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1. For example, they do not compensate for social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.

分析:本句中had he grown up under more favorable circumstances 属于部分倒装。正常语序为:if he had grown up under more favorable circumstances 。在正式文体中,可以将虚拟条件句中的if 省略,并将助动词提前。


2. Nonstop waves of immigrants played a role, too and so did bigger crops of babies as yesterday’s “baby boom”generation reached its child-bearing years.

分析:该句中so did bigger crops of babies 属于语法倒装。用so 来代替前述肯定句谓语部分所说情况。


3. Much as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in thoroughness, whatever the job.

分析:该句的Much as I have traveled 是一个由as 引导的让步状语从句。相当于though I have traveled much ,但语气要比后者强。这种结构要求部分倒装。


4. Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar can you write correctly.

分析:相信大家对这种结构都不陌生。Only 后加副词、介词、状语从句时要用部分倒装。但是要注意的是,如果only 修饰的不是状语,则不用倒装。


5. Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West .


译文:1980 年哪里的人口普查统计资料也不如远西地区的更能生动地说明美国人对宽敞的生活环境的追求。

6. Hardly had he began to speak when the audience interrupted him.

分析:hardly…when 的结构表示“刚…就…”。含有这种结构的句子常将hardly 置于句首,而采用部分倒装的语序。此外,hardly 分句中一般采用过去完成时,而when (或before )分句中使用过去时。还有,与hardly…when…结构类似的用法还有barely (scarcely)…when…


7. To such length did she go in rehearsal that two actors walked out.

分析:such…that 结构可将such 或含有such 的词组放在句首,使全句采用部分倒装。与此用法类似的还有so…that 结构。


8. Certain it is that all essential processes of plant growth and development occur in water.

分析:本句为表语前置,表示强调。正常语序应为:It is certain that…。


9. We rally should not resent being called paupers. Paupers we are, and paupers we shall remain.



10. Then, down the crowed thoroughfare comes the University of Cambridge ’s most distinctive vehicle, bearing its most distinguished citizen.

分析:正常语序应为:The vehicle came down the thoroughfare 。为使语言生动形象,文学作品中常用这类倒装。在翻译时要尽量翻译出原句的语言效果。这里bear=carry 。



1. Most novelists and historians writing in the early to mid-twentieth century who considered women in the West, when they considered women at all, fell under Turner’s spell.

分析:本句的主干结构是:Most novelists and historians…fell under Turner’s spell. Turner 是美国历史学家。under a spell :被迷住,着迷。writing in the early to mid-twentieth century who considered women in the West, when they considered women at all 修饰主语,起分割主谓的作用。而其中的状语从句when they considered women at all 是定语从句who considered women in the West 中的状语成分。


2. Abraham Lincoln is the most famous instance of the claim that Americans often made that in their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position.

分析:the claim 和其同位语that in their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position 被the claim 的定语从句that Americans often made 分割。同位语从句在翻译时可按照顺序翻译,将其翻译为分句。


3. In the last eight years there were difficult, almost non-stop negotiations and reported threats of failure, ultimately overcome by a combination of creative compromise and stubborn determination—indeed, some call it unprecedented determination—to succeed.

分析:本句的主干结构是:…there were negotiations and…threats of failure 。“overcome by…”是过去分词短语,修饰threats of failure 。stubborn determination 和其定语动词不定式“to succeed”被“indeed, some call it unprecedented determination”分割。



4. The discovery of surplus value suddenly threw light on the problem, in trying to solve which all previous investigations, of both bourgeois economists and social critics, had been groping in the dark.

分析:in trying to solve 插在the problem 和定语从句which…之间,起到承上启下的作用。of both bourgeois economists and social critics 为investigations 的后置定语,起到分割作用。


5. A better knowledge of China ’s civilization would lay open to us an empire of learning, hitherto fabulously described.

分析:lay open 和an empire of learning 被介词短语to us 分割。本句选自英国前首相撒切尔夫人1982 年在中国欢迎宴会上的讲话。翻译时要注意转译的应用。如把“better”译为副词“更好地”。


6. It is the insistence, as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in, and parts of, the United States —a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer.

分析:insistence 后接upon the interdependence of the various elements in, and parts of, the United States, 中间被插入语as a first consideration 分割,做进一步说明。该句选自美国前总统罗斯福在1933 年的就职演说。汉语中动词用得较多,翻译时可把名词转译为动词。


7. Old Henry and his wife Phoebe were as fond of each other as it is possible for two old people to be who have nothing else in this life to be fond of.

分析:连词as 引导的比较状语从句中,it 代替for two old people to be 。to be 后省略了fond of each other 。to be 做分割成分。


8. As they grow old, people also accumulate belongings for two other reasons: lack of physical and mental energy—both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away—and sentiment.

分析:该句包含了并列结构被分割的情况。lack of physical and mental energy 和sentiment 是并列结构,作two other reasons 的同位语。但是被非限定性定语从句both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away 分割。


9. Those who believe in capital punishment may have arguments for its retention, but surely no reasonable argument can be found for retention of the sickening mumbo-jumbo

that accompanies it from the moment that the judge dons the black cap with what looks like a pen-wiper balanced on the top of his wig, to the reading of the burial service over the condemned man before he is dead.

总裁助理assistant president

综合治理comprehensive treatment

安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents


智力密集型concentration of brain power;knowledge-intensive

外资企业overseas-funded enterprises

下岗职工laid-off workers

分流reposition of redundant personnel

三角债chain debts

素质教育education for all-round development

豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects

社会治安情况law-and-order situation

民族国家nation state

台独"independence of Taiwan"

台湾当局Taiwan authorities

台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots

台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。Taiwan is an inalienable part ofthe Chinese territory.

西部大开发Development of the West Regions

可持续性发展sustainable development

风险投资risk investment


扩大内需to expand domestic demand

计算机辅助教学computer-assisted instruction(CAI)


虚拟现实virtual reality

网民netizen(net citizen)

电脑犯罪computer crime

电子商务the e-business

网上购物shopping online

应试教育exam-oriented education

学生减负to reduce study load

下岗laid-off workers

下海plunge into the commercial sea

下网off line

小康之家well-off family;comfortably-off family

新秀up-and-coming star,rising star

新新人类New Human Being;X Generation

信息港info port

形象小姐/先生image representative of a product or a brand

虚拟网virtual net

学生处students'affairs division

研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graudate degree'sdiploma

摇钱树cash cow

以人为本people oriented;people foremost

义务教育compulsory education

易拉罐pop can

应试教育examination-oriented education system

舆论导向direction of public opinion


在职博士生on-job doctorate

早恋puppy love

招生就业指导办公室enrolment and vocation guidance office

证券营业部stock exchange;security exchange

知识产权intellectual property rights

中专生secondary specialized or technical school student

中流砥柱mainstay,chief corner stone

专卖店exclusive agency;franchised store

自我保护意识self-protection awareness

综合国力comprehensive national strength

综合业务数字网integrated service digital network(ISDN)

公正、公平、公开just,fair and open

好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster

黄金时段prime time


劲射power shot

拉拉队cheering squad

来电显示电话机caller ID telephone

论文答辩(thesis)oral defense

泡沫经济bubble economy

票贩子scalper,ticket tout

拳头产品competitive products;knock-out products;blockbuster

三角恋爱love triangle

三维动画片three-dimensional animation

"扫黄"、"打非"eliminate pornography and illegalpublications

申办奥运会bid for the Olympic Games

实现中华民伟大复兴bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinesenation

市场疲软sluggish market

素质教育education for all-around development

筒子楼:tube-shaped apartment

脱贫致富cast(shake,throw)off poverty and set out on a road toprosperity 网吧Internet bar

网恋online love affair

网上冲浪surf the Internet

网上交易平台online trading platform

网友net friend

无人售票self-service ticketing

无绳来电显示电话cordless telephone with caller ID

无线应用协议WAP(wireless application protocol)


1. The American economic system is, organized around a basically private-enterprise, market- oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.

[参考译文] 美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。

2. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it. [参考译文] 因此,在美国的经济体系中,个体消费者的需求与商人试图最大化其利润的欲望和个人想最大化其收入效用的欲望相结合,一起决定了什么应该被制造,以及资源如何被用来制造它们。

3. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.

[参考译文] 另一方面,如果大量制造某种商品导致其成本下降,那么这就有可能增加卖方和制造商能提供的供给,而这也就会反过来降低价格并允许更多的消费者购买产品。

4. In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.

[参考译文] 在美国经济中,私有财产的概念不仅包含对生产资源的所有权,也指其他一些特定的权利,如确定一个产品价格和与另一个私人个体(经济单位) 自由签定合同的权利。

5. At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employers are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments to be made accordingly. And they also identify preferred customers for promotional campaigns.

[参考译文] 同时这些计算机记录下哪些时间是最忙的,哪些员工工作效率最高,这样就能相应地做出人员人事安排。而且它们(计算机)也能为促销活动找到那些拥有优先权的顾客。

6. Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers.

[参考译文] 不计其数的其他商业企业,从剧院到杂志出版商,从公用燃气电力设施到牛奶处理厂,都通过计算机的使用给消费者带来更好、更有效率的服务。

7. Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences.

[参考译文] 残疾儿童在许多关键方面都与其同龄人不同。为了让这些孩子发展其全部的成人后的潜能,他们的教育必须适应这些不同。,

8. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.

[参考译文] 在过去的30年中,公共教育中显示的对残疾儿童的巨大关注表明了我们社会中的一种中强烈的情绪,那就是所有的公民,不管其情况有多特殊,都应享有充分发展其能力的机会。

9. It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices.

[参考译文] 它(广告)能够直接帮助货物以比较合理的价格被迅速分销出去,因此可以(使公司)建立一个坚固的国内市场,同时也使以具有竞争力的价格提供出口变得可能。

10. Apart from the fact that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. [参考译文] 除去议会有27件法案来规范广告的条件,没有任何一个正式的广告商敢于推销一种商品却不能兑现其在广告中的承诺。

11. If its message were confined merely to information and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve, for even a detail such as the choice of the color of a shirt is subtly persuasive-advertising wound be so boring that no one wound pay any attention.

[参考译文] 如果其信息只被局限于告知一一就广告而言,如果这不是完全不可能达到的,也是非常难做的,因为即便是一个诸如衬衫的颜色的选择这样的细节都会具有微妙的说服意味,那么广告就会如此地乏味以至于没有人会关注它。

12. The workers who gets a promotion, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language-all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for there efforts.

[参考译文] 得到了升迁的工人们,成绩进步的学生,学会了一门新语言的外国人一一这些都是那些有可衡量的结果宋显示其努力的人们的例证。

13. As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informal flow of information is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable. [参考译文] 随着家庭离开他们原来稳定的社区,离开他们多年的朋友和扩展的家庭关系,非正式的信息流动被切断了,随之而去的是对在需要时能获得可靠和值得信赖的信息的信心。

14. The individual now has more information available than any generation, and the task of finding that one piece of information relevant to his or her specific problem is complicated, time--consuming, and sometimes even overwhelming.

[参考译文] 现在每个人能够得到的信息比任何时代的人都多,而找到与他/她的特定问题相关的那一点信息的任务不仅复杂、耗时,有时甚至令人难以招。

15. Expertise can be shared world wide through teleconferencing, and problems in dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes and/or jobs to travel to a distant conference site.

[参考译文] 通过远程会议,专家知识可以在全世界范围内被分享,而争论的问题能够得到解决,同时相关人员也不必离开他们的家庭或工作跑到一个遥远的开会地点。

16. The current passion for making children compete against their classmates oragainst the clock produces a two-layer system, in which competitive A-types seem in some way better than their B type fellows.

[参考译文] 现在这种让孩子们和其同学或时间竞争的热情导致了一个双层结构,在这个结构里面善于竞争的A类好像在某个方面要比他们B类的同辈更胜一筹。

17. While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your "wares" and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.

[参考译文] 在跟你谈话的时候,可能成为你的雇主的人就一直在衡量你的教育、经验和其


18. The Corporation will survive as a publicly funded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programs are now the subject of a nation wide debate in Britain.

[参考译文] 英国广播公司将作为一个公共基金支持的广播组织存在下来,至少目前会这样,但是它的角色、它的规模和它的节目现在在英国成了全国上下的讨论话题。

19. The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC--including ordinary listeners and viewer to say what was good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worth keeping.

[参考译文] 这场辩论是由政府发动的,政府请任何一个对英国广播公司有意见的人一包括普通的听众和观众一来说说这个公司好在哪里或坏在哪里,甚至要说说他们是否认为这个公司值得被保留下来。

20. The change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large profess signal element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders.

[参考译文] 这种变化通过引入许多的专业因素从而适应了这个新时代的技术要求,并且它(这种变化)防止了效率的降低。这种效率的降低在精力充沛的创业者之后的第二代和第三代人(领导公司)的时候,经常会毁掉那些家族公司的财富。

21. Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners: and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business.

[参考译文] 这样巨大而非个人的对资金和产业的*纵极大地增加了股东的数量和他们作为一个阶级的重要性,这是国家生活中代表不负责任的财富的一个因素,这种财富不但远离了土地和土地拥有者的责任,而且几乎同样与公司的负责任的管理毫无关系。

22. Towns like Bournemouth and Eastbourne sprang up to house large "comfortable" classes who had retired on their incomes, and who had no relation to the rest of the community exceptthat of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders' meeting to dictate their orders to the management.

[参考译文] 像伯恩茅斯和伊斯特本这样的城镇的涌现是为了给那些数量很多的"舒适"阶级提供居住场所。这些人依赖于其丰厚收入而不工作,他们除了分红和偶尔参加一下股东大会,向管理层口授一下自己的命令之外,跟社会的其他阶层毫无瓜葛。

23. The "shareholders" as such had no knowledge of the lives, thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares, and his influence on the relations of capital and labor was not good.

[参考译文] 这样的"股东"对他拥有股份的公司所雇用的工人们的生活、思想和需求一无所知,而且他们对劳资双方的关系都不会产生积极的影响。

24. The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away.

[参考译文] 代表公司的花钱雇来的经理与工人及其需求的关系更加直接,但是就连他对工人们也没有那种熟识的私人之间的了解。而在现在正在消失的古老家族公司的那种更加家


2018年考博英语翻译练习及参考【三篇】 导读:本文2018年考博英语翻译练习及参考【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【第一篇:健康的乐观主义】大多数人愿意把乐观定义为无尽的欢乐,就像一只总是装着半杯水的杯子。但那是一种绝不会为积极心理学家所推荐的虚假快乐。哈佛大学的Tal Ben-Shahar教授说,“健康的乐观主义,意味着要处于现实之中。”在Ben-Shahar看来,现实的乐观主义者,会尽努力做好一件事,而不是相信每件事都会有的结果。Ben-Shahar 会进行三种乐观方面的练习。比如说,当他进行了一次糟糕的演讲,感到心情郁闷的时候,他会告诉自己这是人之常情。他会提醒自己:并不是每一次演讲都可以获得诺贝尔获,总会有一些演讲比其它演讲效果差。接着是重塑,他分析了这个效果不好的演讲,并且从那些起作用和不起作用的演讲中吸取教训为将来做准备。最后,需要有这样一种观点,那就是承认,在广阔的生命当中,一次演讲根本算不上什么。参考译文Most people would define optimism as endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half fall. But that’s exactly the kind of false deerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimists means being in touch with reality.” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor, According to Ben- Shalar,realistic optimists are these who make the best of things


2018考博英语翻译练习题及答案【十篇】 仰望天空时,什么都比你高,你会自卑;俯视大地时,什么都比你低,你会自负;只有放宽视野,把天空和大地尽收眼底,才能在苍穹泛土之间找到你真正的位置。无须自卑,不要自负,坚持自信。以下我无忧考网为考生整理的《2018考博英语翻译练习题及答案第二部分【十篇】》供您查阅。 2018考博英语翻译练习:泡腊八蒜 考博英语翻译题型多为汉译英,各博士招生院校大多都有此题型,考博英语复习初期阶段新东方在线考博频道为考博生们整理了一些考博英语翻译练习,供大家平日复习。 泡腊八蒜是中国北方,尤其是华北地区的一个习俗。顾名思义,就是在阴历腊月初八的这天来泡制大蒜。其实材料非常简单,就是醋和大蒜瓣儿。做法也是极其简单,将剥了皮的蒜瓣儿放到一个可以密封的罐子、瓶子之类的容器里面,然后倒入醋,封上口放到一个冷的地方。慢慢地,泡在醋中的蒜就会变绿,最后会变得通体碧绿的,如同翡翠碧玉。老北京人家,一到腊月初八,过年的气氛一天赛过一天,

华北大部分地区在腊月初八这天有用醋泡蒜的习俗。 译文参考: Laba garlic bulbs in the north,particularly in North China,a custom. As the name suggests,at the eighth daytime of the twelfth lunar day the Chinese people are apt to cook garlic.In fact,the materials is very easy, that is,vinegar and garlic petal.Approach is extremely simple too,the rinded garlic cloves can be sealed into a jar,flasks and the favor inside the container,then pour vinegar,sealed port into a cold location. Slowly, the garlic drenched in vinegar ambition turn green,and finally transform entire body green as emerald jade.Old Beijing human,1 to the eighth daytime of the twelfth lunar month,one day outdo the air of Chinese New Year day in most parts of north China this day be serviceable in the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month vinegar and garlic bulbs custom. 解析: 大蒜:garlic


2010考研翻译笔记(主讲:唐静) 一、考研翻译的三大基本问题 (一)考研翻译的解题“奥秘” 做真题,而不是看翻译 做翻译=写汉字 (二)考研翻译的题型、命题原则和考试容 1、题型 ①大的方面:主观题——汉字书写工整 ②小的方面:阅读题 没有必要通读全文 有些情况下,需要阅读划线句子的上下文 划线句子有代词,需要读上下文 2、命题原则 ①体裁偏向学术文献,比较抽象 ②题材偏向文科领域(1998年理科的) ③划线的句子长30个字左右,为长难句 3、考试容=考点 1)考察专有名词、词组和多义词的解释 (1)专有名词 人名、地名、国家名称、术语、组织机构名称(2)专业术语 Big Bang大爆炸理论 inflationary universe theory宇宙膨胀理论(3)学科术语 anthropoloist人类学家 anthropological人类学的 inflationary universe theory宇宙膨胀理论 SARS非典 (4)词组 as……as by means of home appliances家用电器die out灭绝 (5)多义词: school 学派before以前serve起作用 life 生命、生活 (6)熟词生义 set (成套)设备;集、集合 offend 冒犯;排污超标;污染超标particle 粒子(7)生词:超纲词 2)考察一般性翻译技巧,包括词序调整、词义选择 A、词序调整:即改变英语单词在汉语译文中的先后顺序 46)Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe. 在联系不同民族和国家方面,电视也许以前没有像在最近欧洲事件中起如此重大的作用。 例如:I studied very hard in the classroom at 6 every morning. 我每天早晨六点钟在教室认真学习。 B、词义选择:即选择一个单词的意思来翻译,解决单词问题(单词不认识怎么办) 词义选择的方法: a、分析词根、词缀 multimedia 多媒体,传媒determinism 决定论methodology 方法论anthropological 人类学的 b、分析上下文来翻译: ①借生词的上下文来造句 人类有能力______环境(改造/征服/适应)Television is one of the meas.(电视是一种工具/方式/媒介)②借助上下文或根据汉语习惯做同义替换 aspect方面 P1-74) However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascinating and delightful aspects. deal with 处理,解决aspect在这里为“问题” P10-50) In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unit ed we stand, divided we fall” 处理挑战?deal with在这里为“应对/解决” 在应对(面对/解决)如此大规模的挑战的时候,… P1-74) However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascinating and delightful aspects. 优雅的系统?elegant“完善的、完美的、优良的”3)考察具体句型的翻译 包括定语从句、状语从句、被动结构 (三)考研翻译的方法 直译为主,适当意译直译不等于死译 考研翻译的标准和步骤: 1、标准:准确、通顺、完整;严复:信、达、雅 傅雷:神似;钱钟书:化境 2、衡量的方式:读 3、翻译步骤: 第一步:通读全句、查找连接 第二步:分析成分、划分意群 第三步:选择词义、表达贴切 第四步:适当调整、书写译文 考研翻译步骤例题:P7 61)One difficulty is that / almost all of what is called behavioral science / continues to trace behavior to / states of mind ,feelings ,traits of character ,human nature ,and so on. 第一步:通读全句、查找连接 第二步:分析全句,划分译群 主语:one difficulty 谓语:is that引导的表语从句从句的主语:almost all of what is called behavioral science(被动)谓语:continues 第一个to:不定式的符号第二个to:介词的符号,后接名词4个名词:states of mind ,feelings ,traits of character ,human nature作并列宾语 第三步:选择词义表达 1、one 一个difficulty 困难is 是that almost 几乎all 所有what is called 被称之为behavioral science 行为科学continue 继续trace sth. to sth. ;trace:追踪、跟踪behavior 行为第二个to 到states of mind 心理状态feelings感觉、感情、情感character 性格train 特征human 人类nature大自然;本性and so on 等等 第四步:适当调整、书写译文 2、one 一个difficulty 困难is 是→在于that almost 几乎all 所有what is called 被称之为→所谓的behavioral science 行为科学……(不通顺) 3、one 一个 is 是→在于that almost 几乎what is called 被称之为→所谓的行为科学……(不通顺) 4、将all放在behavioral science 后:一个困难在于所谓的行为科学几乎全部都(加上)continue继续trace sth. to sth. ;trace:追踪、跟踪behavior 行为第二个to 到……(不对劲) 5、第二个to 到换为根据:一个困难在于所谓的行为科学几乎全部都continue继续trace sth. to sth. ;trace:追踪、跟踪behavior 行为第二个to 根据……(还不对劲) 6、第二个to 根据放到trace跟踪前:一个困难在于所谓的行为科学几乎全部都根据心理状态情感性


考博英语翻译笔记 倒装和分割结构 为了强调句子的某些部分,或是为了保持句子平衡,英语中常常使用倒装。大体说来,倒装可以分为主谓倒装和非主谓倒装。主谓倒装里又分为完全倒装和部分倒装。在翻译的时候,既可以按照主谓语的顺序翻译,也可以按照字面意思翻译。非主谓倒装只是将强调部分前置,以保持句子平衡或是起强调作用。翻译时可以采用顺序译法或是倒序译法。 1. For example, they do not compensate for social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances. 分析:本句中had he grown up under more favorable circumstances 属于部分倒装。正常语序为:if he had grown up under more favorable circumstances 。在正式文体中,可以将虚拟条件句中的if 省略,并将助动词提前。 译文:例如,它们(指测试)并不弥补社会的不公,因此不能说明一个贫困青年,要是在比较有利的境况下长大,会有多大才干。 2. Nonstop waves of immigrants played a role, too and so did bigger crops of babies as yesterday's “baby boom ” generation reached its child-bearing years. 分析:该句中so did bigger crops of babies 属于语法倒装。用so 来代替前述肯定句谓语部分所说情况。 译文:不间断的移民浪潮也起了作用——而且随着昔日在“ 生育高峰期” 出生的 一代人达到生育年龄,婴儿的出生数量增加了,这同样起了作用。 3. Much as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in thoroughness, whatever the job. 分析:该句的Much as I have traveled 是一个由as 引导的让步状语从句。相当于though I have traveled much ,但语气要比后者强。这种结构要求部分倒装。 译文:我虽然见多识广,但还从未见过比她细心的人,不管什么职业 4. Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar can you write correctly. 分析:相信大家对这种结构都不陌生。Only 后加副词、介词、状语从句时要用部分倒装。但是要注意的是,如果only 修饰的不是状语,则不用倒装。 译文:只有很好地掌握了语法知识,写出来的东西才会正确。 5. Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West . 分析:当句首是否定副词或含有否定词的词语时,一般要部分倒装。 译文:1980 年哪里的人口普查统计资料也不如远西地区的更能生动地说明美国人对宽敞的生活环境的追求。 6. Hardly had he began to speak when the audience interrupted him. 分析:hardly…when的结构表示“冈U…就…”。含有这种结构的句子常将hardly 置于句首,而采用部分倒装的语序。此外,hardly分句中一般采用过去完成时,而when (或before )分句中使用过去时。还有,与hardly…when… 结构类似的用法还有barely (scarcely)…whe n … 译文:他刚开始讲,听众就打断了他的话。 7. To such length did she go in rehearsal that two actors walked out.


四川大学2012考博英语真题及答案详解 阅读 1)Sign has become a scientific hot button. Only in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realized that signed languages are unique—a speech of the hand. They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy: whether language, complete with grammar, is something that we are born With, or whether it is a learned behavior. The current interest in sign language has roots in the pioneering work of one rebel teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington, D. C., the world’s only liberal arts university for deaf people. When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English, the school enrolled him in a course in signing. But Stokoe noticed something odd: among themselves, students signed differently from his classroom teacher. Stokoe had been taught a sort of gestural code, each movement of the hands representing a word in English. At the time, American Sign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than a form of pidgin English (混杂英语). But Stokoe believed the “hand talk” his students used looked richer. He wondered: Might deaf people actually: have a genuine language? And could that language be unlike any other on Earth? I t was 1955, when even deaf people dismissed their signing a s “substandard”. Stokoe’s idea was academic heresy (异端邪说). It is 37 years later. Stokoe—now devoting his time to writing and editing books and journals and to producing video materials on ASL and the deaf culture—is having lunch at a cafe near the Gallaudet campus and explaining how he started a revolution. For decades educators fought his idea that signed languages are natural languages like English, French and Japanese. They assumed language must be based on speech, the modulation (调节) of sound. But sign language is based on the movement of hands, the modulation of space. “What I said,” Stokoe explains, “is that language is not mouth stuff—it’s brain stuff.” 21. The study of sign language is thought to be _____C___. A) a new way to look at the learning of language B) a challenge to tradi t ional, views on the nature of language C) an approach: to simplifying the grammatical structure of a language D) an attempt to clarify misunderstanding about the origin of language(C) 22. The, present growing interest in sign language was stimulated by ___C_____. A) a famous scholar in the study of the human brain B) a leading specialist in the study of liberal arts C) an English teacher in a university for the deaf D) some senior experts in American Sign Language(C) 23. According to Stokoe, sign language is _____B___. A) a Substandard language B) a genuine language C) an artificial language D) an international language(B)


2012年考博考试英语翻译策略 无论是英汉翻译,还是汉英翻译,就翻译的过程而言,只有两个:一是对原文的理解,二是用译文来表达。 汉英翻译三步策略之一:定主语 1.翻译的单位 在翻译中,最小的翻译单位是什么?是篇章吗?是段落吗?是句子吗?是单词吗?甚至是音节吗?这是一个翻译理论家长期以来争论不休的一个话题。现在大多数翻译家、翻译理论家和翻译实践家都趋向于以篇章或者是整个问题为基本的翻译单位。但是,对于初学翻译的人来说,或者那些根本没有掌握翻译的人,要去应付一个翻译考试的时候,笔者认为,句子可能是最好的翻译单位。 什么是句子?或者具体说来,在汉英翻译中,要把汉语翻译成英语,究竟什么是英语的句子? 柯林斯词典对英语句子的定义是这样的:A sentence is a group of words which,when they are written down,begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop,question mark or exclamation mark. Most sentences contain a subject and a verb.具体说来,英语的句子可以这样来定义:一个句子就是一组词,在书面语中,每一个句子首词的第一个字母大写,句末用句号、问号或者感叹号;大多数句子有主语和谓语。 根据英语句子的定义,我们可以清楚的知道,英语的句子中,大多数句子都有主语和谓语。那么汉英翻译,只要我们能把汉语转变成为准确通顺的英语,就需要搭建英语的主语和谓语等句式结构。而英语本身语法非常严谨,逻辑非常严密的特点,所以,在汉英翻译中,主语的确定和谓语的选择就是成功构建英语句式结构的关键,也是保证英语译文和汉语原文功能对等的关键。 2.确定汉语原文的主语为英语译文的主语 1)把汉语原文中的主语直接翻译成英语充当译文的主语,这是一种最简单、最可靠的对应方法,也是我们做汉英翻译“定主语”的时候首先应该考虑的方法。如: 例1.当前,国际形势正经历着自冷战结束以后最复杂、最深刻的变化。(中国


General English Admission Test For Non-English Major Ph.D. program (Harbin Institute of Technology) Passage One Questions 1-7 are based on the following passage: According to a recent theory, Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems were formed over two billion years ago from magmatic fluids that originated from molten granitelike bodies deep beneath the surface of the Earth. This theory is contrary to the widely held view that the systems were deposited from metamorphic fluids, that is, from fluids that formed during the dehydration of wet sedimentary rocks. The recently developed theory has considerable practical importance. Most of the gold deposits discovered during the original gold rushes were exposed at the Earth’s surface and were found because the y had shed trails of alluvial gold that were easily traced by simple prospecting methods. Although these same methods still leas to an occasional discovery, most deposits not yet discovered have gone undetected because they are buried and have no surface expression. The challenge in exploration is therefore to unravel the subsurface geology of an area and pinpoint the position of buried minerals. Methods widely used today include analysis of aerial images that yield a broad geological overview, geophysical techniques that provide data on the magnetic, electrical, and mineralogical properties of the rocks being investigated, and sensitive chemical tests that are able to detect : the subtle chemical halos that often envelop mineralization. However, none of these high-technology methods are of any value if the sites to which they are applied have never mineralized, and to maximize the chances of discovery the explorer must therefore pay particular attention to selecting the ground formations most likely to be mineralized. Such ground selection relies to varying degrees on conceptual models, which take into account theoretical studies of relevant factors. These models are constructed primarily from empirical observations of known mineral deposits and from theories of ore-forming processes. The explorer uses the models to identify those geological features that are critical to the formation of the mineralization being modeled, and then tries to select areas for exploration that exhibit as many of the critical features as possible. 1. The author is primarily concerned with . A. advocating a return to an older methodology. B. explaining the importance of a recent theory. C. enumerating differences between two widely used methods D. describing events leading to a discovery 2. According to passage, the widely held view of Archean-age gold-quartz vein


育明考博 免费咨询报名电话:400-668-6978咨询QQ:493371626(李老师) 2015考博QQ交流群105619820 2015考博QQ英语群335488903 2015考博QQ专业课群157460416 2015长安大学考博英语分析 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。其实这样还是比较好的一种回答,最起码导师没有骗你而且给你机会去证明自己,考的好就可以上。 (3)、你的研究方向和我一样......各种一大堆他的研究方向和你相关,欢迎报考什么的话。不


考博英语练习题 1. Daily nutrition, weight, and physical activities in the family will largely determine whether your children are _____ to children diabetes. A. likely B. susceptible C. influential D. Sustainable 2. The accusations we bring against others should be ____ ourselves; they should not ____ complacency and easy judgments on our part concerning our own moral conduct. A. denigration of.., exclude B. instructions to... equate C. parodies of... satirize D. warnings to... justify 【翻译练习】 1、英译汉参考译文 The researchers, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, say when people are living together they share behaviors, such as eating meals together and watching TV. The scientists also note that marriage provides a number of health benefits, including decreased cigarette smoking and lower mortality. 2、汉译英 举行的峰会可以促进六国之间的友好合作关系。 【参考答案】 1.B 【句子大意】每日汲取的营养成分,体重和在家锻炼很大程度上决定您的孩子是否容易患上儿童糖尿病。 【精析】likely“很可能的,合适的”;susceptible“易受影响的”;influential“有影响的,有势力的”;sustainable“可以忍受的,足可支撑的”;故选B项。 2.D 【句子大意】那些对他人的控告应该视为对我们自己的一个警告;我们不能够仅凭自身道德行径就有理由去妄下定论并且骄傲自满。 【精析】denigration of 诋毁,贬损;exclude排除,排斥;instructions教导,说明;equate使相等,视为平等;parodies of模仿,效仿;satirize讽刺,挖苦;Warnings to 警告;justify证明合法。根据原文,可根据第一句话,首先排除AC选项,对他人的控告不能是对自身的一种诋毁,或效仿。故选D项。 【翻译参考答案】 1、英译汉参考译文 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)的研究人员说,两个人生活在一起就会一同行动,比如说一块儿吃饭看电视。科学家们还强调,婚姻会带来许多健康方面的好处,比如说少抽烟,死亡率也会降低。 2、汉译英参考答案 The Summit Sessions held in Shanghai could foster better relations and cooperation between the six counties. ===============================================================================


我的一个好朋友最近接受了白血病测试。她对我说,最令人痛苦的折磨就是苦苦等待测试结果的那一周时间。我朋友说,她可能会学着直面坏结果。但真正让人煎熬焦虑的是那种茫然的感觉。 孟克(Edvard Munch)的名画《呐喊》哈佛大学心理学家吉尔伯特(Daniel Gilbert)不久前在《纽约时报》(New York Times)的专栏中写道,不知道要发生什么坏事比知道什么坏事要发生的感觉更糟。我们大多数人之所以会夜不能寐、抽烟发泄,并不是因为道琼斯指数要再跌1000点,而是因为我们不知道道指会不会下跌──不确定的感觉比不确定的事情本身更折磨人。【英文】 A close friend of mine recently underwent tests for leukemia. The most agonizing part of the ordeal, she said, was the week-long wait for the test results. A bad outcome she could learn to cope with, my friend said. It was the not knowing, the uncertainty, that was so difficult. 'People feel worse when something bad might occur than when something bad will occur,' wrote Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert in a recent New York Times op-ed. 'Most of us aren't losing sleep and sucking down Marlboros because the Dow is going to fall another thousand points, but because we don't know whether it will fall or not ─ and human beings find uncertainty more painful than the things they're uncertain about.'


北京语言大学考博英语真题及其解析Directions:You are going to read a list of headings and a text about preparing in the academic community.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraph(41-45).The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered.There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10points) Long before Man lived on the Earth,there were fishes,reptiles, birds,insects,and some mammals.Although some of these animals were ancestors of kinds living today,others are now extinct,that is,they have no descendants alive now. 41Very occasionally the rocks show impression of skin,so that, apart from color,we can build up a reasonably accurate picture of an animal that died millions of years ago.That kind of rock in which the remains are found tells us much about the nature of the original land,often of the plants that grew on it,and even of its climate. 42Nearly all of the fossils that we know were preserved in rocks formed by water action,and most of these are of animals that lived in or near water.Thus it follows that there must be many kinds of mammals,birds,and insects of which we know noting.Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi. 43There were also crablike creatures,whose bodies were covered

2013年 同济大学 考博英语翻译原文

同济大学2013年考博英语翻译 I am far from thinking, that all those, who have depreciated our species, have been enemies to virtue, and have exposed the frailties of their fellow creatures with any bad intention. On the contrary, I am sensible that a delicate sense of morals, especially when attended with a splenetic temper, is apt to give a man a disgust of the world, and to make him consider the common course of human affairs with too much indignation. I must, however, be of opinion, that the sentiments of those,who are inclined to think favourably of mankind, are more advantageous to virtue, than the contrary principles, which give us a mean opinion of our nature. When a man is prepossessed with a high notion of his rank and character in the creation, he will naturally endeavour to act up to it, and will scorn to do a base or vicious action, which might sink him below that figure which he makes in his own imagination. Accordingly we find, that all our polite and fashionable moralists insist upon this topic, and endeavour to represent vice as unworthy of man, as well as odious in itself. We find few disputes, that are not founded on some ambiguity in the expression; and I am persuaded, that the present dispute, concerning the dignity or meanness of human nature, is not more exempt from it than any other. It may, therefore, be worth while to consider, what is real, and what is only verbal, in this controversy.

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