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卷I (选择题,共50分)

注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上。考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回。

2. 答卷I时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,答在试卷上无效。


I. 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


1. Jane always gets on well with other classmates. We make ________ our monitor.

A. she

B. her

C. him

D. herself

2. The movie Amazing China is on show at the theater. Would you like to see it ________ me.

A. to

B. for

C. with

D. about

3. Skimming is a kind of reading strategy. It means reading an article ________ to find the main idea without reading every word.

A. clearly

B. carefully

C. quickly

D. seriously

4. To athletes, the most important thing is not to win a gold or silver, but to _______.

A. take notice

B. take place

C. take care

D. take part

5. —Have you got the results of the exam?

—No. All we ________ do now is to wait.

A. must

B. can

C. may

D. will 6. A little effort every day, you _________ a big difference.

A. makes

B. made

C. have made

D. will make

7. —Helen, can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the school talent show?

—OK, but a dress might be _________.

A. good

B. bad

C. better

D. worse

8. The two boys ________ an agreement on the problem. They will think up a new way to solve it.

A. reach

B. reached

C. are reaching

D. have reached

9. Stand over there ________ you’ll be able to see it better.

A. or

B. while

C. but

D. and

10. —Oh, my God! I can’t find my key to the office.

—Don’t worry. Perhaps it ________ at your home.

A. left

B. was left

C. will be left

D. has left

II. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


My parents al ways told me that I couldn’t dance, because it was a girl’s sport. But I never11 my dream of becoming a dancing star. I practiced 12 learning from books, movies, and shows. However, without my parents’ 13 that dream seemed impossible to achieve. One summer, my little sister Mary was going to dance lessons. I immediately offered to take her to the lessons. What a good 14 to learn dancing!

One day Mary asked me to dance with her in the school dancing competition, because 15 of t he boys in her class would like to do that. They thought she was slow. “You can be a good dancer!” I16 her. “Let’s show those people that they are wrong!” In the following months, we practiced every evening, still hiding from our parents.

Finally came the big day. I became 17 when I saw my parents watching the competition. But as the music began, I took a deep breath and tried to put my heart into the dance. We moved perfectly, shining with pride. From the 18 of the crowd, I was sure we had done a good job.

When we got off the stage, my father came towards me. He put his hand on my shoulder. “Well done, Son. I have to say you are 19 to dance. Go for it and make us proud.”

Everyone has to go through lots of difficulties 20 he achieves his dream. I know that the road ahead won’t be easy, but I will not be afraid any more.

11. A. kept up B. gave up C. called up D. brought up

12. A. loudly B. slowly C. safely D. secretly

13. A. support B. wish C. order D. instruction

14. A. result B. chance C. change D. message

15. A. some B. all C. none D. several

16. A. encouraged B. expected C. accepted D. influenced

17. A. bored B. nervous C. relaxed D. lonely

18. A. talking B. singing C. dancing D. cheering

19. A. late B. surprised C. born D. moved

20. A. if B. unless C. until D. before

III. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)


A 21. How old was King when he died?

A. 29.

B. 39.

C. 65.

D. 68.

22. Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. King was born in Tennessee.

B. King led a bus boycott in Alabama.

C. King received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963.

D. King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963 in Atlanta, Georgia.

23. What’s the purpose of the time line in this article?

A. To teach the students how to draw a time line.

B. To show how successful Martin Luther King Jr. is.

C. To tell important events about Martin Luther King Jr. .

D. To explain why people in the US honor Martin Luther King Jr. .


What is the difference between a fear and a phobia? You might have a fear of dogs if you have ever been bitten by one. However, if you avoid walking down streets where you think there might be a dog, you may have a phobia, which is a strong unnatural fear. If the fear has started to change a person’s life,

he or she probably has a phobia. Different surveys say that between 10 and 80 percent of us have at least one phobia.

You can probably guess what some of the most “popular” phobias are. Flying may be the safest way to travel, but many people are scared of doing it. Fear of heights is also very common. For example, Spider-Man actor Tobey Maquire can’t stand high places. However, Tobey is not afraid of spiders that most people are afraid of. Rupert Grint, who plays in the Harry Potter movies, is in fear of spiders. “In one scene of the movie, we come into the large spider’s hole, and there we meet a spider that is the size of an elephant and really scary because he has these hairs. I’m really scared of spiders,” he said.

Some people have phobias that are more unusual. For example, cats are very cute for most of us, but not for such powerful people in history as Alexander the Great and Napolean Bonaparte. Actor Nicole Kidman says, “I’m not scared of snakes or spiders, but I’m scared of butterflies. Sometimes when I came home from school, the biggest butterfly you had ever seen would be just sitting on our front gate. I would climb over the fence, move slowly to the side of the house, or do anything to avoid having to go through the front gate.” Clowns (小丑) are not so funny for actor Johnny Depp, whose childhood memory of the “painted faces and fake smiles” still makes him scared. Some other weird (怪诞的) phobias, including chewing gum, old doors or windows and footsteps, also fear some famous persons, such as Orah Winfred, Billy Bob and Sigmund Fred.

24. Rupert Grint who acted in Harry Potter is scared of________ .

A. dogs

B. snakes

C. spiders

D. butterflies

25. Which of the following behaviors can be a phobia for these persons?

A. Cathy dislikes keeping a pet cat at home.

B. Victor cannot sleep well before the exams.

C. Linda feels very tired climbing the mountains.

D. Doris shouts crazily whenever hearing footsteps at night.

26. We can infer (推断) from the passage that________ .

A. people are born with phobias

B. phobias are common in our daily life

C. famous people are easier to get phobias

D. phobias do not influence people’s life at all


People read books less often in these days. With the invention of radio, television and most recently, the Internet and computer games, it seems that reading books is no longer a popular activity. However, I believe that books are an important part of our lives.

Books offer an outstanding wealth of learning and at a lower price than taking a course. Books can make people cleverer, because heavy readers have greater knowledge of how things work and who or what people were.

Everything in today’s society requires reading. Imagine trying to do something as simple as reading the directions on a medicine bottle without good reading skills.

For these, there will be a new library in our city. It is free for everyone. There are some rules. You must follow:

1. You can read books there or take the books you like to your home.

2. If you break the book you must compensate two times.

3. You must keep the bo oks clean and you don’t talk aloud.

4. Remember it is open at 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. from Tuesday to Sunday.

27. People don’t read books any more because________.

A. they are too busy

B. they often help their children with study

C. they like to play sports outside

D. they always watch TV or use the internet

28. Which day can you go to the library?

A. At 8:00a.m.Wednesday.

B. At 3:00 p.m. Saturday.

C. At 6:00p.m. Monday.

D. At 9:00p.m.Friday.

29. The underlined word “compensate” means in the passage________.

A. buy the book

B. repair the book

C. take the book

D. sell the book

30. If you break a book, it costs $5. 23, you should pay for________.

A. $5.23

B. $7.32

C. $10.23

D. $10.46


Summer is almost here and the weather is heating up. Are you drinking enough water? Many kids aren’t according to a new study in the American Journal of Public Health.

Erica Kenney a scientist at Harvard is the study’s leader. At the beginning she planned to look into the amount (数量) of sugary drinks that kids were drinking in schools. However during her research she found that many kids were simply not drinking enough water.

Kenney and her team examined data (数据) from a group of 4,000 children aged 6 to 19 between the years of 2012 and 2015. While examining the data she noticed that more than half of the kids didn’t drink enough water. Of that group boys were 76% more likely than girls to not have enough water in their system. Nearly one quarter of the kids reported drinking no plain water (白水) at all.

“These findings are very import ant because they point out a potential health problem that has not been given a lot of attention in the past.” Kenney said. “Even though for most of these kids this is not an immediate, serious health problem, this is a problem that could really have a harmful influence on health and life for many children years later.”

The human body is made up of 60% water. Not drinking enough water can lead to health problems like headaches or poor physical performance. Your body needs more water when you are in hot weather, after you do exercise ,and if you have a fever.

The United States National Agricultural Library says on average kids need between 10 to 14 cups of water every day. This water can come from both drinks and foods that have high amounts of water such as celery melon or tomatoes. It is also suggested that fluids (液体) come from water instead of sugary drinks that are high in calories (卡路里) and can lead to weight problems.

“The good news is that this is a public health problem with a simple solution.” said a nother scientist. Steven Gortmaker “If we can help children drink more water — a low cost no calorie fluid —we can improve their health which may allow many children to feel better throughout the day and do better in school.”

31. What is Erica Kenney’s pu rpose of doing the study at the beginning? A. To show that plain water is the best for kids.

B. To explain why kids love sugary drinks most.

C. To study if kids drink enough water at school every day.

D. To find out how much sugary drinks kids drink at school.

32. What does the word “potential” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Happening often.

B. Relating(有关) to the past.

C. Causing bad results.

D. Possible in the future.

33. When do our bodies need more water according to the passage?

A. In cold weather or after doing exercise.

B. In hot weather or after doing exercise.

C. Before breakfast, lunch and supper.

D. When we feel tired or have a fever.

34. The findings of the study may make people realize________.

A. the importance of kids’drinking enough water

B. the health problems sugary drinks bring to kids

C. the fact that boys need more water than girls

D. the necessity of kids’drinking some sugary drinks

35. According to the passage we can know ________.

A. why kids drink little water at school

B. who shoul d be responsible for kids’health

C. what kind of drink kids should choose

D. how to help kids drink more water

卷II (非选择题,共40分)

IV. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)


The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe, Africa and Asia. People reached these different places along these roads. Scientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years ago. By the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the world. The Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometres. It spread from Rome to China, which is from the West to the Far East.

Traders travelling along the Silk Road carried silk, of course. They also carried and traded spices (香料), cloth, valuable stones and gold.

Along and around these ancient path(小路), have come many fascinating and mysterious stories__ It is said that Roman soldiers (士兵) travelled through central Asia. They started to live somewhere near the ancient Chinese village of Liqian. Some of these Romans married local Chinese women and the story of blue-eyed villages of China was started.

During its busiest period, the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures and countries to meet each other and mix. The Silk Road allowed the sharing of valuable goods and new ideas. These included people and trading goods from the Mediterranean, Persian, Magyar, Armenian, Bactrian, Indian and Chinese areas. All these peoples travelled the Silk Road, and they shared goods, stories, languages, and cultures.

In modern times, the old Silk Road routes (路线) are still used, but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horses. There is even a Silk Route Museum in Jiuquan in China. It has over 35,000 objects from all along the Silk Road. In this way, China protects the history of many countries and peoples.

36. 完成句子

When people began to travel the Silk Road, the Chinese silk trade _________________in the world. 37. 完成句子

People from many different cultures and countries____________________ when traveling the Silk Road.

38. 简略回答问题How did people use to cross the Silk Road routes?


39. 找出并写下全文的主题句


40. 将文中划线句子译成汉语


V. 词语运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


Recently, a picture of a boy arriving a41. a classroom with a full head of white ice hair has caught the attention of m42. of people . The child had just spent more than 43. hour walking 4.5 kilometers to school on a winter morning. It was so cold that the boy’s hair was 44. (complete)covered by the frost when he arrived. He 45. (stand) alone with his white hair while other 46. (classmate) behind were clearly amused and 47. (laugh). “The boy is a hard-working student with a special gift in math. His father works in a big city,48. he had to live with his grandpa and elder sister .”The headmaster Fu said. So far, many Weibo users have expressed 49. (they)support to the boy. User @qwedfgvbn12 said, "The harder you work, the 50. (good)your life will be. As long as you fight hard,you will change your fate and have a bright future."

VI. 基础写作(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分15分,共计20分)

A) 连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)


51. future, what, your, the, dream , is, for


52. pass, can, her, books, you, those


53. is, under the table, cat, there, a


54. keep, us, habits , fit , good


55. refuse, I, should , you, think, don’t, them


B) 书面表达(计15分)


提示:(1) Express your thanks to him.

(2) Introduce what happened in the class.

* win a prize in English speech contest

* water the trees you planted together


(3) Ask him about his schoolwork and life.




Dear Max,

It has been two weeks since you left here,


___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ _________

Li Hua


卷I (选择题)

I. 单项选择

1.B【解析】句意:简总是和其他同学相处得很好。我们让她成为我们的班长。考查人称代词辨析。She她,人称代词主格;her她的,人称代词宾格,形容词性物主代词;him (he的宾格)他,人称代词宾格;herself她自己,反身代词。简是女性名,make动词后用人称的宾格her。故选B。


4.D【解析】句意:对运动员来说,最重要的事情不是赢金牌或银牌,而是参与。A. take notice 注意;B. take place发生;C. take care当心;D. take part参加;根据To athletes, the most important thing is not to win a gold or silver, but可知是参与;故选D。



6.D【解析】句意:每天努力一点,你将会有大的不同。根据句式结构:祈使句+一般将来时的主句,A little effort every day名词短语作为祈使句,故此处用一般将来时will make,故选D。



决它。考查时态。reach到达;reached(reach的过去式,过去分词);are reaching是现在进行时结构;have reached现在完成时结构。根据句意可知,此句是过去对现在的影响,要用现在完成时,其构成是have/ has + done。故选D。



10.B【解析】句意:——哦,我的天!我找不到我的办公室的钥匙了。——不要担心。也许被落在你家里了。考查时态语态。left离开(leave的过去式和过去分词);was left一般过去时被动语态结构;will be left一般将来时的被动语态结构;has left现在完成时结构。根

it _______ at your home中it做主语,是动词leave(落)的动作的承受者,所以要用被动语态,分析句意,表示是过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,其结构是


II. 完形填空


11.B句意:但我从来没有放弃成为一名舞蹈明星的梦想。kept up保持;gave up放弃;called up 打电话;召集;brought up提出。根据前面My parents always told me that I couldn't dance,我的父母总是告诉我,我不会跳舞,可知这里应该是没有放弃梦想,故选B。

12.D句意:我从书、电影和表演中学习,偷偷练习。loudly大声地;slowly慢地;safely安全地;secretly秘密地。根据上文My parents always told me that I couldn't dance,可知父母不支持我跳舞,所以这里I practiced应该是偷偷练习,故选D。

13.A句意:然而,没有我父母的支持,这个梦想似乎是不可能实现的。support支持;wish愿望;order命令;instruction指令。根据后面that dream seemed impossible to achieve那个梦想似乎不可能实现可知,应该没有父母的支持,故选A。


根据前面I immediately offered to take her to the lessons.我立即提出要带她去上课,可知这对于作者是个好机会,他也能学习跳舞,故选B。


根据后面They thought she was slow他们认为她很慢,应该是没有人想和她一起,故选C。16.A句意:“你可以成为一名优秀的舞者!”我鼓励她。encouraged鼓励;expected期望;accepted 接受;influenced影响。根据前面You can be a good dancer!你可以成为一名优秀的舞者,应该是鼓励她,故选A。

17.B句意:当我看到我的父母在看比赛时,我变得紧张。bored无聊的;nervous紧张的;relaxed 放松的;lonely孤独的。根据后面I saw my parents watching the competition我看见我的父母在观看比赛。结合自己偷偷地练习可知,父母观看会让作者紧张,故选B。


cheering喝彩。根据后面I was sure we had done a good job我确信我们做得很好,可知应该是喝彩声中,故选D。

19.C句意:干得好,孩子。我不得不说你是天生注定跳舞的。late晚的;surprised惊奇的;born 天生的;moved感动。根据I have to say you are ...to dance.固定短语be born to do sth天生注定做某事,故选C。

20.D句意:实现梦想之前,每个人都必须经历很多困难。if如果;unless除非;until直到;before 在……之前。根据后面he achieves his dream在实现梦想前应该是有很多困难,故选D。III. 阅读理解



21. B【解析】细节理解题。题意:马丁·路德·金去世时多少岁?A.29.;B.39.;C.65;D.68.他生


22. B【解析】推理判断题。题意:下面哪一个是对的?A.KingwasborninTennessee.马丁·路德·金

生于Tennessee. B. KingledabusboycottinAlabama.马丁·路德·金在Alabama领导了公交抵制运动;C.KingreceivedtheNobelPeacePrizein1963.马丁·路德·金于1963年获得诺贝尔和平奖。

D. Kinggavehis“IHaveaDream”speechin1965.马丁·路德·金于1965年作了我有一个梦的演


23. C【解析】推理判断题。题意:文中的时间轴有什么目的?A. To teach the students to draw a time

line.教会学生画时间轴;B. To introduce Martin Luther King Jr. Day.介绍马丁·路德·金纪念

日;C. To tell more about Martin Luther King Jr.讲述更多有关马丁·路德·金的消息;D. To

explain why whites and blacks were separated.说明为什么黑人和白人被分开了。在时间轴上更清楚地了解了马丁·路德·金一生的大事。故选C。



24. C【解析】细节理解题。根据文中Rupert Grint, who plays in the Harry Potter movies, is in fear of

spiders. 在电影《哈利?波特》中表演角色的Rupert Grint,害怕蜘蛛可知,故答案为C。25. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文中Some other weird (怪诞的) phobias, including chewing gum, old

doors or windows and footsteps, also fear some famous persons, 其他一些怪诞的恐惧症,包括嚼口香糖、旧门窗和脚步声,也会使一些名人害怕可知,D选项“每当夜晚听到脚步声,Doris疯狂地大叫”是一种恐惧症,故答案为D。

26. B【解析】推理判断题。根据文中Different surveys say that between 10 and 80 percent of us have

at least one phobia不同的调查显示,我们中有10%到80%的人至少有一种恐惧症,及列举的很多名人怪诞的恐惧症的例子可推理出,在我们的日常生活中恐惧症是常见的,故答案为B。



27. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“People read books less often in these days. With the

invention of radio, television and most recently, the Internet and computer games”“现在人们读书的次数减少了。随着广播、电视的发明以及最近互联网和电脑游戏的出现”可知,随着各种发明的出现,人们都去看电视、上网等,都不看书了,故选D。

28. B【解析】细节理解题。根据文章中“4. Remember it is open at 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. from Tuesday

to Sunday”“请记住,从星期二到星期天上午9:00到下午7:00开门”可知,从周二到周天的上午点到下午七点都可以去图书馆,故选B。

29. A【解析】词句猜测题。根据文章中“If you break the book”“如果你把书弄坏了”和后面的“two

times”“两倍”可推知compensate是赔偿的意思,buy the book买书;repair the book修这本书;take the book带走这本书;sell the book卖这本书,故选A。

30. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章中“If you break the book you must compensate two times”“如果



【文章大意】本文主要介绍一个关于孩子们是否引用足量的水的调查,同时介绍了人体60%是由水组成的。不喝水会导致健康问题,如头痛或身体机能不佳。孩子们平均每天需要10到14杯水。这样可以改善他们的健康状况,让许多孩子一整天都感觉好一点,在学校做得更好。31.D【解析】细节理解题。根据At the beginning she planned to look into the amount (数量)of sugary drinks that kids were drinking in schools开始时,她计划调查孩子们在学校喝的含糖饮料的数量。可知,Erica Kenney开始研究的目的是了解孩子们在学校喝多少含糖饮料。


32.D【解析】词义猜测题。句意“这些发现是非常重要的,因为他们指出了一个___健康问题,过去没有引起足够的重视”。根据下一句Even though for most of these kids this is not an

immediate, serious health problem, this is a problem that could really have a harmful influence on health and life for many children years later.尽管对大多数孩子来说,这并不是一个直接的、严重的健康问题,多年以后这是一个对很多孩子的健康和生活产生有害影响的问题。

可知,应该是“将来可能”,即潜在的。故选D。33.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段Your body needs more water when you are in hot weather, after you do exercise.你的身体需要更多的水,当你在炎热的天气,锻炼后。可知,在炎热的天气或运动后需要更多水。故选B。

34.A【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段These findings are very important because they point out a potential health problem that has not been given a lot of attention in the past这些发现是非常重要的,因为他们指出了一个潜在的健康问题,过去没有引起足够的重视。及最后一段If we can help children drink more water— a low cost no calorie fluid—we can improve their health which may allow many children to feel better throughout the day and do better in school如果我们能帮助孩子喝更多的水——低成本无卡路里的液体——我们可以改善他们的健康,这可以让许多孩子感觉更好的一天,在学校做得更好。可知,这项研究的结果可能会让人们意识到孩子喝足够的水的重要性。故选A。

35.C【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段The United States National Agricultural Library says on average kids need between 10 to 14cups of water every day. This water can come from both

drinks and foods that have high amounts of water such as celery melon or tomatoes. It is also

suggested that fluids(液体)come from water instead of sugary drinks that are high in calories (卡路里)and can lead to weight problems.美国国家农业图书馆说,孩子们平均每天需要10到14杯水。这种水可以来自饮料和食物,比如芹菜或西红柿。它也建议液体来自水,而不是会导致体重问题的高热量含糖饮料可知,从短文中我们知道孩子应该选择什么样的饮料。故选C。

卷II (非选择题)

IV. 任务型阅读


36.became important

37.met each other and mixed

38.They used to ride camels and horses.

39.The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe, Africa and Asia. 40.沿着这些古道有许多迷人而神秘的故事。

V. 词语运用


41.at【解析】句意:近日,一个男孩满头白冰发来到教室的照片,引起了数百万人的注意。考查介词。根据语境一个男孩来到教室,“到达”是固定表达arrive at,故填at。42.millions【解析】句意:近日,一个男孩满头白冰发来到教室的照片,引起了数百万人的注意。

考查数词。根据语境“ 一个男孩带着满头白冰发来到教室,引起了数百万人的注意。”,此空为数词修饰名词,数百万是millions of。故填millions。

43.an【解析】句意:在冬天的早晨,这个孩子刚花了一个多小时步行4.5公里到学校。考查冠词。名词前需要冠词,此处表示数量“一”,“一个小时”是an hour,hour是以元音音素开头的单词,故填an。








50.better【解析】句意:你越努力工作,你的生活就会越好。考查形容词。the+比较级,the +比较级,表示越……越……,因此此空用good的比较级better。故填better。

VI. 基础写作

A) 连词成句

51.What is your dream for the future

52.Can you pass her those books

53.There is a cat under the table

54.Good habits keep us fit

55.I don't think you should refuse them

B) 书面表达

Dear Max,

It has been two weeks since you left here, and I would like to say thanks to you for your help. I've made amazing progress in English study with your help. I will continue working hard at my study.

I also have good news to tell you. I won a prize in English speech contest and felt so proud of myself. I know you will be happy, too. I miss you very much. I water the tree that we planted together every day. I hope it will grow higher when you are back one day. Our class had a basketball match with class 3. It was a very exciting match. If you were here, you would enjoy it very much.

Do you have a good time recently? Do your schoolwork and life go well? Please write to me soon.

Li Hua








短语:with your help;proud of;have a good time;write to sb.。

句型:I water the tree that we planted together every day. that引导的定语从句;I hope it will grow higher when you are back one day. I hope+宾语从句;when引导的时间状语从句。




卷I (选择题,共50分)

注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上。考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回。

2. 答卷I时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,答在试卷上无效。


I. 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


1. —John, someone in your class phoned you this morning.

—Oh! Who was ?

A. he

B. she

C. it

D. this

2. —I like playing the violin in my free time.

—Oh, that’s a good .

A. game

B. suggestion

C. hobby

D. collection

3. The TV program I’m a singer doesn’t seem so __________ as Lying man.

A. attractive

B. more attractive

C. most attractive

D. the most attractive

4. The girl is greatly interested in the song. The lyrics of it her thoughts and feelings.

A. express

B. discuss

C. expect

D. imagine

5. Jack will go to Australia for further study tomorrow, so he his luggage at present.

A. has packed

B. is packing

C. packs

D. will pack

6. Y ou can’t dial 110 __________ you are in an emergency and in need of help.

A. if

B. until

C. unless

D. though

7. —Do you think Jack will __________ hope?

—I don’t think so. He is a very good boy.

A. cut off

B. depend on

C. give out

D. give up

8. With the help of e-commerce, people throughout China __________ easily buy things from foreign

countries online.

A. would

B. should

C. must

D. can

9. —__________ have you done the volunteering work in your community?

—Since I moved to our neighborhood.

A. How soon

B. How often

C. When

D. How long

10. —Jack, you’re going for an outing tomorrow. Shall we prepare lunch for you?

—__________ I’ve got it ready.

A. That’s a good idea.

B. That’s very kind of you.

C. Yes, I’d like to.

D. No, thanks.

II. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


My mother often asked me, "What is the most important part of the body?"

When I was younger, I thought sound was very important 11 us, so I said, "My 12 , Mommy."

She said, "No. Many people are deaf. But you 13 thinking about it and I will ask you again soon."

Then last year, my grandpa 14 . Everybody was hurt. Everybody was crying. My mom looked at me when it was our time 15 final goodbye to Grandpa. She asked me, "Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?"

I was shocked 16 she asked me this now. I always thought this was a game between her and me. She saw the confusion(迷惑) on my face and told me, "This 17 is very important. It shows that you have

18 understood your life."I saw some tears(眼泪) in her eyes. She said, "My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder."

I asked, "Is it because it holds up your head?"

She replied, "No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or loved one when they 19 . Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and 20 so that you will have a shoulder to cry on when you need it."

11. A. of B. to C. in D. on

12. A. ears B. eyes C. body D. head

13. A. feel B. stop C. keep D. forget

14. A. worried B. visited C. died D. came

15. A. to speak B. speak C. say D. to say

16. A. when B. unless C. before D. but

17. A. experience B. answer C. problem D. question

18. A. easily B. really C. carefully D. especially

19. A. sleep B. think C. laugh D. cry

20. A. visitors B. friends C. classmates D. teachers III. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)



A group of American students will come to Lingling’s school next Saturday. Lingling is going to

introduce Chinese culture to them. She wants to talk about the following things.

In China, the tea drinking habit started from Tang Dynasty (618-907AD). It

became a national tradition. Over the centuries, writers and artists wrote many

wonderful articles in order to show their love to tea and Chinese tea culture.

One of the best-known writers is Lu Yu.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (also known as TCM) includes a lot of

traditional medical methods beginning in China. TCM methods include

treatments such as herbal

medicine ( 中草药). Traditional Chinese medicine is very

scientific through careful study of nature and the human body.

In China, a whole fish means richness. At a party, it is a tradition to serve the

whole fish last, pointed towards the most important guest. Fish also has a special

meaning because Chinese word for fish, yu, sounds like the word for


The Chinese zodiac, known as Shengxiao, as follows a twelve-year cycle. Each

year is named for an animal. Twelve animals are follows: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit,

dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. For example, the year

2020 is the year of the rat which also marks the

new start of the cycle.

21. The Chinese tea drinking culture started from .

A. the Tang Dynasty

B. the Song Dynasty

C. the Ming Dynasty

D. the Qing Dynasty

22. A whole fish is a symbol of in China.

A. hopefulness

B. happiness

C. richness

D. kindness

23. The year 2020 is the year of the .

A. pig

B. rat

C. snake

D. monkey


In 1987, a small company named Huawei was started in Shenzhen. After more than 30 years of development, the company has now b eaten Apple and become the world’s second-largest maker of smartphones. It has also become the world’s largest supplier of 5G. In China and even in the world, Huawei is a wonder. Although it started producing mobile phones not many years ago, it has become one of the most famous phone companies.

But recently, Huawei faced some difficulties. The U.S. government ordered a ban (禁令) on its sales in America. American officials said Huawei gave information that it collected to the Chinese government. At the same time, The U.S. government planned to stop selling parts and services to Huawei, which was believed that Huawei’s business would be hurt.

“We have never received such a request from the Chinese government and we have never tried to get into other systems t o collect information.” Ren Zhengfei, Huawei’s founder and president said. “The ban from the U.S. would have little effect on our company. Huawei has enough ability to deal with the problems.” Ren added.

In an interview several years ago, Ren Zhengfei said, “I started Huawei with only £4,000 at the beginning, but now it has become a $100 billion company. The experience was not as romantic (浪漫的) as you imagine.”

Facing the ban of the U.S., Huawei is growing. Huawei’s smartphone sales around the world rose 50 percent compared to a year earlier in the first three months of 2019. At the same time, sales from both Samsung and Apple fell. So far, Huawei has grown into the world’s largest telecommunications equipment supplier, selling in 170 countries. It may beat Samsung as the largest smartphone maker in the near future.

24. From what Ren Zhengfei said, we can learn that Huawei ________.

A. is deeply affected by the ban

B. has got into the system of the U.S.

C. can solve the problems they are facing

D. is asked to supply information to China

25. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 means ________.

A. Huawei’s developing experience was hard

B. it was romantic to start a company with £4,000

C. people can understand Huawei’s experience easily

D. the romantic experience was a large amount of wealth

26. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Huawei is full of hope.

B. Huawei will grow slowly.

C. Huawei’s sales will be doubled.

D. Huawei is the largest smartphone maker.


Better Time for Teenagers to Keep Healthy

Things to do Brushing teeth Drinking milk Going to bed Eating fruits

Common time After getting up

or before


During breakfast Around 23:00 After meals

Time from


3 minutes after


Before sleeping Around 21:00 An hour before meals

27. Teenagers are used to drinking milk __________ according to the information above.

A. before sleeping

B. during breakfast

C.3 minutes after meals

D. around 21:00

28. Teenagers often go to bed __________ hour(s) later than the time the experts suggest.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

29. ________ and ________ are helpful to keep teenagers strong according to the information above.

A. Drinking milk; eating fruits

B. Going to bed; brushing teeth

C. Eating fruits; reducing germs

D. Drinking milk; brushing teeth

30. If a teenager goes to bed at the time based on the experts’ suggestion, the earliest time for him to get

up will be_________ in the morning.

A. 5:00

B. 6:00

C. 7:00

D. 8:00


Why is music so important to children? Here are some of my ideas.

★Music has a positive(积极的) influence on children’s intelligence(智力)!

New research(调查) shows that music can offer children an interesting environment. It has a good influence on children’s intelligence. Children can learn, understand and think in a logical(符合逻辑的) way if they study music at an early age.

★Playing music with others gives children a feeling of belonging to the group!

Some children might have trouble participating in activities with others because they are shy, they have limited(限制) language ability or they don’t like doing sports, but they usually feel relaxed when they take part in a music activity. Playing music with others gives children a wonderful feeling of belonging to the group.

★Music makes children happy!

Children seem to experience much pleasure in music. Whether they are listening to music, singing along with a song, playing an instrument or dancing to music, they seem totally absorbed(被……吸引住) in music.

31. The writer tells us the influence of music on children from __________ aspects(方面).

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five

32. New research shows that music can __________.

A. make children get good grades at school

B. improve children’s intelligence

C. improve children’s language ability

D. help children do more sports

33. The underlined phrase(划线的)"participating in"can be replaced(代替) by "__________".

A. organizing

B. considering

C. taking part in

D. getting used to

34. Which of the following is NOT the reason why some children have trouble participating in activities

with others?

A. They have poor language ability.

B. They don’t like d oing sports.

C. They are shy.

D. They don’t like music.

35. What’s the best title(标题)for this passage?

A. How to Play Music with Others.

B. How to Play Music with Others.

C. Why Music Is Important to Children.

D. Different Music Activities.

卷II (非选择题,共40分)

IV. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)


Every student wants to be successful, but not everyone knows how to make success. At least, the idea

is there, but they would not dare. They are afraid to fail. Too afraid to grow.

★No success without failure. Success is not just getting something you do. It’s a learning process, a process of rise and fall. That makes it so interesting, because without fall, there will something to celebrate your success.

★Continue to grow. Some people do not succeed ________ they don’t want to change anything around them. They did not dare to step out because they fear the feeling of others. So they do not catch the chances of success with both hands nothing. Unl ess you try, you’ll never be successful. Where there is a will, there is a way.

★Invest(投资) in your brain. You can use the Internet, library, or museum for ideas, but an idea often fails as it directly comes from you. Someone else can tell you a good idea. But the idea is from someone else. Think about it with your brain, you’ll find the correct way.


36. From the passage we can learn that success is a process of ___________.

37. Why didn’t some people dare to step out?


38. ________________________________________________________

39. ________________________________________________________

40. ________________________________________________________

V. 词语运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


History is the story of us, human beings. Everyone who has lived and everything that has 41. _______ (happen)are part of history. But history is not only what happened in the past. The word also means the study of the past, through old 42. _______ (write)records and other kinds of facts.

Why do we study history? One 43. r_______ is that we enjoy it. A good story is even better if it is true, and history is full of good 44. _______(story)though they can be terrible too. A more serious reason is to understand 45. _______(object)and the world we live in. To understand events happening now, we need to know their causes. We cannot understand the 46. p_______ if we know nothing about the past. History helps us understand why things are the way they are.

Of course, history books cannot tell us everything about the past, not even everything that 47. _______ recorded. A history of the world has to pick out the people and events 48. _______ changed the world.

Since ancient times, great civilizations have appeared in 49. d_______ countries and regions. Usually, only three or four existed at the same time. While they lasted they changed the 50. _______(life)not only of their own people, but of their neighbors, today.

VI. 基础写作(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分15分,共计20分)

A) 连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)


51. an, girl, what, is, she, excellent


52. the, problem, could, you, help, deal with, me


53. is, taught, in, school, our, English


54. is, using, used, to, she, chopsticks


55. I, my, will, true, come, hope, dream


B) 书面表达(计15分)


"Tomorrow I Will "为题,用英语写一篇短文。


1. 补全所给题目(例如:Tomorrow I Will Do Sports/Help Others/Study…),短文词数不少于60个。

2. 语言流畅,内容连贯,书写规范,卷面整洁。

3. 文中不能使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。

4. 短文必须写在答题卡上,如在本卷上作答,一律不得分。

5. 抄袭试题中阅读部分的,抄袭部分不给分。

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ _________


卷I (选择题)

I. 单项选择

1. C【解析】句意:——约翰,今天早上你班上有人打电话给你。——哦,是谁呢?当指心目中


2. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:——我喜欢在业余时间拉小提琴。——那是一个好的爱

好。A. game游戏;B. suggestion建议;C. hobby爱好;D. collection收集。根据前面叙述的是平时里自己的爱好。所以选C。

3. A【解析】句意:《我是歌手》的电视节目不像《说谎的人》那么吸引人。not so … as意思


4. A【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:那个女孩对那首歌很感兴趣。它的歌词表达了她的想法和情

感。A. express表达;B. discuss讨论;C. expect期望;D. imagine想象。根据句意可知,答案选A。

5. B【解析】句意:明天杰克将去澳大利亚深造,因此他正在包装行李。at present现在,用在现

在进行时态的句子中,A. has packed现在完成时态;B. is packing现在进行时态;C. packs 一般现在时态;D. will pack一般将来时态。故答案为B。

6. C【解析】句意:除非你遇到紧急情况,需要帮助,否则你不能拨打110。A. if 如果;B. until

到……为止;C. unless除非,如果不;D. though尽管。只有在遇到紧急情况时才能拨打110,此句是unless引导的条件状语从句,故答案为C。

7. D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:——你认为Jack会放弃希望吗?——我不这样认为他是

一个很好的男孩。A. cut off切断;B. depend on依靠;C. give out分发;D. give up放弃。根据句意可知选D。

8. D【解析】句意:在电子商务的帮助下,中国人可以很容易地从在网上购买外国的东西。A. would

将要;B. should应该;C. must 必须;D. can可以,能够。结合句意可知,答案为D。

9. D【解析】句意:——你在社区做义工多久了?——自从我搬到我们街区以来。A. How soon

多久,对表示将来的一段时间状语提问;B. How often多久一次,对频率副词提问;C. When 什么时候,对时间点提问;D. How long多长时间,对时间段提问。答语Since I moved to our neighborhood.表示的是截止到目前为止的时间段,故答案为D。

10. D【解析】句意:——杰克,你明天要去郊游,我们给你准备午饭好吗?——不要,谢谢!我

已经准备好了。A. That’s a good idea. 这是个好主意;B. That’s very kind of you. 你真是太好了;C. Yes, I’d like to 是的,我愿意;D. No, thanks不,谢谢。根据"I’ve got it ready."判断,不需要对方准备午餐,出于礼貌,要表示谢意,故答案为D。

II. 完形填空


11. B【解析】考查介词及语境的理解。A. of的;B. to向;C. in 在;D. on在具体的某一天。句

意:当我年轻的时候,我认为声音对于我们来说是重要的。短语be important to sb对于某人来说是重要的。所以选B。

12. A【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. ears耳朵;B. eyes眼睛;C. body身体;D. head头。句

意:我的耳朵。根据sound was very important可知,声音是用耳朵的。故选A。

13. C【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. feel感觉;B. stop停止;C. keep 保持;D. forget忘记。

句意:你一直在思考这件事。keep+doing sth.一直做某事。故选C。

14. C【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. worried担心的;B. visited参观;C. died死亡;D. came

来。句意:去年我的祖父死了。根据final goodbye to Grandpa.可知,祖父死了。故选C。15. D【解析】考查动词不定式及语境的理解。A. to speak说;B. speak说,讲某种语言;C. say

说;强调说的内容;D. to say说。句意:我的妈妈看着我,到了我给祖父说最后再见的时候了。句式:It is/was time to do sth到了做某事的时间了。故选D。

16. A【解析】考查连词及语境的理解。A. when当……时候;B. unless除非;C. before在……之

前;D. but但是。句意:当她这时问我这个问题,我感到很吃惊。根据句意这里是时间状语从句。故选A。

17. D【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. experience经验;B. answer答案;C. problem问题;D.


18. B【解析】考查副词及语境的理解。A. easily容易地;B. really真的;C. carefully仔细地;D.


19. D【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. sleep 睡觉;B. think认为;C. laugh 嘲笑;D. cry哭。

句意:当他们哭的时候,因为它能支撑起你的朋友或你所爱的人的头。根据have a shoulder to cry on 可知,这里指的是哭的时候,故选D。

20. B【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. visitors参观者;B. friends朋友;C. classmates同学;

D. teachers老师。句意:我仅仅希望你有足够的爱和朋友,当你需要的时候有肩膀可以靠一

下。根据It can hold the head of a friend or loved one可知,这里指的是朋友。故选B。

III. 阅读理解



21. A【解析】细节理解题。根据第一个方框第一句“In China, the tea drinking habit started from Tang

Dynasty (618-907AD).”可知“中国饮茶文化始于唐代”,故选A。

22. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第三个方框第一句“In China, a whole fish means richness.”可知“在


23. B【解析】细节理解题。根据第四个方框最后一句“For example, the year 2020 is the year of the rat

which also marks the new start of the cycle.”可知“2020年是鼠年。”故选B。



24. C【解析】细节理解题。根据“The ban from the U.S. would have little effect on our company.

Huawei has enough ability to deal with the problems.”可知,华为可以解决他们面临的问题。

故选C。25. A【解析】词句猜测题。Huawei’s developing e xperience was hard华为的发展经历是艰难的;it

was romantic to start a company with £4,000用4000英镑创业很浪漫;people can understand Huawei’s experience easily人们很容易理解华为的经历;the romantic experience was a large amount of wealth浪漫的经历是一笔巨大的财富。根据“I started Huawei with only £4,000 at the beginning, but now it has become a $100 billion company.”可知,华为从一开始只有4000英镑,到现在已经成为一家价值1000亿美元的公司这一过程是艰难的。故选A。

26. A【解析】推理判断题。A项:华为充满希望;B项:华为将缓慢增长;C项:华为的销售额




27. B【解析】细节理解题。根据Common time行Drinking milk列表格,可知青少年习惯早餐期


28. B【解析】细节推断题。根据第四列第二个和第三个表格,可知青少年习惯23点左右上床睡


29. A【解析】细节理解题。根据Advantages行的第三列和第五列表格,可知喝牛奶和吃水果都


30. A【解析】细节推断题。根据Going to bed列信息,可知专家建议青少年21点左右睡觉,至




31. B【解析】细节理解题。根据文中信息作者从三个方面论述了音乐对孩子的影响,故选B。

32. B【解析】细节理解题。根据文中信息New research(调查) shows that music can offer children an

interesting environment. It has a good influence on children’s intelligence. 可知此题的答案是B。

33. C【解析】词义猜测题。根据文中信息Some children might have trouble participating in activities

with others because they are shy(一些孩子们因为害羞可能和其他人参加活动有困难)可知划线单词的意思是参加,故选C。

34. D【解析】细节理解题。Some children might have trouble participating in activities with others

because they are shy, they have limited(限制) language ability or they don’t like doing sports, 可知此题的答案是D。

35. C【解析】标题归纳题。这篇文章讲的是为什么音乐对孩子们非常重要,所以最佳题目是C。

卷II (非选择题)

IV. 任务型阅读


36. rise and fall

37. Because they fear the feeling of others.

38. because

39. Every student wants to be successful, but not everyone knows how to make success

40. 用脑子考虑一下,你就会找到正确的办法。

V. 词语运用


41. happened【解析】句意:生活过的每个人,发生过的每件事都是历史的组成部分。根据has lived


42. written【解析】句意:文字也意味着对过去的研究,通过古老的文字记载和其他种类的事实。


43. reason【解析】句意:一个原因就是我们喜欢它。根据上句Why do we study history?可知是原


44. stories【解析】句意:历史满满的好故事,即使他们也可能很糟糕。根据A good story is even better

if it is true和首字母可知是故事;用名词复数表示一类,以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,


45. objects【解析】句意:一个更严肃的理由是理解对象和我们居住的世界。用名词复数表示一


46. present【解析】句意:如果我们对过去一无所知,我们就不理解目前的事情。present名词,


47. is【解析】句意:不是每件事都能被记录下来。被动语态的结构be +过去分词;因主语是that


48. that【解析】句意:世界历史必须选出那些改变世界的人和事件。这是定语从句的结构,先行

词是the people and events,所以引导词用that;故填that。

49. different【解析】句意:自从古代,伟大的文明就出现在不同的国家和地区。根据句意和首字

母,可知是不同的different,作定语修饰countries and regions。故填different

50. lives【解析】句意:当他们延续的时候,他们不仅改变了他们自己人的生活方式,也改变了



VI. 基础写作

A) 连词成句

51. What an excellent girls she is!

52. Could you help me deal with the problem?

53. English is taught in our school.

54. Is she used to using the chopsticks?

55. I hope my dream will come true.

B) 书面表达

Tomorrow I Will Do Sports

Tomorrow is a new beginning. I have planned for my health. Because I am fat, in order to keep slim, I will do sports every day. After I get up early, I will run for half an hour. Then I will go to school. I have eight lessons a day. After school, I will play basketball with my friends on the playground. After that, I will walk home. On weekends, I will ride a bike with my friends.




短文用了一些短语和句式,如:in order to为了;get up起床;play basketball with sb.和某人一起打篮球;on the playground在操场;walk home走着回家;ride a bike骑自行车。用了then,after then连接词,使短文衔接的很好。




卷I (选择题,共50分)

注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上。考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回。

2. 答卷I时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,答在试卷上无效。

笔试部分I. 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


1. Lucy, pass _______ the book. He wants to read it.

A. me

B. him

C. her

D. them

2. She wants to be a/an _______. She practices drawing every day.

A. actor

B. waiter

C. writer

D. artist

3. You look quite beautiful ______ this pink dress.

A. in

B. on

C. with

D. for

4. —Dad, the phone is ringing.

—I guess either you or your mom _________ on the phone.

A. was wanted

B. is wanted

C. wanted

D. wants

5. Lucy, you ________ the math test. Congratulations!

A. pass

B. will pass

C. have passed

D. are passing

6. I’m sorry I’m late. I should get here 10 minutes ______.

A. earlier

B. early

C. later

D. late

7. Mary, turn off the water ______ you are brushing your teeth.

A. until

B. after

C. while

D. before

8. The _______ of staying healthy is to eat healthy food and exercise more.

A. place

B. secret

C. time

D. game

9. —Who is the girl under the tree?

—She _______ be Tom’s sister. But it’s too far, I’m not sure.

A. may

B. can’t

C. must

D. shouldn’t

10. —Could you tell me _______ if I enter this high school?

—Sure. You can study and enjoy the school life with many top students.

A. why my life will be boring

B. what my life will be like

C. how many hours I should study

D. where I will study with my classmates II. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)



分类作文提纲 一、活动介绍类 首段: (1)I’m pleased to know that you’re greatly interested in ... ,so I’d like to share a piece of good news that there will be a ... .Now,let me offer you some useful information. (2)It’s my great honor to invite you to enter a ... .Now,let me offer you some useful information about it. (3)It’s time for us to say goodbye to our school life soon.Surprisingly,there is a/an... prepared for us.Now,let me offer you some information about it. 主体段: 1.时间&地点:The ... will be held in Classroom 302 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon on June 8th,2019. 2.内容:(1)主题句:There will be various meaningful activities included in it. (2)要点:First of all,You will be invited to .../You will be given a chance to ... .which will ... After that,It will be more than interesting for you to .../It will impress you a lot to ... so that ... At last,doing sth. will play an important part in ... .So ... 尾段: That’s all.I firmly believe that if you join in it,you will ... . That’s all.I sincerely hope that you can come and share the happiness/fun with us. 二、写人叙事类 首段:(1) 朋友:A friend in need is a friend indeed.I have a friend just like that who often offers me much warmth in my life. Let me introduce him to you. (2)父母:If you ask me who is the most important one to me,without doubt,the answer is my ... . Let me introduce him to you . (3)老师:In both my life and study,my ... teacher is special to me because he is not only my teacher but also my friend who has made a great difference to my character. 主体段: 1.外貌:... is very beautiful but a little fat with long hair and big eyes. 2.性格:...is an outgoing woman who always gets along well with people around her./ ... is very kind to others and easy to get on with./is so ready to help others that we all like to make friends with him. 3.爱好:She is especially good at cooking and often cooks different delicious foods for me.


2019-2020最新中招模拟试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷共9页,六个大题,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2.本试卷上不要答题,请按答题卡上注意事项的要求直接把答案填写在答题卡上。答在试卷上的答案无效。 一、听力理解(共三节,20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 1.What time does Mike go to bed on weekends? A. At 10:00 pm. B. Al 10:30 pm. C. A111:00 pm. 2. Where are the two speakers tlking? A. In the muscum. B. In the library. C. On the road. 3. Who got first prizte in the painting compettion? A. Eric. B Nancy. C. Alex 4. What will Sally have for supper? A. Cakes and coffee. B. Bread and cffee. C. Bread and milk. 5. How much does the man need 10 pay? A.$ 55. B. $ 595. C.$ 110. 第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A B。C三个选项 中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。 6. What does the man probably do? A. A table tennis player. B. A pilot. C A coach. 7. What does Lin think of his life? A. Boring and tiring. B. Fun and relaxing. C. Exciting but tiring 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。 8. What’s the rlationship betwcen the two speakers?


一、单项选择: 1.Xu Haifeng won the first gold______ in the Olympic Games for China. A.medal B.symbol C.prize D.point 2.Some people say Mozart was the greatest European______. A.violinist https://www.doczj.com/doc/f82634585.html,poser C.singer D.pianist 3.Did you go______ interesting during the summer holidays? A.anything B.anywhere C.nothing D.somewhere 4.Tony has read lots of stories by American writers.Mow he would like to read ______ stories by writers from______ countries. A.other,other B.some,any C.other,some D.some,other 5LiuXiang ______ by his coach to train regularly. A.told B.was advised C.was defeated https://www.doczj.com/doc/f82634585.html,pared 6.BIG______Beijing International Globetrotters. A.makes B.spells C.stands for D.looks like 7.Mt.Qomolangma is the ______ moutains in the world. A.highest B.longest C.tallest D.deepest 8.If you want to be thinner and healthier,you’d better eat______food and take______ exercise. A.more,fewer B.more,less C.fewer,more D.less,more 9.They ______ work very hard when they were young. A.had to B.must C.should D.have to 10.——Do you know if they ______the car?——Sorry,I’ve no idea. A.has caught B.catches C.are caught D.have caught 11. He was chosen ______ a speech at the farewell party. A.giving B.to give C. gives D.gave 12.“All ______ present and all______ going on well,”said the teacher. A.is,are B.is,is C.are,are D.are,is 13.Our team lost!They______by the other team. A.noticed B.were defeated C.won D.were encouraged 14.People who______to the party are very excited. A.have been invited B.has been invited C.will invited D.have invired 15.I don’t like these two cups,please show me ______ third one. A.the B.a C.an D./ 16.You left______“s”in ______spelling of the word “address”. A.the;the B.a;the C.an;/ D.an;the 17.Tomorrow we will go to the park______it is sunny. A.as soon as B.when C.if D.as 18.Study hard,______you won’t catch up with your friends. A.but B.or C.and D.so 19. ——Which do you prefer,coffee or cola?


名词 ( C )1. (2017江西) —Do you have any for tonight yet? —Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach? A. problems B. news C. plans D. rules ( A )2. (2017福建) —Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. —That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese . A. culture B. invention C. custom D. tradition ( A )3. (2017海南) It is very hot in Hainan this summer. On June 3rd, the in Lingao reached 41.9℃. A. temperature B. information C. development D. progress ( C )4. (2017上海) Did the policeman give much on how to protect personal information? A. note B. tip C. advice D. book ( C )5. (2017天津) Don’t stand too close to North Americans. You’d better give them more personal . A. time B. system c. space D. pity ( C )6. (2017重庆) —Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week. —Well, you’d better take a with you, or you may easily get lost. A. photo B. stamp C. map D. postcard ( A )7. (2017安徽) The New Silk Road will offer a good for more nations to communicate. A. chance B. habit C. question D. price ( B )8. (2017山西) You should look into his eyes when you talk to somebody. It shows your . A. shyness B. politeness C. quietness D. rudeness ( C )9. (2017南京) —I go swimming every day. —Wow! That’s a good . It keeps you healthy. A. match B. task C. habit D. dream ( C )10. (2017武汉) —I wonder if you’ve made a decision on the project, Eric. —Not yet. I can’t make it until I have first-hand on prices. A. news B. knowledge C. information D. education ( B )11. (2017哈尔滨) During the Spring Festival, people in Northern China usually eat as a traditional Chinese food. A. pizza B. dumplings C. hamburgers D. bread ( C )12. (2017苏州)—Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? —Either day is OK. It makes no to me. A. choice B. change C. difference D. decision ( B )(2017孝感)13. Computers are very useful. They can help us get much on the Internet. A. games B. information C. courage D. messages ( C )(2017青岛) 14. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one .

整合中考英语作文必考题型【万能句型 优秀范文10篇】(一)

中考英语作文 写人叙事类 常用句型 开头句 1、The person who has influenced me most is...对我影响最大的人是····· 2、A true friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are depressed. 一个真正的朋友是会在你失落沮丧的时候给你温暖的人。 3、I have never expressed my thanks and respect to... 我从未对······表达过我的谢意和敬意。 4、For a long time,there was one thing that I would never forget. 很久以来,一直有一件事情令我难以忘怀。 5、The experience left a deep impression on me. 这次体验给我留下了深刻的印象。 中间句 1、She has watery eyes and a lovely baby face. 她有着水汪汪的眼睛和可爱的娃娃脸。 2、He is of medium build but has a powerful body. 他虽然是中等身材,但有着强健的体魄。 3、He is a boy full of integrity and honesty. 他是一个充满正直诚实品质的男孩。 4、I am a positive person and never lose heart. 我是一个积极乐观,从不轻易放弃的人。 5、As long as he makes a promise,he will never break it. 只要他做出了承诺,就决不食言。 6、She always does a favor to someone who is in trouble. 她经常帮助那些有困难的人。 7、In my opinion,friends are the persons whom we can share happiness and sorrow with. 在我看来,朋友是我们可以分享快乐和悲伤的人。 8、When I think of this matter,I feel very lucky. 当我想到这个问题时,我觉得非常幸运。 结尾句 1、Thank you for everything you have done for me. 感谢您为我所做的一切。 2、I am proud of her,and I love my mother very much. 我以她为豪,而且我非常爱我的母亲。 3、It will be one of my unforgettable experiences in my life.


2018年初中学业水平测试模拟题 英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共8页。满分100分,考试时间100分钟。答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、座号填写在答题卡规定的位置。考试结束后,只须将答题卡交回。 2.答题注意事项见答题卡,答在本试卷上不得分。 第I卷(选择题共55分) 一、听力测试(共15小题,计15分) 注意:听力测试分四部分,共20小题。做题时,先将答案画在试卷上,录音内容结束后,将所选答案转涂到答题卡上。 (一)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。 A B C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。 6. A. By watching videos. B. By reading fast. C. By listening to tapes. 7. A. Four times a day. B. Twice a day. C. Three times a day. 8. A. Something to drink. B. Something to think. C. Something boring . 9. A. He studied for a test. B. He read a book. C. He watched TV. 10. A. A suit and shirt. B. Jeans. C. A suit and tie.

(三)听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。 11. Lucy does well in English now. 12. She was very shy four years ago. 13. Mr. Wang taught her English but she doesn’t like him. 14. She listened to English songs and watched English movies in her free time. 15. Lucy hopes to study abroad one day. 请考生们翻到第II卷,先找到第四大题。你们将有5秒钟的准备时间。 二、单项填空(共25小题,计25分) 选择最佳答案。 16. It snowed very hard the whole night. There was nobody_____ the cold morning. A. on B. for C. at D. in 17. As a doctor, Mr Lee tried his best to save the woman lying in the blood on the road without thinking about_______. A. him B. himself C. her D. herself 18. Ge Yunlin was _______ of all the contestants (选手) in Super Brain . A. Younger B. the younger C. youngest D. the youngest 19. You needn’t drive your car. It’s only ten______ ride from here to the beach. A. minute’s B. minute C. minutes’ D. minutes 20. When the teacher came in, all the students______ about the sports meeting. A. talk B. are talking C. were talking D. have talked 21. My parents are not very healthy, because ______ of them likes sports. A. all B. both C. neither D. none 22. I never eating fermented bean curd (臭豆腐) because I_______ it. A. enjoy B. like C. hate D. want 23. I was told that my father had bought me a new bike. The good news made me______. A. jump B. to jump C. jumping D. jumped 24. The children should ________ to obey the public rules. A. teacher B. be teaching C. have taught D. be taught 25. We’re looking forward to_______ good grades in the high school entrance exam (中考).


中考冲刺一初中英语时态归纳 撰稿:赵吉存审稿:白雪雁责编:牛新阁目标认知: 动词的时态是中考英语测试重点部分,在整个试卷中占的比例是比较多的,也是同学们普遍感到最困难的题型,对于大部分参加考试的学生来说是一个难点。近几年的中考试卷既有考查单个句子的动词时态应用,也有考查整个短文的动词时态应用。无论是短文还是单句考查动词的时态,都一定要在理解短文的内容和上下文的联系的基础上来判断动词的时态和形式。总之,动词的时态是中考冲刺阶段复习的重点和难点,希望同学们加强练习、掌握方法和技巧,相信你会做得最好。 精讲巧练 概念结构时间状语否定和一般疑问句 一 般 现 在 时 表示经常、反复发生 的动作或者行为及 目前的某种状况,还 可以用来表示某个 事情的特点和性质。 is/ am/ are 动词原形/动 词单数第三人 称 have/ has often,usually,always, never,sometimes, every week, once a week, on Sundays 等 主语+am/is/are +not +…… 主语+don’t/ doesn’t + 动词原形+…… Am/Is/Are+主语+……? Do/Does +主语+动词 +……? 一 般 过 去 时 表示过去某个时间 里发生的动作或者 状态,过去习惯性经 常性的动作或者状 态。 was/ were 动词过去时 had ago,yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/year/month/night,in 1989,just now,at the age of twelve,one day,long long ago 等 主语+was/were+not +....... 主语+didn’t +动词原形+....... Was/Were +主语 +......? Did+主语+谓语动词 +......? 一 般 将 来 时 表示将来某个时间 里发生的动作或者 状态,或者将来某一 段时间经常发生的 动作或者状态。 will/shall +动词原形 is/am/ are going to +动 词原形 tomorrow,next week/month/year,in the future等 主语+won’t +动词原形 +...... 主语+isn’ t/aren’t +going to+动 词原形+...... Will/Shall +主语+动词 原形+......? Am/Is/Are +主语+going

最新-2018中考英语真题分类汇编 精品

2018中考英语真题分类汇编:单选非谓语动词 (2018山东省潍坊市19. 1)At least 300 million people are using QQ________by Ma Huateng to chat on line. A.create B.creates C.creating D.created 【答案】D (2018四川省成都市42. 1)-Where's your brother now,Bob? --I saw him _______in the street a moment ago and I told him_________. A.playing;don't do so B.playing;not to so C.play;to do so 【答案】B (2018·吉林省通化市,46,1)The woman made his son_____finally after she told him some jokes. https://www.doczj.com/doc/f82634585.html,ughed B.to laugh https://www.doczj.com/doc/f82634585.html,ugh https://www.doczj.com/doc/f82634585.html,ughing 【答案】C (2018·河南省,24,1)( ) Father often tells me--too much time on computer games. A don't spend B not spend C not to spend D not spending 【答案】C (2018·湖北省黄冈市,43,1)-How would your family like to travel? --It's a problem in my family.Mother prefers to take a bus to travel,while father always sticks ______to travel. A.to drive B.to driving C.driving D.drive 【答案】B (2018·山东省聊城市,34,1)The teachers often tell their pubils ________aeross the road when the traffic light is red. A.not go B.not to go C.don't go D.didn't go 【答案】B (2018·陕西省,25,1)Don't forget _________an umbrella _______you.It's going to rain.


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 中考英语作文分类好词好句 中考英语作文分类好词好句书面表达常用句型及短语 1. 学校生活及学习成绩 be obsorbed in ,bury oneself in 对入迷give an excellent performance before the whole class 在全班面前好好表现一番 acquire (obtain)knowledge 学习知识 put ones heart into 一心扑在上 be interested in 对感兴趣 be fond of 喜欢/爱好 like chemistry best 最喜欢化学 be good at 擅长 be poor at 不擅长 do well in (在考试、竞赛中)取得好成绩;干得不错 be weak in 不擅长fail in 考试不及格 make progress in 在方面取得进步 be tired of 对感到厌烦/厌倦pass the examination 通过考试 major in history 主修历史 be getting on well with ones study(某人)学业进展得很好 take several courses at school 在学校上几门课have English (Chinese ,Physics)every(other)day 每天(隔一天)上英语(中文、物理)课 work hard at (Physics ,Chemistry)努力学习(物理、化学) He has the best record in school.他的学习成绩最棒。 live up to ones hope 不辜负某人的期望 learn about 学习到/知道(某学科知识)/听到,听说/获悉/了解到 succeed in 在(某方面)成功;在(做某事)上获得成功 be active in class (work)在课堂上(工作中)表现积极 take an active part in 积极参加 1 / 10


2020年中考英语考前冲刺卷(附答案) 一、语法填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。(共10小题,计10分) (共10题;共10分) 1.I don't have ping-pong ball. A. a B. the C. an D. \ 2.—I'm afraid I might forget to buy the bread after work. —Don't worry. I will ______ you then. A. notice B. allow C. remind D. promise 3.—Do you usually do _______ on weekends? —No. I usually stay at home most of the time to read and relax. A. something special B. special something C. anything special D. special anything 4. is nice to see you. A. He B. It C. That 5.No one taught French. He learned it all by . A. himself; him B. he; himself C. him; himself 6.Mary used up late, but now she is used up early. A. to get, to get B. to get, to getting C. to getting, to getting D. to getting, to get 7.He was _______ in the traffic accident. A. injure B. injuring C. injured D. injurns 8.Not only my classmates but also my teacher ________ watching football games. A. like B. likes C. will like D. is going to like 9.I think that you need to eat sweets and more fruit. A. few B. fewer C. little D. less 10.— What did you say to your grandmother on the phone just now? —I asked her . A. if is she cooking for lunch B. if she is looking for lunch C. what did she cook for lunch D. what she cooked for lunch 二、完形填空(10小题,计10分)(共1题;共10分) 11. I didn’t cry when I learned I was the parent of a disabled child. I just sat still and didn’t say anything. When Jenny was old enough, I sent her to a kindergarten(幼儿园). On the first morning, Jenny spent hours playing by herself. It seemed that she felt very 1 . However, to my joy, Jenny’s classmates always 2 her, “You got al your speling words right today!”In fact, her speling list was the 3 . Later, she faced a very painful 4 —— at the end of the term, there was a game which had 5 to do with physical education. But Jenny was 6 in it. My husband and I were anxious about the day. I wanted to let my child stay home! But my heart wouldn’t let me off that easily. So I 7 a pale, unwiling Jenny onto the school bus.


总分:95分 二、单项填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)。在每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。 ()26.—Do you often play ______ basketball with your friends —No, I don’t like sports.I often play ______ piano in my free time. A.a; the B.the; / C./; the D.the; a ()27.—Could you tell me how to remember new words quickly —Yes, I think a ______ tree can help you a lot. A.grammar B.question C. punctuation D.vocabulary ()28.They moved ______ Paris ______ last July. A.at, in B.in, / C.from, at D.to, / ()29.—Are these books ______ —No, they are not mine.They belong to ______. A.your; her B.yours; her C.you; hers D.yours; she ()30.—How was your vacation in America —It couldn’t be ______! I don’t even want to talk about it. A.least B.better C.more important D.worse ()31.—Hey, Jack.You ____on the phone just now.But You weren’t here and the man left a phone number. —Oh I was in the library. A.wanted B.are wanted C.were wanted D.have wanted ()32.You must study hard and do more exercise.And ______, you can make great progress. A.in this way B.by the way C.on the way D.instead ()33.—$ 50 for such a T-shirt! You ______ be joking! —I’m serious! It’s made of silk.


单项选择 1. Would you mind getting out of the shower, Anna? -_________. A. OK. 1’11 do them right away B. Sorry. It’ll get up now C. Sorry. I won’t be long D. No, I won’t 2. Steve got over ten letters _____ his pen pals ______their New Year’s re solutions last year. A. from, about B, to, of C, about, from D. to, about 3. Abbreviations “gr8”and “ICQ’ are ____used in e-mail English. People use them to chat online. A. carefully B. finally C. hardly D. normally 4.._______ we don’t support our zoos, it will be difficult for them to take good care of animals. A. Unless B. If C, What if D. Though 5. I don't have white shoes for tomorrow’s speech contest. - My brother has _____ pair. Would you like to try _______on? A. a, it B, one, it C. one, them D. two, them 6.______ do the children take art lessons a week? - Three or four times. A. How long B. How many times C. How soon D. How often 7. Andy never breaks the school rules. -_________.They behave well at school. A. So Rosa does B. So does Rosa C. Neither Rosa does D. Neither does Rosa 8. Remember _____to my daughter’s dance show next Friday. - Of course I will. I’II never forget _______her dance for the first time last year. A. to come, to see B. coming, to see C. to come, seeing D. coming, seeing 9.Ellen has to talk to her grandpa loudly because there’s something wrong with the old man’s_____. A. eyes B. teeth C. throat D. ears 10.Mom, _____I hang out with my friends now?- Sure, but you ______clean up your bedroom first. A. can, need B. may, have to C. must, need D. Need, must 11.Will you please sing for the sick at the city hospital to cheer them up?-_______. A. Excuse me. I’m afraid not B. It’s very kind of you C. Certainly. I’ll be glad to D. I’m sorry to hear that 12.Lots of fast food restaurants use the color red _________make customers_________. A. to, eating faster B. want to, eat fast C. to, eat faster D. to, to eat fast 13.Holly has _______fed the dog, but she hasn’t watered the plants______. A. still, already B. already, yet C. yet, still D. yet, already 14.Being a volunteer, I’ll try my best to offer ______help as I can to old people. A, so much B. as many C. as much D. so many 15. Have you ever been to Paris, one of _____cities in Europe? No. But one day I might go there on vacation. A. the pleasant B. the most excited C. more wonderful D. the liveliest 16.I want to know________. Why not ring her up to ask? A. why does Alexis like game shows B. what time is Alexis arriving C. that this hair band belongs to Alexis D. how Alexis will come to my party 17._______Rita _______her mother know my address. They often drop by my home. A. Not, but B. Both, and C. Either, or I D. Not only, but also 18.A concert will be held to ________money for homeless people. A. collect B. give up C. send D.Spend

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