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Introduction 绪论
0.1 The nature and Domain of English lexicology 英语词汇学的定义及研究范围
Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words. 词汇学是语言学的一个分支,研究词汇的起源和意义。
English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages. 英语词汇学研究英语词汇的形态结构、词的对应及其语义结构、词义关系、词的历史演变、词的构成及词的用法等。
English lexicology is a theoretically-oriented course. 英语词汇学是一门理论性课程。
It is chiefly concerned with the basic theories of words in general and of English words in particular. 该课程主要论述词汇学的基本理论,特别是英语词汇的理论知识。
However, it is a practical course as well, for in the discussion, we shall inevitably deal with copious stocks of words and idioms, and study a great many usage examples. 但是,英语词汇学也是一门实践性课程,在该书的论述中,我们将遇到大量的词汇和习语,学习大量词汇用法实例。
Naturally, there will be a large quantity of practice involved. 当然,同时还要接触到大量的词汇练习。
0.2 Its Relation to Other Disciplines 英语词汇学与其它学科的关系
English lexicology itself is a subbranch of linguistics. 英语词汇学是语言学的一个分支。
But it embraces other academic disciplines, such as morphology, semantics, etymology, stylistics, lexicography. 但它却与其他学科相关,如形态学、语义学、词源学、文体学和词典学等。
Each of them has been established as a discipline in its own right. 而这些学科都各成一门学科。
Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words, primarily through the use of morpheme construct. 形态学是语法学的一个分支,主要通过运用词素(形位)结构研究词的结构或形式。
This is one of the major concerns of lexicology, for we shall discuss the inflections of words and word-formation and examine how morphemes are combined to form words and words to form sentences. 这是词汇学研究的主要内容之一,因为研究词汇就必需讨论的屈折变化和构词法,考察词素如何构成词、词如何构成句子。
Etymology is traditionally used for the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words. 词源学研究词的形式和意义的起源及其历史变化。
Modern English is derived from the languages of early Germanic tribes with a fairly small vocabulary. 现代英语源于词汇量颇小的古日尔曼语。
We shall study how this small vocabulary has grown into a huge modern English vocabulary and explain the changes that have taken place in the forms and meanings of words. 我们将研

Stylistics is the study of style. 文体学研究文体。
It is concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic elements in a particular context for special effects. 主要对语用者在特定语境中如何选择语言要素(即如何选择用词、句型等)以达到特定的表达效果进行观察研究。
Among the areas of study: lexis, phonology, syntax, graphology, we shall concentrate on lexis, exploring the stylistic values of words. 在文体学所研究的词汇、音系学、句法学和书写法范围中,我们主要研究词汇,探讨词汇的文体价值。
Lexicography shares with lexicology the same problems: the form, meaning, origins and usages of words, but they have a pragmatic difference. 词典学和词汇学探讨同样的问题:词汇的形式、意义、词汇的起源及用法,但两者在语用上还有差异。
A lexicographer’s task is to record the language as it is used so as to present the genuine picture of words to the reader, providing authoritative reference, whereas the student of lexicology is to acquire the knowledge and information of lexis so as to increase their lexical awareness and capacity of language use. 词典学家的任务是实录词汇的用法并把词汇用法的真实情形呈现给读者,为其提供权威性的参考;而词汇学家则是研究词汇的知识和信息,以增强读者对词汇的了解和语言的使用能力。
Though English lexicology has a wide coverage of academic areas, our task is definite and consistent. 英语词汇学的研究范围很大,但我们的任务是明确而系统的。
That is to study English words in different aspects and from different angles. 即从不同角度研究英语词汇的各个方面。
0.3 Method of Study 英语词汇学的研究方法
There are generally two approaches to the study of words, namely synchronic and diachronic. 一般来说,词汇研究有两种方法,即共时研究法和历时研究法。
From a synchronic point of view, words can be studied at a point in time, disregarding whatever changes might be taking place. 从共时的角度看,可以不考虑词汇所发生的变化而专门研究某一特定时期内的词汇。
For example, the word wife now means ‘a married woman, esp. in relation to her husband’. This is the current meaning.例如,wife(妻子)一词是指“尤其相对丈夫而言的已婚妇女”,这是该词的今意。
It has an obsolete meaning ‘woman’, which is only preserved in midwife, housewife, etc. 它还有“女人”这样一个废弃的意思,如在midwife\housewife等词中还保留有这个意思。
However if we take a diachronic perspective, we will consider the word historically, looking into its origin and changes in form and meaning. 但是,如果从历时的角度看,就是研究

In this light, the word wife evolved from the Old English wif, meaning ‘woman’, but later it became specialized in the course of development to the modern meaning ‘a married woman’. 从这一角度看,wife一词来源于古英语的wif,义为woman, 后来在发展过程中逐渐产生了现在的‘已婚女’的意义。
In our linguistic inquiry into the English vocabulary, though our focus is on the synchronic description of words, we need the diachronic approach as a supplement, for a knowledge of historical development of the vocabulary will definitely be of great help to us in our language study. 在词汇的考察中,虽然我们重点是词汇的共时描写,但我们也需要历时研究方法作为补充,因为了解词汇的历史发展将对语言研究大有裨益。
0.4 Aims and Significance of the Course 设立词汇学这门课程的目的和意义。
Language study involves the study of speech sounds, grammar and vocabulary. 语言研究包括对语音、语法和词汇三方面的研究。
Vocabulary has proved particulary important and certainly the most difficult. 其中词汇的研究尤为重要,而且也最困难。
In the discussion of the relationship between words and structure, Wilkins (1972) asserts, ‘Without grammar very little can be converyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed,’ Wilkins(1972)在讨论词汇与结构的关系时认为:“没有记法,很难传达信息;没有词汇,什么信息也不能传达。”
The lexicologist McCarthy (1990) echoed the same message that no matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully he masters the sounds of a L2, without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication in that language cannot happen in any meaning way. 词汇学家McCarthy也同样认为,学生无论把语法学得怎样好,把第二语言的语音掌握得怎样有效,如果不凭借词汇来表达各种意思,那么也就不可能用该语言进行有意义的交流。
The role of vocabulary in communication calls for continuing vocabulary learning. 词汇在交际中很重要,所以我们要不断的学习新词汇。
Since English Lexicology deals with English vocabulary, this course will definitely be beneficial. 既然英语词汇学是研究词汇的,那么这门课程无疑对我们很有帮助。
A good knowledge of morphological structure of English words and rules of word-formation will help learners develop their personal vocabulary and consciously increase their word power. 了解英语词汇学的形态结构和构词法有助于学生扩大其词汇量并且提高其自觉运用词汇的能力。
The information of the historical development and the principles of classification will give them a deeper understanding of word-meaning and enable them to organize, classify and store words more effectively. 掌握词汇

The understanding of the semantic structures of words, the types of the meaning and their sense relations will gradually raise their awareness of meaning and usages, and enable them to use words more accurately and appropriately. 认识词汇的语义结构、词义类型和词义关系将增强学生对词汇意义和用法的了解,提高其准确运用词汇的能力。
A working knowledge of dictionaries will improve learners’ skills of using reference books and raise their problem-solving ability and efficiency of individual study. 对词典的了解和运用将提高学生使用参考书的能力以及研究问题解决问题的能力。
In a word, the study of lexicology will ultimately improve learners’ receptive and productive skills in language processing as well as language production. 总之,词汇学的研究最终会提高学生的语言接受能力和语言运用能力。
Language teachers will find lexicology even more helpful. 词汇学对语言学老师也很有帮助。
With some knowledge of lexicology, they will be able to handle the teaching material, particularly those concerning word more professionally. 掌握词汇学知识,老师就能娴熟地处理材料,尤其是有关词汇的材料。
They will be able to select and organize materials to teach in a more effective way. 就能有效地选择和组织材料进行教学。
For example, they can teach the rules of word-formation bit by bit and raise the students’ awareness of structures of words so as to help them learn new words more quickly and remember better. 譬如,他们可以循序渐进地教授学生构词法知识,让其掌握更多的词汇的结构,从而有助于他们更快更好地学习和记忆新词汇。
They will be able to make use of the different sense relations to group vocabulary, interpret words and explain meanings to the students. 老师还可以利用不同的词义关系对词汇进行归词划分,解释词义。
Their knowledge of dictionaries will prove invaluable in their study and teaching as well. 教师对词典的了解对教学和研究也有十分重要的价值。
One or two good dictionaries plus skills of use will give a teacher ease, confidence and efficiency. 熟练地使用一两本好词典有利于教师提高教学水平,有助于他们轻松、自信、高效地完成教学任务。
Questions and Tasks
1. What is lexicology? Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words.
2. What is the nature and scope of English Lexicology? The nature of English lexicology: English lexicology is both a theoretically-oriented course and a practical course. On the one hand, it is chiefly concerned with the basic theories of words in general and of English words in particular; on the other hand, we have to deal wit

h copious stocks of words and idioms with usage examples which is of great importance to language learning. The scope of English lexicology: English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.
3. What subjects is English Lexicology correlated with? And to what extent? English lexicology is correlated with morphology, semantics, etymology, stylistics, lexicography. Morphology comes to work when the flections of words, word-formation, and how morphemes are combined to form words and words to form sentences are involvd in the study of English lexicology; semantics when English lexicology deals with polysem, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy and semantic field of words; etymology when English lexicology deals with the origins and historical changes of English words in their forms and meanings; stylistics when English lexicology deals with the styles or the stylistic values of words; lexicograhy when English lexicology deals with the compiling of a dictionary to provide authoritative reference to readers.
4. Why should a student of English study English Lexicology? A good knowledge of morphological structure of English words and rules of word-formation will help a student develop his personal vocabulary ad consciously increase his word power. The information of the historical development and the principle of classification will give him a deeper understanding of word-meaning and enable him to organize, classify and store words more effectively. The understanding of the semanticstructures of words, the types of meaning and their sense relations will gradually raise his awareness of meaning and usages, and enable him to use words more accurately and appropriately. A working knowledge of dictionaries will improve his skills of using reference books and raise his problem-solving ability and efficiency of individual study. In a word, the study of lexicology will ultimately improve learners’ receptive and productive skills in language processing as well as lanaguage production.

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