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1. 36-43每题0.5分。拼写完全正确的单词给0.5分,凡有错不给分,大小写错误忽略不计;

2. 44-46题满分为2分,答出内容且语言正确各得1分;


1. 44-46题中有语言错误扣0.5分,每题语言错误扣分不超过0.5分,凡不得分部分,如有语言错误不再重复扣分;

2. 44-46题中凡与问题无关的内容扣0.5分。

3. 44-46题中如出现明显属于笔误造成的大小写、标点符号错误,不扣分。

4. 用汉语回答问题不给分。



复合式听写包括两部分:第一部分要求考生根据录音内容准确填出空格里的词汇,一般为一个单词,全段共填8个单词;第二部分要求考生听完后写出该部分的文章重点。复合式听写的全文内容约250字,共朗读三遍。第一遍为全文朗读,语速正常,中间无停顿;第二遍朗读时在所填句子后停顿一段时间,让考生根据所听内容写出主要意思;第三遍又以正常语速朗读全文,没有停顿。有一点需要提醒大家的是,录音中有明确对考生的提示:“you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words'’,也就是说你可以在听懂句意后进行归纳,并用自己的话简练地将要点表达出来。





不仅考察听力,也考察考生的语法功底,语法功底薄弱的考生往往在检查时将这一点忽略,造成了会做的题也失分的局面。好在这样的问题如果多加注意也是可以解决的。毕竟给名词变复数这类简单的转换还不至于难倒我们。但是对于一种类型的词我们一定要多加注意,就是一些有时候可数有时候不可数的单词,比如曾在四级中考过experience一词,当它表示“经历”时为可数名词,而表示“经验”时却是不可数名词,当时该题就考察了“life experiences”生活经历的意思。







1. 在播放Directions部分时,要尽量阅读文章已经给出的部分,得到文章的大意和某些词语的信息;在阅读中尤其要关注第一句(主题句)和最后一句(往往是总结句),还要观察空格前后的词语,判断所填写单词的词性,单复数,时态语态。

2. 第一遍放音时,不要急于填写完整某个空白,可以一边顺畅思路,理清文章的脉络,一边做点简单的记录,填入几个单词。

3. 听第二遍录音时,考生应以最快的速度记录空格内的词句。对于长的词语可以先写个头,比如说architecture就记作arch。对于句子中不重要的冠词、介词或修饰成分等能省则省,争取把重要的信息都包括上。或许有的地方没有写全,不要着急,先跟上录音的节奏,之后再解决没有写完的单词。

4. 第三遍录音提供了一次全面检查和补全前面记录的机会。考生可以处理遗漏之处;检查拼写,长单词容易发生拼写错误,要仔细检查一遍;最后检查名词单复数,形容词、副词比较级最高级,动词时态,语态。总而言之就是尽量使得你填的答案完整。




一、给分标准 1. 36-43每题0.5分。拼写完全正确的单词给0.5分,凡有错不给分,大小写错误忽略不计; 2. 44-46题满分为2分,答出内容且语言正确各得1分; 二、扣分标准 1. 44-46题中有语言错误扣0.5分,每题语言错误扣分不超过0.5分,凡不得分部分,如有语言错误不再重复扣分; 2. 44-46题中凡与问题无关的内容扣0.5分。 3. 44-46题中如出现明显属于笔误造成的大小写、标点符号错误,不扣分。 4. 用汉语回答问题不给分。 复合式听写是一种非常有效的综合性测试形式,可以考查学生词汇量、拼写、句法、听力、理解、记笔记和一定的书面表达等多方面的要素和技能。全面打好语言基本功是提高听写能力的重要途径,但听写训练具有自身的科学性和技巧性,多练加巧练则可取得事半功倍的成效。 从以往历年的考题来看,总体说来,以前的文章多取材围绕日常生活、科技发展、历史起源、人物回顾、文化娱乐等。文章的开头或段首多半有主题句,之后的段落和句子进一步具体扩展、说明或论证主题句。考生应利用一切机会,如考前空隙或播放考试指令时间,浏览试卷该项下文字部分,尤其是主题句,根据主题句预测文章发展线索和大意。 复合式听写包括两部分:第一部分要求考生根据录音内容准确填出空格里的词汇,一般为一个单词,全段共填8个单词;第二部分要求考生听完后写出该部分的文章重点。复合式听写的全文内容约250字,共朗读三遍。第一遍为全文朗读,语速正常,中间无停顿;第二遍朗读时在所填句子后停顿一段时间,让考生根据所听内容写出主要意思;第三遍又以正常语速朗读全文,没有停顿。有一点需要提醒大家的是,录音中有明确对考生的提示:“you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words'’,也就是说你可以在听懂句意后进行归纳,并用自己的话简练地将要点表达出来。 复合式听写的考察要点 第一,对于较难单词拼写的考察 一些长度较长,属于大学四级范畴但又不包含在高中词汇的词往往是四级考试词汇部分的重点考察对象,例如“investigated”、“recommend”等。 第二,名词的单复数问题一直是复合式听写考察的一个重点 不仅考察听力,也考察考生的语法功底,语法功底薄弱的考生往往在检查时将这一点忽略,造成了会做的题也失分的局面。好在这样的问题如果多加注意也是可以解决的。毕竟给名词变复数这类简单的转换还不至于难倒我们。但是对于一种类型的词我们一定要多加注意,就是一些有时候可数有时候不可数的单词,比如曾在四级中考过experience一词,当它表示“经历”时为可数名词,而表示“经验”时却是不可数名词,当时该题就考察了“life experiences”生活经历的意思。


英语四级听力篇之复合式听写 大学英语四级中的“复合式听写”(Compound Dictation)这一题型,它比听力选择题更强调语言综合运用能力,考生不仅要具有良好的听的能力,还应具有较强的拼写能力,记笔记能力和书面表达能力 餐厅日程表同事 所有四级真题听力部分的原文和选项部分的词汇全部背会。要求听懂且能够准确拼写。 四级复合式听写占全卷10%,共11题。前8题需要考生听写出8个单词,每词占0.5%。后三题需要考生听写出句子,每句得分2%。其中单词部分必须听到什么写什么,很可能会涉及被动语态、时态、单复数等语法。句子部分有两种做法,考试规定,可以听到什么写什么,也可以用自己的总结语言写要点。听写共播读三遍,第一遍和第三遍匀速,第二遍时,句子部分播读完毕会停顿1分钟左右。 1、评分原则 要求考生将听到的单词正确写出;将听到的原文句子正确写出,或用自己的语言正确写出。 2、评分标准 1)S1至S7每题0.5分,答案如上所示。如拼写单词有误,则不给分。 2)S8题满分2.5分;S9和S10题满分各为2分。 3)S8至S10题中的语言错误无论多与少,每题只扣0.5分;写出与问题无关的内容扣0.5分;用汉语答题不给分。 3、其他正确答案举例 以S8题为例,下列回答均可得满分。 1)seven bad men jumped out. One man had a knife and we got into a flight. 2)Seven bad men jumped at me, one of them had a knife and we got into a flight. 3)Seven bad men jumped out and fought with me, one of them had a knife. 4)Seven bad men threatened me with a knife and we got into a flight. 2、如何边听边写? 2-1 缩写法。用首1-2字母缩写听到的词,这样会写得更快; 2-2 写句子的头尾。在记忆一个整句的时候,考生都更加容易记住句子的开始和结尾,先写这些内容,也可以增加分数。 2-3 有舍有得。一些修饰性词汇,例如副词和形容词,并非重点。而对句子含义不影响的成分一般不扣分。比如“it usually takes more words to be polite”中的usually就不是重点,就可以不写。


复合式听写 2010.06 The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called mnemonics. The name is 36from their Goddess of memory “Mnemosyne”. In the ancient world, a trained memory was an 37asset, particularly in public life. There were no 38devices for taking notes, and early Greek orators(演说家) delivered long speeches with great 39because they learned the speeches using mnemonic systems. The Greeks discovered that human memory is 40an associative process—that it works by linking things together. For example, think of an apple. The 41your brain registers the word “apple”, it 42the shape, color, taste, smell and 43of that fruit. All these things are associated in your memory with the word “apple”. 44. An example could be when you think about a lecture you have had. This could trigger a memory about what you’re talking about through that lecture, which can then trigger another memor y. 45. An example given on a website I was looking at follows: Do you remember the shape of Austria, Canada, Belgium, or Germany? Probably not. What about Italy, though? 46. Y ou made an association with something already known, the shape of a boot, and Italy’s shape could not be forgotten once you had made the association. (2009.12) The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called mnemonics. The name is 36from their Goddess of memory “Mnemosyne”. In the an cient world, a trained memory was an 37asset, particularly in public life. There were no 38devices for taking notes, and early Greek orators(演说家) delivered long speeches with great 39because they learned the speeches using mnemonic systems. The Greeks discovered that human memory is 40an associative process—that it works by linking things together. For example, think of an apple. The 41your brain registers the word “apple”, it 42the shape, color, taste, smell and 43of that fruit. All these things are associated in your memory with the word “apple”. 大44家 An example could be when you think about a lecture you have had. This could trigger a memory about what


英语复合式听写的听题步骤 相信大家对完形填空已经熟悉得快吐了,复合式听写也就是挖几个空,然后连续 报一段录音,看起来好像挺简单的,要填进去的都会报给大家。接下来,小编给大家 准备了英语复合式听写的听题步骤,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 英语复合式听写的听题步骤 第一步:预判词性 快速浏览材料,结合上下文,猜测空格词性(详见本章下一节);如果你对你的英语 水平有自信,可以尝试把题目当成完形填空去填写。 第二步:听大意,由易到难听写 复合式听写会读3遍。 第一遍:听大意,可以听写1-2个最简单的词,一定不要着急填太多! 第二遍:尽量把间隔较远或能懂、易懂的空格都能听写下来,至少完成6-7个空格。 第三步:检查 听第3遍时,完成剩下的空格;同时注意检查已填的空格,尤其是以下两方面: 1)单复数,-s, -es;根据上下文就可以检查出来的就不要丢分啦! 2)动词,-ed; -ing(ed结尾往往会弱读,所以要格外注意;另外,现在出现短语以后,ing和以in结尾的短语也比较容易混淆,注意区分,例如working 和work in。)复合式听写其实是综合性最强的一个考题,对一个单词会词组做了全方位的考查,要会辨音也要会拼写,在保证自己扎实的基础上,配合以上的方法,就不会有什么问 题啦~! 关于如何预判词性,请参考复合式听写:预判技巧。 扩展:如何猜测句子中生词的意思 一个句子中难免出现一两个生字。在这种情况下,不必马上查字典,只要根据上 下文的关系,就可能猜测生字的意思了。 下面这些例子,值得大家参考: ⒈利用括号内的解释,如: ① The power of the tribune (one million people read it every day) is enormous.


六级听力共有四种题型。 短对话(short conversation, Questions 11-18),8小题,占8%。(每题7.1分) 长对话(long conversation, Questions 19-25),一般是两段,7小题,占7%。(每题7.1分) 篇章/长段子(passage, Questions 26-35),三篇文章,10小题,10%。(每题7.1分) 复合式听写(compound dictation, Questions 36-46),8个单词+ 3个句子,前者4%,后者6%;(单词每个3.55分,句子每个14.2分)六级听力部分总题量36题,时间35分钟,占试卷分值比重为35%。 一. 坚实的语言基础二. 一定的文化背景知识 三. 基本的听力技能四. 正确有效的听音习惯 复合听写: 复合式听写往往要求考生根据录音写出8个单词和3个完整的句子,句子长度一般为15-20词,句子的表达可以用自己的语言。全文内容约250字,共读三遍,其中第二遍语速稍慢,在所需听写的句子后会有停顿,一般每句停顿一分钟。 考点介绍: 词汇类型:名词的单复数:同音、近音词分辨:难词考察: 容易拼写错误的单词:词性变换使用: 复合式听写技巧: 复合式听写是对应试者听的能力、拼写能力、记笔记能力和书面表达的能力的综合测试。它要求应试者不仅听懂内容,熟练而准确地拼写单词,更重要的是将其归纳、总结,把主要意思通过笔头表达出来。在整个听力理解过程中,要注意以下几点: 1)利用读指令(Directions)的这段时间,大致浏览一遍短文,了解一下全文语意意群的内容,通过阅读,对于所有要听的文字材料在头脑中形成一个大概印象,并对要填写的文字进行初步猜测。 2)录音在放第三遍时,应试者除了填充前两遍没有听懂的部分之外,主要精力应放在检查已填充的词、词组和句子是否正确上。许多容易形成笔误的部分应该在这一段时间内一一排除。例如,字母大小写问题,单词的拼写,名词的单复数,名词所有格,单数第三人称,冠词的运用,动词时态的统一,主谓一致,词的前缀后缀等。 3)太长的词可先简写词头,以后再补充。 4)注意力不要跟着阅读人的速度走,最好先到空格处,以集中精力听写。


复合式听写8-10题设计规律及解题技巧 2)复合式听写8-10题设计规律8-10是三句话,从句子内容来看,大体有两种情况。 ①用于说明主题的细节这部分听写一般是段落的主题已经给出,要求同学们补全细节。如98年考题:another challenge was his size.(8) __________________. 紧接着的一句显然是用来说明another challenge was his size.的,原句是high school physical education was difficult, because all of the equipment was too big for the then five-year-old student. 97年的8-10题也是如此,所描述的是用来说明警察工作危险的细节。请看原文: sometimes, it's dangerous.one day, for example,i was working undercover,………i was trying to catch some robbers who were stealing money from people as they walked down the street. suddenly, (8) ____. another policeman arrived, and together, we arrested three of the men;but the other four ran away.another day,i helped a woman who was going to have a baby. (9) ______. i put her in my police car to get her there faster. i thought she was going to have the baby right there in my car. but fortunately, (10) ____________.

专项练习 复合式听写

专项练习 Exercise 1 Whether the eyes are “the windows of the soul” is debatable; that they are intensely important in ( ) communication is a fact. During the first two months of a baby’s life, the ( ) that produces a smile is a pair of eyes. Significantly, a real human face with eyes covered will not ( ) a smile, nor will the sight of only one eye when the face is presented in ( ). This attraction to eyes as opposed to the nose or mouth continues as the baby ( ). In one study, when American four-year-olds were asked to draw people, 75 percent of them drew people with mouths, but 99 percent of them drew people with eyes. In Japan, however, where babies are carried on their mother’s back, infants do not acquire as much( ) to eyes as they do in other cultures. The role of eye contact in a conversational exchange between two Americans is well ( ); speakers make contact with the eyes of their listener for about one second, then ( ) away as they talk. ( ). Listeners, meanwhile, keep their eyes on the face of the speaker, allowing themselves to glance away only briefly. ( )If they are not looking, the speaker assumes that they are disinterested and either will pause until eye contact is resumed or will terminate the conversation. ( ) There may be a sort of traffic


MODEL TEST ONE Hobbies In early times, most people were too busy making a living to have many hobbies. Today as machines have reduced the amount of time they must spend on their jobs, people have more time than before for hobbies. People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment, friendship, knowledge, and relaxation. Sometimes they even yield financial profit. Hobbies help people relax after periods of hard work. They provide a balance between work and play, especially for workers who do the same monotonous tasks all day long. Hobbies also offer interesting activities for persons who have retired. Those who have developed hobbies never need to worry about what to do with their newly found leisure hours. Anyone can follow a satisfying hobby, regardless of his age, position, or income. A famous Canadian doctor expressed the value of hobbies by saying, "No man is really happy or safe without a hobby." (157 words) MODEL TEST TWO Wind and Sea Waves If you've ever stood on the shore of the ocean, you've seen wave after wave move toward you. Each comes up to the shore, breaks, and then falls back. Is there a giant machine far out at sea that creates this movement? Not at all but there is one factor which bas been hard at work. It is the wind which makes the movement we call waves. This movement continues until it runs into something, like the shore. The waves that reach the shoreline may have travelled thousands of miles. As a wave approaches the shore, it slows down. The water becomes more shallow. The sea bottom drags on the wave. The tops of waves crowd together. When they are too close for the wave to form properly, the wave breaks. The top of the wave spills over, and the water pushes forward onto the beach. (150 words) MODEL TEST THREE Let Children Learn to Judge Their Own Work A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time. If corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's. In the same way, when children learn to do all the other things, such as walking, running, climbing, and riding a bi- cycle, they learn to do them without being taught. Rather, they compare those performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his own mistakes for himself. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him. Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher. (150 words) MODEL TEST FOUR A New Need for Traffic Lights Space is getting crowded. That's the latest worry for many scientists. About ten thousand objects are or biting our planet now. Some are satellites that have a job to do. Other items have finished their work. Parts of rockets may have been discarded during a flight and left behind in space. This is becoming a real problem. More items in space lead to more danger. Some of the objects now float-


英语专业四级听写50篇文本(Oct. 22, 2011) Passage 1 Professor Bumble Professor Bumble is not only absent-minded but short-sighted as well. His mind is always busy with learned thoughts and he seldom notices what is going on around him. On a fine day recently, he went for a walk in the countryside. But as always, he read the book as he walked. He hadn't gone far when he ran into a large cow and fell down. He had lost his spectacles in the fall, and he thought he had stumbled over a fat lady. "I beg your pardon, madam," he said politely before searching for his glasses. As soon as he had put the glasses on,he realized his mistake. Soon he was concentrating on his book again and paying no attention to anything else. He had scarcely been walking for five minutes when he fell over again, losing both his book and his glasses. This time he became very angry. Seizing his umbrellas, he struck the "cow" in anger. Then, after finding his glasses, he realized with horror that he had made a second mistake. A large fat woman was running away from him in terror. (187 words) Passage 2 Teamwork Teamwork is just as important in science as it is on the playing field or in the gym. Scientific investigations are almost always carried out by teams of people working together. Ideas are shared, experiments are designed, data are analyzed, and results are evaluated and shared with other investigators. Group work is necessary, and is usually more productive than working alone. Several times throughout the year you may be asked to work with one or more of your classmates. Whatever the task your group is assigned, a few rules need to be followed to ensure a productive and successful experience. What comes first is to keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas deserve consideration and each group member can make his or her own contribution. Secondly, it makes a job easier to divide the group task among all group members. Thirdly, always work together, take turns, and encourage each other by listening, clarifying, and trusting one another. Mutual support and trust often make a great difference.(166 words) Passage 3 Mistakes Are Good Teachers After the birth of my second child,I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced waitress for a few days,I was allowed to wait on tables on my own. When Saturday night came,I was luckily given the tables not far from the kitchen. However,I still felt a little hard to carry the heavy trays. So I moved slowly, minding every step. I remembered how happy I was when I saw a tray standing next to the tables. It looked different from the one I was trained on,and it had nice handles which made it easier to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to believe I was natural at this job. Then, an old man came to me and said that was his wife's walker. I stood frozen as ice,but my face was on fire. Since then, I have learned to be more careful and not to be too sure of myself. (164 words)


复合式听写做题技巧 ①尽快通读全文,熟悉文章;预判空格处的词性、语态、词义等等。 听写部分开头有一段较长的Directions,其长度约为150词左右,差不多等于听写短文本身。按每分钟130-150个词的语速朗读,大约需要1分多一点的时间才能读完。而Directions的内容考生在平时的训练中已经多次接触,非常熟悉,没有必要再去细听慢读,应该有效地利用这一段宝贵的时间,通读全文,积极预测文章的内容。 ②一定要检查核对是最后必不可少的环节,考生应抓住时机弥补前两遍听音时所忽略或遗漏的内容,进一步修改和完善自己的答案。主要可以从语法结构,词语搭配、意义连贯、上下文等多角度去推测、分析和判断,并正确拼写出单词。 希望以上提到的一些关于四级复合式听写的相关内容能对大家起到抛砖引玉的作用。听写是一种综合性的测试,大家在备考过程中要多加练习,注意积累经验,同时也要注意在考场上做到沉着应战,冷静细心,考出好成绩! 检查一般注意以下几项: ①名词单复数 从近几年复合式听写的出题规律来看,名词的复数形式考得比较常见。如果单从语音上很难分辨是单数还是复数,可以根据上下文和语法来判断单复数。注意空格前面到底是a, an,the还是some, several。 ②同音异义词 这个不用多说了,拿来做干扰,再合适不过了。因此需要考生积极分辨。例如考生听到flour,有可能正确答案是flower。到底应该填写哪一个还要考生根据上下文的意思来推断。考生在平时要注意积累诸如flew-flu,threw-through,passed-past,weather-whether 等同音异义词。 ③单词的大小写 句首大写,也就是句号后面大写。需要注意的是冒号后面,分号后面的单词都要小写。人名,地名,专有名词要大写:两个字的人名首字母都要大写,即姓和名都要大写,中间用空格分开。考生可在平时多注意一下比较常见的专有名词,注意积累。 ④动词的时态 近几年的复合式听写常常考动词的过去时以及过去分词,考生在检查的时候尤其要注意有没有双写的情况。 ④单词的拼写和词性 联系上下文,一般名词前有冠词、形容词或介词;形容词前有副词或系动词,副词前经常是动词。 ④句子的时态和语态、漏词 要结合全文对句子的时态分析把握,注意判断主动与被动。


Unit1 Translation 你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼。 1) Y ou should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising. 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都更健康,受到了更好的教育。 2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. 待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。 3) When the right opportun ity comes along, he’ll take it. 每天他都留出点时间跟家里人在一起,享受生活。 4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life. 我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同发亲手拉手走路的情景。 5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father. 他最终辜负了父母的期望。 6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations. 相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。 7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously. 经过努力,他成功地克服了自己的致命弱点。 8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. 9)V ery often a disappointment becomes a turning point for a wonderful experience to come along. 10)Time spent this way helps you learn more about yourself. 11)The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potentials. Unit 2 1) she wore a dress with a pattern of roses (有玫瑰图案)on it. 2)Helen had prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us(为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜) 3) Ann promised faithfully(信誓旦旦地保证)that she would never tell. 4) Could you deliver this letter(把这封信送到)to the accounts department? 5) We were offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate(精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力) 6) Tell the children to keep out of mischief/behave themselves(别胡闹) 7) We could hear the sound of distant thunder(远处打雷的声音) 8) The project has now received approval from the government(得到政府的批准) 9) Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much(虽然他喝酒太多) 10) Experts seem unable to agree whether the drug is safe or not(就这个药是否安全取得一致意见) Unit 3 Translation 由于紧急情况,这位医生几小时内都没有空。 1) Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours. 税收将会如何影响低收入的人群。 2) How will taxes affect people with low income? 去母亲总是告诉我,从长远来看我会很高兴我没有放弃练钢琴。 3) My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn’t give up practicing the piano. 这些书的价格从10美元到20美元不等。 4) These books range in price form $10 to $20. 在我看来你没有什么选择。 5) It seems to me that you don’t have much choice. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已做得相当不错了。 6) Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job. 对这么一大撞大房子来说这价格相当便宜,但你得考虑维修所需要的钱。 7) For such a big ho use the price is fairly cheap/low, but you’ve got to take into consideration the money you will spend on repairs. 我们能否从讨论上次会议产生的问题开始? 8) Can we begin with discussing questions/problems arising from the last meeting? Unit 4 Translation 几年前他心脏动了一次大手术。 1) He underwent a major heart surgery several years ago. 我们估计完成这项工作要花一个星期。 2) We estimated that it would take a week to finish the work. 我过去喜爱摄影,但我现在没有时间从事任何业余爱好了。 3) I used to enjoy photography, but I now have no time to pursue any hobbies.


2014年6月 2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题(第一套) In this section, you will hear a passage three times .When the passage is read for the first time ,you should listen carefully for its general idea .When the passage is read for the second time , you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard .Finally, when the passage is read for the third time ,you should check what you have written. Among the kinds of social gestures most significant for second-language teachers are those which are ___26___ in form but different in meaning in the two cultures. For example, a Colombian who wants someone to ___27___ him often signals with a hand movement in which all the fingers of one hand, cupped, point downward as they move rapidly ___28___ Speakers of English have a similar gesture though the hand may not be cupped and the fingers may be held more loosely, but for them the gesture means goodbye or go away, quite the ___29___ of the Colombian gesture. Again, in Colombia, a speaker of English would have to know that when he ___30___ height he must choose between different gestures depending on whether he is ___31___ a human being or an animal. If he keeps the palm of the hand ___32___ the floor, as he would in his own culture when making known the height of a child, for example, he will very likely be greeted by laughter; in Colombia this gesture is ___33___ for the description of animals. In order to describe human beings he should keep the palm of his hand ___34___ to the floor. Substitutions of one gesture for the other often create not only humorous but also ___35___ moments. In both

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