当前位置:文档之家› 沈阳牛津英语8b短语答案



8B Chapter 1 一、翻译短语:

1、跳高jump high

2、艾菲尔铁塔the Eiffel Tower

3、别傻了。Don’t be silly.

4、法国国旗French flag

5、英国国王The king of Britain

6、航行去---sail to---

7、掉头lose one’s head

8、打败英国人defeat the British

9、碰巧做某事happen to do sth.

10、某人发生什么happen to sb.11、去滑雪go skiing

12、在----开始时at the beginning of---

13、第五段the fifth paragraph

14、矿泉水miniral water

15、前六个字the first six words

16、既然now that

17、去国外度假go abroad for the summer holiday

18、今年this year

19、为什么不?why not do?

20、尝试新事物spread on e’s wings

21、一个大国a huge country

22、英吉利海峡the English Channel

23、大西洋The Atlantic Ocean

24、地中海the Mediterranean Sea

25、另外in addition

26、山区mountain regions

27、非常适合于---be excellent for---

28、农业地区agricultural regions

29、种农作物grow crops30、比如说such as

31、小麦和向日葵wheat and sunflowers

32、似乎快乐seem to be happy

33、似乎知道seem to know

34、驶过田野drive past fields

35、排列整齐的葡萄架neat rows of grapevines

36、最美的景区之一one of the most scenic areas

37、过去经常做某事used to do sth

38、法国王后the queen of France

39、旧城堡old castles

40、最受欢迎的旅游胜地the most popular tourist destination

41、世界著名的标志性建筑the world-famous landmarks

42、林荫大道tree-lined streets 43、随身携带take sth with sb.

44、与--同样的诱惑力the same attraction as

45、乘渡船take a ferry

46、海峡隧道the Channel Tunnel

47、使某人能够做某事enable sb to do sth

48、在某些方面in some ways

49、---的影响the influence of ---

50、向某人提供某物provide sb. with sth

51、白兰地和酒brandy and wine

52、顶级设计品牌the top designer names

53、对某人很熟悉be familiar to sb

54、快速步行a quick walk

55、沿南京路along Nanjing Road

56、使某人想起某事remind sb of sth.

57、提醒某人做某事remind sb to do sth.

58、艺术和文化的先驱a leader in art and culture

59、学习深造further one’s studies

60、电影节film festivals

61、全世界all over/throughout the world

62、展览和音乐会exhibition and concerts

63、从---中得到get--- out of---

64、试着做某事try doing sth

65、在一些语言学校in some language schools

66、迫使某人做某事force sb to do sth

67、阻止某人做某事stop sb from doing sth

68、允许某人做某事allow sb to do sht

69、使某人做某事make sb do sth

70、著名产品famous products

71、对---有利be good for---

72、与---相似be similar to---

73、英国的东西sth English

74、在参观be on a tour

75、被---覆盖be covered with ---

76、走到第一层walk to the first floor

77、用降落伞跳下jump down with parachutes

78、第一次for the first time

79、一副潜水镜a pair of goggles

80、网球拍tennis rackets

81、一卷胶卷a roll of film

82、邮局旁by the post office

83、指的是;涉及refer to---

84、在机场at /in the airport

85、与---不同be different from---/be not the same as

86、提出要求make requests

87、打开窗户open the window

88、关门shut /close the door

89、打开电扇turn/switch on the fan

90、关掉电脑turn /switch off the computer

91、修椅子repair the chair

92、递给某人某物pass sb sth/pass sth to sb.

93、把它挂在墙上hang it on the wall

94、接电话answer the phone

95、唯一的那个the only one

96、在午夜at midnight

97、北极the North Pole

98、厚毛衣thick sweater

99、撒哈拉沙漠The Sahara Desert

100、在帐篷里in the tent

101、一阿拉伯家庭the Arab familly

102、大剧院the Grand Theatre

103、乘地铁by underground/subway

104、明年next year

105、去一颗行星go to a planet

106、没问题no problem.

107、水瓶water bottle

108、跨过海洋cross the sea

109、弹吉他play the guitar

110、吹长笛play the flute

111、击鼓play the drums

112、打壁球play squash

113、询问方向ask for directions

114、在轮渡码头at the ferry pier

115、火车站railway station

116、指出方向give directions

117、在交通灯处at the traffic lights

118、在你的右边on your right

119、人民广场People’s Square

120、在---的前面in front of---

121、在街道的对面across the street

122、吃美食have some wonderful meals

123、休息与放松rest and relax

124、去观光go sightseeing

125、看望亲朋好友visit friends and relatives 126、游乐园amusement parks

127、网球场tennis courts

128、看瀑布visit a waterfall 129、在---底部at the bottom of---

130、广播电视塔Radio and TV Tower















France is a wonderful place to go for a holiday.


Take the first turning on the left/turn left at the first turning


1、Where's the school?

Is there a school near here?

How can I get to school?

Which is the way to school?

Can you tell me where the school is ?

Can you tell me how to get to school?

Can you show me the way to school?

Can you tell me how I can get toschool?

2. I spent five yuan on this book.

I spent five yuan in buying this book.

I paid five yuan for this book.

This book cost me five yuan .

3.He watches TV for half an hour every day.

He spends half an hour watching TV every day.

It takes him thirty minutes to watch TV every day. 4.She is too young to go to school.

She isn’t old enough to go to school.

She is so young that she can’t go to school.

5.She died two years ago.

She’s been dead for two years

Two year has passed since he died.

It’s two years since he died.

8B Chapter 2 一、翻译短语:

1、尝上去糟透了taste horrible

2、五种感官five senses

3、心灵的窗户the window of the brain

4、保持平衡keep balance

5、跌倒fall down

6、感冒have a cold

7、遍布在---be spread over---

8、盲人blind man

9、属于---belong to---

10、一---就---as soon as---

11、走进---walk into ---

12、服务台the reception desk

13、预定房间book the room

14、打断某人interrupt sb.

15、立刻at once

16、亲自领---去lead personally to---

17、消防出口的位置the location of the fire exit

18、安全第一safety first

19、明智的be sensible

20、向某人描绘某物describe sth to sb.

21、用他自己的话in his own words

22、用力拉pull at---

23、叫醒某人wake sb up

24、就在那时just then /just at that time

25、闻到烟味smell smoke

26、警铃fire alarm

27、闹响go off

28、弄湿几条毛巾wet some towels

29、门缝底下the bottom of the door

30、咳漱have a cough

31、消防车fire engine

32、片刻之后moments later/after moments

33、违反规定be against the rules

34、大声说say loudly

35、听起来像sound like

36、发出突然的响声make a sudden noise

37、独自by oneself/alone

38、激动人心的事an exciting event

39、物体的外层outside part of the something

40、救命save one’s life

41、确信be sure

42、房间号码room number 43、把烟拦住keep the smoke out

44、度日如年minutes seem like hours

45、前门front door

46、餐厅the dining room

47、上升go up

48、营业be open

49、乘电梯by lift/in the lift

50、卡车上on the lorry

51、靠在墙上against the wall

52、写作文write a composition

53、第二天the next/following day

54、讲笑话tell some jokes

55、表演魔术do some magic tricks

56、当心be careful/take care./look out /watch out

57、小心门mind the door

58、反对做某事mind doing sth

59、古董店an antique shop

60、港口里的船the ships in the harbor

61、嗅觉the sense of smell

62、坐轮椅be in a wheelchair

63、手机mobile phone

64、警笛a police siren

65、攀爬架climbing frame

66、床对面opposite the bed

67、在门的右边on the right of the door

68、在房间的左角落里in the left corner of the room

69、就这些。That’s all.

70、挨着---next to ---

71、爬梯子climb up the ladder












11、确切地exactly 喇叭horn

12、听众audience 聋子deaf

8B Chapter 3


1、一篇关于---的故事a story about ---

2、一种能量a kind of energy

3、把电变成能量change electricity into energy

4、动能movement energy

5、热能heat energy

6、光能light energy

7、声能sound energy

8、看起来愚蠢look foolish

9、危险的仆人a dangerous survant

10、一包糖a packet of sweets

11、嘲笑---laugh at sb.

12、愚弄某人trick sb

13、论包in packets

14、电通过导线传输electricity flows through a wire.

15、收到帐单get a bill

16、当心---be careful with ---

17、挠脑袋scratch one’s head

18、不可见的be invisible

19、把---连在---的上面connect ---to----

20、电站power station

21、咧嘴笑a grin with one’s face

22、在某种程度上in a way

23、到处跑run around

24、充满---be full of---/be filled with ---

25、灯泡a light bulb

26、吸尘器vacuum cleaner

27、空调air conditioner

28、洗衣机washing machines

29、电饭煲rice cooker

30、能be able to ---

31、说两种语言speak two languages

32、在实验室里in the laboratory

33、在X光里in an X-ray

34、看日出see the sun rise

35、向左转turn left/turn to the left/takethe left turning

36、发出噪音make a noise

37、多锻炼do more exercise

38、与---交朋友make friends with ---

39、熬夜很晚stay up late

40、得低分get low marks

41、缺少be short of---

42、身体虚弱have a weak body 43、给予许可give permission

44、敲门knock at/on the door

45、对---有礼貌be polite to sb.

46、九个结nine knots

47、信任believe in

48、做出改正make corrections

49、给某人洗澡give sb a bath

50、试试水test the water

51、通过猫眼看look through the peephole

52、把---分成---divide ---into---


54、科技书science books

55、按字母顺序in alphabetical order

56、作者的名字the author’s name

57、书的主题the topic of the book

58、集邮collect stamps

59、现代音乐modern music

60、儿童诗歌poems for children

61、法语入门French for beginners

62、电视节目TV programmes

63、定规则make rules

64、鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth

65、阻止某人做某事stop sb from doing sth

66、身体探出---lean out of ---

67、看连环画read comics

68、保持---的整洁keep ---tidy

69、在冰箱里in the fridge

70、成功做某事succeed in doing sth

71、---等等and so on

72、电器electrical machines

73、很难做某事it’s hard to do sth

74、宾馆前台the front part of a hotel

75、用---做成be made from---

76、热水器water heater


1、孤独的lonely 电池battery

2、仪表meter 行为,举止behave

3、顾客customer 每月一次的monthly

4、目录catalogue 解释explanation适当地properly


The question is too difficult for me to answer.

The question isn’t easy enough_for me to answer

The question is so difficult that I can’t answer it.

8B Chapter 4


1、背诗recite poems

2、乏味时光不再有never a dull moment

3、数英里miles and miles

4、保持活泼keep lively

5、坚持做某事keep doing sth

6、咬人bite sb.

7、全聋的stone deaf

8、毫无疑问for sure

9、绕圈跑run rings

10、最吵的房子the noisiest house

11、吹走blow away

12、在工作at work

13、走开go away

14、谢天谢地Thank goodness

15、许多星期many a week/many weeks

16、与某人结婚be married to sb.

17、娶/嫁人marry sb.

18、录音机tape recorder

19、驾照driving licence

20、一把剪刀a pair of scissors


22、单数名词singular countable nouns


24、购物do some/the shopping

25、猪排pork chops

26、一条面包a loaf of bread

27、一瓶可乐a bottle of coke

28、像往常一样as usual

29、坏了break down


31、不如---一样not as/so----as----

32、顺便说一下by the way

33、帮我个忙do me a favour/help me/assist me

34、几天a couple of days/several days

35、借给某人某物lend sb sth/lend sth to sb.

36、去滑冰go skating

37、去打保龄球go bowling

38、去吃小吃go for a snack

39、想要做某事feel like doing sth

40、表达关心express concern

41、接受/拒绝建议accept/reject suggestions

42、提建议make suggestions/give advice 43、---痛have a pain in---

44、吃药take medicine

45、躺下lie down

46、去看电影go to the movies

47、感到无聊feel bored

48、遗失的钱the missing money


50、说服某人做某事persuade sb to do sth

51、以---为骄傲be proud of----

52、违反制度break the rules

53、用乐观的方式in a cheerful way

54、坐正sit up straight

55、西瓜water melon

56、在医院对面opposite the hospital


1、砰的关上slam, 尖叫的人screamer

2、一团糟mess 公平的fair

3、信号signal 港口harbour

4、打字机typewriter 勇敢的brave

5、慷慨的generous 积极的active

6、饿死starve 艺术家artist

7、严肃的serious 想象imagine

8、美发师hairdresser 吵闹声(两个)racket/din


It’s too frightening to watch.


I don’t find it interesing.


1、I have a headache.

My head hurts.

I have a pain in my head.

There’s something wrong with_ my head. Something is wrong with my head.

2、Can I borrow your book?

Can I borrow a book from you?

Can you lend your book to me?

Can you _lend me your book?

3、I want to eat something.

I would like to eat something .

Ifeel like eating something.

4、She doesn’t run as fast as me.

She runs more slowly than me.

I run faster than her.

8B Chapter 5


1、比金子更珍贵more valuable than gold

2、12升水twelve litres of water

3、水量the amount of water

4、保持一样remain the same

5、冷冻水freeze water

6、地球的三分之二two thirds of the earth

7、被---覆盖be covered with---

8、水的科学符号the scientific symbol for water

9、流向海洋flow to the sea

10、流进小溪run into streams

11、在洗手间in the bathroom

12、顺着下水道消失vanish down the drain

13、听上去不耐烦/迷惑sound impatient/puzzled

14、因---而昏倒be faint with sb.

15、欣赏景色enjoy the view

16、舒服的飘着float comfortably

17、沿着山脉迅速流进speed down the mountain into

18、净化get cleaned up

19、水处理工厂a water treatment works

20、彻底的清洗thorough cleaning


22、一些化学物质a few chemicals

23、你旅程的终点the end of your journey

24、污水处理厂a sewage plant


26、记得不再做某事remember not to do sth

27、流动的金子liquid gold

28、等一下wait a moment

29、摇头shake one’s head

30、看上去吃惊look surprised

31、吃惊in surprise

32、对---吃惊be surprised at---

33、上上下下up and down

34、废物waste matter

35、脏水dirty water

36、在橱柜里in the cupboard

37、太多/少冰淇凌too much/little ice-cream

38、太多/少游泳者too many/few swimmers

39、晚餐做虾cook prawns for dinner

40、---的菜谱recipe for---

41、小洋葱small onions

42、红/绿辣椒red/green peppers 43、番茄酱tomato sauce

44、食用油cooking oil

45、酱油soya sauce

46、黑皮肤男人men with tans

47、尽力do/try one’s best

48、下蛋lay the eggs

49、普通人ordinary people

50、医院管理者hospital managers

51、需要水清洗need water for washing


53、在---花时间/钱spend---on/in doing sth

54、也就是说that means/that is to say

55、人类human being

56、渗入---seep into---

57、饮用水dringking water

58、装满—fill up

59、20听软饮料twenty cans of soft drink

60、洗碗wash the dishes

61、信不信由你believe it or not

62、冲厕所flush down the toilet

63、淡水fresh water

64、每次each /every time

65、至少at least

66、洗澡take a bath

67、在流动的水下under the running water

68、滴水的龙头a dripping tap

69、不要紧it doesn’t matter

70、整个故事the whole story/all the story

71、某人做某事的时间到了It’s time for sb to do sth.

72、一滴水a drop of water


1、增加increase 减少decrease

2、固体solid 服从obey

3、点头nod 珍贵的precious

4、奇怪的weird 生产manufacturing水槽sink


1、Jim is the tallest boy in his class.

Jim is taller than any other boy in his class.

Jim is taller than any of the others in his class

Jim is taller than any of the other boys in his class.

No other boy is taller than Jim in his class.

2、What do you mean by this word?

What does this word mean ?

What’s the meaning of this word?

8B Chapter 6


1、一堆报纸a pile of newspapers

2、一篇关于---的作文a composition on---

3、不同的板块different sections

4、本地/国际新闻local/world news

5、挂在每个人的嘴边on everyone’s lips

6、缺现金short of cash

7、不顾及人的乘客inconsiderate passengers

8、排队queue up

9、对---不公平be unfair for sb.

10、自律课a lesson inself-discipline

11、--之后不久soon after---

12、八年级的学生Grade Eight students

13、出版报纸publish a newspaper

14、决定做某事decide to do sth

15、选主编elect the chief editor

16、建议做某事suggest doing sth

17、有经验have experience

18、为---投票vote for---

19、负责---take charge of---/be in charge of ---

20、应该ought to do

21、做记录take notes

22、商量它talk it over

23、列表make a list of ---

24、对---免费be free to sb.

25、被选为be elected to be

26、做决定make a decision

27、结速会议conclude the meeting

28、在一周后in a week’s time

29、约定做某事arrange to do sth

30、结速某事come to the end of---

31、分发give out

32、改错correct mistakes

33、我最激动的一天my most exciting day

34、在一年一度的青年团聚会上at the annual Youth League party 35、团员league member

36、全市all over the city

37、总计in all

38、围成一大圈form into a big circle

39、飞过我们fly over us

40、团员誓言league promise

41、玻璃罐glass jars

42、到处跑run around 43、天才表演talent show

44、民族服national costumes

45、聚集在俱乐部gather in clubs

46、体育编辑sports editor

47、立刻right away/at once/right now

48、下学期new term

49、穿戴整洁dress neatly and tidily

50、在走廊里in the corridors

51、由于because of---

52、烧掉burn down

53、根据---according to---

54、称赞某人pay compliments to sb.

55、对---感到遗憾be/feel sorry for---

56、理应赢deserve to win

57、真可惜!what a shame!

58、真遗憾!What a pity!

59、因某事向某人祝贺Congratulations to sb on sth.

60、太糟糕了That’s terrible.

61、在跳高中in the high jump

62、摔伤了腿break a leg

63、在风暴中in the storm

64、采访某人interview sb.

65、女子乒乓球队the girls’ table tennis team

66、在七号房间in Room Seven

67、自我介绍introduce oneself to sb

68、排球队长volleyball captain

69、青少年时尚teenager fashion

70、对---感兴趣be interested in---

71、在早期in early times

72、走来走去move about---

73、从一处到另一处from place to place

74、特殊信使special messengers

75、口头/书面新闻spoken/written news

76、两步two steps

77、近代风格modern style

78、新闻传单news sheets

79、使这可能make this possible

80、又,还as well as

81、不是---就是--- either ---or---

82、更详细地in more detail

83、主要原因the main reason

84、---的价格the price of---

85、未来计划future plan

86、保持健康get fit 87参加take part in

8B 动词的过去式和过去分词











































43.have-had-had 44.hear-heard-heard















59.light-lighted/lit- lighted/lit

























84.smell-smelt/smelled- smelt/smelled





8A Unit 8词组、句型复习提纲

二、重点句子及句型: 1.My house is all wet. 我的房子都潮湿了。 2.I was sleeping when it started to rain. 开始下雨时我正在睡觉。 3.Didn’t you hear the rain? 难道你没听到雨声吗? 4.There was water everywhere. 到处都是水。 5.Who will mop up the water if I go home without you? 谁将把水拖干如果没有你我回家? 6. A young boy fall from a tree and hurts his legs. 小男孩从树上掉下并伤了腿。 7.Lightning starts a big fire in the classroom building. 闪电击使教学楼着火了。 8.Lightning hit a classroom building and it caught fire. 闪电击中教学楼并着火了。 9.People were running in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down . 当玻璃碎片和砖块落下来的时候,人们朝四面八方跑去。 10.I felt nervous and my heart was beating fast. 我感到紧张并且心跳很快。 11. A moment of fear went through my mind,but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive. 片刻的恐惧掠过我的大脑,但我告诉自己冷静下来因为我还活着。 12.I started to pull myself slowly through the dark. 我开始在黑暗中慢慢地向前移动身体。 13.I heard shouts from excited people 我听到兴奋的人们发出的叫喊声。 14.The earthquake hit Taiwai in 1999. 1999年台湾发生了地震。 15.What a terrible snowstorm ! 多么可怕的暴风雪! 16.Try to get out as soon as possible 尽快逃出去。 17.Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel to protect yourself from thick smoke. 用一个湿毛巾捂住嘴巴和鼻子以防浓烟。 18.Stay low to the ground. 身体下低贴近地面。 19.Never go back into the building on fire. 不要回到(进入)着火的大楼。 20.Don’t walk through the flood water. 不要穿过洪水。 21.Hide under a strong desk to protect yourself. 藏在结实的桌子底下以保护自己。 22.Look left, right and then left when you cross the road. 过马路时,先左看,右看,再左看。 23.Don’t walk or ride your bicycle on railways. 不要在铁路上行走或骑车。 24.We learnt a lot about keeping ourselves safe from fires, flood, earthquake and traffic accidents. 我们学到了许多关于保持自己安全远离火灾、洪水、地震和交通事故的东西。 25.Do you know what to do first when we burn ourselves?


Unit 1 1 禾和?玩play with sb 2 不再…not …any more 3 不同时期的交通工具transport at different times 4 阳光镇的变化the changes to Sunshine Town 5 非常了解这个地方know the place well 6 从那时起since then 7 自从2005 年以来since 2005 8 自从去年以来since last year 9 自从三个星期前以来since three weeks ago 10 搬家move house 11 搬到南京move to Nanjing 1 2搬进一座新公寓move to/ into a new flat 13 在…南部in the southern part of 14 结婚get married 15 和某人结婚be/ get married to sb/ marry sb 16 变化很大change a lot 17 在过去in the past 18 在现在at present 19 这些年以来over/ during the years

20 把…变成… turn … into 21 在周末at weekends 22 打牌play cards 23 下中国象棋play Chinese chess 24 愉快的假期pleasant holiday 25 玩得很开心have a pleasant time 26 水污染water pollution 27 噪音污染noise pollution 28 过去经常做某事used to do sth 29像以前一样经常地…as often as before 30把…排进/倒进…dump…into… 31 一个很严重的问题 a very serious problem 32 采取行动做某事take action to do sth 33 减少污染reduce the pollution 34 在某种程度上in some ways 35 顺便问一下by the way 36 在去…的路上on the way to … 37 挡路in the way 38 开阔的空间/ 户外活动场所open space 39 不时地,偶尔from time to time


牛津(8B)词组、句型语法总结 Unit 1 trees 1.Phrases 动词词组:1. be interested in 2.be known as 3.be in danger 4.breathe pure, cool air https://www.doczj.com/doc/b43730889.html,municate with sb 6.keep sb alive and healthy 7.know a lot about sth 8.protect sb/sth from sth 9.protect by sth/doing sth 10.read through sth 11.release sth into sth 12.taste nasty 13.thank sb for sth/doing sth 14.warn sb/sth (not) to do sth 名词词组:1. average age 2.living things 3.one another 其他词组:as well as II. Sentence Patterns 1.What good be sth? 2.I suppose that+从句 3.Sb be doing sth these days. Grammer现在进行时 1.表示现阶段正在进行着的动作但不一定是说话时正在进行。 常和at present (目前)、this week (本周)、these days (这几天),all the time(一直)等时间状语连用。 What lesson are you studying this week ?你们本周学哪一课了?(说话时并不在学) 2.现在进行时有时可用来表示一个在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作即是说可以用来代替将来时,但此时, 一般要与表示将来的时间状语连用,而且仅限于少量动词。 如:come (来)、go (去)、leave (离开)、arrive (到达)、start (开始)、return (返回)、sleep (睡觉) Are you going to Tianjin tomorrow ? 你明天去天津吗? How many of you are coming to the party next week ? 你们有多少人下周要来参力口晚会? Unit 2 Water 1.Phrases 动词词组:1. pour into the sink 2.sound impatient/puzzled


8AU4必会 一、Words: 1.advertisement广告 2.funny滑稽的,好笑的 3.create创造,创作 4.creation创造 5.creator创造者 6.creative 有创造力的 7.telephone给……打电话 8.wheel车轮,轮子 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b43730889.html,fortable舒适的https://www.doczj.com/doc/b43730889.html,fortably舒服地11.uncomfortable令人不舒服的12.carriage四轮马车13.century世纪14.passenger乘客15.invent发明16.invention发明17.inventor发明家18.practical实用的19.practice练习20.practise练习21.since从……以后22.distance距离23.distant距离远的24.mobile phone移动电话,手机25.anytime在任何时候26.develop开发,研制27.development开发,研制,发展28.developed发达的29.developing发展中的https://www.doczj.com/doc/b43730889.html,mp灯31.candle蜡烛32.daytime白天33.dust灰尘34.good-better-the best 35.bad-worse-the worst 36.many-more-the most 37.much-more-the most 38.little-less-the least 39.far-farther/further-the farthest/furthest 40.special特殊的,特别的41.wing翅膀,机翼42.introduction引言43.petrol汽油44.giant伟人,巨匠45.ballpoint pen圆珠笔46.Hungary匈牙利47.fountain pen自来水笔48.mess杂乱49.roll滚50.refer涉及,描述51.editor编辑52.refill再装满53.tip尖端54.success成功 二、Phrases: 1.in the daytime在白天 2.live a/an … life过着……的生活 3.the following下列,下述 4.in history历史上 5.after its invention在它发明之后 6.in the early 19th century在19世纪初 7. in the late 19th century在19世纪末 8. at the start of the 20th century在20世纪初 9. at the end of the 20th century在20世纪末10.since then自那以后11.speak to同……说话12.over long distances远距离地13.across the world全世界14.allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事15.keep in touch with与……保持联系16.as many things as和……一样多的事情17.imagine doing想像做某事18.keep…off远离…… 19.at the same time同时20.instead of代替21.top speed最快的速度22.300km/h---three hundred kilometers per hour每小时300千米23.in a short time不久,很快24.turn into 变为25.right now立刻,马上26.all the time一直27.make a mess弄得一团糟28.at the tip of在……的尖端 29.a great success一次巨大的成功30.English-speaking countries说英语的国家31.refer to描述,指代 三、Sentences: 1.They help people live a better life.它们帮助人们过上更美好的生活。 2.The following are three of the most important inventions in history.下面这些就是历史上最重要的发明中的三项。 3.After its invention, travelling became faster and more comfortable.在它发明之后,出行变得更加迅速,更加舒 适。 4.In the early 19th century, the first trains began to carry passengers.在19世纪初,最早的火车开始运载乘客。 5.At the start of the 20th century, cars became popular.20世纪初,小汽车开始流行起来。 6.Without the wheel, we would not have these inventions.要是没有轮子,我们就不可能有这些发明。 7.Since then, people have been able to speak to each other over long distances.从那以后,人们就可以远距离地互 相通话。 8.Today millions of people across the world own mobile phones.如今,世界各地是以百万计的人们拥有移动电话。 9.They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere.它们使人们能够随时随地保持联系。 10.With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime.有了灯泡,人们可以再 夜里做白天一样多的事情。 11.Can you imagine living without them?你能想像没有灯泡的生活吗? 12.Maybe you do not, but you probably use his invention every day, and you may even have it in your hand right now! 可能你不知道,但你可能每天都在使用他的发明,甚至有可能现在手里就握着它! 13.However, he had to refill it all the time.但是,他一直都要蘸墨水。 14.The ink also did not dry easily, and it sometimes made a mess on the paper.而且,这种墨水无法速干,有时候会 把纸张弄得一塌糊涂。 15.There was a tiny ball at the tip of the pen.这种笔的笔尖有一颗微小的珠子。 16.The ballpoint pen was a great success.圆珠笔获得了巨大的成功。 17.Today in many English-speaking countries, people still use the word “biro” to refer to any kind of ballpoint pen.如 今,在很多英语国家,人们依然会用“拜罗”来指代任何一种圆珠笔。 18.


Unit1 短语和句型重点短语 1.过去和现在past and present 2.过去做某事 used to do 3.对…很了解 know …very well 4.在镇子的北边 in the north of town 5.在镇子的北部in the northern part of town 6.结婚(动作)get married (状态) be married 7.搬到两个街区外 move two blocks away 8.自从那时 since then 9.变化很大 change a lot 10.在这几年里 over the years 11.把…变成… turn …into 12.把废料倒进河里 put the waste into the river 13.意识到这个问题realize the problem 14.改善现状 improve the situation 15.更干净了 much cleaner 16.在某些方面 in some ways 17.和之前一样频繁as often as before 18.打牌 play cards 19.下中国象棋 play Chinese chess 20.感觉有点孤独 feel a bit lonely 21.有时 from time to time 22.令人新奇的变化the amazing changes 23.他一生中 all his life 24.搬到另外一个公寓move to another flat 25.在过去的世纪里 over the past century 26.往返进入镇子travel to and from the town 27.另外一个巨大的变化 another big change 28.当地的人民 local people 29.从…返回 return from 30.出国 go abroad


牛津(8B)词组、句型语法总结Unit 1 trees I. Phrases 动词词组:1. be interested in 2. be known as 3. be in danger 4. breathe pure, cool air 5. communicate with sb 6. keep sb alive and healthy 7. know a lot about sth 8. protect sb/sth from sth 9. protect by sth/doing sth 10. read through sth 11. release sth into sth 12. taste nasty 13. thank sb for sth/doing sth 14. warn sb/sth (not) to do sth 名词词组:1. average age 2. living things 3. one another 其他词组:as well as

II. Sentence Patterns 1.What good be sth? 2.I suppose that+从句 3.Sb be doing sth these days. Grammer现在进行时 1.表示现阶段正在进行着的动作但不一定是说话时正在进行。 常和at present(目前)、this week(本周)、these days(这几天),all the time(一直)等时间状语连用。 What lesson are you studying this week?你们本周学哪一课了?(说话时并不在学) 2.现在进行时有时可用来表示一个在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作即是说可以用来代替将来时,但此时,一般要与表示将来的时间状语连用,而且仅限于少量动词。 如:come(来)、go(去)、leave(离开)、arrive(到达)、start(开始)、return(返回)、sleep(睡觉) Are you going to Tianjin tomorrow?你明天去天津吗? How many of you are coming to the party next week?你们有多少人下周要来参加晚会? Unit 2 Water I. Phrases 动词词组:1. pour into the sink 2. sound impatient/puzzled 3. add A to B 4. carry sb to some place 5. clean up


1.She __________ ( go ) shopping every she _____ shopping every day ? Yes. She ___________. 2. They ______________ ( swim ) they ___________ now ? No, they __________. 3. She likes _____________ ( speak ) English. 4. She _______________ ( take ) a bus tomorrow. 5. What __________ she ______ _________ ? 她将长什么样? 6. You _________ _________ 5 centimetres ___________ ( tall ) 将要再长高 7. She wants ____________ ( help ) me. 8. They____( study )English tomorrow. ____ they____ English tomorrow? Yes. they_____. No, they ______ 9. She will be _________________ (更美丽) 10.It takes __________ ( he ) 10 minutes to walk ______ _______ it _____ ______ to walk there ? 11. She usually leaves home . _________________________. ( 将来时) 12. She goes to school by bus. ______ ______ she _______ to school ? 13. They will leave home at _____ she leave home at six ? ______ _______ ______ she leave home ? 14. My home is far away _________ my school. A. to B. at C. from D. for 15. 你每天几点到校? ______ _ _______ _______ you _____ ______ school ? 16. 每天上学花去他10分钟。______________________________________. 17. 当她20 岁的时候她再重 5 公斤。_______ she _______ 20. she ______ ______ kilogrammes _________. 18.What ________ she often _______ ( do ) ? 19. What ________ she ________ ( do ) tomorrow ? 20. She is __________ __________ ___________ (擅长唱歌) 21. She ______________ ( like ) ____________ ( help ) people. 22. She _______________ ( leave ) tomorrow. 23. ________ _______ _______ _______, (在13年后 ) she _____ _____ tall. ( 将要 ) 24. She will go to the shop. ______ ______ _____ to the shop ? No, she ________. need ____________ ( wear ) glasses. 26. She will _______ ______ _____ ________. ( 擅长做饭) 27. Peter will ___________ be a policeman. ( 可能 ) 28. She wants ___________ ( be ) a doctor. 29. She would like ___________ ( go ) to the shop. 30. What will she be like when she is 25 ? What will she be like ______ the _____ ____ 25. will be tall in 12 years’ time? ______ ______ ______ she be tall ? 32. She is __________ ( tall ) than me. 33. She is _________________________________ ( beautiful ) than me. 34. I am good at English. ______ _____ ______ good at ? 35. She is _____________ ( wear ) glasses. 36. She leaves home at six. ______ ____ she _______ home ? 37. She will go to the shop by bus. _____ ______ she go to the shop ? 38. It take them 20 minutes to play the piano. ______ _____ _____ _____ ____ them to play the piano. 29. ----_______ do you like your job ?---- Because I like to help . What B. Why C. Which D. Who 30. A ________ makes sick people better. A. waitress B. postman C. waiter D. doctor 31. Where ________ Ben and Kitty live ?A. are B. is C. do D. does


牛津英语8B unit1-4 知识点&语法汇总 Unit 1知识点 一、重点短语 1. in the past few years 在过去的几年中 2. at present 目前 3. in the future 未来;将来 4. an hour ago 一小时前 5. in the bowl在碗里 6. share sth. with sb.和….分享… 7. be kind to sb. 对…友好8. wait for the next one 等下一辆车 9. know…very well 非常了解… 10. since I was born自我出生以来 11. move house 搬家12. get married to sb.= marry sb.= be married to sb. 和某人结婚13.marry sb. to sb.把某人嫁给某人 14. since then 从那以后15. move two blocks away 搬到两个街区以外 16. change a lot改变许多17. over the years 在这些年期间(现在完成时) 18. in the town center= in the center of the town在镇中心19. a steel factory 一家钢铁厂20. water pollution水污染air pollution空气污染noise pollution噪音污染 21. put the waste into the river把废料扔进河put away 收好put on 穿上put off 推迟/延期 22. realize the problem意识到问题23. take action to improve the situation 采取行动改善情况 24. much cleaner 干净得多25. have a beautiful modern town拥有一个美丽现代化的城镇 26.most of my old friends我的大多数老朋友27. move away 搬走 28.play cards and Chinese chess 打牌,下中国象棋 29. the amazing changes 令人惊奇的改变 30.a group of buildings with streets on all sides街道两边全是高楼 31..all one’s life 某人的一生32. repair over ten bicycles 修十多辆自行车 33.the changes in Beijing北京的变化34. over the past century上个世纪期间

沈阳牛津英语7B 短语

Unit One 1.自然因素natural elements 2.烟头cigarette ends 3.作一个关于...的调查do a project about sth 4.考虑think about 5.点火set/make a fire 6.原始人early men 7.用火来做饭use fire to cook food 8.在工厂里in factories 9.小心用火be careful with fire 10.哪种what kind of 11.引起山火cause hill fires 12.数百万年前millions of years ago 13.一大块木头 a large piece of wood 14.开始at first 15.开始做某事start doing sth 16.在夜晚at night 17.保护...不受...的伤害protect sth/sb from 18.野兽wild animals 19.取暖keep warm 20.目的是so that 21.不同形状和大小different sizes and shapes 22.一个...另一个one … the other 23.每天every day 24.失去生命和家园lose one’s lives and homes 25.在火中in the fire 26.大量的 a large amount of sth 27.忘记去做某事forget to do sth 28.消防局 a fire station 29.找出find out 30.填充fill in 31.打开公寓的门open the door of a flat 32.扑灭火put out fires 33.从... 营救rescue sth from 34.消防演习a fire drill 35.收拾书包pack one’s bags 36.离开教室leave the classroom 37.排队queue up 38.下楼go downstairs 39.关灯switch off the lights 40.在操场上in the playground 41.一个灭火器 a fire extinguisher 42.一个报警器an alarm bell 43.一个消防水带轴 a fire hose reel 44.在第一层on the ground floor 45.在走廊里in the corridor 46.在图书馆里面in the library 47.在后楼梯at the back staircase 48.工艺美术教室the art and craft room 49.音乐教室the music room 50.学校大厅the school hall 51.员工房间the staff room 52.体育馆the covered playground Unit Two 1.有风的天气windy weather 2.把...方到...上put sth on 3.一块展览板 a display board 4.想让某人做某事would like sb to do sth 5.一场微风/强风/台风 a gentle breeze /a strong wind/a typhoon 6.放风筝fly a kite 7.在乡村in the countryside 8.用新的顺序in the new order 9.去划帆板go windsurfing 10.在风中in the wind 11.变得强了become stronger 12.从...上掉下来fall from 13.在天空中in the sky 14.回家go home 15.呆在家里stay at home 16.看电视watch TV 17.倒下fall down 18.在大浪中in the big waves 19.大清扫the big clean-up 20.变得越来越强become stronger and stronger 21.很多 a lot of plenty of / amount of 22.把...拿回来get sth back 23.飞走fly away 24.气象台the Weather Observatory 25.一组幻灯片 a slide show 26....的工作人员之一a staff member of sth 27.为某人制作某物make sth for sb 28.吹走blow away 29.掉到...上fall onto


8B Unit 1 Helping those in need 【P1】1. help those(who are) in need 2. voluntary work work 工作,不可数;作品可数;works工厂3. ask permission permit(正式许可): allow(听认,允许)permit/allow doing (forbid,forbade,forbidden) permit/allow sb to do 过去式:permitted 4. raise money raise及物动词; rise 不及物动词 【P2】5. disabled people: the disabled 6. help (sb) (to) raise money help sb with sth can’t help doing 禁不住,忍不住 can’t help to do 不能帮助做某事 7. offer to do 主动提供 provide sb with sth/provide sth for sb supply sb with sth/supply sth to sb offer sb sth/offer sth to sb 8. suffer from serious illnesses be in bad/good health 9. organize-organization- organizer 10. children without parents/having no parents/who have no parents orphan(孤儿) 11. express their feelings express:show facial expressions 面部表情 12. pain-painful; 同:ache;It hurts.(疼) 13. have difficulty/trouble doing sth/with sth 14.joy: happiness joyful: happy, enjoyable 15. peace-peaceful 16. have the courage to do courageous: brave 17. raise their spirits be in high spirits 18. continue to do: go on doing 【P10】19. pay (paid, paid) pay attention to (doing) sth pay a visit to sb/sp 20. in the community 【P13】21. the Spring Bud Project 春蕾计划22. fund 基金会23. be unable to do sth : can’t do sth 24. eighty-three per cent of them were… 25. launch 发动,发起;开始进行 26. rent(租出) a room to sb rent(租入) a room from sb collect the rents 收租 8B Unit 2 Body language 【P17】1.body language the first/native language; the mother tongue 母语 the English language: English 英语 2. communication communicate with sb be in communication/contact with sb communicate sth to sb 表达,传达,传递 3. ballet 4. accept [反]reject 5. gesture 手势 【P18】 6. take place: happen; occur; break out(爆发) take the place of sb: take one’s place代替 7. sit up straight l ook straight into one’s eyes 8. He looks/is/feels bored.(感到厌烦的) 【P19】9. part-time jobs 10. a well-dressed lady be dressed in dress sb 11. sigh 叹气;叹息;sign 标牌 12. the way you communicate/in which you communicate/that you communicate 13. more than 不仅仅(not only);多于(over) 14. appearance Don’t judge a person only by his appearance. 15. make/give a good impression on sb 16. hold her head up 17. minutes later 过去时态连用 18. remind sb of/about sth remind sb that… 【P27】 19. nod(ding) one’s head;cross one’s arms 【P29】20. eye contact 21. n. friendliness friendly (friendlier, friendliest)


选择 1.Where does Alice live? She ____ Beijing. A live B live in C lives D lives in 2. ____ do you go to school ? I go to school by school bus. A how B what C why D where 3. My home is ____ my school A near by B far C far away D not far from 4. Computers ____ us with all kinds of information. A give B provide C show D tell 5. There ____ different plants and animals on Earth. We must protect them. A is B are C has D have 6. How clever he is ! it seems as if he knows____. A nothing B something C anything D everything 7. Most students go home when the bell rings, but some of us ____ after-school activities. A join B take part in C ride D go to bed 8. I’m so ____ today, I do everything wrong. A bright B happy C old D nervous 9. Tom and John____ back to the Earth next week. A is B are C is going to be D are going to be 10. What can you see ____ the window? The Moon. It ____ the sky A outside; looks like B inside; looks like C outside, lights up D inside; lights up 11. The seeds will grow____ you plant them in the soil. A because B when C if D so 12. I ______ an exciting time at school yesterday. Really? Tell me about it. A have B had C am D was 13. I’m a girl, I have ______ A a log hair B long hair C long hairs D long a hair 14. Y ou can see some ______. A bottles of waters B bottles of water C bottle of water D bottle of waters 15. I ______ most of my free time reading. A spend B cost C take D pay 16. I believe most of what he said, but I don’t believe ______. A anything B everything C something D nothing 17. What ______ you ______ during the weekend? I went for a walk. A did; do B do; do C will; do D is; doing 18. ______does it take you to get home by bus? About half an hour. A how far B how long C how much D how many 19. Where is Mrs Chen taking Lucy and Lily? ______ is taking ______ across the street. A he;’ them B she; they C he they D she; them 20. She is good at ______. A swimming B swim C swims D to swimming 21. I like my new school because it is not very ______ from my home, A old B friendly C near D far 22. How about your ______ to Paris? It was quite exciting. Y ou’d better go there next time. A trip B idea C hope D work 23. It’s ______ to walk on muddy roads in spring.

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