当前位置:文档之家› 英语一级口试题




(1)Visiting a Park (She went to the park last week)

1.Park? 人民公园Where did you

go?//People’s Park.

2.Day? 周五周六周日What day

was it?//It was Sunday.

3.By? 自行车大巴How did you go

there?//By bike.

4.Do? 照相散步打球What did

you do?//I took photos.

5.Long? 两小时半天How long did

you spend?//For two hours.

(2)A favorite City

1.P eople? City? 北京上海广州What’s your favo(u)rite city?//Beijing.

2.W eather? 常晴常下雨常下雪What’s the weather like there?或How is the weather there?//It often rains.

3.F avorite food? 鱼鸡What’s your

favo(u)rite food?//Chicken.

4.P lace of interests? 颐和园山What’s the place of interest there?//The Summer Palace.

5.p eople? 700万900万How many people are there?//Seven million. (3) Buying a TV set (She bought a TV set) 1.time? 五月六日When did you buy?//On May the sixth.

2.store? 友谊商场Where did you buy?//At Friendship Store.

3.price? 4800 6500How much is it?//Four thousand eight hundred.

4.make? 中国日本Where was it made?

5. sent home? 昨天下午今天上午When was it sent home?//Yesterday afternoon. (4)Buying a Present (He bought a present last weekend)

1. for? 妈妈老师Whom did you buy for?//My mother.

2. reason? 新年生日Why did you buy

it?//Because it was my mother’s birthday. 3. buy? 书花What did you buy?//Some flowers.

4. place? 超市Where did you buy?//In supermarket.

5. pay? 50 100 How much did you pay?//Fifty yuan.

(5) A visit (She visited someone last weekend)

1. visit? 老师朋友Whom did you visit?//My friend.

2.with? 家人同学Whom did you go with?//My classmate.

3. time? 上午下午晚上When did you visit?//In the morning.

4. do? 吃饭踢球What did you do?//We had dinner.

5. long? 一小时半天How long did you spend?//An hour.

(6)Repairing a computer

1. wrong? 噪音不开机What’s wrong with it?//It doesn’t work.

2. day? 周五周六When did you repair the computer?//On Friday.

3. with? 同学朋友Whom did you go with?//My classmate.

4. by? 的士大巴How did you get there?//By taxi.

5. pay? 100元350元How much did you spend?//One hundred yuan.

(7)A dinner with a friend

1. friend? Mary Frank Who is your friend?//Mary.

2. day? 周五周日What day was it?//Friday.

3. place? 家餐厅公园Where did you have dinner?//In the park.

4. food? 中餐西餐What did you eat?//Western food.

5. price? 100元300元How much did you spend?//Three hundred yuan.

(8)Learning English

1. start? 一年前三年前When did you start to learn English?//Three years ago.

2. teach? 男老师女老师Who teaches you English?//A woman teacher.

3. with? 家人朋友Whom do you learn with?//My family.

4. practice? 学校家Where did you practice your English?//At school.

5. feel? 高兴不高兴How do you feel?//Happy.

(9)Fixing a watch

1. wrong? 太慢太快停了What’s wrong with it?//Too slow.

2. day? 周五周六When did you fix it?//On Saturday.

3. place? 超市Where did you fix it?//In supermarket.

4. ready? 三小时后两天后When will you get ready to pick it up?//After three hours.(注意hour中的”h”不发音)

5. pay? 20元

(10)Visiting a teacher (He visited his teacher yesterday)

1. time? 上午下午When did you

visit your teacher?//In the afternoon.

2. teacher? 语文体育Which subject does your teacher teach?//Chinese.

3. for? 问问题生病Why did you visit your teacher?//Because I want to ask some questions.

4. with? 同学Whom did you go with?//My classmates.

5. talk? 课堂打球旅游What did you talk about?//Traveling.

(11)Going to the library ( She went to the library yesterday)

1. go? 上午下午When did you go to the library?//In the morning.

2. by? 自行车走路How did you get there?//By bike.

3. with? 同学父母Whom did you go with?//My parents.

4. do? 读报看书What did you do?//I did some reading.

5. stay? 两个多小时一天How long did you stay?//More than two hours.

(12)On mother’s day (How will you spend Mother’s Day)

1. date? 5月11日What’s the date of Mother’s Day?//On May the eleventh.

2. place? 家里饭馆公园Where will you spend Mother’s Day?//At home.

3. have? 中餐西餐What will you you eat?//Chinese food.

4. with? 家人爸爸Whom will you spend with?//My father.

5. gift? 花卡衣服What will you buy for your mother?//Some flowers.(13)Go fishing

1. place? 公园海边Where do you go fishing?//In the park.

2. often? 每周一次How often do you go fishing?//Once a week.

3. with? 朋友Whom do you go with?//My friend.

4. time? 早上下午When do you go fishing?//In the afternoon.

5. long? 两小时半天How long do you spend?//Two hours.

(14)Talk about your uncle

1. age? 30岁40岁How old is he?//Thirty.

2. tall/short? 高矮What’s the height of him?//He is short.

3. job? 教师医生经理What does he do?//He is a teacher.

4. live? 家乡珠海When does he live?//In Zhuhai.

5. hobby? 跳舞游泳钓鱼What’s his hobby?//Dancing.

(15)Buying vegetables

1. time? 昨天下午When did you buy?//Yesterday afternoon.

2. by? 走路骑车How did you go there?//On foot.

3. place? 市场超市Where did you buy?//In the market.

4. vegetable? 西红柿土豆What did you buy?//Potatoes.

5. pay? 20元50元How much did you spend?//Twenty yuan.

(16)Playing football (He played football last week)

1. day? 周一周二When did you play football?//On Monday.

2. place? 操场公园Where did you play?//On playground.

3. with? 同学Whom did you play with?//My classmates.

4. long? 一下午How long did you spend?//The whole afternoon.

5. feel? 累高兴How did you feel?//Tired.

(17) A store

1. place? 市中心Where is the store?//In the center of the city.

2. set up? 2003年When was it set up?//In two thousand and three.

3. sell? 衣服食品What do it sell?//Some clothes.

4. come? 同学妈妈Whom did

you go with?//My mother.

5. open? 上午9:00---晚上10:00 When is it open?//From nine o’clock in the morning to ten o’clock in the evening. (18) Morning Exercises (She does morning exercises every day)

1. get up? 六点七点When do you usually get up?//At six o’clock.

2. wear? 运动服What do you wear?//Sportswears.

3. place? 公园家Where do you do morning exercises?//At home.

4. with? 父母Whom do you do with?//My parents.

5. long? 半小时How long do you spend?//Half an hour.

(19)Going to a class ( She goes to a class these days)

1. learn? ABC music What do you learn about?//Music.

2. people? 40 人How many people are there?//Forty.

3. place? 学校Where do you have class?//At school.

4. often? 一周一次How often do you go to the class?//Once a week.

5. feel 好不好How do you feel?//Good.

(20) Taking pictures (He took many pictures this month)

1. place? 庐山杭州Where did you take pictures?//In Hangzhou.

2. date? 一月5日When did you take pictures?//On January the fifth.

3. picture? 山海边人What are the pictures about?//Mountains.

4. number? 几十张几百张How many pictures did you take?//Hundreds.

5. camera? 佳能爱国者What kind of the camera did you use?//Canon.

(21) Reading a book ( He has read a book) 1. book? 三毛飘故事书What books have you read?

2. writer? 韩寒三毛Who is the writer

of the book?

3. about? 爱情故事动物What’s the book about?

4. page? 280页How many pages are there?//Two hundred and eighty.

5. read? 两天一周How long have you read?//For two days.

(22) A meeting (He went to a meeting last week)

1. day? 周五When did you go to the meeting?//On Friday.

2. place? 北京上海Where did you hold the meeting?//In Beijing.

3. about? 天气变化老年健康What’s the meeting about?//Old people’s health.

4. people? 30人How many people are there?//Thirty.

5. last? 两天How long did it last?//For two days.

(23) Going to the bank (He went to the bank yesterday)

1. bank? 中国平安Which bank did

you go?//Bank of China.

2. go? 上午10点When did you go?//At ten o’clock in the morning.

3. do? 存钱缴费取钱What did you do?//I saved money.

4. by? 骑车大巴How did you go there?//By bike.

5. stay? 半小时How long did you stay?//For half an hour.

(24)Buying a bag (She bought a bag )

1. store? 超市市场Where did you buy?//In supermarket.

2. price? 200 300 How much did it cost?//Two hundred yuan.

3. color? 红黑What’s the colo(u)r of the bag?//Red.

4. make? 中国英国Where was it made?//In China.

5. use? 上学上班旅游What is it used for?//For traveling.

(25)Buying a magazine ( She has bought a magazine)

1. day? 周六When did you buy?//On Saturday.

2. place? 书店Where did you buy?//In the bookshop.

3. price? 十元How much did it cost?//Ten yuan.

4. about? 音乐电脑What is it about?//Music.

5. language? 英文中文Which language of the magazine?//English.

(26)Sing songs (She went to sing songs last week)

1. begin? 晚上八点When did it begin?//At eight o’clock in the evening.

2. with? 同学Whom did you go with?//My classmates.

3. place? KTV Where did you sing songs?//In the KTV.

4. long? 两小时How long did you spend?//For two hours.

5. cost? 100元How much did it cost?//One hundred yuan.

(27)Buying a camera (She has bought a camera)

1. place? 超市Where did you buy the camera?//In supermarket.

2. time? 上周When did you buy?//Last week.

3. price? 1000元How much did it cost?//One thousand yuan.

4. make? 中国美国Where was it made?//In America.

5. color? 黑色红色What’s the colo(u)r of the camera?//Black.

(28)Buying a book ( He has bought a book)

1. about? 故事语文What’s the book about?//Chinese.

2. day? 周五周六When did you buy it?//On Friday.

3. place? 外文书店儿童书店Where did you buy?//Foreign language bookstore.

4. language? 中文英文Which language of the book?//Chinese.

5. price? 20元50元How much did it cost?//Twenty yuan.

(29)Meeting a friend (He met a friend last week)

1. day? 周五周六When did you meet your friend?//On Friday.

2. place? 超市车站Where did you met your friend?//At the bus stop.

3. name? 王玉李丽What’s the name of your friend?//Wang Yu.

4. do? 购物吃饭What did you do?//We went shopping.

5. long? 两小时How long did you spend?//For two hours.

(30) A new building (There is a new building near her home)

1. finish? 上个月When was it finished?//Last month.

2. floor? 六层How many floors are there?//Six.

3. color? 白色What’s the colo(u)r of the building?//White.

4. use? 办公宾馆What is it used for?//For hotel.

5. cost? 800万How much did it cost?//Eight millions.



公共英语一级真题2016年03月 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、图片判断。本节中,你将听到10个句子,每个句产配有[A]、[B]、[C]三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每句话读两遍。 (总题数:1,分数:10.00) (分数:10.00) √ 解析:I always read books on Sundays. √ 解析:My favorite sport is football. √ 解析:My sister took some photos yesterday. √ 解析:I' d like to buy a pair of sport shoes. √ 解析:These eggs are not very expensive.

√ 解析:My father goes to work by taxi every morning. √ 解析:There are many McDonald' s in China. C.[*] √ 解析:I think we should find a hotel. √ 解析:My mother watches TV every evening. √ 解析:I' d like 6 stamps for airmail, please ! 二、对话应答。在本节中,你将听到l0个话语,请从A.、B.、C.三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每个话语后有l0秒钟的停顿,以便选择答案和阅读下一个小题的选项。每个话语读两遍。(总题数:10,分数:10.00) A.I'm very well. B.It's 62558789.√ C.That's good. 解析:Could I have your telephone number, please? https://www.doczj.com/doc/5118069808.html,e in, please. B.It' s nothing. C.oh, sorry. √ 解析:May I borrow your computer? A.of course.√ B.I'm ok. C.Thanks. 解析:Excuse me. Can I take a seat here?


一、交际英语 1.--Have a cup of tea, ? --Thanks a lot. A don’t you B haven’t you C shall me D will you 2.-- ? --He is not very well. A Who is he B What is he C How is he D Who he is 3.—Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? -- . A Excuse me, my frie nd sent me a flower B Fine, I never go to birthday parties C Well, I don’t like birthday parties D Sorry, but my wife had a car accident 4.—This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. -- A You may ask for help B I’ll give you a hand C Please do me a favor D I’d come to help 5. -Could I ask you a rather personal question? -Of course, . A good idea B that’s right C never mind D go ahead 二、词汇与结构 6.I don’t know the park, but it’s to be quite beautiful. A.said B.old C.spoken D.talked 7.Mike is better than Peter swimming. A.for B.at C.on D.in 8.The young lady coming over to us our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that! A.must be B.can be C.woul be D.could be 9.Had you come five minutes earlier, you the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A.Would catch B.would have caught C.Could catch D.Should catch 10.Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have of fat. A.a large number of B.the large number C.a large amount D.the large amount 三、阅读理解 Passage 1 Snowflakes look like white stars falling from the sky. But there have been times when snow has looked red, green, yellow, or black. There have been snowflakes of almost every color. Think how it would seem to have colored snowflakes coming down all around you. Black snow fell in France one year. Another year grey snow fell in Japan. It was found that the snow was mixed with ashes. his made it look dark. Red snow had come down in other countries. When this happened, the snow was mixed with red dust. Most snow looks white, but it is really the color of ice. Snow is ice that comes from snow cloud. Each snowflake begins with a small drop of frozen water. More water forms around this drop. The way the water freezes gives the snowflakes its shape. No two snowflakes are ever just the same size or shape. Sometimes the snowflakes are broken when they come down. Other snowflakes melt as they fall. All snowflakes are flat and have six


全国英语等级考试第一级 PUBLIC ENGLISH TEST SYSTEM (PETS)LEVEL 1 2 0 1 6年3月笔试真卷 笔试部分答题时间:90分钟 第一部分听力 第一节图片判断 在本节中,你将听到l0个句子,每句话配有A.、B.、C.三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有10秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每句话读两遍。 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 第二节对话应答 在本节中,你将听到l0个话语,请从A.、B.、C.三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每个话语后有l0秒钟的停顿,以便选择答案和阅读下一个小题的选项。每个话语读两遍。 11.A. I'm very well. B. It's 62558789. C. That's good. 12. A. Come in, please. B. It' s nothing. C. oh, sorry. 13. A. of course. B. I'm ok. C. Thanks. 14. A. You' re welcome. B. Yes, you can. C. Very good. 15. A. All right. B. It's kind. C. It's Monday. 16. A. It's6:00 a.m.

B. It's snowing. C. I'd like to drink. 17. A. Sorry, I can't. B. Yes, certainly. C. Not very good. 18. A. He's busy. B. Thank you. C. All right. 19. A. Drive a car. B. About 30 minutes. C. By air. 20. A. What can I do for you? B. Eight people. C. Certainly. 第三节对话理解 在本节中,你将听到l0段对话,每段对话有一个问题。请从A.、B.、C.三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有l0秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 21. How much did Mr. Johnson pay for the shirt? A. 12 dollars. B. 6 dollars. C. 3 dollars. 22. What' s the woman? A. The man' s girlfriend. B.A salesgirl. C. A customer. 23. What color does the woman like? A. Red. B. Pink. C. Yellow. 24. What' s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Doctor and patient. B. Customer and waiter. C. Conductor and passenger. 25. What does the woman think of the hotel? A. Noisy. B. Worst. C. Comfortable. 26. Where is the headquarter? A.In Beijing. B. In New York. C. In London. 27. What does the woman mean? A. It' s too late now.


大学英语 3 级考试真题 一、听力测试(本大题满分25 分,每小题 1 分 ) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 听下面的 8 段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题 A 、B 、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 听每段对话只读一遍。 1.What color skirt does Linda like? A. Red. B. Green. C. Blue. 2. How is the weather now? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. 3. How did they spend their weekend? A. They had a school trip. B. They cleaned up the street. C. They studied for a test. 4. Where will Peter go on vacation? A. To Canada. B. To Australia. C. To Japan. 5. What does Mike’ s father want him to be? A. A soldier. B. A pilot. C. A doctor. 6. Who will repair the bicycle? A. Bill's brother. B. Mrs. Brown's brother. C. Bill. 7. How much is the jacket now? A. 60 dollars. B. 90 dollars. C. 120 dollars. 8. What do we know about Jenny from the conversation? A. She is worried about a coming test. B. She is working hard at physics. C. She didn't pass the recent test. 第二节 下面你将听到 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个与你听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。对话或独白读两遍。 听第一段材料回答 9 至 11 小题。 9. How many people will sit at the table? Xk b https://www.doczj.com/doc/5118069808.html, A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 10. What is the restaurant famous for? A. Noodles. B. Chicken soup. C. Dumplings. 11. What would they like to drink? A. Fish soup. B. Beer and coke. C. Milk. 听第二段材料回答第12 至 14 小题。 12. Have the speaker ever seen each other? A. Yes, they have. B. No, they haven't. C. We don't know. 13. How often does Lucy play tennis? A. Twice a week. B. Every morning. C. Never. 14. When may they meet again? A. Next morning. B. Next weekend. C. Next weekday. 听第三段材料回答第15 至 17 小题。 15. What's the relationship ( 关系 ) between the two speakers? A. Friends. B. Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter


大学英语一级口语考试题型及样题 1、试卷构成 大学英语一级口语考试由四个部分构成: Part I Read aloud (20%) Part II Describe pictures (20%) Part III State opinions (30%) Part IV Answer questions (30%) 2、试卷各部分所考核的内容、答题方式及评分标准 1)Read aloud 第一部分的内容共5句话,其中3句话选自一级综合教程《新视野大学英语读写教程》,2句话涉及英语绕口令与名人名言,总长度为100个词左右。要求学生用正确的语音语调流利地进行朗读。评分标准为:语音占5%;语调占5%;流利程度占10%。 2)Describe pictures 第二部分给考生1分钟思考所给图片的内容,然后在2分钟内描述该图片。主要考查学生《新视野大学英语听说教程》与《Inside out》教材中某一单元的内容掌握情况,鼓励学生将所学内容运用于实践。评分标准为:词汇结构占5%;语言连贯占5%;内容完整占10%。 3)State opinions (30%) 第三部分要求学生基于所提供的关键词,就某个话题阐述自己的观点。要求学生的回答能围绕关键词,表达完整,观点明晰。评分标准为:词汇结构占5%;语言连贯占5%;内容完整占10%,观点明晰占10%。4)Answer questions (30%) 第四部分的内容选自听说教程的某一单元,或某几个单元。就这(些)单元的主题提出问题供学生回答。学生的回答必须切题、清楚、具有逻辑性。评分标准为:词汇结构占5%;语言连贯占5%;内容完整占10%,观点明晰占10%。


2016年大学英语三级考试真题-英语三级考试A级及答案 Part II Structure (15 minutes) 第二部分结构(15分钟) Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. 方向:这部分是测试你的语法正确的句子的能力建设。它由2个部分组成。 Section A 第1课时 Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 方向:在这一节,有10个不完整的句子。您需要完成每一个决定的最适当的词或词的4个选择标记为A,B),C和D)。这个你应该在答题纸上用中间一行标出相应的字母。 16. We must find a way to cut prices ________ reducing our profits too much. A) without B) despite C) with D) for 16。我们必须找到一个方法来降低价格________减少我们的利润太多。 a)没有b)尽管c)与d) 17. She didn’t know ________ to express her ideas in English clearly in public. A) which B) why C) what D) how 17。她不知道________表达自己的想法用英语清楚的公共。A)B)为什么C)什么D)如何 18. ________ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry. A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless 18。________天气好转,我们会在旅游业的巨大损失。a)作为b)由于c)d,除非 19. We are happy at the good news ________ Mr. Black has been awarded the Best Manager. A) that B) which C) what D) whether 19。我们很高兴听到这个好消息,________布莱克先生被授予“最佳经理。A),B),C)D)是什么 20. It is important that we ________ the task ahead of time. A) will fish B) finished


全国英语等级考试(一级)模拟试题 听力(略)第一部分 英语知识运用第二部分 单项填空第一节 并在阅读下面的句子和对话,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,答题卡将该项涂黑。26. He is badly ill. We must _____ a doctor at once. C. send away B. send for A. send to . last year27. The hospital _______ C. has been built B. was built A. built into the classroom, the teacher _____something on the blackboard. came28. When I C. wrote A. is writing B. was writing 29. --How long have you been ill? -- C. Once a week A. Since last week B. A week ago 30. Everybody is here _____Mike. C. except B. and A .not understand the passage ___ there are a few new words in it. 31. We don'tC. because B. unless A. and 32. The TV set is very nice. How long have you _______it? C. taken B. had A. bought 33. --- Shall I get one more apple for you, Dad? ve had enough. '---Thanks, but you _______. It C. needn' A. may not B. must not 34. --- _________is your shirt? --- It is 100yuan. C. How long B. How much A. How many 35. He is _______kind an old man that all the children like him. C. such B. so A. very this 36. Either Jim or Sam ______going to help the farmers with the orange harvest afternoon. C. is B. were A. was . 37. We have studied for two hours. Let's stop A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest 38. We won't go to Great Wall if it ________tomorrow.


Test Seven, Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) Mary is not here, because she is ill. B) No, it isn't. C) Yes, it is. D) We are ready. 2.A) I am not hungry. B) But the price is too high. C) I like doing some cooking. D) I want to have a rest. 3.A) No, you can't. B) Yes, you can. C) I want a seat near the window. D) That's all right. 4. A) Thank you. B) I agree with you. C) Me, too. D) A little better. 5.A) It's snowing now. B) I like it. C) Yes, the grounds are white. D) it sounds good. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6.A) $16. B) $32. C) $8. D) $64. 7.A) Patient and doctor. B) Waitress and customer. C) Wife and husband. D) Secretary and boss. 8. A) Worried and frightened. B) Quite unhappy. C) Very relaxed. D) Angry with the professor. 9. A) The woman was late for coming. B) The woman asked the man to wait. C) The man was annoyed by her late coming. D) The man was quite all right. 10. A) Young people are quick in making decisions. B) They seldom stay long on one job. C) They are easy to lose jobs. D) They are too eager to succeed. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you have heard. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. Dick was a sailor on a big ship. It went to Japan and Australia, so Dick was often on the ship for some months at a time. When he (11) up in the morning and looked out, he only (12) the sea, or sometimes a port. When he was twenty-three, Dick married and bought a small (13) with a garden in his wife's town. It was (14) away from the sea. Then he had to go back to his ship, and was away (15) home for two months. He went from the port to the town by bus, and was very happy to see his wife again.


16. The local government warned the citizens water directly from the tap unless it is boiled. A) not drink B) not drinking C) do not drink D) not to drink 17. His face looks but I can’t remember his name. A) similar B) alike C) likely D) familiar 18. I went to the dentist’s yesterday, and had two teeth . A) pulling B) pulled C) be pulled D) to pull 19. One man was instantly killed and three were in a traffic accident last night. A) damaged B) harmed C) injured D) ruined 20. This is your letter to me. Do you object to the whole class? A) to my reading it B) to read it C) me to read it D) me reading it 21. The economic study on market must lay an emphasis on the relationship between supply and . A) demand B) as great as C) shortage D) sale 22. The population of the region has doubled in the past ten years. A) larger than B) as great as C) more than D) as many as 23. The company decided to a new managing system for higher efficiency. A) adjust B) adapt C) adopt D) admit 24. This is Mr. Evans, invention has helped hundreds of deaf people. A) whose B) which C) that D) whom 25. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when a previous record is . A) matched B) broken C) kept D) announced 26. the story, Mary decided that the new film was not really worth seeing. A) Have been told B) Having been told C) Being told D) Been told 27. We must our minds where to go for our holiday this year. A) make out B) make for C) make off D) make up 28. Only when he finished the task that he had made a mistake. A) he then realized B) did he realize C) does he realize D) he did realize 29. The policeman stopped my car because the engine heavy smoke. A) gave off B) gave out C) gave up D) gave away 30. I bought a new house last year, but I my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A) didn’t sell B) hadn’t sold C) haven’t sold D) don’t sell 31. Our neighbor is a helpful person he would be right there when you need help. A) so … that B) such … as C) such … that D) so … as 32. He cannot play tennis here until the manager recommends that he a member of the club. A) is B) has been C) will be D) be 33. Take the raincoat with you it rains.


全国英语一年级考试试 题 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2017年3月全国英语一级考试试题 第一节单项填空 O. John and ! made ____ agreement last Friday. A.a B.an C.the 答案[B] 31. There ____ no books ! want. A.is B.are C.have 32. My mother ardved ____ beijing two days ago. A.ia B.at C.on 33. Give me the answer ____ the question. A.of B.in C.to 34.--How. ____ do you visit your parents --About three times a year. A. much B. long C. often 35. The teacher asked me to ____ some books here. A. bring B. take C. catch 36. The doctor suggested ____ mote exercise. A.to do B. doing C.do 37.1 know the boy ____ parents are dead. A. which B. who C. whose 38. My mother is sleeping. Would you please, ____ the radio A. turn on B. turn off C. turn over 39. ____ Tom comes tomorrow, I shall ask him where he has been. A. When B. While C. As 40. Three of us will go, and the rest ____ staying, at home. A. will B. is C. are 41. She knows little English, ____ she A. don't B. does C . doesn't 42. ____ he comes, we won't be able to go. A. Without B. Unless C. Except 43. Most of us don't agree ____ the new manager. A. with B.on C.to


Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) . You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. The classroom needs______. A) clean B) to clean C) to be cleaned D) being cleaned 17.There is a nice-looking car there. I wonder ______. A) whom it belongs to B) whom does it belong to C) it belongs to whom D) whom does it belong 18. Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets ______ lived in the 19th century. A) which B) who C) those D) that 19. the population is too large, we have to take measures to control the birth rate. A) Although B) Since C) If D) Until 20. It is requested that every student ______ a paper on sustainable development. A) writes B) wrote C) writing D) write 21 .He said, "I ______ a lot of new poems by the end of last year." A) h ad already learnt B) have already learnt C) would have already learnt D) already learnt 22. As Edison grew ______, he became more and more interested in science. A) elder B) the elder C) older D) the older 23. Only in this way ______ catch up with your brothers. A) do you can B) can you C) you can D) you do can 24.No one, except his two best friends, ______ where he is. A) know B) knows C) to know D) knowing 25. Mr. John has decided that he will ______ the branch company set up in the small town. A) take over B) hand in C) put in D) lead to Section B Directions: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write .the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 26. We started the attack when the enemy (cross) ______ the river. 27.My suggestion is that we (send) ______ a few people to help the other groups. 28.I am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve)______on the design at all. 29. I prefer (live) ______ in the country rather than in a city. 30. We had difficulty (carry) ______ out the plan. 31. Not(know) ______ her address, we couldn't get in touch with her. 32.Do you know the (high) ______ of St. Paul's Cathedral. 33. The great number of traffic accidents (emphasis) ______ the need for careful driving. 34. Many modern cars are equipped with an (automatically) ______ temperature control system. 35 .That one is no good; this one is even (bad) ______. Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes) Direction: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfil. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. T ask 1 Direction:After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) or D) . You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a Single line through the center.

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