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第一题: 20个单词同义替换(此部分较难)




















第二题: 5个句子修正(此部分较难)

第三题: 3篇阅读理解,前两个各是5个选择,后一个是篇类似于四六级那样的快速浏览阅读,然后回答5个问题,第三个要求用三个句子概括全文。

第四题:作文,围绕“tiger mothers”,说这样的妈妈把孩子许多时间给挤占了,孩子没有自己的时间,然后写篇作文。







5.Benchmark interest rate基准利率




9. Bricks






1. 近者悦,远者来.

2. 人本主义

3. 反者,道之动也.

4. 龟兹石窟

5. 托勒密

6. 五经

7. 六书

8. 不妄劳作

9. 控制论

10. “清”

11. “空灵”

12. 青花瓷

13. “势”

14. “净”

15. 财政赤字

16. “豆蔻”

17. 禅宗

18. 欧元区

19. 京都议定书

20. CPI

21. G20

22. “碳税”

23. 基础四国

24. 博鳌亚洲论坛

25. 两会




材料: <双城记> 的开头写到:“这是最好的时代, 这是最坏的时代; 这是智慧的时代,这是愚蠢的时代……人们正在下地狱”然后写一篇不少于800字的论说文,题目自拟.


凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务! 第 1 页 共 1 页 2017考研英语翻译真题精析(20) 要攻克考研英语翻译就必须要练习对句子的拆分解读能力,加强对词汇多义的把握,踩准得分点,最好的方法就是大家多练习对单句的细分解读,日积月累,翻译能力必定提升。凯程考研频道以真题为例,和大家分享句子的细分解读,从词汇到句式,希望大家多练练。 And home appliances will alsobecome so smart 0.5分//that controlling and operating them will result in 0.5分//the breakout of a new psychological disorder0.5分—//kitchen rage0.5分. (25 words) 词汇要点: 1) home appliances //家用电器 2) result in //导致,出现 3) breakout //n.爆发,出现,发作,发生 4) disorder//n.混乱,杂乱,紊乱;失调,疾病 结构要点: 1) …so …that …结果状语从句; 2) 破折号后面的kitchen rage 是在解释a new psychological disorder 。 汉译逻辑要点: 1) smart 翻译为“聪明”不太符合汉语习惯,因为上文主语是home appliances(家用电器),家用电器“智能化”或者“精巧、小巧”都可以。 2) psychological disorder 翻译为“心理疾病,心理失调,心理紊乱”都可以,但是前面还有new 修饰,翻译为“新的心理疾病”才适合。 3) result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder ,意思是“导致一种新的心理疾病的爆发”。“导致…爆发”就是“引发了这种疾病”。 4) kitchen rage 是对前面的a new psychological disorder 这种“新的心理疾病”的解释,rage 本来是“愤怒”,既然是心理疾病,那就是“狂躁症”。road rage 叫“路怒症”是指开车的人不规矩,一上路就狂躁。kitchen rage 是指人一进厨房就狂躁。 完整译文: 家用电器将会变得如此智能化,以至于控制和操作它们会引发一种新的心理疾病——厨房狂燥症。


翻译硕士《翻译硕士英语》样题 I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’) Multiple choice Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet. 1. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field. A. contradict B. reform C. counter D. protest 2. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _________. A. minority B. scarcity C. rarity D. minimum 3. Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January. A. carries into effect B. takes effect C. has effect D. puts into effect 4. The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________ government spending. A. finance B. expand C. enlarge D. budget 5. The heat in summer is no less _________ here in this mountain region. A. concentrated B. extensive C. intense D. intensive 6. Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings. A. forbidden B. rejected C. excluded D. denied 7. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _________. A. pull back B. pull up C. pull through D. pull out 8. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer’s _________ rather than the company’s. A. benefit B. availability C. suitability D. convenience 9. The priest made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church. A. mark B. signal C. sign D. gesture 10. This spacious room is ________ furnished with just a few articles in it. A. lightly B. sparsely C. hardly D. rarely 11. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can. A. would be B. will have been C. was D. were 12. With some men dressing down and some other men flaunting their looks, it is really hard to tell they are gay or _________. A. straight B. homosexual C. beautiful D. sad 13. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting. A. so as to B. such as to C. such to D. as much as to 14. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday. A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 15. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 16. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _________ solar heating device in our home. A. some type of B. some types of a C. some type of a D. some types of 17. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days. A. must take B. must have made


2020年考研英语一翻译真题及答案解析 2017年考研英语考试已经结束!出国留学考研网在考后第一时间 为大家提供2017年考研英语一翻译真题及答案解析,更多考研资讯 请关注我们网站的更新! 2017年考研英语一翻译真题及答案解析 英语1文章明显偏学术,今年考察英语语言发展情况,文章选的英国文化教育协会,是雅思出题组织者。它的主席叫大卫格兰多的 一本书,叫《英语下一步》,他讲到整本书意思是英语将走向何处。 很有意思的是主席曾经这本书里说到了中文将以后成为世界语言。英语1考题作为序言部分作为考题。 今年英语1总体难度和去年相比,刚刚过去2016年考研题稳中 有一点点上升,没有任何难句出现,只是长句。我认为稳中上升。 第一句话有一个单词难一点,(英文),英语全球性主导地位。翻译里没有考过。(英文)主导地位考过,但是是阅读里经常出现,翻 译都是可以的。这句话基本意思说到了,说英语的人进一步扩大, 这是一个(英文)状语从句。后面跟着有迹象表明,是主句,表明的 迹象是什么呢?从句,英语全球性主导地位在可预见地位将减弱。 fade(英文)略微有难度。我对考研阅读没有那么熟,但是2000 年出现过。如果按照新东方老师关注的精读方法来学习有很好的效果。 第二句话讲到了大卫这个人分析,会终结一些人的(英文),他们或许会认为英语全球性地位是如此稳定。他们有一次词,是(英语) 如此稳定,英国年轻一代不需要额外学习其他的语言能力。但是会 终结年轻一代的能力。 但是组织的时候要注意一下,有些人认为英语语言地位如此稳定,英国年轻人没有必要学习什么,但是大卫的观点会终结这些人的想法。语序颠倒一下会更好。

2017年 考研英语二真题全文翻译解析(华明网校版)

2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)真题 Section I Use of English Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work. Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel 18 ,” Danahe r says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters. 1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring 2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty 3. [A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction 4. [A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured 5. [A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom 6. [A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless 7. [A] rich [B] urban [C]working [D] educated


2016年山东大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷 (总分:72.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:40.00) 1.He felt that the uninspiring routine of office work was too______for someone of his talent and creativity.(分数: 2.00) A.prosaic B.insatiable C.exacting D.enthralling 2.The museum arranged the fossils in______order, placing the older fossils dating from the Late Ice Age on the first floor and the more recent fossils on the second floor.(分数:2.00) A.alphabetical B.chronological C.random D.arbitrary 3.With the evolution of wings, insects were able to______to the far ecological corners, across deserts and bodies of water, to reach new food sources and inhabit a wider variety of promising environmental niches.(分数:2.00) A.relate B.disperse C.transgress D.revert 4.Having recently missed out on the Matisse retrospective, which has taken Paris and New York by storm, and on the tour of great paintings from Philadelphia's Barnes collection, London is becoming______in the competition to show blockbuster international art exhibitions.(分数:2.00) A.a trend-setter B.an also-ran C.a world-beater D.a mecca 5.What most______the magazine's critics is the manner in which its editorial opinions are expressed too often as if only an idiot could see things any other way.(分数:2.00) A.belies B.impedes C.riles D.placates 6.Despite her compassionate nature, the new nominee to the Supreme Court was single-minded and ______in her strict adherence to the letter of the law.(分数:2.00) A.merciful B.uncompromising C.dilatory D.vindictive 7.Although he generally observed the adage "Look before you leap," in this instance he was______acting in an unconsidered fashion.(分数:2.00) A.chary of B.impervious to C.precipitate in D.hesitant about


2017年西安外国语大学考 研指导 【西安外国语大学】 翻译硕士英语: 一、无选项完形考的是Forbes杂志,summary大意就是一个interview s,关于预测未来的。二、作文是二胎政策。 翻译基础: 一、术语翻译基本在China daily上都有。 命运共同体;国家工商总局;人口老龄化;工信部;中央气象台;意向创始成员国; 21世纪海上丝绸之路;国家公务员考试;sharing economy;guide dogs; a community of shared interest;charging point;biomass diversity conservation; stealth shopper;food neophia?;gross national happiness;proceeded meet 二、篇章翻译,两篇e to c,两篇c to e.,第一篇讲瓷器的,第二篇是雾霾。 三、汉译英一个是说可持续发展议程的,西外一直都是考政经,今年也不例外,最后一篇是讲跨境电子商务的。 汉语写作与百科知识: 一、术语解释 苍天;"凿空"西域;《老子》;分子生物学;禅宗;望闻问切;礼乐射御书术;

金文;孝悌;甲骨卜辞;马踏飞燕;外滩;梵文;纸草书;诸神谱系;中世纪;赫胥黎;分子生物学;三严三实;互联网+;为者常成,行者常至;来而不可失者时也,蹈而不可失者机也;九二共识; 二、应用文是给你一个采访的内容,让你自己写成一个新闻报道,这应该比新闻编译容易多了,西外还是挺重视新闻这块的,大家复习的时候一定要注意新闻格式。 三、大作文就是讲和平的。 复试包过请联系育明教育孙老师 考研学习规划 第一阶段:预热(3月1日至7月1日) 预热原因: 育明教育老师认为考研复习比较理想的时间长度是6-9个月,因此从3月开始比较科学。如果复习的时间太长,容易导致后劲不足。正所谓“强弩之末势不能穿鲁缟”。这是无数学子的血泪教训。 重点任务: 1.收集考研信息,包括所报考专业的未来发展趋势、就业难易程度、所报考专业的难易程度、所报考学校的录取率、资料。毕竟考研所需关注的点无非就两个:一是考研成功的可能性,二是研究生毕业后的就业问题。


2017考研英语(二)翻译真题参考译文及考点解析 来源:文都教育 2017年考研英语考试已经结束,文都教育给大家提供了的2017考研英语(二)真题翻译答案解析,供广大考生参考: 【原文题目】 My Dream My dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course. However, during that course I realized that I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me. Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favourite activities. But, to be absolutely honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream - I knew that no one, apart from myself, could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!【参考译文】 我的梦想 我的梦想一直是在时装设计和出版界之间找寻一个工作。在我中学毕业的两年前,我参加了一个缝纫和设计课程,原以为我能再继续参加一个时装设计的课程。然而,就在这个课程上,我意识到,将来在这个领域,我是无法和那些富于创新精神的精英们相媲美的。于是,我断定到这条路走不通。在申请上大学之前,我和所有人都讲,我想学新闻学,因为,写作曾经是,现在也是我最喜欢的活动之一。但是,说实话,我之所以这样说,是因为我以为从事时装设计不过是一个梦想,我也知道,除了我之外,没有人能想象出我会从事时装设计的工作。 【翻译解析】 1. My dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. 参考译文:我的梦想一直是在时装设计和出版界之间找寻一个工作。 句子分析:这个句子是简单句,句子主干是My dream has always been to work,后面的部分是状语。难点的地方在于状语部分somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing, 这里somewhere不需要翻译出来避免后面的介词短语重复,抽象理解为在时尚设计和出版界之间找寻一个工作。 2. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and


2016年暨南大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷 (总分:102.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Vocabulary(总题数:30,分数:60.00) 1.Whenever possible, Ina ______how well she speaks Japanese.(分数: 2.00) A.shows up B.shows around C.shows off D.shows out 2.As the director can't come to the reception, I'm representing the company______.(分数:2.00) A.on his account B.on his behalf C.for his part D.in his interest 3.The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how expensive the freight ______are.(分数:2.00) A.payments B.charges C.funds D.prices 4.The ball ______two or three times before rolling down the slope.(分数:2.00) A.swayed B.bounced C.hopped D.darted 5.He has been transferred to the University of Maryland Medical Center and is waiting to ______surgery.(分数:2.00) A.undergo B.unfold C.underestimate D.undertake 6.We hold these truths to be self-______: that all men are created equal.(分数:2.00) A.essential B.eternal C.evident D.exquisite 7.The bear clawed the hunter within ______of his life.(分数:2.00) A.close B.reach C.a space D.an inch 8.The third candidate is a______. She's new to politics and is just beginning her campaign.(分数:2.00) A.white elephant B.dark horse C.sleeper D.big hit 9.We go to the Summer Palace on foot______.(分数:2.00)


西安外国语大学学生综合素质测评实施办法 (2016年4月修订) 第一章总则 第一条综合测评是对学生德、智、体各方面表现进行量化评价的一种方法,其宗旨是引导学生以学为主,德、智、体全面发展,成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义建设者和接班人。 第二条综合测评内容包括学生上学年九月至当年八月(含八月)之间(即一学年度)的品德行为表现、学业表现和文体表现三个方面。综合测评成绩由品德行为表现、学业表现和文体表现三个单项构成,每个单项分为基本分和附加分两部分。 第三条综合测评是评定奖学金的重要依据。 第四条综合测评成绩计算方法为德、智、体各计100分,其所占百分比分别为20%、70%、10%。各项乘以相应的比例后相加之和为综合测评总分。 第五条本办法适用于具有西安外国语大学学籍的在册本科生。 第二章品行表现测评 第六条品德行为分占综合测评总分的20%。品德行为分由基本分与附加分组成,基本分满分为70分,附加分满分为30分。 计算公式为:(基本分+附加分)×20% 第七条品德行为表现的附加分满分为30分,包括若干项奖励和处罚分,计算公式为: 本人原始附加分(奖励分-处罚分) ×30 参评单位最高原始附加分 (如本测评单位个人附加分最高者分值小于或等于30分,本单位参评人员可直接将本人原始附加分看作品德行为表现附加分进行计算,可不用再使用上述公式进行计算) (一)奖励分评分细则 1.社会工作加分 在本学年度担任以下社会工作满一年,且尽职尽责的,由其主管部门出具证明给予加分奖励:

(1)5-6分:校团委委员;校团委直属学生组织(校学生会、校社团联合会、校大学生艺术团、校青年志愿者总队、新媒体发展中心、创新创业联合会、国旗护卫队等,以下简称“校团委直属学生组织”)主席团成员、秘书长、团长(副团长)、队长(副队长)、主任(副主任);学院团工委(团总支)副书记、学生会主席团成员。 (2)3-4分:校团委直属学生组织部长(副部长);学院团工委(团总支)部长(副部长)、学生会部长(副部长)、社团联合会部长(副部长)、大学生艺术团部长(副部长)、志愿者分队队长(副队长)及各部门负责人;年级学生会主席团成员;年级团总支书记;党(团)支部书记(副书记)、班长、院刊主编。 (3)2-3分:校团委直属学生组织干事、院团工委(团总支)各部门干事(部员);校、院学生会、社团联合会、大学生艺术团干事;党(团)支部委员、班委会委员、宿舍长;院刊编辑、记者。 (4)身兼多职者,按最高职务计分,各职务均能履行职责并有突出表现者,经学院素质测评工作小组审定,可酌情另加1-2分。 (5)学生干部不履行职责、工作马虎、同学反映意见比较多的,经年级测评小组审议通过,可酌情减1-2分;学生干部工作极不负责、同学反映意见比较强烈的,经年级素质测评小组审定通过可不给予社会工作加分。 (6)学生干部因特殊原因任职满一学期不满一学年者,按其职务等级分数的50%计算。 2.当学年参加社会实践和校园文化活动加分 (1)参加学校和学院组织的社会实践、政府见习和各类非学术专业类的校园文化竞赛活动,以及在学校和学院组织的以思想教育为主题的社会实践调查报告、征文等比赛,参加院级活动的加0.5分,校级加1分,省级以上加2分; 参加竞赛获奖的同学可另获加分奖励:获国家级一、二、三等奖及优秀奖分别加8、6、4、2分;省级一、二、三等奖及优秀奖分别加4、3、2、1分;校级一、二、三等奖分别加2、1.5、1分;院级一、二、三等奖分别加1.5、1、0.5分。优秀奖(仅指不分等级的比赛)按各级别的二等奖计。同一活动或同一文章只计最高分。 (2)积极为校广播站投稿并被采纳的加分:每篇加0.1分。积极为报刊投稿并发表的每篇加分:院报刊(每个学院限定一份刊物)加0.1分;部(处)、学


2017年西安外国语大学考研 指导 【西安外国语大学】 翻译硕士英语: 一、无选项完形考的是Forbes杂志,summary大意就是一个interview s,关于预测未来的。二、作文是二胎政策。 翻译基础: 一、术语翻译基本在China daily上都有。 命运共同体;国家工商总局;人口老龄化;工信部;中央气象台;意向创始成员国;21世纪海上丝绸之路;国家公务员考试;sharing economy;guide dogs; a community of shared interest;charging point;biomass diversity conservation; stealth shopper;food neophia?;gross national happiness;proceeded meet 二、篇章翻译,两篇e to c,两篇c to e.,第一篇讲瓷器的,第二篇是雾霾。 三、汉译英一个是说可持续发展议程的,西外一直都是考政经,今年也不例外,最后一篇是讲跨境电子商务的。 汉语写作与百科知识: 一、术语解释 苍天;"凿空"西域;《老子》;分子生物学;禅宗;望闻问切;礼乐射御书术;金文;孝悌;甲骨卜辞;马踏飞燕;外滩;梵文;纸草书;诸神谱系;中世纪;赫胥黎;分子生物学;三严三实;互联网+;为者常成,行者常至;来而不可失者时也,蹈而不可失

者机也;九二共识; 二、应用文是给你一个采访的内容,让你自己写成一个新闻报道,这应该比新闻编译容易多了,西外还是挺重视新闻这块的,大家复习的时候一定要注意新闻格式。 三、大作文就是讲和平的。 复试包过请联系育明教育孙老师 政治 【学科概述】 不用因为政治纷繁复杂的知识点而担心政治会不过线,只要肯下功夫,60分是很容易达到的。但对于想考名校的朋友,如果期望考到75分左右的高分,你们就需要仔细做选择题,认真地理解重点了。 政治在2010年,大纲作了大幅修订,有了如今大纲的基本结构。总体上来说,考研政治降低了专业难度,给没怎么学习过政治专业知识的同学越来越多的机会。 政治总分100分,50分客观选择,50分主观简答。先说主观题,一共5道大题,分别对应政治的五个部分,考点很难预料,但是实际能得到分数不少。感觉上,只要你能紧贴题目的意思写上两百来字言之成理的话,25分应当毫无悬念。这里需要说明,考北京区的朋友(北京是最大的旱区,所以主观答题都会被压分),你们政治的主观题大部分都在30上下,33分以上属于个别现象。在一些竞争相对没那么激烈的地区,主观题的分数会高得多。所以主观题不但出题点难以控制,可操作性也不强。相对而言,客观选择题可控性很强,是我们在政治科目的主要精力所在。 【辅导材料选择】 目前,考研政治的辅导书最好还是选择肖秀荣老师的一系列书。我曾对比过几本市面上的不同类别的政治辅导材料,无论是从内容与考研的契合度还是从认真负责的态度来讲,肖老师的都是我见到的书中最好的。 肖老师每年都会在网上提供免费的访谈资料,介绍他对考生的复习建议。肖老师的微博也每天都为广大考研学子开放,我就在上面问过问题,得到了肖老师的回复。不过到10月之后,老师会很忙,所以有问题要早问。 政治这门课,大纲极其复杂,内容信息量极大,而考试常考的内容大约只占大纲内容的3成。所以政治辅导书是很必要的,可以为你找到重点、理清脉络、节省时间。 A:一本纲领性的大纲解析 政治学习没有课本(大学里的五本政治书,切不可作为复习纲要),所以主要的复习就靠大纲解析。 推荐1:《考试大纲解析》 教育部考试中心每年考试前都会编写该书(这几年都是9月中旬上市),一般为红色,故又称红宝书,这是最正宗的大纲解析,是政治科目命题的直接蓝本。权威的书,也有其自身缺点,由于


2018年考研英语一真题及答案 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24

的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 译文】莎士比亚出生之时,欧洲宗教戏剧正在消逝,在古典悲剧和戏剧的推动下,很多新的戏剧形式应运而生。 (47) no boy who went to a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to Greece and Rome and might yet bring honor to England. 【题目考点】定语从句;宾语从句;并列结构 【句子结构】主句主干:no boy…could be ignorant that…。who引导的定语从句修饰boy,that引导为形容词ignorant的宾语从句,which引导的定语从句修饰a form of literature,gave…and might bring honor…为先行词a form of literature的并列谓语结构。 【重点词汇】grammar school 文法学校ignorant忽视literature文学glory 荣耀 【参考译文】任何文法学校的学生都知道戏剧是一种文学形式,它曾给希腊和罗马带来荣耀,也许同样会给英格兰带来殊荣。


2016年宁波大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷 (总分:122.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:40.00) 1.Even though he was guilty, the______judge did not send him to prison.(分数: 2.00) A.merciful B.impartial C.conscientious D.conspicuous 2.The education______for the coming year is about $ 4 billion, which is much more than what people expected.(分数:2.00) A.allowance B.reservation C.budget D.finance 3.They had fierce______as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.(分数:2.00) A.debate B.clash C.disagreement D.context 4.They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour, but still could not make______of them.(分数:2.00) A.impression https://www.doczj.com/doc/b910952669.html,prehension C.meaning D.sense 5.The politician says he will______the welfare of the people.(分数:2.00) A.prey on B.take on C.get at D.see to 6.If you______the bottle and cigarettes, you'll be much healthier.(分数:2.00) A.takeoff B.keep off C.get off D.set off 7.He was______to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table.(分数:2.00) A.dragged B.tempted C.elicited D.attracted 8.Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of______at people.(分数:2.00) A.glancing B.peering C.gazing D.scanning 9.Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the______majority are inactive.(分数:2.00)


XIAN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY Student’s Academic Record Page 1 of 2 Name Student number College School of Journalism and Communication Gender Female Specialty Anchoring & Presentation Arts Date of Birth Degree School Year Date of Enrollment Date of Graduation Course Exam Date Type Credit Score Course Exam Date Type Credit Score Military Training 20120930 E 2 B Physical Education I Line Dance(women) 20121217 R 1 72 Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Law Basis 20121226 R 2 73 College English I 20121227 R 4 60 Liberal Reading I 20121227 R 2 Madarin Speech and Broadcasting Voicing I 20121227 R 4 70 Shape Training 20121227 R 3 77 Introduction to TV and Broadcasting 20121227 R 4 76 College English I 20130327 R 4 Current Affairs and Policies I 20130530 R 1 81 Moral Cultivation and Law Basis: Prcatice 20130603 R 1 80 Physical Education II Aerobics(women) 20130624 R 1 68 Introduction to Arts 20130626 R 3 Madarin Speech and Broadcasting Voicing II 20130626 R 4 78 Liberal Reading II 20130628 R 2 89 The Outline of Chinese Modern History 20130701 R 2 72 Computer Basics 20130702 R 2 College English II 20130703 R 4 Introduction to Broadcasting 20130704 R 2 Broadcasting History 20130705 R 3 60 Broadcasting History 20130916 R 3 60 Evolution of the Occidental and Oriental Civilizations 20131202 E 2 71 Stock Market and Culture 20131219 R 2 Physical Education III Yoga 20131223 R 1 78 Language Expression I 20131230 R 4 90 Radio and TV Reporting and Writing 20131231 R 3 80 Liberal Reading III 20131231 R 2 91 Appreciation of Classic Advertising Products 20140102 E 2 89 Film and TV Appreciation 20140103 E 2 73 Mao Zedong Thoughts and Chinese Socialism Theory 20140106 R 2 Language and Communication 20140106 R 3 74 College English III 20140108 R 4 78 Audio Clipping 20140109 R 3 77 English Listening 20140109 R 2 Current Affairs and Policies II 20140430 R 1 75 Mao Zedong Thoughts and Chinese Socialism: Practice 20140430 R 2 70 Science and Civilization 20140613 E 2 Physical Education IV Rhythmic Gymnastics 20140618 R 1 75 Outward Bound Traning of College Students’Psychological 20140613 E 2 0 Basic Principles of Marxism 20140701 R 2 Qualities English Speaking 20140630 R 2 83 Basic of Broadcasting Production 20140703 R 2 77 College English IV 20140702 R 4 76 Language Expression II 20140705 R 4 88 Social Etiquette 20140705 E 2 84 Basic Principles of Marxism 20140916 R 2 60 Documentary 20140705 E 2 69 The Root Chinese Culture- Shaanxi Cultural Customs 20141222 R 2 87 Practice of Basic Principles of Marxism 20141110 R 1 Culture of Chinese Characters 20141222 E 2 90 Survery of British History and Culture 20141222 E 2 65 Contemporary World Economy and Politics 20141230 R 2 Appreciationg of Chinese Traditional Art 20141230 E 2 91 Film Dubbing 20150104 R 2 80

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