the school introduced uniforms.

▲2018 年

全国 I 卷

While running regularly can’t make you live forever, the review says it 64 (be) more effective at lengthening life than walking, cycling or swimming.

全国 II 卷

Diets have changed in China — and so too has its top crop. Since 2011, the country 61 (grow) more corn than rice.

The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005 — when the government 68 (start) a soil-testing program which gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers — and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.

全国 III 卷

When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find them alive. True to a gorilla’s unaggressive nature, the huge animal 69 (mean) me no real harm.


I stil l remember visiting a friend who’d lived here for five years and I 60 (shock) when I learnt she hadn’t cooked once in all that time.

While regularly eating out seems to 61 (become) common for many young people in recent years, it’s not without a c ost.

▲ 2017 年

全国 I 卷

When fat and salt 64 (remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something.

Even worse, the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food 67 (be) full of fat and salt; by eating more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.

全国 II 卷

Steam engines 65 (use) to pull the carriages and it must have been fairly unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise.

Later, engineers 68 (manage) to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels (隧道), which became known as the Tube. This development was only possible with the introduction of electric-powered engines and lifts.

全国 III 卷

Sarah says, “My dad thinks I should take the offer now. But at the moment, school 69 (come) first. I don’t want to get too absorbed in modeling ...”


Pahlsson and her husband 62 (search) the kitchen, checking every corner, but turned up nothing.


全国 I 卷

So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research, I 62 (allow) to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre.

全国II 卷

Leaving the less important things until tomorrow 63 (be) often acceptable. 全国III 卷

Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and 69 (be) too violent for use at the table.


全国I 卷

It was raining lightly when I 61 (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.

Yangshuo 67 (be) really beautiful. A study of travelers conducted by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.

全国II 卷

This cycle 68 (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset (抵消) for the outside temperatures.


▲ 2019 年

全国 I 卷

65. have reported 由in recent years可知此处语境表示的是从过去某时一直持续到现在,故用现在完成时。

70. are 根据空白处前面的are 及空白处后面的is 和lack 可知,本句用现在时态,又根据six,因此此处填are。

全国 II 卷

64. declared Irene 的领奖发言是过去发生的事,另根据此空白处后面的过去式had 和下文Irene said 可知,此处用declare 的过去式。

66. have made over the years 常与完成式连用,在此意为“(从过去某时到现在的)多年来”。根据主句谓语动词love 的时态可知,定语从句的谓语动词make 应用现在完成时。

全国 III 卷

65. recommended全文是在叙述过去的情况,再根据空白处前面的并列的谓语动词shared 可知,此处用recommend 的过去式recommended。

69. were invited invite和主语we之间是被动关系,故用其被动语态,且全文是在叙述过去的情况,因此应用一般过去时的被动语态。


62. improved 根据语境One study in America found that ... 可知讲述的是过去的事情,故用动词improve的过去式。

▲2018 年

全国 I 卷

64. is 本文讲述跑步的好处,用的是现在时态,再根据空白处前面的can’t make 和says可知,此处讲述的是客观事实,因此用is。

全国 II 卷

61. has grown 由 Since 2011“自 2011 年以来”可知此处语境表示的是从过去的某个时间开始,一直持续到现在,故用现在完成时,且主语the country 是单数名词,故填has grown。

68. started 根据上下文可知作者在说2005 年发生的事情,应用动词的过去式。全国 III 卷

69. meant 全文是在叙述过去的情况,因此谓语动词用过去式。


60. was shocked shock 和主语I 之间是被动关系,故用其被动语态。

61. have become 由in recent years可知此处用不定式的完成式表示这一现象从过去某时一直持续到现在,还可能持续下去。

▲ 2017 年

全国 I 卷

64. are removed文章描述的是客观事实,且主语fat and salt 与谓语动词remove 为被动关系,因此此处应填are removed。

67. is 根据上下文可知,“快餐富含脂肪和盐”是客观事实,且主语fast food 是第三人称单数形式,因此谓语动词应用一般现在时的第三人称单数形式。

全国 II 卷

65. were used 根据语境“蒸汽机被用来拉动车厢”。文章叙述的是过去的事,且主语steam engines 与use 为被动关系。

68. managed 根据上下文可知作者在描述过去的事情,应用动词的过去式。

全国 III 卷

69. comes 根据空前的at the moment 及空后的don’t 可知本句应用一般现在时,又因为主语是school,因此谓语动词应用一般现在时的第三人称单数形式。浙江卷

62. searched 本段描述的是过去的事情,因此用过去式。

▲2016 年

全国 I 卷

62. was allowed 根据句意可知作者是被允许走近这些动物,be allowed to do sth “被允许做某事”。

全国 II 卷

63. is 本句中动名词短语Leaving … tomorrow 在句中作主语,谓语动词使用单数形式,所以使用is。

全国 III 卷

69. were 根据句意可知,这里指的是刀子因太暴力而不适合在餐桌上使用,believed后跟一个宾语从句,and连接了两个并列的谓语,主语knives是复数,根据时态一致的原则,这里用一般过去时,故填were。

▲2015 年

全国 I 卷

61. arrived 本段描述的是过去的事情,因此用一般过去时。

67. is 用一般现在时来表示现在的状态。

全国 II 卷

68. goes此处指前面提到的循环不断地持续下去。the cycle的谓语动词用单数,且为一般现在时。



回顾一下我英语学习的历程,对我影响比较大的学习方法主要是李阳.克立兹的疯狂突破和钟道隆的逆向法.当然还有一些其他的方法,象翱翔英语,武藏式英语(以前看的一本日本人自学英语的书)等等,但都没有前两种来的深刻.所以我想这里和大家主要介绍一下这两种: 李阳老师的疯狂英语我想大家应该都已经比较熟悉了吧.我呢,自己就是亲善大使,所以对这套方法是比较了解的.应该说,在我接触李阳.克立兹之前,我的英语学习方法是出于一种完全混沌的状态,完全是学校里传统的学习方式,那时虽然我日夜苦读,可是总感觉英语水平没有什么实质性的突破,当时我还在考上外的英语自学考试,又不敢放松,就觉得阅读还过得去,口语和听力几乎是零.当时的确是处于一种极其痛苦的徘徊状态.有多少次要放弃学习英语的念头连我自己都数不清了.后来一次看报的时候读到了李阳.克立兹的介绍,大概是道出了我学习英语的痛苦吧,共鸣感极其强烈.当下就汇款邮了两本教材,当时收到教材后简直是如获至宝,把两本黑白小册子都快翻烂了,几乎每天都要读上一遍,18张卡片上的内容真的重复了有一百遍之多,当时每张卡片上的每一句话都能脱口而出,后来我在公司里第一次作翻译的时候,才真正感到卡片上句子看似简单,但在实际生活中出现的频率是很高的. 李阳.克立兹这两年的运作应该说是比较成功的,全国很多英语学习者都有所耳闻,很多人也从中受益不少.现在也有不少人指责李阳.克立兹是一种商业炒作,华而不实.我想作为一名使用者在这里谈谈我的一些看法: 首先我认为李阳.克立兹的疯狂英语并不能称之为一套绝对理想的,完整的学习方法.李阳在教材里的有些话的确是有些言过其实的.但我觉得我们并不能因为他的不甚完整就全盘否定,视而不见他优秀的,发光的地方.应该说每一种学习方法都有其优缺点,我们应该用自己的头脑取长补短,真对自己的实际情况对症下药.我觉得把李阳.克立兹理解成是一种突破口,一种突破方法是很合适的,尤其是在口语方面.李阳老师所提出的"三最口腔训练","一口气训练法"等等,我都进行了刻苦认真的练习,应该说效果还是很明显的,的确使自己在说英语时嘴巴顺溜多了.的确,一些基本句型的熟练掌握对自己英语的基本功和学习的信心都有很大的帮助.我希望想真正掌握英语的朋友们要下决心,下死心把这些基本句型倒背如流,这些句型其实拿起市面上随便一本口语教材就以足够了.很多朋友看不起这些简单的口语句型,总喜欢买些动辄五六十元的高级某某某教材,买好以后看了没几页又找个自我开脱的理由束之高阁.写到这里使我想起我一直想说出来的话,也许得罪了不少朋友:中国的学生学英语太急功近利了.在我以前的推广过程中,很多朋友问我的第一句话就是:要多长时间才能学会哪?我就告诉大家:One year is enough.可是现在我就不这么说了,我总是问他们:你的中文怎么样?回想一下,你的中文学了多少年?到了什么水平呢?我们绝大对数的中国人的汉语水平也就是看看报纸,交流交流,又有几个人能写出漂亮的文章呢?有时我看到邻家上一年级的小女孩在认真的一个字一个字的拼写,用每个生词造句联句,这么一干就是四五年的时间,到了小学毕业,好!总算可以写上一篇"小豆腐干"文章了,不知道现在读我这篇文章的朋友们是否还保存着自己那时的文章,有的话拿出来看看,一定会哑然失笑的.那不算!有的朋友说我们那时还是小孩吗!学习能力有限嘛!那好!在这以后的几年,几十年里我们和汉语朝夕相处,每天都在吸收新的信息,在座的各位又有几位敢拍拍胸脯说:我的中文成功了,我说的汉语漂亮极了.我能用中文随手写出漂亮的文章!至少我自己是绝不敢这么crazy的.另外可别忘了,所有这些都是我们在无比优越的纯中文环境下的学习成果.说到这里,我们再想一想英语的学习吧!我不是在给大家泼冷水,打击大家学习英语的冲天信心.我自己也一直在想:我们要有crazy的精神,crazy的方法,但我们不能有crazy的幻想.尤其是违背客观规律的crazy.所以我碰到的所有英语教授,讲师都在苦口婆心的告诉我:学好一门外语是一辈子的事情!这个道理我也是最近一两年才领


2011年同等学力英语词汇班讲义一、英语核心词汇 A absence access account achievement absorb accept accident amuse argue accompany accurate acquire abuse accomplish accuse aspect academic accordingly accustomed adapt addition adjust adopt advantage advance advisable affect afford annual announce alike allowance alter amaze amount annoy anxiety apparent appeal appear apply appointment appreciate approach appropriate approve arise arouse arrest artificial assemble asset assess assert assume assure athlete atmosphere attach attack alarm attend attitude attract attribute audience authority available avoid award aware awful awkward arrange associate astonish approximate analyze ancient ambition apology average attempt ashamed B bacteria baggage balance bankrupt bare barely bargain barrier beam behalf benefit besides bitter blank blast boast bold boom boost boring bound breed brilliant budget bump bunch bundle burden burst bachelor battle bear beyond blame band block blast bother brand brief bulk C campaign cancel capable capacity capital cash casual cause capture calculate central challenge


英语教学改革方案 一、指导思想 实施新课标理念先行,教师们的教育教学观念发生了显著的转变,以创新教育为主的素质教育替代了以往的传统教育,符合当今发展的潮流。在学校的引导和鼓励下,认真学习新课标理论,学习新课程与旧课程的区别以及其特点,并且在学习过程中渐渐地树立起新课标的理念,认识到新课程和旧课程最根本的区别在于理念。在课堂教学的改革中促进教师的专业发展和学生的能力发展,提高课堂教学效率,形成我校课堂教学特色,推进素质教育。 在教务处组织及学校改革基础上,英语组在共同商讨的前提下制定此方案。 二、总体要求 全体师生必须高度统一思想,提高认识,坚定不移地树立以人为本、关注生命的教育理念,彻底开放课堂,群体参与,师生互动,教学相长,切实做到课堂气氛和谐,学习环境宽松,使学生自主参与,发挥特长,张扬个性。实现“课堂活,教学实,师生动,能力强,质量高”的目标。 三、具体实施 1、反思改革前本校老师的英语教学行为。 进行任何教学改革之前,最主要的是要清楚地了解,本校老师的优势是什么,劣势在哪里?之前的课堂有什么值得推广的地方,而又有什么需要改进的?这样才能更好的进行改革,而不是一味地照搬?纵观现在大部分学校的英语老师,优势都是年轻教师居多,具有活力、

亲和力。大部分口语都比较流利、标准,而且课堂创新能力比较强。而在英语课堂的表现基本上就是比较活跃,英语氛围浓郁,师生互动良好,学生乐学、好学,给学生学习口语营造了良好的学习氛围。劣势就是太年轻,经验不足,所以在课堂上的表现就是不够深入和扎实,基本上教教材的居多,能根据学生情况,学校要求开拓教材,灵活运用教材的较少。以至于学生学习的知识局限性较强,使用不够,运用不灵活。 2、如何有效地开展新一轮的改革? 了解了本校英语教学优劣势之后,接下来就要有计划、有目的地进行改革。我们基本上是从以下几方面进行:a、学习准备阶段。要组织老师学习教学改革理论,充分理解教学改革的理念和方法。要在组内针对课改的实施进行讨论、研究,并最终制定出适合我校实际情况的改革的方案和制度。b、开展试点阶段。重点打造实验教师,实现实验教师的课堂转变,以点带面初步构建新的课堂教学模式。c、实施阶段,全面铺开。利用赛课的形式,进行听课、评课活动,教研组要在评课过程中,解决教学过程中存在的问题。研究的问题要细化到课堂中的每一个环节、每一句话、每一个细节。d、总结夯实阶段。通过赛课、学习、培训、评价,不断总结不足,为下学期继续提升课堂打下基础。 3、善于总结做得好的方面和存在的问题: 教学改革就是一个不断思考,不断实践,不断反思,再实践的过程,所以要善于总结、反思,才能更好地为教学改革服务。结合我校


Chapter 1 LEXICOLOGY: Lexicology is the science of words, which is concerned with the study of vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, the origin, development, history, structure, meaning and application. In short, it is the study of the signification and application of words. Chapter 2 1.The history of English language History of English language can be divided into Old English(450AD-1150AD), Middle English (1150AD-1500AD), and Modern English (1500AD-present). 2.Classification of English words English words can be divided into different groups in terms of the origin, the level of usage and the notion. By origin Native words (Anglo-Saxon/ old English) Loan words (borrowed) By level of usage: 5 categories Standard/ popular word/ common words Literary words Colloquial words Slang words Technical words By notion Content words: They have the independent lexical meaning, e.g. noun, verb, adjective, adverb. Function words: They are determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries, and grammatical signals, functional makers. Pick up the slang words and explain. 1.Father said nix to our plan, so we couldn’t go to the museum. (nothing, no) 2.When the buck leads, the world suffers. (money, dollars) 3.He says he’ll be a great writer but that’s a lot of boloney; he’ll never be. (nonsense) 4.I’ll clobber you if you don’t do what you’re told, said the angry father. (beat sb. repeatedly) 5.I think I’m just a hick at heart. (a foolish person from the country) 6.He thought his idea was wonderful, but in fact, it was complete rot. (nonsense) Chapter 3 Compounding: refers to the faculty and device of language to form new words by combining or putting together old words, e.g. schoolboy. Derivation: derivation is "Used to form new words, as with happi-ness and un-happy from happy, or determination from determine. Conversion: the creation of word from an existing word without any change in form, e.g. the adjective clean becomes the verb clean.


加工方法拉力强度机械性能 低碳钢或铁基层金属& 镀镍镀黄铜 马氏铁体淬火退火淬火 高温回火应力退火温度– 晶粒取向()及非晶粒取向(硬磁材料 表面处理硬度电镀方法锌镀层质量 表面处理拉伸应变焊接防止生锈 硬度及拉力& 连续铸造法 珠光体单相金属 渗碳体奥氏体软磁硬磁 疲劳测试热膨胀系数比重 化学性能物理性能再结晶 硬化包晶反应包晶合金共晶 临界温度自由度相律 金属间化物固熔体置换型固熔体 米勒指数's 晶体结构金属与合金 金属特性抗腐蚀及耐用& 强度无机非金属燃料电池 新能源 材料科学专业学术翻译必备词汇材料科学专业学术翻译必备词汇编号中文英文 1 合金 2 材料 3 复合材料 4 制备 5 强度 6 力学 7 力学性能 8 复合 9 薄膜 10 基体 11 增强 12 非晶 13 基复合材料 14 纤维 15 纳米 16 金属 17 合成 18 界面 19 颗粒 20 法制备 21 尺寸22 形状 23 烧结 24 磁性 25 断裂 26 聚合物 27 衍射 28 记忆 29 陶瓷 30 磨损 31 表征 32 拉伸 33 形状记忆 34 摩擦 35 碳纤维 36 粉末 37 溶胶 38 凝胶 39 应变 40 性能研究 41 晶粒 42 粒径 43 硬度 44 粒子 45 涂层 46 氧化 47 疲劳 48 组织 49 石墨 50 机械 51 相变 52 冲击 53 形貌 54 有机 55 损伤 56 有限 57 粉体 58 无机 59 电化学 60 梯度 61 多孔 62 树脂 63 扫描电镜 64 晶化 65 记忆合金 66 玻璃 67 退火 68 非晶态 69 溶胶-凝胶 70 蒙脱土 71 样品 72 粒度 73 耐磨 74 韧性 75 介电 76 颗粒增强 77 溅射 78 环氧树脂 79 纳米 80 掺杂 81 拉伸强度 82 阻尼 83 微观结构 84 合金化


安岳中学高2019级英语学习资料 时间: 2.28 班级:: 一、晨读早记每日半小时英语朗读(以必修二课文阅读材料为主) A.每日金句: Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobiles,trains,planes and buses need energy , too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. This burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air,causing air pollution. 空气污染是现代世界的主要问题之一。现代工业国家的工厂运转需要大量能源。汽车,火车,飞机和公共汽车也需要能源。几乎所有这些能源都是燃烧产生的燃烧产生废物,其中一些残留在空气中,造成空气污染。 B. 佳篇欣赏:抗击肺炎英文励志佳篇 开校第一堂课,齐声背诵 We are facing a darktime right now. Some of us are stuck at home. Some of us are stuck far away from home. Some of us have lost their jobs And some have to shut down their businesses. Some of us are cutting down their expense. And some can’t even pay their rent and bills. Some can’t go back to school and some can’t go back to their jobs.And some of us are still working day and night, no matter how exhausted they are or how dangerous it is. Some of us have become infected and they were isolated from their families, their loved ones and have to be alone in the wards. Or even worse, it is their children, parents or loved ones that are infected. And they don’t even have a chan ce to say goodbye. The virus is rampaging. The numbers are increasing.


趣味方法教你更快学英语 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《趣味方法教你更快学英语》的内容,具体内容:同学们肯定对自己喜欢的东西会比较感兴趣,主动去学习它,所以,有趣的学习英语学习可以让你更快上手英语!下面是我为您收集整理的,供大家参考!找到英语广播台或播客。现在有... 同学们肯定对自己喜欢的东西会比较感兴趣,主动去学习它,所以,有趣的学习英语学习可以让你更快上手英语!下面是我为您收集整理的,供大家参考! 找到英语广播台或播客。现在有无数的播客提供各类话题:娱乐,政治,新闻。搜寻的最佳方式就是从你经常看的电视频道找一个出来。挑一个你感兴趣的,开车的时候听一听。耳朵的本事就这么慢慢锻炼出来啦. 找最热的视频至少看几分钟。大部分都非常搞笑!绝对值得一看。再试着看看下面的评论,找出你不是很熟悉的单词或者句子,但也别忘了底下的评论也有写恶搞。 用英语和自己对话唱歌。一个人在家,或洗澡的时候,和自己说话把!或是对自己唱一首英语歌,谈谈天气或其他的话题。经常这样做,你的发音绝对会有意想不到的提高的。 你有膜拜的英语大神么?去看看他所有的英文访谈吧!你可以花很多时 间来看这些访谈,绝对不会让你有学习的感觉,但这真的是一种学习哦!能大大帮助到你。

最有趣的英语学习 公车上或公园里,不妨坐的离老外近一点,听一听呀!放心这绝对不是偷听!但是看看你能听懂多上词语,听一下对话的进程。你能理解多少?他们大概在谈论什么话题?你听到什么有趣的词让你有回家翻字典的冲动么? 关注一些榜单,标识,广告,售报亭和企业名称。看看想想这些广告的含义。哪些词你是认识的?你还在哪里看到这个词?用看到的词造个句呗。爱音乐?研究下你喜欢歌曲的歌词。在You Tube上看看翻译版本能扩大词汇量。再听不带字幕的版本,试着找到被删掉的不文明词汇。哈哈,真的很有意思哦。 看英语原声的电视片段,剧集和肥皂剧。不明白他们在说什么其实没关系,看就是了!试着去理解什么搞笑什么煽情。如果这个笑话和单词有关,那么也许在你的母语中并没有那么好笑,。那怎么翻译才最到位呢? 和英语国家的朋友在社交网络上交谈。如果你的好友名单里有英语国家的朋友,你会看到他们每天的签名更新,更能了解用英语表达出他们国家的一些新闻和时事视频。朋友也可以是你的老师!他们的状态更新就是你最好的学习资料。 说出来说出来说出来。无论你多么内向,英语多烂,逼着自己去说。帮助看似迷路的外国游客。只要是在帮忙,他们不介意你英语的好坏!课后和老师谈谈近况,以及需要得到英语学习方面什么样的帮助。旅游的时候,用英语问一下路,哪怕并不需要!试试用英语网购,手机购物货使用客户服务!说的慢没关系,关键在于你是在学习!


中考一轮复习A 开头词汇(一)(讲义)??以字母 A 开头的单词 a (an) /?/ /?n/ art.一(个、件……) big mouth half hour a 用在前, an 用在前 a pair of… a set of… a symbol of… a waste of… 6:45: 玩得愉快: 结果: able /'eibl/ adj. 能够;有能力的 be able to I haven’t been able to speak Japanese. 名词形式: be able to do sth. = :有能力做某事 -able: comfortable knowledgeable believable loveable washable about /?'ba?t/ prep. 对于,关于;在……周围;围绕 adv. / adj.大约;到处;四处 动词+about: hear about worry about be serious about How/What+about(): How/What about (have) a drink with me after class?be about to do sth. Sit down everyone, the film is about to start. above /?'b?v/ prep. 在……之上;超过 adv. 在上面 Raise your arms above your head. The temperature above 37℃… Children above 10… For the above reasons,… 尤其是;最重要的是 Max is fair, hardworking and above all honest.


Unit 3 Text 1.From the periodic table, it can be seen that there are only about 100 different kinds of atoms in the entire Universe. (Unit 3, P21, Para 1, Line 1) 2.The atomic structure primarily affects the chemical, physical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties.(Unit 3, P22, Para 5, Line 1) 3.The microstructure and macrostructure can also affect these properties but they generally have a larger effect on mechanical properties and on the rate of chemical reaction. (Unit 3, P22, Para 5, Line 2) 4.From elementary chemistry it is known that the atomic structure of any element is made up of positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons revolving around it. (Unit 3, P22, Para 6, Line 1) 5.An element’s atomic number indicates the number of positively charged protons in the nucleus.(Unit 3, P22, Para 6, Line 3) 6.The atomic weight of an atom indicates how many protons and neutrons in the nucleus. (Unit 3, P22, Para 6, Line 4) 7.It is also known that electrons are present with different energies and it is convenient to consider these electrons surrounding the nucleus in energy “shell”.(Unit 3, P22, Para 7, Line 2) 8.For example, magnesium, with an atomic number of 12, has two electrons in the inner shell, eight in the second shell and two in the other shell.(Unit 3, P22, Para 7, Line 4) 9.All chemical bonds involve electrons.(Unit 3, P22, Para 8, Line 1) 10.Atoms are at their most stable when they have no partially-filled electron shells. (Unit 3, P22, Para 8, Line 2) 11.When metal atoms bond, a metallic bond occurs.(Unit 3, P23, Para 1, Line 1) 12.The bond between two nonmetal atoms is usually a covalent bond.(Unit 3, P23, Para 1, Line 4) 13.Where metal and nonmetal atom come together an ionic bond occurs.(Unit 3, P23, Para 1, Line 4) Reading Material


英译汉 1、The world of fashion began with individual couturiers and evolved, as a result of the Industrial Revolution ,into a mass-market industry. 时装业最初起源于个体高级时装设计师,后来由于工业革命,发展成现在的大规模经营的产业。 2、During the early 19th century ,the opulent designs that dominated the wardrobes of the rich began to disappear; less elaborate dress became the order of the day. 到了19世纪早期,曾经操纵富人衣柜的豪华设计逐渐消失;而相对简单的女装开始大行其道。 3、During this time, the Western world witnessed the growth of the middle class, which prospered from new avenues and industry, and spend money on such luxuries as fine clothing. 这一时期,中产阶级在西方世界兴起,他们通过做生意和办企业发家致富,并且愿意花钱买高级服装。 4、Because of the competitive advantage these inventions gave to manufacturers, England was very protective of its discoveries, and forbade the emigration of textile workers and the exportation of its textile machines. 由于这些发明使得英国的生产商具有巨大的竞争优势,因此英国政府积极保护这些发明,禁止纺织工人移民他国和纺织机械的出口。 5、With this invention ,women began to sew professional-looking clothes at home ,and factories experienced the birth of ready-to-wear apparel. 缝纫机的发明使得妇女在家就可以缝制出向专业人员制作的服装,现代成衣业也由此诞生了。 6、Although globally renowned designers are still crowding the runway with outrageous styles at prices that only a few can afford, new designers are showing fashions that reflect what is taking place on the streets, in the political arenas, in the entertainment field, and in movements to protect the environment 尽管世界的顶级设计师仍然使得T台上充斥着只有少数人可以承受的、价格不菲的高级时装样式,但是新一代的设计师却开始展示反映街头时尚。反映政治界。娱乐界的风云变幻,甚至是环保运动的时装。 7、Although we are taught that we should not judge others by their appearance alone, relying on appearance to guide personal decisions and social interactions is not only natural, but inescapable. 尽管我们所受的教育是不应单纯的以貌取人,但是凭借外表来对他人进行判断和进行社交不仅是很自然的,而且是不可避免的。 8、Most people would like to improve their appearance with appropriate clothing, by camouflaging their less desirable attributes and highlighting the more attractive aspects of their bodies. 多数人喜欢通过选择合适的着装来改善自己的外貌形象,掩饰自己身体不尽如人意的地方,并且彰显自身的优势。 9、One school of though is that“beauty is in the eye of the beholder”,that individual attra ction is a result of personal experience, cultural background and specific circumstances. 一种思想流派认为“情人眼里出西施”,也就是说,所谓“个人的吸引力”是一个人的经历、文化背景以及特殊的环境因素综合作用的结果。 10、Ancient Greeks believed that the world is beautiful because there is a certain measure, proportion, order and harmony between its elements. 古代希腊人认为,世界之所以是美的,是由于组成它的各个部分之间存在着某种尺寸标准、比例、秩序与和谐。 11、There is also a greater difference in the depth ratios from front to back in the female figure than there is in the male with respect to bust/waist and waist/hip relationships. 在胸围/腰围比例,以及腰围/臀围比例方面,男性与女性的身体存在着很大的不同。女性身体的厚度要比男性大。 12、The appearance of the clothed body is a perception of the viewer(whether of the wearers themselves or others)in a social and climatic context. 着装的身体外观是出于一定社会和风气中观察者的直觉表现。这一点无论对于穿着者本身还是其他人而言都是一样的。 13、Information on color trends for the coming season usually comes form fiber companies and professional color services like Pat Tunskey 。 有关下一季的色彩流行趋势的信息,通常来自于纤维公司和像Pat Tunskey这样的专业色彩服务公司。 14、The refabrications and versions of good bodies from the last season may provide the basic styles or staples of the new line.


外教教你学英语 寻找一个学习伙伴 学习英语还要有较大的动力。每次你坐下来学习,无论在家里还是在语言中心,都需要短期动力集中精力读和听。但更需要长期动力,保证每天经常做这样的事情———这是最难的。所以许多人开始学习英语,过一段时间很快就放弃了———我们学习英语不是一个持续的提高过程,而是通过一系列的突然提高以及间隔着似乎没有变化的阶段,这就是所谓“高原效应”。在几个月的学习中,你都可能注意不到英语的巨大提高,在这些时候,学习者最容易失去长期的动力并放弃学习。 Abc360的外教就是你很好的学习伙伴,和地道的外教学英语,怎么会错呢?每天和外教在线一对一上课,只要17分钟,花费也不多,就可以很轻松的提高英语,何乐而不为呢。 避免“高原效应”的好办法是,尽量不要完全一个人学习。如果你不能到语言中心学习,至少你应尝试找一个“学习伙伴”,这样,你们能够互相鼓励和支持。当然,如果能到一个好的语言中心学习就更不错了。 敢于开口 学英语很重要的一点是用来和他人交流,但开口难也是中国人学英语的一大特点。问题出在以下几点: 一是有些人把是否看懂当成学习的标准。拿到一本口语教材,翻开几页一看,都看懂了,就认为太简单了,对自己不合适。其实,练习口语的教材,内容肯定不会难,否则没法操练。看懂不等于会说,把这些你已经学会的东西流利地表达出来,才是口语教材最主要的目标。二是千万不要用汉字来记英语发音。学习一门外语如果发音不过关,始终不会真正掌握一门外语,而且最大的害处是不利于培养对外语的兴趣,影响下一步学习。现在有人把用汉语发音标注英语。 学口语最好的办法,不是做习题,不是背诵,也不是看语法书,而是反复高声朗读课文,这种做法的目的是培养自己的语感,只有具备了语感,才能在做习题时不假思索、下意识地写出正确答案。而且,当你熟练朗读几十篇课文后,很多常用句子会不自觉地脱口而出,所谓的“用外语思维阶段”就会悄然而至。 听不懂也要听 练习听力时,许多人抱怨听不懂,因而丧失了听的乐趣,往往半途而废。其实,即使听不懂也是一种学习,只不过你自己觉察不到而已。虽然暂时听不懂,但你的耳膜已经开始尝试着适应一种新的语言发音,你的大脑在调整频率,准备接受一种新的信息代码,这本身就是一次飞跃。 所以切记:听不懂时,你也在进步。 练习听力,要充分利用心理学上的无意注意,只要一有时间,就要打开录音机播放外语磁带,使自己处于外语的语言环境中,也许你没听清楚说些什么,这不要紧,你可以随便做其他事情,不用去有意听,只要你的周围有外语环境的发音,你的听力就会提高。


anthracite无烟煤, lignite 褐煤, bituminous coal 烟煤, graphite 石墨coke 焦炭, liquefaction 液化, gasification 气化,hydrogenation 加氢 Coal assay 煤质分析, moisture 水分Volatile content 挥发分Ash content 灰分Fixed carbon 固定碳Relative density 相对密度Particle size distribution颗粒粒度组成 Float-sink test 浮沉试验Abrasion test 磨耗试验Specific energy 比能 Ash fusion test 灰融试验Crucible swelling index坩埚膨胀序数Energy output 发热量 矿石粒度size of the ore,有用矿物颗粒grains of valuable minerals 细粒嵌布finely disseminated,低品位矿石low grade ore 解离度degree of liberation ,光学性质optical properties 磁性magnetic properties,导电性electrical conductivity propertie run-of-mine ore 原矿, ore dressing 选矿, milling选矿,磨矿, metallic ore金属矿,non-metallic mineral非金属矿物,end product 最终产品,valuable mineral有用矿物gangue mineral脉石矿物, enrich 富集,concentrate精矿, tailing尾矿,recovery回收率, leaching浸出,finely dissemination细粒嵌布liberation解离,concentration富集comminution 粉碎, crushing 破碎, grinding 磨矿, particle size 颗粒粒度degree of liberation 解离度overgrind 过磨grade 品位sorting 拣选hand selection 手选, froth flotation 泡沫浮选, pulp 矿浆, low intensity magnetic separator 弱磁场磁选机 high-intensity separator 强磁场磁选机ferromagnetic mineral 铁磁性矿物paramagnetic mineral 顺磁性magnetite磁铁矿 Non-ferrous mineral有色金属矿Non-metallic mineral非金属矿 Electrical conductivity properties导电性magnetic separation磁选, high-tension separation高压电选,Beneficiation选矿,富集, roasting煅烧,焙烧, sizing筛分, screen筛子, classifier分级机, Dewatering脱水, thickener浓密机, filter过滤机, drier干燥机. Comminution 粉碎Disseminated浸染的Associate 伴生Conveyor运输机 Stage段Reduction ratio破碎比mill 磨矿机grinding media 磨矿介质feed 给矿stress 应力Tensile stress 拉应力potential energy势能Adsorption吸附Surfactant 表面活性剂 Primary crushing 粗碎Secondary crushing 中碎Tertiary crushing 细碎 Open circuit 开路Scalping screen 棒条筛Grizzly 棒条筛Throughput 处理能力Swinging jaw动颚Jaw crusher 颚式破碎机Gyratory crusher 旋回破碎机 Impact crusher 冲击式破碎机Cone crusher 圆锥破碎机Roll crusher辊式破碎机sieve bends 弧形筛shaking screens 振荡筛reciprocating screen 往复筛gyratory screens 回转筛vibrating screens 振动筛 screening 筛分screen 筛子coarse material 粗粒物料efficiency 效率undersize 筛下,筛下物oversize 筛上,筛上物closed-circuit 闭路 near mesh particles 难筛粒 classification分级settling rate沉降速率terminal velocity沉降末速Specific gravity比重viscosity粘度overflow溢流underflow 底流Resistance 阻力viscous resistance 粘滞阻力turbulent resistance 紊流阻力,

材料科学与工程专业英语第三版 翻译以及答案

UNIT 1 一、材料根深蒂固于我们生活的程度可能远远的超过了我们的想象,交通、装修、制衣、通信、娱乐(recreation)和食品生产,事实上(virtually),我们生活中的方方面面或多或少受到了材料的影响。历史上,社会的发展和进步和生产材料的能力以及操纵材料来实现他们的需求密切(intimately)相关,事实上,早期的文明就是通过材料发展的能力来命名的(石器时代、青铜时代、铁器时代)。 二、早期的人类仅仅使用(access)了非常有限数量的材料,比如自然的石头、木头、粘土(clay)、兽皮等等。随着时间的发展,通过使用技术来生产获得的材料比自然的材料具有更加优秀的性能。这些性材料包括了陶瓷(pottery)以及各种各样的金属,而且他们还发现通过添加其他物质和改变加热温度可以改变材料的性能。此时,材料的应用(utilization)完全就是一个选择的过程,也就是说,在一系列有限的材料中,根据材料的优点来选择最合适的材料,直到最近的时间内,科学家才理解了材料的基本结构以及它们的性能的关系。在过去的100年间对这些知识的获得,使对材料性质的研究变得非常时髦起来。因此,为了满足我们现代而且复杂的社会,成千上万具有不同性质的材料被研发出来,包括了金属、塑料、玻璃和纤维。 三、由于很多新的技术的发展,使我们获得了合适的材料并且使得我们的存在变得更为舒适。对一种材料性质的理解的进步往往是技术的发展的先兆,例如:如果没有合适并且没有不昂贵的钢材,或者没有其他可以替代(substitute)的东西,汽车就不可能被生产,在现代、复杂的(sophisticated)电子设备依赖于半导体(semiconducting)材料 四、有时,将材料科学与工程划分为材料科学和材料工程这两个副学科

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