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人教版九年级英语全册教案:Unit 11 教案

人教版九年级英语全册教案:Unit 11 教案
人教版九年级英语全册教案:Unit 11 教案

Unit 11Sad movies make me cry.第一课时Section A (1a~2d)


重点单词1.drive v.迫使 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7912675007.html,tely adv.最近,不久前 3.friendship n.友谊,友

重点词组1.make me sleepy使我困倦 2.drive sb crazy…发疯3.the more…,the more越……越…… 4.yes and no好坏参半5.be friends with sb是某人的朋友 6.feel left out感觉被忽视

重点句式1.—I'd rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm


—But that music makes me sleepy.



2.Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy.等候Amy使Tina发狂。3.The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry.这部电影是如此悲伤

以致使Tina和Amy 都哭了。

4.Sad movies don't make John cry.They just make him want to leave quickly.

悲伤的电影没有让John 哭。他们只能使他想尽快离开。



1.We should spend more time with our friends to make our friendship(友谊)stronger.

2.Jim is often late for school and gets to sleep in class lately(最近).

3.This naughty baby often drives(迫使)Mrs.Smith crazy.

4.I often feel sleepy(困倦)after taking this medicine in the morning.

5.I have realized(意识到)that there is something wrong with my pet dog.


Step 1准备与热身(Preparation)

Teacher:Most of us like music.A piece of soft music makes us feel relaxed, a loud music may make us feel boring and an exciting one makes us happy and excited.What kind of music do you like? Why?


①I don't like loud music.It makes me angry.

②I like quiet music.It makes me feel at ease.


Step 2呈现与输入(Presentation)

1.要求学生看课本P81—1a部分的图片。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务。(1分钟) 2.检查答案,要求2—3名同学根据提示内容回答问题,并把学生所列举的原因写在黑板上。(3分钟)

Teacher:Which would you like to go?why?


①I'd like to go to the Blue Ocean because I don't like loud music.It makes me angry.

②I'd like to go to the Blue Ocean too because I like quiet music just like the girl in the picture does.It makes me feel at ease.

③I'd like to go to Rockin Restaurant.I like loud music.It makes me feel excited.This loud music makes me want to dance.








The soft music makes me relaxed.


I would rather stay at home.


Those awful pictures on the walls make me sad.


Step 3练习与体验(Practice)




1)She said that loud music made her crazy.

2)Loud music always makes me want_to_dance.

3)It was a really good movie, but it was so sad that it made_us_cry.

4)Sad movies don't make me cry.They just make me want_to_leave.

Step 4运用与生成(Production)





Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)


I'd rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm eating.我更喜


【点拨】句中,“'d rather”为would rather的缩写形式,意为“更愿意做……,宁可做……”。would rather后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化,其否定形式为would rather not do sth。

e.g.They would rather go fishing than stay at home.他们宁愿去钓鱼也不愿待在家里。

Mr Li would rather not listen to rock music.李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。

【拓展】表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……宁可……”,用would rather do sth than do sth表示在两者之中进行选择,相当于prefer to do…rather than do…

e.g.I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.我宁可在家看电视也不愿意去看电影。

The children would rather walk there than take a bus.孩子们宁愿步行去那里也不愿乘公共汽车。


( A )1.I ________ go to Tai'an because I like Mountain Tai very much.

A.would rather B.wouldn't rather C.would rather to D.rather

2.I __would_rather_study_here_than_go_to_the_movies__(宁愿在这里学习也不愿去看电影).

3.If you don't mind,__he_would_rather_go_there_the_day_after_tomorrow__(他宁愿后天去那里).


The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry.这部电影如此悲伤以致Tina和Amy都哭了。


e.g.This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it.这本书很有趣,人人都想看。

The doctor was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep.那个医生如此兴奋以致无法入睡。


当that引导的从句为否定句时,若从句主语与主句的主语相同,so…that可以转换为too…to结构,若从句主语与主句的主语不相同,so…that可以转换为too…for sb to…结构。

e.g.He is so young that he can't go to school.=He is too young to go to school.他太小了,不能去上学。

The box is so heavy that I can't lift it.=The box is too heavy for me to lift.这个箱子太重了,我搬不动。

(2)so…that可以转换为…enough to…结构,若从句主语与主句主语不相同,so…that可转换为…enough for sb to do…结构。

e.g.Tom is so old that he can go to school.=Tom is old enough to go to school.Tom年龄够大了,可以去上学了。

The box is light enough for the child to lift.这个盒子够轻,这个孩子可以举起来。

(3)so that有两种用法:①表示“为了……”引导目的状语从句,同in order that相近。

e.g.I got up early so that I could catch the early bus.=I got up early in order that I could catch the early bus.为了赶上早班车,我起床很早。


e.g.Please speak more loudly so that everyone can hear you.请说话声音大点儿以便让所有人都能听见你(的声音)。


( C )4.—You study ________ hard ________ you're sure to pass the exam.

—Thank you for saying so.

A.enough;to B.as;as C.so;that D.too;to

( A )5.Lin Shuhao is ________ famous ________ all the basketball fans in China know him.

A.so;that B.as;as C.too;to D.enough;to

6.Tian Shan is __so_beautiful_that__(如此美丽)it attracts lots of visitors every year.





第二课时Section A (3a~3c)


重点单词1.fame n.名声,声誉 2.pale adj.苍白的,灰白的

3.examine v.检查;检验 4.wealth n.财富

5.king n.国王;君主 6.power n.权力;力量

7.banker n.银行家

重点词组1.sleep badly睡眠很差 2.don't feel like eating不想吃


3.for no reason毫无理由 4.neither…nor…既不……也不……5.be called to the palace 应召进宫 6.have lots of power有很大的权力7.take one's position替代某人的职位8.call in 招人;叫来9.prime minister 首相;大臣10.be followed by others被人跟踪

11.in three days’time 在三天时间


1.He found nothing wrong with his body.他发现他身体没任何毛病。2.It's all in his mind,neither medicine nor rest can help him.全是他的思想问


3.Although I have a lot of power,it doesn't make me happy.尽管我有很大的


4.I have a lot of wealth,but I'm always worried about losing my money.我有许多财富,但我总是担心失去我的钱。



1.Both the tiger and the lion want to be the king (国王)of this forest. 2.My brother dreams of being a banker_(银行家)when he grows up.

3.The singer got great fame_(名誉)after singing at the concert.

4.There is a saying that knowledge is power (力量).

5.The queen wanted to ask the soldier to build a great palace(宫殿)for herself.


Step 1准备与热身(Preparation)

播放一段中央电视台的采访视频“你幸福吗?”让同学回答同样的问题,并询问什么样的人才能直正幸福?告诉同学们,今天我们就将学习一个寻找幸福的故事。(4分钟) 通过上述图片或影片的介绍,使学生对这两个短文有了一定的了解,从而达到导入新课的目的。引起学习短文的兴趣。

Step 2呈现与输入(Presesntation)



Step 3练习与体验(Practice)

1.短文内容巩固练习。教师可将这篇短文改写成小故事,将一些重点的表达方式空出。让学生在规定的时间内补全故事。然后邀请若干同学给出自己的答案。(4分钟) Once upon a time,there lived an unhappy king in a rich and beautiful country .He slept badly and didn't feel like eating.The queen and the people was very worried.They sent the most famous doctor to examine him.The doctor said nothing could help the king except a happy man's shirt.The prime minister,the banker and the palace singer were called in to the palace at once,but none_ of them said they were happy and each of them has their own worries.Finally,the king's top general was sent to find the happy man in three days' time.

Step 4运用与生成(Production)




Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)

探究点Neither medicine nor rest can help him.药物和休息都帮不了他。


e.g.She likes neither milk nor coffee.她既不喜欢牛奶也不喜欢咖啡。


e.g.Neither dad nor mum is at home today.今天父母都不在家。


e.g.Both dad and mum are at home today.今天父母都在家。


e.g.Neither of them likes football.他们两个都不喜欢足球。


e.g.—They didn't go to the park yesterday.

—Neither/Nor did we.




( D )1.________ you ________he is able to swim,but I am.

A.Both;and B.Not only;but also C.Either;or D.Neither;nor

( C )2.He can't speak French,________ can I.

A.so B.and C.nor D.but




第三课时Section A (Grammar Focus~4b)


重点单词1.grey adj.阴沉的,灰色的 2.lemon n.柠檬 3.uncomfortable adj使人


重点词组1.to start with起初 2.get the exam result back取考试成绩

3.find out发现 4.do badly做的差

5.make me nervous让我紧张 6.make me relax让我放松

7.get even better(情况)变得甚至更好了


1.Loud music makes me nervous.吵闹的音乐使我紧张。

2.Soft and quiet music makes me relax.轻柔的音乐使我放松。3.Money and fame don't always make people happy.金钱和名誉并不总能使


4.She said that the sad movie made her cry.她说悲伤的电影使她哭泣。



1.It was cloudy and g rey and the cloudy days make me unhappy. 2.When you are tired,you can listen to the s oft music.

3.I don't like sitting on the hard seat.It makes me u ncomfortable.4.Your face is pale like white p aper,you should take more exercise. 5.Knowledge is the most valuable w ealth in our life.


Step 1准备与热身(Preparation)


T:How do you make yourself happy every day?

SA:________________________________________________________________________ T:How do you make your classmates and family happy?

SB:________________________________________________________________________ T:How do your classmates and family make you happy?

Sc:________________________________________________________________________ Step 2呈现与输入(Presesntation)


Step 3练习与体验(Practice)



Step 4运用与生成(Production)




To start with,he is always worried_about that someone may take_his_position.


I didn't find_out that I didn't do too badly_until the teacher handed_back our exams.


It's cloudy_and_grey today and I don't feel_like_going_out for a walk.


The_more I got_to_know Julie,the_more I've realized we have a lot in_common.

Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)




“make sb+名词”意为“使某人成为……”。

e.g.They make me their monitor.他们选我当班长。



e.g.The nurse there makes me nervous.那儿的护士让我感到紧张。


“make sb+动词原形”意为“使某人做……”。

e.g.The boss made him work ten hours a day.老板让他每天工作十个小时。

My mother often makes me do some housework.母亲经常让我做些家务活。




e.g.He spoke aloud to make himself heard.他大声说话以使别人能听到他。

Can you make yourself understood?你能让别人理解你吗?


I was made to wait(by him)for a long time.=He made me wait for a long time.他让我等了很长时间。


( A )1.The London Olympics made people all over the world ________ there very much.

A.want to go B.to fly C.fly D.to want to go

( C )2.—Have you seen the funny movie Let the Bullet Fly(让子弹飞)?

—Yes,it made me ________ many times.

A.sing B.cry C.laugh D.sleep

( D )3.Edward,you have grown up.You should learn to make your own room ________.A.empty B.noisy C.dirty D.tidy

§教学反思:通过课前的一个师生问答互动引入新课的话题。在Grammar Focus教学中,让同学们分组操练make的句型结构及用法。


教学方法的改进:通过自测发现,在本课时Grammar Focus的语法操练中,教师必须躬身示范,带动全体学生共同参与,以便更加牢固地掌握本课语法重点。

第四课时Section B (1a~1e)



1.remain unhappy forever仍旧永远不幸福

2.a shirt of a happy person一件快乐人的衬衫

3.search for搜寻,寻找

4.return to the king回到国王身边

5.a person with power and money有权力和金钱的人

重点句式1.The general finds a happy person with power and money.将军找到了


2.The general realizes he is a happy person and gives his shirt to the king to wear.将军意识到他就是一个快乐的人并把他的衬衫脱下给


3.What made the poor man so happy even though he had no power,money or fame.是什么使这位穷人即使没权,没钱也没名誉还如此高


4.Do you agree with the poor man's thoughts about happiness.你同意那




1.I don't like that movie because the sad movie makes me u nhappy.

2.All the police were sent to s earch for the three lost children.

3.The woman was too p oor and she was always worried about the food for her children.

4.I have been out for three weeks and I have to r eturn back home tomorrow.

5.They invented a plane which can get p ower from the sun and keep on flying around the world.


Step 1准备与热身(Preparation)


1.Do you remember the story we learned in the period two?


2.Had the king find the happy man?


3.Do you want to know the ending of the story?


4.Can you guess the ending of the story?


Step 2呈现与输入(Presesntation)




Step 3练习与体验(Practice)




They went all__over the country looking high and low for a happy man but never finding one.

They were returning home when they saw a beggar sitting by the roadside.He watched his supper cooking, singing merrily.

The man looked at each__other.Had they found what they had been looking for? They went__up to him and said,“You sound very happy,my friend.”

“Of course,I'm happy.” he said.They could hardly believe their ears.With one voice they said,“We want your shirt.”

The beggar said laughing,I'm sorry,gentlemen.But I haven't got a shirt.

Step 4运用与生成(Production)


2.放下听力材料,首先要求学生讨论这个穷人关于快乐的想法,然后模仿听力内容,分角色表演故事的后半部分。然后邀请2-3对同学当堂演示。看哪一对的表现最佳。(5分钟) 环节说明:将听、说、读、写的任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用。

Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)

探究点The general cannot find a happy person and the king remains unhappy forever.这个将军不能找到一个幸福的人,国王仍然永远不幸福。


e.g.Peter has become a judge but John remains a fisherman.Peter当了法官,但John仍是个渔民。

I asked her a question but she remained silent.我问了一个问题,但她仍保持沉默。

She remained standing though we asked her to sit down.虽然我们请她坐下,但她还是站着。


e.g.A few leaves remained on the trees.树上还剩几片叶了。


1.If you do this,you __will_remain_comfortable_till_you_find_another_job__ (将保持舒适的生活直到你找到另一份工作).

( B )2.Only a few old city walls remain now.In this sentence,“remain”means ________.A.keep B.are left C.recover D.are rebuilt





第五课时Section B (2a~Self Check)


重点单词1.weight n.重量,分量 2.pull v.拉,拖 3.kick v.踢,

4.shoulder n.肩膀 5.besides adv.而且 6.goal n.球门,目标7.courage v.勇敢,勇气8.coach n.教练


1.the winning team 获胜的球队

2.on the shoulder在肩

3.be too hard on对…要求严格 4.miss scoring the goal错过进球5.let…down使……失望 6.kick sb off开除

7.support each other相互支持8.rather than而不是

9.pull together齐心协力10.nod in agreement点头同意11.learn from mistakes吸取教训12.to one’s surprise使…惊奇的是


1.He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone.当他步行回家时,他感觉肩头好像压着沉重的担子。2.The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes.另一半是学会如何与你的队友交流


3.Peter didn't say anything,but what his father said made him think carefully.彼特没说什么,但他父亲的话使他认真的思考。4.The next day,Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.第二天,彼特心里带着勇气而不是恐惧去参加足球训


5.I think if we continue to pull together,we're going to win the next one.我认为如果我们继续齐心协力,下次一定能赢。

6.It made him feel lucky to know that he was on a winning team.知道他在一支必胜的球队里,使他感到幸运。



1.Katie only have one meal a day in order to lose weight (重量).

2.While I was leaving home,my father came back with a heavy bag on his shoulder (肩头).

3.The boy walked around the teacher's office for a long time and went in at last with courage(勇气).

4.The teacher told the students not to kick (踢)the door when it was closed.

5.Holly works hard at school because she doesn't want to disappoint (使失望)his parents.


Step 1准备与热身(Preparation)


What's the most important for a team?


Have you made a mistake in the match?


How did it make you feel?


Step 2呈现与输入(Presesntation)



Step 3练习与体验(Practice)


2.短文内容巩固练习。教师可给出一篇改写了的短文,将一些重点的表达方式空出。让学生在规定的时间内补全短文。然后邀请若干同学给出自己的答案。(4分钟) Peter had a soccer match today,but they lost the game because Peter missed scoring the goal.Peter thought he had let his whole team down and was worried that his coach might kick him off the team.

Peter's father told him that soccer was about team effort.He was not the only reason your team lost.If he had a good team,they should support each other.Besides,winning or losing was only half the game.The other half was learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from the mistakes.

The next day,Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.His teammates all nodded in agreement that they would continue to pull together to win the next match.It made him feel lucky to know that he was on a winning team.


Step 4运用与生成(Production)


The answers:

①Because he had missed scoring that goal in the match and his team had lost the game because of him.

②His father advised him not to be too hard to himself.

③Yes ,I agree.Because soccer was about team effort.Peter was not the only reason their team lost.

④What his father said made him think carefully and the next day,Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.And he told his teammates he was sorry.

⑤Because his teammates all nodded in agreement that they would continue to pull together to win the next match.


The answers:

①missed scoring that goal②let…down

③kicked off ④Be too hard to yourself

⑤pull together



5.根据3a 写的提要以及3b所给的提示,写一篇与2b内容相似的短文。








The answers:

①Speaking in front of many people makes me nervous.

②Money and fame don't always make people happy.

③Soft piano music makes me relaxed.

④Rainy days makes us stay at home and watch TV.


Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)


He had let his whole team down.他让他的团队失望了。


e.g.I will never let you down.我永远不会让你失望。

Missing the last bus let him down.错过末班车让他很失望。


e.g.Let the basket down gently.把篮子轻轻地放下来。


1.Don't worry I __won't_let_you_down__(不会让你失望).

( B )2.Harry won't ________ his parents ________.

A.lend;down B.let;down C.put;down D.get;down 探究点二

The next day,Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.

rather than连词短语,意为“宁可,而不是”。相当于instead of,常用于连接两个并列的句子成分。

e.g.She likes talking to one or two people rather than to group.她喜欢和一两个人谈话而不愿和一群人谈话。


3.After taking lessons in Hitop Language School I'll think about working as a tour guide __rather_than_a_doctor__(而不是医生).

4.I like __going_out_with_you_rather_than_with_Joe__(和你一起外出而不是Joe).§教学反思:本课教学中,教师利用多媒体播放一段篮球或足球比赛的片段,通过上述影片来提问,让学生回答,使学生对本课内容有了初步的了解,从而达到导入新课的目的,引起学生学习短文的兴趣。




人教版英语九年级全一册教案:Unit14 SectionB(1a-1e)

Unit14 SectionB(1a-1e)教案 1.0 Teaching objectives 教学目标 Language targets 语言目标 Key Words and Chunks For applying: manager||,believe in||,hope to do||,in the future||,become||,accept||,invitation||,change||,graduate||,look forward to||,win a prize For comprehending: degree Sentence Structures 1) What do you hope to do in the future? 2) I hope to get a business degree and become a manager. 3) The students talk about what they want to do in the future. 4) To celebrate the end of junior high||,they are having a party. 5) They ask Mrs. Chen to come||,and she is happy to accept the invitation. 6) How have you changed since you started junior high school? 7) I remember you won a prize for science… Grammar Focus 1) The students talk about what they want to do in the future. (本句为一个宾语从句||,从句的语序为陈述句语序||。) 2)To celebrate the end of junior high||,they are having a party.(注意句首的动词不定式表示目的) 3)How have you changed since you started junior high school? (本句含有一个由


Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Language Goal 【语言目标】 Talk about how things affect you Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】 Key Words drive,friendship,king,power,banker,pale,queen, examine,nor,palace,wealth,grey,lemon,uncomfortable, weight,shoulder,goal,coach,kick,courage,pull, nod,agreement,disappoint Key Phrases would rather,drive sb.crazy/mad,the more…the more…, be friends with sb.,leave out,call in,neither…nor…, to start with,let…down,kick sb.off,be hard on sb.,rather than,pull together Key Sentences 1.The loud music makes me nervous. 2.Sad movies don't make John cry. 3.Money and fame don't always make people happy. 4.She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying. Key Grammar Learn to use “make+sb.+infinitive without to;make +sb.+adj.” Ability Goals 【能力目标】 1.Develop listening,speaking,reading and writing skills by using the target languages. 2.Learn to talk about how things affect you by using “make sb.do sth.”and “make sb. adj.”. Moral Goals 【情感目标】 With the help of this unit's study,students should know that things affect our feelings.We should treat it correctly and be happy and active in our life. Teaching Time 【课时】 Five periods Period 1 Section A(1a-2d) Period 2 Section A(3a-4b) Period 3 Section B(1a-1e) Period 4 Section B(2a-2e) Period 5 Section B(3a-3b) & Self Check 本单元围绕情感的话题,通过学习让学生能够表达自己的感受。Section A通过谈论不同事物对情绪的影响,要求学生学习与情感有关的词汇,并通过听说读写逐步掌握make作使役动词的语言结构,学习掌握表达情绪和感受的形容词和动词,学习make+sb.+do sth.和

英语人教版九年级全册unit 9教案

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 本单元教学以音乐为话题,主要应掌握定语从句的简单用法。让学生们学会用定语从句来表达喜好。 教学目标: 1.知识目标:掌握本课的大纲词汇和that、who引导的定语从句的简单用法。 2.能力目标:1)能听懂喜欢什么种类的音乐的话题的有关的简单会话。 2)能用定语从句造简单的句子。 3.情感目标:让学生们懂得去欣赏美好的音乐。 教学内容: 1.大纲词汇prefer lyrics electronic music Australian 2.句型i like music that … ①教学重点:初步掌握定语从句的构成及从句中谓语动词基本变 化。 ②学习dance to the music ,sing along with 等几个词组。 教学步骤 Step 1:Lead-in 1. Play a song to present the new words. Step 2 Presentation 1.Tell more about the teacher to students, presenting more sentences and asking them to help saying in another way. 2.Set a scene to talk with students by telling them something about the teacher by using the attributive clause. Step 3 Practice 1. Present students several pictures or several pieces of music with a relative question. And ask them to talk in pairs with the help of sample shown. 2. Invite some pairs to show their talk in order to help the teacher know more about them. 3 Listening1 1. Present the question and help students make sure what information they


九年级英语14单元教案 【篇一:unit 14 全单元教案】 unit 14 i remember meeting all of you in grade 7. 教案教学目标: 1语言目标:掌握本单元重点词汇及复习语言点。 2 技能目标:能谈论过去和未来的生活. 3 情感目标:珍惜初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、未来生活的憧憬。树立远大人生目标。教学重点: 词汇: survey, standard, row, keyboard, method, instruction, text, level, degree, manager, gentleman, task, wing, double, shall, overcome, congratulate, caring, senior, thirsty, thankful, separate, ours, ahead 短语: in a row, look back at, make a mess, keep one’s cool, senior high, go by, believe in, first of all, be thirsty for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, along with, be responsible for, set out, separate from 句子: she helped you to worked out the answers yourself no matter how difficulty they were. how have you changed since you started junior high school? i’ve become much better at speaking english. what are you looking forward to? i’m looking forward to going to senior high school. 教学难点:对过去事件的描述。 课时划分:


Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A Period 1 Section A (1a-2d) 本单元围绕“做一个优秀的学习者”这一话题,首先引入了 “I study by working with a group.”这一重点句型,接下来学习how引导的特殊疑问句及其答语和复习现在完成时态。Section A包含两个教学重点:其一要求学生学习、掌握“I study by working with a group.”这一重点句型,;其二,学习how引导的特殊疑问句及其答语。Section B是在Section A基础上的拓展,主要是语言的学习、运用和巩固阶段。另外,本单元介绍了许多优秀的英语学习习惯与方法,可引导同学们借鉴采用。 【知识与能力目标】 (1)熟练掌握下列词汇: aloud,pronunciation,discover,repeat, note,pronounce, increase,speed, partner, create, active, connect, review, knowledge, wisely, born, attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语: work with friends, ask the teacher for help read aloud, look up, practice pronunciation, connect…with…, pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型: ---How do you study English? --- I learn by working with a group. ----Do you learn English by reading aloud? ----Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. ----- How can I read faster? ----You can read faster by reading word groups. ------How can I improve my pronunciation? ----One way is by listening to tapes. ----But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits 【过程与方法目标】 本单元的主题是谈论学习方法与习惯,可引导学生采用Listening for specific information,

人教版九年级英语Unit1 教案

Unit 1How can we become good learners? 单元话题Talk about how to study, in this unit, students learn to talk about how to study for a test and give advice to those who have difficulties in studying. 单元语法By +sth./doing sth. 教学目标 1.语言目标:理解重点句子,掌握学习英语的方法。介词by引导的方式状语的合理运用。 2.技能目标:正确运用动名词谈论学习中的问题。 3.情感目标:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操,让学生树立终身学习的道德素养。 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) 自主学习案 翻译下列词组。 1.通过制作生词卡________________________________ 2.通过听录音带___________________________________ 3.向某人寻求帮助__________________________________ 4 大声读来练习发音___________________________________ 5.小组合作学习___________________________________ 6.和朋友练习对话___________________________________ 7.逐个单词___________________________________ 8.作报告___________________________________ 9.意群___________________________________ 10.慢慢来___________________________________ 11.口语技能___________________________________ 12 英语口语___________________________________ §课堂导学案 Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) Lead-in with a free talk(自由对话导入新课)(2分钟) Greeting with the students:Hello, everyone.Welcome back to school.I'm very happy to see you again.Most of you got good grades last term ! Of course, don't lose your heart if you didn't get good grades. OK.Today, let's talk about how to study for a test and how to learn English well. T: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways? (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do you study English? S: I study English by ________. working with friends making word cards asking the teacher for help reading the textbook working with a group listening to tapes Step 2 呈现与输入(Presentation) 1.要求学生翻开课本P1,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务。(1分钟)

新版人教版九年级英语Unit14公开课教案unit 14-5

I remember meeting English 年级9 班级 课型fresh 课时 5 / 6 媒体a tape recorder, CAI 课题Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 2a ~ 2e 话题 School days 功能 1.Share past memories and experiences. 2.Look ahead to the future. 教 学目标知识 技能 1.Target language: I remember meeting all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at this school. You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. Our teachers and parents will be proud of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves. 2.Grammar: remember doing sth. 3.Words and expressions; (1)Curriculum words: gentleman, graduation, ceremony, congratulate, thirsty, thankful, lastly, task, ahead, responsible, separate, wing (2)Useful expressions: first of all, by thirsty, for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, be responsible, set out, separate from, be responsible for sth.新课标第一网 过程 方法 To know how to talk about the future by practicing and role-play. 情感 态度 After l earning this part, every student will have a dream of his future career. 学习策略 Identifying text type and purpose: Quickly read through a text to see what kind of writing it is, who wrote it and why it was written. 重点Target Language 难点To learn how to describe future careers. 教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图

英语:Unit2 全单元教案 (人教版九年级)

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 教学目标: 1语言目标:掌握本单元词汇,听懂、掌握谈论中外不同国家文化的语言材料。 2 技能目标:能听懂语言材料,掌握听的技巧;能读懂介绍中外不同文化的文章。 3 情感目标:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操。 教学重点: (1) 短语: Section A 1 the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, watch the races, a little crowded, like best, go…for one’s vacation, enjoy doing sth., eat out, five meals a day, put on, in two weeks, sound like, from…to…, be similar to, throw water at each other, wash away, have good luck, in the new year Section A 2 celebrate Middle-Autumn Festival, the shape of, carry …to…, shoot down, plan to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth., fly up, so…that…,call out, lay out, start the tradition of Section A 3 one…, the other…, give…to…,take out, more and more popular Section B 1 dress up, care about, make money, used to, end up, warn sb. to do sth., expect sb. to do sth., wake up, find out, decide to do sth., promise to do sth., in need, Section B 2 introduce sb., make sb. do sth., give birth to life, not only…but also… (2) 句子: Section A 1 Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. Bill wonders whether they’ll have the sweet rice dumplings again next year. What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?


Unit 5 Knowing About China Topic 1 How much do you know about China? Section A The main activity is 1a. I . Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn some new words and phrases: 2. Learn the attributive clauses which use“that”or“which”. 3. Learn about the geography of China. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about the geography of China. II. Teaching aids: 五岳的图片/幻灯片/中国地图/录音机 III.Teaching ways: Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review (时间:5分钟) 1.让学生尽可能地用英语和同伴谈论他们最喜爱的名胜,培养他们的爱国之情。导入新课。 (呈现一些五岳等名胜的图片,引导学生快速谈论My favorite place is ...,激发他们的英语思维。) ,并对其加以描述。让1-2组学生表演。 2.Pair work.谈论My favorite place is … T: Well done. You’ve just talked about many places of interest. As we know, China is a great country. It has about 5 000 years of history. D o you want to know more about it? OK, let’s come to the new unit. Step 2 Presentation (时间:13分钟) 继续谈论中国的名胜古迹,呈现1a内容,引出并学习文中生词及定语从句。 1. (出示泰山图片。) T: Have you been to Mount Tai? (介绍。) T: I went there two years ago. I like it best. Mount Tai lies in Shandong Province. Every year many tourists visit it. It attracts a great number of tourists from all over the world. (板书并要求学生掌握lie in和a great number of,理解attract和province。然后让学生用所学新词说出他们最喜爱的名胜,操练新知识。) lie in=be in province attract a great number of=many T: N ow talk about your favorite places with the new words and phrases. You can say them like this: My favorite place is … It lies in … It attracts many/a great number of tourists … (板书并要求学生掌握fetch。) fetch (示范fetch动作展示Guide to China这本书。) T: The book is Guide to China.It introduces China in detail. I can also say: Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. (板书并要求学生掌握introduce,理解guide。) introduce guide (板书句子,教师适当讲解,要求学生初步掌握that和which引导的定语从句。)


九年级英语Unit14学案+教案 Unit14 He’s already visited the place where his ancestors lived. 课型:Reading 班级:______________ 姓名:_______________ 一、教学目标 1.Fast-reading to get a general idea of the text. 2.Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text. 3.Learn the words and phrases from the context. 二、教学重点、难点 1.Train students’ reading and writing skills. 2.Learn to talk about recent things. 三、预习导航 (一)词汇训练---Match the new words and phrases 1.祖先,祖宗 2.根,根源 3.海外的,国外的 4.政府 5.目的,意图 6.到目前为止 7.幸亏,由于,因为 8.盼望,期望https://www.doczj.com/doc/7912675007.html,ernment B.purpose C.root D.overseas E.ancestor F.look forward to G.thands to H.so far (二)知识大挑战----Translate 1. 体验乡村生活 2. 喝乡村井水 3. 在乡间散步 4. 看村民日常劳作 5. 多亏“寻根(活动)” 6. 给年轻的海外华人这个更多了解自己身世的机会 7. 期待找到更多有关我家族的信息 (三)思维空间----请同学们在爸爸、妈妈的帮助下画出自己家的“家谱图(不少于三代人)” (四)自学乐园----Fill in the blanks 1.Robert and Cathy are young _______ .One is Canada, the other is American.They are both less than ___ years old. ______ of them can speak Chinese. grandfather


文档 西塔庄初级中学英语学科教案(2014——2015)年度第一学期 年级:九年级 学科:英语 姓名:张雪艳

时间2014年9月 文档 Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world? 教学设计 课型 Listening and speaking 教材分析 This unit aims to review the learnt tenses so far and help students to be able to present some important and creative ideas about writing a school magazine. 教学目标 To learn and understand the topic words through talking and listening. To know something about the pyramids and the Grand Canyon. To understand the conversation about starting a school magazine involving different tenses. 知识与能力 1. Vocabulary and expressions: ancient, club, composition, pupil, meeting, call, event, listen up. That's news to me. Anyone else? 2. To enable the Ss to express in different tenses according to the set situations. 3. To learn to give ideas on writing a school magazine. 过程与方法 1. Top-down approach, enabling Ss to understand and talk about writing a school magazine. 2. To learn by listening, speaking and discussing. 情感、态度与价值观 To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world and help to know more about writing a school magazine of their own. 教学过程 教学步骤教师活动学生活动活动目的 Step 1 Lead-in Start the lesson by showing groups of pictures about the wonders of the world on the screen including the ancient pyramids. Ask students to talk about the picture on Page 2. T: Where can you see the pictures and the brief introduction probably? (Newspaper / the Internet / Magazine…) T: Yes, magazines like Crazy English / National Geography… Who started…? Learn the new vocabulary. (ancient, pyramid, review, wonder…)

人教版英语九年级全一册教案Unit14 SectionB2a 2e

Unit14 SectionB(2a-2e)教案1.0教情分析 1.1 Teaching objectives 教学目标 1.1.1 Language targets 语言目标1.1.1.1 Key Words and Chunks For applying: gentleman, first of all, thirsty, thankful, be thankful to sb., task, separate, separate from For comprehending: graduation, ceremony, congratulate, lastly, ahead, ahead of, along with, responsible, be responsible for, set out Sentence Structures1.1.1.2 1) Who do you think wrote it? 2) First of all, I'd like to congratulate all the students who are here today. 3) I remember meeting all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at school. 4) You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. so proud of you.I'm5) You've all grown up so much and 6) Although you've all worked very hard over the last three years, none of you did it alone. 7) Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. 8) You'll make mistakes along the way, but the key is to learn from your mistakes and never give up. 9) I don't need to tell you that life in senior high school will be harder and that you have many difficult tasks ahead of you. 10)But along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you. 11) Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions. 12) As you set out on your new journey, you shouldn't forget where you came from. 页 1 第 13) It is always hard to separate from those who you have spent so much time with for the past three years.Grammar Focus1.1.1.3 此句为否定结构的祈使句。用1) Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. ()”。意为“千万不要辜负你周围的人Never代替don't,加强语气, you came from. where your new journey, you shouldn't forget 2) As you set out on 在“”,整句话意为…as在这里意为“当的时候(此句为as引导的时间状语从句,)不应忘了你来自何处。”新的旅行启程之际,此句含两个3) Please consider what



Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明白“一份耕耘,一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇: aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语: work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with… pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型: How do you study English I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 重点、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法 或途径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。 3. 动名词的构成:


Unit12 You are supposed to shake hands. 重点短语词组 应该做某事be to do sth 握手 访问by 毕竟 本应该做但没做have done 餐桌礼仪table 到达at/in 有点晚late 习惯于某事be/get to sth 习惯于做某事be/get sth 被用于做某事be sth 被用作.... Be 过去常常做某事sth 特地,不怕麻烦的做某事 使某人感到宾至如归计划做某事sth 没有理由have 注意你的行为your manners 发出噪音make (a) 做鬼脸make 自学....by oneself 在适当的时间at the time 以......开始begin 忍不住做某事can't sth 代替of 对某事随意be sth 邀请某人做某事sb sth 指向 重点短语句型讲解: 1. Y ou should have asked what you were supposed to wear.你本应该问清楚怎么样穿才得体。 中的“should have asked”是“情态动词+现在完成时”表示过去本应该做某事,事实上没有做,这是虚拟语气的一种表达方式。 如:She should have gone to Beijing. 她本应该去了北京。(没有去) 同时was/were supposed to do sth 表示过去本该做某事而实际上并没有做,就相当于should have done sth. 2. make (some) mistakes 犯了(一些)错误。make a mistake 犯错误(一个) 与mistake相关的短语by mistake 错误地mistake…for…把..误认为… 5.relaxed:用来形容人,表示人本身很放松,主语一般是人。 relaxing:指物,表示事物可使人很放松。 I feel really after the vacation.经过这次令人放松的假期后我感到很放松。 3. …it’s okay if you arrive a bit late….即使你晚到一会也没关系。 a little 与a bit 二者都是“有点儿”的意思。 (1)二者相同之处在于①都可做状语,修饰比较级He is a bit/ a little older than you. ②都可做主语或宾语。Please give me a bit/ a little. (2)不同之处在于:两者修饰名词时,a little可以直接加名词,a bit必须加of后才能接名词。 A little money = a bit of money 4. drop by 顺便拜访串门 We just dropped by our friends’homes.我们刚刚去朋友家串门。 drop in/on sb 顺便走访某人。 Would you drop in/on us this evening for a chat?你今晚过来和我们聊聊好吗?

新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级(全一册)全册教案-Unit1-9

Unit 1 How do you study for a test? Period 1 1.words and expressions flashcard aloud pronunciation skill voice 2.Key sentences ---How do you study for a test? ---I study by working with a group . ---Do you learn English by reading aloud? ---Yes ,I do. 3.Difficult and important points Talk about how to study for a test . Teaching procedures and ways Step1 Lead-in Talk about the summer vacations with the students. T: Hello, everyone .Nice to meet you in the new term .How about your summer vacations? S; Wonderful .During the vacation,I went to Hong Kong and Hainan with my parents. The Hong Kong Disneyland will open in September. S:I studied English under the guidance of a famous teacher. And my English really improved a lot. T:I want to know what you study for. S: For a test. Step2 prestation(1a) T: How does he/she study English? S: She studies English by reading books . She studies English by watching TV. She studies English by surfing the Internet. He studies English by listening to the tapes. I study English by reading more English . By using computer . By watching TV. By learning from a foreign teacher. Step3 Listening and speaking (1b 1c) T: Right .Now you will listen to some students talking about how to study for a test .I will play the recording for you k two or more times .Please listen for the first time to get the idea .Keep notes while listening .OK? play the recording two or more times .Then check the answer. T: We heard just now that how Mei ,Pierre, and Antonio study for a test .What about you ? How about your friends ?Please work in pairs to discuss. Step 4 listening practice(2a 2b)

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