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Unit 2 What an amazing place!





《大学英语》课程教学基本要求 课程编号062301总学时:126(其中实训学时:)总学 分:8.5 一、课程定位 大学英语课程是高等职业教育的一个有机组成部分,是为培养面向生产、建设、服务和管理第一线需要的高技能人才的目标服务的。从专业课程体系的角度看,该课程是高职学生必修的基础课程,不仅要帮助学生打好语言基础,更要注重培养学生实际应用语言的技能;从语言的本质和交际的角度看,该课程是一门工具性课程;从学生职业生涯的角度看,该课程特别重视培养学生用英语处理与未来职业相关业务的能力,提升其职业素养,是一门拓展性课程。 二、职业能力要求 1、能基本听懂日常生活用语和与职业相关的简单对话; 2、能就日常话题和与未来职业相关的话题进行简单的交谈; 3、能基本读懂一般题材及与未来职业相关的浅易英文资料; 4、能读懂常见的简短应用文,如信函、通知、图表及简单的使用说明,能填写和模拟套写常见的简短英语应用文,如表格、简历、通知、信函等; 5、能借助词典将一般性题材的文字材料和与职业相关的一般性业务材料译成汉语; 6、能应付英语面试。 三、学习目标 本课程以职场交际为目标情境,以实际应用为学习目

的,培养学生实际应用英语的能力,特别是听说能力,既使他们能在日常活动和与未来职业相关的业务活动中进行一般的口头交流,又使他们具备一定的读写译能力:能够读懂、翻译与专业有关的文字材料或应用文。本课程同时关注学生的个性发展,帮助学生掌握有效的学习策略,增强自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,为他们提升就业竞争力及今后的可持续发展打下良好的基础。具体如下: 1、知识与能力目标 (1)词汇:掌握3500个英语单词(含在中学阶段已经掌握的词汇)以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中1800个积极词汇能在口头和书面表达时加以运用。另需掌握400个与行业相关的英语词汇。 (2)语法:掌握基本的英语语法,能较正确地运用所学语法知识。 (3)听力理解:能基本听懂日常生活用语和与职业相关的的一般性对话或陈述, 语速为每分钟120词左右。 (4)口头表达:能就日常话题和与职业相关的话题进行比较有效的交谈。 (5)阅读理解:能基本读懂一般题材及与未来职业相关的中等难度的英文材料,理解基本正确。在阅读生词不超过总词数3%的英文资料时,阅读速度不低于每分钟70词。能读懂常见的应用文,如信函、通知、图表、使用说明书、产品介绍、产品广告等。 (6)书面表达:能就一般性话题在30分钟内写出100词左右的命题作文,能模拟套写常见的应用文,如信函、通知、个人简历等。内容基本完整,语言表达基本准确,语义连贯。 (7)翻译:能借助词典将一般性题材的文字材料和与职业相关的一般性业务材料译成汉语。理解正确,译文基本通顺正确,格式恰当。在翻译生词不超过总词数3%的中等难度的文字资料时,笔译速度达到每小时250个英


Ⅰ. 把下列单词和图片匹配起来。(2×10=20分) 123 456 78910 ( )cycling ( )the Statue of Liberty ( )harmonica ( )diving ( )chef ( )steak ( )handshake ( )subway ( )keyboard ( )Beethoven Ⅱ.单项选择题。(2×10=20分) 1.What do you do? A.I am a student. B. I do my homework. C. I am well. 2.Do you like sports? A.Y es, I like. B. Y es, I do. C. No, I don’t like. 3.How often do you exercise? A. I hate it. B. I am running. C.Twice a week. 4.What kind of food do you like?

A.I like burgers. B. I like shoes. C. I like red. 5.Have a nice weekend! A. Y ou do too. B. The same to you. C.Y ou have it too. 6.Excuse me, may I ask you a question? A. Y ou may. B.Not at all. C. Of course. 7. He is a boy I spoke of. A. whom B. which C. whose 8. This is the house in I lived two years ago. A. which B. where C. that 9. The man leg broke in a match is a football player. A. who B. whose C. whom 10. it rains tomorrow, I’ll stay at home. A. though B. if C. than Ⅲ. 完形填空。(1×10=10分) A Diary Great weather! It was _1__ and hot all day. We __2__ to a beautiful beach. We had great fun __3__ in the water. In the afternoon, we went __4__. On the way, I found a little boy __5__ in the corner. He was __6__. I helped __7__ find his father. That made me __8__ very happy. I didn’t have __9__ money __10__ a taxi. So I walked back to the hotel. ()1.A. wind B. cloud C. sunny ()2. A. go B. got C. went


公共英语教学改革方案 关于公共英语教学改革的说明 按照教育部颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》文件的要求,并结合我院实际,外语教研室于2010年上半年要提出我院《公共英语教学改革方案》。希望通过几次研讨会及经院教学委员会和相关领导的批准,我教研室预计划于2010年下半年准备开展注重于提高听说能力为主的大学英语教学改革实验。 我们的基本思路是:在先期的教学实验中,采用两种实验模式同时进行,通过对比研究,争取经过一到两年左右时间的教学实验,摸索出适合我院实际情况的大学英语教学改革方案和教学模式,然后根据我院软硬件环境的发展情况,逐步推广应用和完善新的教学模式。经过讨论,我们最后决定采用两种教学对比实验模式,即“专科班+听说课”和“本科班+普通读写课”。从2010年9月起,我院要拟正式开始大学英语教学改革实验。根据我院教学要求实际情况,实验教学首先不在全院范围开展,我们选择的实验对象可为我院专科全体新生。由于实验范围较大,我们要有分课型安排多名教师上实验班的课。我们选派几名教学经验丰富的教师参与教改实验。我们决定主要进行听力学习和口语教学研究。 下列为两种教学模式的表格说明课堂教学学时及教材应用情况:

分科教学模式 专科生课堂教学模式 本科生课堂教学模式 表格说明: 1、我们假设新生有2000人,本专科每个为大约1000人来算,拟需要20个多媒体, 但实际错开时间上的话有10个基本就够用。 2、专科学生三学期上点击职业英语基础模块教材,本科生上新视野英语教材读 写教程一至4册及听说的一至2册。。 3、在课堂形式方面,专科生每周的四学时用一节读写、一节听力和两节口语课 的模式,即读写听+口语(2+2)。考虑到多媒体教室的紧缺,我们每周的口语课可将安排在普通教室。本科生将延用现有教学模式并增加一个听说的环节,其听说占用学生每周1学时,即读写+听说(3+1)。


英语基础模块下册单词Unit1 theGreatWall tower beacontower rebuild dynasty pass heaven dragon province engineer guide booklet brief introduction pick pickup famous befamousfor........ wonder locate be located in... perod war warring state protect force emperor unify link extend population condition carry stone brick century coast total length list

site marvelous magnificent climb ancient alarm smoke excited tourist lady gentleman capital history interest place of interest such as... square palace museum andsoon block traffic light traffic crossing seem Unit2 shop supermarket center shopping plaza shopping plaza department store department store mall grocery green grocery style

Australia buy silk blouse wife souvenir salesgirl certainly size wear extra color prefer perfect RMB quite cheap fade worry be worried about..... easily wash gently in total cash in cash credit credit card Visa card available sign receipt sure expensive several type attention final selection cashier national cotton panda


职高英语基础模块上册期末试题 一. 单词拼写: (20) 1.旅馆 2.hometown 3 海鲜 4.change 5.公平的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/fe42661.html,cation 7.友谊8.honest 9.创伤、伤口 10.thought 11.噪音12.touch 13.童年、幼年14.upset 15.对句、对联 16.relative 17.月光18. happiness 19.邻居20.grape 二 . 短语翻译 :( 20) 1.向 .......学习 2.share....with 3.许多,若干 4.take part in 5.处于困境中 6.take sb by the hand 7.办事、出差8.get ready for 9.接下来继续做10.be willing to 三 . 单项选择 : ( )1. What ______ you like for breakfast? A. may B. will C. would D. can ( )2. Have you received a letter from Jim ______? A. yet B. just C. never D. ever ( )3. He likes the book but it ______ too much. A. pays B. costs C. takes D. spends ( )4. There ______ sheep in the field. A. are much B. is small C. is a few D. is a little ( )5. They won't go to the Great Wall if it ______ tomorrow. A. rain B. raining C. rains D. will rain ( )6. Miss Li is one of ______ in our school. A. a popular teacher B. more popular teacher C. most popular teacher D. the most popular teachers ( )7.you can borrow all kinds of books from the ________. A. library B. classroom C. canteen D. office ( )8. he doesn ’ t have much money. He is only a ______ of the company. A. manager B. general engineer C. director D. cleck ( )9. ______ your help, we finished the work on time. A. Thanks B. Thanks of C. Thank for D. Thanks to ( )10.When traffic lights are red, we ________ stop and wait. A. may B. can C.must D.might ( )11. Jeff ______ football and knows a lot about ot. A. is interested on B. is interested in C. is interesting about D. is intesting with ( )12.---Nancy, how long does it take to fly to Canada? ---Sorry, I don’t know. But I can telephone my father to ____it for you . A.do B.check C.catch D.find


第二部分语法与词汇(每小题0.5分,共10分) 21. He is late for school; he is always on time(准时). A. often B. sometimes C. never D. usually 22. Where you go yesterday? A. do B. does C. did D. were 23. John was made ________ captain of the city football team last week. A. a B. the C. one D. / 24. It's good for you to exercises. A. make B. do C. take D. go 25. She every morning. A. cook B. cooks C. cooked D. cookes 26. Reading books _______ the only habit that he developed when he was in the university. A. were B. formed C. was D. have been 27. Did it this morning? A. rain B. rains C. rained D. raining 28. We want to know ______ do to help them. A. what we can B. what can we C. how we can D. how can we 29. Does Jessica work in neighborhood? A. she B. her C. his D. hers 30. February 14th is . A. Christmas B. Valentine's Day C. New Year's Day D. Thanksgiving 31. The temperature is 40℃. It's weather. A. good B. awful C. nice D. beautiful 32. I want to watch the football game, please the TV. A.turn on B. turn off C. pick up D. put on 33. I am looking at through the mirror(镜子). A. himself B. yourself C. herself D. myself 34. __________ your help, we could get in the crops before the storm yesterday. A. Because B. But for C. Thank for D. Thanks to


英语语文版基础模块下册教案 Unit 1 Travel Warming up&Word Study 提供者:刘媛琴 一、教学目标 1、知识与能力 (1)学习长城的一些景点的英语名称,如:the Great Wall,the First Pass Under Heaven,Jiayuguan Pass and so. (2)掌握握一些词汇和短语:rebuild,province,engineer,pick sb up and so on. (3) 能结合图画进行简单介绍或问答。 2、过程与方法 通过教师的讲解和学生的课堂语言实践,提高学生的语言应用能力,并为阅读课做准备。 3、情感态度与价值观 学会相互合作;了解长城是世界奇观之一,是我们中国人的骄傲;激发学生的爱国热情和民族自豪感 二、教学重点 掌握握一些词汇和短语的用法:rebuild,province,engineer,pick sb up and so on. 三、教学难点 用英语简单介绍有关长城的情况。 四、教学方法 研讨、探究与实践 五、课时:一课时课型:新授课 六、教学准备:Some Pictures 七、教学过程 Step1 lead in 教师提出问题: What do you know about the Great Wall? Have you ever been to the Great Wall? Where is the First Pass Under Heav 学生回答上述问题。 说明:分享个人经历激发学生热情,活跃班级气氛,进行有效导入。 Step2 Presentation 教师展示图片,给出景点的英语名称 the Great Wall,the First Pass Under Heaven,Jiayuguan Pass...


2012第一学期期中测试题 (100分钟,满分100分) 一、选择填空。(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. --- Good morning, class!_______________ A. Hello! B. Good morning, Li Lei 。 C. Good morning, Mr. Xiong。 2. --- Hello,___________ --- Hi, Lucy. A. Mr. Green B. Green Mr. C. Mr. Daniel D. Green Daniel 3. --- Nice to meet you! ________________ A. Good morning! B. Hello! C. Nice to meet you, too! D. I'm fine. 4. --- Can you play ______? --- No, I can't. But I can play . A. the guitar; the soccer B. guitar; soccer C. the guitar; soccer D. guitar; the soccer 5. --- How do you do? ---_____________. A. Fine. Thank you. B. How do you do? C. Good. D. How are you? 6. --- Sit down, please! --- _____________. . A. Hello. B. You sit down. C. Thank you! D. OK. 7. --- _________are you from? --- I'm from Shanghai. A. What B. Who C. Where D. When 8. Kangkang and Jim_______ from Japan. A. is B. are C. am D. comes 9. --- Are you Kate? --- __________. A. Yes, I'm. B. Yes, I am. C. I am. D. No, I am. 10. ---_________is that?--- That's Wang Lin. A. What B. Where C. Who D. Which 11. --- Do you like your school? ---_________ A. I like. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I do. 12. This is English book and that is Chinese book. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; an D. an; a 13. ---__________ is the pen?--- It's black __________red.A. What color; and B. How color; and C. What color; or D. How color; or 14. The students study _____ school _____ Monday to Friday. A. in; on B. at; from C. in; at D. at; of 15. Tom isn't a_____ boy. He is an______ boy. A. Chinese; Chinese B. English; Chinese C. English; English D. Chinese; English 16. Can you spell_________ name? A. you B. your C. he D. him 17. There _________a lot of fish in the water. A .is B. are C. have D. be 18. --- ___________________ ? --- Yes. W-A-T-C-H watch. A. Is it a watch B. Can you spell watch C. How do you spell watch D. He can spell watch. 19. _________ are my cousins, and_______is my brother. A. This; that B. These; those C. Those; that D. That; this 二、连线搭配。(20分) ()1、Goodbye. A 、My name is Bob. ()2、What’s your name? B、 How do you do? ()3、How are you? C 、Bye-bye. ()4、Hello! How do you do? D、I’m fine, thank you. ()5、Where are you from? E、 Ok. Here you are. ()6、Please help yourself . F 、No,thanks. I don’t want any eggs. ()7、I’d like some cookies, please. G、 I am from America.


职高英语基础模块下册教案 Unit 5 Honesty Period I Vocabulary 学习目标: 6. 记住本单元的单词。掌握本单元的重点单词,短语和词的用法。 7. 词汇检查: 齐读单词,注意单词的发音. 检查预习,两人一组互考本单元的词汇和短语。二.自主学习探究:(根据本单元词汇,做下列练习) I .Useful phrases: silent __________ 2. 旷课___________ midnight _______________ 4.扔掉_____________ up ______________ 6. 说实话_____________ a lie ____________ 8.说完了,就这些___________________________ to oneself _____________ 10.不得不________________________ …out of __________ 12怎么了______________ down ________ 14.烦恼,不安____________ …any more ______________ n .Useful words. 8. We _____________ 猜(想,认定) he was at home. But in fact, he wasn't. 9. Her father ___________ 承(诺,答应) to buy her a new piano. 10. __________ (突然地), he fell off his bike and hurt his arm. 11.It's _____________ (自私的)of you to do that. 12.Go _________ 径(直地) down the street and then turn left. 13.She is used to ____________ e a rl y . She has fa l l e n _____ (睡觉) now. 14.Speech is silver and ___________ 沉(默) is golden. 15.I'm so sorry. It'sall my _________ 过(错,责任). 16. The mother walked into the room _________ 轻(轻地,安静地) in order not to wake up the baby. 17. Jenny wrote me a _________ 便(条) asking me to phone her back. 18. The boy found his grandpa __________ (躺) on the ________ (地面) . 19. ______________________ Mr Brown will 飞)to New York next week.

高教版中职英语基础模块 第3册unit 3《what courses do you offer》教学设计(精品).docx

Unit 3 What courses do you offer? 一、教材分析 这是《英语3(基础模块)》(高教版)第三单元的内容,主要让学生了解学习、培训和教育相关主要内容,通过听说熟悉有关选择培训学校时的相关表达方法,通过本课学习,需要了解Zhang Ling在澳大利来读书时做兼职工作的经历、感受及对未来的态度,从而结合自己的专业,谈论自己的兼职工作经历和对学生从事兼职工作的一些看法。 教学重点、难点 熟悉与培训内容相关的话题词汇、句型,并能熟练运用这些词句进行对话。 能听懂有关咨询培训内容的对话,并能在真实的情境中,使用相关词句描述与自己参加培训有关的内容。(1) To make Ss know some purpose of doing part-time jobs. (2) To make Ss talk about some advantages and disadvantages of doing part-time jobs. (3) To make Ss think about their own future career plan. 能识别“what”引导的主语从句和“It is ...”的主语从句结构。能区分“what”引导的主语从句和“what”引导的感叹句。 二、教学目标 1. 词汇目标 (1) 学生能识别offer, course, schedule, lecture, certificate, homepage, register的意思。 (2) 学生能用get a certificate, offer a course, register on line等重要词组来描述参加培训的相关内容。 2. 能力目标 (1) 能听懂关于课程名称、时间、证书和注册方式等的问题。 (2) 学生能运用“I’m calling to ask if you offer ...” “Will I get a certificate?” “Are there any part-time courses?”和“How do I sign up?”等句子咨询有关培训课程的咨询。


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 英语语文版基础模块下册教案 Unit 1 Travel Warming up&Word Study 提供者:刘媛琴 一、教学目标 1、知识与能力 (1)学习长城的一些景点的英语名称,如:the Great Wall,the First Pass Under Heaven,Jiayuguan Pass and so. (2)掌握握一些词汇和短语:rebuild,province,engineer,pick sb up and so on. (3) 能结合图画进行简单介绍或问答。 2、过程与方法 通过教师的讲解和学生的课堂语言实践,提高学生的语言应用能力,并为阅读课做准备。 3、情感态度与价值观 学会相互合作;了解长城是世界奇观之一,是我们中国人的骄傲;激发学生的爱国热情和民族自豪感 二、教学重点 掌握握一些词汇和短语的用法:rebuild,province,engineer,pick sb up and so on. 三、教学难点 用英语简单介绍有关长城的情况。 四、教学方法 研讨、探究与实践 五、课时:一课时课型:新授课 六、教学准备:Some Pictures 七、教学过程 Step1 lead in 教师提出问题: What do you know about the Great Wall? Have you ever been to the Great Wall? Where is the First Pass Under Heav 学生回答上述问题。 说明:分享个人经历激发学生热情,活跃班级气氛,进行有效导

入。 Step2 Presentation 教师展示图片,给出景点的英语名称 the Great Wall,the First Pass Under Heaven,Jiayuguan Pass... 说明:学生熟悉英语景点名称,为后面的讨论做准备 Step3 Practice in class 1.教师讲解词汇和短语的用法: (1)The students read the words and phrases. (2) The students make the sentences with the wors and phrases. 2.教师布置讨论任务,给出例子:This is a beacon tower.It was used.. 3.学生分组,介绍长城的景点 说明:锻炼学生合作运用英语力 Step4 Students' Activity 学生表演,,教师给予学生英语口语的帮助并鼓励他们开口说英语。 每组派代表作为导游介绍你长城景点 说明:锻炼学生英语口语能力 Step5 Homework 1.Practise introducing a place in English. 2.Pre-view the text of reading. 说明:为学习新课打基础,促进学生自主学习 八、板书设计 Warming up&Word Stu dy Words and phrases rebuild重建province省engineer工程师For the first time 第一次Pick sb up开车接某人On business出差 九、课后反思与建议 The students are interested in this lesson,so they are lively in class,but they are not good at spoken English,they need improving it. Unit1 The Great Wall 一、教学目标 1、知识与能力


2010级高职英语第一单元试卷 班级: 姓名: 座号: 一.选出划线部分读音不同的选项。(10分) 1.( ) A. food B. cool C. book D. zoo 2.( ) A. also B. talk C. walk D. call 3.( ) A. with B. thank C. three D. both 4.( ) A. bread B. sea C. leave D. meat 5.( ) A. cake B. nice C. come D. clean 6.。 7.( ) A. works B. bags C. workers D. names 8.( ) A. why B. where C. what D. who 9.( ) A. milk B. time C. fish D. in 10.( ) A. mother B. come C. on D. color 11.( ) A. watch B. school C. much D. China 二. 介词填空(5分) 1. Who’s the boy _______red hair 2. The child stands _______ the left of the girl. ( 3. Jim is popular __________ his friends. 4. Many students play football _________class every day. 5. My bedroom is _______the second floor. 三. 单项选择(15分) ( ) Excuse me, is this your gold ring --- Yes, ___________. A. is it B. it’s C. it is D. it isn’t ( ) is my sister. name is Linda. A. My B. His C. Its D. Her ! ( )3. __________ is a girl, __________ name is Jill. A. Her, she B. He, his C. She, her D. I, my ( ) What’s this in English --- ________________. A. Yes, it’s a watch. B. It’s my watch C. It’s a watch D. No, it’s a watch. ( )5. Jim isn’t _______ Japanese boy. He’s _______ English boy. A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an ( )6. ______ favorite food is rice. … A. His B. He C. Him D. She ( )7. One of my friends _______from England. A. come B. are C. is D. be ( )8. There _____ a pear, two bananas and three apples on the table. A. am B. are C. be D. is ( )9. My father often enjoys _____ to classical music after work. A. listens B. to listen C. listened D. listening ( ) 10. Thanks _______your help. A. at B. for C. in D. of ( )11. What’s this ____Japanese > A. of B. to C. in D. at ( )12. .______ are good friends. A. Me and Tom B. Tom and me C. Tom and I D. I and Tom ( )13. ____ name is Ann. What’s ____ name A. She, you B. Her, your C. Her, you D. She, your ( )14. ---How do you do ---_____. A. How old are you B. Fine, thanks. C. How are you D. How do you do - ( )15. _____ are her _____. A. This, brother B. these, brothers C. These, brother D. These, brothers 四. 完形填空(10分)


中职英语教学大纲 一、课程性质与任务 英语是世界通用语言之一,是国际交流的重要工具。 英语课程是中等职业学校学生必修的一门公共基础课。本课程的任务是:使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和基本技能,培养学生在日常生活和职业场景中的英语应用能力;培养学生的文化意识,提高学生的思想品德修养和文化素养;为学生的职业生涯、继续学习和终身发展奠定基础。 二、课程教学目标 中等职业学校英语课程要在九年义务教育基础上,帮助学生进一步学习英语基础知识,培养听、说、读、写等语言技能,初步形成职场英语的应用能力;激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生学习的自信心,帮助学生掌握学习策略,养成良好的学习习惯,提高自主学习能力;引导学生了解、认识中西方文化差异,培养正确的情感、态度和价值观。 三、教学内容结构 本课程的教学内容由基础模块、职业模块和拓展模块三个部分构成。 1. 基础模块是各专业学生必修的基础性内容,教学时数为128~144学时。 2. 职业模块是适应学生学习相关专业需要的限定选修内容,各学校根据实际情况进行选择和安排教学,教学时数为54~72学时。 3. 拓展模块是满足学生个性发展和继续学习需要的任意选修内

容,教学时数不做统一规定。 四、教学内容与要求 (一)基础模块 基础模块的教学要求分为基本要求和较高要求两个层次,学校根据所在地区、学制、专业等实际情况选择教学要求的层次,并要积极创造条件,争取达到较高要求。 1. 基本要求 (1)听 能根据简单课堂教学用语做出反应; 能利用关键词捕捉简单信息(如姓名、电话号码、职业等); 能听懂日常生活中的简单会话和职业场景中的简单指令。 (2)说 能给出简单的要求和指令; 能借助肢体语言进行日常会话; 能简单描述个人和日常生活情况; 能运用附件二“交际功能项目表”中不标*号的功能进行简单交际。 (3)读 能抓住阅读材料的中心意思,找出细节信息; 能读懂简单的应用文,如请柬、通知及表格等; 能读懂附件三“话题项目表”范围内常见题材的简短阅读材料。 (4)写 能填写简单的表格(如:个人信息、问卷等);


Unit10 一、语音知识:从 ABCD 四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。 ( )1. fashion A. flame B. ancient C. battle D. name ( )2. private A. distance B. title C. spirit D. kilometer ( )3. holiday A. soldier B. hold C. story D. cold ( )4. cold A. glory B. exhausted C. Olympic D. story ( )5. wear A. hear B. swear C. clear D. near 二、词汇与语法知识:从 ABCD 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 ( )6. She is ______ a lovely girl that we all like her very much. A. so B. such C. too D. enough ( )7. You have ______ little money that you can’t afford to buy _____ a big house. A. so; so B. such; such C. so; such D. such; so ( )8. Don’t do it like this _____ next time. A. any long B. no more C. no longer D. any more ( )9. Do you know who ______ the gold medal? A. won B. win C. defeat D. defeated ( )10. As we all known, Japan lies _____ the east of China. A. in B. on C. to D. at ( )11. ---How often do you write to your sister? ---_______ A. Twice a month B. Second times a month C. Second a time a month D. A second time a month ( )12. “Not all the students can understand the teacher in class” means _____. A. All the students can’t understand the teacher in class B. None of the students can understand the teacher in class C. No students can understand the teacher in class D. All the students understand the teacher in class ( )13. Do you want to ______ part in the game? A. join B. take C. join in D. joined ( )14. When did your brother _____ the army? A. joined B. join in C. take part in D. join ( )15. People put vegetables in the bridge in order to _____ them fresh. A. keep B. stay C. make D. let ( )16. There is a stone bridge _____ the river. A. over B. above C. at D. On ( )17. The Great Wall runs _____ north China like a huge dragon. A. over B. on C. cross D. across ( )18. She was angry _____ the damage, and _____ the driver for having caused it. A. at; at B. at; with C. with; with D. with; at ( )19. Your composition is good ______ a few mistakes here and there. A. besides B. except C. except for D. except that ( )20. He decided to visit the family ______ Friday night. A. at B. in C. on D. Over ( )21. A battle _____ the Persians and the Greeks happened. A. between B. among C. from D. for ( )22. When he _____ the mountain at last, he was out of breath. A. reached to B. arrived to C. got D. got to

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