当前位置:文档之家› 开发信模板外贸开发信模板




模板1Dear __We value all our business relationships with

customers. We have especially enjoyed supplying your paper needs for the last

five years. You understand, then, why we are concerned that you have not placed

an order for the last six months. If we have offended you in any way, we

sincerely apologize and want to regain your good will. We would appreciate

knowing how to serve you better.We have enclosed brochures of our new fall

products. Since we have served you for such a long time, we can offer you

prices that pare favorably with the prices on your previous contract. We are

confident that both our new and standard products can meet your needs in every

way. We hope to hear from you.模板2Dear __Last year was

a great year for us. Why?

Because we had the privilege of filling several large orders for you. We have

not heard from you for several months, so it seems that you have forgotten us.

Did we do something to offend you? Or have you been so busy that you

inadvertently overlooked your need to reorder?Providing excellent service to our customers

is very important to us. Since we would hate to lose you as one of our most

outstanding customers, reestablishing our rewarding business relationship is

top priority. Is there a time that I might meet with you to discuss your

concerns? Please call me at 555-5555, and I will find a time that is convenient

for you.Were you aware that last year several of our

products won awards for quality and affordability? And that we have a new line

of cleaning products that is environmentally friendly, yet

powerful? Please

take a moment to reconsider whether you want to miss out on the quality

products we can provide at such a nominal cost.模板3Dear __Over the years you have been a loyal Doe

customer, and we have enjoyed meeting your office-supply needs. However, we

have not received an order from you in over three months, and we are concerned.

Is there any way we can improve our service to you? We are aware that during

the trucking strike, many of our customers could not get their orders filled

quickly. Since then we have taken steps to ensure that every Doe customer

receives prompt, reliable service. Will you please let me know if we can do

anything to win you back? I have enclosed a copy of our new fall catalog. Call

me personally at 555-5555 if I can help.模板4Dear __,Very glad to know from your web site, that you

are the leading wholesaler of plastic products with most prestigious quality.To be even more successful, you might look for

a very capable reliable producing supplier. __ is a good one for you to

rely on. We have passed __ since 2005, and our products has CE

certificate.Our satisfied customers include Dupont, Demag, Weland, Cas, Aliplast. I am very confident that when you work with us, you will

have the same satisfaction.Can you do me a favor? What we should do to

apply for e your new vendor?Best regards,__模板5Dear __,Good morning!I just visited your web site, and know that you are the leading wholesaler in Poland for fashionable gloves, with

prestigious reputation for the quality.You may be happy to find a new reilaible

source of gloves with superior quality Reasonable prices. You can select

from an abundant variety of premium quality Jeans with

stylish originaldesigns

updated every 6 monthes.Our factory has a capacity of __ gloves

monthly, probably the largest in China. Since 2009, we have passed __, and

all our products has CE certificate. I attach the certificate images in the

next email,please find them.Our satisfied customers include __, __

__. I am confident that when you work with us, you will have the same

satisfaction like them.To enable you to get a good understanding of

our quality and service, we would like to extend a very special offer for your

first sample order, with 15% (only limited to the first container).In the next email, I will attach you the

product catalogs. Please tell me what items are more salable for you.Best regards,SamPS: We are also very capable to custom make

for you. Please just tell me the styles you select.模板6Dear

__,Good morning!I am very glad to know you from your professional website, you are the leading pany in Japan for machine vision

system. I also notice that you pay much attention to lower your cost for

quality machine vision system. That is where I can be of help.May I introduce myself to you? I am __, from

__. We have been in machine vision system industry for more than __ years. I

am confident that we are capable to meet your quality standard, while cutting

your cost by at least 10%. Please be sure, we are also very capable to custom

produce with your drawings.To enable you to evaluate our quality, may I

invite you to visit our factory?(或者:may I send you a sample?)Best regards,__Re: a reliable veteran Tyre supplier with 20

years professional experience模板5Dear __,A good supplier will save you money and be

free from trouble. Quality means a lot for a tyre wholesaler

like you. To be

safe from customer plaints, you may need a very reliable supplier to count

on. We are a right one for you.__ has already 20 years professional

experience in __ tyre, __ tyre. Our factory passed __. Customers like

__ __ are very satisfied with our tyres for many years.To let you have more ideas about our tyres, in

a separate email, I will send you our testing report by SGS.We would very much e your enquiry,

surely you will get our best price.Best regards,__模板6Re: Lower your cost for baskets purchase by

20% moreDear __,Good morning!I am very proud to find some baskets on your

website are produced by us. (先建立同客户的关联感)Attached please find some pictures. (证明可信度)You may save much cost by ordering directly

from a manufacturing supplier like us. (给客户的好处)When you make such decision, we would be

pleased to offer you our hand for your first time importation,

which is rather

easy. (打消客户的顾虑)We have just released abundant new styles of

Gift basket/Camping basket/Picnic basket, do you want to have a look at the new

designs?Best regards,__模板7Re: New Energy Saving Iron( 或者其他)Dear Smith,Leading panies such as __, now use __ as

their reliable supplier for __Xproducts.For a cost equating to __, your customers

will be able to save energy cost by %.The remarkable __ Iron uses (工艺) to:同客户相关的成果1l同客户相关的成果2l同客户相关的成果3lTo test __’s effectiveness, you can arrange a free no-obligation trial now, by just replying this email. We will reply you

immediately to arrange it.Best regards,__模板8Re: Saving your purchasing cost for quality

__Dear John,When you next consider your arrangements for __ products, I would e the opportunity to understand your requirements

and situation.Our customer include (__,__), who have found

our __ is superior in quality while saving them % cost from working with us.I will send you more detailed information regarding this product in another email. When you receive it, can you please

email me your requirement for this product?Best regards,__


Dear __,

Good morning!We are a candidate vendor for __ pany,

currently we are serving __,__ customers (先给2个大客户的名字,最好是同目标客户时同类的。). We have passed __, and our products has passed UPC

certificate. We are very confident that you can rely on us as a capable vendor.I am writing to introduce a new product to

you. This product is targeting 20-29 years’ lady. The sales in __ market have

proven to be very successful. Within only 2 months, the sales have reached

__ units. I noticed from your web site, that 20-29 years’ lady is one of

your major clientele, so introduction of product __ should be a big sales hit

for you.BTW, we have the samples ready. Do you want to

evaluate this new product __?Best regards,__克服问题模板13RE: Dear __,Good morning!I just visited your web site, and studied your

customers’ feedback on your product __. It sounds that your customers (390

customers remarked online) are demanding to: __ 陈述一下客户潜在的问题。We have successfully helped 20 customers solved this problem. __(描述一下细节,给点具体的信息。不要太详细,留个伏笔,下次再联系他)Very briefly about ABC Company, we have

abundant experience serving __,__ customers (先给2个大客户的名字,最好是同目标客户时同类的。). We have passed __, and our products has passed UPC

certificate. We are very confident that you can rely on us as a capable vendor.May you give me a chance to present you more

information on this? I will be glad to send you more detailed

information upon

your consent.Best regards,__降低成本模板14

Dear __,

Good morning!

We are a candidate vendor for __ pany,

currently we are serving __,__ customers (先给2个大客户的名字,最好是同目标客户时同类的。). I am writing to tell you, that we are able to cut your

cost for __item by 20%,

thanks to the current break-through innovation on the production process.The reduction in cost will not in any way influence the quality. We have passed __, and our products has passed UPC

certificate.What products are you currently purchasing?

May I make an offer to you based on these items for you to pare?Best regards,__开发信模板:询问相关业务的联系人清楚了客户的兴趣之所在,以及自己公司和产品的优势,研究清楚如何引起客户强烈的兴趣后,就要考虑这封信要发给谁了。找到具体的联系人,会让开发信的成功率数倍提高。先在google里搜一下“purchase manager, buyer, general manager, merchandise r 等+ @客户网站.”,如果能直接找到采购负责人的电话最好,如果

找不到,就直接搜” @客户网站.”,找到任何客户公司任何一个联系人,再像他们问采购负责人的联系方式,成功率也很高。新手切忌不问收件人是谁,上来就推销,说一通套话我们是最大的,我们是质量最好的,最便宜的。这些太空洞了,而且没有人会在乎你怎么样,那跟我有何关系。推销会让客户很反感。尤其是收信人并不是具体负责采购的人,看到这样的推销信,直接就删除了,或者报告到垃圾邮件箱里了。这封邮件的目的要清楚,就是找到相关的采购负责人。客气礼貌地说明来意,邮件可以简短点。询问相关业务的联系人__已知联系人,不知联系方式模板15Re: Hi Mary, can you tell me the email of Mr.

__?Dear Mary,JHope you have a nice day today Can you tell me the email address of Mr. __?I would very much appreciate your help.Best regards,__不做进一步说明,这个mary有很大概率觉得这封邮件来自一个已有的供应商或者熟人。如果对方问起来,你是谁,你再可以解释一下。询问相关业务的联系人__不知联系人,不知联系方式模板16Re: Hi Mary, may I ask you for a favor?Dear Mary,JHope you have a nice day today We are a qualified supplier of __ Company, we

can help you to save at least 15% of your purchasing cost for product __.May I ask you for a favor? Who should we

contact for evaluating this further?I would very much

appreciate your help.Best regards,__开发信模板:客户产品线里还没有本公司产品时如果客户产品线里还没有本公司产品,对于你来说是个潜在的机会。如果是个大客户,开发的周期会很长,因为大公司做决策流程很长,需要不同部门的审批。从客户的立场来想,当我们不知道这么一个新品的时候,有供应商来找我们。我们会是什么样的一个判定流程呢?1)这个产品是什么?为什么我要加入现有产品线?2)嗯,这个产品不错。这家公司资质如何?有能力保证品质和供应吗?3)他有能力做,价格是否有竞争力?我是否要比较一下其他的供应商?所以我们初期的目标应该设定为让客户接受这个产品,第二步的目标是让客户接受我的公司。如果客户第一步对产品感兴趣了,此时要及时介绍公司,证明你们有能力提供高品质的产品,保障供应。第一封开发信需要把新产品介绍给客户,同时,还要把产品的益处,能给客户带来什么商业利益讲清楚。如果有些销售统计数据证明这个产品快速上升趋势的话则最好。先写一个,欢迎大家踊跃贡献。模板17Dear John,I just visited your web site, and found that you are not offering __ products to your customer yet.The sales of __ product in your local market

grows very fast. The sales are expected to be very hot in 2014.May I give you a little more information

regarding __ products for your study?Target: It targets 30-40 years old man.Features:Price range:Landed cost for

you:Estimated sales for you:BTW, we have samples ready, do you need a

sample to evaluate it?Best regards,__这封开发信的重点在于让客户知道有这么一款产品,市场上销量不错。产品介绍的侧重点在于便于让客户直观地评估该产品带来的收益,所以一些信息如目标市场价,采购成本,销量等都很有帮助。开发信模板:利用展会发开发信我们一直使用integrated marketing. 国外有研究,平均每个客户要触动8次才能合作。业务员如果觉得我发个开发信客户马上就过来同我合作了,因为我是最好的,最大的。那也未免太天真了。即便面对好的产品,客户也要有个接受过程,从感兴趣了解,到调研市场,到比对质量和价格,到拓展可能的销售渠道,等等有很多工作要做呢。那你说,如果客户现在正在采购这个产品呢?是啊,如果在采购,那他就有现成的供应商。只有在对这个供应商不满意的时候,你才有机会,往往抢别人的客户也很难。所以我们每次展会前都发送大量的邮件给客户。正好也是一个借口,客户一般不反感。如果能去参展,我们展会流量会增大,能当面谈当然成功率要提升很多。如果客户不去,也没关系,他至少了解我们多一次。这种方法宣传既有重点,又有广度。那些到了展会的客户可以进一步深谈,而没有去的客户也加深了一次对公司的印象。公司坚持参展对于客户来说也是一个信心。模板18Re: Hi Mike, will you visit the Canton Fair on April 15th, 2014?Hi Mike,Will you visit the ing Canton Fair? If


will you please visit us at: booth __,We have plenty of new products to be released

then. Please follow the following link to preview the new products.A % promotional discount is offered on the

fair.I look forward to seeing you there.Best regards,__


主题: 七种外贸开发信英文模板(总有一个对你有帮助)

2011-04-19 15:03











Dear Mr. Jones:

We understand from your information posted on Alibaba. that you are in themarket for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce pany and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Importsin the future.

We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles.We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our pany in detail and coversthe main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online panyintroduction at Http:// which includes our latest product line.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will behappy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.

We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.


John Roberts


Dear Mr. Jones:

We have received your letter of 9th April showing your interest in our pleteproduct information.

Our product lines mainly include high quality textile products. To give you ageneral idea of the various kinds of textiles now

available for export, we haveenclosed a catalogue and a price list. You may also visit our online panyintroduction at Http:// which includes our latest product line.

We look forward to your specific enquiries and hope to have the opportunity towork together with you in the future.



Dear Mr. Jones:

We have refreshed our online catalog at, and now itcovers the latest new products, which are now available from stock.

We believe that you will find some attractive additions to our product line. Onceyou have had time to study the supplement, please let us know if you would liketo take the matter further. We would be very happy to send samples to you forclose inspection.

We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.



Dear Mr. Jones:

Thank you for your inquiry of 16 March. We are pleased to hear that you areinterested in our product "toaster".

We"ve enclosed the photo and detailed information of the product for yourreference:

Product: toaster

Specification: __

Package: 1pcs/box

Price: 10usd/pcs

Payment: L/C

For purchase quantities over 1,000pcs of individual items we would allow you adiscount of 1%. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L.C at sight.

We look forward to receiving your first order.



Dear Mr. Jones:

Thank you for your enquiry of 12 March cate 9 cable.

We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and regret very much thatwe are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.

We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer the followingmaterial as a close substitute:

Cate 5, US$__ per meter FOB Shanghai, including your

mission 2%.

Please visit our catalog at for more information on this item. Ifyou find the product acceptable, please email us as soon as possible.



Dear Sir or Madam:

We know that you are exporters of textile fabrics. We would like you to send usdetails of your various ranges, including colors and prices, and also samplesof the different qualities of material used.

We are volume dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market inour area for moderately priced goods of this kind mentioned.

When quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allowon purchases of quantities of not less than 1000 meters of individual items.Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to San Francisco.




Dear Mr. Jones:

We thank you for your email enquiry for both groundnuts and Walnutmeat CNFCopenhagen dated February, 21.

In reply, we offer firm, subject to your reply reaching us on or beforeFebruary 26 for 250 metric tons of groundnuts, handpicked, shelled and ungradedat __ net per metric ton CNF Copenhagen and any other European Main Ports.Shipment to be made within two months after receipt of your order payment byL/C payable by sight draft.

Please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable toentertain any counter offer.

As you are aware that there has lately been a large demand for the modities. Such growing demand will likely result in increased prices.However you can secure these prices if you send us an immediate reply.



Dear Mr. Jones:

We thank you for your letter dated April 8 inquiring about our leatherhandbags. As requested, we take pleasure in offering you, subject to our finalconfirmation, 300 dozen deerskin


开发信模板外贸开发信模板 开发信模板篇一:开发信模版 模板1Dear __We value all our business relationships with customers. We have especially enjoyed supplying your paper needs for the last five years. You understand, then, why we are concerned that you have not placed an order for the last six months. If we have offended you in any way, we sincerely apologize and want to regain your good will. We would appreciate knowing how to serve you better.We have enclosed brochures of our new fall products. Since we have served you for such a long time, we can offer you prices that pare favorably with the prices on your previous contract. We are confident that both our new and standard products can meet your needs in every way. We hope to hear from you.模板2Dear __Last year was


不同国家的开发信模板,赶紧码住! 虽然开发信是每个业务员的必备技能,但关于如何写好开发信,很多人还是摸不着头脑。 下面跟大家分享一些外贸大神常用的开发信模板,告诉你如何针对不同国家的客户,撰写出有吸引力的开发信内容。 五大洲开发信模板 1、北美国家的客户(美国、加拿大、墨西哥等) Hi,Mr. XXX, Have a nice day! Quality is life,customer first! XXX Co., Ltd have 16 years experience in some product (你的产品名称),Our market is AMERICA. Our core competencies are * and *,Our sales pitch is WITH US YOUR MONEY IN SAFE YOUR BUSINESS IN SAFE. WISH TO BE your honest dealer and trustworthy supplier in China.We can accept payment by PAYPAL.(The easy way to pay money for American customers) Just contact me. I am always waiting for you. Thanks & Best regards Kim 2、欧洲国家的客户(英国、法国、意大利等) Hi XXX, ABC Co,LTD is Product Business Model in China. We had the honor to service the 2nd big distributor / XXXX Company in UK;XXXX Company in USA;XXXX Company in Dubai;All our items are coming with certification and we have special team work for after sales service.We are ready for signing contact with you in case you need it,as honest dealer we never crook our customers (安全感). (TIME IS MONEY) for you and for us. So we have professional production line and staff who are making nice quality in short time. (质量、时间) Attachment is new items and some information about our best seller,our factory and certificate, I hope we can have long term business with you in near future. Thanks & Best regards! Kim 3、中东客户(沙特、伊朗、科威特、伊拉克、阿联酋等) Dear XXX, BEFORE READING MY EMAIL, PLEASE BE SURE THAT I AM REALLY HOPE WE CAN BE FRIENDS EVEN WE DONOT HAVE ANY BUSINESS. (首先用一种舒缓的感觉拉近与客户间的距离) Our ABC COMPANY have 10 years Professional experience in Middle EAST Market, We have served many biggest company around the world such as A公司,B公司,C公司etc. (客户鉴证显示公司实力和产品质量) and we are top in condensation and addition cured PRODUCT filed. We trust you will like our quality and our service. We can offer you very perfect price and very nice quality. And also we sign contact with you be more safe. And we can full refund money


非常实用的外贸开发信范文(2010/04/13 11:25) 1.Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, Encl. 2.Dear Mr Smith Wish you enjoy a great day! I would like to introduce myself. I am Stone Lee and I represent Efront Digital Textile company in Hangzhou, China. We are glad to know that you are a large retail enterprise in USA to deal with …… I was referred by friend in USA retail business who is familiar with your corporation. As a professional manufacturer, I would like to introduce our products to you and offer you a quote. We are a manufacturer of household textile products, including chenille bedspread, Spanish bedspread, tapestry wallhanging, throw, tapestry cushion, chenille carpet, upholstery fabric and more which are all digital jacquard machine weaved by import looms(16 in total from German and


8 个跟进客户需求的开发信模板 1.参考采购商公司公告 congrats! have you thought about [business value]? Hey [first name], Because I work so much with [your targeted industry], I constantly follow industry news. I’ve noticed that you recently [company action]. Congrats! Usually when that happens, [business value] becomes a priority. That’s why I thought you might be interested in finding out how we helped [similar company] get going quickly in their new direction – without any of the typical glitches. If you’d like to learn more,let’s set up a quick call. How does [specific day and time] look on your calendar? Regards, [Your name] 2.参考其它相关公司的公告 your announcement this week [First name], Your latest announcement this week about [news] got me thinking.


外贸开发信模板1: Hi Sir/Madam, Glad to hear that you’re on the market for furniture,we specialize in this field for 14 years,with the strength of ERU&USA ANTIQUE FURNITURE,with good quality and pretty competitive price. Also we have our own professional designers to meet any of your requirements. Should you have any questions,call me,let’s talk details. Best regards! Leon 外贸开发信模板二: Dear purchasing manager, Hello,this Lily Lee from xxx company,our company is a professional xx

manufacturer with years‘s experience.so we want to avail ourselves of opportunity establishing business relation with you. Please link our company web site:………….if you want to know more about our product.By the way,free sample are available. Thank you in advance! Best regards! Xxx Company name: Tel:……. Fax:……. MSN:………. Skype:………..


史上最全的外贸基本英文邮件模版 外贸邮件的模版, 包括“开发信”、“请求建立商业关系”、“主动跟新买家建立联系”、“对新买家要求建立业务联系的回复”、“向老客户介绍公司新的产品信息”、“回复对某个产品的查询”、“无法提供对方查询中所要求的产品时”、“查询对方公司的产品”、“几种报盘”、“信用证相关”、“报价相关”,“放假通知”、“圣诞节祝福邮件”等模版. 开发信模板(一) Company Name: Mailing Add: Tel.: Fax.: Email: Web.: Kind Attn.: Mr. Jack Wey-- General Manager (hope I would be the GM one day) Subject: XXXXX Cooperation/ Dear Mr. Jack Wey [Your company] is the main [your product] manufacturer in China since 1968, our major clients are[those have very good reputation and renown companies in the field that have direct or indirect biz with your company, i.e. IBM, SONY .. ]. We believe that you can rely on us as we provide you quite satisfactory service and products with best quality at most competitive price in the world. We are very happy if you do not hesitate to send us any of your inquiries and we will always give satisfactory services. Products: (product range) Standards: (product design standard, if any) Service: (product applicable field, function) Size: (don’t fuckingly tell your client you don’t know) Etc. Certificates: (certificates that your company got)


今天这篇文章是针对外贸小白的,其实外贸发展信函的模板不应该是固定的。创新的、有趣的发展信函永远不会过时 "魅力",但是对于外贸新手来说,这些发展信函模板已经足够大的帮助了,当开发信函写得太多时,选择高命中率的格式来总结和摸索,慢慢知道怎么写。接下来,让我们看一看外贸老鸟精心总结的一些开发信函模板。 模板 1: Hi Sir, Glad to hear that you're on the market for fiberglass. We specialize in this field for several years, with the strength of chopped strand mat and stitch chopped strand mat, with good quality and preTTy competitive price. Should you have any questions, pls do not hesitate to contact me. FREE SAMPLES will be sent for your evaluation! Tks & br, Jack **** company (这里留下公司名、电话、传真、邮件就可以了,正文就可以写的很简单。) Tel: *** Fax: *** Mail: *** Website: ****** (请记住,如果你非要在里面加上网页链接,请放在签名里,不要放正文,让人感觉更像搞推销的,不太好。) 这封发展信函解释道:首先,我很高兴得知贵公司对诸如此类的产品感兴趣,我们多年来一直专门从事此类产品的生产,优势在于哪里、质量好、价格有竞争力。第二段是两句话,如果您有问题,随时与我联系,免费样品将随时发送给您!它不仅表达了你的合作愿望,而且也表明了你的诚意。只要你需要,我们将永远为你服务。用这种方式写的东西给人一种不自卑的感觉,不显得很傲慢,在外国人面前也不短。我们是平等的关系,就是相互合作,寻找机会,争取双赢的局面。同时,西方人会对此表示赞赏。 并不是说低价能赢得订单,真正得到订单是一个全面的考虑,价格是一个重要的方面,但不完整。除了少数客人只看价格。 模板 2: here, exporting with good quality and low price in US. Call me, let's talk details. Rgds, 历史上最短的开发字母模板,简洁,我们有好的质量,低的价格,即好的质量和低的价格,如果您有兴趣,请打电话详细讨论。这更适合大面积网铸造。 模板 3: Dear purchasing manager, Hello,this Lily Lee from xxx company,our company is a professional xx manufacturer with years ‘s experience.so we want to avail ourselves of opportunity establishing business relation with


【简单开发信参考,可以在已经发了正式比较详细的开发信但没有收到客户回复之后发。建议第一次联系发比较正式详细的开发信,但是第二次之后可以发比较简短的。】 外贸开发信模板模板一: Hi Sir/Madam, Glad to hear that you're on the market for furniture,we specialize in this field for 14 years,with the strength of ERU&USA ANTIQUE FURNITURE,with good quality and pretty competitive price. Also we have our own professional designers to meet any of your requriements. Should you have any questions,call me,let's talk details. Best regards! Leon 外贸开发信模板模板二: Dear purchasing manager, Hello,this Lily Lee from xxx company,our company is a professional xx manufacturer with years’s experience.so we want to avail ourselves of opportunity establishing business relation with you. Please link our company web site:............. if you want to know more about our product.by the way, free sample are available. Tahnk you in advance! Best regards] Xxx Company name: Tel:……. Fax:……. MSN:.......... Skype:……….. 外贸开发信模板模板三: Subject: XX (products name) you need/ XX factory / xx good quotation Dear Sirs: We glad to get your information posted on xxxxxx. that you are in the market for XXXX. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work together in future . This is (Name ) from (Company Name ) which is specializing in (Products Name ) for many years.


外贸开发信模板 开发信模板(一) Company Name: Mailing Add: Tel.: Fax.: Email: Web.: Kind Attn.: Mr. Jack Wey-- General Manager (hope I would be the GM one day) Subject: XXXXX Cooperation/ Dear Mr. Jack Wey [Your company] is the main [your product] manufacturer in China since 1968, our major clients are[those have very good reputation and renown companies in the field that have direct or indirect biz with your company, i.e. IBM, SONY .. ]. We believe that you can rely on us as we provide you quite satisfactory service and products with best quality at most competitive price in the world. We are very happy if you do not hesitate to send us any of your inquiries and we will always give satisfactory services. Products: (product range) Standards: (product design standard, if any) Service: (product applicable field, function)


外贸老手的开发信模板 Hi Sir, Glad to hear that you're on the market for fiberglass. We specialize in this field for several years, with the strength of chopped strand mat and stitch chopped strand mat, with good quality and pretty petitive price. Should you have any questions, pls do not hesitate to contact me. FREE SAMPLES will be sent for your evaluation! Tks & br, Jack **** pany (这里留下公司名、、、就可以了,正文就可以写的很简单。) Tel: *** Fa*: *** Mail: *** Website: .####.(请记住,如果你非要在里面加上网页,请放在签名里,不要放正文,让人感觉更像搞推销的,不太好。) 外国人版本Hey guy, *YZ trading here, e*porting LANTERNS with good quality and low price in US. Call me, let's talk details. Rgds, Rick Cell phone: *** 一:开发信后客户没回音,催!!!!Dear ***, Sorry to trouble you again! Please find my mail below. Could you please kindly check by return today" Because we'll be on holiday from May.1st to 3rd. Thank you in advance! Best regards, Cindy 先写得委婉一点,把你上次写给他的放在下面。如果他还是没回复,那就再重新发一遍,上面加上大写的红色的或者粗体的"RE-SEND!!!〞如果还是没消息,就打吧~


外贸开发信(1) Dear John Smith, This is Lily Lee from [ABC Company]. We're a company that specializes in [choose either your primary vertical or a vertical you have experience in] to [insert a typical challenge you help clients face]. I'm wondering if you might be open to an initial conversation to gauge a fit? We've worked with companies like [insert 2-3 clients here relative to the vertical] to [insert a typical client goal]. If you have a minute or two to learn more about us, you can visit our website here at [site-link]. If I don't hear from you, I will reach out to you via phone later in the week. Thank you. Best regards, Lily Lee

外贸开发信(2) Dear John Smith, I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to reach out because [explain how you got their contact information and how you relate to them: talked to a colleague on linkedin, saw your company online, etc.]. Our company has a new [Product or Service] that will help your company [One sentence pitch of benefits]. We do this by: Benefit/feature 1 Benefit/feature 2 Benefit/feature 3 Let's explore how our [name of your product] can specifically help your business. Are you available for a quick call [time and date]? Best regards, Lily Lee


1.请求建立商业关系 Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10E.22Street Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours 自米兰职权里斯托鞋类公司取得贵公司和地址,特此修函,祈能发展关系。 多年来,本公司经营鞋类进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围。盼能惠赐商品目录和报价表。如价格公道,本公司必大额订购。烦请早日赐复。此致 2.回复对方建立商业关系的请求 Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us. 本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用状支付。如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。此致敬礼 3.请求担任独家代理 We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis fora number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factoryfor the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply. `本公司担任多家厂家的独家代理,专营精制棉织品,包括各灯家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司向有业务联系,互利互作。贵公司纺织部亦十分了解有关业务合作之情况。盼望能成为贵公司独家代理,促销在巴林市场的货品。上述建议,烦请早日赐复,以便进一步联系合作。此致敬礼 4.拒绝对方担任独家代理 Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household linens. I regret to say that, at this stage ,such an arrangement would berather premature. We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works. It would be necessary for you to test the market for our productsat you end. You would also have to build up a much larger turnover tojustify a sole agency. We enclose price lists covering all the products you are interested in and look forward to hearing from you soon. 9月1日有关建议担任家用亚麻制品独家代理


经典外贸开发信范文 编辑整理: 尊敬的读者朋友们: 这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(经典外贸开发信范文)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为经典外贸开发信范文的全部内容。

1.Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles。We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you。 We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit。 It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, Encl. 2。Dear Mr Smith Wish you enjoy a great day! I would like to introduce myself. I am Stone Lee and I represent Efront Digital Textile company in Hangzhou, China. We are glad to know that you are a large retail enterprise in USA to deal with …… I was referred by friend in USA retail business who is familiar with your corporation. As a professional manufacturer,I would like to introduce our products to you and offer you a quote. We are a manufacturer of household textile products, including chenille bedspread, Spanish bedspread, tapestry wallhanging, throw, tapestry cushion,chenille carpet, upholstery fabric and more which are all digital jacquard machine weaved by import looms(16 in total from German and Italy)。The catalogue I attached includes just some of our high quality products。Please visit our website at www.efrontzj。com We have passed through ISO9001:2000;ISO14001:2004;ecological textile certification。It would be our pleasure to begin a business relationship with you and supply your stores with our quality products,. Sincerely yours, 3.Dear Mr. Steven Hans, We get your name and email address from your trade lead on https://www.doczj.com/doc/1719296332.html, that you are in the market for ball pen。We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build business cooperation in the future。 We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years。We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and expressly, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source. You are welcome to visit our website http://www.aaa。com which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs.


外贸开发信范文中文(共7篇) 20XX年即将画上圆满的句号,这一年是我人生的一个转折点。由一名学生转型为社会人士,在机遇与挑战共存的竞争时代,我开始了自己的追梦生涯。回顾这三个月与新起点同行的点滴,颇有感触,现将工作以来的感受和工作体会总结如下。 一、初入岗位 我是今年6月份毕业的,刚迈出校门就直接来到了深圳。出校门之前我还在迷茫,不知道要做什么工作,也没有给自己找到一个明确的定位。我知道自己不是那种安贫乐道的,我要给自己顶下目标,并且努力奋斗。因为在毕业之前,我也做过两份工作,一份是导购,一份是商务接待,由于各种原因没能继续坚持做下去。 直到9月份24日我有幸进入新起点这个大家庭,在公司领导和同事的帮助下,我在认识产品、熟悉产品、推广产品各方面的知识上有了很大的提高。在这里我要感谢我的领导和同事们对我的点滴帮助。 初入外贸销售这个行业,我除了在学校里所学的外贸英语知识和国际贸易知识,缺乏实际经验,对于阿里巴巴国际推广平台的操作一点也不清楚。首先第Y件事,我就是要熟悉公司产品。因为公司人不多,初来乍到,怀揣着梦想的激情全心的投入学习中。公司的产品目录,各项产品的特点、用途、市场情况……方方面面的学习我都得从零开始。一个礼拜之后,我开始接触阿里巴巴后台管理,注册了一个制作员的子账号,负责产品的发布。MSN、Skype、Trademanager,

Email等国际交流工具随之而来成为我每天必备的工作。此外我还自己创建了一个属于自己的阿里巴巴免费网站,在里面练习产品的发布,产品的推广,产品排名、关键词搜索和应用,速卖通交易等。在外贸布易小姐的指导和帮助下,我渐渐掌握了发布产品信息,争取排名的技巧,慢慢开始了产品推广工作。 二、熟悉业务流程 在逐渐接触国际贸易的过程中,我通过阿里巴巴平台免费版,收到了很多客户的订单(阿里巴巴的平台),可惜都是批量小的一些样品单,最终因为因现实支付方式不能通过支付宝而告终。在10月伊始,经过半个月的产品熟悉,询盘回复,终于有位瑞典客户接收我们的付款方式,转账成功。第Y笔外贸订单成了,虽然只是一个小订单,缺从中学会了很多。接收款项后,随后跟单,让生产安排生产并联系国际货运快递。 在国际快递方面第Y次接触了DHL/UPS/FEDEX,其间还是出现一点小插曲,联系货运后,货物到香港了,快递公司说是地区偏远要加偏远费。因小订单,DHL运费算得过于精确,导致货物退回来,重新找了一个货运公司,改走FEDEX。这样耽误了几天的货期。不过经过这次的教训,明白了算运费的时候要按最大值计算,宁愿多收一点,联系快递的时候要货代把地址查下是不是偏远地区。 三、参与展会 10月中旬,公司参与了广州第七届国际采购博览会,展会上的客户基本上都是国外的。其间因展会上同行较少,参与竞争的不是很

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