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1. What’s Puritanism?

A religious and political movement which appeals to the right of the individual to political & religious independence. It includes three parts: a code of values, a point of view & a philosophy of life

2. What are the basic Puritan beliefs?

1). Total Depravity 2). Unconditional Election 3). Limited Atonement 4). Irresistible Grace 5). Perseverance of the "saints"

3. What are American Puritan values?

Sobriety thrift, Self-reliance Diligence, Struggle, simple tastes

4. What are the features of American literature in the Colonial Period?

A. Humble origins: diaries, journals, histories, letters. Its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period.

B. in content: serving either god or colonial expansion or both

C. in form: imitating English literary traditions.

D. in style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery and simplicity of diction.

E. Symbolism formed in this period ------To the pious Puritan, the physical, phenomenal world was nothing but a symbol of God.

F. Simple, fresh and direct style

G. the Puritanism formed in this period was one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and American literature.

5. What are the features of Washington Irving’s works?

(1) Gentility, urbanity, pleasantness (2) Avoiding moralizing – amusing and entertaining (3) Enveloping stories in an atmosphere (4) Vivid and true characters (5) Humor – smiling while reading (6) Musical language

6. What is theme of “Rip Van Winkle”?

①it reveals conservative attitude of Irving. ②it might be an illustration of Irving’s argument that revolution upset the natural order of things.

A. The story of man who has difficulties facing his advancing age;

B.The contradictory impulses in America toward work-the puritan attitude as opposed to America desire for leisure;

C .The theme of escape from one's responsibilities and even one's history;

D .The loss of identity.

7. What are the author’s attitude changes?

It reveals conservative attitude of Irving and he is Unwilling to accept a modern democratic America and prefers the past & a dream-like world

8. What’s New England Transcendentalism?

Transcendentalism is the summit of the Romantic Movement in the history of American literature in the 19th century. Transcendentalism has been defined philosophically as “the recognition(认知)in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively(直觉地)”. Transcendentalists place emphasis on the importance of the Over-soul, the individual and Nature.

9. What are its basic assumptions?

The intuitive faculty, instead of the rational or sensical, became the means for a conscious union of the individual psyche with the world psyche also known as the Over soul, life-force, prime mover and God

10. What are Allan Poe’s poetics theories?

The poetry should appeal only to the sense of beauty, not truth, and sets himself against realistic details in poetry. He makes good use of a number of poetic devices to create a mood appropriate to the theme of his poems.

11. Why was Nathaniel Hawthorne a master of symbolism?

He uses concrete objects as well as characters to serve as his symbols. He likes to uses masks, veils, shadows to give dramatic forms to the universal dilemmas of humanity

12. What is the theme of Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter?

It Condemned the Puritan philosophy of life.

Sin, knowledge and human condition; the nature of evil; identity and society

4. What is the symbolic meaning of the Scarlet Letter “A”?

A.” Adultery", a token of shame

B. a sign of Hester's "ability“

C. "Angel" appearing in the sky

D.”Adamic", since the sin is prehistoric and human E .the rising “America"

13. What story is told in Moby-Dick?

It is a thrilling adventure story which is the realistic about a whaling voyage within which is set a symbolic account of the conflict between man and his fate.

14. What is the symbolic meaning of Moby-Dick?

1) Mystery of the universe, 2) power of grant nature, 3) evil of the world

4) Its whiteness-paradoxical color: death and corruption, purity, innocence and youth.

15. What are the popular themes of Emily Dickinson’s poetry?

Death, love, friendship, nature, immortality.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b75501193.html,ment on the image of Huckleberry Finn?

He is loyal, cheerful, fair-minded boy with “a sound heart and a deformed conscience, with the eventual victory of his moral conscience over his social awareness, Huck grows. Huck is not only a lovely boy in the novel, but also a portrait standing for the young America. Huck is not only a lovely boy in the novel, but also a portrait standing for the young America.

17. What’s the social significance of him?

Huck develops a different view of blacks through the story. It is not an instant change, but a gradual process. Huck himself undergoes a change; he stops accepting the social norms and instead follows his own beliefs. He acquires these beliefs after many adventures with the slave Jim. In this way, Twain encourages people to be like Huck and not to accept the racism just because society accepts it.

18. Why are naturalists inevitably pessimistic in their view?

A. Naturalism was greatly influenced by Darwin's evolutionary theory and French literature

B. Naturalists accepted the more negative implications of Darwin's theory and used it to count for the behavior of those characters in literary works who are conceived as more or less complex combinations of inherited attributes, their habits conditioned by social and economic forces.

C. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author's tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic.

19.What are the features of Frost’s poetry?

1. Frost’s poetry mainly reflects life in rural New England

2. His poems often shift dramatically from humorous tones to tragic ones

3. Much of his poetry is concerned with how people interact with their environment

4. Frost disliked free verse; He often wrote in the standard meter of blank verse

20. What is the theme of “The Road Not taken” Individualism, Caution, Commitment, Accepting a Challenge And “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”? The poem is primarily oriented towards the pleasures of the scene and the responsibility of life.

21.What are the features of modernist literature?

A. Its strong and conscious break with traditional forms, perceptions and techniques of expression.

B. Its great concern with language and aspects of its medium.

22. What is “Lost generation”?

Literally, it is the generation of people born between 1883 and 1900.They were disillusioned by World War I and displeased with American social values, sexual and aesthetic conventions, and established morality. They first fled to cities such as Chicago & San Francisco; then to Paris, London, Madrid, Barcelona, and Rome. They were full of youthful idealism and pioneered new ways of writing; they were devoid of faith and alienated from civilization. 23. What is a typical Hemingway Code Hero?

The Code Hero believes in “Nada,” meaning nothing. There is also no after life.

?The Code Hero is an individualist and free-willed. He believes in courage and honor and has his own set of morals and principles based on his beliefs in honor, courage and endurance.

? A code hero never shows emotions.

? A code hero does not commit to women.

? A code hero shows qualities such as brav ery, adventure, and love of travel.

? A code hero dislikes darkness. It symbolizes death and is a source of fear. The rite of manhood for the code hero is facing death.

24.What is the theme of the sh ort story “A Clean Well-Lighted Place”?Nothing (or nada) through the old

man's unsuccessful suicide and the middle-aged man's soliloquy.

25.What is the theme of The Great Gatsby?

A sensitive and symbolic treatment of the themes of contemporary life related with irony and pathos to the legend of the "America dream"

What kind of person is Gatsby?

He is a poor youth from the Midwest and at last became a self-made wealthy man. Gatsby is the last romantic heroes and he is a mysterious figure whose intensity of dream partakes of a mind that embodies America itself.

26.What are Faulkner’s famous novels? What are the features of his novels?"The sound and the Fury", "As

I Lay Dying", "Light in the August", "Absalom, Absalom!" 2) On history and the problem of race; on folk human of the south; on horror, violence and abnormal to arouse moral outrage.

1.Discuss Twain’s art of fiction

2.A. Mark Twain uses the Mississippi alley as his fictional kingdom, writing about the landscape and people, the

customs and the dialects of one particular region, and is therefore known as a local colorist.

B. He creates life-like characters, especially the unconventional Huckleberry Finn, who runs away from civilization and stands opposite to conventional village morality.

C. He uses a simple, direct vernacular language, totally different from any precious literary language. It is the kind of colloquial belonging to the lower class, the living local American English.

D. He has created a special humor to satirize and the decayed convention.

2 1). The story takes place along the Mississippi River before the Civil War in the United States, around 1850. Along the river floats a small raft, with two people on it: One is an ignorant, uneducated black slave named Jim and the other is little uneducated outcast white boy, Huck Finn. The novel relates the story of the escape of Jim from slavery and, more important, how Huck Finn, floating along with Jim and helping him as best as he could, changes his mind, his prejudice, about Black people, and comes to accept Jim as a man and as a close friend as well.

2.) (theme)1) The Theme of the novel may be best summed in a word “freedom”: Huck wants to escape from the bond of civilization and Jim wants to escape from the yoke of slavery. 2) The novel is a criticism of social injustice, hypocrisy, conservativeness and narrow-mindedness of the American small town society.

3.Make a brief comment on Mark Twain’s achievements in this novel in 200-250 words.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, first published in 1876, is a child’s adventure story; it is also, however, the story of a young boy’s transition into a young man. In some ways, it is a bildungsroman, a novel whose principle subject is the moral, psychological, and intellectual development of a youthful main character. It is not a true bildungsroman, however, because Twain did not take Tom into full

1. The hero of the novel through adventures with lively style to satirize the American hypocrisy of social custom, vulgar hypocrisy of religious rituals and inflexible stale school education

2. "Tom Sawyer--with its strong deep local characteristics of humor and keen observation of the character, had become the greatest of the children's literature works, is a United States rural " golden era "

4. 1)The Pequod-a symbol of doom(death);named after a Native American tribe in Massachusetts, did not survive the arrival of white men (extincted), is painted gloomy black and covered in whale teeth and bones 2) Moby Dick-unknown and unknowable truths, inscrutable, mysterious, mirrors its environment, only the surface of the ocean is available for human observation and interpretation, the depths conceal unknown truths--A metaphor for the human relationship with the Christian God: God is unknown and cannot be pinned down (defined). to the pequod’s crew,Moby Dick is a concept onto which they can display their anxiety about dangerous and frightening jobs, to Ahab Moby Dick is a manifestation of all that is wrong with the world, It is his destiny to get rid of this symbolic evil 3)Queequeg’s Coffin symbolizes life an d death.

5. Try to discuss the theme of “The Minister’s Black Veil”.

A. Sin and Evil

B. History and Antiquity

C. Alienation - a character is in a state of isolation because of self-cause, or societal cause, or a combination of both.

D. Puritan New England - used as a background and setting in many tales.

E. Other themes include individual vs. society, self-fulfillment vs. frustration, hypocrisy vs. integrity, love vs. hate, and fate vs. free will, etc.


第17单元20世纪美国诗人(1) I.Fill in the blanks. 1.Author_____Title_____(南京大学2007研) The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet,black bough. 【答案】Author:Ezra Pound;Title:“In a Station of the Metro” 【解析】题目节选自庞德的《在一个地铁车站》,该诗是以一个意象作为叙述语言的典型范例。 2.Ezra Pound’s lifelong endeavor had been devoted to the writing of_____,which contains_____poems.(国际关系学院2007研) 【答案】The Cantos;117 【解析】庞德把毕生精力都投入到写作《诗章》当中,《诗章》共包括117首诗。 3.Pound was the leader of a new movement in poetry which he called the“_____”movement. 【答案】imagism 【解析】庞德是意象主义运动的领军人物。 4._____was successful in two fields of activity which did not seem compatible with

one another:he was a very successful businessman and a very remarkable contemporary poet at the same time.(人大2006研) 【答案】Wallace Stevens 【解析】华莱士·史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens)是美国20世纪的著名诗人。他集企业家和诗人于一身。 5.Winner of the National Book Award in1950and the Pulitzer Prize in1963,______ is the author of the five-volume epic Paterson which is a lucid statement of the author’s aesthetics. 【答案】William Carlos Williams 【解析】威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯的代表作是《佩特森》,它清晰地表达了诗人的美学观点。 6.At the age of44,Wallace Stevens was finally persuaded to publish a book of poems,entitled_____. 【答案】Harmonium 【解析】1923年,44岁的华莱士-史蒂文斯出版了他的第一部诗集《风琴》(Harmonium)。 7.After his death,Wallace Stevens’s previously uncollected works appeared under the title_____. 【答案】Opus Posthumous 【解析】华莱士·史蒂文斯死后,其之前未收集的诗作集合成册于1957年发表,名为《遗作》(Opus Posthumous)。


Part I The Literature of Colonial America I.Historical Introduction The colonial period stretched roughly from the settlement of America in the early 17th century through the end of the 18th. The first permanent settlement in America was established by English in 1607. ( A group of people was sent by the English King James I to hunt for gold. They arrived at Virginia in 1607. They named the James River and build the James town.) II.The pre-revolutionary writing in the colonies was essentially of two kinds: 1) Practical matter-of-fact accounts of farming, hunting, travel, etc. designed to inform people "at home" what life was like in the new world, and, often, to induce their immigration 2) Highly theoretical, generally polemical, discussions of religious questions. III.The First American Writer The first writings that we call American were the narratives and journals of these settlements. They wrote about their voyage to the new land, their lives in the new land, their dealings with Indians. Captain John Smith is the first American writer. A True Relation of such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony (1608) A Map of Virginia: A Description of the Country (1612) General History of Virgini a (1624): the Indian princess Pocahontas Captain John Smith was one of the first early 17th-century British settlers in North America. He was one of the founders of the colony of Jamestown, Virginia. His writings about North America became the source of information about the New World for later settlers. One of the things he wrote about that has become an American legend was his capture by the Indians and his rescue by the famous Indian Princess, Pocahontas. IV.Early New England Literature William Bradford and John Winthrop John Cotton and Roger Williams Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor V.Puritan Thoughts 1. The origin of puritan In the mediaeval Europe, there was widespread religious revolution. In the 16th Century, the English King Henry VIII (At that time, the Catholics were not allowed to divorce unless they have the Pope's permission. Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife because she couldn't bear him a son. But the Pope didn't allow him to divorce, so he) broke away from the Roman Catholic Church & established the Church of


美国文学期末复习题 2013-2014-1 美国文学史及选读期末复习材料 I Multiple choices 1. Which is not connected with Thomas Paine? A. Common Sense B. The American Crisis C. The Rights of Man D. The Autobiography 2. “These are the times that try men's souls”, these words were once read to Washington's troops and did much to spur excitement to further action with hope and confidence. Who is the author of these words? A.Benjamin Franklin B.

Thomas Paine C. Thomas Jefferson D. George Washington 3. At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement Modernist Movement D. 4. In American literature, the Enlighteners were favorable to . A. the colonial order B. religious obscurantism C. the Puritan tradition D. the secular literature 5. The English colonies in North America rose in arms against their parent country and the Continental Congress adopted _____________ in 177 6. A. Declaration of Independence B. the Sugar Act C. the Stamp Act D. the Mayflower Compact 6. ____ usually was regarded as the first American


湖州师范学院外国语学院2008— 2009学年第二学期 《美国文学》期末考试试卷(A卷)答案暨评分标准 I. Write the names of the authors. (10%) ①Walt Whitman ②Edgar Allen Poe ③Wallace Stevens ④Franklin Norris ⑤Stephen Crane ⑥William Faulkner ⑦Sinclair Lewis ⑧John Steinbeck ⑨Langston Hughes ⑩Tennessee Williams II. Fill in the following blanks with appropriate information.(10%) ①New England ②Regionalism or Local color writing ③semi-autobiographical ④anti-realism ⑤Imagist ⑥Santiago ⑦multiple narrations or points of view ⑧1930 ⑨Harlem Renaissance ⑩Eugene O’Neill III. Choose only one answer form the four choices as the most appropriate answer. (20%) 1-5. A D C B B 6-10. D B E B A IV. Identify the author and the title of the work from which each of the following excerpts is taken. And then answer the question after each excerpt. (20%) Passage 1 the author: Walt Whitman (1%) the title of the work : Songs of Myself (1%) Question: What is the poet celebrating? (2%) The poet is celebrating individualism and nationalism, singing of all those people who form the American nationality.


美国文学试题库 注:试题库内容仅作为学习参考使用,并不代表考试内容。任何一道题均可能变化为其它形式的试题。 1. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more_____________. A. rational B. humorous C. optimistic D. pessimistic 2.The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American___________ . A. local colorism B. vernacularism C. modernism D. naturalism 3. ____________were idealists, believing the church should be restored to complete “purity” and dreaming that they would build the new land to an Eden on earth. A. Calvinists B. Puritans C. Romanticists D. Transcendentalists 4. All of the following are the features of Puritans EXCEPT _____. A. wanting to make pure their religious beliefs and practices


1、The Colonial Period(1607-1765) American Puritanism ( in the early 17th century through the end of the 18th) 北美第一位女诗人Anne Bradstreet(宗教气息,夫妻恩爱) Edward Taylor 都受英国玄学派影响(metaphysical) 2、The Enlightenment and Revolution Period Benjamin Franklin:Poor Richard's Almanac The Autobiography---“美国梦”的根源 3、American Romanticism(end of 18th to the civil war) American writers emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qualities of literature. 早期浪漫主义Washington Irving father of American Literature 短篇小说 James Fenimore Cooper 历史,冒险,边疆小说《The Leather-stocking Tales>文明发展对大 自然的摧残与破坏 William Cullen Bryant 美国第一个浪漫主义诗人《To a Waterfowl>美国 山水,讴歌大自然,歌颂美国生活现实 Edgar Allan Poe ---(48 poems,70 short stories) He greatly influenced the devotees of “Art for art’s sake.” He was father of psychoanalytic criticism , and the detective story. Ralph Waldo Emerson---The chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism American Transcendentalism (also known as “American Renaissance”) It is the high tide of American romanticism Transcendentalists spoke for the cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society. 《Nature》---the Bible of Transcendentalism by Emerson 《Self-Reliance》表达他的超验主义观点Henry David Thoreau------ Walden he regarded nature as a symbol of spirit.Thoreau was very critical of modern civilization. 小说家:Hawthorne-赞成超验He is a master of symbolism The Scarlet Letter《红字》 Melville 怀疑,悲观,sailing experiences Moby Dick百科全书式性质/海洋作品/动物史诗 诗人Longfellow《I Shot an Arrow...》《A Psalm of Life》第一首被完整地介绍到中国的美国诗歌Whitman (Free Verse---without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme ) 《Leaves of Grass》《One's Self I Sing》《O Captain! My Captain!》song Dickinson inner life of the individual ---died for beauty 4、The Age of Realism James upper reaches of American society. <一位女士的肖像》inner world of man Howells, concerned himself chiefly with middle class life. Twain the lower strata of society. humor and local colorism American Naturalism 自然主义(新型现实) Stephen Crane;《Maggie: A Girl of the Streets》《The Red Badge of Courage》pessimistic Theodore Dreiser;Sister Carrie;Jennie Gerhardt;An American Tragedy(Trilogy of Desire) O.Henry (William Sydney Porter):The Gift of the Magi;The Cop and the anthem Jack London:The Call of the Wild;Martin Eden 5、The Modern Period The 1920s-1930s ( the second renaissance of American literature) The Roaring Twenties ,The Jazz Age ,“lost”(Gertrude Stein) and “waste land”(T.S.Eliot) 现代主义小说家 F. Scott Fitzgerald:《The Great Gatsby》被视为美国文学“爵士时代”的象征,以美国梦American Dream 为主线。


1.Captain John Smith became the first American writer. 2.The puritans looked upon themselves as a chosen people. is an annual collection of proverbs written by Benjamin Franklin. 4.Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet Common Sense boldly advocated a “Declaration for Independence”. 5.Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston.

has been called the “Father of American Poetry”. 7.In Washington I rving’s appeared the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature. 8.Cooper’s enduring fame rests on his William Cullen Bryant’s wok. is considered “father of American detective stories and American gothic stories”. 10.Emerson believed above all in


大四美国文学期末考试题型及例题: 1.选择/对错60分(40道选择,20个对错) 2.名词解释10分(5个) 3.选段配对10分(5个) 4.问答20分(10/2) 1.历史:Father / poetess… 2. 名作家:Hemingway, Faulkner, Poe, Hawthorne, Emerson 3.作品:The W asteland/Moby Dick/Scarlet Letter 1.a)选择题(40个,40分) 1. At the age of reason and revolution, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ________. A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement D. Modernist Movement 2. Which is NOT connected to Benjamin Franklin? ________ A. He was born in a poor family. B. He was a pious puritan. C. He was phrased as “Jack of all trades”. D. He was a master of diplomacy. 3. Ernest Hemingway is noted for the following EXCEPT ________. A. Lost Generation B. Iceberg theory C. American Dream D. Code Heroes 4. Which character is NOT from The Scarlet Letter? ________ A. Hester Prynne B. Roger Chillingworth C. Captain Ahab D. Pearl 5. Jack London’s semi-biographical novel ________well presents the disillusionment of American Dream. A. The American Tragedy B. The Call of the Wild C. Martin Eden D. The Grapes of Wrath b)判断对错题(20个,20分) 1. Poe’s masterpiece “To Helen” is written to memorize his deceased wife. (F) 2. The tone of “Annabel Lee” is optimistic and hopeful. (F) 3. Mark Twain's novel Jumping Frog was an artistic failure, but it gave its name to the America of the postbellum period which it attempts to satirize. (F) 4. Sister Carrie ended up in tragedy because she could not control her fate. (F)



美国文学复习提纲 第一部分连线题(1*10=10’) 1. Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence 2. Walt Whitman O’ Captain, My Captain 3. Mark Twain Jumping Frog 4. Robert Frost Mending Wall 5. Ezra Pound In a Station of the Metro 6. Carl Sandburg Chicago 7. Saul Bellow The Adventure of Augie March 8. Ernest Hemingway Men without Women 9. John Steinbeck The Grape of Wrath 10. Jack London The Call of the Wild 11. Sinclair Lewis Babbit 12. Flannery O’ Connor A Good Man Is Hard to Find 13. O. Henry The Last Leaf 14. Jerome David Salinger The Catcher in the Rye 15. William Falkner The Sound and the Fury 第二部分单项选择(1.5*20=30’) 1. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the “________” who appeared in America. A. Tenth Muse B. Ninth Muse C. Best Muse D. First Muse 2. In American literature, the 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment. ________ was the dominant spirit. A. Humanism B. Rationalism C. Revolution D. Evolution 3. Which of the following stirred the world and helped form the American republic? A. The American Crisis B. The Federalist C. Declaration of Independence D. The Age of Reason 4. At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ________. A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement D. Modernist Movement 5. Thoreau was often alone in the woods or by the pond, lost in spiritual communication with ________. A. nature B. transcendentalist ideas C. human beings D. celestial beings 6. ________tells a simple but very moving story in which four people living in a puritan community are involved in and affected by the sin of adultery in different ways. A. Twice-Told Tales B. The Scarlet Letter C. The House of the Seven Gables D. The Marble Faun

美国文学期末复习题 -

1._ ___ had been an evident influence on Naturalism. It seemed to stress the animal impulse of man, to suggest that man was dominated by the irresistible forces of evolution. A. Unitarianism B. Origins of Species C. Puritanism and Influence D. Capitalist Economy 2.Who is called “the true father of our national literature” by the writer H. L. Mencken? A. Benjamin Franklin B. Mart Twain C. Hemingway D. William Faulkner 3.In the first part of the 20th century, apart from Darwinism, which was still a big influence upon the writers of this period, there were two thinkers _____ whose ideas had the greatest impact on the period. A. the German Karl Marx and the American Sigmund Freud B. the German Karl Marx and the Austrian Sigmund Freud C. the Swiss Car Jung and the American William James D. the Austrian Karl Marx and the German Sigmund Freud 4.The American realists approached the harsh realities and pressures in the post-Civil war society by _____. A. a comprehensive picture of modern life in its various occupations, class stratifications and manners B. a psychological exploration of man’s subconsciousness C. a disillusion of heroism resulting from the dark memories of the Civil War D. both A and B 5.By the turn of the century, with the publication of The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg and The Mysterious Stranger, the change in Mark Twain from ______ to _____ could be felt. A. an optimist...an almost despairing pessimist B. an almost despairing pessimist...an optimist C. a local colorist...a naturalist D. a naturalist...a local colorist 6.The Portrait of A Lady is generally considered to be Jame’s masterpiece, which ____. A. incarnates the clash between the Old World and the New in the life journey of an American girl in a European cultural environment B. tells a story about a young and innocent American confronting the complexity of the European life C. is about a young American girl who gets “killed” by the winter in Rome D. tells about some Europeans who learn with difficulty to adapt themselves to the American life 7.About Henry James’ literary criticism, which of the following is not right? A. It is both concerned with form and devoted to human values. B. He indicates that the aim of the novel is to present life in every possible form. C. He advocates the freedom of the artist to write about anything that concerns him. D. He believes that the artist can’t feel the life, but he can understand human nature in their own way. 8.The characters presented by the naturalist writers were _____. A. more often than not dominated by their environment and heredity


美国文学期末考试复习必备(精) 1. What’s Puritanism? A religious and political movement which appeals to the right of the individual to political & religious independence. It includes three parts: a code of values, a point of view & a philosophy of life 2. What are the basic Puritan beliefs? 1). Total Depravity 2). Unconditional Election 3). Limited Atonement 4). Irresistible Grace 5). Perseverance of the "saints" 3. What are American Puritan values? Sobriety thrift, Self-reliance Diligence, Struggle, simple tastes 4. What are the features of American literature in the Colonial Period? A. Humble origins: diaries, journals, histories, letters. Its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period. B. in content: serving either god or colonial expansion or both C. in form: imitating English literary traditions. D. in style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery and simplicity of diction. E. Symbolism formed in this period ------To the pious Puritan, the physical, phenomenal world was nothing but a symbol of God. F. Simple, fresh and direct style


I、Write the Names of the Authors、 1、Poor Richard’s Almanac 2、Common Sense 3、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 4、A Streetcar Named Desire 5、The Waste Land 6、Sister Carrie 7、The House of the Seven Gables 8、The Great Gatsby 9、The Bluest Eye 10、 A Farewell to Arms 11、R ip Van Winkle 12、Raven 13、The Call of the Wild 14、The Marble Faun 15、Moby Dick 16、The Wing of the Dove 17、Of Mice and Men 18、The Bluest Eye 19、The Great Gatsby 20、The Bluest Eye 21、The Sound and the Fury II、Multiple Choices(Choose the best answer from the four choices)、 1、From 1622 until his death, , one of the greatest of colonial American, was reelected thirty times as governor、 A、Anne Bradstreet B、William Bradford C、Edward Taylor D、Thomas Pain 2、carries the voice not of an individual but of a whole people、It is more than writing of the Revolutionary period, it defined the meaning of the American Revolution、 A、Common Sense B、The American Crisis C、Declaration of Independence D、Defense of the English People 3、usually was regarded as the first American writer、 A、William Bradford B、Anne Bradstreet C、Emily Dickinson D、Captain John Smith 4、Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet、Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the " "who appeared in America、 A、Ninth Muse B、Tenth Muse C、Best Muse D、First Muse 5、_____ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club、 A、Henry David Thoreau B、Ralph Waldo Emerson C、Nathanial Hawthorne D、Walt Whitman

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